Handwritten Text Normalization by using Local
Extrema Classification
J. Gorbe-Moya, S. Espa
na-Boquera, F. Zamora-Mart
ınez and M. J. Castro-Bleda
Departamento de Sistemas Inform
aticos y Computaci
Universidad Polit
ecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Abstract. This paper proposes a method to normalize handwritten lines of text
based on classifying a set of local extrema with supervised learning methods. The
points classified as lower baseline are used to accurately estimate the slope and
the horizontal alignment. A second step computes the reference lines of the slope
and slant corrected text in order to normalize the size. Experimental comparison
with other well known technique has been performed showing an improvement
in the recognition accuracy using HMMs.
1 Introduction
Handwritten text recognition is one of the most active areas of research in computer
science and it is comparatively difficult because of the high variability of writing styles.
Automatic handwriting recognition systems must include several preprocessing steps
for the purpose of reducing variations in the handwritten texts as much as possible.
For off-line handwriting recognition, this preprocessing typically relies on slope and
slant correction and normalization of the size of the characters. With the slope correc-
tion, the handwritten word is horizontally rotated such that the lower baseline is aligned
to the horizontal axis of the image. Slant is the clockwise angle between the verti-
cal direction and the direction of the vertical text strokes. Slant correction transforms
the word into an upright position. Ideally, the removal of slope and slant results in a
word image independent with respect to such factors. Finally, size normalization tries
to make the system invariant to the characters size and to reduce the empty background
areas caused by the ascenders and descenders of some letters.
Most of handwriting recognition systems comprise the detection of the different
areas of the cursive script: the main body area (area between the upper baseline and the
lower baseline), the ascenders, and the descenders (see the image from Figure 1 for an
example). These areas can be detected by means of horizontal histogram projection [1–
3] or also by obtaining the upper and lower contours of the image [4] after applying the
“Run-Length Smoothing Algorithm” [5]. None of these methods track baselines and
local extrema accurately, in the sense that they do not classify those points as belonging
or not belonging to these baselines. Our approach to image normalization consists in
automatically detecting and classifying those local extrema by using neural networks.
Some previous work on similar ideas was presented in [6, 7].
Gorbe-Moya J., España-Boquera S., Zamora-Martínez F. and Castro-Bleda M. (2008).
Handwritten Text Normalization by using Local Extrema Classification.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 164-172
2.5 Size Normalization
Size normalization tries to minimize the variations in size and position of the three zones
(main body area, ascenders, descenders) which constitute the text line. Furthermore, the
normalized size of ascenders and descenders is reduced with respect to the body since
they are not as informative (the presence or absence of ascenders and descenders is
preserved, also the width, but the actual height is not as important).
After slope and slant correction, the local extrema are computed again using the
same method described above, and classified into five classes by using the second MLP.
The points belonging to the same class are used to obtain the four reference lines by
linear interpolation. These lines comprise the three zones to be normalized. The nor-
malization process is performed for each column of the image by linearly scaling the
three zones to a fixed height. Ascenders and descenders are reduced to 20% and 10%
of the final image height respectively (see Figure 6).
It should be noted that our normalization technique does not maintain the aspect
ratio as other methods [4], but this avoids the problem of size caused by a bad classifi-
cation of the three areas (see Figure 7).
Fig. 6. Image normalization example (from up-to-down): image with slope and slant corrected
and local extrema labelled by the MLP; image normalized by using the points labelled by the
MLP; image normalized by using the points labelled by a human in order to observe the effects
of MLP classification error in the result image.
Fig. 7. Comparison of two different normalisation techniques (from up-to-down): The top figure
is the original image extracted from IAM database. The middle figure has been normalized using
the “second maximum” technique described in [4]. The bottom figure has been normalized with
our proposed method. As can be observed, our method does not preserve the aspect ratio but does
not distort the entire segment width in case of mistake.
3 Experiments
3.1 IAM Corpus
In order to test the proposed size normalization technique, a handwriting recognition
experiment with the version 3.0 of the IAM-database has been conducted. The IAM-
database [15, 16] is publicly accessible and freely available upon request for non-com-
mercial research purposes
. The corpus is based on the Lancaster/Oslo/Bergen Corpus
(LOB) [17]. The version 3.0 of this database consists of 5 685 sentences comprising
about 115 000 word instances produced by 657 writers, without restrictions on the writ-
ing style or the writing instrument used.
The subset of the IAM-database used in this work consists of 2124 training sen-
tences and 200 test sentences, with a closed vocabulary composed of 8 500 words.
3.2 Image Cleaning
A neural network filter has been trained to estimate the value of a cleaned pixel given
a square of 11 × 11 pixels that was centered at the pixel to be cleaned (see Figure 2).
The MLP had two hidden layers of 32 and 16 neurons respectively with the logistic
activation function and a unique output with the linear activation function. The error
function was the mean square error and the net was trained with the on-line version of
backpropagation with momentum term algorithm.
The patterns used to train the net were obtained by mixing IAM-db original noisy
images cleaned by hand and artificially noised images. An example of two fragments of
image used to train the network are shown in Figure 8 (up and middle). Figure 8 (down)
shows an example of an image cleaned with the neural filter.
3.3 Local Extrema Classification
A total of 773 lines of the IAM-db corpus have been manually labelled using a boot-
strapping technique: first, a horizontal projection algorithm has been used to classify the
points of a subset of images which have been manually corrected using a graphical tool
designed to this purpose (see Figure 9); these images have been used to train a MLP to
classify the rest of the lines, which have also been manually corrected.
The 773 labelled lines have been used to train two MLPs which classify points trans-
formed into 50 × 30 patterns as described in Section 2. A total of 723 lines have been
used as training data and the remaining 50 as validation data. Table 1 shows some statis-
tics about these sets. Both MLPs use the logistic activation function in the three hidden
layers and the softmax in the output layer. The sizes of the hidden layers are 70, 20, 10
for the first network (which has two outputs) and 70, 70, 20 for the second (which has
five outputs). They have also been trained using the on-line version of backpropagation
with momentum term algorithm.
http://www.iam.unibe.ch/ zimmerma/iamdb/iamdb.html
Table 1. Statistical information about the number of local extrema of each class.
Training Validation
lines 723 50
words 5 249 353
points 430 929 29 965
ascenders 6.08 % 6.09 %
upper baseline 22.13 % 21.87 %
lower baseline 36.01 % 35.74 %
descenders 2.22 % 2.61 %
rest 33.56 % 33.68 %
Fig. 9. Graphical tool used to manually supervise the local extrema classification.
Fig. 10. An example of the graphical representation of the features extracted for the experiments
(from up-to-down): preprocessed image, normalized gray level, horizontal gray level derivative,
vertical gray level derivative.
in [3, 8] and by the “second maximum” normalization technique described in [4]. This
experiment obtained a word error rate (WER) of 22.86%.
The same experimentation has been performed with the preprocessing methods pro-
posed in this work, obtaining a WER of 18.25%, which is significantly better.
4 Conclusions
We have presented a new technique to remove the slope and to normalize handwritten
text line images by labeling local extrema.
The proposed method outperforms the baseline experiment, obtaining a roughly 20
percent relative improvement of the WER, showing in this way the practical importance
of the preprocessing stage for handwritten text recognition.
The authors wish to give special thanks to Mois
es Pastor Gadea for his help in providing
all the software and the data needed to reproduce his baseline experiment.
This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educaci
on y
Ciencia (TIN2006-12767) and by the BPFI 06/250 scholarship from the Conselleria
d’Empresa, Universitat i Ciencia, Generalitat Valenciana.
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