David de Francisco, Henar Muñoz, Noelia Pérez, Javier Martínez
Telefonica Research & Development, Valladolid, Spain
Ivan Markovic
SAP Research, Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Business Process Modeling, Methodology, Reusability, Validation.
Abstract: Semantic Business Process Management (SBPM) aims, among other advantages, to facilitate the reuse of
knowledge related to the definition of business processes, as well as to provide an easier transition from
models to executable processes by applying semantic technologies to BPM. In this article the authors focus
on extending the scope of knowledge being reused from executable processes to semantic models' scope.
This is done by providing some methodological extensions to existing BPM methodologies in order to take
advantage of semantic technologies during business process modeling.
Business Process Management (BPM) is an
approach to manage the execution of information
technology-supported business operations ().
Semantic Business Process Management (SBPM)
(Hepp et al, 2005) extends the BPM approach by
adopting Semantic Web technologies in order to
bridge the gap between the business and technical
perspective on supporting information systems. In
this context, semantics tries to overcome i) the lack
of formal representation of process models, which
results in a more difficult transition from models to
executable processes, ii) the unnecessary complexity
of current business process models, and iii) a lack of
reutilization which implies important time-to-market
A simplified comparison between BPM and
SBPM life cycles is depicted in Figure 1. BPM life
cycle (depicted in continuous arrows) starts with
process design (Weske et al, 2004) made by business
analysts, which provides process models (1). These
models are further translated by technicians (2) into
executable processes (3), which are integrated with
previous processes defined within the company by
technicians (4). Semantic BPM life cycle (depicted
in dashed arrows) designs semantically annotated
models (1'), enabling reuse of previous models and
the validation of their business context (2'). These
models can be translated into executable semantic
processes with less (or no) interaction from
technicians (3'). The executable semantic processes
can be composed (as Web services are) with other
semantic processes in a more flexible way due to
their uniform annotation (4').
Figure 1: Comparison between BPM (continuous line) and
Semantic BPM Life Cycles (dashed arrows).
Focusing on design steps (upper part of the
picture), a need for adaptable methodologies to drive
business process (BP) modeling is presented in
(Roser and Bauer, 2005). Modeling is covered by
de Francisco D., Muñoz H., Pérez N., Martínez J. and Markovic I. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 410-415
DOI: 10.5220/0001718304100415
several BPM methodologies, such as ARIS (Scheer,
2000), (Scheer, 1999), IBM (Wahli et, 2007), (IBM,
2006). However, the lack of a uniform notation in
modeling tools brings model inconsistencies. That
stimulated new proposals to share BP models
(Yamamoto et al, 2005), to improve reusability and
flexibility in BPM (Yao et al, 2006) or to optimize
BP design in order to empower process redesign
(Zhou and Chen, 2003).
Semantic technologies can overcome the lack of
uniform representation, empowering the reusability
of previous models as previously argued. In
addition, semantic BP modeling offers some
inherent techniques that are obviously not covered in
current BPM methodologies, such as semantic
annotation (Born et al, 2007), discovery (Markovic
and Karrenbrock, 2007) , querying (Markovic et al,
2007) and composition of processes, in order to
favor the reuse of BP models (Markovic and Pereira,
2007). That makes a specific coverage of such
techniques necessary for semantic BPM
The proposal of this paper focuses on the
modeling phase, where a big gap in the translation
between business requirements to process models
still exists (Hepp et al, 2005). Therefore, we believe
that a methodological coverage of steps 1' and 2' of
Figure 1 is also needed. To address this
requirement,,we propose some extensions to current
semantic Business Process modeling methodologies
which can favor the reuse of business know-how.
These extensions add some sub-phases which
complement existing methodologies and are
currently being implicitly used by business analysts,
such as BP patterns and model validation against
business policies.
The authors will present a brief state of the art of
current semantic and non-semantic BP modeling
methodologies (Section 2). In Section 3 we illustrate
the proposed methodology extensions with examples
from telecommunication sector, as one of the
business domains which could obtain more benefits
from the better reusability due to the strong time-to-
market requirements of this sector. The article
concludes with an outlook on the usage of these
methodology extensions in Section 4.
BP modeling phase is covered by most of the
existing methodologies, e.g. ARIS (Scheer 200),
(Scheer, 1999), IBM (Wahli et al, 2007), (IBM;
2006). The modeling life cycle is mainly formed by:
requirement analysis from business analysts, process
modeling by using a formal language, simulation
and redesign (IBM, 2006). In addition, ARIS defines
the five views of the knowledge (mainly focused on
IT level) used during BP Modeling activities
(Scheer, 2000): data (information objects and their
relationships), organization (organizational
structures and their relations), function (activities),
product (input and output produced by activities)
and control (process flow). However, the knowledge
related to BP modeling is broader than current
methodologies and languages can represent (Mou et
al, 2004). Extending the representable knowledge of
current methodologies and languages can provide
several benefits to overcome the aforementioned
Within the SUPER project (, a
methodology which covers the complete SBPM life
cycle (from modeling to execution and analysis) has
been defined (Fantini et al, 2006), and a proposal of
methodological guidelines for modeling and
configuration phases has been made (Weber et al,
2007). This proposal's objective is to facilitate the
transition from BP models to executable processes,
as well as the reuse of workflow (steps 3' and 4' of
Figure 1). However, we argue that focusing BP
modeling on getting only implementation benefits i)
doesn't allow business analysts to fully define
models, ii) doesn't capture all knowledge from a
business perspective which is usually very relevant
to a company and iii) misses a great opportunity to
reuse and extend the business knowledge, as
presented in the following section.
In this section, authors propose a life cycle for
semantic business process modeling. This life cycle,
depicted in Figure 2, is based on the spiral life cycle
model first proposed by Boehm (), which is widely
adopted by BPM community due the dynamic nature
of BPs and their consequent redesign cycle. The use
of a continuous evaluation and improvement process
(such as CMMI (Institute, 2007)) is recommended in
order to define the procedures to ensure the quality
of any artifact produced during semantic BP
modeling (ontologies, models, patterns, etc.), and
thus depicted in the outer ring of the picture.
However, the definition of such a process is beyond
the scope of this article.
Figure 2: Semantic Business Process Modeling Life Cycle.
Phases, depicted as the inner ring, and sub-
phases (next ring), are based on current BP modeling
and software engineering life cycles (Pressman,
2005). Although some sub-phases are extensions to
most commonly used life cycles, the major
contribution of this life cycle comes from the
application of ontologies, semantic tools and
techniques, depicted in the third ring of the picture
by a triangle, a hammer and a hand respectively. In
following subsections we present each of the phases
and sub-phases of the life cycle, providing a
description, products which will be provided by this
phase, ontologies and tools to be used, and the
application and expected advantages of semantic
techniques within each phase.
3.1 Requirements Analysis Phase
During the Requirements Analysis phase, business
analysts collect all the relevant information for the
BP design and further implementation. This
information comes from various sources (e.g. the
company's strategy, marketing and product
departments, final customers, partners, etc.), and has
to be collected and documented by analysts.
3.1.1 Requirements Capture
Requirements Capture is the phase in which a
business analyst collects all the relevant information
for a BP design and extracts requirements for the
BP. The information taken into account comes from
heterogeneous sources (e.g. meeting minutes,
technical and business documents, etc.) and a
common understanding between analysts and
requirement providers is needed. The study of this
information will discover business and technical
needs that will be documented as requirements
during the next sub-phase. During this phase, while
technical specifications are being defined,
knowledge is exchanged between business analysts,
people from different departments/companies and
3.1.2 Requirements Documentation
This phase involves the documentation of
requirements captured in the requirement analysis. It
is composed by the requirement classification to
support their traceability, as well as the refinement
of the requirements specification, defining the
functional and non-functional objectives to be
covered by the BP. Output of this sub-phase is a
requirement analysis document in which
requirements for the BP modeling are documented
as stated before.
There is no systematic way of documenting
requirements. Most often the business analysts use
Microsoft Word, Powerpoint or spreadsheets for
documentation purposes. By providing a shared
model (see 3.2.2), ontologies have the potential to
structure the method of documenting requirements,
enable their common understanding and provide the
possibility for automated analysis. An ontology for
requirements documentation as in (Jinxin et al,
1996) would allow e.g. for detecting redundancies
and conflicts in the requirements specification. It
would also enable gap analysis and easier
traceability of requirements across the specification,
by answering queries such as: “What is the source of
this requirement?”
3.2 Modeling Phase
After requirements have been specified, the business
analyst provides several artifacts as a result of the
BP modeling. These artifacts are ontologies, BP
patterns, goals and KPIs, and finally concrete BPs
which will be translated to executable processes and
run in further steps not covered in this article.
3.2.1 Ontologies Modeling
Requirement analysis phase produces a list of
documented requirements which might affect the
business ontologies being used during the modeling
and validation phases (e.g. redefinition or new
concepts, relationships, etc.). Business ontologies
model different perspectives of processes, where we
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
reuse the ontology framework described in
(Markovic and Pereira, 2007), and domain-specific
information (domain ontologies). The output of this
sub-phase is the refinement of business ontologies
according to the specific scenario. Note that many of
the domain ontologies can make use of existing
standards, like NGOSS (Reilly and Creaner, 2006)
in the case of telecommunications sector.
3.2.2 Patterns Modeling
BP patterns are abstract BPs which are not fully
defined in terms of concrete tasks and services, and
thus can not be executed. These patterns capture the
first draft of a process, making emphasis on the
business goals and leaving the concrete definition of
processes to a further step. They represent a solution
to a well known problem, and a base to enable the
extension to a concrete problem (as software design
patterns do (Gamma et al, 1995)), providing best
modeling practices.
The first step in defining a business process is to
define objectives to achieve. This definition is
commonly done by the definition of business
process patterns, which can be defined from
previous patterns or from scratch. BP patterns are
implicitly used by business analysts when they want
to define what a process should achieve without
defining how this will be done. The patterns define
high level goals (or milestones) and a simple
workflow which connects them.
The objective of the formalization of these high-
level models in our methodological extensions is to
provide best practices for other business analysts and
a common base for the specification of BPs which
share a same sub-domain (e.g. all BP of a given
product family share common features in their
Patterns are annotated with the context of their
usage which is comprised of a business function, a
business goal and a business domain. These
annotations allow us to query for patterns in the
early stages of modeling in order to provide
modeling guidance. An example query for business
pattern can be formulated in the following way:
“Give me all business patterns related to Fulfillment
Business Function and Client
and Product Business
Domain where Business Goals involved are
and serviceActivated.
3.2.3 Goals and KPI Modeling
After the definition of the objectives which the BP
being modeled has to accomplish, a business analyst
usually refines those objectives in terms of business
goals at the operational level (more concrete than the
ones defined for the pattern), and assigns them to
corresponding key performance indicators (KPIs).
KPIs define the metrics used to monitor and measure
the performance of business processes during
execution time. Business goals and KPIs can be
reused from previous models. The output of this
phase will be the formalization of both business
goals and KPIs, annotated according to the
ontologies defined in the ontology modeling sub-
Formal modeling of goals allows us to perform
goal-based analysis of process models in order to
detect redundancies and conflicts in process
specifications. In addition, we could follow the
dependencies (e.g. identifying which goals support
or hinder the observed one) in the goal model. It also
allows for improved traceability when changes in the
environment occur. Through reflecting the changes
on business goals, we are able to easily identify the
processes which need to be adapted to the new
3.2.4 Process Modeling
Once business process objectives are clear, and the
metrics used to measure its performance defined, the
process is defined. Tasks and workflow can be
defined by either i) deriving from previous BP
patterns, ii) extending or refining previous BP
models, iii) editing directly, or iv) any combination
of the previous options, since BP modeling is often
made in several steps which can mix up previous
approaches. Once the process is defined, it is
semantically annotated according to the ontologies
defined in the ontology modeling sub-phase. Once
the process is finished, we will have a complete BP
model including the following artifacts: a BP model
with semantic annotations, goal(s) and KPI it should
fulfill, BP pattern(s) which derives from, if any, and
ontologies which formalize the knowledge used to
create the aforementioned artifacts.
The business process ontology (Markovic and
Pererira 2007) and the domain ontologies defined in
section 3.2.1 are used in querying for business
process artifacts, which supports decision making
and facilitates reuse of modeling artifacts (Markovic
et al, 2008). Some example queries for the decision
making support scenario include: “Give me all
processes in the fulfillment area”, “Which processes
use system x?”. Since process modeling is a
complex activity, the reuse of existing models and
model components makes sense in all stages of
modeling. When reusing existing modeling artifacts,
the analyst can reuse process fragments (self-
contained, coherent building blocks of a process
model with a clear business meaning) or existing
process models which are similar to the desired
model. Moreover, the analyst can substitute an
existing process fragment based on redesign goals or
auto-complete an underspecified model, by making
queries on process annotations in the modeling tool
(Markovic et al, 2008).
3.3 Validation Phase
Validation of BP models is a crucial phase in which
it is ensured that the BP designed effectively covers
the requirements captured in the first phase from
both a functional and business perspective. Besides,
quality of the model must be checked, ensuring that
the model designed will derive in an executable
process with high performance, and that the model is
conceptually correct.
3.3.1 Model Quality Validation
This sub phase checks the model quality according
to a set of metrics. These metrics heavily depend on
the company and the continuous evaluation and
improvement model they are following. Metrics can
include complexity of the model, structure of the
model, modularization, or cognition (Volker Gruhn,
Annotating processes using a common
vocabulary (provided by ontologies from section
3.2.1) enables semantic evaluation of process
models and leads to improved readability of the
models not only for human beings but also for
machines. This enables automation envisioned by
the Semantic Business Process Management
methodology. Furthermore, by using a shared
vocabulary the abstraction conflicts are eliminated
and problems caused by synonyms and homonyms
are avoided, resulting in models of higher quality.
3.3.2 Functional Validation
This sub phase checks the coverage of functional
requirements that the BP has to accomplish.
Additionally, the workflow performance is usually
tested by the simulation of the model, in order to
detect possible bottlenecks at early stages of the
BPM life cycle. The result of the validation brings
new requirements for improving the BP model,
which are taken into account in subsequent modeling
In this phase, we can utilize the formalization of
the behavioral (dynamic) perspective of processes
from (Markovic and Pereira, 2007) in order to
perform formal verification of the correctness of the
model. This includes deadlock and liveness checks
on the model by using techniques from (Puhlmann,
2006) and also the step-by-step simulation of the
process behavior (Puhlmann and Bog, 2006).Based
on the results of the verification, business analysts
can perform necessary corrections on process
models in the early stages of the BPM life cycle.
3.3.3 Business Validation
Real BPs do not only have to accomplish certain
functional requirements, but also are influenced by
business policies and rules which are derived from
the company strategy. Business policies
orthogonally apply to all business processes of the
company and can be mandatory or optional.
Mandatory policies must be correctly addressed in
BP models, while conditional ones are suggestions
to improve or complement the model which can or
can not be taken in consideration. Business rules
affect the execution of the process, defining
conditions which drive the execution of the
workflow. Checking both elements usually provide
new requirements for later modeling iterations as
Business policies can be annotated with the
context of usage (business function, goal, domain) in
order to retrieve all policies (both mandatory and
conditional) which match context annotations of the
model being checked. An example query can be
formulated as: “Give me all business policies for
Digital Asset Management
domain for minors where
Business Goal associated belongs to Fulfillment.
Information retrieved includes a textual explanation
of the business policy as well as a control definition
(subprocess) which explains how this policy should
be included or taken into account in the model being
checked. This helps us to ensure the correctness of
the designed models. In addition, ontologies can be
used to formalize business policies and the derived
business rules in order to enable semi-automatic
compliance checking of existing process models
against relevant policies.
In this article, the authors have proposed new
methodology extensions which emphasize the
application of ontologies, by semantically enhanced
tools and techniques with the aim of reusing
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
business knowledge and therefore creating models
of higher quality, speeding up business process
modeling while reducing error-proneness of the task.
These extensions complement current
methodologies, adapting them to the use of
semantics in business process management. In the
near future, the authors will design a validation plan
for these extensions, with the aim of extracting some
empirical conclusions about the usage of the
proposal within the telecommunication sector.
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