Luís Enrique Sánchez, Daniel Villafranca
SICAMAN NT. Departament of R+D, Juan José Rodrigo, 4. Tomelloso, Ciudad Real, Spain
Eduardo Fernández-Medina, Mario Piattini
ALARCOS Research Group. TSI Department. University of Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad, 4 – 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: ISMS, SME, Maturity Level, ISO27001, Security System, Information Security Management System,
Small-Medium Size Enterprise.
Abstract: For enterprises to be able to use information technologies and communications with guarantees, it is
necessary to have an adequate security management system and tools which allow them to manage it. In
small and medium-sized enterprises, the application of security standards has an additional problem, which
is the fact that they do not have enough resources to carry out an appropriate management. This security
management system must have highly reduced costs for its implementation and maintenance in small and
medium-sized enterprises (from here on refered to as SMEs) to be feasible. In this paper we show the
practical application of our proposal for a maturity model with which to manage the security in SMEs,
centring upon the phase which determines the state of the enterprise and some of the mechanisms which
allow the security level to be kept up to date without the need for continuous audits. This focus is
continuously refined through its application to real cases, the results of which are shown in this paper.
The availability of an information management
system is fundamental to the enterprises stability,
and is the principal differentiating factor in its
evolution. Its assets are subjected to a great variety
of risks, which may have a critical effect on the
enterprises, but the main risk which an enterprises
faces is that of being unable to manage those assets.
Innumerable sources exist which show the
magnitude of the problems caused by a lack of
appropriate security measures (Wood, 2000; Hyder
and Heston et al., 2004; Biever, 2005; Telang and
Wattal, 2005; Goldfarb, 2006).
In this paper our proposal for a maturity and
security management model oriented towards SMEs
(Sánchez and Villafranca et al., 2007a) is applied to
actual case studies, and its benefits are presented.
The aim of this model is to solve problems detected
in classic models which are proving to be inefficient
when implanted in SMEs owing to their complexity
or to another series of factors which have been
analysed in previous papers (Sánchez and
Villafranca et al., 2007b). Our earlier works have
presented the current situation of security
management systems for information systems, and
various versions of our maturity model which have
evolved as a result of this, such as the tool developed
to provide automatic support and the metrics which
help to improve its efficiency and to reduce costs
(Sánchez and Villafranca et al., 2007c). In this paper
the phase related to the model in charge of
establishing the enterprises current situation has
been studied in greater depth, and we have analysed
the results obtained from 11 real case studies after
applying this phase of our model to them. We also
show the differences that appear in this model after
updating the schema, which formerly took
ISO17799:2000 (ISO/IEC17799, 2000) as its base
and which now takes la ISO27002 (previously
ISO27002) (ISO/IEC17799, 2005; ISO/IEC27002,
2007). Finally, we show the functioning of one of
the system’s principal procedures which allows the
level of the security system initially obtained to
Enrique Sánchez L., Villafranca D., Fernández-Medina E. and Piattini M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 391-398
DOI: 10.5220/0001923803910398
evolve, instantaneously altering the data from the
scoreboard, and thus permitting the enterprises
management to be aware of the situation and to
make decisions in a reasonable amount of time.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 very briefly describes existing
maturity models, their current tendencies and some
of the new proposals that are appearing. Section 3,
introduces our proposal for a maturity model
orientated towards SMEs. Section 4 we show some
of the results obtained after applying our model to
real practical cases, centring on the results obtained
to date in the phase which permits the establishment
of the enterprises current situation with regard to the
security management level. Finally, in Section 5, we
shall conclude by discussing our future work on this
Security maturity models (Eloff and Eloff, 2003;
Lee and Lee et al., 2003; Aceituno, 2005) seek to
establish a standardized validation with which the
state of the information security within an
organisation can be determined, and which will
allow us to plan the route which must be followed if
we are to attain the desired security goals.
Among the information security maturity models
which are most frequently applied in enterprises at
present, those which are most outstanding are the
SSE-CMM (Systems Security Engineering
Capability Maturity Model), COBIT and ISM3
(Walton, 2002), and although research has been
carried out to develop new models (Eloff and Eloff,
2003; Lee and Lee et al., 2003), none has been able
to solve the current problems which occur when
these models are applied in SMEs.
Other proposals take Risk Analysis as being the
central nucleus of ISMS (Information Security
Management System). As opposed to these models,
in our case, although Risk Analysis is highly
important, it is still only another piece in the system.
Siegel (Siegel and Sagalow et al., 2002) point out
that the information security models which centre
exclusively upon risk elimination models are not
sufficient, and Garigue (Garigue and Stefaniu, 2003)
furthermore note that at present managers not only
wish to know what has been done to mitigate these
risks, but that they should also be able to discover, in
an efficient manner, that this task has been carried
out and that costs have been reduced.
The main problem with the majority of the
maturity models mentioned is that they are not
successful when implanted in SMEs, mainly due to
the fact that they were developed for large
organisations and their associated organisational
structure. Their structures are, therefore, rigid,
complex and costly to implement, which makes
them unsuitable for an SME environment.
The vision of how to tackle these maturity levels
varies according to the authors who confront the
problem. Some authors therefore insist upon using
the ISO/IEC17799 international standard in security
management models, but always do so in an
incremental manner, considering the particular
security needs (Von Solms and Von Solms, 2001;
Walton, 2002; Eloff and Eloff, 2003; Barrientos and
Areiza, 2005).
The proposal that we have developed is also
based on the ISO27002 International Standard, but
its application is SME oriented, thus avoiding the
problems detected in current models, which require
more resources then the enterprise is able to provide,
which in its turn leads to a higher risk of failure in
implantation and maintenance, which is
unacceptable for this type of companies.
Earlier versions of the model have been presented in
previous papers (Sánchez and Villafranca et al.,
2007a). Therefore, in this section we present a
highly resumed description of the models principal
The Information Security Maturity Model that
we propose allows any organisation to evaluate the
state of its security, but is mainly oriented towards
SMEs through the development of security
management models which are simple, economical,
rapid, automated, progressive and sustainable, these
being the main requirements of this type of
companies when implanting these models.
One of the objectives in the development of the
entire process is that of obtaining the greatest
possible level of automation with the minimum
amount of information collected in the shortest
possible time. In our system we have prioritized
speed and cost reduction, thus sacrificing the
precision offered by other models, which is to say
that our model seeks one of the best security
configurations, but not that which is optimum, and
time and cost reduction are always prioritized.
Another of the major contributions of our model
is a set of matrices which allows us to relate the
different components of the ISMS that the system
uses to automatically generate a great part of the
necessary information, thus notably reducing the
time needed to develop and implant the ISMS.
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
However, the limited nature of this paper prevents us
from showing an analysis of the results of these
matrices here.
The security management model is made up of
three phases, and the results of each of the previous
phases are necessary for the following phase:
Phase I: Establishment of Maturity
Level: The main objective of this phase is to
discover both the company’s current security
level, and that which is desirable, through
two sub-phases which can be carried out in
parallel. In the first sub-phase we determine
what the company’s desirable level of
security is, whilst in the second sub-phase we
determine what the company’s present level
of security management is. For the first sub-
phase our starting point was information from
the (The National Institute of Statistics)
which is relative to the current state of
Spanish SMEs with regard to technological
enterprises indicators, while for the second
our base was the ISO27002 standard.
Phase II: Risk Analysis: One of the
most importatnt aspects of the Risk Analysis
that we have developed are the Association
Matrices which allow us to minimize the risk
analysis cost and produce the maximum
results and information for the company with
the least amount of effort. A series of
matrices have been developed which permit
the association of the various components of
the risk analysis (active-threat-vulnerability),
which are in their turn associated with the
results produced in Phase I (controls).
Phase III: Generation of ISMS: Our
objective in this phase was to ensure that the
ISMS was manageable, focused on the
domains of the Standard which were of
greatest interest to the organisation and that it
contained a number of reduced metrics in
order to obtain rapid results and feedback the
process in each cycle, until we obtained the
maturity level initially designated. One of the
most important aspects in this generation
phase of the ISMS are the Association
Matrices which permit the association of all
the objects in these library. These matrices
use the system internally to recommend an
initial ISMS plan for the SME according to
the information obtained in the earlier phases.
The final result of this phase is a set of rules
and procedures which should be fulfilled to
obtain a greater level of security in the
company, and which will be colour-coded to
provide the user with a rapid visual indication
of where the greatest effort must be applied.
The company’s real work begins once the ISMS
have been generated. Until this moment, thanks to
the use of schemas, the consultant has been able to
define the management system which is most
appropriate for the company and whose costs are
reasonable. Now the company must begin to work
with the system.
Work with the security management system
proposed has been developed for simplicity, so the
users must know a maximum of 50 procedures and
some 250 norms. Not all users should have access to
knowledge about these 50 procedures, as the
majority can only be used by the person responsible
for security, or members of the systems department.
In general, the users should only be made aware of
the existence of a small set.
In this section we show some of the results obtained
after applying our model in real cases. These results
are centred on the application of the first phase of
the model presented in the previous section.
The model that we have developed is being
validated through its application in 11 real cases
(companies in the Sicaman group and their
customers) whose principal data is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Data of the customers who have taken part in the
test cases.
Name Sector
SNT Informatics Actives
Customer2 Research and development
Customer3 Research and development
Customer4 Food and drink industry
Manufacture of metal (not including
Customer6 Other business activities
IMP Other business activities
ComerciaRed Construction
Pronatec Real Estate
Customer10 Informatics
Customer11 Manufacture of electronic materials
The following sub-section describes the main
details and the application of the two sub-phases, of
which the establishment phase of the maturity level
is made up, in real cases.
4.1.1 Initial Security Audit
This sub-phase of Phase I consist of producing a
detailed check-list which helps us to position the
company’s present state with regard to its security
The study was initially carried out on
ISO17799:2000 (ISO/IEC17799, 2000), having later
updated the schema and all its data to ISO27002
(ISO/IEC17799, 2005). This allowed us to compare
the variations that the model underwent in both
standards after evolving from the 2000 version to the
2005 standard.
Table 2: Current security level of test cases obtained from
the ISO17799:2000 and ISO27002 checklist.
ISMS Nombre 2000 2005
ISMS-01 ISMS Sicaman 2007 59 59
ISMS-02 ISMS Customer2 2006 28 37
ISMS-03 ISMS Customer3 2007 67 62
ISMS-04 ISMS Customer4 2007 18 23
ISMS-05 ISMS Customer5 2007 19 24
ISMS-06 ISMS Customer6 2007 50 51
ISMS-07 ISMS IMP 2007 33 38
ISMS-08 ISMS ComerciaRed 2007 40 41
ISMS-09 ISMS Pronatec 2007 34 38
ISMS-10 ISMS Customer10 2007 14 14
ISMS-11 ISMS Customer11 2007
22 23
TOTAL: 35 37
Table 2 shows the difference in the results
obtained from the check-list according to the schema
applied. In the first case, a check-list of 735 sub-
controls obtained from ISO17799:2000 was applied,
and in the second case the ISO27002 was used as a
base for 896 sub-controls. Amongst the results
obtained, it is interesting to point out that in general
the results obtained underwent slight variations
(between 1-2%), although customers with greater
imbalances (5-10%) also exist as a result of being
directly affected by some of the changes.
In our current version of the model, the sub-
control level is only used to obtain a value which is
as close as possible to the current security level to be
controlled. Once these values have been obtained,
the metrics ignore this level and automatically
update the security level, using the values obtained
in this phase. The periodical audits carried out on the
company’s security management system recalculate
the check-list again, using the lowest levels which
are the sub-controls.
These audits work like a scoreboard readjustment
system to update the levels of security, in a similar
way to a clock which we wish to put to the correct
time. The imbalance produced by each control
between two audits serves to adjust the model and
make it more efficient.
Table 3: Results obtained for the test cases using the
ISO17799:2000 checklist.
Cust 3
Cust 4
Cust 5
Cust 6
Cust 10
Cust 11
3 50 88 88 25 25 50 13 63 25 13 0
4 16 59 75 9 14 43 32 43 32 6 31
5 22 31 51 0 0 17 8 13 8 0 28
6 25 89 87 7 7 34 33 33 34 8 17
7 43 60 45 26 29 62 57 57 61 47 64
8 30 63 72 26 26 68 51 51 50 20 21
9 44 63 65 25 24 76 54 54 54 19 20
10 29 56 63 18 18 45 35 35 35 12 12
11 2 32 68 5 4 50 5 5 5 0 1
12 15 52 56 40 39 61 44 44 38 18 29
28 59 67 18 19 50 33 40 34 14 22
Table 3 shows the results obtained for the
domain of the ISO17799:2000 standard. Note that
some companies have totally ignored aspects such as
Business Continuity, considering it to be superfluous
to their company.
Figure 1: Average fulfilment level of ISO17799:2000
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1 shows the average results per domain of
the 11 cases analysed in the previous table. It is
notable that none of the domains exceeds 50% of
fulfilment and those two cases, “Classification of
Activities” and “Business Continuity”, in which
companies have a very low level of compliance.
Table 4: Results obtained for test cases from the
ISO27002 check-list.
Cust 3
Cust 4
Cust 5
Cust 6
Cust 10
Cust 11
5 30 55 55 25 25 30 14 39 14 0 0
6 49 64 55 23 28 41 40 48 40 3 23
7 52 57 68 28 28 48 43 46 43 18 45
8 48 77 64 11 11 38 42 40 43 5 15
9 47 61 48 30 33 66 59 58 61 48 68
10 46 46 49 28 29 56 42 44 42 18 20
11 51 68 71 28 29 86 65 65 68 25 26
12 41 66 74 21 21 49 42 42 39 11 11
13 29 64 68 14 14 36 21 21 22 2 15
14 2 32 68 5 4 50 5 5 5 0 1
15 16 54 58 41 41 63 46 47 39 20 32
37 59 62 23 24 51 38 41 38 14 23
Table 4 shows the results obtained per domain
from the ISO17799:2000 standard. As we can see,
almost all the companies have considered “Business
Continuation” to be a superfluous point in the
business model, which demonstrates that in some
companies the root of the problem is cultural and is
not precise.
Figure 2: Average level of fulfilment of ISO27002
Figure 2 shows that although “Business
Continuation” continues to be one of the pending
subjects, “Classification of Activities” undergoes an
improvement upon being measured with the new
standard, owing to the fact that some controls have
moved to other domains and have taken into account
certain factors which were not previously evaluated.
In general, the results obtained ISO27002 have
proved to be much more precise than those obtained
with ISO17799:2000. Finally, some of the
distortions produced among the results of the models
are due to the fact that ISO27002 takes updated
factors into account which ISO17799:2000 ignored.
To sum up, Figure 3 shows a comparison of the
global security level for each test case
ISO17799:2000 as opposed to ISO27002 was
ISO17799-2000 ISO17799-2005
Figure 3: Comparison of fulfilment levels of 11 real cases
between ISO27002 and ISO27002.
3.1.2 Establishing the Company’s Profile
The model that we propose uses a set of
characteristics which are intrinsic to the company, in
order to define the maximum maturity level to which
the company should evolve in its current situation.
The solution posed for this sub-phase is simple,
as at all times we have attempted to ensure that the
model is agile, cheap and rapid. Nevertheless,
despite its cheapness it has proved to be effective
and has produced highly accurate results. In the
current version we have only considered as
parameters a reduced set of what we consider to be
the companies’ most outstanding characteristics: i)
Number of employees, ii) Annual turnover, iii)
Dependency on I+D Department, iv) Number of
employees using the Information System, v) Number
of people directly associated with the Systems
Department, vi) Level of enterprise dependency on
I.S. outsourcing.
In (1) we show the equation which allows us to
calculate the company’s DML (Desirable Maturity
Level). This level may change according to the
changes undergone by the company’s profile.
DML = Σ(WeightFactor*(RatingFactor/
According to the expression in (1) and the
practical experience obtained from the study of
Sicaman Group customers, we have considered 3
security levels: i) Level 1 if the result is between 0–
0.25; ii) Level 2 if it is between 0.25–0.75; iii) Level
3 if it is between 0.75–1.
The choice and refinement of the statistical data
was carried out by taking the following factors into
consideration: i) Economic Data; ii) Technological
Data; iii) Statistical reports by sector; iv) Statistical
reports by number of employee.
Table 6 shows the results obtained from the case
study used to establish the company’s current
security maturity level (CML) which, when applied
to equation (1), allow us to obtain the company’s
Desirable Maturity Level (DML). The current
maturity level columns for the ISO17799:2000 and
ISO27002 version are obtained in the first part of
Phase I (Initial Security Audit). Finally, the table
shows the imbalance that is produced between the
current and the desirable maturity levels.
If the result of applying equation (1) is that it
returns a value which coincides with the limit of
both levels, we always tend towards normalizing
said value to the upper maturity level.
Table 6 shows how the values which were close
to the limit of two levels have passed to the upper
level upon changing the version of the schema
ISO17799:2000 to ISO27002.
Even when this formula gives us an indication of
the current level, this does not mean to say that the
security is correct. For example, in the case of SNT
the current security level coincides with that which
is desirable, but it may be that the load distribution
of the domains is not appropriate and that we
therefore require a plan which will be generated in
other phases. An advance in the prototype is
obviously necessary to solve this problem, and the
results obtained must be refined.
Table 5: Current and desired maturity levels of test cases.
Maturity Level
SNT 0.67 2 2 2 0 0
Cust2 0.78 2 2 3 1 1
Cust 3 0.78 2 2 3 1 1
Cust 4 0.47 1 2 2 1 0
Cust 5 0.47 1 2 2 1 0
Cust 6 0.75 2 2 3 1 1
IMP 0.28 2 2 2 0 0
CMR 0.50 2 2 2 0 0
PRO 0.25 2 2 3 1 1
Cust 10 0.56 1 1 2 1 1
Cust 11 0.50 1 2 2 1 0
In this paper we have presented our model and the
tool supporting the maturity and security
management model for SMEs which was developed
during our research. This tool allows companies to
adapt to change with a minimum of cost,
guaranteeing the security and stability of their
information system. We have clearly defined how
the application uses the model developed to achieve
goals, and the improvements which are offered with
regard to classic systems.
We have also presented some of the results
obtained during the research process which, owing
to space limitations, are centred on those obtained in
the first phase and the evolution undergone by the
prototype schema when a change was made from
using the ISO17799:2000 standard as a base as
opposed to using ISO27002.
The developed application reduces the system’s
implantation costs and improves the percentage of
success of implantations in SMEs. As the majority
of our customers are SMEs, our proposal has been
well received and its application is proving to be
very positive since it gives this type of businesses
access to security maturity models, a privilege which
has until now been reserved for large companies.
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Moreover, this model allows us to obtain short-term
results and to reduce the costs which the use of other
models supposes, thus attaining a higher level of
satisfaction from the businesses in question.
Given that this proposal is under constant
development, our medium and long term objective is
to study the maturity models in greater depth in
order to refine our model, thus improving the tool’s
level of automation.
The most outstanding improvements to the
model upon which were working are:
The inclusion of a new array which will
allow us to obtain the desirable maturity
level at the control level in order to be able to
compare these levels with the current
security levels of each control.
The improvement of the system’s algorithms
in order to maximize its efficiency in
The inclusion of a resource planner in which
the company is willing to invest over a
period of time so that the system is able to
apply these resources to its improvement
The inclusion in Phase III of an archive with
sub-projects which should be met in order to
globally improve the security management
The inclusion of new objects in Phase III
which will allow us to continue adjusting the
model to the new version of the scheme
based on
The obtaining of new statistical reports
concerning the imbalances produced between
two audits using the model, to synchronize
the instrument panel’s recalibration
Through the “research in action” research
method, and with the help of the feedback obtained
directly from our customers, we have achieved a
continuous improvement in these implantations.
This research is part of the following projects:
(PAC08-0157-0668) both supported by the FEDER
and the “Consejería de Ciencia y Tecnología de la
Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha”, and
Proyect SCMM-PYME (FIT-360000-2006-73)
supported by the PROFIT granted by the “Ministerio
de Industria, Turismo y Comercio).
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