An Evaluation
Abrar Haider
School of Computer and Infomatin Science, University of South Australia, Australia
Keywords: Information systems, organisational culture, performance evaluation.
Abstract: Information systems (IS) for engineering asset lifecycle management act as strategy translators as well as
enablers. Therefore, the real value of IS relies upon how effectively these systems are mapped to asset
lifecycle management processes, and how effectively they are synchronised with other IS in the
organisation. On the other hand, engineering asset managing organisations adopt a traditional technology-
centred approach to asset management, where technical system implementation command most resources
and are considered first, whereas skills, process maturity, and other organisational factors are only
considered relatively late and sometimes only after the systems are operational. This paper provides an
evaluation of the IS implemented to support asset lifecycle in an asset managing organisation.
Contemporary asset management paradigm demands
an elevated ability and knowledge to continuously
support asset management processes, with support in
terms of quality data acquisition, real-time data
exchange, and computer supported categorization
and analysis of asset operation divergences from
standard procedures. These factors are essential for
effective planning, scheduling, monitoring, quality
assurance, and acquisition of necessary resources
required for supporting asset lifecycle, and
consequently enhancing the competitive profile of
the asset managing organisation. Information
technology (IT) in general and information systems
(IS) investments are no more considered as inwardly
looking systems aimed at operational efficiency
through process automation; in fact, it extends
beyond the organisational boundaries and also
addresses areas such as business relationships with
external stakeholders, to deliver business outcomes.
The term asset in the context of this paper is
defined as the physical component of a
manufacturing, production or service facility, which
has value, enables services to be provided, and has
an economic life greater than twelve months (IIMM
2006), such as manufacturing plants, roads, bridges,
railway carriages, aircrafts, water pumps, and oil and
gas rigs.
IS utilised in asset management have to provide
for the decentralized control of asset management
tasks as well as have to act as instruments for
business intelligence and decision support. IS for
asset management, therefore, are required to provide
for an integrated view of lifecycle information
through integration of information spanning asset
lifecycle stages. An integrated view, however,
requires appropriate hardware and software
applications; quality, standardised, and interoperable
information; appropriate skill set of employees to
process information; strategic fit between asset
management processes and IS; and a conducive
organisational, cultural, and social environment.
This paper presents an evaluation of IS
implementation for asset management at a public
sector Australian utility that manages infrastructure
assets. This paper provides an overview of the water
industry in Australia and an account of the case
organisation and the major IS it employs. This is
followed up by discussion based on the evaluation of
IS employed in various areas of asset lifecycle
management within the case organisation.
Australian water industry is primarily developed
around a linear model of collecting, storing, treating,
distributing, and then discharging the water (Barton
group 2005). However, the players in Australian
water industry represent a mixed picture and consist
of public and private water services providers. The
industry is regulated at both federal and state level to
manage water through a range of initiatives, such as
pricing, service levels, and environment. The
Haider A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 293-298
DOI: 10.5220/0001718902930298
scarcity of water resources and the continuing
drought in Australia is placing renewed demands on
water asset management. These demands on one
hand require effective supply and demand
management of water, and on the other hand require
operators to sustain and manage their water
harvesting assets with reduced levels of
performance, due to predicted climate changes. In
order to counter such challenges state governments
as well as the Council of Australian Governments
has engaged in water reforms aimed at better
planning and allocation.
The concept of Asset management in water
industry has been strongly endorsed by the
governments at federal as well as state levels, and
water utilities have actively engaged in developing
asset management regimes since early 1990s.
However, the increased interest in asset management
is largely due to the legislations that have forced
operators in the water industry to improve their
financial management, recover full cost of service,
and use cost benefit analysis on a regular basis to
evaluate the performance of their assets with the
profits that they enable (GAO 2004). However,
water infrastructure assets in Australia are aging fast
and are being exposed to challenges of various
This research employs an interpretive epistemology
with a qualitative perspective. It is obvious that the
issues relating to evaluation of IT investments in
asset management are complex and multifaceted,
and require a broad and flexible perspective for
comprehensive examination. These include technical
issues as well as an assortment of others issues such
as organisational, social, and cultural issues. IS can
be classified as interpretive if it is assumed that our
knowledge of reality is gained only through social
constructions such as language, consciousness,
shared meanings, documents, tools and other
artefacts. Interpretive research does not predefine
dependent and independent variables, but focuses on
the complexity of human sense making as the
situation emerges (Kaplan and Maxwell 1994). It
attempts to realize the phenomena under
investigation through the meanings that people
attach to them (Deetz 1996). In order to address the
issue at hand an interpretive stance provides a richer
understanding of the contextually oriented IS based
asset management issues, than the more conformist
positivist approaches. In compliance with the
University of South Australia’s ethics regulations,
the case study organisation cannot be identified and
will be referred to as OzDrop. Similarly, the
interviewees are referred to by their job description
rather than their actual designation, for example
design manger, operations manger. The research
methodology comprises of open ended interviews
with 14 middle managers representing various roles
within the organisation.
OzDrop owns and operates bulk water supply and
distribution infrastructure located throughout
regional Queensland that has a replacement value of
$4.6 billion. It supplies about 40% of the water used
commercially in one of the largest states of Australia
via 27 water supply schemes and three subsidiary
companies. Its water supply customers number close
to 6,000 and comprise mining, industrial and
manufacturing companies, local governments, power
stations, irrigators and local water boards. The water
infrastructure on which the business is built
includes, 26 major dams, 85 weirs and barrages, 83
pump stations, 40 balancing storages, 920 km of
industrial water pipelines, 2,000 km of irrigation
pipelines and open channels, 800 km of irrigation
drainage works.
4.1 IS at OzDrop
OzDrop employs various IS to support asset
lifecycle. However, the path to process automation
has been far from being a liner one. In the early part
of the last decade OzDrop took initial steps towards
introducing IS for asset management. This was in
response to increased regulatory reporting pressures
and demands of aging asset infrastructure. As a
result an asset register and management system
(ARMS) system was implanted. However, this
system was nothing more than simple record
keeping of asset inventory. Apart from limited
functionality the system was not integrated with any
other organisational information system, hence there
was no way of finding out costs incurred during
asset lifecycle. In addition, there were issues with
data quality, duplication of data, and the data lacked
standardisation, therefore maintenance history varied
greatly from actual and lacked creditability. In mid
1990s OzDrop expanded ARMS to include extra
functionality such as, accrual accounting, asset
identification, asset valuation, bill of quantities, and
direct and indirect costs. In 2000, OzDrop adopted
SAP R/3 as its core asset management system.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
However, the initial focus was on implementing the
plaint maintenance module to provide improved data
quality, work management and costing, and
management decision support tools. Though, SAP
was implemented due to the regulatory pressures
rather than in response to the process needs of
OzDrop. Consequently, implementation of SAP has
been far from satisfactory. At the same time, ARMS
was not a completely functional system and both
ARMS and SAP conform to different information,
therefore migration of data from ARMS to SAP was
not possible. Since implementation of SAP was
initiated as phased approach, this incomplete
configuration of SAP PM was insufficient to handle
asset management data. Nevertheless, SAP is still
not fully operational and the company is using
specific modules of the system. In another major
technology implementation initiative, in 2002 an
Oracle based information management system was
introduced to incorporate customer relationship
management, and customer and water account
management. The company aspires to integrate these
systems as well as their electronic data management
systems and make it available on the company’s
intranet. At the moment, customer billing system is
available online, however the system and billing has
been sublet to a third party. In addition to these
technologies, the company also utilises a variation of
CMMS (with limited functionality) and SCADA
OzDrop lacks a centralised technology adoption
policy and does not conform to a common
information model. As a result, different
departments have implemented their own
customised spreadsheets and databases to aid their
day to day operations. Although these applications
aid in the execution of work within the department,
however they are not integrated with other
information systems and are of little value to other
departments who could use this information for
better asset lifecycle management. OzDrop has a
strong cost focus and little commitment from senior
management in terms of adoption of new
technology, which is reflected by OzDrop’s
Manager Business IT systems Last year (while the
company was considering implementation business
intelligence infrastructure) vendor walked into the
door and asked what you want. Management did not
know what are business intelligence systems, what
are their capabilities, and what kind of reports can
they generate……… I am not a qualified engineer so
I can not quality assure if the system is capable of
providing what the engineers want ………(for
implementation of technology) we consider the total
cost of ownership. The actual implementation may
be cheaper but when we consider costs incurred on
learning new technology, and costs relating to
adoption of technology you have to make a decision
on the total cost of ownership and not just the initial
implementation cost.
4.2 Sustainability and Design
Asset demand management at OzDrop is governed
by the system of prioritising customers as well as
water. However, due to drought condition in
Australia, OzDrop’s assets have been underutilised
in the last decade. Nevertheless, most of the assets
owned by the OzDrop were designed and developed
before 1950. Therefore almost all information
regarding their design, except for some relating to
their refurbishment, is in a hard copy format. There
is no exchange of design information with other
asset lifecycle management functions. The lack of
digital information poses a number of issues; the
foremost among them is the inability to develop an
information culture. For example, the design manger
noted, we have particular needs in design and most
of our information is driven from top down. To be
honest with you our experience with technology has
not been that good. Software implementation is
usually very difficult to achieve and infect we’ve
seen quite a few of them come and go without
providing benefit to us. The intricacies of integration
with other applications just ended up proving to be
too difficult. SAP has been with us for a long time,
but we are not seeing the benefits though I am sure
what SAP is capable of providing us - Chief
In the formal process of asset design/redesign
chief engineers visit different regions and talk to
designers and operations to discuss the design and
operational requirements. Deign/redesign process of
an upgrade or refurbishment is carried out through
consultation with designers and is fully reviewed by
the technical service engineers in that region. The
company thus ensures that they have consensus from
all the parties involved. In so doing, there is heavy
reliance on the tacit knowledge held by staff,
whereas there is no system for preserving the same
or making it available to other functions within the
organisation. In the words of the design manger, ‘we
use AutoCAD but that just gives us an electronic
version of a drawing. Ideally we would like to have
access to information to analyse how good our
design is. The information available to us has been
input by the people who really don’t have sufficient
technical background to understand the key things
that need to be there. We’ve got long way to go I
think before our systems are going to be sufficiently
up to date and have sufficient useful information that
our guys could pretty quickly get a hand on. Once
we cannot get our hands on this information we have
no choice but to rely on the knowledge held with our
field staff’ - Design Engineer.
The design exercise has a strict focus on the
design of the asset and there is not enough
consideration given to the supportability analyses of
asset lifecycle design. Although it can be attributed
to the fairly stable nature of water infrastructure
assets, however the major cause for inability to
carryout a comprehensive set of supportability
analyses is the non availability and lack of access to
requisite information. Apart from this, OzDrop,
being semi government, retains the hierarchical silo
approach that resists information exchange and
collaboration, which is evident from the following
response of a design engineer, ‘getting the historical
information in order to get the design right at the
first place is very difficult. In order to get this
information costly onsite information extraction is
required, that is by talking to the local people. We
would like to see accurate maintenance information
in the field, like what is happening, why it happened,
what are the failures etc. On top of this, there is no
interaction between electrical and mechanical
engineers. They just log information in their own
systems for someone else to look at and make
decisions. If you want to know performance of a
particular system, your best bet is to go and speak to
a field engineer’ - Design Engineer.
This argument is further supplemented by
another design engineer, which illustrates another
manifestation of a silo approach to asset lifecycle
‘we are not into risk assessments in a big
way. Obviously all of systems are subject to corporate risk
assessment. From design point of view we look at what
condition we need to implement to manage risks posed to
an asset, and that’s where all the issues are that we want
to monitor. For example, what space do we need to back
the system up, what redundancies do we need to guarantee
etc. So all those sort of things we do as a matter of course
in the design exercise. Once the asset is in operation its
for the operations and maintenance people to do risk
assessments. They never ask us for information on any
previous assessments and even if they do we cannot
provide it to them easily since we perform our assessments
manually’ - Design Engineer.
4.3 Operations Management
The nature of water infrastructure asset operation is
quite different from other assets. Water is sourced
from specific supply points and thus cannot be
pumped from anywhere, which means that the
infrastructure is static and the environmental and
operational constraints on the asset are relatively
easily predictable. This also means that the water
asset infrastructure has to operate at a certain level
and the usual principles of load apportionment don’t
work in this situation.
OzDrop’s assets base consists of a variety of
asset types and are spread anywhere between 30 km
to 100 km or even longer. Asset monitoring
therefore is not only costly but is also time
consuming. Although, OzDrop makes use of GIS
(geographical information system) and SCADA
system to monitor asset operation, yet asset
operation and condition assessment is largely
manual. The information captured through SCADA
systems is only used for alarms generation and
failure reporting, it is not used or aggregated with
other information for analysis such as failure root
cause. The operations manager of OzDrop suggests
that, ‘condition assessment is manual exercise at the
moment, since we are struggling to integrate
different systems with our major asset management
system (SAP). When we are required to do condition
assessment, our guys will go and do that and in the
process if they identify something that in their
opinion presents an undesirable outcome they will
flag that’ - Operations Manager.
Although, asset operation is the least automated
area in OzDrop, however the company is making
progress towards establishing an operations specific
module within its asset management base system,
i.e. SAP. According to operations manager, ‘we are
developing a fairly significant module within SAP,
which will allow us to capture risk and condition
information on each of our assets. And also to
identify refurbishment and maintenance work that
needs to be carried out on each of those asset. So we
can actually develop a 30 - 35 year schedule to rank
and prioritize vulnerabilities or risks posed to
assets’ - Operations Manager.
4.4 Disturbance Management
OzDrop generally carries out a periodic preventive
maintenance on its asset base, which ranges from the
ones built in 1920s up till now. Therefore, the
maintenance demands of these assets are quite
divergent, with some of the older assets are
operating well in excess of their design capacity.
Nevertheless, maintenance information is generally
processed either manually, or through an array of
custom made spreadsheets developed by regional
offices. Maintenance scheduling, however, is done
centrally at the company offices by using SAP PM
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(plant management) module. Maintenance plans are
developed with a 12 months time horizon and
include a list of tasks for the same period. At the
start of each month, monthly work requests are
released. There is a budget allocated for carrying out
these maintenance activities. However, there is little
provision of emergency repairs, for example if the
failure at the station requires replacement of small
component or a minor treatment; it is attended to by
the maintenance crew at the station. However, in
case of major failure, maintenance requires approval
from various levels as well as needs commissioning
of expertise and resources and therefore takes time.
OzDrop differentiates between maintenance and
asset ownership, i.e. work is executed by
maintenance crew, whereas asset ownership is the
mandate of another function. Consequently, there
are multiple versions of the same information within
the organization. Furthermore, these versions have
their own bias and standard of quality. Although the
organisation is aware of the potential of quality
information, yet there is little emphasis made on
recording and capturing correct and complete
information. For example, a maintenance engineer
summarised the situation as under, ‘maintenance
crew is not technically qualified or capable to
operate an IT system. They consider it as an add-on
to maintenance work, something that just has to be
recorded. At the end of the day they will not be
judged on what information they entered. Their
performance is evaluated on the quality of their
maintenance work’ - Maintenance Engineer.
Maintenance information, however, is crucial for
asset lifecycle management, as it provides the basis
for lifecycle cost benefit analysis, remnant lifecycle
calculations, as well as for asset refurbishment,
upgrade, and overhauls. However, like other
functions, maintenance information is not exchanged
with other lifecycle functions. In addition, the main
focus is on capturing maintenance execution
information with little provision for integrating this
information with financial information.
Consequently, there is no way of calculating the cost
of failure as well as real costs incurred on
maintaining the asset. OzDrop’s finance manager
noted that, ‘There is fixed maintenance cost which is
the routine day to day maintenance, and then there
is what we call renewals program or refurbishment
program. This is what you would call the irregular
lumpy parts of your maintenance over the life cycle
of the asset. We have always separated out
refurbishment or renewals program from
maintenance program. Most organizations will
clump it together because you have to clump it
together to get any kind of resource planning, but
yes, we are not using the financial indicators as
input into reinvestment or investment in assets’ -
Finance Manager.
4.5 Operational Responsiveness
IS in OzDrop are primarily being used for recording
information or what could be best described as
recording what the organisation has done. This
information is seldom used for more high profile
purposes, such as organisational integration,
planning, and executive decision support. The
prevailing silo approach has affected departmental
efficiency as well as functional integration.
Management at OzDrop takes a deterministic view
of technology and aims more at the perceived
benefits from technology than the cause and effect
relationships that enable these benefits. User
training has traditionally been a weak area at
OzDrop. Little training is provided and even that is
aimed at training managers and supervisors rather
than the staff who use the system on daily basis. The
idea is that the supervisory staff (with the help of IT
department) train functional staff. In these
circumstances it is obvious that staff do not feel
comfortable with using major platforms such as
SAP, and business units in OzDrop are more
inclined towards using internally developed
spreadsheets and databases. Due to little information
exchange the company faces substantial knowledge
Senior management is not technology savvy and
therefore does not rely on IT for asset lifecycle
decision support. Even otherwise information lacks
quality and there is no way of managing the
important asset lifecycle learning. OzDrop depends
a lot on the tacit knowledge (particularly for
maintenance) and at present more than 65% of the
staff at OzDrop are within 10 years of retirement
age, which means substantial amount of intellectual
capital loss. A senior manager from OzDrop
attributes this to the culture of the company and
summarises that, ‘it has a lot to do with culture. Our
culture is wrestling with fundamental issues. Some
would argue that we are in an asset based industry
and not an intellectual property based industry or
anything like that. Certainly true to say that there is
a difference of opinion in the organisation as to how
asset portfolio should be managed through IS.
Perhaps people are not trained or skilled for the
organisation to change. IS implementation needs to
be addressed a little more strategically. We have to
try to convert people from break down heroes into
more strategic thinkers’ - Group General Manager.
4.6 Performance Evaluation
OzDrop’s IT plan is reviewed every 18-24 months.
However this is an informal review and is done by
managers and is more of a qualitative observation
exercise rather than a detailed efficiency assessment
of IS. It must be pointed out that this review is
enterprise wide and not solely aimed at IS for asset
management. Nevertheless, a review of asset
management was carried out in the year 2004 by an
external consultant. This review included assessment
of asset management processes as well as IS utilized
in enabling these processes. The rationale for this
review was to reorganise the company in terms of
resources, accountabilities, and responsibilities. An
important driver within that reorganisation was
about skills development, knowledge retention, and
ensuring the availability of right environment for
information exchange and knowledge sharing. The
net result was a gap analysis against industry best
practice. IS evaluation, therefore, was a part of the
review and not the major focus of the review. This
qualitative review was carried out through a steering
committee of OzDrop, which ranked and prioritized
the recommendation or the follow ups of that
review. However, it took OzDrop more than a year
to actually agree on the prioritization of the work to
be done. The issues encountered in this regard are
amply reflected by OzDrop’s project manger, when
he notes that, ‘we have taken a step towards taking
stock of our asset management related IS resources;
however there are there issues that we must
overcome. Firstly, the lack of ownership of data that
does not provide any motivation for staff to capture
and process right and complete information;
secondly, investment in mobile data acquisition
solutions such that data is entered as close to its
origin as possible; and thirdly, effective change
management with emphasis on creating a learning
environment and proper training’ - Project Manger.
IS implementation has a number of technical,
organisational, cultural, and social dimensions. It is
therefore essential to ascertain cause and effect of
technology implementation, such that effective
change management strategies could be out in place
to facilitate institutionalisation of technology within
its implementation context. Management at OzDrop
conforms to technological determinism and sees
technology implementation alone as the prime
enabler of achieving its strategic objectives. In so
doing, it disregards the organisational, cultural, and
social dimensions that help shape technology within
the organisation. IS are social systems and their
implementation has strong contextual and social
underpinnings. OzDrop needs to engage in ex ante
evaluation that must take stock of the socio -
technical environment of the organisation and align
the capabilities of technology with the needs and
demands of asset management processes.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems