Chintan Doshi and Liam Peyton
S.I.T.E,University of Ottawa,Ottawa,Ontario,Canada
Keywords: Business process, circle of trust, business to business networks.
Abstract: The design, implementation and management of inter-organizational business processes that operate across
the Internet have to address a number of issues that do not normally arise for business processes that operate
solely within an organization. A framework is needed which supports traditional business process
management and which also has the technical infrastructure in place to address federated identity
management, privacy compliance and performance management. In this paper, we examine how this can be
accomplished in an architecture with built in event logging and privacy auditing that deploys processes
defined in the Business Process Execution Language standard (BPEL) into a "Circle of Trust" (CoT)
architecture as specified by the Liberty Alliance standard for federated identity management. A sample
business process scenario is implemented in the proposed framework and evaluated.
The rapid proliferation of the Internet has
transformed the way that organizations do business.
E-business has opened up opportunities for business
processes to be defined that integrate an
organization’s information systems with those of its
external business partners in order to provide value-
added services to consumers. To be successful
though, the design, implementation and management
of inter-organizational business processes that
operate across the Internet have to address a number
of issues that do not normally arise for business
processes that operate solely within an organization.
These issues include:
Identify Management to safeguard
consumer and employee identities during
inter-organizational transactions over the
Privacy Compliance to ensure that
consumer personal data is safeguarded and
handled appropriately in compliance with
applicable government laws, industry
regulations, and organizational policy.
Performance Monitoring to ensure that
processes are providing appropriate quality
of service across organizations as well as
meeting business performance objectives
and Service Level Agreements.
In order to address these issues in a systematic
manner, a framework is needed which supports
traditional business process management and which
also has the technical infrastructure in place to
address federated identity management, privacy
compliance and performance management. In this
paper, we examine how this can be accomplished in
an architecture with built in event logging and
privacy auditing that deploys processes defined in
the Business Process Execution Language standard
(BPEL) into a "Circle of Trust" (CoT) architecture
as specified by the Liberty Alliance standard for
federated identity management.
A business process is defined in (Hammer &
Champy, 2003) as “a collection of activities that
takes one or more kinds of input and creates an
output that is of value to the customer". In
particular, a business process is a “flow or action
made up of an organized sequence of tasks or
activities that create, deploy and exchange artifacts.
It has a measurable performance value such as rate
of return. Finally, it conforms to laws, legislations
and regulations”. In this paper, we focus on
processes executed by software in which the artifacts
are in the form of electronic data.
Doshi C. and Peyton L. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 37-44
DOI: 10.5220/0001714500370044
The importance of business process automaton
as a key enabler for e-business is emphasized in
(Casati, F. and Shan, M. 2000). Business Process
Execution Language (BPEL4WS) is emerging as a
leading standard for business process automation.
BPEL-WS works over a Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA) (Huhns, M. N. and Singh, M. P.
2005). In SOA, different service providers publish a
loosely-coupled service interface to expose their
functionality in a platform and programming
language independent manner. The web service
technology stack consisting of SOAP, WSDL and
UDDI (Curbera, F. et al. 2002) is typically used to
implement a SOA.
The benefits and challenges of organizations
collaborating in a B2B network to provide value-
added services to customers was analyzed in detail
in (Frichman, R.G., and Cronin, M.J., 2003). In
particular, it highlighted the challenge of developing
an information-rich, service-oriented, trust
infrastructure to ensure transactions are conducted
privately, securely, and in accordance with
consumer preferences.
A conceptual framework for eliciting high level
trust requirements in e-business is presented in
(Jones et al. 2000). (Pavlou and Ratnasingam 2003,
Ratnasingam 2002) analyze the importance of
technology trust in B2B e-commerce and web
services where technological trust is defined as “the
subjective probability by which organizations
believe that the underlying technological
infrastructure is capable of facilitating transactions
according to their confident expectations”. The
European Dependability initiative (Wilikens, M.,
Morris, P. and Masera, M., Eds. 1998) identified the
four new drivers for trust in e-business systems as
globalization, complexity of large-scale open
systems, transition to virtual digital environments
and rapidly evolving systems. A conceptual
framework and survey of consumer trust online is
presented in (Venkatesh Shankar, Fareena Sultan
and Glen L. Urban 2002).
A Circle of Trust (CoT) is a federated identity
management system in which an individual's identity
and personal information is protected by a
designated identity provider, while cooperating
enterprises within the CoT can still share the
individual's personal information as long as the
individual's permission is obtained and their identity
protected (Shin et al, 2004). The distinction between
anonymous identity and pseudonymous identity was
made in (Koch et al., 2005).
The Liberty Alliance Project was established in
2001 as a consortium of technology enterprises to
create an open standard and set of specifications for
federated identity management. The key objective of
a Liberty Alliance Circle of Trust is to enable
organizations to share data while protecting privacy
of consumers. The Liberty Alliance identity
federation framework (ID-FF) (
Wason, T., 2003) is
based on the OASIS specification for Security
Assertion Markup Language (SAML) (Cantor et al,
2004). The web service framework (ID-WSF)
specification (Kemp, Y., 2004) defines the creation,
discovery, and invocation of interoperable identity
web-services and permission-based attribute sharing.
An overview of security and privacy in ID-WSF is
given in (Landau et al, 2003).
In recent years, governments have passed
significant legislation to regulate the mechanisms
that organizations must put in place to protect
privacy and document their compliance with the
law. In particular, most legislation indicates that end
users should have the right to know who their
personal data is being shared with. In (Peyton, L.,
Doshi, C., and Seguin, P. 2007) it was shown that to
support transparency and full compliance with
privacy legislation, an Audit Trail Service was
needed that tracks data-sharing events across a
Circle of .Trust.
Our approach is to take BPEL definitions of a B2B
process and extend them to fully integrate with and
conform to the architecture and specifications
defined by the Liberty Alliance for a Circle of Trust
(CoT) as well as integrating an audit trail and event
logging service across the B2B network.
For a given process, there are a number of
special requirements that must be addressed by our
approach. They can best be understood in terms of
three stakeholders as shown in Table1.
Table 1: Trusted Information Process Requirements.
Consumer Business Administrators
(b)Control over
on convenience
y to build
(b) Transparency
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The consumer’s foremost goal is to ensure their
privacy. Their identity should be protected when
their personal data is being shared by different
service providers across B2B network. The
consumer should be able to define access-control
policies for the sharing of their data. Additionally,
consumers may like to have the convenience of
single-sign on (SSO) wherein, once authenticated,
they can access different service providers in the
same trust domain without having to login again.
Collaborating businesses want to manage
process execution by monitoring key performance
indicators and service level agreements. They want
to document their use of personal data to ensure
compliance with privacy legislations. Additionally,
they may need means to build transparency into
data-sharing activities beyond the minimum
requirements of law to build consumer’s confidence.
Government administrators or industry
regulators seek to ensure and verify compliance of
processes with laws and legislations.
Table 2 below lists the framework components
in our approach which help meet these requirements.
Each of these issues and the manner in which the
framework component addresses them is explained
in more depth in the next section through an
example B2B process scenario.
Table 2: Trusted Policies in a Trusted Information
B2B Issue Framework
Single-sign on ,
Protects Identity
Service and
Policy Decision
Discovery Service
enables any two
service providers to
exchange data
while protecting
identity. PDP
enforce user’s
Audit Trail
Document and
Verify Privacy
Transparency into
Event Stats
4.1 The Business Process
Figure 1 below depicts a high level overview of a
business process scenario we have implemented in
our proposed architecture. We will use it to
illustrate how B2B issues can be addressed. We first
describe the business scenario in high level terms
without any concern for how federated identity
management, privacy compliance, or performance
monitoring are addressed. Once the process is well
understood and defined in BPEL, we then show how
to extend the process and integrate it into a Liberty
Alliance Circle of Trust in order to address those
Figure 1: Scenario.
CoT-Buy, a service provider, runs a portal that
allows users to search and buy music that matches
their interests (such as favorite genres, bands,
albums etc).
The users log on to the CoT-Buy portal and click
on a link to search for music. This initiates the
execution of a BPEL process that first gets user’s
music interests at an online radio service, eRadio,
and then fetches matching music from vendors,
eTunes and iMusic, across the B2B network.
Finally, the BPEL process returns a list of music
items along with their prices, vendor and download
information to CoT-Buy portal which accordingly
generates an on-the-fly webpage to the user
displaying that personalized list.
The user subscribes to an online radio service
called eRadio. It keeps track of user’s listening
patterns through descriptive music “tags” based on
album, song, artist or genre such as “Comfortably
Numb”, “Rock” or “Pink Floyd”. eRadio offers
access to these user tags to third-party service
providers such as CoT-Buy through an eRadio web-
eTunes and iMusic are online music vendors in
the B2B network. They both provide an online
catalogue service with an operation that takes a list
of “descriptive music tags” as input and returns a list
of matching or similar music tracks, their price and
download information.
The Activity Diagram for the BPEL process in
Figure 2 illustrates the detailed steps of the B2B
process as follows:
Figure 2: BPEL Activity Diagram for the scenario.
(a) The BPEL Process receives initial request
from CoT-Buy (on behalf of a user “Bob”).
This corresponds to a receive construct in
BPEL syntax.
(b) It then constructs the input for calling the
eRadio Service. In order to communicate
directly with eRadio on Bob’s behalf,
CotBuy needs to reveal Bob’s identity
information at CoTBuy to eRadio, so that it
can request tags for the correct user. This
corresponds to the Assign construct
(perhaps with XPATH queries) used in
BPEL syntax.
(c) The BPEL Process synchronously invokes
an operation on the eRadio webservice to
fetch Bob’s tags (based on the music he
listens to at eRadio online service). eRadio
web service returns a list of music tags that
best reflect Bob’s music interests at eRadio.
(d) The BPEL process sets the input for
invocation of eTunes and iMusic catalogue
services to the list of Bob’s music tags
obtained in previous step.
(e) BPEL asynchronously invokes eTunes and
iMusic catalogue web-services in parallel to
obtain a list of music items that matches or
are similar to Bob’s music tags.
(f) The BPEL process then receives a
callback from the services invoked in
previous step.
(g) The BPEL process returns the combined
list of music items obtained in the previous
step to CoT-Buy.
Notice that the above BPEL definition for the
(a) Needs to reveal Bob’s identity information
stored at CoTBuy in order to request his
music tags from eRadio (so that eRadio can
correctly identify the user as “Bob”).
(b) Doesn’t document sharing of personal data
taking place between CoTBuy and eRadio.
(c) If Bob visits another service provider portal
inside the B2B network (example: eRadio
to preview music), he needs to re-
authenticate with that service provider.
(d) Lacks support for measuring key
performance indicators in the B2B process.
For example, assume that CoTBuy wants to
find out “Clickthrough rates” for each
music item fetched from the different
vendors that it offers to the user for
purchase. The above B2B infrastructure
lacks support to monitor the events required
to calculate "Click through rates".
4.2 Liberty Circle of Trust
Figure 3 illustrates the Liberty Alliance Circle of
Trust (CoT) architecture for which the BPEL
process must be refined and extended in order to
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
address identity management, privacy compliance,
and performance monitoring. The main components
Liberty Service Providers
Liberty Identity Provider
Audit Trail Service
Event Stats Service
CoT-Buy is a service provider that runs a web
portal inside the CoT. eRadio, iMusic and eTunes
are service providers, each of which runs a web-
service (that conforms to the Liberty ID-WSF
The Identity Provider (IDP) is a trusted authority
responsible for managing user’s identities inside the
CoT. It also offers a single-sign on service whereby
a user, once logged in with IDP, can leverage his
authentication state with any service provider within
the CoT without having to login again. In our
scenario, when Bob attempts to click on the link to
search for music on CoT-Buy portal, he is redirected
to the Identity Provider site for authentication. Once
logged into IDP, Bob is redirected back to CoT-Buy
where he obtains the results of that click (i.e. music
tracks returned by the BPEL process).
Figure 3: Liberty Alliance Circle of Trust.
The Audit Trail Service is a common service
provided to log data-sharing events in the process to
document privacy compliance. Every time any two
service providers exchange consumer’s identity or
personal data, an event is logged into the Audit Trail
Service. For example, when eRadio exchanges
Bob’s tags with CotBuy, Bob’s Audit Trail records
this. By providing a historical log of all such data-
sharing events across the CoT, the Audit Trail
Service enables the user to see how their data is
shared and used. At the same time, privacy officers
can verify compliance or investigate potential
breaches by service providers. Businesses can make
use of this audit trail service to document their
compliance as required by privacy legislations. It
also gives them a platform to provide transparency
beyond the minimum requirements of law to build
consumer’s confidence.
The Event Stats Service is a common service
provided to log events during the process runtime in
order to measure performance. For example, in our
scenario, this service can be used to log events
pertaining to “views” and “clicks” on music tracks
returned from eTunes. CoT-Buy can then run reports
on the Event Stat Service to measure the Click-
through rates for each music track from eTunes
based on Total number of Views / Total Number of
Based on the Liberty Alliance federated identity
standards, only the identity provider knows Bob’s
real identity in the Circle of Trust. Bob would then
link or “federate” his local accounts at different
service providers with his identity at IDP to form a
network identity. The IDP assigns a unique
pseudonym or an opaque identifier to each
component in the CoT that uniquely identifies Bob
at that particular component. For example, IDP may
assign an opaque identifier “Bob_CotBuy” to
CotBuy, “Bob_eRadio” to eRadio and so on. Each
Service Provider only knows the user by its own
pseudonym. It knows nothing about user’s
pseudonym at other service providers.
When any two service providers wish to
exchange Bob’s personal data, they cannot do so
directly because of unique pseudonyms assigned to
the Service Providers by IDP. Hence, there is a
special Liberty Service called the Discovery Service
Hodges, J., Cahill, C., 2006) provided by the Identity
provider to enable any two service providers to
exchange data about the user in a privacy-preserving
manner. Discovery Service works by issuing End-
point references (EPRs) (
Hodges, J., Cahill, C.,2006) to
the data requestor (CoT-Buy) containing encrypted
security and/or identity tokens that can be used by
the data provider (eRadio) to dereference its opaque
identifier (Bob_eRadio) for that identity (Bob).
Discovery Service, Audit Trail Service and
Event Stats Service are illustrated in detail in next
Liberty Service Providers
Audit Trail
Event Stats
Liberty Identity Provider
BPEL with Trusted Policies
4.3 Liberty Discovery Service
Figure 4 shows how additional steps need to be
inserted into the BPEL process definition in order to
integrate with the Liberty Discovery Service. In
order to request Bob’s music tags from eRadio,
CoT-Buy first communicates with Discovery
Service and then calls eRadio service. The shaded
areas indicate the modified steps.
During the single-sign on process for Bob, IDP
issues CoT-Buy an end-point reference (EPR)
(“Bob-Discovery EPR”) containing encrypted
security tokens to access Discovery Service on
Bob’s behalf. The BPEL process passes on these
tokens to Discovery Service in order to invoke it
(steps 2 and 3).
The Discovery Service call returns another EPR
(“Bob-eRadio EPR”) containing encrypted security
tokens to access eRadio service on Bob’s behalf.
Figure 4: Liberty Discovery Service.
The BPEL process assigns these tokens as input
to a call on eRadio service in order to request Bob’s
music tags. The encrypted tokens allow eRadio to
dereference Bob’s opaque identifier at eRadio
(Bob_eRadio) without revealing it to CoT-Buy.
Additionally, Liberty Alliance specifications
allow the Discovery Service to consult a policy
decision point (PDP) to ensure Bob has granted
permission to CoT-Buy to access his music tags at
eRadio. The PDP may check for any access-control
policies which may have been defined by Bob to
control sharing of his personal data at eRadio. Thus,
Discovery Service along with PDPs can enable
exchange of personal data in a privacy preserving
manner while giving the consumer more control
over the data-sharing.
4.4 Audit Trail Service
Figure 5 shows how additional steps need to be
inserted into the BPEL process definition in order to
integrate with the Audit Trail service for
documenting privacy compliance. Any time, one
organization is calling the web service of another
organization to share data about a consumer that
access to data needs to be logged. Both the
organization names are logged, as well as the type of
data shared (but not the actual values). In our
scenario, the first data access is logged after the
discovery service call returns an EPR to the BPEL
process enabling it to invoke eRadio service with
requisite tokens. The second data access is logged
after eRadio returns Bob’s music tags to the process.
Figure 5: Audit Trail Service.
The integration of a similar audit trail service
and structure of an audit event into a Liberty
Alliance Circle of Trust is discussed in (Peyton, L.,
Doshi, C., and Seguin, P. 2007). An example audit
entry is illustrated below in table 3.
Table 3: Audit Event Log.
opaque id
eRadio Music
ATS only knows the user (Bob) whose data was
being shared by its opaque identifier (Bob_ATS) and
not the real identity. Note that only the attribute
names and not the values are stored in the audit logs.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The combination of these 2 measures ensures that
Audit Trail Service itself is not a privacy breach.
4.5 Event Stats Service
Figure 6 shows how additional steps need to be
inserted into the BPEL process definition in order to
integrate with the Event Stats service to log events
for monitoring performance. In our scenario, we
look at how such an event stats service is used to
help CoT-Buy measure click-through rates on music
items returned by eTunes and iMusic that match
user’s music interests.
Figure 6: Event Stat Service.
In Figure 6, the event logged by the BPEL
process records the music items returned and their
vendor information into the Event Stat Service. This
corresponds to the number of times a music item
from a vendor deemed matching to some user’s
interests was shown to the users.
Figure 7: Event Stat Service.
Similarly, in Figure 7, when the user clicks on one
of the returned music items to get more information
about it, a BPEL sub-process is executed that logs
the music item clicked and its vendor information.
This corresponds to the number of times a music
item from a vendor was clicked by the users. CoT-
Buy could then run a query on the Event Stats
service to generate reports on click through rates
calculated as total number of times clicked / total
number of times shown for any given music item
from a vendor.
Implementing a simple B2B scenario, we have
shown how BPEL definitions of a process can be
extended to integrate with a Liberty Alliance Circle
of Trust architecture in order to address issues
around identity management, privacy compliance
and performance monitoring.
Our proposed architecture offers consumers the
convenience of single-sign on and protects their
identity through the use of unique pseudonyms or
opaque identifiers at each service provider’s site. A
Discovery Service also protects user’s data by
allowing them to control access to their information
whenever one service provider attempts to interact
with another service provider. An Audit Trail
Service logs events to document privacy compliance
while an event stats service logs events for
monitoring performance.
In the scenario, we manually extended process
definitions in BPEL to accommodate the Discovery
Service, Audit Trail Service and Event Stat Service.
This is problematic for a number of reasons. First, it
is a complex, error-prone, manual task that must be
repeated for every process that is supported in the
B2B network. Second, as a manual process there is
no way of ensuring that all processes have been
extended, so there is no way of being sure that the
processes can be trusted. It would be advantageous
if the required extensions to the BPEL process could
be incorporated automatically, either by generating
the necessary BPEL from the original definitions, or
by having a special BPEL engine insert the
appropriate steps dynamically. A final issue, is that
the resulting BPEL defined behaviour is quite
complex. Tools are needed to mediate between the
original straight forward definition of the process,
and the more complex version that is executing.
More work is needed to analyze these issues. It
is likely that federated authentication and discovery
service could be handled automatically. Audit trail
logging for privacy compliance and event logging
for performance monitoring, however, require more
sophisticated configuration, including the definition
of a common data sharing and event model. The
Liberty Alliance supports a common shared data
model for defining data sharing between services.
This could be leveraged to automate the process of
logging access to shared data. Common events for
performance monitoring could possibly be defined
in a similar approach, but this would require more
shared analysis between organizations to define the
events for monitoring shared processes.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems