Daniel Mellado
Ministry of Work and Social Affairs, Social Security IT Department, Madrid, Spain
Eduardo Fernández-Medina and Mario Piattini
University of Castilla La-Mancha, Information Systems and Technologies Department, Alarcos Research Group, Spain
Keywords: Security requirements, product lines, Common Criteria, Security.
Abstract: Proper analysis and understanding of security requirements are important because they help us to discover
any security or requirement defects or mistakes in the early stages of development. Hence, security
requirements engineering is both a central task and a critical success factor in product line development due
to the complexity and extensive nature of product lines. However, most of the current product line practices
in requirements engineering do not adequately address security requirements engineering. Therefore, in this
paper we will propose a security quality requirements engineering process (SREPPLine) driven by security
standards and based on a security requirements decision model along with a security variability model to
manage the variability of the artefacts related to security requirements. The aim of this approach is to deal
with security requirements from the early stages of the product line development in a systematic way, in
order to facilitate conformance with the most relevant security standards with regard to the management of
security requirements, such as ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 15408.
In the search for improved software quality and high
productivity, software product line (SPL)
engineering has proven to be one of the most
successful paradigms for developing a diversity of
similar software applications and software-intensive
systems at low costs, in a short time, and with high
quality, by exploiting commonalities and
variabilities among products to achieve high levels
of reuse (Bosh 2000; Clements et al., 2002).
In software intensive systems, such as SPL,
security is a cross-cutting concern and should
consequently be subject to careful requirements
analysis and decision making. Moreover, in SPL
engineering, security is one of the most important
attributes concerning quality, given that a weakness
in security may cause problems in all the products in
a product line. In addition, many requirements
engineering practices must be appropriately tailored
to the specific demands of product lines (Birk et al.,
2007). Hence, specifying requirements for a SPL is a
challenging task (Niemelä et al., 2007) and
specifying security quality requirements for an SPL
is even more challenging due to the varying security
properties required in different products.
Therefore, the discipline known as Security
Requirements Engineering is essential for secure
SPL and products development, because it provides
techniques, methods, standards and systematic and
repeatable procedures for tackling SPL security
requirement issues throughout the SPL development
lifecycle both to ensure the definition of security
quality requirements and to manage the variability of
security properties. Nevertheless, software
engineering methodologies and standard proposals
of SPL engineering have traditionally ignored
security requirements and security variability issues.
Although some of them include a few security
requirements activities, most of them focus only on
the design of implementation aspects of SPL
In this paper, as an evolution of our previous
“generic” security requirements engineering process
(SREP) (Mellado et al., 2006), we shall present the
Product Line Security Application Requirements
Engineering (PLSecAppReq) subprocess together
with the Security Requirements Variability Model
Mellado D., Fernández-Medina E. and Piattini M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 442-449
DOI: 10.5220/0001922804420449
Figure 1: Software product line security requirements engineering framework.
and the Security Requirements Decision Model,
which assist in the management of the variability of
the SPL. Because in (Mellado et al., 2008) we
already described the most important characteristics
of the activities of the other subprocess of which the
Security quality Requirements Engineering Process
for Software Product Lines (SREPPLine) is
composed, the Product Line Security Domain
Requirements Engineering (PLSecDomReq)
subprocess. Hence the aim of this approach is to deal
with the security requirements artefacts and their
variability from the early stages of the products of a
SPL development in a systematic way, in order to
facilitate the conformance of SPL products to the
most relevant security standards with regard to the
management of security requirements, such as
ISO/IEC 27001 (ISO/IEC 2006) and ISO/IEC 15408
(Common Criteria) (ISO/IEC 2005). To this end, we
will propose a systematic and iterative process based
on a security requirements decision model driven by
security standards in order to assist in SPL products
security certification along with a security variability
model to manage the variability and traceability of
the security requirements artefacts of the SPL
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows. In Section 2, we will briefly describe our
Security quality Requirements Engineering Process
for software Product Lines (SREPPLine). Then, in
Section 3, we will explain the security requirements
variability management in SREPPLine. Next, in
Section 4 we will present the main characteristics of
the activities of the Product Line Security
Application Requirements Engineering subprocess.
Finally, in Section 5, we will discuss our
contributions and future work.
SREPPLine (Security Requirements Engineering
Process for software Product Lines) is an add-in of
activities, which can be incorporated into an
organization’s SPL development process model
providing it with a security requirements
engineering approach.
It is a security features or security goals based
process which is driven by risk and security
standards (concretely ISO/IEC 27001 and Common
Criteria) and deals with security requirements and
their related artefacts from the early stages of SPL
development in a systematic and intuitive way
especially tailored for SPL based development.
It is based on the use of the latest and widely
validated security requirements techniques, such as
security use cases (Firesmith 2003) or misuse cases
(Sindre et al., 2005), along with the integration of
the Common Criteria (CC) components and
ISO/IEC 27001 controls into the SPL lifecycle in
order to facilitate SPL products security
certification. Moreover, our proposed process
suggests using a method to carry out the risk
assessment which conforms to ISO/IEC 13335
(ISO/IEC 2004), concretely it uses Magerit (López
et al., 2005) (the spanish public risk management
methodology and which is recognised by the NATO)
for both SPL risk assessment and SPL products risk
assessment. Furthermore, SREPPLine has the aim of
minimizing the necessary security standards
knowledge as well as security expert participation
during SPL products development.
To this end, it provides a Security Core Assets
Repository to facilitate security artefacts reuse and
to implement the security variability model and the
security requirement decision model, which assist in
the management of the variability and traceability of
the security requirements related artefacts of the SPL
and its products. These models are the basis through
which the activities of SREPPLine capture, represent
and share knowledge about security requirements for
SPL and help to certificate them against security
standards. In essence, it is a knowledge repository
with a structure to support security requirements
reasoning in SPL.
As it is described in Figure 1 our process is
composed of two subprocesses (shown in pink):
Product Line Security Domain Requirements
Engineering (PLSecDomReq) subprocess and
Product Line Security Application Requirements
Engineering (PLSecAppReq) subprocess. These
subprocesses cover the four basic phases of
requirements engineering according to (Kotonya et
al., 2000): requirements elicitation; requirements
analysis and negotiation; requirements
documentation; and requirements validation and
verification. However, due to space restrictions, in
this paper we shall only outline the security
requirements variability management and the key
tasks that are part of the activities of PLSecAppReq
The security requirements artefacts variability
management is supported by two models. The
Security Variability Model is used to assist in the
management of the variability and traceability of the
security requirements related artefacts of the SPL
and its products along with the SPL and its products
security standards certification. The Security
Requirement Decision Model supports the capturing,
specifying and reasoning about security
requirements and their artefacts for the SPL
members. It furthermore supports the development
of a security requirement protection profile for the
security goals of the system and it is also helpful in
the process of determining the most appropriate
security requirements artefacts and security
3.1 Security Variability Model
Our proposed Security Variability Model, which will
be shown in Figure 2 is based on the Reusable
Assets Specification (RAS), adopted as an OMG
standard (OMG_(Object_Management_Group)
2004) and moreover extends the orthogonal
variability model of Pohl et al.(Pohl et al., 2005). It
is also part of the Security Requirement Decision
Model. This variability model relates the defined
variability to other software development models
such as feature models, use case models, design
models and test models. Thus, it provides a cross-
cutting view of the security requirements variability
across all security development artefacts and assists
in keeping the different views of variable security
requirements artefacts consistent.
In order to relate the variability defined in the
variability model to the software artefacts specified
in other models, the meta-model depicted in Figure 2
contains the class ‘artefact’ which represents any
kind of development artefact. Particular
development artefacts are sub-classes of the
‘artefact’ class, such as ‘security artefact’ which is a
specialization of an artefact.
In addition, as is depicted in Figure 2, a security
artefact can but does not have to be categorized. The
‘category’ class helps us avoid semantic problems
and assists in reusing security artefacts, and even in
applying security patterns. It is a key class for the
security requirement decision model, because it
guides us through the categories thus allowing us to
identify the security requirements artefacts
systematically. Moreover, the ‘security artefact’
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
class has ‘version’ as a mandatory attribute in order
to facilitate the security artefacts versions
traceability and variability, as products with
different versions of the same security artefacts
might exist (due to the variability in time and in
space). Finally, in Figure 2 we have represented the
security standards variability, by integrating the
Common Criteria (CC) elements, and the ISO/IEC
27001 controls into the security variability model.
These security standards elements are related to the
categories of certain particular security artefacts
(security features, threats and security requirements)
with the aim of assisting in the SPL or SPL products
certification against these standards and making
their reasoning easier.
Figure 2: Security variability meta-model.
3.2 Security Requirement Decision
We treat security requirements artefacts as a natural
source of variability among the products or SPL
artefacts. In order to capture and manage knowledge
related to security requirements in SPL we propose a
security requirement decision model for SPL
engineering, which will be shown in a different
figure (Figure 3) to make its understanding easier.
This model facilitates the security requirements
related artefacts reasoning and the security standards
conformance. It supports the capturing, specifying
and reasoning of security requirements for both SPL
and SPL members.
As a starting point we used the goals/soft-goals
(Chung et al., 2000) and feature models and their
correlations in order to take into consideration
functional and non-functional requirements,
concretely security requirements. To express the
intentions of a system, goal models as well as
feature models can be used, and this will, in most
cases, define similar information (Pohl et al., 2005).
Therefore, the interest in using goal/softgoal model
as a starting point comes from the fact that it allows
us to decide (if the traceability links are carefully
established) what security features are needed to
achieve the selected security goals and which is the
optimal set of security features/goals of a determined
priority in the context of the different scenarios of
the SPL that provides the rationale of the selection.
This supposes a rise in the abstraction level of the
variants selection process, making the selection in
the requirements level instead of in the design level.
In addition, within this model we characterize a
SPL as a set of ‘variation points’ which are
represented by ‘features’ or ‘goals’, and each goal
can be achieved in many concrete ways, which are
represented as ‘scenarios’.
Security features are those features that describe
the security characteristics of the system which
correspond with the security goals that the system
under consideration should achieve. Thereby, a
group of assets will be involved in the achievement
of each security feature.
These assets are the resources in the information
systems of the SPL, or these which are related to
them which are necessary for the organization to
operate correctly and achieve its goals. There will be
also different categories or types of assets (such as
the environment, information systems, services,
components and information or data).Dependencies
between assets could also exist. Furthermore, an
asset, as is shown in Figure 3, is a class which
inherits from the ‘security artefact’ class, so it can be
a ‘variation point’. Each asset will have different
related security objectives (or security dimensions)
with the corresponding assigned value (following a
standardized scale from 0 to 10 according to the risk
methodology Magerit (López et al., 2005)) which is
agreed by the stakeholders, who have also to reach
an agreement about the common and optional assets.
The valuation of each asset is given in each security
objective and it is propagated through the
dependency tree assets and therefore only the higher
assets in the dependency tree have to be explicitly
The security objectives or security dimensions are
the objectives which must be achieved in order to
protect the organization’s business goals. According
to Magerit (López et al., 2005), the security
objectives/dimensions managed by the model can
only be the following ones: integrity, confidentiality,
availability, authenticity of service users,
authenticity of data origin, accountability of service
use and accountability of data access. Throughout
the selected category/ies of the asset, this model
could propose security objectives related to these
categories to assist in the security objectives
identification and valuation for each asset in a
systematic way.
Furthermore, the assets are exposed to threats
which may prevent the security objective from being
achieved. Not all threats affect all assets nor all their
security objectives, so those which are common and
optional ones have to be identified. In addition, there
is a certain relationship between the category of the
asset and what might happen to it. Thus, throughout
the selected category/ies of the asset this model
could propose threats or categories of threats related
to these categories of assets to assist in the common
and optional threats identification and valuation. To
calculate the impact of each threat, the value of the
assets of each security objective along with the
degradation caused by the threat are taken into
account. The impact and the likelihood of
occurrence of the threat are taken into account in
order to estimate the risk. The risk is then classified
in a range from 0 to 5 (according to the Magerit
(López et al., 2005) scale).
Each type (category) of asset and depending upon
its associated categories of threats will have a
category or categories of security requirements
related to it that could mitigate the impact or reduce
the likelihood of these threats. This mechanism
facilitates both the elicitation of the common and
optional security requirements of the SPL and the
security requirements instantiation in the products.
Moreover, there could be dependencies between
security requirements, so security requirements
packages structured by the security dimension of the
requirements could exist, which are a group of
security requirements that work together in order to
mitigate the same threats and satisfy similar security
objectives of the assets. However, there could still
be groups of requirements, which differ from one
another in the level of detail they describe and in the
testability they support. Therefore, a hierarchy of
security requirements could be defined.
A security goal might be satisfied by multiple
security requirements (different variants), and a
mapping of the security requirements to
countermeasures is carried out to give the best
possible effect for the assets associated with the
security feature. Thus, a variant is realised by one or
more security requirements and is also supported by
one or more countermeasures, which are procedures
or technical mechanisms that reduce the risk and
which are identified at the design stage.
Countermeasures are architectural decisions that are
used to achieve a security goal.
Figure 3: Security requirement decision model.
Furthermore, the SPL Protection Profile is an
implementation independent statement of security
requirements and their related security artefacts that
has been shown to address threats that exist in an
SPL environment; it has the aim of assisting in the
SPL certification against the CC. There could be
SPL Protection Profiles associated with Business
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Patterns. Similarly, the Product Security Target is an
implementation dependent statement of security
requirements and their related security artefacts for a
specific identified product of the SPL; it has the
purpose of facilitating the SPL product certification
against the CC. In addition, security standards
elements have been integrated into our proposed
Security Requirement Decision model with the
objective of assisting in the SPL or SPL products
certification against these standards and making
their reasoning easier. These security standards
elements (CC elements and ISO/IEC 27001
controls) are related to the categories of certain
particular security artefacts (security features, threats
and security requirements) to assist in this task.
We use scenarios to represent variants. All
scenarios have an environment, a context that may
include aspects such as assets, actors, misusers or
misactors, use cases, misuse cases (Sindre et al.,
2005) or threats and security use cases (Firesmith
2003). We model threats as misuse case templates or
attack trees in order to document their variability.
Security requirements can be documented as
security use case templates, UMLsec (Jürjens 2002)
with additional stereotypes, or as textual
requirements by using aspect-XML specification
(Kuloor et al., 2003).
The orthogonal variability model, upon which
our approach is based, allows us to relate the
different places at which the variability is defined to
each other. In fact, starting from a changed artefact,
other artefacts affected by the change can be found
by following the relationship with the associated
variant and from the variant with the other
associated artefacts. The variability of the security
artefacts of the security decision model is thereby
clearly and unambiguously documented throughout
the artefact dependencies of the security variability
The main goals of this sub-process are: elicitation
and documentation of the security requirements and
their related security artefacts of the application of
the SPL; ensuring that they conform to IEEE
830:1998, along with gathering them together in a
Security Targets (ST) adapted document by
following the ISO/IEC 15446 (ISO/IEC 2004)
standard; reusing as much as possible the security
domain artefacts and requirements.
PLSecAppReq activity 1 is the “Application
Security Variability Management”. In this activity
stakeholders are informed of the commonalities and
variabilities of the security features of the SPL,
because the goal of this activity is to make the
stakeholders aware of the security goals and features
of the SPL as well as to elicit application security
goals and features. The Security Requirements
Decision Model and the Security Variability Model
enable the security requirements engineer to
communicate the relevant security related variation
points, security related variants and their
dependences to stakeholders. Additionally, the
traceability links of the variability model to security
domain artefacts enable the security requirements
engineer to describe the particularities of a particular
security related variant. Therefore, once the
stakeholders have informed the security
requirements engineer of their security goals and of
the features necessary for the application (or
product), the result of this activity is a set of domain
security goals and features of the SPL, which may
not completely fulfil the stakeholders security goals
for the application.
In activity 2 (“Application Security Artefacts
Instantiation”) application security artefacts from
the set of domain security features obtained in the
previous activity are instantiated. Throughout the
Security Requirements Decision Model and the
Security Variability Model the appropriate security
artefacts (that is, the security variants) for the
specific application (product) which will as far as
possible satisfy the application security goals, are
selected. The result of this activity is a set of security
requirements and their related artefacts, which may
not completely fulfil the stakeholders’ application
In the activity 3 “Application Specific Security
Artefacts Development and Sec-Deltas Analysis
the sec-deltas analysis is performed. The sec-deltas
occur when stakeholder security requirements
cannot be completely satisfied by security domain
requirements artefacts. During the sec-deltas
analysis, sec-deltas to the security domain variability
model resulting from stakeholders’ security
features/goals are analyzed. Next, the impact of the
security variability model sec-deltas on the
corresponding security domain artefacts is analyzed.
The results of this analysis are the security
application variability model along with the security
requirements artefacts deltas. Finally, these sec-
deltas are communicated to the security risk expert
who estimates the risks of carrying our or not
carrying out the security requirements deltas
(activity 4 “Application Risk Assessment”).
In the “Application Security Requirements
Negotiation and Prioritization” activity (activity 5
of PLSecAppReq), after the application risk
assessment of the sec-deltas has been performed,
they are communicated to the security architect and
to the security requirements engineer who estimates
the realisation effort based on the sec-deltas and
their associated risks. With this estimation the
stakeholders decide whether or not the security
requirements deltas should be carried out and which
security standard the application should fulfil. As a
result of this activity, the application security
requirements and the corresponding security
requirements artefacts and security application
variability model are defined.
Finally, in the “Application Security
Requirements Specification” activity (activity 6 of
PLSecAppReq) the application security artefacts, the
sec-deltas and the traces between application
security artefacts and the corresponding domain
security artefacts are specified and documented.
Moreover, the security application variability model
and the traceability links of the application security
artefacts to the application-specific variability model
are documented. The estimated risk and realisation
costs are even related to the sec-deltas to ensure that
decisions about sec-deltas are traceable.
Finally, in the activity 7 (“Application Security
Requirements Inspection”) the same points listed
in the PLSecDomReq activity 9 (Security
Requirements Artefacts Inspection) are verified
along with the security requirements artefacts
variability consistency between the application and
domain artefacts.
Security requirements issues are extremely
important in SPL because a weakness in security can
cause problems throughout the lifecycle of a line.
Although there have been several attempts to fill the
gap between requirements engineering and SPL
requirements engineering, no systematic approach
with which to define security quality requirements
and to manage their variability and their related
security artefacts to the models of an SPL is
The contribution of this work is that of providing
a systematic approach for the management of the
security requirements and their variability from the
early stages of the product line development, in
order to facilitate the conformance of the SPL
products to the most relevant security standards with
regard to the management of security requirements,
such as ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 15408
(Common Criteria). Our proposal defines a
systematic process based on a security requirements
decision model driven by security standards in order
to assist in SPL security requirements definition and
to facilitate products security certification.
Moreover, a security variability model with which to
manage the variability and traceability of the
security requirements related artefacts of the SPL
and its products is proposed. Consequently, our
proposal allows us to make security variants
selection in the requirements level instead of in the
design level as well as providing a cross-cutting
view of the security variability across all security
development artefacts and assisting in mantaining
the different views of variable security requirements
artefacts consistent. Hence, SREPPLine is a suitable
approach especially for SPL where security is a key
quality issue.
Finally, further work is also required to refine the
prototype of our CARE (Computer Aided
Requirements Engineering) tool which we are
developing to support SREPPLine and the Security
Resources Repository, which was one of the lessons
learned in the case study performed at the Spanish
Social Security IT Department described in
(Mellado et al., 2008), in order to assist in the
complex management and maintainability of the
variability and traceability relations. Furthermore,
we shall carry out a refinement of our approach by
proving it with a complete and exhaustive real case
study of SREPPLine and its CARE-tool in order to
validate and illustrate SREPPLine in far greater
depth, with the aim of providing an holistic
framework for security requirements engineering in
This paper is part of the ESFINGE (TIN2006-
15175-C05-05) and ELEPES (TIN2006-27690-E)
projects of the Ministry of Education and Science
(Spain), and of the QUASIMODO (PAC08-0157-
0668), MISTICO (PBC-06-0082) and MELISA
(PAC08-0142-335) projects of the JCCM and the
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