Clauvice Kenfack and Danielle Boulanger
MODEME, Jean Moulin University, 6 cours Albert Thomas, Lyon, France
Keywords: Community of Practices, Knowledge Emergence, Intermediation System, JADE Agent.
Abstract: This paper presents an intermediation multi-agent system to manage the distributed collaborative design
environment like a CoPs. The JADE-based intermediation system (JAIS) uses community enactment
mechanism and agent integration mechanism. The community enactment mechanism is the system kernel
and follows the specifications of the CoPs reference model. The system kernel supports four agents
(moderator, user, expert and newcomer agents) to manage the community, whereas the integration
mechanism supports an intermediation agent to interact, coordinate and monitor the activities between
agents. JAIS facilitates the team interaction in a collaborative and distributed environment.
We describe an intermediation system able to design
distributed and collaborative environment in a
community of practices.
Agent modelling is a good candidate to highlight
emerging knowledge coming from the CoPs’
different members.
JADE (2006) is used as the agent platform for
linking the heterogeneous system in a distributed
environment like CoPs.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the state of art and section 3 describes our
proposal. Section 4 defines the intermediation
system framework, the communication model, and
the agent intermediation model. The last section
summarizes contributions and provides some
suggestions for future works.
A community of practices is defined as a group of
agents (human) having quite strong common points
such as their social aptitude, skills, and cognitive
capacities and which share a set of problems on a
given subject, and look further into their knowledge
emerging (Nonaka, 1995) and experiments by the
daily interactions they maintain. A CoPs provides a
“forum” aiming at sharing ideas, solving problems,
disseminating best practices, and organizing
knowledge (Wenger, 2002). CoPs can be defined as
a group of agents which share a substrate of
knowledge related to their professional skills,
interacting via virtual spaces. The actions performed
by the members to reach a consensus on a subject
are confronted to enrich agents’ knowledge and
know-how. Through their actions, the bases of
common and individual knowledge are built, and the
practices of the community are developed. The
context of CoPs refers to a range of rich agents’
behaviours which belong to the community
(Yildizoglu and al, 2004).
The CoPs organisational model. In a classical
manner the terminology used in a CoPs is:
A domain, as defined in (Wenger, 2004), is the
area of knowledge that brings the community
together, gives it its identity and defines the key
issues that the CoPs members need to address. It is
the “focus” of the CoPs and evolves over its life
span in response to new, emerging challenges and
issues (Henri, 2006).
A field: It is the “context” of the CoPs; it can be
referred to as the “discipline” or the “branch of
knowledge” of the CoPs members.
The practice represents standards, rules, ideas,
frameworks, languages, accounts, and documents
Kenfack C. and Boulanger D. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - SE/GSDCA/MUSE, pages 278-283
DOI: 10.5220/0001885102780283
shared by the members. We can affirm that the
practice represents knowledge which the community
creates, shares and maintains (Wenger and al, 2002).
Objective (Activities): related to the CoPs as a
whole, or to a part of it (a group, a project, a team,
depending on the CoPs organisation and functioning
modes), an objective can be permanent or
CoPs is Characterised by: Membership and
Cultural Diversity (from homogeneity to
heterogeneity): the nationality, the profile and the
organisational culture (Langelier and Wenger,
Policies: The policies are expressed by
standards, rules defined within the community; for
example policies to leave/join a community.
Role Member: A role is a behaviour identifier,
which represents a whole of actions and the
constraints of their appearance. In short in UML a
role is a stereotype of class that expresses a
collection of operations. It can include constraints on
the operations.
The benefit get through the share of information
makes possible for the members to develop a single
comprehension (common language, and practices) in
their field. The process of negotiation is made by a
broadcast of the subjects discussed within the whole
community. Roles can be allocated to members
according to both their experience and level of
confidence. In that case, attribution of roles can be
done by vote or through a consensual way.
Furthermore, members of the community use
technological tools which can be synchronous or
Generally, within a community following
process occur from the interventions of the members
(Deale, 2006):
Exchanges occur when a participant asks a
question or proposes an observation made at his
workplace or a problem. Furthermore exchanges can
lead to experiences sharing where participants
develop their observations of their own context.
Agent technology is a good candidate to model
CoPs because he offers a great flexibility concerning
development of complex and distributed systems.
An agent is a software entity that can autonomously
perform routine tasks with a level of intelligence
(Boudriga 2004) Wooldridge (Wooldridge and
Jennings, 1999). Nwana (Nwana, 1996) divides
agents into five types: collaborative agents, interface
agents, mobile agents, intelligent agents, and smart
agents. Goal driven agents typically possess three
key characteristics which are autonomy,
cooperation, and learning (Etzioni, 1995) (Liang
2002) (Nwana 1996). They are able to acting
autonomously, cooperatively, and collectively.
In the field of multi-agent system for knowledge
dissemination and management, some systems have
already been realized.
Most of such systems are specialized for
information retrieval from heterogeneous databases
such as SIMS (Arens et al., 1996), InfoMaster
(Genessereth and al., 1997) RETSINA (Decker and
Sycara, 1997) and InfoSleuth (Nodine and al.,
2000). They are composed of agents that wrap these
information repositories, combine and translate
information through mediation techniques.
Another important set of systems such as SAIRE
(Odubiyi and al., 1997), UMDL (Weinstein and al.,
1999), CASMIR (Berney and Ferneley, 1999) is
specialized to facilitate information retrieval and to
gathering information. Such systems help the user
supporting retrieval of the relevant information from
one or more information repositories and adapting
the interaction with the system to the user’s
Roda (Roda and al, 2003) proposed an agent-
based system designed to support the adoption of
knowledge sharing practices within communities.
Hammond (Hammond and al, 2004) proposed an
approach for virtual communities based on JADE.
3.1 System Model
This specification is based on the modus operandi of
the practices presented in the previous parts. The
generic model proposed is used to define the models
of the entire system. It also takes into account the
composition of the community, the types of
interactions, knowledge treatment, themselves and
the internal structure of the agent.
This specification has identified the models of
our system; it defines the organizational model for
the community of practices and some others models
like cooperation model, interaction, coordination,
and agents models.
As for the models of intermediation system, it is
composed of the cooperation model which includes
the agent model and the coordination model
(communication structure, Knowledge base).The
interaction model specifies in the interaction
structure the agent activities in terms of agreements
between the roles played by members; moreover it
describes the operational interactions results as well
as the interaction protocol and social standards
applied to the interactions between agents.
The interaction structure controls the interactions
and reinforces the policies within the community.
It therefore describes in our model all the
interactions that represent the activities of the
participants through their agents in the community
of practices and the activities of agents in the
intermediation system. These interactions require
coordinated action of several roles in the task
resolution. This interaction structure gives the
sequence of events which specifies the intent of the
interactions between the roles that take place
according to the norms, rules and policies. The
interaction model can be used to compose an
interaction protocol consisting in a set of messages
based on the communication acts.
Figure 1: System models.
As we see in the figure 1, the macro level
corresponds to the organizational modeling aspect of
the community of practices i.e. its offers a
description of the themes of the community, to his
field, protocols resolution of the tasks, activities,
members of the community. When at the micro level
it models the cooperation progress between
members (cooperation model) while describing the
process of cooperation, active in the community, the
roles played by members, their skills, as well as the
characteristics of agents in the cooperation, as well
as their roles. The process of cooperation of all the
agents of the system will be modeled through
models of coordination and interaction
3.2 Intermediation System
At first we provide here a definition of the concept
of intermediation system.
By drawing on the work of E. Rigaud (Rigaud,
2003) which relates to the application of multi-agent
systems for virtual organisations for the risks
management of SMEs, we define the intermediation
system as "a system that allows all members of the
CoPs to create interactions between them, even in
geographically dispersed locations, in order to
promote the co-construction of meaning, enrich their
common knowledge base, improve their skills, share,
exchange and the acquire knowledge. To do this, the
system must be able to provide the mechanisms
needed to manage constraints to be imposed by the
functioning of the community”. These constraints
can be tasks allocation, the profiles management, the
control the access to the knowledge base, and the
processing requests.
The key issues in multi-agent systems are
communication, cooperation, and coordination
(Papazoglou, 2001). Specifically, communication
enables an agent to exchange messages and
coordinate activities. Communication allows
cooperation and coordination among agents
involving in a conversation.
The following figure represents the three layers
of our prototype.
Figure 2: intermediation System.
Our aim is to design a system based on agent
technologies able to respect the constraints imposed
by the CoPs environment. These choices are
motivated by the sociological approach claiming that
the social behaviour of the agents is vital to model
all the interactions that occur within a real
organization (Lindemann et al, 2001). Our system is
composed of three components (figure 1), but we
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
focuses on the communication model. First of all we
defined some agents of our system.
4.1 Definition of Agents
The agents that we use have the capacities to treat
their own tasks or to solve problems; that mean’s
agent’s have the explicit capacity of knowledge
representation and communication (Huhn, 1999).
Such agents can be adapted to the preferences,
the members’ needs of the community, based on past
experiences and information on the interaction with
these members.
Relatively to the models defined by Chun-Che
and Huang Lai Gu-Hain (Chun-Che Huang and Gu-
Hain Lai, 2004), we built our JAIS agents ( Jade
Agent Intermediation System) based on AOD
models (‘acquiring’, ‘organizing’ and ‘distributed’)
and those which are interactions objects like
‘profiles’ and ‘external members’.
In case of acquiring we define:
(1) An agent CompagnonModerator (AgCM)
whose role here is to collect knowledge from various
sources (documents, databases, other agents).
(2) Task manager agent (AgTM): in charge of
updating the tasks and knowledge. Broadcasted
response to ActivMember collected from the
community to the knowledge base.
In case of organizing we define:
(3)CompagnonModerator agent: ensures the
coordination and dissemination of tasks, monitoring
the finalization of these tasks. When the task is
resolved it transmits retroactively the obtained
answers to the ActivMember. It reproduces the
moderator’s features. It is the mediator between the
intermediation system and ActivMember of the
community. It supports the knowledge integration in
the community knowledge base (this process is
performed with the assistance of the agent
knowledge manager.
(4) Task manager agent: in charge of the queries
execution. It manages interactions throughout
solving tasks.
(5) Domain manager Agent (AgDoM): he has the
features and capabilities to identify the knowledge
base questions depending on the field; it works
closely with the Agent Task Manager.
(6) Knowledge manager Agent (AgKM) took
over the treatment of the knowledge base of the
CoPs and the Agent.
In case of distributing we define:
(7) Dialog manager Agent (AgDM): in charge to
manage upstream exchanges between different
agents of the system (via the technological tools
used in the CoPs). It play interface role, which help
him to treat messages sent from the
CompagnonModerator agent, it sends and receives
messages; he oversees the cycle of discussion in
collaboration with the moderator.
(8) Interface / Expert Agent (AgI): its role is to
interact both with other communities as
ActivMember of the community in which it transfers
knowledge from one practice to another (community
to another community) it also plays an advisory role.
Agent responsible for the agent Profiles:
(a) ActivMember profile Agent (AcMP):
it stores
the information concerning the relationship between
end users and specific knowledge (e.g., Thomas is
interested in multi-agent system).
(b)Agent Domain expert profile (ADExP): it
stores the information concerning the relationship
between the domain expert and specific knowledge.
(c) Agent Knowledge storage profile (AKsP): it
stores the information concerning the relationship
between the Knowledge Storage Agent and the
knowledge; e.g., the knowledge about informatics is
in the database.
External Members: (a) ActivMember (AcM):
AcM within the community of practice.
In order to allow that these agents interact and
share, knowledge, communication mechanisms are
necessary to implement these processes.
The Intermediation system is composed of different
types of agents. Each of them performs a single task.
Collaboration of agents is necessary. To facilitate
multi-agent coordination and collaboration, it is vital
that agents exchange information via communication
about goals, intentions, results, and status to other
agents. It is crucial that agents agree on the format
and semantics of these messages. Jade follows FIPA
standards so that ideally Jade agents could interact
with agents written in other languages and running
on other platforms.
So, for our case the agent communicate as
(1) The AcM sends a message to request the
AgCM to have access to the knowledge base. The
message requests the data required and the analysis
technique to be used.
(2) The AgCM requests the AgKM via the
AgDM to collects the data from the Knowledge
(3) The AgCM receives the collects data and
send it to the AcM.
(4) The AgDoM requests the ADExP containing
the information on the relationship between the
knowledge and domain expert.
(5) The ADExP replies to the AgDoM with the
(6) The AgDoM sends the analytical information
to the domain expert.
(7) When the domain expert receives the
information, some comments are added based on
expert knowledge. The domain expert submits the
expert knowledge to the AgDM
(8) The AgDM sends the expert knowledge to the
(9) The AgCM sends the expert knowledge to the
Knowledge Storage Profile and requests the
Knowledge Storage Profile to obtain information
about the relationship between knowledge storage
and expert knowledge.
(10) The AKsP replies with the information to
the AgCM.
Figure 3: Agent conversation process.
The AgCM is an interface agent that manages the
member’s access authority and communication with
other agents via the dialog manager. When users
want to belong to the community, the system
presents an interface based on role and authority.
The AgCM is the core agent of JAIS. The members
defined in JAIS can also ask the AgCM to provide
predefined services. The following figure 3 shows
how the different agents interact to exchange
information in the system.
The Java Agent DEvelopment Framework (JADE,
2006) was developed by TILab. This software
framework uses the agent communication language
(ACL) specifications proposed by the Foundation
for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) and provides
a set of graphical tools that supports the debugging
and deployment phases. JADE supports two types of
agent containers, the main container and the normal
The JADE main container consists of a message
transport system (MTS) used for communicating
with other agents or agent platforms.
Figure 4: class diagram of the intermediation system.
The agent management system (AMS) is used
for managing the agent life cycles such as starting
and stopping, and the agent directory facilitator (DF)
is used to record the services provided by an agent.
Each JADE agent registers itself using the remote
method invocation (RMI) provided by the JADE
main container. Jade was chosen to implement the
JAIS prototype. Agents are created by simply
extending the jade.core.Agent class. The main class
of our system is the JAISAgent class (see figure 4). It
is an abstract class that all different types of agents
must extend. We propose two extensions of the
JAISAgent class: The CommunityAgent and the
IntermediationAgent. These two different types of
agent have different behaviours. The
CommunityAgent represent all the members of the
community of practices include in the organizational
model (Macro Level) and the IntermediationAgent
are the agents include in the Micro level our system.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
In this paper we presented the modelization of our
intermediation system. This model is composed of
organizational model, cooperation model which
includes coordination and interaction model. We
focused on communication model involved in the
coordination model. Interactions between
intermediation agents require the implementation of
the model belonging to the micro level. The result of
our work deals with the implantation of the
intermediation system for CoPs. To do this, the
design of the system includes definition of the agent
communication, the agent behavior, and interaction
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