From IS to Organisation: Analysing the Uses of a
Collaborative IS in a High-tech SME
Ewan Oiry, Amandine Pascal
and Robert Tchobanian
Institute of Labour Economics and Industrial Sociology, LEST – UMR 6123
35 Avenue Jules Ferry
13626 Aix en Provence Cedex 01, France
Abstract. Researchers and practitioners generally observe a disparity in
organisations between the actual uses of HRIS and what was expected of them
prior to implementation [1]. In order to investigate this phenomenon, [7]
develops a coherent and structured conceptual framework that can be used to
analyse the reasons why actors develop such different uses for a given
technology. While our paper uses her theoretical propositions as a framework
for analysing uses, it seeks to extend her approach by means of a theoretical
framework that can be used to understand the spirit of the technology and
interactions between individuals and artefacts. Following an outline of these
various concepts (2.), a case study of the uses of a collaborative IS in a high-
tech SME (3.) will serve as a basis for an initial test of this analytical
framework (4.) and discussing the contributions it makes (5.).
1 Introduction
Since the end of the 1990’s, HRISs have crossed the borders of the HR department
and have began to impact the wider organization: senior management, line managers
and even employees [5]. HRISs are complex social objects which are the outcome of
the embedding of computer systems into an organization. The development of those
systems articulates two communities particularly different: a community of users and
a community of providers. Users are the people how are supposed to use HRIS and
providers are the systems engineers whose expertise is in designing, developing,
implementing and maintaining the information systems that the users use
Researchers and practitioners generally observe a disparity in organisations between
the actual uses of IS and what was expected of them prior to implementation [1]. In
order to investigate this phenomenon, Orlikowski [7] develops a coherent and
structured conceptual framework that can be used to analyse the reasons why actors
develop such different uses for a given technology. While our paper uses her
theoretical propositions as a framework for analysing uses, it seeks to extend her
approach in two aspects.
Oiry E., Pascal A. and Tchobanian R. (2008).
From IS to Organisation: Analysing the Uses of a Collaborative IS in a High-tech SME.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems, pages 30-39
DOI: 10.5220/0001743800300039
Firstly, although she acknowledges the tangible dimension of technology
(‘technology as artifact’), Orlikowski [7] does not really bring it to bear in her
analysis of uses. In order better to analyse the place that this artefact might play in the
construction of uses, we will incorporate into her framework the concept of the ‘spirit
of technology’ [3]. Secondly, it also seems to us necessary to incorporate explicitly
into her analytical framework the existence of other instruments that might influence
the uses of the IS under investigation, as highlighted in the distributed cognition
Following an outline of these various concepts (2.), a case study of the uses of a
collaborative IS in a high-tech small and medium enterprise (SME) (3.) will serve as a
basis for an initial test of this analytical framework (4.) and for discussing the
contributions it makes (5.).
2 Construction of a Theoretical Framework for Analysing the
Disparities between the Uses Expected by the Designers and the
Actual Uses of a HRIS
Orlikowski [7] takes the view that, when a technology is mobilised in a context of
recurrent social interactions, it becomes a ‘technology-in-practice’ and constitutes an
intangible form that plays a part in human actions (the repeated social interactions)
through the facilities, norms and interpretive schemes that it helps to construct. Thus
every type of use to which a technology is put shapes specific facilities, norms and
interpretive schemes that change the nature and content of the repeated social
relations that individuals develop in their work, their teams or their companies.
Orlikowski is aware that, beside the ‘technology-in-practice’, there is a formal aspect
of technology (its functionalities, for example). She even conceptualises it by
advancing the notion of ‘technology as artifact’ ([7] p.408). Nevertheless, she does
not bring this aspect into play directly in her analysis of uses. Even though uses can
never be deduced mechanically from the notion of ‘technology as artifact’ [9], it
seems to us that it does, nevertheless, play a role in the uses that are made of a
technology. It is for this reason that we extend Orlikowski’s analytical framework by
adding to it the notion of the ‘spirit of the technology’ [3], which seeks directly to
analyse how a technology has been constructed by its designers and how its principal
features influence the uses developed with it.
More specifically, the ‘spirit’ of the technology denotes general intention, goals and
values that underpin the technology. It reflects the official line of conduct to be
adopted by users and the purposes assigned to it. Thus our aim is to reincorporate into
our theoretical framework this aspect of technology (technology as artefact), which is
mentioned but not used by Orlikowski [7] in her analysis of actual uses. It seems to us
necessary to retain this concept, since certain uses can be readily explained by what
the designers incorporated into the technology during the development process.
Similarly, it seems to us that Orlikowski’s formulation of uses [7] does not make it
possible to take account of all the lessons that can be derived from studies based on
the distributed cognition approach ([6]; [4]). While we are seeking to extend
Orlikowski’s approach in a fairly simple way, it seems to us important to stress that
the uses are also constructed by the way in which this new application is integrated
into pre-existing applications and work practices.
Distributed cognition theory is, after all, concerned with the structure of knowledge,
with its transformation and its propagation by means of artefacts in a context
characterised by interaction (processes of cooperation and collaboration) among
individuals whose cognitive development is regarded not as an isolated event but as
taking place within a system in which both individuals and the artefacts they use are
participants. Distributed cognition theory emphasises the role played by the objects
present in the environment. These objects cannot be regarded as mere peripheral aids
to cognition. Rather, they constitute a form of external representation, which, together
with internal representations, plays a role in establishing the representational system
of a distributed cognitive task [8]. From this point of view, the distributed cognitive
approach seems to us a vital element of any attempt to understand uses.
3 Methodology and Case
The investigation conducted here is strictly exploratory. The phenomena under
investigation are not well known and their boundaries are ill defined. For these
reasons, the case study seems to be the most appropriate research method [11].
The case study was carried out in a software and computer services company that
produces and markets several software packages (registry/public records office
management, mail digitisation and management, document classification). In 2006,
the company’s turnover was 4.5 million euros and it employed a total of 48 people.
The workforce is distributed among 6 departments: digitisation software (10 people),
electronic data Interchange (EDI) software (7 people), customer support (10 people),
implementers (8 people), sales (10 people), administration (3 people).
In the autumn of 2007, this SME began to use the ‘think together®’ software package,
the purpose of which, according to its designers, is to ‘facilitate and accelerate
decision-making in organisations’. In order to understand the ‘spirit’ of this
technology, we conducted three interviews with the designers of the software. We
also interviewed the SME’s managing director. He told us that this software package
was intended in the first instance for use in the Electronic Data Interchange software
department. Accordingly, we interviewed more than half the members of this
department (4 out of 7). In order to extend the scope of our analysis, we also
interviewed the head of the customer support department.
4 Results: Spirit of the Technology, Uses and Environments
We draw here on the theoretical framework outlined above in order to analyse the
social structures enacted by the technology’s designers, to characterise the uses of this
software and to consider them in relation to the social, instrumental and cultural
environment in which they were produced.
In order to remain true to the approach developed by Orlikowski, we are going
systematically to characterise the uses these different actors make of the software in
terms of the ‘interpretive schemes’, ‘norms’ and ‘facilities’ that structure those uses.
We are going to see that the disparity between expected and actual uses can be
understood in terms of the disparity between the way in which the designers (41.), end
users (42.) and purchase initiator (43.) represent these uses to themselves.
4.1 A Spirit of the Technology Shaped by the Notion of ‘Organisational
During the interviews with the two designers of ‘think together®’, we noted that they
had a very precise idea of what seemed to them to constitute an appropriate use for
their software. From their perspective, the software is intended to enable users to
make ‘good’ decisions. For example, one of them stated: ‘The idea of [‘think
together®’] emerged in the wake of a problem we were experiencing at X [his
previous employer], namely a failure to take our opinions [as software developers]
into account, the lack of recognition for what each of us contributed to the
organisation. People were raising problems but the line manager was not taking any
notice and we were coming up against a wall … what’s more, it was us who then had
to repair the damage!’.
This representation that they constructed of the appropriate use for their software is
based on precise and coherent hypotheses as to what constitutes a good decision-
making process in a company. From their point of view, such a process is constructed
firstly by ‘soliciting the opinion of the greatest number of people in the decision-
making process’. Thus this first interpretive scheme that they incorporated into their
technology reflects the notion that increasing the number of opinions increases
creativity and ensures that the entire range of views that exist within the organisation
will have been canvassed. From their perspective, secondly, a good decision is
constructed if those involved managed to ‘bring all these different opinions to a point
of convergence’. Thus the second interpretive scheme they incorporated into their
technology reflects the need to bring this ‘seething mass’ of different ideas to a point
of convergence in order rapidly to produce a mutually acceptable solution that can
serve as a basis for decision-making.
These interpretive schemes (diversity of opinions, need for convergence) are reflected
in their representation of the appropriate use by behavioural norms, which, in turn,
structure the software package. For example, the idea that a good decision arises out
of a clash between very diverse arguments led the designers to structure the
interactions between discussants in a very precise way. An employee puts forwards a
topic for discussion
. He or she can choose the individuals to be invited to take part in
this discussion
. The members of the discussion group receive an e-mail in which the
initiator of the discussion outlines his or her point of view. They can respond to each
of the arguments advanced by clicking on four different buttons: support: to put
forward an argument that tends in the same direction as the one being advanced;
modify – to advance an argument that opposes the one being put forward; reply – to
put forward an argument that responds to a question raised by the initiator in the
course of his or her argument; propose – to advance an argument that opens up a new
topic for discussion (thus not connected with the initial discussion).
The various options contained within this behavioural norm are given concrete
expression in the software in the interface that the designers call the ‘cartography’,
which takes the following form:
The blue arrow indicates that the reply supports the preceding
The red arrow indicates that the reply is opposed to the preceding
The black arrow indicates that the response is a reply to a question
posed in the previous statement.
Fig. 1. Example of the formalisation of the discussion in the ‘cartography’.
The colours of the arrows indicate the way in which the discussion has progressed.
The designers also put in place a fairly sophisticated system of indicators that show
the percentage of people who have declared themselves for or against a particular
argument, etc. The aim of the software is also to reach a final agreement rather than
engaging in a discussion simply goes on and on. Thus from the designers’ point of
view, the example depicted below would constitute a failure for their software.
Potentially, all employees, regardless of their position in the hierarchy, have the right to
initiate a new discussion.
The list submitted to him or her by default includes all employees; the initiator chooses those
to be included in the discussion.
Topic for
Reply 1
Reply 2
Reply 3
Reply 4
The green arrow indicates that the reply proposes a new topic for
The other colour codes have the same meaning as those given in
Figure 1 above.
Fig. 2. Example of the formalisation of a ‘divergent’ discussion in the ‘cartography’.
The facilities the software package provides reflect the behavioural norms and
interpretive schemes assumed by the designers: in order to take a good decision, it is
necessary to consult as many people as possible. However, this has a major
disadvantage: it is difficult to make a discussion in which many actors have been
involved to converge towards a single solution. Consequently, the software has to be
equipped with facilities that help the leader of the discussion precisely to ‘plot’ the
arguments advanced by all involved in order to reach a final consensus.
4.2 A Use that Respects this Spirit while Linking Up with other Instruments
The interviews conducted in this firm that uses ‘think together®’ revealed that certain
uses do indeed seem to be of the type that the designers expected.
Thus one developer stated: ‘We’d been holding meeting after meeting for four months
in an attempt to solve a problem, namely how to link our ‘mail’ product [which
digitises incoming mail] and our ‘document’ product [which automatically classifies
documents]. Customers had been asking us for months to link the two together and we
couldn’t decide on how to do it. I gathered all the e-mails we had exchanged and fed
them all into [‘think together®’ ]. That was Friday (…) This created a stir, with
everybody giving their opinion… The Wednesday afterwards, we had a meeting and
we came out of it with a firm decision. We really unblocked the situation thanks to
[‘think together®’].
This example shows that the structure of the ‘good decision’ that the designers
incorporated into the software may sometimes reflect the decision-making process in
an organisation. In this case, the actual use may be reasonably faithful to the spirit of
the technology incorporated into the software by the designers.
Nevertheless, this diagnosis has to be qualified on two counts. Firstly, the developer’s
statements quoted above show that, in order to analyse in detail the use he made of
‘think together®’, account has to be taken of the uses he made of the other
coordination instruments that exist in this organisation (e-mail, meetings, probably
also telephone and face-to-face discussions). After all, although ‘think together®’
demonstrated its relevance in this case, these additional instruments considerably
reduce the likelihood that this new software package will be used on a regular basis in
this organisation. After all, discussions, e-mails and meetings seem to be the
instruments most favoured by the actors in this organisation. Thus it would only be in
cases in which these instruments have failed that this user would turn to ‘think
together®’. This competition between the various instruments undoubtedly explains
some of the under-use of collaborative software in organisations. They are not much
used because other instruments that pre-existed them are used instead and are already
distributing cognition.
Secondly, it should be noted that the final decision was not taken in ‘think together®’
itself. The software was used to bring out the various opinions (which certainly
accords with the spirit incorporated into the technology by the designers), but the final
decision was taken during a meeting (and not by means of the software, as the
designers planned). This qualification is important, since it led this developer – for
whom the software had, nevertheless, been extremely useful – to declare that ‘the
interface is not clear. In fact, there’s no real need for those arrows between the
arguments, for the different colours and all that… It would be better if the arguments
were divided into those that favour one solution and those that favour a different
one… That would make it possible to summarise the arguments more rapidly in order
to start the ball rolling at the subsequent meeting…’.
This criticism seems to us interesting because it is not targeted simply at the interface
as it was designed. This user’s dissatisfaction also stems from the fact that the
interface was designed for a particular use (decision-making in ‘think together®’) that
presupposed certain behavioural norms (bringing the arguments to a point of
convergence by clearly delineating their sequencing) supported by certain
functionalities (the ‘cartography). This is at odds with the use this actor made of the
interface (taking the decision during a meeting), which involves different interpretive
schemes (revealing opinions without seeking to achieve convergence within the
software), different behavioural norms (identification of participants’ overall position
and not the detail of each of their arguments) and thus different functionalities
(establishing broad groups of related opinions and not outlining the sequence of
Even when the use accords fairly closely with the spirit of the technology, analysis
shows that competition from other instruments and the user’s organisational choices
(taking the decision in a meeting and not by means of the software) explain part of the
observed disparity between the expected use of the software and the use to which it is
actually put.
The case of the customer support manager also shows that the actual use may diverge
considerably from the use expected by the designers. She wanted to use the software
as a tool for collecting and pooling all the solutions already developed in order to
respond to the complex questions put by customers (FAQ). However, the use she
expected to make of it had little to do with the spirit the designers incorporated into
the technology. This other example is interesting because it provides another
explanation for the disparity between the expected and the actual uses of this
collaborative software. While being presumptively strongly in favour of this new
software, this user viewed it from the perspective of what was creating problems for
her in her work. The fact that the software had not been designed to solve this type of
problem played no part in her logic: she evaluated the software’s usefulness or
uselessness simply in terms of the use to which she wanted to put it.
4.3 The Purchase Initiator: A Singular User
Since it occupies a unique position, it seems to us important to analyse one final type
of use, namely the one represented to himself by the ‘purchase initiator’ of this
We use the term ‘purchase initiator’ to denote the person who takes the decision to
purchase this software and hence to implement it within the organisation. In general,
he or she is not an end user (such as those described above). In the case we studied,
the person in question was the company’s managing director. Like the company’s
other employees, he too has the ‘right’ to initiate discussions in ‘think together®’
(which he has done, incidentally). His discourse is interesting, however, because
unlike the previous users he does not seem solely interested in the instrument’s
technical effectiveness. Whereas the other users judged ‘think together®’ in terms of
its capacity to solve problems arising out of FAQs or to unblock a jammed decision-
making process, the purchase initiator judges it in terms of its ability to change the
organisation of which he is the head.
After all, when asked: ‘Could you tell us why you decided to implement [‘think
together®’] in your company?’, he replied: ‘it’s a rather complicated story… The
Electronic Data Interchange team, which is where I wanted to use it, had not had a
manager for a long time.. We had a person, who was supposed to be the manager, but
in fact he concerned himself only with the technical side of things, he wasn’t the one
who did everything that was pure management… When he left for health reasons, we
replaced him but things turned out very badly… In terms of interpersonal relations,
the new manager was a complete failure… We had to let him go and since then I’ve
been in charge of this team… But I’ve got too many things to do and I can’t devote
enough time to them. What’s more, on the technical level, I’m not knowledgeable
enough about what they’re doing. Everything changes too quickly. There’s someone
in the team, X, who you’re going to meet, that I would like to promote to manager. I
think he has the strength of character and the abilities, but he has to mature
gradually… To my way of thinking, the use of [‘think together®’] could help him take
on this new role’.
The statements of this ‘purchase initiator’ recall a situation already encountered in
other organisations [2]. Like other users, purchase initiators position their uses of an
instrument relative to the problems they encounter in their work. For this MD, the aim
is to identify a manager for his Electronic Data Interchange software group and to get
him accepted by the team. This manager’s principal role is to foster professional
cooperation within the team (its community of practice aspect) and functional
coordination with the other departments when decisions have to be taken collectively.
The MD is using [‘think together®’] in the hope of being able to provide the future
manager with a tool to help in carrying out his duties as well as legitimation for his
managerial role.
This use accords fairly well with the initial spirit of the technology (organising
exchanges of ideas with this software equates to a standard managerial activity). It is
reinforced by the converging use of other available coordination tools (for example,
this same X has been entrusted by the MD with leading the ‘Friday’ team meetings
and his work means he is positioned at the interface between the EDI group and the
other departments in the company). However, the purchase initiator does not evaluate
the software’s contributions solely in relation to the decisions it helps to make (which
is officially why it was purchased and developed) but primarily in terms of its ability
to bring about organisational change. Now the designers developed this software
around the notion of ‘organisational transparency’, which can be practised in various
formal hierarchical organisations, in so far as they can maintain such transparency. In
this case, this ‘transparency’ was being sought by the purchase initiator in order to
legitimate a particular choice of hierarchical organisation. Thus these issues of
organisational change (which are not explicitly included in the designers’ offer)
emerge as an important factor in the disparity between the uses anticipated by the
purchase initiator and the actual uses to which the software is put by the other users.
5 Discussion
Three conclusions can be drawn from these initial results derived from the theoretical
framework outlined above:
Firstly, in line with the studies by De Sanctis and Poole [3], our case study shows that
the developers of the software designed it with a clear idea in their heads of the type
of use to which it should be put, a use inferred from the social structures they were
enacting. The functionalities they built into their software show how they
incorporated their representation into the software itself. Thus, like Orlikowski [7],
we maintain that the social structures are not embedded in the technology.
Nevertheless, these structures enacted by the software designers may influence future
uses and must therefore be included in the analysis. Consequently, we have put
forward in this article some proposals concerning the status that a technological
artifact might have in an analysis of use such as that proposed by Orlikowski.
Secondly, the actual uses that the employees in this company have made of the
software may or may not accord with the spirit of the technology. This is in line with
Orlikowski’s findings [7], which show that, in developing a technology, designers
construct a vision of the world and then retranscribe it in the form of technological
properties and that, when users engage recursively with the technology, they develop
a technology-in-practice that may diverge considerably from the developers’
intentions. If they are to be correctly analysed, however, these intentions must be
repositioned relative to the groups and instruments already in existence in the
organisation, as advocated by the distributed cognition school.
Finally, our results lead us to highlight the role of a particular actor, namely the
person who introduced the software into the organisation and whom we have
described as the purchase initiator. We have shown that the use of this software that
he wanted to see implemented is not confined to improving existing decision-making
processes but extends to an expectation of change in the organisation itself (towards
greater interdepartmental cooperation). Since this actor expresses most accurately in
his actions the actual uses to which this new software is put, this might cause him to
minimise the actual contributions made by the software, even if they are fairly
consistent with the original motivation behind the software, as soon as those uses fail
to bring about the organisational changes he is seeking.
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