An Access Control Model for Location based Services
Cameron Ross Dunne, Thibault Candebat and David Gray
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland
Abstract. In this paper we propose an access control model for use by a trusted
middleware infrastructure, which is part of an architecture that supports the op-
eration of Location Based Services (LBSs) over the Internet. This access control
model provides users with increased security, and particularly privacy, by en-
abling them to create two different types of permissions based on how their loca-
tion information is being used. These permissions specify which users and LBSs
are entitled to obtain location information about which other users, under what
circumstances the location information is released to the users and LBSs, and the
accuracy of any location information that is released to the users and LBSs.
1 Introduction
The use of mobile devices, such as mobile phones, which can be located, is becoming
increasingly popular. These mobile devices enable a new range of services, known as
Location Based Services (LBSs), which take the mobile device’s location into consid-
eration when providing the service. However, these LBSs raise some security, and in
particular privacy, concerns. Users tend to be reluctant to provide personal location in-
formation to third party LBSs [4]. Therefore, users must be able to trust LBSs not to
misuse their location details.
There are three important security features that enable users to reduce the amount
of trust that they must place in LBSs. Firstly, users can specify who is entitled to obtain
their location information [7]. Secondly, users can specify the circumstances in which
their location information is released. These circumstances can be based on factors such
as location [1] or current activity [7]. Thirdly, users can specify the accuracy of any
location information that is released to other users and LBSs. Typically, an increased
trust is rewarded with an increased accuracy. It is likely that users will require a range
of security requirements from very simple security specifications to very complex and
personalised security specifications [1].
In this paper we focus on providing users with increased security by proposing an
access control model. This access control model is based on a system where users create
permissions that specify who is entitled to obtain their location information, under what
circumstances this location information is obtainable, and the accuracy of this location
information. Our access control model is then responsible for releasing location infor-
mation about users in accordance with their permissions. Since users create permissions
regarding their own location information, our access control model provides a form of
Discretionary Access Control (DAC).
Ross Dunne C., Candebat T. and Gray D. (2008).
An Access Control Model for Location based Services.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 49-58
DOI: 10.5220/0001737200490058
Our architecture assumes that a user, who is requesting location information about
another user, communicates directly with the LBS that provides the relevant service.
This LBS then communicates with an independent entity, which we refer to as the
infrastructure, in order to obtain the necessary location information. This is shown in
Figure 1. Therefore, both the user and the LBS are seeking location information from
the point-of-view of the infrastructure. This in effect creates two different subjects in
the context of an access control model.
The main novelty of our access control model is that it enables users to specify
two different types of permission. The first type of permission is used to specify which
users are trusted, and therefore can obtain location information, and the second type of
permission is used to specify which LBSs are trusted, and therefore can obtain location
information. This has the effect of creating a whitelist for users, and a separate whitelist
for LBSs. The access control model will only allow location information to be released
if it is presented with both a valid permission specified in terms of users, and a valid
permission specified in terms of LBSs.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 introduces the con-
cepts on which we build our access control model. Section 3 describes our access con-
trol model as a mathematical model. Section 4 describes an abstract syntax for express-
ing permissions. Section 5 describes the implementation of our access control model.
Section 6 compares our access control model to other related work. Finally, Section 7
presents our conclusions.
2 Background
Our architecture consists of five entities. A locatable entity is a mobile device that can
be located. A network operator manages and maintains a network of locatables, and
therefore it is capable of producing location information for each locatable. An LBS is a
service that is operated by a party who is normally independent of the network operator.
The infrastructure entity is responsible for providing all of the common functionality
that is required by LBSs to manage the users’ identity and location information. In
particular, the infrastructure is responsible for hosting an implementation of the access
control model. A user is an entity that subscribes to a trusted infrastructure. This enables
him/her to invoke LBSs using either his/her mobile device or a desktop computer. Users
own locatables, and therefore we refer to locating users rather than locating locatables.
Within our architecture users communicate directly with LBSs, and LBSs commu-
nicate directly with the infrastructure. These communications occur using secure chan-
nels. The infrastructure is designed to operate as a middleware entity between the LBSs
and the network operators. An overview of this architecture is a shown in Figure 1.
Every user has one or more unique public names, and these are used to identify
him/her to other users and to the LBSs. Public names identify users either by real names
or by pseudonyms [9]. Every LBS has a single public name that is unique. Every user
knows his/her complete mapping, and the infrastructure knows the complete mapping
for every user. The infrastructure provides no external services that enable users or
LBSs to link users with public names. The only way that this linkage can be discovered
is if the user who is being linked describes the relationship using a different medium.
Fig. 1. Architectural Diagram Showing Entities and Roles (in Parentheses).
There are two different roles that are identified within our access control model.
Targets are users who need to be located by the infrastructure as part of the delivery
of LBSs. Therefore, it is their privacy that the access control model is protecting. Re-
questers are users and LBSs who request location information about targets from the
infrastructure. An indirect requester is a user who requests location information from
an LBS, which then accesses the infrastructure. Such an LBS is known as a proxy re-
quester. Both targets and requesters are identified using their public names, and a single
mobile device can be both a target and an indirect requester simultaneously. These roles
are shown in Figure 1.
A sighting for a target contains a location component that describes where the target
was sighted, and a time interval that describes when the target was sighted. The sighting
accuracy of a sighting is a measure of the quality of the sighting such that a more
accurate sighting has a smaller location and/or time interval. Sighting blurring is the
process of taking an existing sighting and a desired sighting accuracy, and creating a
new sighting that has a sighting accuracy that is less than or equal to the desired sighting
accuracy. A metric for describing sighting accuracy, as well as several sighting blurring
techniques, are presented in [2].
Typically, our access control model will be used in the following scenario: a user,
as an indirect requester, invokes an LBS, as a proxy requester, by sending a request
for sighting information about users, as targets. The proxy requester contacts the in-
frastructure and for each target it requests a sighting. The infrastructure invokes the
access control model for each target in order to determine if the target is willing to
allow the release of its sightings, and at which sighting accuracy. The infrastructure
obtains a sighting from the network operator for each allowed target, and then blurs
this sighting using a sighting blurring algorithm and the sighting accuracy output by
the access control model. The infrastructure returns the targets’ blurred sightings to
the proxy requester. The proxy requester normally processes the sightings further, and
combines them with additional information. For example, the proxy requester might
generate maps containing the sightings, or provide directions to a location. Finally, the
proxy requester sends this processed sighting information to the indirect requester.
3 Access Control Model
3.1 Types
There are three different types defined within the mathematical model of our access
control model. We define N as the set of public names for users and LBSs. These
public names are strings that have a consistent syntax. We define P(N ) as the power
set of N . We define B as the set of boolean values. Therefore, B = {True, False}. We
define A as the totally ordered set of sighting accuracies with a least element α
, which
is used to mean no sighting accuracy.
3.2 Permissions
An Indirect Access Permission (IAP) is used by a target to specify which indirect re-
questers can indirectly access the infrastructure via a proxy requester to obtain its sight-
ings, and at what accuracy these sightings can be obtained. We define the set of IAP
permissions as P
= N ×P(N )×P(N )×B ×A. Given the IAP ht, I, P, c, αi P
we have:
t is the public name of the target that created this permission.
I specifies which indirect requesters are allowed to use this permission to obtain
sightings of t indirectly via a proxy requester in P .
P specifies which proxy requesters are allowed to use this permission to act as a
proxy in order to obtain sightings of t directly from the infrastructure on behalf of
an indirect requester in I.
c is used to determine if a sighting will be released based on parameters that are
outside the scope of both the access control model and the sighting blurring algo-
rithm. The access control model will never release a sighting accuracy if this value
is False. Therefore, if t does not want to specify any condition, then it simply sets
this value to True.
α is the accuracy at which t can be sighted.
A Proxy Access Permission (PAP) is used by a target to specify which proxy re-
questers can directly access the infrastructure when operating as proxies for indirect re-
questers to obtain sightings of the target, and at what accuracy these sightings can be ob-
tained. We define the set of PAP permissions as P
= N ×P(N )×P(N )×B×A×B.
Given the PAP ht, P, I, c, α, oi P
we have:
t, P , I, c, and α all have the same meaning as they do in the IAP.
o is used to specify which of the sighting accuracies used in the IAP and the PAP has
priority. If this value is True, then the access control model should use the sighting
accuracy specified in this PAP. Otherwise the sighting accuracy specified in the IAP
is used. This priority is assigned to the appropriate sighting accuracy regardless of
which sighting is more accurate. In other words, the override parameter can be
used to increase or decrease the sighting accuracy specified in the IAP. t sets this
parameter based on its preferences, and ts reasoning for using this parameter is
external to the access control model.
The access control model will only allow a sighting to be released if it is presented
with both a valid IAP and a valid PAP.
3.3 Boolean Expressions
Our access control model is based on permissions that contain sets of requesters. There
are two significant disadvantages associated with this approach where the sets of re-
questers are stated explicitly. Firstly, targets must revoke old permissions and create
new permissions every time that they want to add or remove a requester from an ex-
isting permission. Secondly, every time that the access control algorithm is invoked it
must enumerate entire sets of requesters. As the sets of requesters in permissions grow
larger, this approach becomes more cumbersome. The disadvantages of this approach
can be overcome by specifying these sets of requesters using set comprehension. How-
ever, calculating the set of requesters satisfying some predicate would be inefficient.
Fortunately, our access control algorithm only needs to perform a membership test
in order to determine if a given requester is a member of a given set of requesters.
This enables us to represent sets as predicates over requester names. Therefore, we will
use boolean expressions, which contain a free variable representing the name of the
requester to be tested, in our notation instead of predicates.
4 Notation
4.1 Abstract Syntax
The use of boolean expressions allows us to define the abstract syntax of IAPs and PAPs
as follows:
IAP ::= hN ame,B
P AP ::= hN ame,B
A N ame is a syntactic representation of a value from N , and Accuracy is a valid
accuracy from A. We do not allow boolean expressions to be used in permissions in
place of the target’s name. This is because each permission is created by a single user,
and each permission is only applicable to its creator.
The concept of a boolean expression is well understood, and therefore we only
provide a partial definition of its abstract syntax:
::= True | False | ¬B
| B
| B
| User {U serlist} | User {U ser.Attribute}
| User.Attribute | User.Attribute = V alue
| . . .
A U ser is either an explicitly named user, or a variable that represents a user.
There are three different variables that targets can use in the boolean expressions within
the permissions that they create. The target itself is represented using #t, the indirect
requester is represented using #i, and the proxy requester is represented using #p.
System is a special user that represents the system that is hosting the access control
model. These variables are needed because the target does not necessarily know who
these entities are when it is creating the permission. They are replaced with the actual
values by the access control model immediately before the access control algorithm is
invoked. The partial definition of the abstract syntax of a User is:
User ::= N ame | #t | #i | #p | System | U ser.Attribute | . . .
An Attribute is the name of an attribute of a User. There are many different at-
tribute names, and these will depend on the underlying implementation of the access
control model. Userlist and V alue both have implicit definitions of their abstract syn-
tax, and therefore we have not included them in this paper.
4.2 Access Control Algorithm
Our access control model uses the access control algorithm described in Algorithm 1
when an indirect requester accesses the infrastructure via a proxy requester. There are
four inputs to the access control algorithm. These are the public name of the indirect
requester, the public name of the proxy requester, an IAP, and a PAP. The output of
the access control algorithm is always a sighting accuracy. However, in circumstances
where the access control algorithm determines that the target is unwilling to allow the
requesters to obtain a sighting then the sighting accuracy will be α
Algorithm 1: The Access Control Algorithm.
Input: i is the public name of the indirect requester.
Input: p is the public name of the proxy requester.
Input: The IAP ht
, i
, p
, c
, α
Input: The PAP ht
, p
, i
, c
, α
, oi.
Output: The allowed sighting accuracy.
if t
6= t
then return α
if (¬i
) (¬i
) then return α
if (¬p
) (¬p
) then return α
if (¬c
) (¬c
) then return α
if o then return α
return α
4.3 Examples
In order to demonstrate how our access control algorithm operates on IAPs and PAPs
that contain boolean expressions we will present some examples that are based on the
following example definitions of Name and Accuracy:
Name ::= Stefano | Ilaria | Maria | Alexia| FriendFinder
Accuracy ::= α
| α
| α
| α
| α
The boolean expressions in our examples also use the following attributes:
isUser is a boolean attribute that is True if a U ser is a user, and False if a
User is an LBS.
IMStatus is a string attribute that represents a Users instant messenger status.
Day is a time attribute of the System user that represents the current day.
The following examples are based on two requesters indirectly accessing the infras-
tructure with an IAP and a PAP.
The inputs to the access control algorithm are the indirect requester Ilaria, the
proxy requester FriendFinder, and the following IAP and PAP:
hMaria, #i {Ilaria, Alexia}, ¬#p.isUser, True, α
hMaria, #p {FriendFinder}, #i.isUser, True, α
, Falsei
The access control algorithm will return a sighting accuracy of α
. This IAP ef-
fectively allows Ilaria to obtain sightings for Maria, with a sighting accuracy
of α
, using any LBS that Maria trusts. However, if Maria has a higher trust in
sighting requests jointly from Ilaria and FriendFinder, then Maria creates
the following IAP that can be used with the previous PAP:
hMaria, #i {Ilaria, Alexia}, #p {FriendFinder}, True, α
The inputs to the access control algorithm are the indirect requester Ilaria, the
proxy requester FriendFinder, and the following IAP and PAP:
hStefano, #i {Ilaria, Maria, Alexia}, ¬#p.isUser, True, α
hStefano, #p {FriendFinder}, #i.isUser, ¬(#System.Day = Sunday”), α
, Truei
The access control algorithm will return a sighting accuracy of α
if it is invoked
on a Sunday, or α
if it is invoked on any other day.
The inputs to the access control algorithm are the indirect requester Maria, the
proxy requester FriendFinder, and the following IAP and PAP:
hStefano, #i {Ilaria, Maria, Alexia}, ¬#p.isUser, True, α
hStefano, ¬#p.isUser, #i {Ilaria, Maria, Alexia}, True, α
, Falsei
The access control algorithm will return a sighting accuracy of α
. These permis-
sions have the effect of allowing Ilaria, Maria and Alexia to indirectly
retrieve Stefanos sightings with an accuracy of α
using any LBS as the proxy
requester. Therefore, this PAP enables Stefano to allow Ilaria, Maria and
Alexia to delegate the sighting request rights that he gave them to any LBS.
4.4 Semantics
The access control model must enforce certain semantic rules at run-time, and if these
rules are violated then it will return a sighting accuracy of α
. Consider an example
where the inputs to the access control algorithm are the indirect requester Ilaria, the
proxy requester FriendFinder, and the following IAP and PAP:
hMaria,#i {Ilaria, Alexia}, ¬#p.isUser, Alexia.IMStatus = Online, α
hMaria,#p {FriendFinder}, #i.isUser, True, α
, Falsei
The access control algorithm will return a sighting accuracy of α
if Alexias
instant messenger status is “Online”, and otherwise it will return a sighting accuracy
of α
. If Ilaria successfully uses this IAP to obtain a sighting accuracy of α
Maria, then Ilaria can determine that Alexias instant messenger status was “On-
line”. If Maria can determine that Ilaria successfully uses this IAP to obtain a
sighting accuracy of α
, then Maria also knows that Alexias instant messenger sta-
tus was “Online”. However, Alexia has not been part of this invocation of the access
control model, and she might be unwilling to share her instant messenger status with
Ilaria and Maria.
Therefore, only the target’s attributes and the requesters’ attributes can be accessed
within a permission, and the access control model returns a sighting accuracy of α
it is presented with a permission that contains attributes for any other user.
The use of the targets’ and requesters’ attributes within permissions can reveal addi-
tional information. For example, consider that the inputs to the access control algorithm
are the indirect requester Ilaria, the proxy requester FriendFinder, the previous
PAP, and the following IAP:
hMaria,#i {Ilaria, Alexia}, ¬#p.isUser, #i.IMStatus = Online, α
The access control algorithm will return a sighting accuracy of α
if Ilarias
instant messenger status is “Online”, and otherwise it will return a sighting accuracy of
. Again, if Ilaria successfully uses this IAP to obtain a sighting accuracy of α
for Maria, then Maria can determine that Ilarias instant messenger status was
“Online”. Initially, this ability of a target to obtain information about the requesters
appears to be a breach of the requesters’ security. However, there is no loss of security
associated with this ability. This is because each requester can inspect the permission to
determine which of its attributes will be accessed, and hence shared with the target. If it
is not willing to share these attributes with the target then it does not use the permission.
Similarly, the target will not create any permissions containing attributes that reveal
additional information to the requesters.
5 Implementation
Our access control model can be implemented as either a centralised system or a dis-
tributed system. In the centralised implementation the infrastructure is responsible for
storing and selecting permissions. The main advantage of this implementation is that
the requesters do not need to store and manage permissions. However, there are also
significant disadvantages associated with this implementation. In particular, the infras-
tructure must determine which combinations of IAPs and PAPs to use. This could be
difficult, because it is likely that there will be many suitable combinations for any indi-
rect requester and proxy requester pair.
In the distributed implementation the requesters are responsible for storing and se-
lecting permissions. When an indirect requester and a proxy requester pair require a
sighting of a target, the indirect requester selects an IAP and the proxy requester selects
The System user is an exception, because its attributes can be contained in any permission.
a PAP. Both of these permissions are then supplied to the infrastructure. The main ad-
vantage of this implementation is that there is no need to centrally store and manage
permissions, and this facilitates scalability. Also, requesters can choose the permissions
that they want to present to the infrastructure, which gives them complete control over
permission selection. The most significant disadvantage of this implementation is that
users must manage the permissions themselves, and these permissions may need to be
stored on mobile devices that have limited resources. The distributed nature of these
permissions raises some important security issues, and in particular, it must be possible
to verify the authenticity and integrity of permissions. Therefore, we propose that users
sign the permissions that they create, and users have the ability to revoke the permis-
sions that they create. This requires the use of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
6 Related Work
Leonhardt and Magee propose a centralised access control model in the context of LBSs
[8]. If more than one subject is included in a permission, then it can only be used by all
of the subjects simultaneously. The main difference between their access control model
and ours is that theirs requires a separate permission for every indirect requester and
proxy requester pair. In contrast, our access control model enables a single IAP to be
used in combination with many PAPs, and a single PAP can be used with many IAPs.
Hauser and Kabatnik propose a distributed implementation of an access control
model that is based on public key cryptography and certificates [5]. The distributed
implementation of our access control model is similar to their implementation because
both implementations enable targets to create certificates that contain the permissions.
The main distinction is that their access control model assumes that there will only be
one requester involved in each request for a target’s sighting information. In contract to
this, our access control model facilitates sighting requests that are jointly from indirect
requesters and proxy requesters.
Hengartner and Steenkiste propose an access control model that allows users to
specify permissions in terms of users, and trust in terms of services [6]. Trusted services
are then allowed to receive location information on behalf of users who are the subjects
of the permissions. Both users and services are capable of delegating their rights to other
users and services to form delegation chains. Public key cryptography and certificates
are used to implement these permissions and trusts. Our access control model treats
both users and LBSs as equally important types of requesters, and therefore users can
specify permissions in for each type of requester. In contrast, the services in this access
control model always inherit the permissions allowed for the users. Additionally, our
access control model does not support delegation chains.
Atluri and Shin present an access control model based on a data structure for com-
bining users’ sightings with their profiles and permissions [3]. The main distinction is
that their access control model assumes that there will only be one requester involved in
each request for a target’s sighting information. However, our access control model fa-
cilitates sighting requests that are jointly from indirect requesters and proxy requesters.
7 Conclusions
In this paper we presented an access control model that is based on users who are targets
creating permissions for users who are indirect requesters, and for LBSs that are proxy
requesters. These permissions specify which requesters are entitled to obtain sightings
of which targets, under what circumstances these sightings are released, and the accu-
racy of these sightings. Our access control model is based upon a mathematical model,
and we have provided partial abstract definitions of the permissions. Our access control
model can be implemented as either a centralised system where the infrastructure is
responsible for storing and selecting permissions, or as a distributed system where the
requesters are responsible for storing and selecting permissions.
The authors wish to thank Enterprise Ireland for its support with this research under
grants IF/2002/336 and PC/2004/446. In addition, the authors wish to thank the anony-
mous reviewers for their suggestions and comments.
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