Efficient Grid Service Design to Integrate Parallel
Al. Archip, M. Craus and S. Aruştei
“Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Romania
Abstract. Although grid systems and grid computing have greatly evolved
during the past few years, parallel application support remains somewhat
limited. A new method for integrating parallel applications as grid services is
presented. This method assumes that underlying parallel applications are
resources for grid services; also, it implies that service resources may be clients
for some predefined helper grid services. The design of the grid service is based
on a Factory Service / Instance Service architecture, aiming to offer support for
managing multiple resources. The tests were performed on the GRAI Grid
(Academic Grid for Complex Applications), using Globus Toolkit 4 – versions
4.0.3 and 4.0.5 – as the base middleware.
1 Introduction
The grid computing naturally incorporates parallel applications in order to solve
complex problems. This support also includes MPI (Message Passing Interface) based
parallel applications. Specialists [1] agree that MPI libraries provide a useful, widely
used standard. As presented in [2], Globus Toolkit – including version 4 of the
middleware – offers support for parallel application design and implementation
through the use of MPICH-G2 package. As depicted in [2] and [3], MPICH-G2 offers
full support for MPI v1.1 standard, but also includes some of the more advanced
features of MPI v2.0, such as parallel file I/O. While being a platform dependent,
MPICH-G2 compensates through speed and through a good integration with Globus
The highly complex applications, such as data mining or data analysis applications,
often require features like the dynamic adding of processing nodes to a local
communicator or message exchange between communicators themselves. These
features are presented in the MPI-2 standard and are not currently supported by
The present paper presents a grid service that wraps around a general MPI
application. Through the use of this service, GRAI Grid exposes Data Analysis grid
services. Parallelization of the Data Mining application modules has been achieved
using LAM 7.1.4.
Archip A., Craus M. and Aru¸stei S. (2008).
Efficient Grid Service Design to Integrate Parallel Applications.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Architectures, Concepts and Technologies for Service Oriented Computing, pages 7-16
DOI: 10.5220/0001898500070016
2 Parallel Grid Applications
As presented in the first section, a first possibility of running MPI based applications
is to use MPICH-G2. The applications are usually written in C/C++. The code must
be compiled with the mpicc (C based applications) or mpic++ (C++ based
applications), tools that are integrated in every distribution of MPICH-G2. The
general start-up of MPI based applications implemented using MPICH-G2 is given in
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. General start-up of MPI-based applications using Globus middleware and MPICH-G2.
After a successful grid-proxy-init command, the parallel application may be run either directly,
by using the mpirun command, or through the globusrun tool.
An authorized user must perform the following steps in order to run the desired
parallel application:
1. The user must check and/or initialize its credentials on the given grid system.
Credential checking can be achieved through the grid-proxy-info tool, while
credential initialization can be attained through the use of grid-proxy-init tool.
2. After the credentials have been checked/initialized, the user may run the
application directly
(mpirun –np number_of_processors path_to_binary), or
3. The user may generate a GRAM RSL script and call the globusrun tool.
If the desired application makes use of standard input or standard output, the above
mentioned step 3 is preferred. A sample RSL file (Resource Specification Language)
for GRAM jobs (Globus Resource Allocation Manager) is presented in the following
code listing:
+( &(resourceManagerContact="frontend.tuiasi.ro")
(label="subjob 0")
(LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/globus/lib/))
(arguments="arg 1" "arg 2" "arg 3")
This approach has a few major drawbacks. First of all, as stated in section 1, the
application does not make use of the full MPI-2 features. Aside from inter/intra-
communicator message exchange, C++ applications are not fully supported: MPICH-
G2 does not offer support for C++ object serialization/de-serialization. Also, we
determined that improper linking of the compiled application may result in GRAM
running 4 independent applications instead of one application with 4 processes.
Our approach makes use of WS-GRAM module. For this case, a XML RSL file is
presented in the following code listing:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<argument>”arg 1”</argument>
<argument>”arg 2”</argument>
<argument>”arg 3”</argument>
An important note is that, for this second case, the registered user must specify the
target cluster and, also, the user must check if the LAM (Local Area Multicomputer)
daemon is active in the desired cluster. In order to submit one such job from the
command line, the user must issue the following command:
globusrun-ws –submit –f rsl.file.name
As will be depicted in the following sections, the service we implemented will
perform these actions through the use of Java COG Kit (Java Commodity Grid Kit).
In order for our service to function properly, the following are required [4]:
correct installation and configuration of GridFTP;
correct installation and configuration of ReliableFileTransfer;
correct installation and configuration of ManagedJobFactoryService;
adequate firewall configuration that would allow for TCP ports 2811 and 8443 to
accept connections from authorized hosts.
3 Grid Service Architecture
The architecture of our grid service is compliant with the Factory Service / Instance
Service model submitted in [5] (see Fig. 2). Such a model allows for a good
management of resources and offers good support for multiple users accessing the
same service.
Fig. 2. Factory Service / Instance Service model. A client may connect either to Factory Service
and create a new WS-Resource for a new analysis, or to a previously initialized WS-Resource
through Instance Service.
3.1 Grid Service Implementation
Using the model in Fig. 2, our service is divided into two major components. The first
one is the Factory component, AAFactoryService. The implementation for this
component is similar to the one depicted in [5], without any relevant changes.
AAFactoryService has only a basic functionality implemented: its single purpose is to
create new resources to be used by the second component, AATestService. Once a
WS-Resource is properly created, AAFactoryService returns an
EndpointReferenceType that uniquely identifies the newly created WS-Resource.
The second major component, AATestService, is responsible for the data analysis
itself. It has only four methods accessible to the client:
methodWriteSettings – this method should be used to write configuration data
needed for the analysis (being a data mining task, configuration data must include
parameters like minimum support, minimum confidence, target database and
means of connecting to the given database);
methodWriteLogSettings – this method is specific to our tests (as will be detailed in
section 4 of this paper).
methodClientStartJob – this is the main method of the Instance service. The
method builds the XML RSL file and then calls the current WS-Resource for job
methodReadJobStatus – once a job is submitted to run, the client may check on the
status of the current job by calling this method.
An interesting aspect of our service is related to the WS-Resource it relies on.
After a correct initialization – through calling the Factory Service and the through
setting the appropriate analysis parameters – the resource would act, on behalf of the
authorized user, as a client for the ManagedJobFactoryService provided by the
Globus middleware. A succinct listing of our resource implementation code is given:
package aacore.factory.impl;
//for job submittion
import gridUtils.MyGridProxy;
import gridUtils.WSJobWrapper;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential;/*Common imports
public class AATestResource implements Resource,
ResourceIdentifier, ResourceProperties {
private ResourcePropertySet propSet;
private Object key;
private String jobSettingsRP;
private String jobLogPrefixRP;
private String clientJobStatusRP;
public Object initialize() throws Exception {}
public String getJobSettingsRP() {}
public void setJobSettingsRP(String value) {}
public String getJobLogPrefixRP() {}
public void setJobLogPrefixRP(String value) {}
public String getClientJobStatusRP() {}
public void setClientJobStatusRP(String value) {}
public ResourcePropertySet getResourcePropertySet(){}
public Object getID() {}
public int runJob(String jobRSL, String proxyPath,
String keyFile, String certFile) {}
The main method of the above listed class is runJob. This method uses two
personalized classes – MyGridProxy and WSJobWrapper – in order to connect to
ManagedJobFactoryService. The method updates the private variable
clientJobStatusRP with the status results received for the current job. Each resource
identifies a single job and each resource is identified by a corresponding
EndpointReferenceType – previously returned by our AAFactoryService. Through
specific security settings (as depicted in [6]), self authorization is achieved and the
WS-Resource submits the current job with authorized user’s credentials. The client –
as section 3.2 will describe – is responsible for proxy initialization/re-initialization.
3.2 Client Description
The message exchange between our Grid client and the Grid service is presented in
fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Message exchange between the Grid client, Factory Service and Instance Service. The
Instance Service receives notifications from the ManajedJobFactoryService and then notifies
the client on job state changes.
A client for our service must perform the following tasks:
Check the user proxy – if no valid proxy is found or if the previous proxy has
expired, the client must initialize/re-initialize the proxy.
Check for existing resources – this is performed through a set of specialized classes
(described in section 3.3); if previous resources are found, the client may check the
job status of the respective resources.
Initialize a new resource for a new job submitting or connect to an existent
resource for job monitoring – the client is responsible for submitting the correct
credentials to the service.
When the current analysis is done and no other tasks have been submitted, the
client must destroy his/her proxy.
Both the client and the service require a set of specialized classes to work. These
classes are described in the following section.
3.3 Service/Client Specific Components
Since both the client and the service rely on user authorization, the following code
listing describes the MyGridProxy class – a class that is used in user proxy
package gridUtils;
/*Common imports omitted*/
import fileHelpers.FilePermHelper;
public class MyGridProxy {
private X509Certificate certificate;
private PrivateKey userKey = null;
private GlobusCredential proxy = null;
private ProxyCertInfo proxyCertInfo = null;
private int bits = 512;
private int lifetime = 3600 * 12;
private int proxyType;
private GlobusGSSCredentialImpl credimpl;
private String proxyFile;
private String keyFile;
private String certFile;
private String issuer;
private String user, password;
public MyGridProxy() {}
public MyGridProxy(String proxyFile,
String keyFile, String certFile) {}
public void environmentSetup() {}
public void createProxy() throws Exception {}
public boolean checkProxy() {}
public boolean destroyProxy() {}
public GSSCredential buildProxy() {}
public GSSCredential buildProxy(byte[]proxyData){}
The client must use the checkProxy and/or createProxy methods for proxy
initializations. The service must use the specific buildProxy(byte[] proxyData)
method in order to check for a valid user proxy and submit or monitor the job.
Aside from the steps described in [7], we have implemented a second helper class
that would set the appropriate file permissions for the proxy file. On a Linux platform,
these permissions must be read/write for the user and no permissions for the user’s
group and for the others. Since FileWriters in Java create files with supplementary
permissions (read permissions for both user’s group and for other users), a helper
class (FilePermHelper) has been developed in order to set the appropriate file rights.
In order for the Resource to correctly submit a job, we have implemented a WS-
Gram Job wrapper. This class is used only by the service and has the purpose of
contacting the corresponding ManagedJobFactoryService. A brief code listing
package gridUtils;/*Common imports omitted*/
public class WSJobWrapper implements GramJobListener {
private String rslFileName;
private GramJob crtJob;
private static final long
private boolean jobCompleted;
private GSSCredential proxy;
private int exitCode;
public void setRSL(String rslFileName) {}
public String getRSL() {}
public void setProxy(GSSCredential proxy) {}
public GSSCredential getProxyPath() {}
public boolean jobDone() {}
public WSJobWrapper() {}
public WSJobWrapper(String rslFileName,
GSSCredential proxy) {}
public void stateChanged(GramJob job) {}
public void submitRslFile() {}
public int processCrtJob(GSSCredential proxy,
EndpointReferenceType factoryEPR){}
private synchronized void waitJobCompletion() {}
An important note is that, if the resource does not receive a state change
notification for a predefined period of time, it will assume job completion and will
notify the corresponding service of job completion. Although this is not the preferred
method for job monitoring, it does not lock computational resources indefinitely.
In order to achieve multiple resource management abilities the client uses two
more classes named EPRFileHelper and EPRFileLister, respectively. The first class is
used for saving the endpoint reference returned by AAFactoryService. The client may
then connect either to a newly created resource in order to submit a new job or to an
existing resource in order to monitor a specific job. The second class is used to
monitor a client specified folder for endpoint references.
4 Case Study
The above described grid service is currently being tested on GRAI Grid as a wrapper
service for various data mining algorithms. One such study involves the
implementation of Hash Partitioned Apriori (HPA). We have implemented the
algorithm using C++ STL. Parallelization has been implemented using:
1. MPICH-G2 – the standard version embedded in the Rocks version 4.2.1 Linux
2. MPI 2.0 compliant libraries implemented in LAM 7.1.1 (using the same Linux
distribution as support operating system).
In order to properly monitor the submitted jobs, the test application used a custom
log module. Each processing node writes detailed information about the current step
of the analysis in a specific log file. This method is preferred due to an increased
control over processes and thorough debug in case of failure. Test job has been
submitted using first time four and then eight processes.
For case 1) we used both GRAM and WS-GRAM approaches. The grid service
submitted the job without any errors and received correct notifications only when
using GRAM scripts. However, the GRAM approach failed to initialize properly,
submitting four/eight independent applications instead of a single application with
four/eight concurrent threads. Since Globus Toolkit specifications maintain GRAM
job submitting only for backward compatibility issues, this first case is not preferred
for further use.
For case 2), we used only the WS-GRAM approach and we have manually started
the LAM daemon prior to running the service. The job submitting worked as
expected. The grid service performed accurate monitoring only after appropriate
security settings have been employed: the methodClientStartJob method of the grid
service must be configured to run with user credentials instead of the default container
This run proves one of the main advantages of our service. We do not limit the
development of parallel applications only to MPICH-G2.
The MPI application that we have used for tests required some specific
configuration files. A usual scenario for running MPI-based Grid applications that
require file upload and/or file download. Since MPI-based applications have poor or
no support for interacting with Grid services, the user had to manually upload various
configuration and input files. In our case the Instance service connects directly to the
ReliableFileTransfer service and transfers any needed files between the client and the
MPI application. This shows a second advantage of our service: the service, acting as
a job wrapper, may interact with various other Grid services before or after submitting
the MPI job.
5 Conclusions and Further Research
The present paper describes a new way of combining Java Grid applications with MPI
based parallel applications into a Factory/Instance grid service. The need for such a
grid service is derived from the fact that current grid middleware support for MPI
based parallel applications do not fully use MPI 2.0 standard. Also, MPICH-G2 or
other MPI standard implementations do not allow for a direct connection between
parallel applications and middleware grid services (such as OGSA-DAI or
ReliableFileTransfer service).
The tests we performed using a specific console client have demonstrated the
usefulness of the presented model in managing multiple resources, as well as a good
interaction with several grid services delivered with Globus Toolkit 4 middleware
(services such as ReliableFileTransfer or ManagedJobFactoryService). The tests have
shown that correct use of WS-GRAM RSL scripts combined with appropriate security
settings for the corresponding grid service prove useful in embedding MPI based
parallel applications within grid services.
Aside from the two major advantages pointed out in section 4, we would also like
to point out another plus for our model. The service’s Resource specifies the MPI
modules it uses in a static manner. While this is not the preferred method for a general
wrapper application, it has the advantage of not submitting foreign, unchecked code
on our Grid system.
We are currently investigating means of pipe-lining specific application logs with
Java applications in order to increase the level of detail for grid job status. A positive
result would achieve better job management through the grid services.
The Excellence Research Program, through grant 74 CEEX-II03 – "Academic Grid
for Complex Applications", has supported the research for this paper.
1. Shantenu Jha, Grid Experts Address Barriers to Distributed Applications,
http://www.gridtoday.com/grid/1735208.html, August 20, 2007
2. MPICH-G2, http://www.globus.org/grid_software/computation/mpich-g2.php
3. Nicholas T. Karonis, Brian Toonen, Ian Foster, MPICH-G2: A Grid-Enabled
Implementation of the Message Passing Interface, November 2002
4. J. Bart, M. Brown, K. Fukui, N. Trivedi, Introduction to Grid Computing, IBM RedBooks,
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5. Sotomayor B., The Globus Toolkit 4 Programmer’s Tutorial, http://gdp.globus.org/gt4-
tutorial/multiplehtml/ch05s01.html, 2005
6. Globus Toolkit Alliance, Security Descriptors, http://www.globus.org/toolkit/docs/4.0/
7. Globus Toolkit Alliance, Submitting a job in Java using WS GRAM,