Improving Least Privilege in Software Architecture by
Guided Automated Compartmentalization
Koen Buyens, Bart De Win and Wouter Joosen
IBBT-DistriNet, Department of Computer Science, K. U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Abstract. Security principles, like least privilege, are among the resources in the
body of knowledge for security that survived the test of time. Support for these
principles at architectural level is limited, as there are no systematic rules on how
to apply the principle in practice. As a result, these principles are often neglected
since it requires a lot of effort to apply them consistently.
This paper addresses this gap for the principle of least privilege in software archi-
tecture by elicitating architectural transformations that positively impact the least
properties of the architecture, while preserving the semantics thereof.
1 Introduction
Security principles, like least privilege, are among the resources in the body of knowl-
edge for security that survived the test of time. They have been introduced by Saltzer
and Schroeder [10] more than 30 years ago and can therefore be considered mature.
Least privilege, for instance, is a popular security principle that has been studied in
a multitude of contexts. Several techniques have been developed to verify or enforce
least privilege in software such as model checking [1], sandboxing [6], program sepa-
ration [7] and so forth. These techniques typically focus on requirements specification,
detailed design, or software deployment. At the architectural level, the availability of
techniques to improve least privilege is more limited: most results at this level are tes-
timonies that witness the usefulness and the applicability of the principle (e.g., qmail
At the architectural level, least privilege can be considered as the minimization of
the capabilities of a set of (possibly dependent) components executing within a single
checkable unit (typically a process) according to a specific least privilege policy. In
other words, the principle is not well supported, if there is a single process that is re-
sponsible for executing all the functionality of the system. Unfortunately, even in case
least privilege is optimized at requirements level according to available techniques, the
mapping onto a software architecture might introduce security problems if the latter is
not well prepared for this task. Separate privileges in requirements might for instance
have to be assigned to single components in an architecture. To the knowledge of the
authors, no systematic methods exist to address this problem.
One of the biggest issues in this context is the lack of detail and semantics within
a typical architectural description. A software architecture is structured as a set of
Buyens K., De Win B. and Joosen W. (2008).
Improving Least Privilege in Software Architecture by Guided Automated Compartmentalization.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 145-150
DOI: 10.5220/0001741501450150
black-box components (and possibly sub-components), coupled by means of depen-
dencies (or connectors). Some semantics of the system can be specified by means of
(pre/post)conditions on methods and by means of collaboration diagrams
. However,
the internals of components and, hence, the exact flow of information and control is
largely unspecified at the architectural level. Consequently, one of the challenges is to
identify useful optimizations and modifications at the architectural level that preserve
the semantics of the software architecture and that have a positive impact on the least
privilege properties thereof. Hereby, the authors want to work on the safe’ side by fo-
cussing on techniques that are likely to preserve the semantics as much as possible. The
goal of this paper is to provide a systematic and implementable technique to both an-
alyze and support the principle of least privilege in a software architecture. The actual
contributions are threefold: (i) the definition of the architectural meaning for least priv-
ilege, (ii) the elicitation of two architectural transformations that have a positive impact
on the least privilege properties of a software architecture, and (iii) a method for ap-
plying these transformations in a structural way. Preliminary results indicate that it is
possible to identify such useful optimizations and modifications at architectural level.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents our proposed approach for
creating and applying such transformations. Section 3 elaborates on the drawbacks, the
advantages, and possible extensions of our approach. Section 4 discusses the status of
related work. Finally, section 5 concludes.
2 Approach
This section briefly explains the approach for identifying and solving some least privi-
lege violations in a software architecture. First, the general idea is outlined. In short, the
approach iteratively applies a number of transformations, until no further least privilege
violations can be detected. Finally, one specific transformation for detecting and solving
least privilege violations is presented. This transformation makes use of the component
and connector diagram and the collaboration diagram.
2.1 General Idea and Approach
In order to make the approach practically feasible, three assumptions have been made:
(i) each component executes within one checkable unit (a process); (ii) actors and use
cases are assumed to be sound and hence, fixed, meaning that our approach does not
partition, create, remove, or merge them; (iii) all security-relevant use cases are avail-
able. Abusing such use cases will violate critical security requirements and thus damage
the core business goals. Our approach will not perform well if not all security relevant
use cases are available, because it heavily relies on them for performing its operations.
In order to determine when a component executes too many tasks and thus needs
too many privileges (for accomplishing these tasks)(See definition in Section 1) a least
privilege policy is introduced. The policy is an ordered set of use cases that categorizes
A collaboration diagram represents a use case of the system. In the rest of this paper, the
authors use the terms use case and collaboration diagram interchangeably.
each use case as high, medium, or low, based on the business importance of that use
case. An architectural component violates least privilege if the component is used by
at least two highly ranked use cases that are executed by a different actor. Thus, the
component is not allowed to have the privileges (methods) that are specified in both use
The approach is iterative and identifies the architectural elements that violate least
privilege by making use of the least privilege policy, the component and connector
diagram, and the collaboration diagram. It resolves this violation by modifying the vi-
olating elements. If multiple modifications are possible, the best one is picked. Best
is determined by the (ordering of the use cases in the) policy itself and guided by the
2.2 Architectural Transformations
Different strategies exist to accommodate least privilege: (i) one can split a process into
many isolated units and lower the privileges assigned to these units, (ii) one can rewire
the architecture such that less privileges have to be attributed to different components,
or (iii) one can apply well-known solutions (such as sandboxing) to introduce least priv-
ilege in selected parts of the architecture. In this paper, the authors investigate the first
strategy and study how well it supports least privilege. The authors identified the fol-
lowing architectural transformations: one for splitting an interface and one for splitting
a component. Due to space constraints, only the second transformation is described.
Transformation 1: Split a Component
Rationale. Components that execute too many tasks (and thus require to many priv-
ileges), are split in smaller components that can be assigned less privileges than the
original component.
One of the challenges of this transformation is to split the component in a way that
preserves the semantics of the component (see Section 1), because the knowledge avail-
able for splitting is typically limited. The only information that can be used for splitting
the component is: the interfaces of the component, the methods described in these in-
terfaces, and the parameters of these methods. Our approach uses these parameters to
approximate the methods that are likely to depend on each other and, hence, should be
safeguarded from splitting in the following way. If two methods operate on the same
parameter(s) then there might be some dependency depending on exact the same use of
these parameters (e.g. read or write). For this purpose, this transformation requires ex-
tra information to be present in the architectural description: read/write on the method’s
parameters. This is illustrated in Figure 1(b). Suppose the first use case uses a method
provided by one of the interfaces of component B that uses parameter x and the second
use case uses a method provided by the interfaces of the same component and modifies
(writes) the same parameter x, then the shared state is considered to be parameter x.
Conditions and Transformation. If two use cases make use of a component and these
use cases violate least privilege, then the components are split in the following way.
First, identify the state of the component shared between both use cases.
(a) A component with overlapping read methods
and a write method can easily split.
(b) A component with two write meth-
ods should not be split.
Fig. 1. Transformation 2 applied on a component is useful in certain cases.
1. If the shared state is empty (and both use cases use different methods), split the
component in two disjunct parts by moving the interfaces/methods one use case
uses to (a) new interfaces in a new component. Also modify this use case to use the
new component instead of the old component.
2. If the shared set is not empty, and if one use case reads state that is written by
the other use case, then create a new component containing a copy of the meth-
ods/interfaces of the writing use case. Also add a new interface for each interface
of the original component that contains write methods on the shared state. These
interfaces can be seen as additional interfaces that update the shared state. Extend
the use case that reads to include the update methods provided by the new compo-
nent, add a dependency between the old component and the new component, and
modify the use cases updating the shared state (including the writing use case) to
use the new component instead of the old component.
2.3 Validation
The authors have not performed an in depth validation of the approach, but studied its
behavior by applying it on a case study of a significant size: a publishing system[8].
Application of the algorithm tackles the core least privilege problems of the case
study: one component was responsible for many high-ranked use cases (Planning Sys-
tem), while two interfaces (User Profile and CMS Input Interface) were used by many
different actors. Therefore, they have been split. The other components and interfaces
have not been transformed mainly because (i) the components were only used by one
actor, or used by multiple actors of which the uses cases were allowed to be executed
together, and (ii) the other interfaces were typically used by one actor.
3 Discussion
Our preliminary results confirm that it is possible to identify and express useful changes
at the architectural level. In the end, however, one can never have full guarantees that a
particular change is actually a desired change (that preserves the semantics) and, hence,
the software architect will always have to evaluate the end result.
A number of observations driven by the results of our experiments are worth fur-
ther discussion. The identified approach and transformations have at least the following
There should be better techniques for identifying subcomponents. For instance,
sometimes it is not possible to split the component in subcomponents each having a
coherent subset of privileges, because such coherent subset can not be found by the
shared state method.
The transformations should not modify other software engineering properties of the
architecture. For instance, naively applying the rules might lead to an extreme architec-
ture having a component for every privilege.
Applying the transformations in a different order, will result in different solutions,
among which the architect has to identify the best one.
4 Related Work
Although many papers discuss the principle of least privilege, few of them discuss the
principle in an architectural design context. The discussion on related work focusses on
(i) program separation techniques, (ii) model checking techniques, and (iii) confinement
Separating a program in multiple processes with clean interfaces in order to assign
privileges in an optimal way is a design technique that influences least privilege. It has
been successfully applied in several end-user programs, such as Vsftp[4], qmail[2], and
postfix[11]. Another more general approach is privilege separation[3][7], a technique
that partitions an existing program into two processes: a privileged program called the
monitor and an unprivileged program called the slave.
Model checking techniques can be used to verify whether a design has certain prop-
erties, such as least privilege. J
urjens explains in his PhD thesis[6], how one can use
his UMLSec approach to enforce least privilege by formulating least privilege require-
ments and verifying UMLsec specifications with respect to these requirements. Thuong
Doan’s UML model checking approach is similar[5].
Confinement or sandboxing is another technique that limits the privileges a program
is allowed to have. These techniques block system calls and/or access file and network
resources. Example are systrace[9], Mapbox[1], and Janus[12]. The main drawback
of these mechanisms that it is hard to specify policies in terms of application-specific
resources and functions, because these resources and actions don’t always map on files
and system calls. An example of such an application specific resource is the global
balance of a banking company. Another drawback is that one component, the sandbox,
has a lot of privileges.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
This paper proposes a technique that improves support for least privilege in a software
architecture. This technique presents conditions that indicate when an architecture does
not adhere to least privilege and propose architectural transformations for solving this
violation. Other conditions and transformations for identifying and solving least privi-
lege violations can be found by dropping the assumptions the authors made, or by using
one of the other strategies for accommodating least privilege.
The main challenge of enforcing least privilege at architectural level is that it is
hard to find good architectural changes that solve least privilege violations and that
do not change the semantics of the architecture, because the knowledge to make such
changes is limited at architectural level. In the future, our work can be further refined
to address the issues discussed in the paper. New transformations for the other two
strategies accommodating least privilege should be identified as well as transformations
changing actors and use cases. Next, our work should be validated. Finally, our work
will be extended to (i) other activities of the (secure) software development life-cycle,
and (ii) to other security principles. Metrics should be identified to (i) guide the architect
in selecting the software architecture best adhering to the principle and having the right
semantics, and to give an indication that the resulting software is indeed more secure.
Research for this paper was sponsored by IBBT, the Interdisciplinary institute for Broad-
Band Technology.
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