Question Answering for Distance Education Students
Burcu Yurekli, Ahmet Arslan, Hakan G. Senel* and Ozgur Yilmazel
Department of Computer Engineering, *Department of Electrical Engineering
Anadolu University, 2 Eylul Kampusu, Eskisehir, Turkey
Keywords: Question answering, text extraction, indexing, searching, metadata generation, information retrieval.
Abstract: This paper reports on our progress towards building a Turkish Question Answering System to be used by
distance education students of Anadolu University. We have converted 205 electronic books in PDF format
to text, extracted metadata from these documents. Currently we provide search capabilities over these
documents. Details on problems we faced, and solutions we came up with are provided. We also outline our
plan for continuing and implementing a full Question Answering system for this domain. We also present
ways to automatically evaluate our system.
In the last decade online university education is
becoming ever more popular, because it allows
many people to use the new communication medium
to get advanced degrees even if they can’t attend to
universities as full time students.
Anadolu University has been providing higher
education opportunities through distance education
since 1982 (with the establishment of Distance
Education System) to those who could not otherwise
continue their education. There are over one million
students studying in this system in Turkey, and six
European countries.
The learning materials are textbooks, TV
programs, academic counseling services,
videoconferences, computers and the Internet-based
applications (http://www.anadolu.edu.tr). One of the
internet based applications provided by the
university is the e-book service, which allows
students to access course books via internet. These
course books are published in PDF format, and
offered as links to full PDF files (~ 300 pages per
book). In order to find the information, students
either should look through these PDF documents or
they should know exact place of the information,
which means spending more time and effort.
The aim of this research is to build an intelligent
question-answering system to improve distance
education. The main objective of Question
Answering (Q/A) is to identify the answer of a
question in large collections of online documents
(Harabagiu, Paşca, & Maiorano, 2000). By
developing a Q/A system, we will enable students to
get clear answers to their questions within context.
Short answers within context will allow them to get
to the relevant material faster, and ultimately
improve their learning experience.
In this paper we present our progress in this
research, discuss the challenges and our proposed
solutions. Section 2 gives an overview of our
system, provides details on different components
and challenges. Section 3 gives details about the
remaining work to complete our intelligent question
answering system for the Anadolu University
Distance Education students and section 4
summarizes our current progress and conclusions.
The prototype of the Anadolu University Distance
Education Question-Answering System (AOF-QA)
consists of five different processes: preprocessing,
metadata generation, indexer, searcher, and QA
module (see Figure 1). Each of the modules is
described below.
2.1 Preprocessing
For automatic assignment of metadata, first the
educational course books have been partitioned into
Yurekli B., Arslan A., G. Senel H. and Yilmazel O. (2008).
TURKISH QUESTION ANSWERING - Question Answering for Distance Education Students.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - ISDM/ABF, pages 320-323
DOI: 10.5220/0001900703200323
Figure 1: System overview. – implies future components.
chapters. Then, these chapters, which are in PDF
format, have been converted to texts. Finally, from
these texts the metadata have been generated.
2.1.1 Partition of Books into Chapters
The documents we have consist of course books in
PDF format. Each of the course books has different
number of chapters. To make metadata extraction
available, we have divided the course books into
smaller PDFs according to their chapters. The
number of course books published in PDF format
was about 230. Some of the course books were
scanned through the hardcopy of the originals, so we
had to eliminate them. Among the course books we
have, 205 of them were partitioned into smaller
PDFs. At last, we obtained 2654 PDFs, which is the
number of the chapters of the 205 course books.
2.1.2 PDF to Text Conversion
In document processing, we have converted the PDF
documents to texts to make them more suitable to
allow processing. At this step, PDFBox
(http://www.pdfbox.org), which is an open source
Java PDF library to work with PDF documents, has
been used.
While converting PDFs’ into texts, we have
faced some problems. Most of the PDF documents
were legacy. Also, since they are written in Turkish,
when we convert them to text, Turkish language
specific characters like ‘ı’, ‘İ’, ‘ğ’, ‘Ğ’, ‘ş’, and ‘Ş
were corrupted. Except ‘ş’ and ‘Ş’, the other
corrupted Turkish characters have been corrected by
replacement as each of them was referred by a non-
Turkish single character. However we could not
corrected ‘ş’ and ‘Ş’ characters by replacement.
When these two characters are converted to text, ‘ş
becomes ‘fl’ and ‘Ş’ becomes ‘fi’, and both ‘fl’ and
‘fi’ can take place in meaningful Turkish words. To
overcome this issue, we thought that we need a spell
checker, which will check if a word is correctly
spelled or not. If there is a wrong spelled word, it
will be changed by the correct one. As a spell
checker, we used Zemberek, which is an open
source Turkish NLP library
(http://code.google.com/p/zemberek). Zemberek
provides basic NLP operations such as spell
checking, morphological parsing, stemming, word
construction, word suggestion, converting words
written only using ASCII characters (so called
'deasciifier') and extracting syllables.
Although Zemberek has overcomed many
problems and been useful, in some cases it logically
failed to do the right correction, because of the
proper names and missspelled words. We created a
correction map file, which contains a list of correct
spellings of proper names and common words, to do
the correction.
2.1.3 Metadata Extraction and Discourse
At this stage full-text of the chapters, which were
obtained in the PDF to text conversion step, are
converted into XML representations.
Instead of writing the full-text under a tag, we
first extract the metadata such as author, summary,
keywords and learning objectives so that we could
display this information to the user in the result set.
We followed similar research that has been done for
(Yilmazel, Finneran, & Liddy, 2004) as it takes great
amount of time and effort to create metadata of
digital contents manually.
After the discourse analysis of the chapters, we
had found that chapters were organized as chapter
number, chapter title, introduction, text body,
abstract, evaluation tests, and references. However,
some of the chapters don’t contain evaluation tests
and references. Also, the introduction parts of the
chapters show differences. Some of them may
contain information like chapter author, aim,
keywords and suggestions. We implemented a rule
based extraction system to extract metadata of the
chapter texts automatically.
We observed that our document collection could
be separated into six categories according to the
differences of the chapter full-texts. So, we designed
a chapter parser which determines the category of
the full-text. When a document is sent to this parser,
it decides the category and extracts the metadata of
the document.
Finally, we obtained the following metadata
elements: Course No, Book Name, Book Author,
Book ISBN, Chapter No, Chapter Title, Chapter
Author, Chapter Begin, Foreword, Learning
Objective, Keywords, Content, Suggestions,
TURKISH QUESTION ANSWERING - Question Answering for Distance Education Students
Trouble, Introduction, and Text. While creating the
XML documents, we have written these elements
into corresponding tags.
At the forcoming processes of our research, the
XML documents, obtained at this step, will be used
as resources and our question answering system will
depend on these documents.
We have built a windows application to check
our system whether there exists any mistakes in the
automatically extracted XML documents. By this
application, we can see and compare the original
PDF chapter and the extracted XML document. If
there exists mistakes or unnecessary information like
headers and footers, we can correct them manually
in the XML document and create a new version.
2.2 Indexer
Many question answering systems use information
retrieval to identify candidate documents that might
contain the answer. To implement this candidate
document selection phase, we used an open source
information retrieval library called “Solr”
(http://lucene.apache.org/solr). We modified the
behaviour of Solr for Turkish language. In Solr,
given documents are converted to token streams and
each token is analyzed by different Analyzers or
Filters before they get indexed in an inverted index
for retrieval.
The following three filters were implemented:
Turkish Lowercase Filter
Lowercase filter that came with out-of-the-box
settings of the Solr, lowercases letter ‘I’ to ‘i’.
However, in Turkish, lowercase of letter ‘I’ is ‘ı’.
Our Turkish Lowercase Filter lowercases terms
correctly for the Turkish Alphabet.
Turkish Stem Filter
Stemming is one of the well-known methods for
improving Information Retrieval systems. Since
Turkish is an agglutinative language, inflectional
and derivational suffixes are used to create new
words, stemming becomes more important in
increasing recall and reducing the number of unique
terms in the inverted index (Can et al., 2008). We
implemented a stem filter, using Zemberek. Our
stem filter identifies and removes inflectional
suffixes from Turkish words.
Turkish Character Synonym Filter
Turkish Language have (ç, ğ, ı, ö, ş, ü) six Turkish
specific characters. At indexing time, if a token
contains one of these six characters, this filter
creates a new token replacing these characters with
corresponding English characters and injects this
new token to the token stream as a synonym of the
original token. This is done because many Turkish
computer users still choose to use US English
Keyboards on their computers, that doesn’t have the
special characters, and transliterate Turkish words,
by using the ASCII counter parts of the Turkish
characters. (i.e. öğrenci vs. ogrenci).
Example: In our system if a user queries the
word ‘ogrenci’ (not a valid Turkish word), he gets
the results containing the word ‘öğrenci’ (student in
Table 1: The equivalence of Turkish specific characters in
Turkish Letter ç ğ ı ö ş ü
English Letter c g i o s u
2.3 Searcher
We developed a Web application that can return
ranked lists of documents relevant to the given user
query. Our results displayed the book name, chapter
title, page number and highlighted text snippets from
the document to the end user. Document metadata is
also made available in the results screen by screen
overlay. We thought that, this kind of output is
suitable which is used by many search engines.
In our initial experiments we used book chapters
as basic units of indexing. Doing chapter level
indexing increased the highlighting of the results to
about 7-8 seconds which is impractical for a live
We realized that, in order to obtain feasible
response time, we had to decrease the highlighted
field size. So, we decided to separate chapters into
pages. We indexed our documents page by page. We
used Solr’s faceted search capability to group the
result set according to chapters of books, and sort
each group by page number. By this way, we
obtained less than 500 milliseconds execution time
for a query. This time is reasonable for the most live
In addition to the highlighted snippets, a direct
link to the page of the original PDF is also provided.
Giving opportunity for accessing the original
documents and to a specific page has many
advantages like seeing figures, tables and visual
components that cannot be converted to text.
2.4 QA Module – To be Implemented
This module will be used to answer a question. First,
in the context of some ongoing interaction, our
system will analyse the given question. Then by
using the IR part of the research, we will retrieve the
ICSOFT 2008 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
relevant documents containing the answer of the
question. Among these relevant documents, we will
apply some answer finding algorithms, to extract
one or more answers. Finally, in some appropriate
form, we will present the answer to the user
(Hirschman & Gaizauskas, 2001).
In our textbooks, at the end of each chapter there
is an evaluation section. In this section there are
multiple choice questions for the students to test
themselves. Also, the correct answers of these
questions are available. By using these data, we are
going to construct a QA system evaluation data set,
which will be used to test our QA system.
Our research is going to expand from this
information retrieval system to a Question-
Answering System in multiple stages by
implementing various modules needed.
First stage will be the implementation of the
Question Interpreter for Turkish. This module will
analyze the incoming question to produce a logical
representation for the question that can be converted
to a Boolean query for information retrieval. We
envision this module to have synonym expansion,
spelling correction, and other further processing
needed for handling questions.
In order to answer many factoid and comparison
questions we would need to have structured
information extracted from the documents. We will
implement an Information Extraction module to
mark texts within these books with structured
Final module in our QA system is actually
multiple modules, Answer Finding Strategy (AFS).
Each AFS will implement a different answer finding
strategy to search for an answer in the documents
and consolidate these for displaying to the user.
We will tune and evaluate our QA system from
the Question Repositories of AOF exams. This is a
unique resource and is not available to many QA
researchers. Anadolu University Distance Education
System requires every question asked at an exam be
linked to a section or a paragraph in the course
books. By using this information we could easily
generate an automated QA evaluation set for a large
number of questions. In educational settings students
evaluate a question answering system in many other
dimensions only one of which is the relevancy of the
results (Liddy, Diekema, & Yilmazel, 2004). We
will conduct user studies to measure user satisfaction
in various dimensions.
During the process of developing an intelligent
question-answering system for students of Anadolu
University Distance Education System, so far we
have completed the preprocessing and metadata
extraction of the document collection. We can now
support faceted searches over the full collection of
books. Our search technology is aware of the
properties of the Turkish language. Our system is
now ready for beta testing, which we plan on
deploying very soon. With over one million
registered students, we hope to get valuable
feedback from the users on the retrieval quality.
The NLP processes for non-English languages,
like Turkish, are hard, due to limited resources and
character encoding problems.
We will continue to publish our progress as we
go forward with our Question Answering system.
This will be the first large scale question answering
system for Turkish, to best of our knowledge, and
we hope that it will be helpful for our students.
This research has been supported by Anadolu
University as it gives permission to work on
Distance Education System’s course materials.
Can, F., Koçberber, S., Baık, E., Kaynak, C., Öcalan, H.
Ç., & Vursavaş, O. M. (2008). IR on Turkish Texts.
Journal of the American Society for Information
Science and Technology.
Harabagiu, S. M., Paşca, M. A., & Maiorano, S. J. (2000).
Experiments with Open-Domain Textual QA.
Proceedings of the 18th conference on Computational
linguistics - Volume 1.
Hirschman, L., & Gaizauskas, R. (2001). NL QA: The
View from Here. Nat. Lang. Eng., 7(4), 275-300.
Liddy, E. D., Diekema, A. R., & Yilmazel, O. (2004).
Context-Based QA Evaluation, Sheffield, UK.
Yilmazel, O., Finneran, C. M., & Liddy, E. D. (2004).
Metaextract: An NLP System to Automatically Assign
Metadata. Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE-CS joint
conference on Digital libraries.
TURKISH QUESTION ANSWERING - Question Answering for Distance Education Students