Kevin Logue and Kevin McDaid
Software Technology Research Centre, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk, Ireland
Keywords: Release Planning, Requirement Prioritization, Uncertainty, Agile Methodology.
Abstract: When determining the functionality to complete in upcoming software releases, decisions are typically
based upon uncertain information. Both the business value and cost to develop chosen functionality are
highly susceptible to uncertainty. This paper proposes a relatively simple statistical methodology that allows
for uncertainty in both business value and cost. In so doing it provides key stakeholders the ability to
determine the probability of completing a release on time and to budget. The technique is lightweight in
nature and consistent with existing agile planning practices. A case study is provided to demonstrate how
the method may be used.
The importance of release planning within a modern
software development project cannot be understated.
Even as recent as 2004 studies have shown that a
considerable number of software development
projects were found to finish over budget, late or
missing key functionality (Johnson, 2006). Reasons
for these overruns include unrealistic goals,
inaccurate estimates, an ill-defined system, poor
monitoring of project status and poor project
management (Charette, 2008). Through the
implementation of an honest and reliable release
plan the chance of completing a project within the
allocated time and budget can increase considerably
(Cohn, 2006)
The task of selecting what functionality to
complete in upcoming software releases is a
complex process (Regnell & Brinkkemper, 2005).
Typically a development has a finite amount of
resources available, forcing developers to prioritize
certain functionality or user stories to determent of
others. The question of which stories to prioritize
requires considerable understanding of both the
technical complexity of the project and also a keen
understanding of the product’s market.
Little (Little, 2005) identifies four major areas of
uncertainty that affect a software development
project; market uncertainty, technical uncertainty,
project duration and project dependencies. Market
uncertainty relates to the understanding of
customers’ needs. Attempting to satisfy a smaller
client base offers considerable less uncertainty, as
developers can more easily prioritize desired
requirements. Technical uncertainty occurs where
the technical needs are not fully understood.
Typically, technical uncertainty arises when using a
new technology or when a problem is not well
defined. The duration of a project is a major
contributing factor to uncertainty. The more time
required to complete a project the more likely that
either market or technical uncertainties may arise.
Project dependencies refer to the flexibility of a
project, and in the event that one part of the project
must be completed before another part starts the
project’s ability to absorb the occurrence of
uncertain events diminishes.
This paper proposes a relatively simple statistical
methodology designed to help developers to
determine the likely completion time for a plan and
its expected business value. The method recognises
uncertainty in business value, required effort and
resources available to develop a software project.
The method is demonstrated and investigated
through a case study. A comparison with the results
derived using an alternative methodology due to
Cohn (2006) is also presented.
The remainder of the paper is set out as follows.
Section 2 discusses related work in the area of
release planning, requirement prioritisation and
project uncertainty. Section 3 describes the
methodology while Section 4 explains how it can fit
Logue K. and McDaid K. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - SE/GSDCA/MUSE, pages 192-199
DOI: 10.5220/0001885401920199
within a development process. Section 5 presents a
case study designed to explore the feasibility of the
methodology. Section 6 compares the results and
recommendations with those derived from an
alternative statistical methodology due to Cohn
(2006) Section 7 contains some concluding remarks
on the methodology.
Release planning in Extreme Programming (XP) is
carried out through the “Planning Game”. This is
used to select the requirements to include in the next
and upcoming releases. The process begins by first
eliciting all requirements and expressing them in
terms of user stories where a user story is a
representation of a requirement written in a high
level form free of technical jargon. The team is then
asked to provide estimates of the size of each story
in terms of ideal development days or story points,
where ideal development days represents the length
of time it would take a developer to complete a story
assuming that they are in a position to engage solely
in development activity. A story point on the other
hand is an amalgamation of the size of task, its
complexity and also its risk (Cohn, 2006). Next, the
team, usually under the direction of the customer,
prioritises the stories. This time consuming activity
requires a series of decisions based on complex cost-
benefit analyses to determine which stories offer
maximum overall benefit.
Prioritisation techniques can be absolute or
relative (Karlsson et al., 2007). An absolute
technique assigns a priority to each requirement
based upon its importance to the project. An
example is the MoSCoW prioritisation technique
which separates requirements into “must have”,
“should have”, “could have” and “would like to”
have sub groups. An alternative technique is the
“Cost-Value” approach (Karlsson & Ryan, 1997).
This approach compares all possible pairs of
requirements, in order to determine which
requirement is of higher priority. However while
conceptually simple the method does not offer a
simple means for developers to compare stories and
as such does not guarantee maximum value for
minimum cost (Jung, 1998).
A more involved approach, termed EVOLVE
(Greer & Ruhe, 2004), takes into account
stakeholder priorities, requirement constraints and
also effort limits. The method is not ideal for use
within agile processes for two reasons. Firstly, it
requires the coordination of stakeholders in
prioritizing requirements. Secondly, the effort
estimation is based on requirements and not
explicitly on the constituent tasks that deliver those
requirements. While this is a common approach in
estimating, estimation at the task level has been
shown to offer a more realistic representation of the
effort required (McConnell, 2006).
Most research to date has taken a deterministic
approach to the problem of release planning,
ignoring the inherent uncertainty in the development
time and business value of software. An exception is
the Fuzzy Effort Constraint method (Ngo-The et al.,
2004), in which the development team provides
minimum, maximum and most likely values to allow
assuming estimates take the form of fuzzy triangular
numbers. Once these estimates are in hand the
method compares the required resources with the
resources that are available to the project using a
probabilistic approach. This comparison yields a
measure of the degree to which the resource
constraint has been met. In so doing it provides the
decision makers with a series of possible plans with
varying degrees of satisfaction and the level to
which the resource constraint has been met. While
we also adopt triangular models for development
time we do so in the context of a probabilistic model
which we believe is more intuitive and is structured
to reflect the estimation process in agile methods.
We are not the first to propose a statistical
approach. While not detailing any evaluation activity
Cohn (2006) discusses the use of both a feature
buffer and a schedule buffer. When using a feature
buffer the team first commit to a set of user stories to
be completed within the next release. The remaining
stories are placed in a buffer, if time allows these
will be completed. A schedule buffer is different in
that it acknowledges the uncertainty within the
estimates provided by the team. Using a schedule
buffer developers are asked to provide both a 50%
estimate and a 90% estimate for the size of each
feature. Using these two values, and based on a
normal distribution, the additional time to allow for
the project to ensure completion with 90% certainty
is determined. Section 6 compares the results of this
approach with the one outlined herein for the data
presented through the Case Study in Section 5.
3.1 Overview
Due to the nature of software development projects
uncertainty is an inherent problem (Ziv et al., 1996).
The method proposed herein provides key
stakeholders with the opportunity to manage in a
more effective manner the uncertainty in the release
planning process. It has been designed with two
scenarios in mind. The first scenario exists when the
development team have a preconceived plan. In this
situation the methodology can be used to determine
likely value and the time required to complete the
project to a satisfactory probability.
Figure 1: Release Planning Methodology.
The second scenario attempts to support the
decision maker by proposing a set of high valued
story assignment. This technique is not designed to
generate a single optimal combination of stories;
rather it is concerned with developing a set of story
combinations which are optimal or near optimal.
The decision makers can then choose from these
combinations. In this way the method guides the
decision makers, an approach advocated in many
works (Ruhe & Saliu, 2005).
3.2 Expert Knowledge
Our method is compatible with the existing planning
game in XP and involves the gathering of all user
stories and estimating both the size of each story,
expected value and also project velocity. The
method recognises that these values are subject to
As with XP’s Planning Game this process should
involve the entire development team and a customer
representative called the product owner. In an ideal
situation the product owner will be an end user of
the product or actual project customer. However,
more often than not the product owner is a member
of the sales or management team who have expert
knowledge of the market and customer needs.
The process, illustrated in Figure 1, starts with
the identification of user stories. Once all the
candidates have been identified the size of each
story is estimated by the development team. Unlike
traditional agile methods this research suggests a
finer level of granularity be used and that at this
point the constituent tasks of each story be
identified. The advantage of this approach is
twofold. Firstly overlap between stories can be
easily recognized and isolated, simplifying the
dependencies that may exist between stories.
Secondly this approach encourages developers to
examine the underlying architecture of the project
(Nord et al., 2000) and places them in a better
position to provide more accurate estimates
(McConnell, 2006).
Once all tasks have been identified the
development team is asked to estimate the size of
each task in ideal development days. Traditionally
developers are asked to estimate single values,
however, to allow for uncertainty in the size of
stories, this methodology asks for the provision of
three estimates, a most likely, a pessimistic and an
optimistic value, in ideal days for the size of each
Next the development team estimates the project
velocity. The project velocity represents how much
work can be carried out during an iteration and can
be found by examining previous iterations while
taking into account the experience of the
development team. Similar planning approaches are
used in other agile methods with extensive guidance
given in (Cohn, 2006) and (Beck & Andres, 2001).
Due to the uncertain nature of these estimates and
the variation across iterations, the team is again
asked to provide most likely, pessimistic and
optimistic values.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
With both story size estimates and the expected
velocity in hand the team estimates the business
value of each story. Due to the difficulty in the
provision of monetary estimates for software
projects, a simplified 1 to 10 scale is used (Cohn,
2006). This technique allows the team to express the
value of a story in relation to others (Boehm, 1981).
For example in the event that a story was assigned a
value of 2 it is half the value of a story assigned 4.
Once again to allow for the inherent uncertainty
within these values a most likely, pessimistic and
optimistic values are elicited for each user story is
A factor which can affect the value of a story is
the release in which it is completed. Delaying the
time to market of a particular feature can reduce its
financial return. To allow for this, the methodology
asks the team to provide a weighting in the range 0
to 1 to each story in the event it is completed in a
release other than the first. For example taking a
story with a value of 4, a development team may
weight it as 0.8 in the second release. As such if this
story is completed in the first release, its value will
remain 4, however if it is completed in the second
release its value will have decreased to 3.2.
3.3 Assignment
Once all estimations have been gathered the team is
ready to begin the assignment phase. The goal of
this phase is to explore possible plans by one of two
techniques, either an automated process or through
manually exploring plans to decide on an optimal
one using a simple tool developed in Microsoft
Even for a particularly small development the
number of possible plans can be extremely large. As
such it may not be possible or practical for a team to
determine an optimal assignment of stories, without
devoting considerable time and effort. To this end,
other work by the first author is examining the use
of Genetic Algorithms to automate the exploration
of the search space. Genetic Algorithms have been
used to good effect in other optimization problems
(Greer & Ruhe 2004) and (Ngo-The & Ruhe, 2007).
In this paper the focus is on the manual
exploration of plans and as such best represents the
situation where the team wish to explore the
characteristics of a small number of plans. In this
case the methodology can be used to determine the
likely duration and value of a release and ensure the
project will finish on time and generate a required
business value.
To that end, once distributions are known for the
size of stories and for the project velocity, Monte
Carlo simulation is performed to obtain the
distribution for the real time to complete a selection
of stories in a release. Similarly, the distribution for
the combined business value of the stories can be
Currently the model can use a Triangular
(Miranda, 2002) or a PERT (Douglas, 1978)
distribution to represent the possible uncertainty
within all estimates. Likely completion time and
project value can be statistically simulated from
either of these distributions which can be specified
based on minimum, most likely and maximum
estimates. The Triangular probability distribution is
well recognized as a suitable distribution when the
true distribution of data is unknown. The PERT
distribution is similar to the triangular and preferred
in cases where the extreme values are
asymmetrically spread about the mode. In this paper
the size of tasks, the project velocity and the
business value of stories are assumed to follow a
PERT distribution.
The methodology is implemented through a
spreadsheet tool which takes the inputted estimates
and, using Monte Carlo simulation methods,
generates statistical distributions for the overall
business value and time to complete a selected set of
stories. The tool displays these outputs graphically
and also shows the probability of completing the
given plan within the target release size and also the
probability of achieving the target business value
where the target times and values are set by the user.
Average time and business values are also presented.
In the event that the assignment is judged to be of
insufficient quality the team can adjust the story
assignment and simulate the plan again. Once a plan
of sufficient quality is found and the development
team is confident in its quality the plan can then be
put into practice.
Currently the methodology does not dictate the order
in which tasks are to be completed, instead it is more
concerned with determining which stories to
complete in each release to maximise business value
and minimize risk. Iteration planning, as opposed to
Release planning, requires considerable more
understanding of the technical requirements of a
story, and also the skills of each individual within
the team. While the methodology could be adopted
to account for the extra data required, it is
questionable whether the significant additional
planning time associated with such an approach
would be consistent with agile techniques.
The methodology can be adapted as development
proceeds and further information becomes available.
As tasks are completed the simulation methods can
be used to provide most up to date information on
the likelihood of completion on schedule.
Information on the time needed to complete one task
can also be used to alter the distributions for other
related tasks. Again, through the spreadsheet tool, a
manual approach can be used to establish the new
best plan.
Following on from the work of (McDaid et al.,
2006) in which real data from a small Irish company
was used to illustrate an early version of the method,
this paper now presents a simple case study with the
same firm. The purpose of the study was to
investigate the feasibility of the method. Company Z
is a small software firm that develops a single very
high value product.
The company operates on the basis of quarterly
releases of their main product. Typically, a release
would include new functionality driven by the needs
of key customers, new functionality and
modifications to improve existing functionality.
They wish to be able to plan two releases in the
future, selecting from a wide range of possible
features for their innovative product.
Table 1: Story Details.
Business Value
min mode max
1 1 6 8 9
2 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 6 7 8
3 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 5 7 8
4 14, 15, 16 4 6 7
5 17, 18, 19 4 8 9
6 20, 21, 22, 23 4 6 6
7 24 3 5 8
8 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, 32, 33
8.5 9 9.5
9 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
39, 40
5 6 8
10 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 5 6 8
The firm uses an agile development process.,
most closely related to Extreme Programming.
While this provides them with a good understanding
of the functionality that could be added to the
project, they have in the past struggled to provide
accurate estimates of the size of stories. This has led
to time and cost overruns. These overruns have been
exacerbated by the need to perform ongoing
maintenance and repair work driven by the needs of
their key customers, a practice that impacts on the
project velocity through the amount of time that can
be spent during iterations on new development.
Table 2: Task Details.
Task Min Mode Max Task Min Mode Max Task Min Mode Max
1 2 6 10 16 3 4 8 31 2 3 4
2 3 3 4 17 8 10 25 32 0.5 0.5 1
3 4 4 10 18 0.1 4 10 33 0.5 0.5 1
4 4 4 4 19 3 5 6 34 4 8 10
5 3 3 8 20 2 3 15 35 1 1 1
6 1 1 1 21 2 2 2 36 2 3 4
7 4 4 5 22 1 2 3 37 1 1 1
8 2 2 2 23 2 5 15 38 3 4 5
9 2 2 2 24 20 25 30 39 1 1 1
10 5 6 7 25 1 1 3 40 1 1 2
11 2 2 2 26 3 3 4 41 0.5 0.5 0.5
12 1 1 1 27 3 3 5 42 6 10 15
13 1 4 6 28 1 1 2 43 3 5 10
14 3 3 4 29 1 1 2 44 1 1 3
15 8 8 11 30 1 1 1 45 1 1 1
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
The case study involved the Chief Technology
Officer for the firm who, besides being an expert on
the development of the candidate stories, was also,
through his regular contact with customers and
management, very aware of the relative business
importance of the functionality. As such he provided
a good representation of the product owner.
Initially, the product owner identified a number
of stories for inclusion in upcoming releases. A set
of constituent tasks were elicited while ensuring the
level of granularity was chosen to isolate activities
that overlap between stories. Details of the stories
and tasks are given in Table 1. Information on
prerequisite or co-requisite stories was also
provided. This is not presented as it is not directly
relevant to the results of the case study.
To allow for uncertainty in the size of stories, the
product owner was then asked to provide three
estimates, a most likely, a pessimistic and an
optimistic value, in ideal days for the size of task.
This data is shown in Table 2. Next the product
owner was asked to consider the likely project
velocity and estimated the value at 4 ideal days per
developer per 5 day working week. Arising from
discussion it was found that this value could range
from a minimum of 3.5 ideal days to a maximum of
To complete the elicitation of the expert
information, the difficult issue of the business value
of the candidate stories was addressed. Again,
minimum, most likely and maximum values were
elicited, this time on a scale of 1 to 10. The values,
shown in Table 1 should reflect the likely long term
financial return of developing the features. Provision
of these values, which must combine short term
initial return with longer term resulting business,
proved to be a difficult task for the participant.
Having obtained the required data, the study then
addressed whether the methodology, which provides
the stakeholder with information on the uncertainty
of planning outcomes, can support the decision
maker under two different release planning
scenarios. In the first scenario, the study looked at
the length of release that should be planned for a
specified combination of stories. In the second part,
which shall be described later, it asked what
functionality should be selected for inclusion in a
release of a fixed duration. The case of more than
one release was also examined but this work is not
detailed here.
The product owner decided that the first release
should include Stories 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 and 9 involving
the completion of tasks 1-6, 14-19 and 25-40. To
determine the distribution for the development time
of this set of stories, each individual task time is
simulated and the resulting values added. This gives
one possible size in ideal days for the release.
Repeating this process over a large number of runs,
10,000 say, results in a statistical distribution for the
size of the release.
To establish the real time it might take to
develop these stories the method combines, again
through simulation, the uncertainty in the project
velocity, represented by a PERT distribution, with
the uncertainty in the size of the stories. In the
current model these project velocity values are
assumed to be independent in that a high or low
velocity for an iteration does not mean the next
iteration will witness the same fluctuations.
In this way the method can produce a distribution
for the likely duration for developing the proposed
plan for the next release. The distribution for the real
development time for these stories is shown in
Figure 2. Based on 3 developers the average time is
found to be 39.4 days or 7.8 weeks. The graph
shows that the real time could vary from 34 to 46
Figure 2: Calendar days to complete plan.
Through the spreadsheet tool the participant was
provided with the probability of completing the
stories within different release times. In this case the
data in Table 3 was provided informing him that
these would take on average 39.4 calendar days and
that the probability of completion within 8 weeks
was 64%. However, to be 90% certain of completing
the desired functionality, management would have to
plan a release date 9 weeks into the future. The
additional 1.2 week period represents the slack time
that should be included in the plan to ensure that the
release is completed on time. In this scenario the
participant felt that the method provided clear
reasoning for the inclusion of an extra week and
concluded that he would, on this basis, discuss with
management the allocation of an additional week to
reduce the risk of running overtime.
Next, the study addressed the selection of stories
within a constrained release time. In practice, this is
a very complicated decision problem that involves
balancing the return on investment, as represented
by the business value, with the cost of development.
Assuming a release of 12 week duration the product
owner was, through the tool, provided with
information on the distribution of the business value
that might result from a selected group of stories.
Table 3: Likelihood of completing plan.
Iterations 6 7 8 9 10
Probability 0% 0.2% 64% 99% 100%
Following a number of iterations the participant
settled on a combination that included stories 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 8, 9 and 10, choosing to reject stories 6 and 7.
The distribution for the business value of these
stories is shown in Figure 3. The corresponding
likelihood of achieving at least certain business
values are given in Table 4 below. Note that the
expected business value is 58.2. For this
combination the probability of completion within the
12 week release was found to be 97%.
Table 4: Business Value.
Value 55 56 57 58 59 60
Probability 98% 92% 78% 55% 30% 11%
Figure 3: Business Value of plan.
Following discussions it was clear that, while the
product owner examined the distribution of likely
business value, the participant based his decision of
which plan to choose on the average business value
of the combination. This was likely due to the fact
that for the data provided there were not a number of
plans with similar averages value.
Cohn (2006) describes a statistical methodology,
based on the normal distribution, for release
planning that can be used to specify a project and a
feature buffer. It also advocates the elicitation of an
upper bound on the size of stories to establish the
distribution, in his case using a 90% value. Using
approximate methods, based on the standard
deviation of the normal distribution, it establishes
the average time to complete a set of stories and
proposes a time two standard deviations above the
average to represent the ideal days that should be
scheduled for development. Unlike our method it
does not allow for the uncertainty in the project
velocity and instead specifies a schedule buffer in
terms of ideal development days.
Notwithstanding, it is possible, based on some
approximation, to compare this method with ours
based on a release plan that selects Stories 1,2, 4, 5,
8 and 9 as outline in the Section 5. Figure 4 shows a
plot of the size in ideal days of the selected stories
according to both ours and Cohn’s methods.
Figure 4: Probability distribution function for size of
release in ideal development days using Cohn and Logue
The graph shows that the methods indicate
slightly different modal values for the size of the
release plans. It also shows that Cohn’s method
yields a distribution with less variation than ours,
due in some part to the asymmetric character of the
PERT distribution. These differences are the subject
of ongoing research.
The creation of a release plan poses a major
difficulty for even the most experienced of
development teams. Uncertainty in available
resources and business value of candidate
requirements makes prioritization a complex and
daunting task. Traditional methods for handling
uncertainty fail to recognise the often skewed nature
of estimates. The method proposed within this paper
seeks to support decision makers, it uses
probabilistic methods to provide statistical
distributions for the time to complete releases and
the likely business value. While the method
increases the data required in the planning process, it
remains relatively lightweight. The method has been
designed so as to fit an agile environment however it
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
should be possible to incorporate it within most
planning methodologies. The ability to update data
and to easily re-evaluate a plan make it well suited
for iterative and incremental development
The development of the methodology described
herein is in its early stages. While method has been
shown to have some potential, there is important
empirical research to be done to fine tune its
application within an agile environment. Important
work on the derivation of optimal plans when the
number of requirements is reasonably large is also
required. These advances will be the focus of future
research by the authors.
This work is supported by the Technological Sector
Research measure funded under the NDP and
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