Breno Mansur Rabelo
Centro EData – Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Clodoveu Augusto Davis Jr.
Instituto de Informática – Pontifícia Universidade Calica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Keywords: Distributed database, service-oriented architecture, web services, database management system, heterogene-
ous data sources, data integration, distributed query processing.
Abstract: The dissemination of information systems over computer networks has reinforced the interest on distributed
database management systems (DDBMS). A review on the architecture of such systems is motivated by the
wide availability of networking resources, which allows the cost of communication among the nodes to be
reduced. Besides, the coming of age of syntactic interoperability standards, such as XML, and of service-
based networking allow for new alternatives for the implementation and deployment of distributed data-
bases. This paper proposes the adoption of elements from service-oriented architectures for the implementa-
tion of the connections among distributed database components, thus configuring a service-oriented distrib-
uted database architecture.
Organizations are actively pursuing the integration
of their systems with those of their partners, with the
intention of achieving improvements in their produc-
tion chains and logistics processes. Managing dis-
tributed data, stored in physically distinct and inde-
pendent servers, is often required. As the volume of
distributed data grows, the use of distributed data-
base management techniques increases in impor-
tance. With such techniques, one can build an inte-
grated database from isolated and independent seg-
ments. The cost of high-capacity servers and the op-
erational decentralization of several types of organi-
zations are among the reasons for this tendency.
Kossman (2000) points out that, even though
good ideas have been presented by research initia-
tives on distributed database management systems
(DDBMS), the prototypes that have been developed
did not make it to commercial tools. Kossman
(2000) believes that such research may have taken
place ahead of the ideal time, mainly because of the
lack of a communications infrastructure as stable
and inexpensive as the Internet. With the growing
availability of network communication resources,
through the Internet, along with growing quality of
service and a strong trend towards cost reduction,
some of the obstacles in the path of developing dis-
tributed databases have vanished. However, the
theoretical background in this field still does not
consider peculiar aspects related to the use of Inter-
net standards such as XML (Bray, Paoli et al. 2006),
Web services (Alonso, Casati et al. 2004), SOAP
(Simple Object Access Protocol) (Curbera, Duftler
et al. 2002) and SOA (Service-Oriented Architec-
ture) (Endrei, Ang et al. 2004; Huhns and Singh
2005), among others. Such recent technological
elements can be put together, in a review of
DDBMS concepts, using SOA to implement Inter-
net-based data exchange. Current demand for dis-
tributed databases makes it possible to envision the
use of previously developed ideas in a more favor-
able technological context, thus generating interest-
ing alternatives to centralized DBMS.
Recent works (Campbell 2005; Tok and Bressan
2006) present initiatives related to the integration of
SOA and DBMS, thus proposing a service-oriented
database architecture (SODA). We propose an ex-
tension of SODA, as a new architecture for Internet-
Mansur Rabelo B. and Augusto Davis Jr. C. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 519-522
DOI: 10.5220/0001715905190522
based distributed database management using SOA-
based communication.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents related work. Sections 3
and 4 present the proposed architecture and a proto-
type implementation. Finally, Section 5 presents
conclusions and notes for future work.
SODA represents a step towards the integration be-
tween database systems and SOA. SODA uses Web
services to publish functions and procedures that can
handle the content of databases across the Internet.
SODA has been proposed (Campbell 2005) in the
context of the creation of SOA support structures in
the core of Microsoft’s SQL Server. The paper
presents details on a novel HTTP daemon in the
DBMS core, so that the DB server and the Web
server can be independent, while allowing the
DBMS to respond to HTTP requests.
According to Tok and Bressan (2006), several
commercial database management systems are be-
ginning to include features for the integration be-
tween Web services and stored procedures, and
mention SQL Server as an example. However, this
integration is superficial; the database query proces-
sor ends up ignoring the communications impact in
its cost calculations.
We agree with the notion that the ideas behind
the SODA architecture, as proposed by Campbell
(2005), can lead to interesting technological solu-
tions to many distributed database issues which have
been previously documented. We present a proposal
for the evolution of SODA towards distributed data-
bases, in a SOA-based context.
SODDA works out the main issues involving com-
munication needs in distributed database environ-
ments. Basically, SODDA merges DDBMS concepts
with new technologies and initiatives associated to
SOA and the Internet.
We propose using service-oriented protocols over
the Internet as the principal means of
communication for a DDBMS. This approach makes
it necessary to review the situations in which
communications take place among DDBMS nodes,
so that Web services and SOA features can be used
as an alternative. We describe the necessary
adaptations next.
SODDA uses Web services to coordinate opera-
tions among distributed database nodes. Each node
includes a Web service to coordinate the local data-
base, and which is capable to respond to a client data
provider, called the SODDA Hub, when the node re-
ceives requests for queries or other database opera-
tions (Figure 1). SODDA Hub can be seen as a
common connectivity middleware. It runs on the cli-
ent’s side and it is responsible for all interactions
with the SOA components of SODDA. Therefore, in
the application developer’s point of view, SODDA
is a fully transparent and modular distributed data
provider that can be used in a way that is similar to
Unlike SODA, in which Web services are used
only to expose stored procedures that can handle
data, SODDA uses Web services as fundamental
components of the communication among nodes.
This is a typical activity in SOA. All operations that
are submitted to database nodes are conducted
through the SODDA Hub, which is also capable of
accessing the distributed database’s global catalog.
Direct access to local databases is encapsulated
by two elements of the architecture: Node Wrappers
and Data Source Wrappers. Web services act as
Node Wrappers. In any node of the distributed envi-
ronment there must be a Web service to respond to
client invocations. To execute commands in the lo-
cal context of a node, the Node Wrapper must use a
Data Source Wrapper. These wrappers implement
methods to adapt and convert standard SQL into
specific query commands at each data source.
In a DDBMS, the global catalog stores data on
fragments and their location. In SODDA, the global
catalog is replaced by a catalog service, which pro-
vides information about the location of Node Wrap-
pers. This brings location transparency, one of the
main SOA advantages, to SODDA. The catalog ser-
vice only contains locations and basic information
on Node Wrappers, but includes the statistics ser-
vice, which contains methods to retrieve data on
communication and storage costs from every node,
and to prepare these data for use in cost-based query
optimization. The catalog service is accessed only to
determine the nodes that are possibly involved in the
operation, and the statistical data guides the selec-
tion of the best alternatives among redundant nodes.
The SODDA Hub then exchanges XML documents
directly with the Node Wrappers, in order to retrieve
data to respond to a client request. This exchange is
fundamentally important for the distributed query
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Basic layout of the service-oriented distributed
database architecture.
Distributed query processing is naturally one of the
most important functions in a DDBMS, since it is
used in every data retrieval situation involving frag-
ments that are in various sites. In SODDA, we
assume that the distributed database nodes are
managed by regular DBMSs with local autonomy.
Therefore, these nodes also include the internal
features of a conventional DBMS. Considering this,
SODDA includes a query processor with optimiza-
tion in two levels. The first level deals with
distribution aspects, based on metadata from the
catalog service and from the statistics service. The
optimizer gathers statistics on the tables that are
involved in a query, using a cost-based strategy
supported by the statistics service. The second
optimization level handles the part of the query
which is transformed into a local query in the point
of view of a given node, and executed using the
native query processing and optimization methods
available to the local DBMS. Since part of the
optimization work is performed by the conventional
DBMSs, SODDA can focus on distribution and
consolidation issues.
The query processing mechanism in the SODDA
architecture is based on the basic model presented
by Kossman (2000). The query processor is divided
into three parts: the Query Decomposition Engine
(QDE), the Distribution Optimizer (DO), and the
Distributed Execution Engine (DEE) (Figure 2).
QDE is responsible for partitioning the queries, find-
ing out which nodes are involved in the operation,
decomposing the query into sub queries, based on
the fragmentation schema. QDE generates query
parts (QP), each of local scope, in regard to a
DDBMS node. DO then must determine which tasks
can be performed in parallel, building a tree to guide
the work of joining the QP. The result of this phase
is the execution plan, obtained from a tree, built
from the dependencies among the QP. Independent
QP’s, therefore, are always defined as leaves in this
tree. Finally, the DEE traverses the tree generated by
DO, and commands the execution of each QP. DEE
can identify nodes which can receive query parts si-
multaneously, and which therefore can execute their
tasks in parallel. When results are received, DEE
dynamically creates a representation of global
schema from the distributed environment, and copies
partial results. Finally, DEE performs the required
joins over partial results in a temporary swap data-
base, called Dynamic Swap (DS), in order to gener-
ate the final results. The DS is either handled at the
SODDA Hub’s site, or at a different node, added to
the network precisely to support thin or mobile cli-
Figure 2: Distributed query processing in SODDA.
At this point, we observe that SODDA presents not
only location transparency, but also access transpar-
ency, since the access to the distributed database is
performed from the client’s location, running the
SODDA Hub, which concentrates services required
to access the distributed database.
Beyond the query processor, a DDBMS must
implement some other services to manage transac-
tions and replication features of the distributed envi-
ronment. We propose three additional services to
that effect: the Distributed Transactions Manager
(DTM), the Replicated Data Manager (RDM), and
the Database Recovery Service (DRS).
The DTM is a mechanism that deals with trans-
action atomicity in a distributed database environ-
ment. In SODDA, the Hub coordinates the execution
of the transaction. The original transaction, through
the SODDA Hub, starts sub-transactions at each
node involved in the process, and waits for their
Query Decomp.
Execution Engine
SQL input
Join results
Nodes &
completion. In case of failure at any particular node,
the Hub issues messages, using Web services, to
cause a rollback at every node involved. If every
node completes its task successfully, the Hub issues
messages to cause a commit at every node. The suc-
cess in the implementation of this procedure requires
the implementation of a Web services-based distrib-
uted commit protocol.
The RDM implements such a protocol to pro-
mote synchronization of data that exist in different
nodes and are possibly replicated. RDM uses a
publish/subscribe method. The nodes that subscribe
to a topic receive change notifications. If a node
becomes offline, the previously notified changes
must be processed at the moment it becomes online
again, before it can accept any further commands.
The DRS is a mechanism that is responsible for
finding out whether or when a node becomes inac-
cessible, and for determining which redundant copy
(if any) can replace it during the period of unavail-
ability. This mechanism is integrated to the RDM
since, if the distributed database manages redundant
data, every modification is propagated using the
publish/subscribe notification system, in order to en-
sure the synchronization. Therefore, available nodes
receive changes immediately, and unavailable nodes
receive updates later, in a queue.
To validate proposed architecture, we have
implemented a SODDA prototype as a Microsoft
.NET data provider. However, we cannot provide
many implementation details due to space
limitations. Results obtained so far demonstrate the
feasibility of the ideas and proposals presented here,
along with a large potential to support future work,
both in research and in commercial applications.
In order to test our prototype, we developed three
Data Source Wrappers, respectively for SQL Server,
SQL Server CE and Access. Support for data
sources such as MySQL, Oracle, XML files, and
CSV files is planned for future releases. The
prototype currently only implements data retrieval
features. Data manipulation is to be included in the
next releases of the SODDA data provider.
SODDA intends to use some of the most interesting
features of SOA to implement distributed databases.
Expected benefits include easier implementation,
lower communications costs, and greater access ca-
pillarity. The proposed statistics service facilitates
query optimization, since it unifies the treatment of
performance-oriented metadata and allows
implementation of automatic statistics updating.
An extensive list of possibilities for future work
presents itself at this stage. We observe that the
distributed database nodes do not, necessarily, need
to be managed by a full DBMS. Since they are
accessed only through Web services, it would be
possible to have other data sources, such as
spreadsheets, Web pages and others. Data Source
Wrappers can be written to use these sources as
nodes on a SODDA-based environment. Another
possibility involves the implementation of “hot-
swapping” of nodes, making it possible to achieve
full availability for, say, equipment maintenance,
through the simple modification of catalog entries.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems