Process Modeling for Privacy - Conformant Biobanking:
Case Studies on Modeling in UMLsec
Ralph Herkenh¨oner
Dept. for Computer Science, Christian-Albrechts-University, 24098 Kiel, Germany
Abstract. The continuing progress in research on human genetics is highly in-
creasing the demand on large surveys of voluntary donors’ data and biospec-
imens. By this new dimension of acquiring and providing data and biospeci-
mens, a new quality of biobanking arose. Using automated data and biospeci-
mens handling along with modern communication channels—such as the world
wide web—assigns new challenges to protection of the donor’s privacy . Within
current discussions on privacy and data protection an emerging result is the need
of auditing privacy and data protection within biobanks. For this purpose, finding
a proper way for describing biobanks in terms of a data protection audit is a vital
issue. This paper presents how modeling in UMLsec can improve the description
of biobanks with the objective of performing a data protection audit. It demon-
strates the use of UMLsec for describing security characteristics regarding data
protection issues on the basis of two case studies.
1 Introduction
Research on human genetics was significantly advancing during the last decades. Pri-
marily, this progress is due to the ability of fully sequencing the genotype of the hu-
man DNA. Complexity of acquisition and research has reached a scale that requires
highly specialized acquisition and provision architectures. For this, a new generation of
biobanks arises all over the world.
A biobank is storing biospecimens and sensitive medical information of voluntary
donors. For research, this medical information is enriched by genetic information—
so called genotypes—gained from the stored biospecimens. The possibility of directly
combining medical, genetic, and identifying data demands an appropriate safeguard for
protecting privacy issues of the donors.
In order to tighten biobank integrity and trust of the donors there need to be new at-
tempts to audit biobanks regarding their soundness of privacy protection measures. For
gaining such an audit, the biobank discloses its internal data and biospecimens man-
agement along with their appropriate protection measures to an external independent
accredited entity.
For performing a data protection audit, it is necessary to describe how data protec-
tion is integrated into the processes of a biobank. However, a textually description of a
biobank as a complex system faces the problem of being very difficult to be written in
an understandable, complete and consistent way. Therefore, it is good practice to use
Herkenhöner R. (2008).
Process Modeling for Privacy - Conformant Biobanking: Case Studies on Modeling in UMLsec.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 3-12
DOI: 10.5220/0001732900030012
graphic modeling in order to get a better understanding of complex systems (e.g. soft-
ware development and process management). Nevertheless, graphic modeling cannot
replace textual description.
For modeling biobank processes with the objective of performing a data protection
audit, the following requirements arise. An appropriate modeling language should:
be easy to understand,
require as little a-priori-knowledge as possible,
allow a fairly complete description of all coherences on processes, and
be described by a formal grammar.
Further, an appropriate modeling language should be able to describe:
processes, roles, and their relations,
data and control flow, and
security characteristics regarding privacy and data protection issues.
A common language for graphical modeling is the Unified Modeling Language (UML)
[1]. Originally, UML was intended to be used in the context of software engineering.
As software engineering integrates process automation in real-world processes, UML
unifies modeling techniques to describe program architectures, real-world processes,
and real-world environments. Nowadays, UML is used in a wide set of modeling issues,
including process management. Therefore, UML is considered to be a good candidate
for modeling biobank processes.
Generally, processes, roles, and their relations can be modeled by UML use case
diagrams. Further, data and control flow are modeled by UML activity diagrams. As
UML does not support modeling of security characteristics by itself, an appropriate
extension is necessary. As a prominent candidate, UMLsec meets this requirements.
This paper presents two case studies, demonstrating the use of UMLsec for descrip-
tion of biobanks with the objective of performing a data protection audit. In the next
Section 2, a brief overview on related work is given. Afterwards, Section 3 introduces
the UMLsec approach of modeling security requirements. Section 4 and 5 present case
studies, modeling the GENOMatch and the popgen biobank in UMLsec. Finally, con-
clusion and outlook are given.
2 Related Work
UML was already used for business process modeling, as presented by Kreische [2].
Further, modeling security characteristics were introduced by J
urjens, extending UML
to UMLsec [3]. Also, there are alternative approaches on process modeling. In the cur-
rent version, the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) [4] uses constructs sim-
ilar to UML activity diagrams [5]. Further, the Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) in-
troduced by Keller et al. [6] is using its own type of semi-formal modeling language.
Currently, there are several projects all over the world dealing with audit and stan-
dardizing issues of privacy and data protection in biobanks (e.g. by the USA National
Cancer Institute [7], the UK Information Commissioner’s Office [8], the German TMF
[9] [10], and Swiss Academy of medical science (SAMW) [11]). Although, as all these
projects focus on determining criteria for privacy and data protection, they do not con-
sider description at all.
3 Modeling Security Characteristics Regarding Data Protection
Focus of this paper is modeling of biobanks with respect to a data protection audit.
For this purpose, it is necessary to describe how data protection is integrated into the
processes of a biobank. As mentioned before, process modeling can be done in UML
using use case and activity diagrams. Further, UMLsec enables modeling security char-
acteristics using extension mechanisms of UML. In a data protection audit, the achieved
degree of data protection is evaluated according to the presence or absence of security
characteristics within the process flows. Therefore, an important question is whether
modeling in UMLsec can help improving the description of biobanks for the objec-
tive of a data protection audit. Concerning the modeling of processes, roles, and their
relations in an UMLsec-enriched use case diagram, we think this is fulfilled.
In the following, three security characteristics that can be described by UMLsec are
examined, and subsequently their use is illustrated for two case studies.
3.1 Non-Repudiation
In general, non-repudiation is the property of assurance that no participant of an action
can deny its participation. In UMLsec, this security characteristic is represented by the
. This stereotype extends an UML object with the property
that certain use cases or activities inside the object are provable, and therefore unde-
niable. Concerning data protection in biobanks, this characteristic targets at the de-
mand for transparency and traceability of data and biospecimen handling—commonly
achieved by recording of all handling activities.
Formally, the stereotype
requires three parameters, which are de-
scribing the use cases that must be provable, the prove and an adversary. In the follow-
ing, these parameterswere omitted within the diagrams due to the fact that all shown use
cases are provable if the stereotype
would be present. For this stereo-
type the adversary is always an insider threat having the same privileges as the involved
3.2 Role-Based Access Control
Generally, role-based access consists in restricting access to systems or environments
to authorized individuals. In UMLsec, this security characteristic is represented by the
. This stereotype extends an UML object with the property that
certain use cases or activities inside the object are restricted to certain actors only. Con-
cerning data protection in biobanks these parameters address the requirement to limit
access to data and biospecimens according to identity, duration, and amount.
Formally, the stereotype
requires parameters that describe the actors having
access and the use cases or activities being accessed by the actors. In the following,
these parameters were omitted due to their complexity.
3.3 Secured Communication
Secured communication is the concept of communicating only via secured links that
fulfill requirements concerning confidentiality and integrity. In UMLsec, this security
characteristic is represented by the stereotype
secure links
. This stereotype
extends an UML object with the property that interactions between certain use cases
or activities inside the object and other use cases, activities or actors are using secured
communication links only. For this, the following stereotypes are attached to the edges
between the interacting objects (e.g. actor to use case, use case to use case):
(communication is encrypted),
(communication is signed), and
(communication is signed an encrypted).
Concerning data protection in biobanks, this characteristic targets the need to keep con-
trol on biospecimen and information flow.
Formally, the stereotype
secure links
requires a parameter describing an
adversary. Again, this parameter were omitted due to the fact, that the adversary is
always an outsider threat, having no privileges within the biobank.
4 Case Study 1: The GENOMatch Biobank
In a first step of evaluation the GENOMatch biobank of Bayer Schering AG was mod-
eled as a use case diagram. The evaluation targeted at determining whether modeling
in UMLsec improves the description of biobanks with the objective of a data protection
audit. For this, the report on the data protection audit of the GENOMatch biobank in
2003 provides a basis, as it specifies all actors along with their activities. A brief re-
port on this data protection audit was published by the Independent State Center for
Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein [14]. Excerpts of the full report are made pub-
lic by Luttenberger et al. [12] [13]. In the following, the final process step within the
pseudonymization—as defined by Pfitzmann and Hansen [15]—of the tubes storing the
biospecimen—in the following sample tubes—is presented as an exemplar of this case
Fig. 1 illustrates an UMLsec-enriched use case diagram of the second step of the
pseudonymization within the storing process of sample tubes. In this step, the sample
tubes are relabeled before they are finally stored within the biobank.
There are two participating facilities in this process: the external data custodian
represented by the SIM Center, that is storing the pseudonym-links of the biospecimen
tube labels—and the biobank it self—known as the Central Sample Repository. The
Central Sample Repository is divided into three different areas of accountability. The
first area is called Safety Zone 1. This area is responsible for the biospecimen transfer
from the Clinical Trial Site to the biobank and for removingthe identifier labels from the
Clinical Trial Site—the first step of pseudonymization. The second area—Safety Zone
2—is liable for relabeling the sample tubes, which is the second step of pseudonymiza-
tion. Storage and handling of the biospecimens for analysis and research is done within
the third area—Safety Zone 3.
2nd Step of Pseudonymisiationpackage Schering[ ]
Biobank (Central Sample Repository)
Safety Zone 3
Freezer 1
removing sample tubes
Freezer 2
storing sample tubes
Safety Zone 2
re-labeling sample tubes
destroying BC1 label
Sample Code Exchanger
removing BC1 label adding BC2 label
Data Custodian (SIM Center)
<<secure links>>
SIM Center Database
registering BC1-BC2 link generating BC2
Fig.1. UMLsec-enriched use case diagram of the second step of pseudonymization at GENO-
Match (Safety Zone 1 is outside of this diagram.).
As the SIM Center is a fully automatic and PET
-protected database, the only actor in
this use case is the Sample Code Exchanger within the biobank. He is responsible for
relabeling the sample tubes, which is done in Safety Zone 2.
Relabeling the sample tubes includes the following activities: getting the sample
tubes from Freezer 1 in Safety Zone 3, getting a new pseudonym from the SIM Center,
saving the link between the new and the exchanged pseudonym at the SIM Center, and
storing the relabled sample tubes in Freezer 3 in Safety Zone 3.
All these activities are done in interaction with the outside of the area of account-
ability of the Sample Code Exchanger—thus Safety Zone 2. This fact implicates the
existence of interfaces between Safety Zone 2 and Safety Zone 3 and accordingly be-
tween Safety Zone 2 and the SIM Center. In figure 1 the existence of these interfaces
are visible as edges crossing the border of Safety Zone 2.
As the security-sensitive sample tubes are stored within Safety Zone 3, every activ-
ity within this zone must be recorded. In the diagram, this requirement is represented
by the UMLsec-stereotype
attached to Safety Zone 3. This indicates
that removing and storing of the sample tubes by the Sample Code Exchanger must be
Beyond that, the access to the freezers is restricted by PET-enforced role-based ac-
cess control. In the diagram, this is represented by the UMLsec-stereotype
tached to Freezer 1 and to Freezer 2 accordingly.
Even more sensitive are the pseudonym links that are stored at the SIM Center
Database. Analogous to Safety Zone 3, every activity within the Sim Center must be
recorded—indicated by the UMLsec-stereotype
—and requires authen-
tication and authorization by the PET-enforced role-based access control—indicated by
the UMLsec-stereotype
. But, unlike the freezers, the SIM Center Database is
not part of the biobank. For this reason, data exchange must be done via PET-secured
links. In figure 1, the usage of secured links is indicated by the UMLsec-stereotype
secure links
attached to the SIM Center Database. This means, every commu-
nication link to actors from outside the SIM Center Database must have a certain state of
security. The most sensitive activity in this use case is saving the pseudonym link. For
this, activity there must be a highly secured link that matches requirements concern-
ing confidentiality and integrity. In the diagram, this is represented by the UMLsec-
at the edge that links the Sample Code Exchanger to the use case
associated with this activity. In contrast, of generation of a new pseudonym, a confi-
dential link—indicated by the UMLsec-stereotype
—meets the security
5 Case Study 2: The Popgen Biobank
In a next step of evaluation the popgen biobank of the University Medical Center
Schleswig-Holstein was modeled. For this, the report on data management at popgen by
Eller-Eberstein et. al. [16] was taken as a basis. Eller-Eberstein describes in this report
the flow of data and biospecimens within processes regarding to collection, sampling,
Privacy Enhancing Technology
storing and research in the popgen architecture. In this paper, the process steps regard-
ing to anonymization and research are presented as an exemplar of this case study.
Figure 2 presents an UMLsec-enricheduse case diagram of merging and statistically
analyzing at popgen. There are four participating facilities in this process:
the Pseudonymization Center (providing a Pseudonymization Service for forward-
ing and pseudonymizing data and biospecimens, and storing the pseudonym-links;
it acts as an intermediate for every communication between the other facilities),
the Study Center (responsible for recruitment, data and biospecimen collection, and
providing the phenotypes),
the Analysis Labor (extracting DNA from the biospecimens, genotyping, and pro-
viding the genotypes), and
the Statistical Research Center (merging pheno- and genotypes, anonymizing and
providing statistical analysis).
As the Pseudonymization Service at the Pseudonymization Center, the Genotype Data-
base at the Study Center, and the Phenotype Database at the Analysis Labor are fully
automatic and PET-protected, the only actors in this diagram are the Data Custodian
and the Statistical Analyst at the Statistical Research Center.
The Statistical Analyst is responsible for statistically analyzing the pheno- and
genotypes on correlations. This analysis provides a basis for research at popgen.
Prior to statistical analysis, the necessary pheno- and genotypes must be provided
and in conformance to the data protection policy at popgen the provided data must be
anonymized. These activities lie within the accountability of the Data Custodian. He
requests the necessary pheno- and genotypes, merges them by PsID identifier—thus in
terms of the donor—,removesall pseudonyms—incase of popgen anonymizes them—,
and forwards the merged and anonymous data to the Statistical Analyst.
Requesting the necessary pheno- and genotypes in popgen is supported by the fully
automatic and PET-protected pseudonymization Service. This service acts as an inter-
mediate between the Data Custodian and the Phenotype Database at the Study Center
and the Genotype Database at the Analysis Labor. Further, the Pseudonymization Ser-
vice exchanges the pseudonyms on pheno- and genotypes to enable merging in terms of
donor. As this service provides access to linked—in terms of donor—pheno- and geno-
types, every activity in the Pseudonymization Center must be protocoled—indicated by
the UMLsec-stereotype
. In addition, usage of the Pseudonymization
Service is protected by role-based access control—indicated by the UMLsec-stereotype
—and limited to the Data Custodian. For this, communication is limited to
highly secured link—indicated by the UMLsec-stereotype
secured links
the Pseudonymization Service and the UMLsec-stereotype
at the edge linking
internal use cases with the outside.
Analogous activities within the Analysis Labor and the Study Center must be pro-
tocoled and access to the Pheno- and Genotype Database is done by PET-enforced role-
based access controll and via PET-secured links.
Merging and Statistically Analyzingpackage pogen[ ]
Pseudonymization Center (RZ UK-SH)
<<secure links>>
Pseudonymization Service
Pseudonym Database
mapping LabC
identifier to RC
mapping RC
identifier to PsID
LabC identifier
with PsID
request on
with PsID
exchanging RC
identifier with
PsID identifier
request on
with PsID
Statistical Research Center (IMIS)
phenotype and
genotype data by
PsID identifier
merged data
analyse pheno-
and genotypes
Statistical Analyst
Data Custodian
Analysis Labor (IKMB)
<<secure links>>
Genotype Database
genotypes with
LabC identifier
Study Center (KAIM)
<<secure links>>
Phenotype Database
phenotypes with
RC identifier
Fig.2. UMLsec-enriched use case diagram of merging and statistically analyzing at popgen.
6 Conclusions
To summarize, the case studies presented in this paper show that it is of use to describe
processes, roles, and their relations within biobanks by using UMLsec-enriched use
case diagrams. Furthermore, they demonstrate how the modeling supports the descrip-
tion of biobanks for a data protection audit:
1. Interfaces between different areas of accountability are visible as edges crossing
their borders. This enhances the detection of hidden data flow.
2. Usage of protocoling, role based access control, and secured communication are
modeled as UMLsec-stereotypes.This enriches the modelby importantinformation
necessary for the evaluation of data flow.
Thus, modeling processes in biobanks by using UMLsec-enriched use case dia-
grams significantly improves the description of a biobank with the objective of a data
protection audit.
7 Future Work
Even if use case diagrams meet the requirements on describing biobanks in terms of
data protection audits rather well, the following questions arise:
1. What about activity diagrams? As activity diagrams are used for modeling data and
control flows, they might be a powerful completion of describing biobanks in terms
of data protection with respect to items of responsibility.
2. Is it possible to describe other characteristics concerning data protection (e.g. char-
acteristics of pseudonymization and anonymization and responsibilities on data
and control flow)? And if yes, is it necessary and possible to significantly extend
UMLsec for this purpose? UMLsec meaningfully allows such extensions. Expe-
riences during the case studies lead to the assumption that modeling the respon-
sibilities on data and control flow may be possible by a new defined stereotype
3. As UMLsec provides a basis for provingthe achievementof security, could UMLsec
be a basis for a formal argumentation within the data protection audit meeting the
standard of proving security in safety-critical systems presented by J¨urjens?
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