Marcel van Rooyen
and Simeon J. Simoff
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
School of Computing and Mathematics, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Keywords: Business intelligence, data-mining project methodology, data-mining, Knowledge Discovery in Databases
(KDD), knowledge management, concept drift, Telco retention-management, technology enablement.
Abstract: Businesses are experiencing difficulties with integrating data-mining analytics with decision-making and
action. At present, two data-mining methodologies play a central role in enabling data-mining as a process.
However, the results of reflecting on the application of these methodologies in real-world business cases
against specific criteria indicate that both methodologies provide limited integration with business decision-
making and action. In this paper we demonstrate the impact of these limitations on a Telco customer
retention management project for a global mobile phone company. We also introduce a data-mining and
analytics project methodology with improved business integration – the Strategic Analytics Methodology
(SAM). The advantage of the methodology is demonstrated through its application in the same project, and
comparison of the results.
The use of advanced data-mining to add quantitative
rigour and break-through to business decision-
making, is becoming the ‘industry standard’ for
companies that aim at strategic advantage (Hirji
2003). Business decision-making is a hypothesis-
driven business process consisting of an iterative,
intertwined sequence of qualitative and quantitative
activities that produce business action (Pyle 2004,
pp.35ff, 54ff, 165, 662.) (Hastie, Tibshirani et al.
2001, p.99) (Schön 1995) (Pearce and Robinson
2004) (Liu 2003, p.429). (Van Rooyen 2004, p.85)
(Van Rooyen 2005). In order for data-mining to
best support business decision-making, its must be
methodologically integrated with this business
Data-mining project methodologies have been
developed to facilitate this integration (Pyle 1999,
p.10) (Van Rooyen 2004, p.86) (SAS Institute 2000,
p.xi) (Chapman, Clinton et al. 1999-2000, p.3). At
present, the two most common data-mining project
methodologies are Data-mining Projects
Methodology (SDMPM) (SAS Institute 2000), and
Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining
(Chapman, Clinton et al. 1999-2000). Hirji (Hirji
2003) has also outlined the phases of a methodology,
which at the time of the publication was at a
conceptual level and had not been tested completely.
Despite the existence and use of these
methodologies, organisations are still experiencing
difficulty in integrating data-mining and analytics
with the business. Van Rooyen showed that one of
the main reasons for this is that data-mining project
methodologies were data-centric. (Van Rooyen
2005). The reports of several panel discussions at the
ACM SIGKDD annual forums on data-mining and
knowledge discovery also pointed out the need for
better alignment of the output of the data-mining
process and business knowledge development
activities (Ankerst 2002) (Fayyad, Shapiro et al.
2003). Hirji (Hirji 2003, p.89) describes the problem
as relating to strategy, process and technology
variables. Kolyshkina and Simoff (Kolyshkina and
Simoff 2007) stressed that the potential value of
Analytics has not been fully realised or utilised in
business settings due to lack of congruency between
business issues and analytics targets, and lack of
analytics project management. They demonstrated a
stage model of the analytics project that provides
capabilities for improving business analytics projects
(Kolyshkina and Simoff 2007).
The first author considered improving the
integration of data-mining with the business through
embedding the data-mining process into the business
van Rooyen M. and J. Simoff S. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ISDM/ABF, pages 20-28
DOI: 10.5220/0001873300200028
decision-making process. Conceptually the business
decision process acts as a “shell” for the data-mining
process, feeding input requirements and data, and
utilising the output of the data-mining. Hence central
to such approach is the structure of the business
decision-making process. The Strategic Planning
Cycle (SPC) (Pearce and Robinson 2004) is a
generic business decision-making process, which is
widely used by business, the military, etc. In this
paper, we assume the reader has a basic degree of
familiarity with the methodology and terminology of
SPC in its commercial application.
Van Rooyen (Van Rooyen 2004) presented a
comparative study based on the evaluation of the
documentation of the CRISP-DM and SDMPM
methodologies against SPC. The study indicated that
neither of these flagship methodologies offered the
required integration with the SPC planning process.
These preliminary, theoretical findings justified the
need to investigate and reflect on the results of an
actual, business application of one of the
methodologies. CRISP-DM was chosen because of
its availability in the public domain and frequency of
use by business. We next present background on the
1.1 Background
The test case study aimed at enabling the business
decision-making process in a Mobile
Telecommunications company which had an
unacceptably high customer churn rate of 2.5% per
month in their 2
generation (2G) mobile consumer
business. This resulted in lost revenue of tens of
millions dollars per annum. Consequently, the Chief
Financial Officer (CFO) set the grand objective (in
SPC terminology) to reduce voluntary customer
churn to 1.5%. The 2G management team, including
the product managers and the 2G retention manager
developed a grand strategy of using predictive data-
mining in retention marketing, and put a three-week
delivery time on the project. Tasked with delivering
the project, the data analysts decided to use CRISP-
DM as project methodology.
As the first author played a key role in the
project, in this study we use the Participatory Action
Research Methodology (Denzin and Lincoln 2003),
also known as action science or expert reflection-in-
action (Schön 1995). During the reflection and
evaluation phase, the first author (Van Rooyen
2005) evaluated the project’s outcomes against the
grand objective, its pace of progress against
business imperatives, and the quality of its
marketing content against the marketing principles
of Segment, Target and Position (STP) (Kotler
2002). The outcome, progress, and quality gaps were
identified and defined in SPC terminology (Van
Rooyen 2005), and linked back to the previous
evaluation of CRISP-DM (Van Rooyen 2004).
During the second stage the first author subsequently
experimented with an iterative re-design of the data-
mining methodology, guided by SPC principles.
Eventually, the initial version of the business-
oriented data-mining methodology, evolved into a
new methodology, labeled Strategic Analytics
Methodology (SAM). This paper presents evaluation
outcomes of the pilot CRISP-DM project. The paper
then presents the SAM framework, and discusses the
utility of SAM in integrating data-mining with the
business. The paper also discusses the framework of
the SAM, and concludes with the future research
direction in the area.
In this section we present our observations and
evaluation of the test-case project. The detailed steps
of the reflection methodology can be found in (Van
Rooyen 2005). The headings in this section are a
refinement of Van Rooyen’s categories in (Van
Rooyen 2004).
2.1 Introducing Expert Business
Subject Matter
New retention-management subject matter was
introduced to target retention-marketing campaigns
at customers whose impending churn has been
predicted by data-mining.
However, no innovation was proposed in
segmenting the targeted customers on behavioural
proxies in the data for value, need, and loyalty
(Wedel and Kamakura 2000). The analysts decided
to retain the existing retention segmentation based
on socio-demographic data cubes despite the fact
that there were known problems with this approach,
and it was accepted that the segmentation was
negatively impacting on campaign response rates.
Also, no consideration was given to the use of
customer behavioural profiles in tailoring campaign
offers. The retention-anagement innovation was
therefore limited to the T (targeting) component of
the STP marketing principles, restricting the
potential improvements in campaign response rates
at the outset of the project.
2.2 Formulating Project Scope and
The defining of the business rules about voluntary
churn - and therefore the project scope - was not
undertaken by the management team. Instead, the
data analysts were left on their own to scope the
project. This led the analysts to take an extra step in
extracting business rules from the business, which
added an extra four weeks to the first phase of the
work – an unacceptable delay in the current globally
competitive business climate.
The management team had decided at the outset
that the new retention campaigns must be delivered
within the predicted 3-month time window. This was
unrealistic given organisational circumstances we
discuss later, and in reality the campaigns took an
unacceptable six months to execute.
Also, despite a caution from the analysts about
potential lack of evidence, management expressed
their determination to continue addressing an
anecdotal driver of churn (handset type) in the
campaign offer.
No measurement link was established with
Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI) as a
measure of the project’s success.
2.3 Mapping Technique to
Data-mining Plan
The data-mining strategy selected for prediction (T
in STP) was a neural network model. However, the
computational models that it offered, and the
predicting effects that it generated, were too difficult
to interpret and to explain to management. Hence,
the strategy therefore failed to produce the needed
information and intelligence towards addressing
churn drivers in the campaigns.
Further, because no new business subject-matter
on segmentation (S) and promotion (P) was
introduced earlier, no data-mining objectives could
be formulated to re-visit the current segmentation
with another statistical technique that offers better
explanation, or to profile the segments for
campaign-relevant behavioural dimensions.
2.4 Evaluation of Interestingness,
Decision-making and Business
We observed that the interestingness of knowing
each customer’s propensity to churn – and model lift
- was not sufficiently considered by the retention
manager. Instead of, say, halving the number of
customers targeted for retention, the manager
selected a similar 5% proportion of the 2G customer
base for retention management as before. Retention-
management costs were therefore not reduced,
which diluted the potential lift in ROMI associated
with model lift.
Further example of the lack of strategic flavour
observed in this analytics project is the mismatch in
the 2G customer-analytics retention campaign and
the introduction of the recently launched third
generation network (3G) acquisition campaign. The
campaign manager had incentives to perform in 3G
acquisition. The 2G manager did not consider the
impact of this on the 2G retention campaigns.
Because of this, the 2G retention campaigns were
not executed within their 3-month predicted time
window, resulting in some at-risk customers
receiving their retention offers after they had
actually cancelled their service. Also, the campaign
manager decided to target at random from the
selected 5%. This meant that the 2G retention
campaigns were not prioritised towards the most at-
risk customers, further diluting the benefits of model
The model produced by the neural network
proved difficult to interpret, and no interesting
insights were developed relating to how customer
value, loyalty, and the degree of product feature and
volume use, indicated churn. As a result, the existing
promotional content was retained; all 2G customers
with predictive handsets were offered 2G
replacement handsets, irrespective of their degree
and volume of use. There were two negative results
from this. First, the high cost-base relating to
handset promotion was perpetuated, and a potential
cost saving from the data-mining approach was
forfeited. Second, the existing 2G retention offer
(with replacement 2G handset) was maintained to
high-use 2G customers, despite the fact that they had
a disproportional low 2G campaign response rate.
There were no insights to stimulate thought about
perhaps targeting high-use customers with 3G
migration offers - since 3G is more suitable to high
use and is better featured – and to at least retain
revenue from these customers within the
organisation, albeit as 3G revenue.
Also, no new insights were developed regarding
the role of demographics in churn, and campaign
offer components continued to be mapped to
demographic descriptors, instead of being updated
potential for behavioural drivers as the literature
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Data mining tasks
Business decision-
making & action
Project Dimensions
Project Phases
Monitor and control
Monitor and
control (9)
Develop data mining
application plan (6)
Deploy information
into business
Model, evaluate,
choose best model(s)
Develop new
Identify, assemble,
prepare data (2)
Data mining
discovery and
evaluation (3)
Execute new
business (8)
choice (4)
Implement model(s)
project mission
Repeat these four
activities for each
BI goal
Control (recalibrate or adjust)
Monitor strategic creep
Monitor concept
Project Mile Stones
Figure 1: Strategic Analytics Methodology
Figure 1: Strategic Analytics Methodology.
2.5 Monitor and Control
The campaign manager continued to monitor
campaign response rates, and a 25% improvement
was recorded for the CRISP-DM project. The
retention manager monitored the percentage of
voluntary customer churn, and recorded a similar
improvement. However, both results fell short of an
expected 50% response rate increase resulting from
predictive lift.
There were no plans to monitor the drift of
concepts that should accompany the proactive,
predictive approach to retention management (Van
Rooyen 2004, p.94) i.e. monitoring changes in (1)
predictive effect scores (2) distance between
segments and changes in their behavioural profiles
(3) declining model accuracy against actual
churners, and (4) the overall predicted risk
associated with the churn problem. The business
remained locked into reactively responding to falling
campaign response rates; that is over time fewer and
fewer targeted customers responded positively to
save campaigns.
Further, since the calculation and tracking of
ROMI was not introduced, there was no return on
investment measure for quantifying the benefits that
data-mining had brought to retention management in
their company.
In this section we present the framework of Strategic
Analytics Methodology (SAM), and discuss the role
of each framework element in the project. The full
details are presented in (Van Rooyen 2005, Chapter
5). The framework is shown in Figure 1. The
sequence of steps in the framework follows clock-
wise, starting at the 12 o’clock position. We follow
the six project phases shown in the legend, and
highlight the project milestones. The intermediate
steps within a project phase are referred in italics.
3.1 Preparation
In the preparation phase, we develop hypotheses
about the nature and extent of the business problem
or opportunity, its root causes, how data-mining and
analytics can enable its solution, and about the
actions the business could take. In Business problem
we define the status quo. The infusion of New SME
represents domain-specific, new subject matter
based on research that challenge the existing
boundaries of interestingness, poising the
organisation for break-through. In Develop project
mission the owner of the business problem and the
analysts together apply a technique that challenges
the current thinking about the business’s status quo.
The analysts and business agree on what will
constitute interestingness, on what the project must
deliver for the business action, and on how the
analytics will support the project. They then use a
guide to convert these hypotheses and agreements
into a project mission, the first milestone. The
project mission’s components include the project
scope, its specific business deliverables,
interestingness measurement criteria, and the time
frames, responsibilities etc. of the project. In
Identify, assemble, prepare data we identify and
source the interesting data, discover information
about the data quality and interesting signals, and
chart how we want to use the data on the project.
This constitutes the second milestone.
3.2 Analysis
In the analysis phase, we develop a technical
analysis charter and discover interesting information
from the data and evaluate it against the
interestingness criteria in the project mission. The
milestone is interesting information, which supports
the project mission. This information is interpreted
into circumstantial business insights and knowledge
(Develop circumstantial knowledge). In Strategic
analysis we test and redevelop our hypotheses in
light of the new insights, and formulate a range of
high-level business action options.
3.3 Choice
In this phase, we evaluate the range of action options
against organisational and environmental
circumstances using a SWOT analysis tool, and
reject those options that are not realistically
actionable. The choices made here are the 4
milestone, since they funnel the project through to
the definition of business action.
3.4 Definition
In this phase we develop the functional business
actions (Develop new business solution(s)) as
functional objectives and strategies (e.g. in
marketing, operations etc.) for all business enablers
(structure, systems, management etc.). We also
develop: (i) the key business performance metrics
that we will use in monitoring the success of the
business action; (ii) the data-mining application plan
that will support the business actions (Develop data
application mining plan). Further, we identify the
technical concepts that we model and monitor for
drift. Together these constitute the 5
and 6
3.5 Realisation
In Model, evaluate choose best model(s) we refine or
modify the models from Data mining discovery and
evaluation, and format their informational output for
interfacing with other IT applications.
Before the business can Execute new business
solution(s), two application layers need enablement.
In Implement model(s) we build the extract,
transform and load (ETL) and analytics layers, and
in Deploy information into business we enable the
business and IT application layers e.g. the customer-
relationship management (CRM) application. As the
enabling of the business applications, this constitutes
the 7
milestone. In Execute new business solutions,
we execute the business actions through structure,
management, IT applications, channels, operating
strategies etc. This is the completion of business
action and therefore the 8
3.6 Monitor and Control
In this last phase of the project we assure the
ongoing relevance of the business actions and of
their supporting applications (including the
operational models) through (i) a process of
monitoring the business KPI’s and the technical
concepts (ii) recalibrating actions and enablers
where required; (iii) and monitoring strategic creep.
Monitor and control is an ongoing activity but we
have made it the project’s 9
milestone. SAM draws
on the principles and practice of concept drift and
statistical process control for the technical
components, and on the monitor and control
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
activities of SPC for the business solution. When
either the business actions or the supporting enablers
become out of control, the project needs to be
reformulated, or a new project of higher return is
In this section we demonstrate the application of
SAM on the same project, and describe the business
and technical benefits from this application. The
benefits are compared to the CRISP-DM application
where relevant.
4.1 Problem Formulation
We used SAM’s utilities for defining the business
problem in Business problem with management
participation. Within two one-hour workshops, we
refined the business rule for voluntary churn to
exclude bad debtors. This later resulted in improving
the regression model’s predictive accuracy against
test cases from 75% to 80%.
4.2 Introducing Expert Business
Subject Matter
In New SME we introduced the concept of ROMI,
and assisted with developing a measure of ROMI
suitable for the business. We also linked for the
business the concept of predictive lift with the way it
could lead to a reduction in the number of customers
targeted (T). Further, we agreed with management
on: (i) selecting the concept of behavioural
segmentation (value, loyalty, needs); (ii) segmenting
the targeted customers into 5 statistically relevant
segments (to fit the existing segment numbers) by
these new measures (S); (iii) and tailoring campaign
offers based on behavioural profiles (P).
4.3 Formulating Project Mission
Given the previous re-defining of the churn business
rules, the project mission was reformulated to
exclude bad debtors. This better focused the analysts
on the problem at hand.
4.4 Formulating Technical Charter
Considering the business need for understanding the
drivers of churn, we used mapping techniques in
Data mining discovery and evaluation to lead the
project to a decision to build a predictive logistic
regression model, instead of using a neural network
model (T). This resulted in a model that was
interpretable, which in turn facilitated the
development of significant insights: (i) the degree
and volume of use actually were strong churn
drivers; (ii) there were use interactions with certain
handset-types; (ii) demographics were insignificant.
These insights supported the case for more
statistically valid behavioural segmentation. We
therefore decided to use clustering techniques to
segment the selected 2.5% customers by behavioural
criteria. We found that there were 5 distinct,
statistically valid segments (S), with distinct
behavioural profiles. One segment (segment 2)
consisted of 25% of the targeted customers, and had
a distinct handset-type high-use combination, which
was well-supported by the regression model.
4.5 Evaluating Interesting Information,
Decision-making and Business
In the Analysis phase the retention manager now
considered a number of things:
(i) a new understanding of the benefits of lift;
(ii) the fact that predictive accuracy had increased
after the exclusion of bad debtors;
(iii) as the subject matter about behavior had
suggested, we had found strong, statistically valid
behavioural churn drivers and segments. The
combination of handset type and high-use behaviour
had featured, while no demographic factor was
driving churn as strong as the behavioural factors
(iv) limited campaign resources were available to 2G
(v) the retention and campaign managers now had
ROMI targets to attain. Therefore, during Strategic
choice they decided collaboratively to target (T)
only the most at-risk 2.5% of the 2G customer
database. We observed that this halving of targeted
customers resulted in the campaigns being executed
within their 3-month window to all the targeted
customers, eliminating the campaign execution
issues observed before.
During the Analysis phase of SAM, the retention
manager found segment 2 particularly interesting
(S). In Develop circumstantial knowledge and
Strategic analysis he considered the impact that the
recent launch of 3G had had on the first round of 2G
retention campaign execution, and in Strategic
choice he decided to hand segment 2 over to the 3G
acquisition manager for migration onto the 3G
network (T and P), to a technology that better
matched this behavioural profile. This further
contributed to attaining the ROMI target, because
they did not have to fund any 2G replacement
handsets for this segment, and this segment’s uptake
of 3G was very high.
In light of some evidence that demographics
were not driving churn, the retention manager
reformulated the retention offer content (P) for
segments 1, 3, 4 and 5. Previously, males in the 19 –
25 age group had received a promotional ticket
concession to Australian Football League (AFL)
matches, based on the assumption that most males in
this age group followed AFL. Now, the AFL
promotion was offered to all targeted individuals
who had a history of requesting sms results of AFL
games, irrespective of their demographic. Also,
where previously there had been replacement of all
2G handsets irrespective of use level, now 2G
handsets were promoted only to individuals with
medium-use patterns; individuals with low-use
patterns had to buy a replacement handset (recall
that high users were migrated to 3G).
4.6 Monitor and Control
On the SAM-based project, the response rates
increased about 75% over the pre-data-mining basis.
This exceeded the business target of 50%, and the
25% improvement on the CRISP-DM-driven
project. Notably, there was a 90% uptake of the 3G
offer by segment 2 members. The CRISP-DM
project brought a 10% ROMI improvement over the
base (before CRISP-DM pilot) situation, while the
SAM project’s ROMI improved 30% over base. The
smaller ROMI improvement compared to the
campaign response improvements, are attributed to
fixed campaign costs remaining from the pre-data-
mining mining era; over time ROMI will improve as
the organization addresses these costs.
The value of a data-mining approach that
supports marketing STP was now well understood
by management and proved to the business. The
business responded with a request to monitor the
extent of the churn risk in the database and assist in
formulating responses. We monitored drift in the
sum of scored p_values within quintiles with every
quarterly database re-scoring, and relating these to
change in the campaign response rate. The project
iterated through the Analysis, Choice, and Definition
phases and we formulated various controls for this
phenomenon. For instance, if both sum of p_values
and campaign response are in decline (scenario 1),
the business solution is to address the drivers of the
problem. The first control response is to retrain the
model to maintain accuracy. If after a model retrain
the sum of p_values and campaign response still are
in decline, it indicates that the business solution is
also weeding out potential churners, and may be
approaching a situation of diminishing returns with
retention. The response is to fine-tune the campaign
offers (scenario 2). If with model retraining (and in
some cases after campaign refining) the sum of
p_values keep increasing while the campaign
response rates are in decline, then circumstances in
the business operating or marketing environments
are not represented in the data. The response is to
undertake qualitative research to identify these
circumstances, and to update the campaigns
(scenario 3).
We found that the three scenarios actually
manifested themselves in this order over scoring
cycles 2-4. In cycle 4, the 2G retention manager was
convinced that the point of diminishing returns had
been reached with 2G retention, with consensus in
the business, that most of the 2G churn risk had been
‘weeded’. This was the result of events that were not
reflected in the data, namely (1) the business had
stopped acquiring 2G customers with the launch of
3G in quarter 1, and (2) by the fourth quarter 3G was
cannibalising the mid- and high-user 2G business.
Since the revenue and margins in 3G were superior
to those in 2G, the business now had sufficient
evidence to abandon the 2G retention program.
The concept of interacting behavioural churn
drivers was now well understood and proved to the
business, and there was a necessity for monitoring
any drift in churn drivers, and their interactions, over
time. In the second SAM campaign cycle, we started
to rebuild the predictive model and the segmentation
on a monthly basis, and to monitor drift in effect
scores and segment parameters.
One noticeable drift in effects was the
diminishing impact of the high-use and handset type
combination. We attribute this to the fact that we
were gradually moving the high-use customers over
to 3G. What did emerge in its place was a
combination of over-3-years customer tenure, over-
18-month minimum contract plan types, and a 26-34
year-age demographic. It was now apparent, that our
own and emerging competitive 3G advertising, was
influencing the traditionally more conservative
customers in this age group to switch brand or
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
technology. This insight enabled the making of a
more proactive 3G migration offer to customers who
exhibited this behaviour. Their take-up was not 90%
as with segment 2 previously, because of the diluting
effect of competitive 3G activity.
There also was a noticeable reduction in the
importance of segment 2 in the segmentation
structure over time, since many customers with that
profile were migrating to 3G. Over time the
importance of customer tenure and plan duration
rose in the segmentation structure. When we
experimented with the number of segments, we
found that, compared to five segments, four
segments actually did not detract much from the
statistical significance of the clustering. The
business found this attractive, as it meant that they
could eliminate one of the five campaigns without a
significant impact on response rates. This
contributed a further 5 points to ROMI on the SAM
project, bringing SAM ROMI to 35% over base.
We conclude that we have proved the hypothesis
that CRISP-DM requires extension in order to
integrate deeper analytics and the business decision-
making process. The improved results indicate it is
possible to improve data-mining methodologies to
better integrate with business decision-making and
action. We have also proved that the Strategic
Analytics Methodology (SAM), which follows a
deeper integration of data-mining and business
decision-making process, is sufficiently robust to
produce beneficial results in a dynamic business
SAM, in its current version met its research
objective as industry-driven, academic research by
late 2004. At present, a SAM-derived framework is
used effectively in process-enabled, industrial data
Several directions are considered in terms of the
future development of SAM, aiming at:
1. further experimentation with better controls, in
order to quantify the incremental benefit that
SAM contributes to business data-mining
compared to existing methodologies;
2. specific development and refinement of SAM
to better accommodate the unique integration
criteria of not-for-profit and government
3. proving the hypothesis that the existence of a
more supportive project methodology like SAM
would enhance the uptake and adoption of data-
mining and analytics by business and
This research was done under the e-Markets
Research Program, University of Technology
Sydney. We acknowledge the RTS Scholarship and
the support of SAS Institute Australia Pty. Ltd.
Thanks to a global mobile-phone company for
providing the real-world data and analytics
environment. Thanks Dr. Michael J. Yerbury for
your grammatical contribution.
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