A Traceability-based Approach on the Semantic Web
Ivo J. Garcia dos Santos and Edmundo R. Mauro Madeira
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), P.O. Box 6176, Campinas SP, Brazil
e-Government, Semantic Web Services, Traceability, Middleware.
The search for effective strategies to increase the transparency in public administration processes is becoming
a key issue for governments and for the success of the new citizen-centric services and applications. Also, the
application of service-oriented architectures, semantics and ontologies is gaining momentum as an alternative
to fulfill the inherent e-Government interoperability and dynamism demands. Considering the challenges
introduced by this new scenario, this paper contributes proposing an approach to monitor and audit composite
e-Government services. The solution is based on a set of Traceability Policies modeled and implemented over
a semantically-enriched and service-oriented middleware (CoGPlat).
The demands for the creation of mechanisms to
increase the transparency of the public adminis-
tration processes have dramatically increased over
the recent years. It represents a requirement for
every democracy identified since the origins of the
modern republic: Thomas Jefferson once wrote that
whenever the people are well-informed, they can
be trusted with their own government (Jefferson,
1789). In parallel, new citizen-centric services and
applications are becoming more and more investi-
gated, mainly due to the proliferation of the new ICTs
(Information and Communication Technologies).
The use of Service-oriented architectures and, more
recently, semantics and ontologies, is also gaining
momentum to enable interoperability and to in-
crease the dynamism of e-Government applications.
Considering this scenario, this paper contributes
by presenting a strategy to achieve transparency in
composite e-Government Services based on a set
of Traceability Policies modeled and implemented
over a semantically-enriched and service-oriented
middleware (CoGPlat). The remainder of this paper
is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the con-
cepts and technologies related to the contributions of
the paper and presents relevant related work; Section
3 introduces the proposed approach to increase trans-
parency in composite e-Government services; and
finally, Section 4 presents the concluding remarks.
The interoperability, defined as the ability of two
or more systems or components to exchange infor-
mation and to use the information that has been ex-
changed (IEEE, 1990), is a fundamental requirement
in the context of distributed and dynamic applica-
tions. In order to achieve higher levels of interop-
erability, many systems are being implemented fol-
lowing the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) ap-
proach (Papazoglou and Georgakopoulos, 2003) and
its most famous manifestation, the Web Services tech-
nologies. One of the current Web biggest limita-
tions is the lack of support to describe the semantics
of data. To overcome this weakness, the so-called
Semantic Web (Berners-Lee et al., 2001) proposes
a scenario where data becomes meaningful to ma-
chines and can be automatically processed and un-
derstood. In it, ontologies play a fundamental role in
the definition of the concepts that are used to annotate
data (Medjahed, 2004). Specifications such as RDF
(Resource Description Framework) and RDF-Schema
were among the first W3C (World Wide Web Consor-
tium) initiatives to model meta-data related to Web re-
sources. Later, the OWL (Ontology Web Language)
extended RDF, augmenting its vocabulary with the in-
clusion, for instance, of new class relationships. It
is the current W3C standard for specifying ontolo-
gies on the Web. The possibility of applying a simi-
lar strategy to semantically describe services, opening
the road towards their automatic discovery, invocation
J. Garcia dos Santos I. and R. Mauro Madeira E. (2008).
TRANSPARENCY IN CITIZEN-CENTRIC SERVICES - A Traceability-based Approach on the Semantic Web.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 184-189
DOI: 10.5220/0001720601840189
and composition, motivated the proposal of different
approaches for the definition of what was baptized
as the Semantic Web Services. OWL-S (Semantic
Markup for Web Services), for instance, combines a
set of inter-related OWL ontologies that define terms
used in service-oriented applications. Besides OWL-
S (adopted in the work described in this paper) two
other proposals already play an important role in the
Semantic Web Services scenario: the WSMO (Web
Services Modeling Ontology) (W3C, 2005)) and the
SA-WSDL (Semantic Annotations for WSDL and
XML Schema) (W3C, 2007), recently adopted as a
W3C recommendation.
Techniques which enable markup and automated
reasoning technology to describe, simulate, test, and
verify compositions of Web services are discussed in
(Narayanan and McIlraith, 2002). The authors define
the semantics for a relevant subset of OWL-S in terms
of a first-order logical language (Situation Calculus).
With the semantics in hand, service descriptions are
encoded in a Petri Net formalism. The implemented
system is able to read in OWL-S service descriptions
and perform simulation, enactment and analysis. The
use of advanced workflow and activity concepts in the
composition of Web services is the proposal of (Fileto
et al., 2003). The approach is called POESIA (Pro-
cesses for Open-Ended Systems for Information Anal-
ysis), an open environment for developing Web appli-
cations using metadata and ontologies to describe data
processing patterns developed by domain experts. It
supports Web service composition using domain on-
tologies with multiple dimensions (e.g., space, time,
and object description).
The electronic Government (e-Government) do-
main includes the set of all processes which serve
decision-making and services in politics, government
and administration and which use information and
communication technologies (KBSt, 2006). Re-
cently a new approach to e-Government is gaining
momentum: the citizen-centric government, where
citizens and businesses are considered customers of
the public administration, so that their needs come
first, rather than bureaucracy or other imperatives in-
side the government machine (GOV3, 2006). In this
context, usually a government-wide service-oriented
architecture is applied to develop a single place that
offers access to all government informational and
transactional services. Several research efforts in the
e-Government domain can be found in the literature.
For instance, a system which automatically generates
Web services customized to citizens’ needs and also
to government laws and regulations is presented in
(Medjahed and Bouguettaya, 2005). It proposes three
levels of service customization: the Citizen level, the
Service level and the User interface level. A meta-
data ontology, used to describe e-Government ser-
vices and operations, is also introduced. An approach
for the semi-automated design of data flows between
Web Services that are semantically described using
different ontologies and data representations is intro-
duced in (Barnickel et al., 2006), including a rule-
based mechanism for user-transparent mediation be-
tween ontologies spanning multiple application do-
As already mentioned, transparency is becoming a
fundamental requirement in citizen-oriented applica-
tions. One of the possible strategies to improve trans-
parency is to guarantee traceability at the service
level. Traceability is defined by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO, 1994) as the
ability to trace the history, application or location
of an entity by means of recorded identification”. We
introduce a strategy based on traceability policies to
regulate the execution monitoring of composite e-
Government services and detail it next.
3.1 The Middleware
The strategy presented in this paper is modeled and
implemented over an e-Government service middle-
ware called CoGPlat (Citizen-oriented e-Government
Platform) (Santos et al., 2005). Its main goal is to
support applications that enable the interaction and
collaboration among governmental entities, organiza-
tions and citizens and its infrastructure includes (see
Figure 1): a Service Bus, an interface between the
middleware services and the applications; four core
facilities (described next); a Service Discovery and
Execution Layer, responsible for selecting the Se-
mantic Web Services to participate in the compo-
sitions and also for interacting with those services
at process run-time; and a set of Support Services
which provides security, persistence, reliable messag-
ing and transaction support to the processes running
over the platform.
The four middleware core facilities are (see also
Figure 1): the Transparent Services Center, respon-
sible for dynamically building the service composi-
tions according to the application requests; the Meta-
model Management Center, which offers services
and tools to manage the models, metamodels and on-
tologies used in the description of services, composi-
tions, processes and entities; the E-Governance and
E-Democracy Center, which delivers generic ser-
TRANSPARENCY IN CITIZEN-CENTRIC SERVICES - A Traceability-based Approach on the Semantic Web
Figure 1: CoGPlat Architecture Overview.
vices which aim to facilitate the decision-making pro-
cesses and to increase citizen participation in the pub-
lic administration; and the Traceability and Audit-
ing Center, which offers services and tools to moni-
tor running processes and also to audit processes that
have already been concluded. The contributions of
this paper are concentrated in this last facility.
3.2 Policies
To effectively compose e-Government services, is-
sues like the autonomy of the entities, data privacy,
process traceability and an efficient identity manage-
ment usually need to be considered. In order to enable
compositions which handle these demands, CoG-
Plat implements a set of Interaction Policies which
were first proposed and successfully applied in an e-
Business scenario (Santos and Madeira, 2006) and
then extended to match the new requirements de-
manded by e-Government applications. These poli-
cies are applied to regulate the collaborations that
take place over the middleware infrastructure - we
consider that two entities collaborate when both par-
ticipate in the same composite service (as providers
and/or consumers) and there is at least one informa-
tion or message exchange between them through the
middleware facilities. The CoGPlat Interaction Poli-
cies are classified into the following categories (all
policy terms and relations are specified in an OWL
1. Entity Autonomy Policies. determine the level
of control the platform (and therefore the applica-
tions running over it) may have over the internal
operations of a composite service;
2. Data Privacy Policies. determine the collabora-
tion levels on the interactions between two entities
that participate on the same composite service,
defining how the privacy of the data exchanged
between them is handled;
3. Identity Management Policies. establish where
to provide mechanisms like anonymousness, iden-
tity theft protection and non-repudiation for citi-
zens and entities;
4. Service Traceability Policies. determine to
what extent the operations of a composite service
should be tracked by the middleware. This is the
category closely related to the contributions pre-
sented in this paper and will be further detailed
An abstract composition and individual abstract activ-
ities can be semantically annotated with the following
Service Traceability policies:
Strong-traceability. all possible events both at
composition and at activity/service level are mon-
itored. Customized traceability requirements can
also be specified (e.g.: monitor the behavior of
an specific property/value throughout the instance
Weak-traceability. only composition level events
are monitored. No customizations are allowed;
Zero-traceability. There is no traceability at all.
Indeed, if this policy is specified, there must be no
trace (neither during nor after) of a given compo-
sition instance.
3.3 The Composition Process
One of the main goals of CoGPlat is to facilitate the
development and operation of new e-Government ap-
plications that present higher levels of dynamism and
citizen-orientation. Given the quantity and diverse-
ness of public administration agencies, to integrate
and interoperate the services delivered by those agen-
cies become a challenging task. The service com-
position process described next tries to shift to the
middleware level the solution for those integration
problems. It is important to understand how CoGPlat
builds composite services before a deeper discussion
on the Traceability mechanisms is held. The compo-
sition process has the following stages (see Figure 2):
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Composition Process in CoGPlat.
(1) An application sends a request (an OWL-S
profile) to the Transparent Services Center for
a composite service. The request includes the
IOPEs (Input, Output, Precondition, Effects)
and the demanded interaction policies;
(2) The Metamodel Management Center performs
a search in the repository for an abstract com-
position that satisfies the application require-
mens. An OWL-S matchmaker is used in this
(3a, 4) If an abstract composition is found, a search
for concrete services that will execute the ab-
stract composition activities is started. The in-
teraction policies are, together with the IOPEs,
used as selection criteria. (3b, 6, 7a, 7b):
Else, a search for external services (not pre-
registered in the platform) is tried;
(5a) If a concrete composition has been success-
fully built, its specification is prepared for ex-
ecution. (5b, 6, 7a, 7b): Else, an external
search is tried (as in (3b)).
The chances of success on the initial stages of the
composition process (1 and 2 in Figure 2) are directly
related to the amount and diversity of abstract compo-
sitions registered in the platform. These abstract com-
positions describe the generic public processes that
may run over the platform combining services from
different agencies. No concrete binding is necessary
in design time - actually only service classes, semanti-
cally annotated with IOPEs and Policies are included
in the abstract composition flow.
3.4 Traceability and Auditing Center
The Traceability and Auditing Center implements
the necessary mechanisms to guarantee that the ac-
tive traceability policies are respected during the ex-
ecution of the composite services. Its internal in-
frastructure is composed of the following elements
(see also Figure 3): the Standard Tracking Service
which collects all data from the generated tracking
events, according to the active policy, and saves it
into a repository; the Real-time Tracking Service
which collects only representative data from the track-
ing events, also according to the active policy, but pro-
vides it in real-time to the platform client applications
instead of saving it to a repository; the Auditing Ser-
vice which offers mechanisms to access tracking data
of already concluded processes; and a Tracking Data
Repository that stores the information generated by
the tracking service events.
Figure 3: Traceability and Auditing Center Infrastructure.
3.5 Composition Example
In order to illustrate how the Traceability Policies are
evaluated and executed in CoGPlat, let’s follow the
example of a generic process of requesting a doc-
ument. The process is composed of the following
steps: (1) Validation of the requester personal infor-
mation; (2) Payment of administrative fees; (3) For-
ward of the request to the responsible government of-
fice (determined by the document type).
The composition process follows the steps previ-
ously presented in Figure 2. First, the application
sends a request containing IOPEs and demanded poli-
cies. A search is then performed in the abstract com-
positions repository. In Figure 4 the selected abstract
composition is shown. Note that the composition and
the individual activities are annotated with IOPEs and
with the supported traceability policies.
TRANSPARENCY IN CITIZEN-CENTRIC SERVICES - A Traceability-based Approach on the Semantic Web
Figure 4: Abstract Composition with Policies and IOPEs.
Next, according to the process in Figure 2, the
semantic annotations are used to select concrete ser-
vices that will implement each of the activities.
When the composition starts to execute, the Stan-
dard Tracking Service of the Traceability and Au-
diting Center is activated. In the example, the com-
position and all activities require a strong traceabil-
ity policy, so all composition and service level events
are tracked and stored in the Tracking Data Reposi-
tory (a database). While the composition is running,
it is possible monitor its status in real-time. This is
achieved in the platform through the following steps
(see Figure 5):
Figure 5: Finding the current status of a running process.
(1) The Application calls the getStatus() operation
from the Traceability and Auditing Center
(TraceAudCenter) service;
(2) The TraceAudCenter informs the Real Time
Tracking Service (RealTTService) that a given
composition instance should be tracked following
a given policy;
(3) The RealTTService subscribes to the tracking
events generated by the WF Runtime Engine (Ex-
ecutionEngine) for the given instance. It uses a
custom profile that implements the active trace-
ability policy (see also Section 3.6). From this
moment, the events specified in the profile start to
be delivered to the RealTTService;
(4) The TraceAudCenter asks the RealTTService for
the status of a given composition (or also of an
activity or property);
(5) The status response (statusResp) is sent back to
the TraceAudCenter and then to the Application
The next time the application requests real-time sta-
tus information of the same composition instance, the
steps (2) and (3) do not need to be repeated (the flow
starts then from step (4)) as the instance is already be-
ing monitored. It is also possible to audit the process
execution anytime after its conclusion using the Au-
diting Service, which offers to the applications a con-
venient way to access the tracking information stored
in the repository. Note, though, that only informa-
tion in accordance with the selected traceability pol-
icy will be present there.
3.6 Implementation Issues
The CoGPlat middleware infrastructure is imple-
mented with the support of the following technolo-
gies: the Service Bus exports traditional Web Ser-
vices (WSDL + SOAP/HTTP); the middleware core
runs over the Microsoft .NET framework and is writ-
ten in C#; the service discovery layer uses the
OWLS-MX matchmaker (Klusch et al., 2006); and
the composition executions are performed by the
Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) runtime engine
(Bukovics, 2007). The Traceability and Audit-
ing Center implementation relays on the WF Track-
ing Service functionalities. It provides three event
categories: Workflow Events which correspond to
changes in the composition instance status; Activ-
ity Events which correspond to changes in the ex-
ecution status of individual activities (services); and
User Events that can be generated at any point in the
life cycle of the composition instance (those events
are customized and defined during the construction of
the abstract compositions). The default WF Track-
ing Service behavior generates events for all work-
flow and activity types. Therefore, to implement a
behavior that corresponds to the chosen traceability
policy, CoGPlat defines three custom WF tracking
profiles, one for each of the possible traceability poli-
cies (strong-, weak- and zero- traceability). Note that
as the first policy (strong) allows customization, ad-
ditional tracking behavior might be specified during
the construction of the abstract compositions. Besides
what is (and what is not) being monitored, another
important question is what to do with the information
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
produced by the tracking service. The Traceability
and Auditing Center uses the default WF SQLTrack-
ingService, which provides ready-to-use functionali-
ties to record data to a SQL Server database. This
recorded data can be later used for auditing purposes.
In addition, CoGPlat implements a custom tracking
service which allows the on-line monitoring of an ex-
ecuting composition.
The proposal of effective solutions to increase the
public administration transparency is becoming a key
issue for the success of the new citizen-centric ser-
vices and applications. Considering the challenges in-
troduced by this new scenario, this paper contributes
proposing a strategy to monitor and audit composite
e-Government services. It includes the proposal of a
set of Traceability Policies, used to semantically an-
notate the services, specifying the desired traceabil-
ity behavior. The paper also contributes by present-
ing an application scenario and by discussing its im-
plementation, based on the Windows Workflow Foun-
dation Tracking Service. The work presented in the
paper is in the context of the Traceability and Audit-
ing Center, one of the core facilities of the Citizen-
oriented e-Government Platform (CoGPlat). Future
works may include the extension of the traceability
policies, the implementation of new applications and
a study on the effects of the tracking mechanisms on
the performance of time-critical compositions, not so
frequent in the e-Government domain. There are still
many challenges to be faced before a fully citizen-
centric e-Government becomes a reality. However,
the visioned changes create the expectations of a fu-
ture where public administration processes may be-
come really transparent and efficient, stimulating the
continuous research efforts in this field.
The authors would like to thank the Brazilian agen-
cies CAPES and CNPq for the financial support. Ad-
ditional thanks to the Fraunhofer-FOKUS Institute
(Berlin, Germany).
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