Roberval Mariano, Rosario Girardi, Adriana Leite, Lucas Drumond and Djefferson Maranhão
Federal University of Maranhão, Av. dos Portugueses, Campus do Bacanga, São Luís–MA, Brazil
Keywords: Recommender Systems, Semantic Web, Information Filtering, Domain Engineering, Multi-agent Systems.
Abstract: The huge amount of data available on the Web and its dynamic nature is the source of an increasing
demand of information filtering applications such as recommender systems. The lack of semantic structure
of Web data is a barrier for improving the effectiveness of this kind of applications. This paper introduces
ONTOSERS-DM, a domain model that specifies the common and variable requirements of Recommender
Systems based on the ontology technology of the Semantic Web, using three information filtering
approaches: content-based, collaborative and hybrid filtering. ONTOSERS-DM was modeled under the
guidelines of MADEM, a methodology for Multi-Agent Domain Engineering, using the ONTOMADEM
Recommender systems suggest items of user´s
interests using information filtering techniques
(Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005), which can be
classified in:
Content Based Filtering (CBF), where an item
is recommended in terms of its similarity with
other items that the user evaluated positively in
the past.
Collaborative Filtering (CF), where an item is
recommended according to the last preferences
of other users with similar interests.
Hybrid Filtering (HF), where the two previous
filtering approaches are combined.
The effectiveness of recommender systems is
limited in some environments, such as the Web, due
to lack of semantic mark up of the information
contained in this environment. An approach to this
problem is the Semantic Web, where the
information is represented in knowledge
representation structures like ontologies.
This work describes the domain modeling task of
the MADEM (“Multi-agent Domain Engineering
Methodology”) methodology (Girardi and Marinho,
2007) and introduces ONTOSERS-DM, a domain
model that specifies the common and variable
requirements of a software family of multi-agent
recommender systems based on the Semantic Web
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2,
an overview of the domain analysis phase of the
MADEM methodology is introduced. Section 3
describes the development of ONTOSERS-DM.
Section 4 analyses some related work on similarly
developed domain models and on the application of
the Semantic Web technologies in recommender
system development. Finally, section 5 concludes
this paper with a discussion on further work being
The modeling concepts of the MADEM
methodology as well as its products are represented
as instances of the ONTOMADEM ontology, a
knowledge-based tool that supports the modeling
tasks of MADEM (Girardi and Leite).
The modeling concepts, tasks and products of
MADEM are based on techniques for Domain
Engineering and Multi-agent System Development.
MADEM is divided in the domain analysis, domain
Mariano R., Girardi R., Leite A., Drumond L. and Maranhão D. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ISDM/ABF, pages 160-167
DOI: 10.5220/0001885801600167
Figure 1: Some relationships between concepts and its instances in ONTOSERS-DM.
design, domain implementation and pattern
extraction and representation phases. Each phase has
its respective set of tasks and generated products.
The domain analysis phase consists of the concept
modeling, goal modeling, role modeling, role
interactions modeling and user interface prototyping
tasks (Table 1). The concept modeling task
represents a brainstorming of main domain concepts.
The goal modeling task represents the general goal,
external entities and specific goals. The role
modeling task represents the detailing of each
specific goal, with indication of the associated roles,
knowledge, pre-conditions, post-conditions and
external entities. The role interactions modeling task
defines how the roles cooperate to achieve their
goals. The user interface prototyping task aims at
constructing a prototype of the requirements
expressed in the Goal, Role and Role interactions
models. Variability modeling is carried out in
parallel with goal, role and role interactions
modeling to determine the common and variable
parts of an application family. This is done by
identifying the “Variation Points” and its
correspondent “Variants”. A variation point is the
representation of a concept subjected to variation. A
variant represents the alternative or optional
variations of such concept. For example, in Figure 1
the “Variation Point 1” indicates that the specific
goal “Model User” has three alternative variants,
being each variant an instance of the “responsibility”
concept. A general goal is reached from the
execution of a set of specific goals (relationship
“reached from” of Figure 1). Specific goals are
reached from the execution of responsibilities
(relationship “achieves”). A specific goal can have
as variation points responsibilities that are selected
according to the characteristics of each particular
In the example of Figure 1, the “Model users”
specific goal has a variation point with alternative
groups of responsibilities for user profile
acquisition, being possible choosing between three
variants: “Implicit Profile Acquisition”, “Explicit
Profile Acquisition” or both. Each role is in charge
of one responsibility (relationship “performed by”).
Pre-conditions and post-conditions must be satisfied
(relationship “is satisfied”). The participant entities
can be external, that interact with the system, or
internal who play roles (relationship “participates”).
This section describes the development of the tasks
and their respective products, of the domain analysis
phase of the MADEM methodology for the
construction of the domain model ONTOSERS-DM.
Table 1: Resources, tasks and products of the domain analysis phase of the MADEM methodology.
Figure 2: Concept Model of the ONTOSERS-DM.
3.1 Concept Modeling
The Concept Model of the ONTOSERS-DM is
illustrated in Figure 2. The main difference between
traditional recommender systems and the “Semantic
Web-based Recommender Systems” are that the last
one uses “Information Item Models” that are a kind
of “Semantic Web Resources”. This way, they take
advantage of the Semantic Web technologies to
represent “Information Item Models” and “User
Models” as instances of a “Domain Ontology”. A
“Personalized Recommendation” is constructed
based on an “Information Item Model” and “User
Models”. In the case of Content-Based Filtering, the
recommendation is based on an “Information Item
Model”. In the case of Collaborative Filtering, the
recommendation is based on a “Model of Group of
Users with Similar Profiles”. A “Personalized
Recommendation” satisfies a “User Profile”. Such
recommendation is composed by “Filtered Items”
and is delivered directly to the user.
3.2 Goal Modeling
Figure 3 represents the goal model of ONTOSERS-
DM. The “Provide Recommendations using
Semantic Web Technology” general goal is reached
through the “Model Users”, “Filter Information” and
“Deliver Recommendations” specific goals. Figure 4
shows the variation points of the specific goals
defining the variability of the responsibilities needed
to reach this goal. In order to achieve the “Filter
Information” specific goal, it is necessary to perform
the “Ontology Instance User Model Creation and
Update” responsibility, which also contributes to
reach the “Model Users” specific goal. Besides that,
the “Grouping of user models”, “Information Items
based on Ontology Instance Representation” and
“Similarity Analysis” responsibilities are needed.
The “Grouping of Users Models” responsibility
allows identifying groups of users with similar
The “Information Items based on Ontology
Instance Representation” allows representing
information items in a structure that can be
processed by software agents. The “Similarity
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 3: Goal Model of ONTOSERS-DM.
Analysis” responsibility looks for determining
the relevance of a given item for a user. The “Filter
Information” specific goal has a variation point that
has as variant alternatives: the “Grouping of users
models” responsibility, required in systems that use
CF; and the “Information Items based on Ontology
Instance Representation” responsibility in the ones
using CBF. To reach the “Deliver
Recommendations” specific goal is necessary to
perform the “Similarity Analysis” responsibility.
The “Deliver Recommendations” specific goal is
also reached through the execution of the
“Production of Personalized recommendations” and
“Deliver Personalized Recommendations”
responsibilities. The “Model Users” specific goal
has a variation point with groups of responsibilities
for user profile acquisition, being possible to choose
between three alternative variants: “Implicit Profile
Acquisition”, “Explicit Profile Acquisition” or both.
The last responsibility, “Ontology Instance User
Model Creation and Update” is fixed, i.e. it is
required in all the applications of the family. The
“Deliver Recommendations” specific goal does not
have variation points, therefore the “Similarity
Analysis”, “Personalized Recommendations
Production” and “Delivery of Personalized
Recommendations” responsibilities are required in
all the applications of the family, then belonging to
the fixed part of the goal model.
3.3 Role Modeling
In the Role Modeling task, each one of the
responsibilities identified in the Goal Model is
assigned to an internal entity playing a role. This is
expressed in a Role Model. Each role responsibility
requires the usage and the production of certain
knowledge and the fulfillment of pre-conditions and
post-conditions. Figure 5 shows the role model
related to the “Model Users” specific goal. The
“User Monitor” role plays the “Implicit Profile
Acquisition” responsibility. This responsibility has
the pre-condition “User is connected”. The “Explicit
Profile Acquisition” responsibility, associated to the
“Input Interface” role, can be performed if the “User
filled a form” pre-condition is satisfied. This
responsibility produces a “User Profile” and has a
“User Profile Acquired” post-condition. To execute
the “Ontology Instance User Model Creation and
Update” responsibility, the “User Modeler” role uses
a “User Profile” and produces an “Ontology based
User Model” thus having the “User models are
created” post-condition satisfied.
Figure 6 shows the Role Model related to the “Filter
Information” specific goal. The “Grouping of User
Models” responsibility is executed by the “Miner”
role. This responsibility uses a “User Model” and
produces “Groups of Users Models” thus satisfying
the “Groups Available” post-condition. When a
“New Item of Information is available” pre-
condition is satisfied, the “Information Item based
on Ontology Instance Representation” responsibility
is exercised using a “New Information Item” and
producing an “Information Item Model”, thus
satisfying the “Information Item is represented”
The “Similarity Analysis” responsibility is executed
by the “Filter” role for determining how much an
information item can satisfy the information needs
of a user, represented in a User Model.
Figure 4: Variation Point of the Specific Goal Model Users.
Figure 5: Role Model of the “Model Users” Specific Goal.
This responsibility uses a “Groups of Users Model”
and/or an “Information Item Model” and produces a
set of “Filtered items”. The “Deliver
Recommendations” specific goal is reached through
the performance of the “Similarity Analysis”,
“Personalized Recommendations Production” and
“Delivery of Personalized Recommendation”
responsibilities, executed respectively by the Filter,
Selector and Input Interface roles (Figure 7).
3.4 Role Interactions Modeling
Each one of the Role Interactions Model shows the
interactions between the internal and external
entities related to each specific goal. The
interactions are numbered according to their
Figure 8 shows the Role Interaction Model related to
the "Model User" specific goal. The Monitor role
captures user navigational behavior. A user profile,
acquired implicitly, is transferred to the “User
Modeler” role so that it can create a user model.
Another alternative is explicit profile acquisition in
which the user explicitly specifies his/her interests
through the “Input Interface” role that sends the
profile to the “User Modeler” role. The alternative
responsibilities of the specific goals determine
alternative interactions between roles. During the
role interactions modeling new variation points are
associated to the specific goals containing variant
groups of role interactions. For the “Model Users”
specific goal (Figure 9) the variation point “Variant
Point Number 2” was created having as variants a
set of role interactions according to the variant
responsibilities associated to this goal.
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 6: Role Model of the “Filter Information” Specific Goal.
Figure 7: Role Model of the “Deliver Recommendation” Specific Goal.
Figure 8: Role Interactions Modeling related to the
“Model Users” specific goal.
3.5 User Interface Prototyping
This phase aims at creating generic screens that will
guide the construction of the user interfaces of the
applications reusing ONTOSERS.
In the login interface (Figure 10) the user
informs his/her login and password in order to be
identified by the respective User Interface agent.
Figure 9: Variability modeling of role interactions
associated to the “Model users” specific goal.
Figure 10: User Interface Prototype (Login).
Figure 11: User Interface Prototype (User Identification).
Before logging into the system, the user needs to
specify its profile, which is composed by the
identification and interests of the user. Figure 11
shows the user interface prototype for specifying the
user identification, composed by the name, e-mail,
login and password of the user.
User interests are organized into categories. The
User Interface Prototype for specifying the interests
within a certain interest category is shown in Figure
Figure 12: User Interface Prototype (Interest Category 1).
The Personalized Recommendation Interface
prototype presents to the user the recommended
items, with their identification and the similarity
with the user model (Figure 13). By clicking on the
information item users can visualize all its content.
Figure 13: Recommendation Interface Prototype.
A domain model similar to the one described in this
work is presented in Girardi and Marinho (2007).
ONTOWUM-DM is a domain model that describes
the requirements of recommender systems based on
use mining and collaborative filtering. ONTOSERS-
DM extends this model, incorporating the
responsibilities associated to explicit user profile
acquisition, content based filtering and hybrid
filtering. Also, ONTOSERS-DM is based on
Semantic Web information sources. Thus, the reuse
potential of the model is improved by increasing the
variable part of the model thus allowing the
generation of a greater number of recommender
systems based on the different available techniques.
Also, ONTOSERS-DM was developed using a new
version of the MADEM methodology and the
ONTOMADEM tool (Girardi and Leite, 2007,
Girardi and Marinho, 2007).
Semantic Web technologies make use of
ontologies which are a formal and explicit
specification of a conceptualization (Gruber, 1995).
Some works already explore the potential of the
ontologies and Semantic Web technologies for the
improvement of the effectiveness of recommender
systems. Middleton et. Alii (2002) developed an
approach for user modeling based on ontology
inferences, representing the user profiles in terms of
an ontology of scientific articles. In Ziegler (2004)
and Ziegler et al. (2004) is introduced an approach
for hybrid information filtering, that computes the
user profiles and generates recommendations based
on a product taxonomy. A similarity measure
between concepts expressed using description logics
is introduced in Fanizzi et al. (2005). As description
logic is the formalism for ontology representation,
such similarity measure can be applied for
information access in the Semantic Web.
ONTOSERS-DM is a specification of the
requirements of applications based on these
This work introduced ONTOSERS-DM, a domain
model that specifies the common and variable
requirements of recommender systems based on the
Semantic Web technology. The variability of the
concepts related to user modeling and information
filtering was described. ONTOSERS-DM was
constructed following the guidelines of the
MADEM methodology with the support of the
ONTOMADEM tool (Girardi and Leite, 2007). The
modeling process revealed being consistent and
capable of generating products with high potential
of reuse.
Currently we have finished the architectural,
detailed design and implementation models of
ONTOSERS, where a solution for the requirements
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
specified in ONTOSERS-DM was mapped to a
multi-agent framework.
The ONTOSERS system family was reused in
the construction of a recommender system in the
area of Tax Law, according to the guidelines of the
MAAEM methodology (Lindoso, 2006a, Lindoso,
2006b, Girardi and Lindoso, 2005). Such system is
called INFOTRIB and supports collaborative and
content based filtering. We are currently working on
its extension in order to support also hybrid filtering
Lindoso, A. N., “The SRAMO Technique for Analysis
and Reuse of Requirements in Multi-agent
Application Engineering”. In: IX Workshop on
Requirements Engineering (WER 2006), Proceedings
of IX Workshop on Requirements Engineering, Rio de
Janeiro, 2006a. v. 20. p. 41-50.
Lindoso, A. N., Uma Metodologia Baseada em Ontologia
para a Engenharia de Aplicações Multiagente. Tese
de Mestrado. São Luís. 2006b.
Fanizzi, C., Nicola, D., Espósito, F., “A Semantic
Similarity Measure for Expressive Description
Logics”. Universita di Bari. Italy. 2005.
Ziegler, C., “Semantic Web Recommender Systems”.
Proc. Joint ICDE/EDBT Ph.D. Workshop, pp. 78-89.
Ziegler, C., Schimitdt-Thieme, L., Lausen, G., “Exploiting
Semantic Product Descriptions for Recommender
Systems”. SWIR 04. ACM SIGIR Semantic Web and
Information Retrieval Woksho, Sheffield, UK, July,
29, 2004.
Adomavicius, G., Tuzhilin, A., “Toward the Next
Generation of Recommender Systems: A Survey of
the State-of-Art and Possible Extensions”, IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
2005 v. 17, n 6. 734-749.
Girardi, R., Leite, A., “ONTOMADEM: An Ontology-
driven Tool for Multi-Agent Domain Engineering”,
Proceedings of The Nineteenth International
Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering, Ed. Knowledge Systems Institute.
Boston, 2007, pp. 559-564.
Girardi, R., Leite, A., “A Knowledge-based Tool for
Multi-Agent Domain Engineering”, Knowledge-Based
Systems Journal, Springer, 2008. (To appear)
Girardi, R., Lindoso, A., “DDEMAS: A Domain Design
Technique for Multi-agent Domain Engineering”. In:
The Seventh International Bi-Conference Workshop
on Agent-oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2005)
at The 24th International Conference on Conceptual
Modeling (ER 2005), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 3770, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg,
2005. p. 141-150.
R. Girardi, L. Drumond, “A Multi-agent Legal
Recommender System” of Ai and Law, 2008 (to
Girardi, R., Marinho, L., “A Domain Model of Web
Recommender Systems based on Usage Mining and
Collaborative Filtering, Requirements Engineering
Journal”, Ed. Springer-Verlag, London, vol.12, n. 1,
2007, pp. 23-40.
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systems”. In Proceedings of the WWW International
Workshop on the Semantic Web, volume 55 of CEUR
Workshop Proceedings, Maui, HW, USA, May 2002.
Gruber, T. R., “Toward Principles for the Design of
Ontologies used for Knowledge Sharing”.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,
1995. Nº 43, pp. 907-928.