Khalid Al-Omar and Dimitris Rigas
Department of Computing, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, U.K.
Keywords: Adaptive, Adaptable, Mixed-Initiative, Static, Usability, Effectiveness, Interactive.
Abstract: This paper introduces an empirical study to investigate the use of four interaction conditions: Static,
Adaptable, Adaptive, and Mixed-initiative. The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of these
four conditions with regard to the number of tasks completed by all users and the number of users who
completed all tasks. In order to carry out this comparative investigation, four experimental interfaces were
built separately. These environments were tested independently by four separate groups of users, each group
consisting of 15 users. The results demonstrated that in the searching tasks the most effective condition was
the Mixed-Initiative. In the learnable tasks the most effective condition was the Adaptable condition. In
addition, the Static approach was found to be less effective than all other approaches.
Today, software application and e-commerce web-
based application (Alotaibi and Alzahrani, 2004) is
crowded with functions, icons, menus, and toolbars
(McGrenere et al., 2007). In addition, the web-based
e-commerce application is crowded in both the
Graphical User Interface and content. This is a
phenomenon called ‘Bloatware’ or ‘featurism
creeping’ (McGrenere et al., 2007). This
phenomenon makes searching for information and
products within e-commerce web-based application
very complex (Findlater and McGrenere, 2004)
(Te’eni and Feldman, 2001). Therefore,
personalising the application to users need and
preferences is essential and becomes very important
(Findlater and McGrenere, 2004), (Fink et al., 1998).
Personalisation is a topic of debate between two
communities, the Intelligent User Interface
community favouring adaptability (Shneiderman, B.
and P. Maes, 1997) at the expense of user freedom
and Human Computer Interaction community
favoured adaptability (Shneiderman, B. and P. Maes,
1997) at the expense of system help. According to
McGrenere et al. (2002) there are three potential
ways to personalisation: 1) by users and this is called
an adaptable approach. 2) by system and this is
called An adaptive approach. 3) by both the users
and system and this is called Mixed-initiative
approach which is a combination of adaptable and
adaptive approach.
Despite the disagreement in the research
community, there are multiple direct comparisons
between Static, Adaptable, and Adaptive approaches
have shown different results. In 1985, the first study
of adaptation was reported by Greenberg and
Witten. They demonstrated an adaptive interface for
a menu-driven application. In their study users were
novices on the task and the interface (Greenberg and
Witten, 1985). In addition, Greenberg and Witten
(1985) built a directory of telephone numbers that
users can access through a hierarchy of menus. Their
goal is to reduce the number of key-presses buttons.
Their approach is to present items at a level in the
hierarchy according to the number of selection.
Greenberg and Witten tested their system against a
static system in a 26-participant experiment. Their
results showed that subjects performed faster with
the adaptive system, and 69% of subjects prefer the
adaptive system. In addition, they found that the
adaptive system reduces the search paths for
repeated names, reduce 35% in time per selection,
and reduce 40% in errors per menu. Trevellyan and
Browne (1987) replicated the Greenberg and
Witten’s experiment with a larger number of trails
because they believe after a large of trails subjects
Al-Omar K. and Rigas D. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 191-196
DOI: 10.5220/0001911901910196
will be familiar with the static and they can
memorised the sequence of key-presses. This would
reduce the mean time per menu. However, they
found that the adaptive system is effective and after
using the system for long period of time users did
begin to perform better with the static interface. This
study did not provide a firm conclusion since the
total number of subjects in each interface is 4
In 1989, Jeffrey Mitchell and Ben Shneiderman
(1989) conducted an experiment to compare an
adaptive menu that items positions change
dynamically according to frequently clicked item,
with a static menu. Sixty-three subjects assigned
randomly tried both menus and carried out the same
12 tasks in each menu. Their results showed that
static menu faster than the adaptive menu at first
group of tasks, and no difference in the second
group of tasks. That because, subjects in both groups
were able to increase their performance
significantly. However, Eighty one percent of the
subjects preferred the static menu. Another study
introduces a system to provide environment for
adapting Excel’s interface to particular users
(Thomas and Krogsæter, 1993). The result showed
that an adaptive component which suggests
potentially beneficial adaptations to the user could
motivate users to adapt their interface. Jameson and
Shwarzkopf (2000) conducted a laboratory
experiment with 18 participants a direct comparison
between automatic recommendations, controlled
updating of recommendations, and no
recommendations available. Their comparison
concerned about the content rather than the
Graphical User Interface. Their results showed that
there was no difference on performance score
between the three conditions.
In 2002 McGerenere et al. conducted a six-week
with a 20 participant field study to evaluate their two
interfaces combined together with the adaptive
menus in the commercial word processor Microsoft
Word 2000. The two interfaces are a personalised
interface containing desired features only and a
default interface with all the features only. The first
four weeks of the study participants used the
adaptable interface, then the remaining for the
adaptive interface. 65% of participants prefer the
adaptable interface and 15% favouring the adaptive
interface. The remaining 20% favouring the
MsWord 2000 interface. This work extends by
Findlater and McGrenere (2004) and they compared
between the static, adaptable, and adaptive menus.
Their result concludes that the static menu was faster
than the adaptive menu and the adaptable menu was
not slower than the static menu. In addition, it shows
that the adaptable menu was preferable than the
static menu and the static was not preferable to
adaptive menu. Another study examined how
characteristics of the users’ tasks and customisation
behaviour affect their performance on those tasks
(Bunt et al., 2004). The results confirm that users
may not always be able to customise efficiently. The
results indicate that customisation is beneficial to
reduce tasks time if it done right. Also, indicate that
the potential for adaptive support to help users to
overcome their difficulties.
In 2005, Tsandilas and Shraefel conducted an
empirical study that examined the performance of
two adaptation techniques that suggest items in
adaptive lists. They compared between the baseline
where suggested menu items were highlighted and
shrinking interface which reduced the font size of
non-suggested elements. The results indicate that
the Shrinking information was shown to delay the
searching of items that had not been suggested by
the system. In addition, the accuracy affected the
ability of participants to locate items that were
correctly suggested by the system. Gajos et al.(2005)
comparing two adaptive interfaces: 1) their Split
interface, which is most of the calculator’s
functionality was placed in a two-level menu. 2)
Altered Prominence interface, all functionality was
available at the top level of the interface. The study
showed user preference for the split interface over
the non-adaptive baseline. Another experiment
compared the learning performance of static versus
dynamic media among a 129 students. Their result
showed that the dynamic media (animation lessons)
has a high learning performance than the static
media (textbook lessons) (Holzinger, 2008).
Despite the debate between the two
communities, there has been very little work directly
comparing to either an adaptive or adaptable
approach with the Mixed-Initiative approach through
empirical studies. On example of a such a
comparison conducted by Debevc et al. (1996). They
compared between their adaptive bars with the built-
in toolbar present in MSWord. Their results showed
that the mixed-initiative system improved
significantly the performance in one of two
experimental tasks. Bunt et al. (2007) designed and
implemented the MICA (Mixed-Initiative
Customisation Assistance) system. Their system
provides users with an ability to customise their
interfaces according to their needs, but also provides
them with system-controlled adaptive support. Their
results showed that users prefer the mixed-initiative
support. Also, it shows that the MICA’s
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
recommendations improve time on task and decrease
customisation time.
An experimental e-commerce web-based platform
was developed to be used as a basis for this
empirical study. The platform provided four types of
interaction conditions: Static, Adaptable, Adaptive,
and Mixed-initiative. The structure of the platform is
similar to many e-commerce web-based platforms.
The difference between the four conditions applied
to the contents, layout, and item position on the list.
2.1 The Static Platform
The layout, content, and item position on the list
does not change during the course of usage. Our
goal was to design the ideal platform to do the
required tasks as efficiently as possible.
2.2 The Adaptive Platform
The layout, content and item position on the list does
change by system during the course of usage.
Adaptation helped users to find items by changing
content to their preferences. Our goal was to design
the most predictable personalised approach as
Figure 1: Adaptive list.
Therefore, the adaptive approach algorithm
dynamically determines item position on the list
based on the most frequently and recently used
items. The two algorithms are used by Microsoft
(Findlater and McGrenere, 2004) and suggested by
the literature (Findlater and McGrenere, 2004). For
our experiment, once the user clicks the items they
will move up to the top of the list (See Figure 1).
2.3 The Adaptable Platform
The layout, content and item position on the list is
changed by the user during the course of usage. Our
goal was to make the customisation process as easy
as possible. Therefore, the Coarse-grained and Fine-
grained (Findlater and McGrenere, 2004)
customisation techniques were utilised by allowing
the user to move items to a specific location (See
Figure 2). However, the main page provides two
choices for the user to choose from. The first choice
is an empty page that is left to the user’s decision as
to which content to add in. The second choice is full
content that has already been suggested. This is
because some of the early studies suggested a need
to examine full-featured interfaces versus reduced
interfaces. However, when the participant started,
four items were displayed as a default in each web
part of the home page. Subjects can increase the
number of displayed items as many items as they
like and reduce the number of displayed items not
less than one item. In addition, subjects can sort the
web contents by item name, id and price and the user
can also search in different sub-categories. Subjects
can add new content to the home page, delete, and
move an existing content to different positions.
Figure 2: Customisable list.
Move items up
or down to a
specific position
Once clicked item moved
up to top of the list.
Lock and Unlock list
2.4 The Mixed-Initiative Platform
In the Mixed-Initiative condition the control is
shared. Therefore, our goal was to make sure the
control is shared as fairly as possible. The Mixed-
Initiative condition algorithm is dynamically
determined based on the most frequently and
recently used items. However, to allow users to take
control, a new function was implemented to lock and
unlock item movement (See Figure 2). Items will be
moved up to the top of the list when clicked three
times, even if the list locked. Initially, when the
website is loaded the default content of the home
page is personalised. However, organising the list is
the user’s responsibility along with locking the lists.
The experimental platform was tested empirically by
four independent groups, consisting of 15 users. All
the groups of users were asked to accomplish the
same 12 tasks. These tasks were designed with three
complexity levels: easy, medium, and difficult. In
order to avoid the learning effect, the order of the
task complexity was varied between subjects. The
number of available items, item position (location)
in the list, number of requirements and guidance was
considered when designing the tasks, i.e. more than
three items available within a list that consists of a
maximum of 20 items. The items are positioned at
the top, middle and at the end of the list. Thus users
can find the item even if the list changes. The
number of requirements is less than four. The users
are guided to the list by providing the name of the
list and the subcategory.
Table 1: Tasks design.
For the medium tasks, the number of available
items is reduced to two items within a list that
consists of more than 30 items. The items are
positioned at the middle of the list. The number of
requirements is more than four and up to six
requirements. The users are guided to the list but not
the subcategory, so it is the user’s responsibility to
search for items in the subcategory.
For the difficult tasks the number of available
items is one item within a list that consists of more
than 40 items. The items are positioned at the middle
of the list, to make sure that users can find the item
even if the list changed. The number of requirements
is more than seven. In the difficult tasks there is no
guidance to items, so it is the user’s responsibility to
search for items in all lists and all subcategories.
These environments were tested empirically by four
independent groups, each group consisting of 15
users. All the groups were asked to accomplish the
same group of tasks (three easy tasks, three medium
tasks, and three difficult tasks) and a one learnable
task before starting each group. Each user attended
a five minute training session about their
environment before doing the requested tasks. A
pre-questionnaire conducted before the experiments
to obtain users personal information. All users were
between the ages of 18 and 40. 44 of them were
male, while the remaining 16 were female. 70% of
them were postgraduate students. Most of the
participants used the internet for 10 hours or more a
week. 85% stated that they do not customise new
software unless they have to; the remaining 15 stated
that they do so. Also, 32% never used any
customisable web pages, where 17% used it once,
and just four participants used it every time they
went online.
Effectiveness was measured by calculating the
percentage of users who completed (learning and
completion) tasks along with the percentage of
(learning and completion) tasks completed by all
users. To compare the effectiveness between the
four conditions, three critical time limits for task
completion was derived for each level of tasks (easy,
medium, and complex). Therefore, a task would be
regarded as successfully completed if users
completed the task within the level critical
completion time.
However, it was noticed that during the
experiment users who participated in the evaluation
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
Figure 3: Searching Tasks.
of the adaptable and mixed-initiatives were more
confident than the static and adaptive. Also, users
got confused while participating in the evaluation of
the adaptive and static conditions. This confusion
made them spend time on understanding what is
happening around them. Overall, just 8 users did not
complete all tasks using the Mixed-Initiative
whereas 23 users did not complete all tasks using the
adaptive condition. In the adaptable condition, 24
users did not complete the all tasks whereas only 2
users did complete all tasks using the Static
condition. This shows that the overall number of
users who completed all tasks in the Mixed-Initiative
is higher than the other conditions. An ANOVA
result showed a significant difference in the number
of users who completed the tasks at 0.05 (F = (3,
11), p <0.004). The users who completed the easy,
medium and complex tasks using the Mixed-
initiative condition is higher than the other
conditions (Static, Adaptive, and Adaptable),
excluding the users who completed the medium
tasks using the Adaptive condition.
Overall, t-test was used to find out the difference
between the four conditions. t-Test results showed
that there was a significant difference of 0.05
between the number of users who completed all
tasks using the Mixed-initiative condition compared
to the adaptable (t(3)=4.38, cv=3.1) and static
(t(3)=11.3, cv=3.1) conditions, but nothing
significant was found when compared to adaptive
(t(3)=2.04, cv=3.1). The users who completed the
tasks using the adaptable and adaptive conditions are
higher than the static condition. Also, it was found
that the adaptable are higher than the adaptive in
easy tasks and lower in medium tasks. Furthermore,
there was a significant difference between the
numbers of users who completed all tasks between
the adaptable and static conditions (t (3) = 3.04,
cv=3.1) and between the adaptive and static
conditions (t (4) = 4.5, cv=2.7). Figure 1 shows the
percentage of tasks completed by all users in each of
the four conditions. However, the number of the
tasks completed by all users was calculated to obtain
an overall percentage. The result showed that the
number of tasks not completed by all users was 8
tasks by using the Mixed-Initiative, 33 tasks by
using the Adaptive, 44 tasks by using the Adaptable,
and 83 tasks were not completed by using the Static.
In the learnable tasks, there was a difference
between the four conditions (See Figure 4). This
difference was found to be statistically significant at
0.05 by using the ANOVA test. T-Test results
showed that there was a significant difference at
0.05 between the number of tasks completed by all
users using the Mixed-initiative condition, compared
to the Static condition (t(3)=11.3, cv=3.1) but not to
the adaptive (t(2) = 2.6, cv = 4.3) and adaptable
conditions (t(2)=3.1, cv=4.3). In addition, there was
a significant difference between the Adaptive and
Static conditions (t(4) = 4.5, cv=2.7). However, the
number of users who completed all learnable tasks
by using the adaptable condition was 11, which was
higher than the other conditions. Following this was
the mixed-initiative where 9 users completed their
all learnable tasks, and the Static condition (3 users).
The users who completed all tasks using the
adaptive condition were lower (2 users) than all
other conditions. The percentage of users who
completed all tasks using the mixed-initiative
condition was higher than the adaptive and static
conditions but not higher than the adaptable
condition. The main reason behind this is that
sometimes items’ positions in the lists changed
without users’ noticing which caused them
Figure 4: Learnable Tasks.
This paper described an empirical study that was
performed to investigate the effectiveness of the
Adaptive, Static, Adaptable and Mixed-initiative
conditions. In this investigation, the aim was to
assess the effectiveness of these four conditions.
One of the more significant findings to emerge from
this study is that Mixed-Initiative approach was the
best in terms of effectiveness in the searching tasks
but not with the learnable tasks. In the learnable
tasks the adaptable was better than all other
approaches. In addition, the Static and adaptive
conditions were found to be less effective than the
other conditions in terms of number of tasks
completed by all users and number of users who
completed all tasks. Further work needs to be done
to establish whether the presence and absence of
multimodal metaphors on the mixed-initiative
approach will help to make the most of the adaptive
and adaptable advantages, at the same time as
reducing their disadvantages.
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ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business