A Preliminary Study on Inducing Lexical Concreteness
from Dictionary Definitions
Oi Yee Kwong
Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics and Language Information Sciences
Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Abstract. While the distinction between concrete words and abstract words ap-
pears to be inherent, the measure of lexical concreteness relying on human rat-
ings is more intuitive than objective. In this study, we aim at extending the
concreteness distinction from the lexical level to the sense level, and inducing a
numerical index of concreteness for individual senses and words from dictio-
nary definitions. The high overall agreement between human ratings and defi-
nition-induced ratings is encouraging for us to further simulate the distinction
from more language resources. Such a simulated index for concreteness is be-
lieved to inform not only lexicography but also natural language processing
tasks like automatic word sense disambiguation.
1 Introduction
There is apparently an inherent distinction between concrete concepts and abstract
concepts in our perception of the world. This distinction persists among the words
with which the concepts are lexicalised. Psychologists have shown, from lexical
decision and naming tasks amongst others, that abstract words are harder to under-
stand than concrete words (e.g. [1, 4]). There is also substantial evidence from child-
ren’s spoken and reading vocabulary that abstract words are acquired later than con-
crete words (e.g. [12]). This distinction of concreteness and abstractness is very like-
ly reflecting differential underlying mechanisms in the representation, development,
and processing of word meanings in the mental lexicon.
The concreteness factor has often been discussed only at the lexical level but sel-
dom at the sense level. The relation between concreteness and polysemy is rarely
addressed in the literature. Given the psychological validity of the concreteness dis-
tinction, however, it must have in turn affected the way word meanings are accessed
in various comprehension and production tasks. Hence, the inclusion of the con-
creteness information in computational lexicons, by analogy, should also benefit
natural language processing tasks like automatic word sense disambiguation. It
would also allow us to study polysemy and sense similarity in a more comprehensive
and cognitively plausible way.
Although concreteness is taken to be a fundamental semantic distinction among
words, somehow there is no concrete definition for it. The general idea is that con-
creteness or abstractness is a matter of degree, and is often measured by means of
Yee Kwong O. (2008).
A Preliminary Study on Inducing Lexical Concreteness from Dictionary Definitions.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, pages 84-93
DOI: 10.5220/0001738400840093
human ratings for a sample of words. Such measures are therefore more intuitive
than objective. It would certainly help if we could automatically derive from one or
more existing language resources a numerical index for the degree of concreteness,
which reliably simulates human judgements. To this end, we attempt to make use of
dictionary definitions and study the correlation between their styles and the concrete-
ness of the concepts they are defining.
Thus in this study, we aim at extending the distinction between concreteness and
abstractness from the lexical level to the sense level, and inducing an index of con-
creteness for individual senses and words from dictionary definitions.
In Section 2, we further set out the background of this study. In Section 3, we out-
line the importance of dictionary definitions in human language acquisition and the
relation between definition styles and the level of concreteness, with our preliminary
categorisation of dictionary definitions by surface syntactic forms. In Section 4, we
describe the materials and method used in this study. Results are presented and eva-
luated in Section 5. They are further analysed and discussed with future directions in
Section 6, before we conclude in Section 7. In this paper we use “lexical concrete-
ness” and “sense concreteness” as a generic term for the degree of concreteness, from
highly abstract to highly concrete, of words and senses respectively.
2 Background
Many psycholinguistic studies on lexical processing confirmed that abstract words are
harder to understand than concrete ones. For instance, concrete words are often
found to lead to shorter reaction times than abstract words in lexical decision tasks
(e.g. [1,4]). Such concreteness effect is concurrently under the influence of various
lexical, semantic, and even personal factors, including word frequency, imageability,
experiential familiarity, and context availability [2,4,9]. Different theories have been
put forward to account for the concreteness effect (see [9] for a summary).
Understanding the concreteness effect in terms of the representation, acquisition,
and processing of words of various degrees of concreteness is thus essential to our
understanding of the nature of word meaning. The observed difference between the
two kinds of words also implies a somewhat different mechanism by which they are
stored, represented, connected, and processed in the mental lexicon. While there
were studies investigating the relationship between lexical access and polysemy (e.g.
[10]), few have addressed the relation between concreteness and polysemy. Analysis
on word association responses, for instance, has suggested that tangible concepts
seem to be more easily activated than abstract concepts; and in the case of polysemy,
tangible senses appear to be more accessible than abstract senses [6]. However, con-
creteness is often discussed only at the lexical level but seldom at the sense level,
leaving many questions unanswered to date: Is the perceived lexical concreteness
associated with the concreteness of the dominant sense of a word? Given that context
availability might affect the processing of concrete and abstract words, how does this
effect populate to the individual senses of a word, which is likely to have an impact
on the information susceptibility [5] and hence information demand in automatic
word sense disambiguation? We must therefore also look into concreteness at the
sense level.
Moreover, concreteness is often measured in terms of human ratings on an ordinal
scale from highly abstract to highly concrete. Although it is reliable to a certain ex-
tent, it is nevertheless more intuitive than objective, and can hardly be scaled up to be
directly employed or tested in natural language processing tasks such as word sense
disambiguation. In fact, the latter would be feasible only if we could automatically
induce an objective measure of concreteness which is comparable to human judge-
ments. Lexical data reflecting human lexical processing is possibly available from
various resources, including dictionary definitions, word association norms, lexical
and knowledge bases, as well as corpus data from authentic texts. Given the compli-
cated interaction of the various factors in determining lexical concreteness, in the
current study we aim at investigating the feasibility of simulating human judgements
on concreteness from dictionary definitions.
The current study is therefore motivated, on the one hand, by the need to extend
the discussion of concreteness from the lexical level to the sense level; and on the
other hand, by the goal to objectify and quantify the concept of lexical concreteness
for natural language processing. We start with dictionary definitions, assuming that
words of different degrees of concreteness are most suitably defined in different
styles. Hence, we analyse and categorise dictionary definitions to study the relation-
ship between definition styles and the perceived lexical concreteness, and induce a
numerical index from definition categories to simulate human judgements on con-
3 Dictionary Definitions and Lexical Concreteness
According to McKeown [7], “a definition can be seen as an attempt to capture the
essence of a word’s meaning by summarizing all of its applications and possible ap-
plications”. Very often, part of our acquisition of word meanings comes from dictio-
nary lookup, in addition to personal experience and contact with family, peers, school,
and mass media, which might all contribute to the word frequency and familiarity
effects as discussed in the literature.
Although nouns are expected to be relatively easy to define, as compared to other
parts-of-speech, various defining styles are observed [3]. A common type is by means
of genus (superordinate concept) and differentiae (distinctive features). For words
which are not easy to be defined by a genus term, the definition is often composed
with a synonym, a collection of synonyms, or a synonymous phrase. Another kind of
definitions is by means of prototype, which is similar to the genus and differentiae
type but in addition specifying what is typical of a referent with words like “typical-
ly” or “usually”. For others, where a referent is unlikely to be available, lexicograph-
ers will capture their meanings in a dictionary by explaining their usage in real text.
It is also commonly realised that tangible objects and physical actions are more easily
defined in dictionaries, while abstract concepts and other aspects of meaning includ-
ing connotation, sense relations, and collocations are less readily and often only par-
tially covered by the definitions.
In this study, we assume that the concreteness of a concept will make a difference
on the most appropriate defining style. Specifically it will be more difficult to define
abstract concepts by means of genus and differentiae, and prototype, and they are
more likely to be defined by synonyms and other means. We therefore analysed
dictionary definitions and distinguished them into seven categories based on their
surface syntactic forms, corresponding to a 7-point scale (7=highly concrete,
1=highly abstract) which is assumed to correlate with various levels on the concrete-
abstract continuum from human judgements. The definitions used in this study were
obtained from WordNet 3.0 [11]. The seven categories are listed and explained in
Table 1.
Table 1. Categorisation of Dictionary Definition Styles.
Category Patterns Explanation and Examples
Genus + Differentiae + Prototype
Surface pattern:
Determiner + (Modifier) + Genus + Differentiae +
= {a, the, all of the, all the, any}
= 0 to N words modifying the genus
= a countable noun
= phrase/clause introduced by {that,
where, who, which, for, to, of, with} or a relative
clause omitting ‘that’
= phrase/clause introduced by {usually,
typically, especially, mainly, often}
Concrete concepts are usually de-
fined in terms of genus and differen-
tiae. High imageability is assumed
if a prototype could also be de-
e.g. car – a
motor vehicle with four
wheels; usually
propelled by an in-
ternal combustion engine
Genus + Differentiae / Prototype
Surface pattern:
As above with either Differentiae or Prototype
not both present
Assume slightly less concrete if no
distinctive feature or prototype is
e.g. bag – a
flexible container with a
single opening; cup – a
small open
usually used for drinking
Special Genus + Differentiae / Prototype
Modified Genus only
Someone + Differentiae / Prototype
Surface pattern:
1. a + (Modifier) + X of + Genus + Differen-
2. Determiner + (Modifier) + Genus
3. someone + Differentiae/Prototype
= {kind, type}
A less detailed description of the
concepts but at least a person or
some known membership
e.g. husband – a
married man; offic-
er - someone
who is appointed or
elected to an office and who holds a
position of trust
Table 1. Categorisation of Dictionary Definition Styles (cont.).
Empty Kernel + Differentiae / Prototype
Special Genus only
Surface pattern:
1. a + (Modifier) + X of + Genus
2. EK + Differentiae/Prototype
3. a + (Modifier) + Y of + Genus + Differen-
= {somewhere, something, anything, a
thing, an object}
= {set, branch, instance, quantity, amount,
number, form, group, part, portion, collec-
tion, item, series, area}
Empty kernels or underspecified
objects, but still describable in
terms of distinctive features
e.g. body – a
collection of parti-
culars considered as a system;
mercy – something
for which to
be thankful
Synonyms or synonymous phrases
Surface pattern:
1. SDet + (Modifier) + SX of + SGenus
2. (SDet) + (Modifier) + SGenus + (Differen-
= {a, the, your}
= {state, part, instance}
= a mass noun
Unlike tangible objects and
hysical actions, more abstract
concepts are less feasibly and
less likely to be defined in terms
of countable nouns as genus and
e.g. hour – clock
time; glory
radiant beauty
Noun phrases in specific forms involving
only mass nouns
Surface pattern:
MDet + SN1 + of/to + (Modifier) + SN2
= {your, the}
= a mass noun
= a mass noun / a countable noun in
plural form / a gerund
Mass nouns are often more ab-
stract, and the abstraction often
doubles up in patterns in this
category involving two mass
e.g. hatred – the emotion
of in-
tense dislike
; idea – the content
of cognition
All others, including explanation of usage
Presumably highly abstract con-
cepts need to be explained more
verbosely in other forms.
e.g. baby - sometimes used as a
term of address for attractive
young women
4 The Current Study
In this section, we outline the procedures in selecting word samples and comparing
human and definition-induced ratings on concreteness.
4.1 Materials
The word samples used in the current study were selected from the lexical access
study by Kroll and Merves [4], who used a set of 200 concrete and abstract word
samples matched on frequency and word length. These words were rated by human
subjects for concreteness on a 7-point scale. For the current preliminary study, we
selected samples from their list with frequency greater than 20. One reason for this
selection is that we were asking non-native speakers of English (that is, local under-
graduate students from Hong Kong) to rate the concreteness of the words and their
senses. Thus we wanted to start with the more frequent items which are more likely
to be familiar to the raters.
A total of 100 word samples were thus selected, including 50 words categorised as
“concrete” and 50 as “abstract” according to [4].
Sense definitions were collected for these words from WordNet 3.0 [11]. Word-
Net organises word senses in the form of synsets (i.e. sets of synonyms) with rela-
tional pointers linking among different synsets to form some sort of a semantic hie-
rarchy. Each synset/sense has a gloss which resembles definitions provided in con-
ventional dictionaries. WordNet was first created for psycholinguistic studies of the
mental lexicon but turned out to be an electronic resource widely used by computa-
tional linguists.
The average number of senses per word for the concrete nouns is 4.36, and the
words have 1 to 17 senses. The average for abstract nouns is 3.44 senses per word,
and the words have 1 to 9 senses.
4.2 Method
Four human judges were asked to rate the words and senses in the sample on a 7-
point scale of concreteness, with 1 for highly abstract, and 7 for highly concrete.
Ratings were to be given to all words (ignoring individual senses) first, and then
independently to each sense. They were asked to do the rating according to their
intuition and subjective evaluation, although it was also suggested that imageability
could be used as one criterion in their judgement without precluding other relevant
factors. Two of the judges were undergraduate students and the other two were gra-
duates. All have studied linguistics before.
Each sense definition obtained was classified into one of the seven types of defini-
tions as discussed in Section 3 and exemplified in Table 1. The category assigned to
each sense definition was thus taken as a numerical indication of the concreteness of
the respective meaning on a 7-point scale.
The results were analysed and compared with respect to the following:
agreement among the human judges at both the word level and sense level,
agreement between the sense definition category and human ratings, and
correlation of lexical concreteness rating between human and the definition catego-
ry of the first sense of a given word (DefOne), and between human and the aver-
age of definition category values from all senses of a given word (DefAll).
5 Results and Analysis
In the following we first present results on the human ratings and assess the degree of
agreement among different raters, and then compare human ratings with those in-
duced from definitions based on different combinations of senses.
5.1 Agreement among Human Raters
The Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance W was computed to assess the agreement
among the human raters. An overall W of 0.811 was found at the word level among
our four judges, suggesting that the raters in general agree with one another on posit-
ing the word samples on the lexical concreteness continuum, although the absolute
ratings they have assigned to individual samples might differ.
The correlation between the ratings obtained in Kroll and Merves’ study [4] and
the average rating on the words from our raters is very high. A high Spearman rank
correlation of 0.848 (significant at 0.01 level) was found. This reflects that despite
the different personal backgrounds of the raters in the two studies, there seem to be a
general consensus and intuitive feeling regarding concreteness distinction.
The mean ratings on concrete and abstract nouns from the two studies are shown in
Table 2 (columns K&M and Current). There is a significant difference on the mean
ratings between the two types of nouns, which further confirms the psychological
validity of the concrete-abstract distinction. It is apparent that raters in the current
study tend to be more “generous” on concrete items but more “conservative” on ab-
stract items. They are more ready to rate a concrete word as “highly concrete” than to
rate an abstract word as “highly abstract”, although it is difficult to control for what
should be regarded as “highly abstract” on the scale, as high and low imageability
may not mirror each other on the concreteness scale. Despite the difference in the
number of raters in the two studies, the overall distinction is similar. It could be a
subtle difference between native and non-native speakers of English which is reflect-
ed in the slight difference in an opposite direction for the two types of words.
Table 2. Comparison of Mean Ratings from Various Conditions.
K&M Current
DefOne DefAll
5.92 6.19
5.98 5.69
2.63 2.96
4.52 4.59
5.2 Reliability of Definition-Induced Ratings
With the definition category assigned to each sense definition, lexical concreteness
was induced from two conditions. One is to simply use the category value from the
first sense of a word, which is presumably the dominant or most frequent sense ac-
cording to WordNet ordering. We call this condition DefOne. The other is to take
the average of the category values from all senses of a word, and we call this condi-
tion DefAll. The mean ratings for concrete and abstract nouns obtained from these
two conditions are shown in Table 2 (columns DefOne and DefAll).
To assess the comparability of the lexical concreteness index simulated from dic-
tionary definitions, we test for the correlation and agreement between human ratings
and the definition-induced values. The corresponding values for the Spearman rank
correlation ρ and Kendall’s W are shown in Table 3. All values are statistically sig-
Table 3. Correlation and Agreement between Human Ratings and Definition-Induced Ratings.
ρ W
ρ W
0.468 0.733
0.528 0.762
0.430 0.715
0.494 0.747
Table 3 shows that the correlation (as shown by ρ) between human ratings and de-
finition-induced ratings is not particularly strong and linear, but the overall agreement
(as shown by W) is nevertheless quite high. It is apparently seen from Table 2 that
the simulation from definition categories works better on concrete nouns than abstract
nouns. There are two possible reasons. One is the various definition styles are not
exclusively found for the two types of words. In reality, abstract words might also be
defined in terms of genus and differentiae. This point will be further discussed in the
next section. Another possible reason is that abstract nouns might also contain con-
crete senses which might have an impact on the overall lexical concreteness, especial-
ly considering that abstract nouns are usually less polysemous than concrete nouns.
6 Discussions and Future Work
One important observation from the results is that although the correlation between
the numerical assignment on the concreteness scale from various rating sources is not
particularly strong, the overall agreement on the ranking has been high among human
judges as well as between human and definition-induced ratings. The 7-point con-
creteness scale is an ordinal measurement which might not be equidistant, and how
people perceive the distance between two points on the scale is unknown. As men-
tioned earlier, the perceived concreteness might be a result of the interaction of many
factors, including word frequency, familiarity, context availability, etc. It appears
that native speakers in [4] consistently gave a lower point than the non-native speak-
ers in our study to concepts related to people, e.g. father, friend, husband, lawyer,
consumer, etc. The noticeable difference on the ratings for the abstract nouns like
devil, spirit, method, glory, etc. might also reflect a cultural difference and thus per-
sonal familiarity and the availability of context. Even among the judges in the current
study, we observed contrastive ratings for words like town, field, carbon, pattern,
moral, humor, and theory. This suggests that personal experience and intuition might
play a more important role than other objective factors on the judgements for con-
A potential limitation of our current categorisation of the dictionary definitions is
that abstract concepts might be defined by genus and differentiae more often than
expected. For instance, one meaning of “mercy” is “a disposition to be kind and for-
giving”, and one meaning of “illusion” is “an erroneous mental representation”. This
may be an artifact of WordNet definitions since WordNet places each sense in a hie-
rarchy of hyponymy relation, which covers both concrete and abstract concepts.
Words like “disposition” and “representation” are nevertheless abstract even when
they are the genus terms for other words. To this end, we plan to check against other
dictionaries and explore possible ways to deal with various kinds of genus terms, to
refine the concreteness index induced from definition categories.
In the current study, our human ratings on lexical and sense concreteness came
from non-native speakers of English. Although we found a high degree of agreement
between their ratings with those by native speakers, the cultural difference may have
influenced the familiarity of the raters with the word samples and thus the context
availability associated with individual words.
Also, in the current study, we have only started with and focused on one of the
possible external evidence for lexical concreteness, namely dictionary definition
styles. Given that human ratings on concreteness may be a result of the interaction of
many factors including word frequency, context availability, imageability and access
to sensory referents, etc., it will be appropriate for us to resort to other sources of
external evidence such as word association norm data, authentic linguistic context
from corpus data, domain information, etc. for a more realistic and complete model of
lexical concreteness. Hence, apart from refining our analysis and categorisation of
definition styles based on more dictionaries, as pointed out above, our next steps will
focus on the extension toward other data sources for modelling the concreteness dis-
tinction and simulating the concreteness index. This will also be investigated in rela-
tion to the various competing theories on why abstract words are harder to understand,
thus drawing from both psycholinguistic findings and existing language resources to
achieve a cognitively plausible computational simulation of the concrete-abstract
distinction. Moreover, further studies will be conducted to examine the effect of
lexical and sense concreteness on the information demand of automatic word sense
disambiguation and the use of concreteness for indicating potentially confusable
senses for better evaluation of disambiguation performance, as suggested in [8].
7 Conclusions
In this paper we have reported on our preliminary study on simulating human judge-
ments on the concreteness or abstractness of words. We have analysed and catego-
rised dictionary definitions from their surface syntactic forms, which is assumed to
relate to the various levels of concreteness of the concepts being defined. The overall
agreement found between human ratings and definition-induced ratings is encourag-
ing for us to further pursue on the simulation of a numerical index for lexical and
sense concreteness from more language resources. Such an index is believed to in-
form not only lexicography but also natural language processing tasks like automatic
word sense disambiguation.
The work described in this paper was fully supported by a grant from the Research
Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.
CityU 1508/06H).
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