Reference Architecture for Event-Driven RFID
Jürgen Dunkel and Ralf Bruns
Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Department of Computer Science
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120, 30459 Hannover, Germany
Abstract. RFID technology is usually not well integrated with business proc-
esses and backend enterprise information systems. Current enterprise informa-
tion systems cannot deal with high volume of events and their complex de-
pendencies. In this paper we propose a reference architecture for event-driven
RFID applications. The key concept of the approach is complex event
processing as the model for processing and managing of event-driven informa-
tion systems. In order to prove the practical usefulness of the reference archi-
tecture we present a case study for tracking samples in large research laborato-
ries using RFID.
1 Introduction
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has established itself as a significant technol-
ogy in the automation of business processes. In recent years, RFID technology has
been applied to a wide range of application areas such as supply chain management,
health services, transportation, environmental systems [5].
One major obstacle for the success of RFID systems is how to process and manage
RFID data and integrate it to drive the business processes. Current enterprise informa-
tion systems cannot deal with events in order to drive the business processes and,
consequently, are not sufficient for RFID-based applications. Due to the high volume
of events and their complex dependencies it is not possible to have a fixed/predefined
process flow on the business level. In recent years, event-driven architectures (EDA)
have been proposed as a new architectural paradigm for event-based applications. In
this paper we propose a reference architecture for event-driven RFID applications.
The key concept of the approach is to use complex event processing (CEP) as the
model for processing and managing of event-driven information systems. The refer-
ence architecture enables the seamless integration of RFID event streams in upper-
level business processes in real-time. In order to prove the usefulness of our approach
we selected the tracking of samples in large research laboratories using RFID.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In the next section the basic
concepts of event-driven architectures and complex event processing are introduced.
Section 3 presents a reference architecture for handling events in RFID-based appli-
cations, allowing to integrate arbitrary RFID event sources with enterprise informa-
tion systems. Laboratory logistics is selected as the application scenario for our ap-
proach, which is discussed in section 4. Finally, the last section summarizes the most
Dunkel J. and Bruns R. (2008).
Reference Architecture for Event-Driven RFID Applications.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges, pages 129-135
DOI: 10.5220/0001729001290135
significant features of the approach and provides a brief outlook of future lines of
2 Event-Driven Architecture Basics
Event-driven architecture (EDA) provides an architectural concept for dealing with
complex event streams. Complex Event Processing (CEP) is an event processing
model to cope with a huge number of events [10]. One main idea is that events are not
independent from each other, but correlated. The goal of CEP is to identify in a huge
event cloud those patterns of events which are significant for a business domain. An
example is a stock trading system which analyzes millions of tick data to discover
patterns which signify buy or sell signals for certain shares. Pattern Matching and
Event Processing are performed by so-called event-processing agents (EPAs), which
monitor the stream of occurred events analyzing it for event patterns. Essentially they
filter, split, aggregate, transform and enrich event – tasks, which are also well-known
from application integration [4]. Furthermore, new complex events can be synthe-
sized from simple events. This step takes correlations between occurred events into
account and provides the real power of complex event processing. For instance, tech-
nical RFID events must be synthesized into meaningful business events A Complex
Event Processing (CEP) system consists of the following building blocks:
Event Metadata. To automate event processing, a formalism based on metadata is
required, which precisely specifies all possible events and their interdependencies.
Each event contains general metadata: e.g. event ID, event type, event timestamp and
event-specific information e.g. the ID of a RFID reader. Event Specifications are the
base for event transformation, event generators and event subscribing.
Event Processing Rules define correlations between events for detecting event pat-
terns, and determining corresponding actions. They can be expressed as ECA rules
[17], [12] or as a SQL-based approach of querying event streams [1], [3]. Event Me-
tadata is specified by appropriate event processing languages (EPLs) [12].
Event Processing. An Event Processing Engine evaluates and executes event proc-
essing rules. The Event Data manifests the occurred event and is a set of instances
related to the event specification. Each event must be described in standard format,
e.g. by an XML document. Because pattern matching takes also historical events into
account, events must be permanently stored. Usually, not all events can be stored
permanently, because the number of events can be nearly infinite. A practical solution
is regarding so-called sliding windows, i.e. storing only the events occurred in a cer-
tain time period. It means that events have a certain lease and are deleted if it is ex-
pired. Of course, the appropriate lease times are domain and event-type specific. The
more abstract or business oriented an event is, the longer might be its lease time.
Enterprise Integration Backbone. The enterprise integration backbone provides the
middleware to access the backend systems. It provides event channels, event trans-
RFID Agent
RFID Source
other event
Location Agent
Enterprise Adapter
RFID Processing Enterprise Applications
Processing Actions
Event Engine
Processing Actions
Complex Event - Processing
Reference Architecture
Event Creation
Enterprise Applications
RFID Source
Event Monitoring
application legacy system
port, event subscription and is a mediator for accessing the enterprises backend sys-
tems. The enterprise integration backbone is used by the business components to
propagate domain-specific events and by the rule engine to trigger event-driven ac-
tions provided by the backend systems.
3 Reference Architecture
The major objective of our approach is the development of a reference architecture
for the integration of RFID events into existing enterprise information systems. The
reference architecture is agent-based and should serve as an idealistic model of a class
of event-driven architectures (EDA). Figure 1 provides an overview of the proposed
reference architecture. On the top layer, the RFID sensors generate a continuous
stream of RFID data event and serve as the event source. Moreover, the event stream
can contain further types of events originating from other systems or event sources.
Fig. 1. Reference Architecture.
An RFID Agent serves as the interface to the different RFID sources and collects
all incoming RFID data events. First, it provides the functionality of an adapter to
integrate technically different, proprietary RFID systems. Furthermore, it transforms
each RFID data event into a standard RFID event format and guarantees consistency,
e.g. by filtering duplicates [9].Duplicates occur quite often, i.e. multiple RFID data
events are emitted if a RFID tag passes a RFID reader.
A Location Agent transforms RFID events into application-specific domain
events. To perform this task the Location Agent must query information from the
enterprise information system via an adapter. The Location Agent has to provide two
different mappings: First, the technical position, i.e. the ID of the RFID reader must
be related to a domain-specific location, e.g. a certain room. Secondly, the ID of an
RFID tag must be assigned to a domain-specific item. For instance, the tag ID of a
laboratory sample must be mapped to the sample ID in the laboratory information
system. The data of new items is stored in the information system by manually enter-
ing it or by reading the tag data. There is a specialized workstation equipped with a
RFID reader to determine the relation between RFID tag ID and item ID.
The key concept of the reference architecture is the Complex Event Processing
(CEP) component, where the domain events are processed by application-specific
rules. The CEP component contains a rule engine with the rule base and buffers the
event data. It analyzes continuously the events and executes predefined rules if a
specific event pattern is detected. Possible reactions are the generation of new events
or the invocation of a service of the enterprise applications via an adapter.
The Enterprise Adapter component provides a facade giving access to the enter-
prise application systems for the Location Agent and the CEP component. The Loca-
tion Agent requires the adapter to map technical RFID positions to domain-specific
locations. The CEP component uses the Adapter to invoke business services for event
handling, i.e. to make enterprise applications aware that certain events have occurred.
Note, that the communication is unidirectional: the enterprise applications do not
know anything about the Location Agent or the CEP component.
The Event Monitoring component is optional, and contains a repository to save
the history of relevant events. It is the only CEP-specific part visible to the enterprise
applications. It allows them to analyze event specific data and to visualize it in a
Business Activity Monitoring application.
The reference architecture separates the RFID data processing tasks from applica-
tion-specific ones. The RFID data processing is performed by the RFID Agent and
the Location Agent, which transform RFID data into consistent domain events. The
application-specific processing is performed by the CEP component where applica-
tion-specific rules perform pattern matching and event processing tasks.
4 Application Scenario
In order to prove the practical usefulness of our reference architecture we selected the
tracking and localization of samples in large research laboratories using RFID. In
large research laboratories the incoming samples are usually divided in several sub-
samples which can be tested simultaneously in different departments of the labora-
tory. Therefore, the parts of one sample are spread over different laboratory rooms
while being tested. Despite of organizational regulations, valuable time is wasted to
search the samples for the upcoming tests. To solve this problem RFID can be ap-
plied. Each incoming sample gets an RFID tag. Laboratory locations are equipped
with RFID readers, for example doors and testing equipment, in order to track indi-
vidual samples.
The types of events in this specific domain, which are shown in the UML state dia-
gram in figure 2.
When a tagged sample passes an RFID reader the RFID data is transferred to the
RFID Agent who transforms the proprietary format into an RFID-Event containing
tag ID, reader ID and timestamp. If a sample tag stays longer in the area of an
RFID reader, usually multiple RFID events from the same sample tag are emitted.
In fact these events are logically identical duplicates, only their timestamps differ
slightly. Therefore, the RFID Agent of figure 1 filters and aggregates events from
the same RFID tag and the same RFID reader to one Location-Event, which con-
tains the ID of the reader. If the reader is located in the room a Room-Event can be
Fig. 2. Different types of Events.
The Item-Room-Event is generated by content-enrichment of the Room-Event with
the assignment of the tag ID to the domain item. The ID and type of the tagged
sample are retrieved by accessing the laboratory management system. The Item-
Room-Event contains all information to localize a sample and can now be consid-
ered as a domain event.
The Door Events are originated by RFID readers located in doors. If such an event
occurs it has to be decided whether a sample is entering or leaving a room for de-
termining its location.
The CEP component of figure 1 contains a domain-specific rule base that is ap-
plied to all domain events. The domain events are transformed, classified, aggregated,
evaluated, and appropriate actions are initiated according to the requirements of the
application domain. For example, every Item-Room-Event is transferred to the labo-
ratory management system in order to provide the information of the current location
of the sample. Furthermore, all events of the same original sample are aggregated to a
complex event representing the state of the testing procedure of the sample. This
aggregated complex event can trigger upper-level business processes to take some
actions if a certain state is reached.
5 Summary and Future Research
In this paper, we suggested a reference architecture for event-driven RFID applica-
tions. The key concept of the proposed approach is the use of complex event process-
ing as the model for data processing. The flexibility and adaptability of the proposed
architecture for RFID applications is achieved by distinguishing general RFID data
processing tasks from application-specific ones. The presented event-driven architec-
ture addresses two major challenges for the success of RFID technology: Firstly, the
processing and managing raw RFID data; secondly, the integration of low-level RFID
Location EventRFID Event
Door Event
Room Event
Item-Room Event
data into the enterprise backend IT infrastructure, i.e. how to use RFID events to
drive upper-level business processes. With the support of the logistics business proc-
esses in large research laboratories a new innovative application domain is investi-
gated, in which RFID technology has not been applied so far.
A main research challenges, among others is the specification of event models [2]
and of a standardized language for the definition of event patterns and event rules, a
so-called Event Processing Language [11], [15]. Another important issue for the
success of EDA is the need for real-world EDA applications in order to prove the
practicability of the architectural paradigm [7]. Experiences with EDA for RFID
applications are still rare. In [16] [14] and [6] first experiences with EDA for RFID
are reported and event processing languages are proposed.
At the moment, no generally accepted standards exist for event definition and nota-
tion, event pattern specification, or rule languages and engines. Most rule engines
have proprietary APIs, making them difficult to integrate with enterprise applications.
This lack of standardization is the major obstacle in order to fully exploit the benefits
of event-driven architectures. However, some notable advances in the standardization
process can be recognized recently, e.g. the Java Rule Engine API [8] or the rule
language RuleML (Rule Markup Language [13]).
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