Hércules Antonio do Prado
Embrapa Food Technology, Catholic University of Brasília, Brazil
Aluizio Haendchen Filho
Anglo-Americano - Faculdades Anglo-Americano, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Míriam Sayão
Pontifical University Catholic of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Fénelon do Nascimento Neto
Embrapa Food Technology, Brazil
Keywords: Crosslingual Communication, Multi-Agent Systems, Communities Mediation, SOA.
Abstract: We present a multi-agent system (MAS) approach to deal with the communication mediation among com-
munities with disparate levels of language. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is adopted as the basis for
designing our proposal that has double purpose: (a) to present an alternative to the crosslingual communica-
tion problem and (b) to study an agent organization under the SOA specifications. A case is presented in
which the communication among food consumers and experts in food quality/safety is carried out by means
of agents’ organizations. We specify two basic sets of elements: application agents, responsible for the logi-
cal information, and components that are in charge of persistency, interface, and communication among the
software artifacts.
Most of information systems currently developed is
focused in Web applications. The Internet has
opened a vast field of distributed applications that
have changed definitely the enterprise environment,
allowing an intense level of interaction among play-
ers that no one has ever realized. The ubiquity and
the distributed and interconnected characteristics of
Internet represent a natural field for multi-agent sys-
tems (MAS). Multi-agent systems present properties
as autonomy and pro-activity that make them inter-
esting for Web applications. The importance of In-
ternet has led to efforts like MIX (Mediation of In-
formation using XML) (Baru et al., 1999), that uses
agents to integrate distributed information in dispa-
rate sources. The Web also can be seen as a big dis-
tributed database having XML (and its extensions or
modifications) as an underlying data model.
A class of problems that can strongly benefit from
these advances refers to the crosslingual communi-
cation, information retrieval, and computer-mediated
dialogue. These problems involve information ex-
change among communities with disparate language
levels and require solutions that preserve the accu-
racy of the exchanged information.
The crosslingual mediation problem is discussed by
Piwek (2006), focusing the banking domain that
requires an extremely high accuracy information
exchange among the players. The problem ap-
proached here also refers to the information ex-
change in a context demanding a high level accu-
racy, in which distributed players are looking for a
consensus regarding to a knowledge piece. The ideal
Antonio do Prado H., Haendchen Filho A., Sayão M. and do Nascimento Neto F. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 251-254
DOI: 10.5220/0001716002510254
solution for this problem is an automatic process to
translate one language to other, being able to cope
with the different semantic levels of each specific
language. A solution to this problem is much more
important considering the challenge to human-to-
human communication through a browser. However,
to build an effective automatic translator for this
scenery is a dream far to be realized. So, the neces-
sity of communication among communities is a real-
ity that requires, if not the best solution, at least one
viable solution. The solution we present uses the
agents’ technology to facilitate the negotiation
among the communities’ members.
We argue that it is a problem that can be naturally
approached with the MAS technology. Agents can
perform the roles required in mediation process. The
described case study refers to a consumer that is in
need for information regarding to a product. This
information must be supported by scientific evi-
dence and is generated by experts in the involved
Our case study has as context a situation in which a
food consumer needs to clarify a question regarding
to a product. This consumer can access the system in
any place (in home, in a supermarket, in a school,
etc). It may need information about food that is not
in the respective label or is unclear. We developed a
solution for this problem in which (a) the answer for
a consumer query may be available in a knowledge
base and can be directly accessed by the system or
(b) it is necessary to send the query to an expert do-
main network, able to respond it. The general con-
text for this system is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Application context.
There is in this structure a set of consumers, a num-
ber of experts’ networks, a knowledge base and the
MAS system that is responsible for the action coor-
dination among the players. PA
, PA
, .., PA
sent the customers requiring specialized information
in non-technical language. E
, E
, …, E
the experts that can provide technical answers to the
customers questions. The triangle represents a set of
communication specialists that are in charge of
translating the technical language from the experts to
the customer language. In order to enable its reuse,
the answers are stored in a knowledge base. Notice
that the information required by consumers are those
not supplied by the product labels. For instance, a
consumer may be interested in knowing about the
effects on human health of a cereal produced from a
genetically modified grain, or the difference between
organic to hydroponics lettuce. In this case, a media-
tor agent
will be responsible for building a consen-
sus among the specialists addressed to provide a
sound technical answer to the customer. This answer
will be translated by the communication team, sent
back to the consumer, and stored in the answers
server. The interrelation among the players and the
functionalities carried out are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Interaction among the players.
The consumer question is generated during its inter-
action with the system. A query manager searches
for an answer in the knowledge base. If the answer is
found, the manager sends it to the consumer and
finishes the process. If the question is not in the
knowledge base, the manager starts an answering
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The MAS design was made using MIDAS (Haend-
chen Filho et al 2007), a MAS development frame-
work specified under the service-oriented architec-
ture (SOA). The platform is based on the coexis-
tence of several containers, each one executing a
JVM (Java Virtual Machine). It provides a complete
execution environment in where agents can execute
concurrently in the same host and communicate via
web services with external heterogeneous platforms.
The mechanisms embedded in MIDAS
work into two abstraction levels: (1) in the generic
architectural level, providing infrastructure services,
such as message transport (send/receive,
pack/unpack, requests translate), the control over the
platform and agents’ lifecycle, tasks for services
handling (services registry, publication and discov-
ery), and (2) in the agents’ design level, providing
abstract classes that define the hot-spots from which
specific features of the concrete agents (or compo-
nents) can be implemented, wrapper components
encapsulating Web Services and a blackboard to
support the agents’ communication model. The
blackboard (Ferber 2000) is a software entity widely
used in symbolic cognitive multi-agent systems. Its
structure is defined to enable agents interact indi-
rectly by sharing data and perceiving environmental
At the design level, the following application
agents must be developed:
Publisher: responsible for formatting and publishing
answers to the consumers, identifying the different
GUI devices to display the information.
1. QueryMgt: plays the roles related to requests
receiving, proceeding to the matching between
the user question and the expert profiles, look-
ing for the best set of experts able to answer the
2. DomainExpert: created for each expert involved
in the question answer, this agent is responsible
to support the human expert in managing her/is
answering process, maintaining all information
relevant (e.g., the timetable to generate an an-
swer and the experts´ names working together
to find a consensus) to the process.
3. Consensus: its main role is to analyze the an-
swers from the DomainExpert and control a co-
ordination cycle until finding a consensus
among the domain experts.
Beyond application agents, some components
must be developed: The AnswerSearch component
encapsulates the web services getAnswerInKB that
retrieve information about knowledge base and
searchAnswerer that retrieves a researcher able to
reply the consumer question. Other components,
such as data access objects and graphical user inter-
face devices must also be implemented.
The application developed is named BeyondLabel
(BL). The agents in the presentation and logical
layer (Publisher, QueryMgt, DomainExpert, Con-
sensus) interact with MIDAS (SOM, Blackboard).
The sequence diagram in Figure 3 shows the actions
carried out when a service request is sent from a user
to obtain any product information. The players
weakly shadowed represent application agents,
while the darker ones are components of MIDAS.
The sequence of actions in BL starts when a
service request is sent from a user. This action is
performed in a GUI device and directed to the SOM
agent. Following a typical SOA model, the agents do
not communicate directly among them. The Que-
ryMgt agent receives the service request via SOM,
verifying first if an answer already exists in the KB.
If so, the agent requests the responseDirect service
that is forwarded by SOM to the Publisher agent and
sent to publication. If there is no answer in the KB,
the QueryMgt agent requests the queryDirect service
that is forwarded by SOM to the DomainExpert
agent that will proceed a matching between the user
question and the expert profiles, looking for the best
set of experts able to answer the question.
One DomainExpert agent is instantiated for
each expert involved in the question answer. After
receiving the technical response from the expert that
may be a human or a software agent, the Domain-
Expert analyses the responses. If no divergence re-
mains regarding to the answers, it is driven to SOM
and forwarded to publication. If the DomainExpert
agent detects any divergence, the message is written
in the Blackboard.
The Consensus agent monitors the Blackboard
and, when a message to him is there, it is recovered
and the agent processes this message until finding a
consensus. In case a consensus is not possible, the
conflict information is sent to the administrator that
will forward the problem to a set of experts in that
domain that will discuss deeper the question. From
this point, all interactions among the experts fall out
of the system.
Figure 3: The sequence diagram for the expert/customer mediation.
In this paper the mediation among communities with
disparate levels of language was approached by
means of a SOA-based multi-agent application. Us-
ing a low coupling structure, the development be-
comes easier, since the application agents can be
developed without concerns with other specific
agents. Furthermore, the location transparence pro-
vided by SOA simplifies the development, making
easier to perform local and remote services invoca-
tion. The application benefits from multi-agent ap-
proach since the human behavior of searching for
consent on polemic issues can be easily mapped into
agents. Considering that, even for simple domains,
the automatic translation of different jargons is a far
to be achieved reality, the solution involving human
actors sounds to be an interesting one. So, we have
modeled the solution by applying the MAS ap-
proach, controlling automatically the process while
assuring the answer accuracy.
The ongoing work includes to scale the application
to a broader set of consumers, involving some su-
permarkets networks.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems