Daniele Quercia, Licia Capra and Valentina Zanardi
Department of Computer Science, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, U.K.
Mobile Computing, Reputation Models, Tagging.
Networked portable devices enable their users to easily create and share digital content (e.g., photos, videos).
Hitherto, this serendipitous form of sharing has not happened. That may be because, for sharing content,
mobile users have no choice but to go through the Internet. Users are thus in need of decentralised mecha-
nisms for browsing location-based content. To realize such mechanisms, the following two questions must
be answered first: how to select “relevant content”, by semantically matching user queries, and how to select
“quality content” from the clutter generated by a potentially huge number of producers. We explore ways
to answer these questions. We propose a combined approach that infers “relevance” by reasoning about the
semantics emerging from the tags that users associate to content, and “quality” by running distributed trust
models that recognize trustworthy producers.
In recent years, two separate trends have been ob-
served: first, the rapid evolution of mobile technol-
ogy, with current portable devices having increased
computing capabilities (e.g., processing power and
memory availability) and richer sets of functionalities
(e.g., digital cameras, MP3 players, GPS receivers);
second, the transformation of the Internet user from
consumer to producer of content. It will not be long
before these two trends will converge, thus leading to
people generating and sharing location-based content
using their portable devices. They, for example, will
attach texts or audio clips to a point of interest, to be
played back by others who come along later.
Currently, websites offer location-based services
by collecting and adding “geotags” (encoding spatial
co-ordinates) into content collected on the spot. How-
ever, being fully centralized, current location-based
services do not scale and are not open to innovation,
as we shall discuss in Section 2.2.
We argue that, in order to enable the sharing of
massive amounts of location-dependent information,
that will be increasingly produced and carried by mo-
bile devices, a decentralised content sharing platform
will become necessary (Section 2). In order to make
such platform an enabling technology for pervasive
computing, the following challenges will have to be
addressed first:
Finding Relevant Content. Mobile users will need
to be assisted when browsing location-based data,
in order to filter out irrelevant information, and
be presented only with content they are interested
in. In this domain, users typically describe con-
tent using a folksonomy, rather than a pre-defined
taxonomy. As a result, mechanisms that will re-
trieve content of interest, based on the dynami-
cally learned tags semantics, will be called upon
(Section 3);
Finding Quality Content. The amount of infor-
mation that matches a user’s query may be over-
whelming. In order to give end users a good per-
vasive experience, content should be ranked so
that, the more reputable the source that produced
it, the higher up its ranking. Mechanisms to dy-
namically assess a user’s reputation in highly de-
centralised systems are thus required (Sections 4).
These mechanisms will have to be evaluated in
terms of accuracy (i.e., do they give end users content
they like?), coverage (i.e., are they capable of digging
out relevant content from the clutter produced?) and
robustness (i.e., do they protect users from malicious
manipulations of the system?). Evaluating the effec-
tiveness of algorithms is a fundamental step to drive
future innovation, but it also represents a major chal-
lenge for pervasive computing, as we shall describe in
Section 5.
Quercia D., Capra L. and Zanardi V. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 501-508
DOI: 10.5220/0001921205010508
Simply moving can be tantamount to browsing and
generating content. People move and leave their dig-
ital traces and, by doing so, they create an invisi-
ble tapestry of location-based content. As individ-
uals traverse an urban landscape, they simply infuse
their path with a unique and detectable digital redo-
lence. Similarly, fixed places or objects can also emit
unique scents once they are digitally tagged” (Paulos
and Goodman, 2004).
Mobile users collaboratively contribute to the cre-
ation of the tapestry by (in descending order of user
Attaching notes (e.g., texts, audio clips, pictures)
to a place (e.g., park, plaza, bus stop) or to an ob-
ject (e.g., bench, bridge, parking slot) using their
mobile phones. Those notes are read by others
who come along later (Sharon, 2006).
Wearing cyber googles that tag everything they
see in the course of a day (Harada et al., 2007).
Researchers of Tokyo University have been study-
ing how a pair of glasses that mount a tiny cam-
era and LCD screen helps elderly’s memory. This
pair of glasses records what the wearer sees and
names objects in the field of view in real time.
The wearer can then type in a keyword later on
(e.g., ‘butterfly’), and the screen will playback the
clip from the moment he saw the insect.
Carrying their mobile phones. For example, the
Dutch GPS-maker TomTom recently launched a
new service, dubbed High Definition Traffic, that
exploits the fact that drivers carry their mobile
phones. More specifically, the service “tracks the
paths of about 4 million mobile phone users to
expand the amount of traffic information avail-
able” (Steen, 2007). That is a striking example
of how a simple act of movement becomes, in the
tapestry, an act of content creation.
2.1 Browsing the Tapestry: For What?
Apart from creating the tapestry, mobile users can
also browse it, and they usually do so by issuing a
query. More specifically, by either:
Specifying their likes and dislikes beforehand.
Their devices will then search for things they
might find interesting on the way (e.g., old movies
they have been willing to see, or popular hangouts
for folks with their own inclinations).
Performing custom searches. They do so when-
ever they are looking for something in particular
at a certain time. For example, whenever drivers
are hungry, they can search for cheap and nearby
More generally, mobile users can find several
things of personal interest:
Songs of emerging musicians. To get some
free publicity, emerging artists upload their latest
tracks into publicly-available WiFi hotspots and
add the date of their next gig as a note to the
track (Bassoli et al., 2007; L. McNamara, C. Mas-
colo and L. Capra, 2007).
Prices of outlets. Instead of showinggeneric icons
for restaurants and petrol stations, mobile maps
can be fed with specific information - for exam-
ple, outlets can embed their latest offerings or dis-
counts or seasonal menus within their clickable
logos displayed on the map. By simply looking up
their maps, drivers can plan fill-ups or find cheap
places to have lunch.
Street performances. Whenever musicians put on
impromptu street performances, they can inform
people in their proximity by disseminating elec-
tronic flyers. By receiving flyers, people can make
the most out of the leisure zones of their chaotic
cities - what Foucault calls “sites of temporary re-
laxation” (Foucault, 1998).
Local protests. To galvanize their neighborhood
in opposition to a nearby logging project, mo-
bile users could attach notes (e.g., texts, audio
clips) to local buildings, to be read by others who
come along later. Mobile phones have been al-
ready used to summoning people to demonstra-
tions. In China, the biggest middle-class protests
of recent years (against the use of abducted boys
to perform dangerous work) has been organized
by exchanging text messages. Empowering more
people to become involved in their communities
can improve public sector governance and enrich
Neighbors’ likes and dislikes. Using their
Bluetooth-enabled phones, people can share in-
formation about their personal interests with oth-
ers (friends or strangers) in their proximity. Shar-
ing metadata (not content) is old hat - it is what
people do in Web 2.0 applications: they mostly
share information about themselves and their per-
sonal interests.
2.2 Unlocking the Tapestry
All of the above location-based services are already
offered on the Internet. Websites collect content gen-
erated by registered users and add “geotags” to that
content (i.e., encode spatial co-ordinates).
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Ironically, location-based content that is collected
in such a distributed way finds itself “enclosed” on
the Internet - a centralized and location-independent
infrastructure. One may well ask why. Here is a pos-
sible explanation: by channeling user-generated con-
tent into their web sites, companies attempt to make
money. Take Google: it “is often compared to Mi-
crosoft; but its evolution is actually closer to that of
the banking industry” (TheEconomist, 2007). Ac-
cording to this widely shared view, Google is simi-
lar to a bank that capitalizes not on our money but
on our personal data. Consequently, giving up data
for Google would be tantamount to giving up profits -
money coming from advertisers who exploit personal
information to promote their wares in a targeted way.
However, most Web 2.0 companies are struggling
to find viable business models, and they are not mak-
ing any profit because they are pursing Starbucks’
business model. Starbucks offers comfy chairs and
does not charge people for sitting on them; peo-
ple will buy overpriced coffee instead. “By offer-
ing a setting for free interaction, such sites provide
the online equivalent of comfy chairs. The trouble
is that, so far, there is no equivalent of the over-
priced coffee that brings in the money and pays the
bills” (TheEconomist, 2006). In theory, advertise-
ments may generate profits. In practice, they have
been found to annoy and drive people away.
Since Web 2.0 companies do not know how to
make money, they are trying to get ideas from (the
crowd of) external programmers. They let program-
mers access part of their user-generated data through
APIs. Unfortunately, most of those companies may
be doomed to failure because they:
Offer unscalable services. The urban tapestry will
be measured in petabytes of data, and Internet ser-
vices will not scale simply because processing and
exchanging data at this scale requires an infras-
tructure well beyond the means of the Internet.
Need to keep switching costs high. As users are
free to switch from one service to another, com-
panies have little financial incentive to reduce
switching costs. So data is often stored in pro-
prietary file formats (protected by patents) and
protected by service vendors. Giving access to
their data via APIs is a first good step towards
more open and innovative solutions. However,
with company-defined APIs, the amount of acces-
sible data is typically only a tiny part of the com-
pany’s knowledge base, so that the “wisdom of
the (programming) crowds” is only partially ex-
ploited: unplanned innovation is serendipitous in
nature and APIs are not open enough to accom-
modate it.
To sort out this current impasse, one may turn to
managing location-based content using highly decen-
tralised and open solutions which are more likely to:
Eliminate switching costs - Users may be empow-
ered to retain control of their data by simply stor-
ing it on their devices. To make that happen,
MIT have recently put forward A World Wide
Web Without Walls” (W5) proposal: a project
“that imagines a very different Web ecosystem, in
which users retain control of their data and devel-
opers can justify their existence without hoarding
that data”. In so doing, one eliminates switching
costs - users do not need to share their data with
each service provider. Plus, this approach comes
with a pleasant by-product for privacy-conscious
users: they would have control over what data
they are willing to disclose.
Scale - While existing companies fight over their
“one size fits all” search engines, new companies
may offer customized search solutions for com-
munities in particular locations. That is made
possible by two recent communication technolo-
gies: the first is Bluetooth, which connects only
people who are in proximity; the second is WiFi,
which connects mobile users to the Internet and
enables the storage of location-relevantcontent on
hotspots. These two technologies can assure dis-
semination and availability of location-dependent
information. Assuring the availability of elec-
tronic data is a problem of scientific importance,
and Ross Anderson has masterfully explored it in
“The Eternity Service” (Anderson, 1996).
That is not to say that we stand at a crossroads.
We do not need to decide whether to either lock the
digital tapestry on the Internet or fully distribute it
across portable devices. The future may well reside
somewhere in the middle, and that “somewhere” will
change depending on what technologies will be avail-
able. The introduction of new technologies largely
depends on research. Since past research has focused
on Internet solutions, it is time to study solutions that
are distributed, and potentially mobile.
2.3 Problem Statement: Bringing
Order to the Tapestry
Imagine that a decentralised infrastructure for stor-
ing user-generated, location-dependent content were
available. Mobile users could then run software on
their portable devices so that, when willing to con-
sume content, such content would be retrieved from
the tapestry and displayed on their devices. What
challenges would such a software face? The two
problems to which the rest of the paper is devoted are
the following:
1. How to select “relevant content” (Section 3).
By relevant, we mean content that semantically
matches a user query. For example, given the
query “Japanese restaurant tempura”, relevant
content could be user reviews of Japanese restau-
rants that serve dishes of deep-fried seafood and
vegetables in tempura batter.
2. How to select “quality content” (Section 4). By
quality, we mean content that has been produced
by reputable sources. After receiving user reviews
of Japanese restaurants, a device can rank them by
reviewer’s reputation.
The first problem is to select relevant content. So-
cial (or folksonomic) tagging has become a very pop-
ular way to describe, categorise, search, discover and
navigate content. This is done either by people, who
associate keywords to some content, or even automat-
ically by means of some tagging mechanism (e.g., by
GPS-enabled cameras that tag pictures depending on
location of capture (Rattenbury et al., 2007)). Unlike
taxonomy,which overimposesa hierarchical categori-
sation of content, folksonomy are informally defined,
continually changing, and ungoverned. In order to re-
trieve relevant content in this domain, the emergent
semantics of tags must thus be learned and used to
quantify the similarity between a query and (the tags
associated to) an item.
Studies have been conducted both to understand
tag usage and evolution (e.g., (Sen et al., 2006; Halpin
et al., 2007; Heymann et al., 2007)), and to learn and
exploit their hidden semantics. For example, in (Wu
et al., 2006) a probabilistic generative model is pro-
posed to describe users’ annotation behavior, and to
automatically derive tags emergent semantics; during
searches, the approach is capable of grouping together
synonymous tags, while it calls for users intervention
when highly ambiguous tags are found. Research has
been very active also in relating tag activity to users,
in order to discover their interests and consequently
users’ communities, either by exploiting users’ ex-
plicitly stated profile (Hsu et al., 2007), or by us-
ing a probabilistic model which takes into account
users’s interest to topics (Zhou et al., 2006), or based
on their level of tagging activity and breadth of inter-
ests (Kelkar et al., 2007). All these works are based on
the observation that real world networks exhibit a so-
called community structure (Ruan and Zhang, 2008);
defining the set of characteristics that would enable
the best fitting and natural clustering of taggers is an
open research question.
Our Proposal: Social Filtering. In order to automat-
ically filter content, we argue that the two research
streams highlighted above (i.e., automatic learning of
tag semantics and users’ interests) have to be com-
bined (Zanardi et al., 2008). More precisely, for each
query-item pair, we first compute the “relevance” of
the item with respect to the query, based on the se-
mantic distance between query tags and item tags;
we then compute the similarity between “who has is-
sued the query” and “who has tagged the item” based
on their past tag activity, and use this weight as a
multiplying factor to rank relevant content. Prelim-
inary results on the CiteULike dataset demonstrate
that users’ similarity improves accuracy of the results,
while tags’ similarity improves coverage.
Future. All algorithms developed to date to learn
tags semantics and filter content have been evaluated
on Internet-based datasets, where a huge collection of
data is available, and thus amenable to intensive pro-
cessing. One of the main challenges we will thus have
to face is porting these algorithms to the distributed
setting, without compromising on accuracy, coverage
and performance. Various techniques for data cluster-
ing will be called for, in order to aggregate related
information together, for example around hotspots.
Moreover, tag systems are highly susceptible to tag
spam, that is, malicious annotations generated to con-
fuse users (Koutrika et al., 2007). Robust solutions
to tag spamming require further investigation, both in
the centralised and decentralised setting.
The second problem is to select quality content. Mo-
bile users may do so by simply selecting content com-
ing from reputable sources. Sources are reputable
if people have found them to be so in the past. In
practice, this translates into people rating the content
they consume. Upon those ratings, one identifies rep-
utable producers - those who have consistently cre-
ated highly-rated content.
To decide whether a certain producer is reputable,
a filtering software needs to implement three func-
Rate the producer (Section 4.1).
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Personalize that rating based on its user’s interests
(Section 4.2).
Update ratings whenever its user consumes con-
tent (Section 4.3).
4.1 Rating Producers
Consider that mobile phone A needs to rate a certain
producer. It may do so by collecting ratings and ar-
ranging them in a graph - dubbed “web of trust”. This
is a network of trust relationships: we trust (link to)
only a handful of other people; these people, in turn,
trust (link to) a limited number of other individuals;
overall, these trust relationships form a network (a
web of trust) of individuals linked by trust relation-
ships. Based upon this web of trust, A can then form
opinions of producers (in technical parlance, it prop-
agates trust in producers) from whom it has never re-
ceived content before.
Existing ways of propagating trust cannot be read-
ily applied in mobile computing because they are usu-
ally designed to work on a centrally stored web of
trust and to run on high-end machines. Most of the
work on how A propagates its trust for B is based on
a simple, yet effective mechanism: A finds all paths
leading to B; for each path, A then concatenates the
ratings along the path; A finally aggregates all path
concatenations into a single trust rating for B. Al-
gorithmically, this is equivalent to A arranging trust
ratings into a matrix and, over a series of iterations,
propagating trust by, for example, direct propagation:
if A trusts C andC trusts B, then trust propagates from
A to B. The resulting matrix values are then rounded
into a single trust rating. Unfortunately, this way of
propagating trust suffers from two main limitations:
Literature has proved direct trust propagation to
be extremely effective, but it has done so only on
datasets of binary ratings. However, an individual
may express whether she trusts another individ-
ual or not, and, if she does, she may then express
the extent to which she trusts by a discrete value.
There is no published work on how direct prop-
agation would perform on a large dataset of dis-
crete ratings, not necessarily binary.
Direct trust propagation does not scale on mobile
devices. Direct trust propagationis meant for Web
applications in which centralized servers store full
webs of trust upon which trust is then propagated
by multiplying vectors and matrices whose di-
mensions are extremely high. As a consequence,
it is computationally expensive and would not
scale well on any existing portable device. More-
over, mobile devices would only know a very
small subset of the web of trust at any given time
(it is unrealistic to assume complete knowledge)
because of, for example, network partition, device
(un)availability, and limited resources.
We need a way of propagating trust that works in dis-
tributed settings and runs on (resource-constrained)
mobile phones.
Our Proposal: Distributed Trust Propagation. We
have recently designed one such way (Quercia et al.,
2007a) by carefully adapting a graph-based semi-
supervised learning scheme (Herbster et al., 2005;
Zhu et al., 2003). The key idea is that each mobile
device stores a very limited subset of the web of trust;
on that subset, it then applies a machine learning tech-
nique for propagating trust.
The model scales (it entails minimal storage and
communication overhead) and is effective (its predic-
tive accuracy on the Advogato dataset is as high as
82.9%). That accuracy remains unchanged even if
most of the users were concerned about privacy and,
as such, were not to make available their ratings. The
model also runs on portable devices (a J2ME imple-
mentation spends at most 2.8ms for one propagation
on a modern Nokia phone).
Future. Our distributed trust propagation model as-
sumes that users’ ratings are stored in distributed
way. However, the lack of a centralised server stor-
ing ratings result in such ratings being susceptible
to malicious manipulation. To this end, we are cur-
rently working on a mechanism with which mobile
phones store ratings in (local) tamper-evident tables
and check the integrity of those tables through a gos-
siping protocol.
4.2 Personalizing Ratings
Trust propagation techniques generate single ratings.
However, A may well have more than one rating for
each content producer. To see why, say that A re-
ceived “financial” news from B, found them interest-
ing, and, as such, highly rated B. A is now interested
in “economic” news, and B happens to produce them.
From its past rating on “financial” news, can A con-
clude that Bs “economic news” are also of good qual-
ity? A may well conclude so since “economics” and
“finance” are (semantically) similar.
To automatically decide whether two categories
are similar, existing algorithms typically use an on-
tology (e.g., a taxonomy of content categories). Let
us take two common approaches. The first (Capra,
2005; Liu and Issarny, 2004) defines similarity be-
tween any two categories in an ontology as the dis-
tance between the two corresponding nodes. The sec-
ond approach (Kinateder and Rothermel, 2003) draws
category similarity based on a direct graph of cate-
gories (a less-constrained structure than a tree) whose
weights have to be, however, manually set by de-
vice users. The researchers who proposed the first
approach have acknowledged that the idea of a uni-
versally accepted ontology hardly belongs to reality;
those of the second approach concede that, on poor
usability grounds alone, their solution has to be au-
tomated. More generally, existing approaches require
that the same ontology is shared by all users and that
those users agree on that ontology for good (i.e., the
ontology is not supposed to change over time).
Our Proposal: TRULLO. To do away with these
two problems, we have recently proposed an algo-
rithm dubbed TRULLO (Quercia et al., 2007b) that
automatically personalize ratings across categories
without relying on an ontology shared by all users.
This algorithm gathers ratings of past experiences in
a matrix, learns statistical “features” from that matrix
by applying the Singular Value Decomposition”, and
combines those features to set initial trust values for
new content categories. By features, we simply mean
textual information that describes categories. In con-
trast to existing approaches, TRULLO relies only on
local information (the ratings of its user’s past expe-
riences) and, as such, does not need to collect rec-
ommendations, thus avoiding the need for a common
ontology shared by all (recommending) users.
TRULLO works well in a simulated antique mar-
ket (whose simulation parameters are partly based on
eBay). It performs close to how exchanging recom-
mendations would do in an ideal (though unrealistic)
world, one in which recommenders are wholly truth-
ful and, furthermore, share the same ontology. Also,
its J2ME implementation is reasonably fast on a mod-
ern Nokia mobile phone.
Future. To personalize ratings, TRULLO processes
only the ratings of its user. However, to discover
general relationships among categories, one needs
a larger fraction of user ratings. That would be
possible if mobile phones upload their ratings on
WiFi hotspots, which then run more computational-
demanding techniques for discovering category rela-
4.3 Updating Ratings
Using existing mobile reputation systems, A rates B
on a binary scale (good or bad) and consequently up-
dates its trust for B with hand-crafted formulae.
To do away with hand-crafted formulae, Mui et
al. (Mui et al., 2001) proposed a Bayesian formaliza-
tion for a distributed rating process. However, two
issues remained unsolved: they considered only bi-
nary ratings and did not discount them over time.
Buchegger and Le Boudec (Buchegger and Boudec,
2004) tackled the latter issue, but not the former: they
proposed a Bayesian reputation mechanism in which
each node isolates malicious nodes, ages its reputa-
tion data (i.e., weights past reputation less), but can
only evaluate encounters with a binary value (i.e., en-
counters are either good or bad). So literature lacks a
formal way of updating ratings on a generic scale (not
necessarily binary).
Our Proposal: B-trust. We designed a new trust
model (Quercia et al., 2006) that updates n-level rat-
ings (generally, n > 2) according to a Bayesian pro-
cess. After rating Bs content, A updates its trust
for B using Bayes’ theorem. As an example of ap-
plication of this theorem, assume that As rating is
good”. Given that, A updates the probability p
B is trustworthy by taking the old p
and multiplying
it by l
- the likelihood that good content comes from
trustworthy devices. If we leave out a proportionality
constant at the denominator, the updating looks like:
· l
Common sense would suggest that good content usu-
ally comes from trustworthy devices (i.e., l
is high),
and that bad content does not usually come from
trustworthy devices (i.e., l
is low).
However, A does not set those likelihoods accord-
ing to common sense. Instead, it learns them while
receiving content, that is, by counting the number of
times what type of content comes from what type of
device (e.g., counting the number of times good con-
tent comes from trustworthy producers).
In designing B-trust, we have extended this for-
mulation to the case in which A rates on a generic
n-scale (not necessarily binary – good/bad).
Future. Producers may excessively capitalize on
their old ratings. So B-trust decreases confidence in
its ratings over time. However, by doing so, B-trust
may fail to identify communities of trustworthy pro-
ducers that are stable. So researchers have started to
study how ratings evolve over time, and how that af-
fects the ability to identify stable communities (Lathia
et al., 2008).
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Our research agenda has been evolving around the
theme of finding relevant content that will satisfy a
user’s query. To this extent, we have been proposing
various algorithms to: select relevant content, based
on dynamically inferred tags semantics; rank filtered
content based on quality, by dynamically assessing
content sources’ reputation. Will these algorithms
become enabling technologies for pervasive content
sharing applications? In order to answer this question,
we (and the research community working on these
topics) is faced with a big challenge: how to evalu-
ate these algorithms.
Data about content and content sharing abound on
the Internet; however,conducting studies on such data
inevitably fails to measure what would happen in a
truly distributed setting. On the other hand, there ex-
ist plenty of experimental observations of how peo-
ple move while carrying their portable devices; in this
case, though, there is little or no information about
what content people produce and consume.
As a short-term solution, researchers can “mimic”
what would happen in a real pervasive system, by
overlaying these different datasets; however, doing so
in a meaningful way is a research question of its own.
Simulation should be coupled with controlled exper-
iments; the problem in so doing is that those studies
are expensive, so one tends to trade off between (user)
sample size, time requirements, and monetary costs;
the generality of the results obtained thus becomes
questionable. To help solve this problem, PARC re-
searchers have recently proposed to collect user mea-
surements from micro-task markets (such as Ama-
zon’s Mechanical Turk) (Kittur et al., 2008). In the
long run, an actual large-scale system deployment
will be needed.
In this paper, we have discussed distributed mech-
anisms with which mobile users can find content
of interest and of high quality. Compared to ex-
isting (centralized) mechanisms, distributed mecha-
nisms promise to scale and be fully open to innova-
tion. However, to deliver on this this promise, we still
need to study how effective those mechanisms are in
practice. The lack of real datasets, combining mobil-
ity with user’s interests and content, makes evaluating
these mechanisms an open challenge.
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