Juan Pedro Mu˜noz-Gea, Josemaria Malgosa-Sanahuja, Pilar Manzanares-Lopez
Juan Carlos Sanchez-Aarnoutse and Joan Garcia-Haro
Department of Information Technologies and Communications
Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Campus Muralla del Mar, 30202, Cartagena, Spain
Peer-to-Peer systems, simulation tools, analytical models, performance evaluation.
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks show a set of distinctive features which increase the need to previously simulate
the new proposals. In order to perform an adequate evaluation of a P2P application, it is necessary a real char-
acterization of the queries behavior and the node dynamism. After validating the new P2P algorithm by means
of simulation, developers have the possibility to prove a real P2P application instance in an emulated environ-
ment. In each step, the detected errors or misbehaviors are appropriately corrected. The main contribution of
this paper is twofold: first, to adequately characterize the real behavior of P2P overlay networks (including
dynamic and static aspects) and second, evaluate a real P2P overlay network under the above constraints using
one of the most popular (high level and user friendly) simulation frameworks.
The cost associated with the implementation of a net-
work application is too large in most cases. There-
fore, to avoid a costly failure, it is recommended to
simulate the proposed algorithms and specifications
before. This methodology makes possible both to
correct any kind of mistake and to validate the fi-
nal design. In addition, peer-to-peer (P2P) networks
(Steinmetz and Wehrle, 2005) show a set of distinc-
tive features which increase the need to previously
simulate the new proposals. First of all, these applica-
tions involve a massive number of nodes (1,000,000
or more), and they require to operate in large-scale
environments, i.e. on Internet. Therefore, scalabil-
ity is one of the most important characteristics that
researchers have to prove. Secondly, P2P nodes are
usually home computers. Therefore, they are prone
to unpredictabledisconnections and consequently, de-
velopers have to ensure that the new applications can
appropriately adapt to the node failures and the con-
tinuous joining and leaving of nodes inherent to the
P2P nets. Hence, node dynamism is another key fac-
tor to take into consideration.
On the other hand, in order to perform an adequate
performance evaluationof a P2P application, it is nec-
essary to program a realistic model of the system.
Therefore, it is necessary to characterize the queries
behavior, the node connection interarrival time, the
distribution of the session length and the dynamism
of the files.
Ideally, a simulator should implement all the
mechanisms and procedures of the real algo-
rithm/application, but coded in a completely different
way: for instance, a P2P application may need to use
the system call socket() or create a new thread, but
usually a simulator of this application does not need
to use this type of procedures to simulate the behavior
of the application. On the other hand, normally a sim-
ulated application is a characterization of the real sys-
tem and thus, more lightweighted than its correspond-
ing actual software, because a real application is tied
to heavy operating system resources such as processes
and threads. In conclusion, the simulated experiments
are developed in a complete different way to the real
After validating the new (under study) P2P algo-
rithm, developers have the possibility to prove a real
P2P application instance (natural programming) in an
emulated environment. A network emulator is a pro-
gram running in a set of computers (at least one) that
appears to be a network; applications can be attached
to the emulator and will behave as they are attached
to a real network. The behavior of an emulated envi-
Pedro Muñoz-Gea J., Malgosa-Sanahuja J., Manzanares-Lopez P., Carlos Sanchez-Aarnoutse J. and Garcia-Haro J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE, pages 95-102
DOI: 10.5220/0001870300950102
Real App.
(v. 1.0)
Protocol Code Depuration
& Optimization
Real App.
(v. 2.0)
Figure 1: Procedure to develop an error-free network appli-
ronment is exactly the same as the real world. This
mechanism enables developers to test and improve
their algorithms with a large number of nodes on a
single computer or on few computers in a small lab
(in that case the control messages are encapsulated
and forwarded via UDP or TCP sockets between the
Fig. 1 graphically summarizes the above discus-
sion. Generally, the procedure to launch a new net-
work application is first to simulate it, next to prove
it in an emulated environment, and finally to issue the
application to the market. In each step, the detected
errors or misbehaviors are appropriately corrected.
Some examples of specific P2P simulation frame-
works are P2PSim (P2PSim, 2005) and OverSim
(OverSim, 2007), and some of the most popular net-
work emulators are ModelNet (ModelNet, 2005) and
Overlay Weaver (Overlay Weaver, 2007). Simulation
tools can operate with approximately ten thousands of
nodes. Emulators work only with hundreds of nodes
on a single PC.
The main contribution of this paper is twofold:
First, to adequately characterize the real behavior of
P2P overlay networks (including dynamic and static
aspects) and second, evaluate a P2P overlay network
designed and published by the authors (Mu˜noz-Gea
et al., 2006) under the above constraints using one of
the most popular (high level and user friendly) simu-
lation framework. The results reported by the simula-
tion model are evaluated in order to verify its correct-
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 summarizes the most relevant prop-
erties of the well-known OMNeT++ simulation en-
gine and the OverSim simulation framework. Section
3 briefly describes the most recent P2P applications
models. Section 4 describes the proposed P2P simu-
lation model, while the corresponding numerical re-
sults are discussed in Section 5. Finally, Section 6
concludes the paper.
We find interesting to remark and briefly describe
the most relevant open-source P2P simulation frame-
works available (a comprehensive survey of P2P sim-
ulation frameworks can be found in (Naicken et al.,
2007)). P2PSim (P2PSim, 2005) is a discrete event
simulator for structured P2P networks written in C++.
However, it is largely undocumented and therefore
hard to extend. Additionally, it has a limited set of
statistics. PeerSim (PeerSim, 2006) uses query-cycle
or discrete-event techniques to simulate unstructured
P2P networks. However, the underlying TCP/IP net-
work is not modeled and only the query-cycle simu-
lator is documented. PlanetSim (PlanetSim, 2005) is
a discrete event simulator written in Java. However,
it has a limited simulation of the underlying TCP/IP
network and it does not provide any mechanism to
gather statistics.
Among all the available tools we have chosen
OverSim because of its flexibility: Its modular design
and the use of the Common API (Dabek et al., 2003)
facilitate its extension with new protocols. In addi-
tion, its flexible underlying network scheme can be
very useful during the application development. An-
other reason to select OverSim is that its code is well
OverSim is built over OMNeT++. OMNeT++ is
a well-known open-source network simulation engine
and it is one of the most used simulation frameworks
for the research community. Additionally, its coding
procedure is well documented and it also offers a mul-
tiplicity of network simulation models already imple-
The development of a simulation model with OM-
NeT++ has several steps, which we briefly point out:
1. Description of the system structure using the NED
2. Implementation of the simple modules in C++.
The node functionality must be implemented in
the handleMessage() method.
3. To obtain an executable, the modules have to be
compiled and linked with the simulation library.
4. Configuration of the omnetpp.ini file.
The layered structure of OverSim appears in
(Baumgart et al., 2007). It includes all the facilities
about underlay and overlay networks and its primi-
tives. Therefore, users only need to code the overlay
application in the application layer.
The communicationbetween the overlay layer and
the application layer uses the API described and well
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
documented in (Dabek et al., 2003). The set of func-
tions defined in this API are the same independently
of the overlay network selected (Chord, Kademlia,
GIA). Therefore, the same overlay application can be
easily translated from one overlay system to another
with a minimum effort.
However, although OverSim is a new overlay net-
work simulation framework, developed to overcome
several drawbacks of existing peer-to-peer simulators,
it is necessary to introduce appropriate models to pro-
gram the behavior of these applications in OverSim.
Next section describes the most recent models for this
In order to perform an adequate evaluation of a P2P
application, it is necessary to program a realistic
model of the system. Therefore, it is necessary to
characterize the queries, the node connection inter-
arrival time, the distribution of the session length, the
files life-time, the files arrival rate and the number of
peers receiving them. Next, we are going to briefly
describe the most recent models for the previous pa-
3.1 Queries Characterization
An accurate characterization of peer query behavior
is absolutely indispensable. This characterization in-
cludes the time until the first query, the query interar-
rival time and the query popularity. In (Klemm et al.,
2004a) the authors provide a model that is based on
passive measurement of a peer in the Gnutella P2P
system over a period of 40 days.
Specifically, the time until the first query can be
modeled by a bimodal distribution composed of a
Weibull distribution for the body and a log-normal
distribution for the tail. In the same way, the query
interarrival time is modeled by a bimodal distribution
composed of a log-normal distribution for the body
and a Pareto distribution for the tail.
On the other hand, the query popularity follows a
Zipf-like distribution. Zipfs law states that the size
of the rth largest occurrence of an event is inversely
proportial to its rank r:
(r = 1,2,3,...,N) (1)
where α is close to unity, and N is the number of dis-
tinct occurrences of an event. Under a Zipf-like dis-
tribution, the probability of requesting the ith most
popular document is given by:
K · i
where, K =
1/ j
3.2 Dynamics of Peer Participation
The dynamics of peer participation, or churn, are an
inherent and critical property of P2P systems. A peer
joins the system when a user starts the application,
contributes with some resources while making use of
the resources provided by others, and leaves the sys-
tem when the user exits the application. This join-
participate-leave cycle is defined as a session. Thou-
sands of independent sessions creates the collective
effect called churn.
The two fundamental properties of churn are the
following: (i) the inter-arrival time between sessions
and (ii) the session length. Several simulation and
analytical studies have typically assumed both distri-
bution to be exponential, though some studies have
modeled the session length distribution as Pareto. In
(Stutzbach and Rejaie, 2006) authors found other dis-
tributions for inter-arrival time and session length.
Exponential distributions are typically used to
model behavior resulting from a large number of inde-
pendents events. However, peer arrivals are not com-
pletely independent. Users are less likely to be active
during certain times of day (or during certain days of
the week), and a surge of arrivals may occur when a
link to a file appears on a popular website. In this sce-
nario, Weibull distributions are a more flexible alter-
native to exponential distributions (in fact, exponen-
tial distributions are a special case of the Weibull dis-
tributions where the shape parameter is 1). Therefore,
for inter-arrival times, a Weibull distribution provides
a much better fit.
In the same way, session lengths do not follow
the commonly-used exponential distribution. Several
studies have reported that peer sessions lengths are
heavy-tailed. However, neither the exponential nor
heavy-tailed distributions proved consistent with re-
cent observations. There are other two models that
might provide a good fit: log-normal distributions and
Weibull distributions. The reason is that while most
session are short (minutes), some sessions are very
long (days or weeks). This differs from exponen-
tial distributions, which exhibit values closer together
in length, and heavy-tailed distributions, which have
more pronounced extremes (years).
3.3 Files Characterization
Characterizing available files among participants
peers is valuable because it reveals the properties,
distribution and heterogeneity of the contributed re-
sources (i.e. storage space and available files) by indi-
viduals users in the system. The reference (Stutzbach
et al., 2007) is the first study that has explored the
dynamic characteristics of stored files in P2P sys-
tems. Among them, we can find the variations in the
shared files by individual peers. There are two types
of changes that may occur in the list of shared files at
each peer: First, the user may add new files, either by
downloading them from other peers or by manually
adding them to the shared folder. Second, the user
may remove files, by moving (or deleting) those files
from the sharing folder. The total number of added
and deleted files at a single peer is defined as the de-
gree of change.
On the other hand, file replication can be mod-
eled by a Zipf-like distribution. In (Klemm et al.,
2004b) authors relate query popularity and file repli-
cation by characterizing the matching probability be-
tween queries and files. They showed that this match-
ing probability is given by a probability function com-
posed by a summation of an exponential and a normal
distributions. The probability function depends on the
popularity rank of the query, but it is independent of
the replication rank of the file. Thus, the matching
probability between queries and files is easily com-
4.1 Introduction
In (Mu˜noz-Gea et al., 2006) the authors proposed an
unstructured overlay network which uses a structured
lookup procedure to organize the peers, forming a hy-
brid P2P network. This network was evaluated with-
out considering the requirements explained in Section
3 and using a custom simulator implemented in C
language. Now, this network will be evaluated pro-
gramming a realistic model of the system and using
one of the most popular (high level and user friendly)
simulation frameworks. First, subsection 4.2 summa-
rizes the overlaynetwork architecture. Second, its im-
plementation in the OverSim simulator is briefly pre-
sented in subsection 4.3. Finally, the results reported
by the simulation model will be evaluated in order to
verify its correctness.
4.2 Overlay Network Architecture
We took (Mu˜noz-Gea et al., 2006) as reference pro-
tocol. In this proposal, peers are grouped into sub-
groups in an unstructured way. However, this topol-
Figure 2: General architecture of the system.
ogy is maintained by means of an structured lookup
Every subgroup is managed by one of the sub-
group members, that we call super-peer. The super-
peer is the node that has the best features in terms of
CPU, bandwidth and reliability. When searching for
a content, the user will send the lookup parameters to
its local super-peer. The local super-peer will resolve
the complex query, obtaining the results of this query.
To allow the super-peers to locate contents placed
in remote subgroups, all the super-peers of the net-
work are going to be members of a multicast group.
The structured P2P network can be also used to imple-
ment an Application Level Multicast (ALM) service.
Among all the possibilites, we have selected Chord-
multicast (Stoica et al., 2003)(El-Ansary et al., 2003)
as mechanism to send messages to all the members of
the multicast group.
To implement the structured-based maintenance
of the unstructured topology, all the nodes (peers)
must be immersed into a a Chord structured network.
Therefore, every node has an identifier (NodeID), and
they have to contact with an existing node to join this
network. Figure 2 describes the general architecture
of the system.
The previous existing node also gives to the new
node the identifier of the subgroup it belongs (Sub-
groupID), and using the structured lookup mechanism
the new node will find the super-peer of that sub-
group. This is possible because each time a node
becomes a super-peer, it must contact with the node
which NodeID fits with the SubgroupID and sends it
its own IP address.
Initially, the new node will try to connect the same
subgroup than the existing node. However, if there is
no room, the new node will be asked to create a new
(randomly generated) subgroup or it will be asked
to join the subgroup that the resquested super-peer
urged to create previously. The use of different ex-
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
isting nodes allows the system to fill up incomplete
When a new node finds its super-peer, it notifies
its resources of bandwidth and CPU. Thus, the super-
peer forms an ordered list of future super-peer can-
didates: the longer a node remains connected (and
the better resources it has), the better candidate it be-
comes. This list is transmitted to all the members of
the subgroup.
4.3 Simulator Implementation
In this section the most relevant steps to configure
a simulation in OverSim are discussed. First, it is
necessary to implement the support for the joins and
departures of the DHT service used by the appli-
caton software. As mentioned above, in OverSim
the communication between the overlay and the ap-
plication layers corresponds to the API presented in
(Dabek et al., 2003). Specifically, the upcall up-
date(nodehandle n, bool joined) is invoked by the
overlay to inform the application that node n has ei-
ther joined or left the neighbor set. In order to imple-
ment the mechanism that this function has to perform
in our application, we have to include and code ac-
cordingly this function. Since our application uses
the Chord overlay network, the actions performed
by our update() function only have to take into ac-
count when a new node joins the network between
the current predecessor node and itself (remember
that Chord nodes are virtually organized in a ring).
This is because in this case, the keys between the cur-
rent predecessor and the new node have to be sent to
the new node. These keys are delivered encapsulated
in a message defined in our application and called
AppChurnMessage. In addition, when a node leaves
the network it has to send its keys to the first succesor
On the other hand, our application uses the
SubgroupID as key and the IP of the super-peer as
value, and both of them are organized in a DHT over
a Chord structured network. In order to appropriately
implement this functionality, our application must use
the routing functions defined in the Common API
(Dabek et al., 2003). These routing functions are the
void route(key k, msg m). This operation forwards
a message, m, towards the responsible node of
key k. This function is implemented in the over-
lay layer. The application layer offers the call-
Route(key k, msg m) function in order to call the
route-method in the overlay-layer.
void forward(key k, msg m, nodehandle nexthopn-
ode). This function is implemented in the appli-
cation layer. It is invoked from the overlay layer
of each node that forwards message m during its
void deliver(key k, msg m). This function is also
implemented in the application layer. It is invoked
from the overlay layer of the node that is respon-
sible for key k upon the arrival of message m.
When the overlay layer facilities supply the IP ad-
dresses of the peers in our application, the commu-
nication between nodes is established by means of a
UDP/IP socket. This activity requires two actions,
first of all, nodes have to bind to a local port in or-
der to allow the reception of messages (bindToPort()
function); then, in order to send messages to a specific
destination node (destAddr, destPort) we will use the
sendToUDP() function.
The rest of the implementation is in the han-
dleMessage() function. As already mentioned, this
function is invoked when the module receives a mes-
sage, and it has to implement the most important func-
tionality of the simulator.
Regarding characterization of peer query be-
havior, we have followed the models presented in
(Klemm et al., 2004a). Therefore, the time until the
first query is modeled by a bimodal distribution com-
posed of a Weibull distribution for the body, with
parameters α = 0.9821 and λ = 0.02662 and a log-
normal distribution for the tail, with parameters σ =
2.359 and µ = 6.301.
In the same way, the query interarrival time is
modeled by a bimodal distribution composed of a
log-normal distribution for the body, with parameters
σ = 1.625 and µ = 3.353, and a Pareto distribution for
the tail, with parameters α = 0.90411 and β = 103.
On the other hand, the query popularity follows a
Zipf-like distribution with α = 1 and N = 5. This is
because the available contents have been divided in 5
different popularities.
For inter-arrival times, a Weibull distribution with
scale parameter k = 0.62 is used, as it was presented
in (Stutzbach and Rejaie, 2006). In the same way, the
session length is modelled with a Weibull distribution
with shape and scale paramters k = 0.59 and λ = 41.9.
These parameters are introduced in a OverSim facility
(ChurnGenerator) which manages the peers birth and
death processes automatically.
Finally, regarding of the dynamic characteristics
of stored files, (Stutzbach et al., 2007) is the first
study that has explored it. However, it has not been
implemented in our simulation model. The reason is
that the previous work depicts the evaluated CDF for
this characteristic but it does not present an analytical
model to represent it.
1 2 3 4 5
Query Rank
Relative Frequency of Query
Fitted Zipf
Measured Query Popularity
Figure 3: Query popularity.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (days)
Probability Content in Super−Peer
Figure 4: Probability that the content is in the super-peer.
In this section the simulation results are presented. To
better understand the performances, the results have
been divided in two scenarios: In the first one, called
static, the peers never die. In the second one, called
dynamic, the peer birth and death processes are con-
veniently modeled.
The parameters of the network are: 2,500 peers,
25,000 files and 50 super-peers. At the end of the
section, in order to characterize the model scalability,
considerations about simulation time, computational
and memory resource requests will be reported.
5.1 Static Overlay Network Simulations
First, we are interested in studying the P2P system
performance with respect to query popularity. It is
well known that the number of queries issued to re-
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Number of Visited Super−Peers
Figure 5: Number of visited super-peers.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
Number of Found Sources
Figure 6: Number of found sources.
quest a specific file is directly connected to its pop-
ularity. Due to the popularity has been assigned to
every query according to Zipf distribution, it is rea-
sonable that the number of queries issued during a
simulation has somehow to follow the Zipf popular-
ity distribution. These results are presented in Fig. 3,
which shows (in logarithmic scale) that the number of
queries performed in the simulation perfectly matches
with a Zipf distribution.
Fig. 4 shows the probability that the requested
content is in the same requester’s sub-group. It is
observed that this probability grows as the time in-
creases, but converging to a value of one, which as-
sures that our system reaches a steady state. This also
indicates that with the typical (real) parameters that
model the queries behavior our architecture assures
that, in one month, the contents will be almost equally
distributed among all the sub-groups.
Fig. 5 reports the number of consulted super-
peers for the queries that cannot be resolved in the
requester’s subgroup. In this case, a multicast process
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
x 10
Time (h)
Number of Messages by Hour
Figure 7: Number of control messages.
starts and tries to send the query to all the super-peers.
However, when a super-peers has a reference to a peer
which can resolve the query, it immediately stops the
multicast process. As it can be seen, the number of
consulted super-peers decreases when the number of
queries increses, because the proposal is able to effi-
ciently distributed the most popular contents among
all the subgroups. This behavior can be viewed more
precisely following the time behavior of the average
value of this parameter which it is also represented.
Finally Fig. 6 represents, for each query, the num-
ber of found peers wich have the requested content.
For the first queries, the number of peers increases
because the multicast procedure is frequently used.
However, when the number of queries is high enough
they are resolved in the requesters subgroup. The
figure also represents the average value, which shows
that this parameters slowlyincreases and will stabilize
around 50 peers when time tends to infinity, because
every subgroup is composed by this number of peers.
5.2 Dynamic Overlay Network
In this simulation session, birth and death events of
peers and super-peers are also considered, driving, in
this way, the analysis to the case of dynamic overlay
networks closer to the reality.
In the dynamic scenario it has been noticed a lit-
tle increasing of the overall number of issued queries
with respect to the static situation. This behavior can
be explained by considering that, in the dynamic case,
all peer joining the network immediately execute a
query. Moreover, it has to be considered that when
the peers in the system reach the saturation, they do
not make any more queries, as they are sharing most
of the files. This effect is mitigated by the overlay net-
Table 1: Simulation Speed.
Number of nodes Simul. sec. / Real sec.
500 112.861
1000 46.3345
1500 26.6125
2000 18.9614
3000 10.4441
5000 4.4518
10000 3.1518
Table 2: Memory Consumption.
Number of nodes Memory [Mb]
500 30.72
1000 51.2
1500 73.72
2000 96.25
3000 141.31
5000 229.37
10000 315.39
work dynamism, since this last introduces a replace-
ment process of peers: in fact, while satured peers
dead, new and non-saturated peers enter the system.
Fig. 7 represents the average number of control
messages in function of time. These messages are
sent in order to update the overlay network architec-
ture when a super-peer dies. In steady state the av-
erage number of control messages is under 10,000
messages by hour. Usually, control messages have a
small payload (about 10 bytes) and a TCP/IP header
(40 bytes). If we suppose each control message has a
length of 50 bytes, control traffic supposes only a 1.1
kbps traffic rate.
5.3 Simulator Scalability
In this section we present the OverSim overall perfor-
mance. Table 1 represents the ratio between the simu-
lated seconds and the real seconds, for different num-
ber of nodes. For example, for 500 nodes in one real
second OverSim is able to simulate 112.861 seconds.
These results have been obtained using a Intel Core 2
architecture at 2.13 GHz with 2 GB of RAM memory.
We observe that the simulation speed decreases in an
exponential way when the number of nodes increases.
This is due to the increment in the number of overlay
connections among all the nodes in the network.
Table 2 represents the memory consumption as a
function of the number of simulated nodes. In this
case, the amount of memory increases linearly with
the number of nodes.
The main contribution of this paper is twofold: First,
to adequately characterize the real behavior of P2P
overlay networks (including dynamic and static as-
pects) and second, evaluate a hybrid P2P overlay net-
work proposed by the authors under the above con-
straints using one of the most popular (high level and
user friendly) simulation framework.
Among all the available tools we have chosen
OverSim because of its flexibility. Its modular de-
sign and the use of the Common API facilitate the ex-
tension with new protocols. We have also described
the most recent models for the characterization of the
queries, the dynamicsof peer participation and the dy-
namics characteristics of stored files.
The overall performance figures of the simulation
are also presented and discussed. They reveal that the
exposed methodology can be easily applied and used
by the research community to obtain interesting and
useful R&D results.
This research has been supported by project grant
TEC2007-67966-C03-01/TCM(CON-PARTE-1) and
it is also developed in the framework of ”Programa
de Ayudas a Grupos de Excelencia de la Regi´on de
Murcia, de la Fundaci´on S´eneca, Agencia de Ciencia
y Tecnolog´ıa de la RM (Plan Regional de Ciencia y
Tecnolog´ıa 2007/2010)”. Juan Pedro Mu˜noz-Gea also
thanks the Spanish MEC for a FPU (AP2006-01567)
pre-doctoral fellowship.
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ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies