Marcelo Tilli, André M. Panhan, Osman Lima and Leonardo S. Mendes
Communication Networks Laboratory, Communications Department, Eletrical and Computer Engineering Faculty
University of Campinas, UNICAMP- Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz"- Barão Geraldot, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Keywords: Electronic Goverment, e-gov, web-based system, MVC, Hibernate, Struts, Service-oriented.
Abstract: In this paper we present a web-based architecture for e-gov application development. We propose to study
and characterize a software development environment of “electronic governance in cities”, with emphasis
on: legacy system integration, heterogeneous data base integration and development of an integrated web-
based environment for the provision of e-gov services. This architecture is based on a 4-layer MVC model,
the typical MVC (Model, View, Controller) plus a data layer, this architecture imposes few requirements to
its clients, mainly a HTML web-browser, which allows this architecture to be platform-independent.
A great deal of the development effort of software
systems is centered on modeling, characterization
and development of business models for the solution
of specific problems. However, when you have to
deal with the development of e-gov systems,
particularly when the systems are built in an
integrated network environment, there is a great
dependency among all the systems that compose the
general solution of e-gov applications.
Systems of people registration, services, taxes,
protocol, finance, are common on a government
environment. The problem is that usually, several
different vendors, which use different platforms and
different development tools, often build these
applications. Then we end up with several
heterogeneous and independent data bases, which
are often incompatible. This scenario is very
common on e-gov systems around the world.
On the last ten years, several countries have
sponsored e-gov systems and projects of system
interoperability. Initially, these architectures were
created to access specific problems and not with the
objective of being a generic model that could be
universally accepted.
There are many research areas on the topic of
electronic governance systems (Peristeras,
Tarabanis, 2004), (Narasimha, Kumar, 2003),
(Murthy, Kumar, 2003), (Song Gang, 2005), (Lenk,
Traunmüller, 2001). The study of semantic
information processing platforms, the development
of interoperability platforms and legacy system
convergence, are some of the many research areas
that the study of advanced techniques of software
engineering, computation engineering and
communication engineering can contribute to solve
several difficulties that faces e-gov system’s
software developers.
In this paper we present a web-based architecture
for e-gov application development. We propose to
study and characterize a software development
environment of “electronic governance in cities”,
with emphasis on: legacy system integration,
heterogeneous data base integration and
development of an integrated web-based
environment for the provision of e-gov services.
The work of (Peristeras, Tarabanis, 2004). This
paper summarizes a broad research modeling effort,
which aims at developing a domain description for
the overall governance system. The authors propose
the Governance Enterprise Architecture (GEA) as a
set of domain models that serve as a top-level
enterprise architecture. Namely, they present the
mega-process model, the interaction model, the
public policy formulation object model, the service
provision object model and the latest development of
the object model for the overall governance system.
Tilli M., M. Panhan A., Lima O. and S. Mendes L. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 476-479
DOI: 10.5220/0001911604760479
The work of (Narasimha, Kumar, 2003) propose
an architecture for model development, for the
planning, design and implementation of e-gov
systems. The proposed model has four conceptual
layers: Business Process Architecture; Data
Architecture; Application Architecture; Technology
We propose an architecture for e-gov systems for
cities, that can access the general conditions of such
systems, such as: the existence of legacy software,
redundant, heterogeneous data bases and the
paradigm shift from client-server platforms to web-
based, integrated system for e-Gov services.
3.1 Architecture
For the architecture development, we used a
modified MVC model (Model-View-Controller).
In pursuit of greater security and flexibility, we
separated the client’s communication layer from the
business logic; hence we created an application layer
responsible for dispatching requests and controlling
its flows. The 4-layer architecture (Model-View-
Controller-Data) is show on Figure 1 (Fowler, 2003).
Figure 1: 4-Layer architecture.
This 4-layer model allowed us to reach some
objectives: Facilitates the development of a
distributed system, with security and with high
availability; Enhances the automatization capacity of
the city’s public administration sectors, offering
online services to the citizens, expediting its
execution and accomplishing greater overall quality.
This architecture imposes few requirements to its
clients, mainly a HTML web-browser, which allows
this architecture to be platform-independent. With
this architecture, there’s no need to install/update the
application software on the user’s computer.
Modifications of the system’s software are made
directly on the main server, which is transparent for
the user. This is an improvement over the 2-layer
model, where all update would have to be physically
installed in the user’s computer (Fowler, 2003).
The 4-layer model is as follows:
3.1.1 Model (Business)
This layer contains all the business logic and
manages this logic through the use of EJB
components. Therefore, this layer provides a
structure for the implementation of distributed
applications, aiming for the separation of concepts
and to improve on quality factors, such as
modularity, extensibility and reusability (Alur,
Crupi, Malks, 2001).
3.1.2 View (Presentation)
This layer renders the model into a user interface
element. It access enterprise data through the Model
and specifies how that data should be presented. We
are developing this layer with JSP (Java Server
Pages) and JSF (Java Server Faces)
3.1.3 Controller (Application)
This layer processes and responds to events,
typically user actions, and may invoke changes on
the model. Based on the user’s interactions and the
outcome of the model actions, the controller
responds by selecting an appropriate view. To
facilitate the model’s utilization, this layer should be
able to interact with default Data-Base access
technologies, such as JDBC and EJB and also be
able to interact with third-parties technologies such
as Hibernate, iBATIS, or Object Relational Bridge.
3.1.4 Data
This layer is the domain-specific representation of
the information on which the application operates. It
is responsible for the DAO (Data Access Objects),
or the direct Data-Base access. This model allows
for a transparent persistence of the objects models.
The data persistence allows us to aggregate
several features to the proposed architecture, like the
following: Transitivity persistence; transparent
retrieval of data-objects (on a given object graph);
The purpose of the data-layer is to allow for an
intelligent way to store object-oriented data,
allowing for the convergence of heterogeneous data-
On this section, we will present a use case for a
complete system for cities management, which can
manage all services, citizen records, processes
management and relevant data for a city’s
administration. The main purpose of this system is to
provide consistent information to the manager to
make the right decisions. From this prerogative,
emerged the SIGM (Integrated System for
Municipal e-Gov).
The application integration under a same domain
was possible with the development of a single data
base, covering, for example, citizens, business,
social data, departments, processes, internal services,
online services, systems users, addresses and others.
Therefore, all data are concentrated and correlated
under the same concept “Citizen Single Data Base”
Figure 2: SIGM System Modules.
Through this concept, we achieved the
interconnection between different modules of an e-
gov system in an efficient and easy way, as show in
2. We have adopted the Hibernate
technology for data base communication, which
allows the independence of the DBSM (Data base
System Management).
As this technology works with data object’s
concept, the conventional relational data base BDUC
was created to facilitate the implementation and take
advantage of all of the Hibernate resources.
Therefore, we created a data base under two
perspectives: object-oriented and relational, thus, it
is possible to represent any data evolved with e-gov
and its legacy systems.
This modeling, as in object oriented system,
allows us to reuse data for creation of new tables,
without affecting the system operation.
In particular for this use case, we used the
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server operational system
and the Oracle DBSM, but we can also apply the
same use case to others platforms.
The SIGM can be deployed in any city, even
those that have legacy application in use; since this
kind of integration was planned by the adopted
architecture and can be done in several ways:
- SIGM control the legacy applications through
its functionalities and the BDUC data base.
- The legacy applications are incorporated by the
- The legacy applications can use the business
rules already implemented in the SIGM´s EJB
After deployment, the SIGM can be accessed
from any computer in any city location, by any
person (citizen or government employee) registered
in the system. These users can request certain
services through the Internet, without the need to
move to the city hall or any other service point.
This architecture also offers the possibility for
application distribution on multiple servers, not only
in the system execution, but also on its development.
By distributing the development of a system of this
magnitude, we obtain independence between the
developer’s teams and we can control more
effectively each module implementation. By
separating the business layer from the web layer, it
is possible that others systems can use its
functionalities without affecting the SIGM´s
operation. This can be done by direct access of the
EJB containers which are on the business layer.
To keep in order with the proposed architecture,
on the web layer we adopted the Struts framework,
which is an open source framework that works on
MVC architecture and provides several control
components to create dynamic Java web applications
(Husted, Dumoulin, Franciscus, Winterfeldt, 2003).
This architecture also provided the development of
an authentication system, which allows the SIGM to
manage the permissions and profile control of the
SIGM´s users and users of any other legacy
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
application already in operation, as show on
Figure 3.
In these systems, all users and applications are
registered through SIGM, and each one has its
profile registered in different tables, so we can create
different permissions profiles to different users for
different applications. To control a legacy
application, we just need to register the profile of
this application and their permissions.
Figure 3: Legacy System Integration.
This use case was useful to demonstrate the
efficiency of the proposed architecture and the
technologies chosen for its implementation. In
regard to this, we can consider that the use case was
successful in its implementation.
The first version of the system was implemented
and it is currently in use in the Brazilian cities of São
José do Rio Preto and Campinas. We continue the
system development, with new functionalities and
features being added frequently, without hindering
the system’s operation.
This paper presented an architecture (SIGM) for the
development of e-gov systems, taking in
consideration government environment such as: the
existence of legacy systems, redundant and
heterogeneous data bases, the paradigm shift toward
web-based platforms, the necessity of constant
services development by the government, etc. The
architecture is based on the MVC model with de
addition of a data layer.
The SIGM purpose is to integrate heterogeneous
applications under a distinct domain, to develop a
single data base, that encompass data from all the
citizens, enterprises, social, government
departments, government procedures, internal
services, online services, system’s users, address,
By using this single data base, all the data are
converged and correlated under the concept of the
BDUC, which data access is made through
Hibernate, which allows the independence from a
DBSM. SIGM can also control legacy applications
through its functionalities and the BDUC data base.
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