Tiago Oliveira and Maria F. O. Martins
Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão Informação, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus de Campolide, 1070-312 Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Web site, adoption, small firms, large firms, information technology.
Abstract: This study compares the impact of different Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) factors on the
web site adoption decision in small and large firms. A survey that was undertaken by the National Institute
of Statistics on the use of Information Technologies (IT) by firms in Portugal was used as the empirical
basis for this study. We found significantly differences in the factors that determined web site adoption
decision in small and large firms. While large firms are mainly influenced by organizational and
environmental factors, small firms are also concerned about the technological context. Moreover, the results
of our study suggested that, for Portuguese firms, the only factor that is equally important as web site
facilitator is competitive pressure.
New IT, such as Internet enables firms to do
businesses in a different way (Porter, 2001). In order
to strength the potential of the Internet, firms are
establishing their presence on the Web: in 2005, the
overall percentage of enterprises in the EU with a
web site is 61%, but notably higher for larger firms
(90%) than for small firms (56%). Significantly
differences also exist between Member States: while
the leader countries, Sweden and Denmark, are
already reaching the saturation level for large firms
(97%), countries like Portugal (75%) and Latvia
(65%) are far away from this adoption level. For
small firms, this difference is greater: the web site
adoption level is 80% for Sweden compared with the
33% level for Portugal (Eurostat, 2006). Do
Portuguese small firm managers realize the strategic
value of owning a web-site in the same manner as
large firm managers? Or have they encountered
specific barriers to its implementation? Some studies
have been done to understand the differences in IT
adoption among European Countries (Zhu et al.,
2003) and much research attempted to comprehend
the relationship between firms size and IT adoption
decision (Lee and Xia, 2006). Some authors
(Grandon and Pearson, 2004, Premkumar, 2003)
suggested that the research findings on large
businesses cannot be generalized to small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) because of the
unique characteristics of SMEs as for example the
lack of business and IT strategy, limited access to
capital resources and poor information skills. While
there exist an interesting and growing literature
addressing the determinants of IT adoption in the
specific context of SMEs (Harindranath et al., 2008,
Parker and Castleman, 2007,) and a limited research
for microfirms (Clayton, 2000), only a reduced
number of studies (Daniel and Grimshaw, 2002)
attempt to compare directly the approaches of small
and large firms to this new domain. Our work seeks
to fill this gap in the literature, by analysing the
relative importance of the factors that enable or
inhibit web site adoption by small firms compared
with large firms. The two main purposes of this
study are the following:
To examine the importance of technology-
organisational-environmental (TOE) related
factors as fundamental determinants of web
site adoption;
To analyze if the relative importance of such
factors is different for small and large firms.
To achieve these research objectives we used a rich
data set of 637 large firms and 3155 small firms that
are representative of Portuguese economy. The
understanding of the determinants of web site
adoption, at firm level, may be a useful tool in
Oliveira T. and F. O. Martins M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 370-377
DOI: 10.5220/0001907603700377
addressing the right type of policy measures to
stimulate the use of internet business solutions, with
the aim of enhancing the competitiveness and
productivity of Portuguese firms (Bertschek et al.,
2006, Black and Lynch, 2001, Bresnahan et al.,
2002, Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2000, Dedrick et al.,
2003, Konings and Roodhooft, 2002, Martins and
Raposo, 2005, Zhu and Kraemer, 2002). This is
particularly needed in the case of Portugal which, for
several reasons, has been suffering from a serious
lack of competitiveness in comparison to other
industrialized economies. Our work has two
important contributions: the first is related to the
very limited research on comparing the determinants
of IT adoption in small and large firms. Secondly,
we present useful results for Portugal where there
are few published studies on the subject (Parker and
Castleman, 2007). The next section presents the
theoretical framework based on TOE approach.
Then, the proposed hypotheses are tested using an
econometric model. Finally, we present major
findings and conclusions.
In this study we used the TOE framework,
developed by Tornatzky and Fleisher (1990) and
applied in many empirical studies related to IT
innovations. The TOE model identifies three aspects
that influence the adoption and implementation of
technical innovations by firms: technological
characteristics including factors related to internal
and external technologies of firms; organizational
factors relating to firm size and scope,
characteristics of the managerial structure of the
firm, quality of human resources; and environmental
factors that incorporate industry competitiveness
features. This theoretical background is the one used
by Iacovou et al. (1995), Kuan and Chau (2001) and
Premkumar and Ramamurthy (1995) to explain
electronic data Interchange (EDI) adoption and by
Thong (1999) to explain information system (IS)
adoption and Hong and Zhu (2006) to explain e-
commerce adoption. Empirical findings from these
studies confirmed that TOE methodology is a
valuable framework to understand the IT adoption
decision. In accordance with TOE theory, we
developed in the next subsection a conceptual
framework for web site adoption (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Conceptual framework for web site adoption.
2.1 Technology Context
Technology readiness can be defined as technology
infrastructure and IT human resources. Technology
readiness “is reflected not only by physical assets,
but also by human resources that are complementary
to physical assets” (Mata et al., 1995). Technology
infrastructure establishes a platform on which
internet technologies can be built; IT human
resources provide the knowledge and skills to
develop web applications (Zhu and Kraemer, 2005).
Theoretical assertions on the impact of Technology
readiness on IT adoption are supported by several
empirical studies, based on data sets representative
of all sizes of firms (Hong and Zhu, 2006, Zhu et al.,
2003, Zhu et al., 2006). These results where also
confirmed within the specific context of SMEs (Al-
Qirim, 2007, Dholakia and Kshetri, 2004, Kuan and
Chau, 2001, Mehrtens et al., 2001). Therefore, in
general we expected that firms with greater
technology readiness are in a better position to adopt
web sites. However, as suggested by others authors
(Daniel and Grimshaw, 2002, Parker and Castleman,
2007, Premkumar, 2003), this factor will probably
affect in a different way small and large firms.
H1: The level of technology readiness is positively
associated with web site adoption but the impact will
vary between large and small firms
Before the internet, firms had been using
technologies to support business activities along
their value chain, but many were ‘‘islands of
automation’’— they lacked integration across
applications (Hong and Zhu, 2006). The
characteristics of the internet may help eradicate the
incompatibilities and rigidities of legacy information
systems (IS) and accomplish technology integration
among various applications and databases. Evidence
from the literature suggests that integrated
technologies may enhance firm performance by
reducing cycle time, improving customer service,
and lowering procurement costs (Barua et al., 2004).
We define technology integration as the systems for
managing orders that are automatically linked with
other IT systems of the firm. This type of factor
where also identified by Al-Qirim (2007) for the
specific case of SMEs. Therefore, we expect firms
with a higher level of technology integration to be
those who adopt web sites sooner. However,
probably there will be significantly differences
between small and large firms (Daniel and
Grimshaw, 2002). These reflections lead to the
following hypothesis:
H2: The level of technology integration is positively
associated with web site adoption, but the impact
will vary between small and large firms.
The lack of security may slow down technological
progress. For example, for Portugal in 2002 this was
the greatest barrier to internet use (Martins and
Oliveira, 2005) and in China it is one of the most
important barriers to the adoption of e-commerce
(Tan and Ouyang, 2004). We expect firms with a
higher level of internal security applications to be
more probable web site adopters. Within this
context, there is no empirical evidence suggesting a
same behaviour between small and large firms.
Therefore we stipulate the following:
H3: Internal security applications are positively
associated with web site adoption, but the impact
will probably vary between small and large firms.
2.2 Organization Context
Empirical studies consistently found that perceived
benefits have a significant impact in IT adoption.
This result is validated for medium to large firms
(Beatty et al., 2001), for SMEs (Iacovou et al., 1995,
Kuan and Chau, 2001) and for all size firms (Gibbs
and Kraemer, 2004). However, as suggested by
Daniel and Grimshaw (2002) small firms and large
firms perceived these benefits in a different. We
examine perceived benefits of electronic
correspondence and we postulate that:
H4: Perceived benefits of electronic correspondence
is positively related with web adoption, but the
impact will vary between small and large firms.
The presence of skilled labour in a firm increases its
ability to absorb and make use of an IT innovation,
and therefore is an important determinant of IT
diffusion (Caselli and Coleman, 2001, Hollenstein,
2004, Kiiski and Pohjola, 2002). Since the
successful implementation of new IT usually
requires complex skills, we expect firms with more
IT training programs to be more likely to adopt web
site. However, there will probably be differences
between firms due to the limited IT budgets of small
firms. We postulate the following:
H5: IT training programs are positively associated
with web site adoption, but the impact will vary
between small and large firms.
The fact that workers can have access to the IT
system from outside of the firm reveals that the
organisation is prepared to integrate its technologies.
However, this factor is expected to influence in a
different way small firms, where the number of
employees is small and their presence at the place of
work is more important than for large firms. We
postulate that:
H6: The level of access to the IT system from outside
of the firm is positively associated with web site
adoption, but the impact will vary between small and
large firms.
Regulatory environment has been acknowledged as
a critical factor influencing innovation diffusion
(Zhu et al., 2003, Zhu et al., 2004, Zhu et al., 2006).
Firms often refer inadequate legal protection for
online business activities, unclear business laws, and
security and privacy as concerns in using web
technologies (Kraemer et al., 2006). We postulate
that for small firms, this concern will probably be
different from their large counterparts.
H7: The presence of internet and e-mail norms is
positively associated with web site adoption, but the
impact will vary between small and large firms.
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
2.3 Environmental Context
Empirical evidence suggests that competitive
pressure is a powerful driver of IT adoption and
diffusion (Gibbs and Kraemer, 2004, Hollenstein,
2004, Zhu et al., 2004) and this fact is also verified
in small business research (Al-Qirim, 2007,
Dholakia and Kshetri, 2004, Grandon and Pearson,
2004, Iacovou et al., 1995, Kuan and Chau, 2001).
Therefore, we expect the probability of adopting a
web site to be positively influenced by the
proportion of web site adopters in the industry or
sector to which the specific firm is affiliated.
However, some studies suggested that competitive
pressure will be more significant in causing small
firms to adopt an IT than for larger firms, since they
need to protect their competitive position (Daniel
and Grimshaw, 2002). Therefore, we assume that:
H8: The level of web site competitive pressure is
positively associated with web site, but the impact
will vary between small and large firms.
2.4 Controls
We control, as usual, for industry or economic sector
effects. We used a dummy variable to control for
data variation that would not be captured by the
explanatory variables mentioned before.
3.1 Data
The data used in this study were provided by
National Institute of Statistics (INE) and result from
the survey On the use of Communication and
Information Technologies in Firms (Iutice) in 2006.
In our study we defined that small firms have less
than 50 employees and large firms have more than
250 employees. Our sample consists on 3155 small
and 637 large firms and is representative of the
Portuguese private sector excluding the financial one
3.2 Methodology
We estimated the following Probit Model:
P(y=1/x)=Ф(xβ) (1)
Where y=1 if firm decided to adopt a web site, and
zero otherwise, x is the vector of explanatory
variables, β the vector of unknown parameters to be
estimated, and Φ(.) is the standard normal
cumulative distribution. To analyse and compare the
influence of each factor on the probability of being a
web site adopter, we need to compute the marginal
effect of x
. This effect is obtained, for the
continuous variables, using the formula given by:
For the binary explanatory variables it is given by:
|, 1 |, 0
xβ xxβ x
where φ(.) is the density standard normal
The vector of explanatory variables (x) includes:
A technology readiness (TR)
index that was built by
aggregating 8 items on technologies used by the firm
(on a yes/no scale): computers, e-mail, intranet,
extranet, own networks that are not the internet (own
exclusive networks), wired local area network
(Lange et al.), wireless LAN, wide area network
(WAN), and one item standing for existence of IT
specific skills in the firm (on a yes/no scale) (Zhu et
al., 2004). The first 8 items represent the penetration
of traditional information technologies, which
formed the technological infrastructure (Kwon and
Zmud, 1987). The last item represents IT human
resources (Mata et al., 1995). To aggregate the items
we used multiple correspondence analyses (MCA).
The MCA is a method of “multidimensional
exploratory statistic” that is used to reduce the
dimension when the variables are binary. For more
details see (Johnson and Wichern, 1998). The first
dimension explains 50% of inertia. In the negative
side of the first axis we have variables that represent
firms that do not use IT infrastructures and do not
have workers with IT skills. On the positive side we
have the variables that represent the use of
infrastructures and workers with IT skills.
Cronbach’s α, the most widely used measure for
assessing reliability (Chau, 1999), is equal to 0.8761,
indicating adequate reliability. Reliability measures
the degree to which items are free from random
error, and therefore yield consistent results.
Technology integration (TI)
was measured by the
number of IT systems for managing orders that are
automatically linked with other IT systems of the
firm (see appendix). The variable ranges from 0 to 5.
This variable reflects how well the IT systems are
connected on a common platform.
Internal security applications (ISA)
was measured
by the numbers of the use of internal security
applications in the firms (see appendix). The
variable range from 0 to 6.
Perceived benefits of electronic correspondence
(PBEC) was measured by the shift from traditional
postal mail to electronic correspondence as the main
standard for business communication, in the last 5
years (on a yes/no scale).
IT training programs (ITTP)
is also a binary variable
(yes/no) related to the existence of professional
training in computer/informatics, available to
workers in the firm.
Access to the IT system of the firm (AITSF)
measured by the number of places from which
workers access the firms information system (see
appendix). The variable ranges from 0 to 4.
Internet and e-mail norms
(IEN) was measured by
whether firms have defined norms about internet and
e-mail (on a yes/no scale).
Web site competitive pressure (WEBP)
is computed
as the percentage of firms in each of the 9 industries
that had already adopted a web site two years before
the time of the survey, i.e. in 2004. As in Zhu et al.
(2003) the rationality underlying our model is that
an observation of the firm on the adoption behaviour
of its competitors influences its own adoption
Services (SER)
is a binary variable (yes/no) equal
one if firm belong to the service sector.
The web site adoption model is estimated using
maximum likelihood. The estimation results for
small and large firms are presented in Table 1.
Goodness-of-fit is assessed in three ways. First, we
used log likelihood test, which reveals that our
models are globally statistic significant. Secondly
the discrimination power of the model is evaluated
using the area under the receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) curve, which is equal to 90.9%
and 78% for small and large firms, respectively.
Finally, the R
shows that the percentage explained
by the model is 41.9% for small firms and 15.7% for
large firms. The three statistical procedures reveal a
substantive model fit, a satisfactory discriminating
power and there is evidence to accept an overall
significance of the model.
Hypotheses H1-H9 were tested analysing the sign,
the magnitude, the statistical significance of the
coefficients and the marginal effects. As can be seen
from Table 1, for small firms, the estimation results
suggested that all the coefficients have the expected
signs and the only independent variable that is not
statistically significant is the access to the IT system
of the firm (AITSF). We can identify seven relevant
drivers of web site adoption for small firms:
technology readiness (TR), technology integration
(TI) and internal security application (ISA)
reflecting the technological context; perceived
benefits of electronic correspondence (PBEC), IT
training programs (ITTP) and internet and e-mail
norms (IEN), representing the organization context;
web site competitive pressure (WEBP), concerning
the environmental context. For large firms, we
identify four significant factors influencing web site
adoption decision: technology readiness (TR), IT
training programs (ITTP), access to the IT system of
firms (AITSF) and web site competitive pressure
(WEBP). In both cases, as expected, the economic
sector is a relevant factor (SER).
Table 1: Estimated coefficients for web site adoption
Small firms Large firms
Technological context
- TR 1.044*** 0.346*
- TI 0.069*** -0.028
- ISA 0.170*** 0.038
Organizational context
- PBEC 0.293*** -0.039
- ITTP 0.235*** 0.644***
- AITSF 0.044 0.278***
- IEN 0.379*** 0.165
Environmental context
- WEBP 0.011*** 0.017***
- SER 0.185*** 0.306**
Constant -1.742*** -1.041***
Sample size 3155 637
LL -1038.5 -223.3
0.419 0.157
AUC 0.909 0.779
Note: * p-value<0.10; ** p-value<0.05; *** p-value<0.01.
The estimated marginal effects for the determinants
of web site adoption model, for small and large
firms, are reported in Table 2.
Their comparison reveals that, as expected, most of
the marginal effects vary between small and large
firms. The exception is the web site competitive
pressure impact that is the same for small and large
firms. Therefore hypotheses H1-H7 are validated
and H8 is not confirmed.
There are three additional aspects to be noted here.
Firstly, the technological context is much more
relevant for small firms than for large firms.
Secondly, within organizational context, perceived
benefits and internet e-mail norms are more
important to determine web site adoption for small
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
firms than for their larger counterparts. Finally, the
access to the IT system of the firm is relevant only
for large firms. As a whole, our results are in
accordance with those reported in studies comparing
IT adoption in large and small firms (Daniel and
Grimshaw, 2002). However, the limited number of
research in this specific domain difficult the
generalization of the results.
Table 2: Estimated marginal effects for web site adoption
Small firms Large firms
Technological context
- TR 0.252*** 0.064*
- TI 0.017*** -0.005
- ISA 0.041*** 0.007
Organizational context
- PBEC 0.079*** -0.007
- ITTP 0.061*** 0.144***
- AITSF 0.011 0.051***
- IEN 0.100*** 0.032
Environmental context
- WEBP 0.003*** 0.003***
- SER 0.044*** 0.056**
Note: * p-value<0.10; ** p-value<0.05; *** p-value<0.01.
Within the context of an increased use of Internet
Business Solutions, such as web sites, this study fills
a gap in the literature by comparing the relative
importance of the factors influencing the adoption of
web sites for small and large firms. The theoretical
framework incorporates most of the facilitators and
inhibitor factors identified in other studies. The
research model evaluates, for small and large firms,
the impact of three technological factors, four
organizational factors and one environmental factor
on the web site adoption decision. Using a
representative sample of Portuguese small and large
firms, the estimation results for this comparative
study reveal that the important determinants of web
site adoption decision vary with size of a firm. Other
studies in this domain (Daniel and Grimshaw, 2002,
Premkumar, 2003) also suggested that the problems,
opportunities, and management issues encountered
by small business in the IT area are different from
those faced by their larger counterparts. However,
our study provides a more in depth analysis since it
identifies those factors that more or less relevant for
large/small firms and quantifies its impact on web
site adoption decision. These findings have practical
implications for managers and policy makers.
Firstly, policy makers should be conscious that the
motivations towards the IT adoption are different for
small and large firms. Therefore, government
initiatives, such as the Technological Plan, for
Portugal, must be different for small and large firms,
namely those related to procurement incentives.
Secondly, managers should be aware that technology
readiness constitutes both physical infrastructure and
intangible knowledge such as IT skills. This urges
top leaders (mainly in small firms) to foster
managerial skills and human resources that possess
knowledge of these new information technologies.
Therefore, there is a business opportunity for IT
firms to establish the service that support the small
size firms in the technological context. In our
opinion this is particularly important in Portugal
given the relative importance of small businesses in
the economy (Vicente and Martins, 2008). Finally,
our study sought to help firms become more
effective in moving from a traditional channel to the
internet by identifying the profile of early web site
As in most empirical studies, our work is limited in
several ways. The cross-sectional nature of this
study does not allow knowing how this relationship
will change over time. To solve this limitation the
future research should involve panel data. Another
limitation of our work is that it only investigates web
site adoption decision. To provide a more balanced
view of firms’ IT adoption decision, other Internet
Business Solutions, such as e-commerce should also
be examined.
We would like to acknowledge the National Institute
of Statistics (INE) for providing us with the data.
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Technological integration
Did your firm's IT systems for managing orders link
automatically with any of the following IT systems
during January 2006? (Yes No)
a) Internal system for re-ordering replacement
b) Invoicing and payment systems
c) Your system for managing production, logistics or
service operations
d) Your suppliers’ business systems (for suppliers
outside your firm group)
e) Your customers’ business systems (for customers
outside your firm group)
Internal security applications
Did your firm use the following internal security
applications, during January 2006? (Yes No)
a) Virus checking or protection software
b) Firewalls (software or hardware)
c) Secure servers (support secured protocols such as
d) Off-site data backup
e) Subscription of a security service (e.g. antivirus or
network intrusion alert)
f) Anti-spam filters (unsolicited e-mails)
Access to the IT system of the firm
Did any of those people access the firm's computer
system from the following places during January
2006? (Yes No)
a) From home
b) From customers or other external business
partners’ premises
c) From other geographically dispersed locations of
the same firm or firm group
d) During business travels, e.g. from the hotel,
airport etc.