LMF Standardized Model for the Editorial
Electronic Dictionaries of Arabic
Feten Baccar Ben Amar
, Aїda Khemakhem
, Bilel Gargouri
Kais Haddar
and Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou
MIRACL Laboratory
FSEGS, B.P. 1088, 3018 Sfax, Tunisia
FSS, B.P. 802, 3018 Sfax, Tunisia
ISIMS, B.P. 242, 3021 Sakiet-Ezzit Sfax, Tunisia
Abstract. This paper is interested in the development of the Arabic electronic
dictionaries of human use (editorial use). It proposes a unified and standardized
model for these dictionaries according to the future standard LMF (Lexical
Markup Framework) ISO 24613. Thanks to its subtle and standardized struc-
ture, this model allows the development of extendable dictionaries on which
generic interrogation functions adapted to the user’s needs can be implemented.
This model has already been carried out on some existing Arabic dictionaries
using the ADIQTQ (Arabic DIctionary Query Tool) system, which we devel-
oped for the generic interrogation of standardized dictionaries of Arabic.
1 Introduction
With the advent of the data-processing tools and the proliferation of means of com-
munication, the storage methods and information access have changed. In fact, the
editorial electronic dictionaries are released of the constraint of their paper versions.
Besides, they act in response to a certain number of practical needs of update and
interrogation for heterogeneous users (e.g. the learners, the professional journalists or
writers and researchers in linguistics) [1], [2] and [3]. That is why, several electronic
dictionaries are today available on the Web or commercialized on CD-ROM, espe-
cially, for the Western languages.
The computerization of Western dictionaries has begun since the last half century.
The objective was to make the users benefit from an extremely invaluable aid, pro-
vided that these electronic dictionaries allow a selective and fast access to informa-
tion. These services consist, particularly, in finding a word by its approximate ortho-
graphy, extracting a list of specialized terms referring to a field, seeking a list of
words on criteria other than alphabetical, etc. Among the Western electronic dictio-
naries, some examples of the French and English languages can be mentioned: the
Baccar Ben Amar F., Khemakhem A., Gargouri B., Haddar K. and Ben Hamadou A. (2008).
LMF Standardized Model for the Editorial Electronic Dictionaries of Arabic.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 64-73
DOI: 10.5220/0001737800640073
Trésor de la Langue Française informalisé
(TLFi), the Dictionnaire de l’Académie
, Le Nouveau Petit Robert électronique, the Bibliorom Larousse, Oxford
English Dictionay
(Second Edition) and Collins Electronic English Dictionary &
In addition, the structural diversity of the dictionary resources available made the
exchange and the fusion of their data obviously difficult and complex. Actually, a
unified and standardized lexical representation is necessary and preliminary to any
exploitation of these resources out of their own design context [4]. Thus, two major
proposals for the standardization of electronic dictionaries have emerged, namely the
(Text Encoding Initiative) [5] and LMF (Lexical Markup Framework) [6].
However, the Arabic language could not fully profit from these studies and realiza-
tions. The development of Arabic electronic dictionaries, in particular, those of hu-
man use, is in a phase that can be described as primal. Indeed, it seems that the quasi-
total of the Arabic electronic dictionaries available are nothing but a digitalization of
a non-structured and less beneficial dictionary content (under format: ".doc", ".pdf",
or ".html") [7]. In addition, the associated interrogation tools of these dictionaries
offer only one type of search, which can be qualified as primitive (search for the
lexical entries in one or more dictionaries) as proved by the realizations of the well-
known projects Ajeeb
(of Sakhr
System), Alburaq
, Kalimet
and LisanElArab/Al-
. These interrogation limits are, mainly, due to a structuring
weakness of the dictionary entries used.
Starting from these observations and in order to give to the Arabic language its ap-
propriate position as a widespread language, we propose an LMF modeling for the
development of extendable and incremental Arabic editorial dictionaries (possibility
of adding entries and descriptions within the entries). This modeling will make it
possible to benefit from the richness of the Arabic language unifying as subtle as
possible what exists with an evolutionary structure, from which, it is possible to fulfill
generic interrogation functions adapted to the various needs of the users.
This paper starts with a presentation of the main features of the Arabic dictionaries
with a specific focus on their structural specificities. Then, evidence is provided for
the choice of modelling LMF for the development of the Arabic electronic dictiona-
ries of human use. Next, the standardized model proposed is detailed. Finally, a com-
puterized implementation and an experimentation of the model are described, starting
with the standardization of the editorial dictionary (El-Ghani) « ّﻲ ا » and of a set of
extracts relative to other dictionaries. The interrogation is realized by the system
ADIQTO (Arabic DIctionary Query TOols) which is developed in the present paper
for the generic interrogation of the standardized Arabic dictionaries.
www.atilf.fr/academie8 and www.atilf.fr/academie9
2 Main Characteristics of the Arabic Dictionaries
The Arabic lexicography is a very ancient discipline. All along its history, it has
known different schools each of which having its own specificities. Some of these
schools propose a classification of the lexical entries according to the phonetic order
(e.g. ﻦﻴﻌﻟا « Al-Ain », ﺔﻐﻠّﻟا ﺐﻳﺬﻬﺗ « Tahdhib Al-Loghah »). Others use the alphabetical
order either direct (e.g. بﺮﻌﻟا نﺎﺴﻟ «LisanElArab», ﻂﻴﺤﻤﻟا سﻮﻣﺎﻘﻟا « Al-qamous-Al-
Mouhit », حﺎﺤﺼﻟا « Assihah ») or reversed (e.g. ّﻲ ا « El-Ghani », سورﻻ : ﻲﺑﺮﻌﻟا ﻢﺠﻌﻤﻟا
اﺚﻳﺪﺤﻟ « Larousse : Al-moojam Alarabi Al-Hadith »). What is also noticed is the clas-
sification according to the alphabetical increasing order of the root of the word which
represents one of the specificities of the Arabic dictionaries (e.g. ﻂﻴﺳﻮﻟا «Al-Wassit»,
ﺮﻴﻨﻤﻟا حﺎﺒﺼﻤﻟا « Al-Mosbah Almounir »). This organization makes it possible to include
all the verbal and nominal forms derived from a root under the same entry.
This diversity can be summarized in the following points:
Content: the description of the contents of the entries varies from a dictionary to
another. Some are satisfied with the examples to define the word meaning, others
give the definition along with examples. The information of a morphological and
syntactic nature is more or less rich, etc.
Macrostructure: the organization of the lexical entries differs from a dictionary to
another (according to the lexicographical school). For example, the word MaKTa-
BaTun « ٌ َﺒ َﺘ ْﻜ َﻣ » (library) represents a lexical entry by itself in the dictionary (El-
Ghani) « ّﻲ ا » whereas it appears as a sub-entry of the lexical entry of KaTaBa
« َﺐ َﺘ َآ » (to write) in the dictionary (Al-Wassit) « ﻂﻴﺳﻮﻟا » since it is a word derived
from KaTaBa.
Microstructure: the organization of the linguistic information, on the level of the
lexical entries, varies from a dictionary to another and even within the same dictio-
nary. For example, the plural and/or the female of a lemma of the type noun «ﻢﺳا»
or adjective «ﺔﻔﺻ» are at the beginning of the article in the dictionary (El-Ghani) «
ّﻲ ا » and at the end of the article, if they exist in (Al-wassit) « ﻂﻴﺳﻮﻟا ».
Consultation: There is not a single method to consult these dictionaries. In most
cases, the user is compelled to know the internal structure of a dictionary to be able
to find the information s/he seeks.
The question raised is how to benefit from this structural and informational rich-
ness in the development of new Arabic electronic dictionaries?
3 Choice and General Presentation of LMF
3.1 Choice of LMF
In order to propose a unified model of the editorial dictionaries of the Arabic lan-
guage, our choice was settled on LMF for the following reasons. First of all, this
future standard, which will be published very soon by the ISO under number 24613,
allows the specification of monolingual and multilingual lexicons intended at the
same time for the editorial use and NLP one. Moreover, it ensures an extendable and
modular modelling covering all the levels of linguistic description (e.g. morphology,
syntax, semantics). Moreover, its modelling flexibility promotes the representation of
the characteristics of the Arabic language, especially, its derivational and inflectional
aspects (e.g. possibility of the representation of the roots and the designs) [8]. Even-
tually, modelling LMF lends itself to a use online with the Web services [9].
3.2 General Presentation of LMF
From a generic perspective, LMF proposes a meta-model made up of a mandatory
core part and optional extension models covering, in particular, the morphological,
syntactic, semantic aspects and MRD (Machine Readable Dictionary) [6].
The LMF modularity is ensured by the accumulation mechanisms of the data cate-
gories having meta-model components. In fact, elementary linguistic descriptors
make it possible to decorate the meta-model classes with the specificities of the lan-
guage and the lexicon (e.g. /Part of speech/, /Grammatical number/, etc.). They are
organized in a register of data categories, which is consultable and editable online.
Thus, their standardization follows the principles defined by the standard ISO 12620
4 Development of the Standardized Model of the Arabic
This model constitutes a unified representation of the existing Arabic dictionaries.
This project adopted the latest revision of LMF (rev.15) [6].
4.1 Steps of the Creation of the Standard Model
This paragraph represents an outline of the normative and representative data model
of the Arabic dictionaries. The steps followed for the development of this model
respect the process recommended by LMF [6]. Therefore, we started with the selec-
tion of the classes necessary to represent dictionary information of Arabic. The
classes, which we kept, constitute sub-models of the target one and belong to the
morphological, MRD, syntactic and semantic extensions. These classes are embedded
on the LMF core which essentially specifies the concepts of lexicon, word, form and
sense. The presence of the core is obligatory according to LMF. After that, the data
categories adequate to Arabic are selected from the standardized register. Finally, the
meta-model part selected is decorated by the various data categories selected.
4.2 Morphological Extension Model
The model of this extension makes it possible to represent morphological information
of the lexicons since the Arabic language has derivational and inflectional aspects.
The classes Lemma, RelatedForm and WordForm, kept from the LMF morphological
extension, are used to describe, respectively, the scheme and the lemma, the root, and
the properties of the inflected terms of this lemma. Fig.1a describes the bonds of these
morphological classes with those of the core. Moreover, it specifies the categories of
data used for the classes of this extension.
Fig. 1a. Morphology class model.
Fig. 1b presents an XML extract which illustrates the instantiation of this model for
the instance of the lexical entry kataba « َﺐ َﺘ َآ » (to write).
Fig. 1b. XML extract of an instance of the morphological model.
4.3 MRD Extension Model
This extension is particularly used in the description of the electronic dictionaries of
human use. Fig. 2 presents the association of the MRD classes which are kept; Con-
text and SubjectField with the Sense class of the core. The first class represents an
example of the lemma use in a phase. As far as the second class is concerned, it de-
fines the field of use corresponding to a given sense. The third MRD class which is
suggested by LMF, was excluded, namely Equivalent, since it relates to a multilingual
Fig. 2. MRD class model.
4.4 Syntactic Extension Model
The objective of this model is to describe the syntactic properties of the most impor-
tant word in case of a several-word construction. The classes deemed essential to
describe the Arabic syntactic information are SyntacticBehaviour, Subcategorization-
Frame and SubcategorizationFrameSet, which are attached to the core as shown in
Fig.3. The role of these classes, indicated in LMF, corresponds well to descriptions of
a syntactic nature used in the majority of Arabic dictionaries where the focus on a
verb suggests the description of its valence.
Fig. 3. Syntactic class model.
4.5 Semantic Extension Model
Concerning the semantic extension of the present model, the classes SenseRelation
and SenseExample are kept. The choice of the SenseRelation class, instead of Synset,
also proposed by LMF, is justified by the fact that we do not have Arabic dictionaries
of WordNet type which is based on the concept of Synset (sets of synonyms). The
SenseExample class proves very useful for the Arabic language. Indeed, all dictiona-
ries of this language insist on the examples, mainly to define the chief words. The two
classes kept are connected to the Sense class of the core as shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Semantic class model.
5 Implementation and Experimentation of the Model
Aiming at the experimentation of the elaborated model, the standardization of certain
dictionaries available, especially (El-Ghani) « ّﻲ ا » were first carried out. Then, a
set of interrogation functions were defined according to the level of the users. Even-
tually, these functions were developed and tested on the standardized versions of
dictionaries within the framework of the implementation of the system of interroga-
tion ADIQTO.
5.1 Standardization of the Existing Dictionaries
The standardization started with the dictionary (El-Ghani) « ّﻲ ا » whose HTML
version is available. Indeed, this dictionary is characterized by its reduced and invari-
able microstructure, as well as by a set of markers facilitating the transformation of its
plain content into an XML structured version. Afterwards, this conversion was done
in a quasi-automatic method using the NLP tools available in our laboratory
MIRACL (e.g. segmentor, morphological analysor).
Furthermore, some extracts of other dictionaries such as (Al-Wassit) «ﻂﻴﺳﻮﻟا», (Lis-
san-El-Arab) « بﺮﻌﻟا نﺎﺴﻟ » and (Al-Mouhit) « ﻂﻴﺤﻤﻟا», whose structure is more com-
plex, were standardized. Their structure varies from one entry to another and it is
characterized by a quasi-absence of markers. Besides, the standardization was carried
out manually bearing in mind the difficulty of the installation of an automatic system
of analysis and conversion.
5.2 Development of the Interrogation Functions
To define the interrogation functionalities of the dictionaries, two criteria were consi-
dered: the user intervention and the query complexity. Hence, the interrogation ser-
vices can be classified in three types: (i) simple interrogation (ii) guided interrogation
and (iii) advanced interrogation (complex). The research can be carried out in one or
more dictionaries chosen by the user.
Simple interrogation
It allows simple access to word found as a lexical entry in the dictionary. All in-
formation relating to the required word will be displayed: morphological characteris-
tics, definitions, examples, etc.
Assisted interrogation
The user of this type of research enjoys assistance through a correction of the in-
troduced word. Moreover, in case of ignoring the lexical entry, the user can introduce
some words used in its definition to attend the desired lexical entry. In addition, the
preset queries will be within the users’ reach, and consistent with the research of the
synonyms, masculine or feminine, singular or plural and finally derived verbs and
Advanced interrogation
The third type relates to complex needs expressed by experts who seek to calculate
the statistics on the morphology of the words, the link between words, etc or to calcu-
late specific results not stored in the dictionary as inflection. Within this framework,
the graphic language LMF-QL [11] will be re-used. LMF-QL makes it possible to
generate an XQuery starting with a dynamic selection of the entries which will be
combined with logical operators (not, and and or) and a dynamic selection of the
entries. Thanks to this type of consultation, the user is able to reach any information
and to make crossings according to the considered needs (e.g. to seek the words
which have the same root).
5.3 Implementation of the ADIQTO System
The implementation of ADIQTO system is carried out in Java along with the use of
API Saxon9 to ensure the execution of the XQuery queries. This implementation is
based on predetermined queries ensuring, namely, simple and assisted researches
(macros). As for the advanced research, its queries will be generated automatically
thanks to the use of LMF-QL language. Fig.5 illustrates the simple research of the
word KaTaBa « َﺐ َﺘ َآ » (to write).
Fig. 5. Graphic interface of simple research in ADIQTO system.
6 Conclusions
The model proposed in this paper came in conformity with LMF-ISO 24613 standard
for the representation of the editorial electronic dictionaries of Arabic language. This
model has the merit to unify the various models suggested in the lexicography of
Arabic and offering the possibilities of extension.
The implementation of ADIQTO system, enabled us to show the value of this model
which was tested on the dictionary « ّﻲ ا » (El-Ghani) and on fragments of other
dictionaries. The evolutionary and subtle structure of this model has allowed a selec-
tive access to the various fields related to a lexical entry by means of a set of research
(simple, aided and advanced) satisfying the needs of a diversity of users (e.g., lan-
guage learner, writer, journalist, linguist, etc.)
In future work, we intend to develop Web services allowing to put ADIQTO system
online, provided with the standardized dictionaries available, so as to widen the spec-
trum of its use.
Finally, we plan to approach the standardization of the existing editorial dictionaries
of Arabic, mainly, out of the numerical versions we dispose of, (we have ten of these
dictionaries in: ".doc", ".html" and ".pdf" format).
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