Ventzislav Nikov and Marc Vauclair
NXP Semiconductors, Leuven, Belgium
Distance-Bounding protocols, Relay Attacks, Mafia-Fraud.
Distance-bounding protocols have been proposed by Brands and Chaum in 1993 in order to detect relay at-
tacks, also known as mafia fraud. Although the idea has been introduced fifteen years ago, only recently
distance-bounding protocols attracted the attention of the researchers.
In this paper, a new secure distance-bounding protocol is presented. It is self-contained and composable
with other protocols for example for authentication or key-negotiation. It allows periodically execution and
achieves better use of the communication channels by exchanging authenticated nonces. The proposed proto-
col becomes suitable for wider class of devices, since the resource requirements to the prover are relaxed.
Consider a model in which a party known as veri-
fier V is interested in learning the proximity to a sec-
ond party known as prover P. The prover can be a
trusted device (e.g. the trust can be assured by the
tamper-resistance of the device) or un-trusted. In both
cases, the prover is surrounded by an un-trusted en-
vironment. Many practical situations motivate this
model, e.g. RFID, content protection systems (digi-
tal rights management systems), ad-hoc wireless net-
works, sensor networks etc., see (Anderson, 2001;
L. Bussard, 2005; S. Brands, 1993; S. Capkun, 2006;
Desmedt, 1988; G. Hancke, 2005; J. Reid, 2007;
N. Sastry, 2003; D. Singelee, 2005; B. Waters, 2003).
To motivate our research we will describe some of
Almost all existing RFID authentication schemes
(tag/reader) are vulnerable to mafia attacks, because
of their inability to estimate the distance to the tag.
Such attacks are usually identified by the signal
strength but a resourceful adversarycan easily thwarts
this. Several positioning and distance measuring tech-
niques for ad-hoc networks or wireless location-based
access control has been proposed, but most of them
consider just non-adversarial settings and rely on sig-
nal strength or (signal) noise analysis.
Location-based access control is based on the rule
bigger distance implies distrust, i.e. a device which
refuses to respond to the distance estimation request
or which appears to be not close enough is simply de-
nied access. So we assume that the goal of a malicious
device is to be localized in a place other than its true
location so it participates in the protocol but tries to
mislead the verifiers. For example in DRM the con-
tent owner (knownas source) can refuse to deploy it to
the sink (the receiver) if he is too far from the source.
Distance-bounding protocols provide secure prox-
imity control, i.e. they prevent the so-called distance
fraud attacks. Brands and Chaum (S. Brands, 1993)
were the first who proposed a secure solution for this
problem. The distance-bounding protocols measure
the delays between the sending out of a challenge and
the reception of the response. To be feasible, this ap-
proach requires nearly no computation during each
challenge-response operation. Two types of attacks
against such secure protocols are considered in the lit-
erature: mafia fraud or mafia attack (Desmedt, 1988)
(or Mig-in-the-middle (Anderson, 2001)) and terror-
ist fraud (Desmedt, 1988). In the mafia fraud attack,
the attacker does not perform any cryptographic op-
erations based on the security protocol, and only for-
wards the challenges and the responses between the
honest prover and the honest verifier. While in the
terrorist fraud attack the prover is not honest and he
collaborates with the attacker.
In this paper, we present an efficient secure
distance-bounding protocol suitable for wide range of
devices. Note that all protocols measure the round-
trip time which is twice the one-way propagation time
plus the processing delay at the prover. But for het-
erogeneous systems the processing delay can vary a
lot, e.g. an RFID tag versus a PC. Our contribution
can be summarized as follows:
Our distance-bounding protocol is self-contained
and can be combined with other protocols (e.g. au-
Nikov V. and Vauclair M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 218-221
DOI: 10.5220/0001926402180221
thentication protocols), i.e. it can be plugged into any
protocol provided the assumptions are satisfied. Re-
call that Brands and Chaum introduced the rapid bit
exchange techniques in order to measure the round-
trip time. Most of the known protocols use the idea
of rapid bit exchange. But this approach has a draw-
back as pointed out in (D. Singelee, 2005) that most of
the today used communication channels have a band-
width much bigger than a bit. Having this in mind
we extend the approach of Waters and Felten, so that
the authenticated nonces are sent out and hence the
overall efficiency of the protocol is improved. A com-
bination of symmetric cryptographic algorithms with
preprocessing reduces the resource requirements for
the participants especially for the prover. In addition,
our protocol does not require the prover to generate
any random data which diminishes the requirements
to the devices and hence makes the protocol suitable
for wide range of devices. Because we measure the
proximity to a mobile device the proposed protocol
allows periodical execution.
The paper is organized as follows: Section
2 describes some (due to lack of space) of the
known distance-bounding protocols. A new distance-
bounding protocol is proposed in Section 3. We con-
clude in Section 4.
For all protocols described in this section a security
parameter k is chosen, the security levels for the pro-
tocols can be described as a function of k. All proto-
cols have a phase of “rapid exchange”, i.e. the veri-
fier starts its timer and sends a challenge to which the
prover replies, upon receiving the reply the verifier
stops its timer. In most of the protocols the challenge
and the reply are bits and then this rapid exchange
is repeated k times. There are also few examples in
which the challenge and the reply are strings of length
derived from k and the rapid exchange is executed just
Brands and Chaum (S. Brands, 1993) are the pi-
oneers of distance-bounding protocols, they have de-
signed several protocols secure against mafia fraud:
At the beginning the prover and the verifier randomly
generate m
{0,1} and α
{0,1} for i = 1, ...,k.
The prover also commits to m
. After this
the phase of k rapid bit exchanges starts: the prover
replies with β
= α
to the received α
. The
prover signs α
and β
, but he also sends the opening
of the commitment to m
|. ..|m
. The verifier verifies
the received signature and using the opened commit-
ment checks whether β
= α
for i = 1,. ..,k.
Waters and Felten (B. Waters, 2003) have de-
signed the following proximity-provingprotocol: The
prover randomly generates start and reply and sends
;start, reply,Sign(K
;ID)) to the verifier.
The verifier decrypts and extracts the nonces then
checks the signature. Next he generates a ran-
dom echo and the rapid exchange starts - he sends
(start,echo) to the prover, after verifying that the
first part is the nonce start the prover replies with
(reply,echo). The verifier verifies that the received
message consists of two parts: reply and echo.
Due to the lack of space we will point just to one
more related work. As it has been pointed out by Sin-
gelee and Preneel (D. Singelee, 2005), all known pro-
tocols except Waters, Felten and Capkun, Hubaux are
using the idea of Brands and Chaum to measure the
proximity by a rapid bit exchange. In order to mea-
sure the round trip time with accuracy special hard-
ware is required. Moreover most of the today used
communication channels have a bandwidth much big-
ger than a bit. Another observation made in (D. Sin-
gelee, 2005) is that any protocol secure against mafia
attacks can be made secure against terrorist attacks
when trusted hardware is used.
Design Principles. There should be as few resource
demands as possible on both parties but especially on
the prover. Since our real goal is to enable proximity
control for a large class of devices we would like to
limit the computation power and hardware resources
necessary to participate in such protocol to minimum.
This requirement excludes many cryptographic solu-
tions like public-key encryption and signature, com-
mitment schemes, zero-knowledge protocols. In ad-
dition in order to make the distance-bounding proto-
col applicable for a wide range of environments (e.g.
from low power RFID tags and embedded devices, to
PCs) additional constrains like time, energy and com-
putations of the protocol should be taken into account.
The setup requirement should be minimal. To par-
ticipate in the protocol both parties must share one or
two common secrets. How these secrets are set up is
out of scope for the considered protocol, for example
they could be derived from an authentication protocol
executed beforehand or distributed via separate pro-
tocol or build in during the production phase of the
As pointed out most of the today used communi-
cation channels have a bandwidth much bigger than a
bit. Moreover even when the protocol specifies that
a bit is sent because of the communication packeting
this bit is encapsulated to much bigger packet which
is then sent over the communication medium. This
observation shows that the standard cryptographic ap-
proach of rapid bit exchange is not efficient in prac-
tice. Here we don’t consider the time needed for the
message to pass through the communication stack.
It is desirable for the proposed protocol that
all computations are performed in a preprocessing
stage, i.e., when the time is measured the processing
delay to be negligible e.g. it only amounts at the
comparison of two numbers. The protocol should be
easily composable with other protocols and because
the goal is to measure the proximity to mobile devices
the proposed protocol should allow secure periodical
Threat Model. The protocol should be secure against
both cheating verifier and mafia attacks. The reason
why we don’t consider terrorists attacks is twofold,
first as noted by using trusted hardware this attack is
prevented (as this is the case for DRM). Secondly,
the only way a cryptographic proximity protocol to
be secure against terrorists attacks is to force the
prover to give away to the terrorists his private se-
crets (private-asymmetric or shared-symmetric key).
In some cases this will prevent such an attack from
a potential cheater. But depending on the application
terrorists attacks are still a possible threat (e.g. DRM
or sensor networks cases - if the device has been com-
promised by an attacker).
Since we would like the prover to belong to a
large class of devices some of them with very limited
resources, e.g. RFID, it is reasonable to assume that
he either has no source of randomness or it is limited
and thus insecure (predictable). Note that all existing
protocols are subject to mafia attacks if the prover
has insecure random number generator.
The Protocol. The purpose of the protocol is to prove
to the verifier that the prover is within a given dis-
tance, without using any source of randomness. We
assume that the proverP and the verifierV share some
common secrets. Namely, a distance-authentication
key and denoted by K and a seed by R, both with a
fixed length
k. These two secrets may be derived from
the authentication protocol executed in advance by
both parties, if the parties have already established a
secure authenticated channel, or distributed via other
means. Thus we separate the phase when the distance
is measured from the phase when the authentication
takes place. A pseudo-random function is used for
the calculation of the verifier’s challenge and prover’s
response. Since we don’t consider the terrorist attacks
the attacker has no access to the shared key. We will
denote by h(s;m) the pseudo-random function which
has as inputs a secret key s and a public string m and
outputs a string with a fixed length
k, computationally
indistinguishable from a uniformly random string. In
practice, h can be HMAC or AES.
Recall that a goal when designing the protocol was
to allow the periodical execution of it once a secure
channel is established between the parties. In other
words, the protocol can be executed several times at
unspecified time intervals in order to ensure that the
communicating parties are still in the same proximity.
We assume that in case distance-bounding protocol
fails then the secure authenticated channel is termi-
Thus in the preprocessing stage both parties com-
pute two sequences say {a
} and {b
} (for i = j +
1,..., j + k), where j is a counter known for both par-
ties (initialized to zero when the protocol is executed
for the first time). For example, by using dedicated h
and the seed R, i.e. a
= h(R;i|V) and b
= h(R;i|P).
Note that the sequences {a
} and {b
} may also be
public and not pseudo-random. For example, a re-
currence relation like the Fibonacci sequence (a
i + 5-th Fibonacci number and b
= a
+ 1) can be
used. We stress here that the sequences {a
} and {b
should satisfy the following condition: the probabil-
ities Prob(a
= b
= b
) and Prob(a
= a
are negligible. In case the sequences are public the
seed R is either made public (thus anybody can com-
pute a
= h(R;i|V) and b
= h(R;i|P)) or the seed is
not used in the computation (in the recurrence rela-
tion case). By using these sequences we avoid the
need of random source for the prover. Our protocol is
described below.
1. Let’s assume that the prover P and verifierV share
a common secret (distance-authentication key K)
and another common secret (seed R) both with a
fixed length
2. Let k be a security parameter and j be a counter
known for both parties (initialized to zero when
the protocol is executed for the first time). In
the preprocessing stage both parties first compute
fixed parts of the two sequences {a
} and {b
} (for
i = j + 1,..., j + k).
3. The second step in the preprocessing stage for
both parties is to compute the tags ma
= h(K;a
and mb
= (K;b
) (for i = j + 1,..., j+ k).
4. The interactive stage starts with the verifier choos-
ing at random i
[ j + 1, j + k]. Then V starts his
timer and sends the tuple i,ma
to P.
5. The prover P compares the received value ma
with his pre-computed one and if they are the
same returns the tuple i,mb
to V.
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
6. Upon receiving the reply the verifier stops his
timer. Then, he compares the receivedvalues i and
with his pre-computed one and if the compar-
ison is ok, computes the round-trip time.
7. Both P and V increase the counter j with k.
Now we will show that the described protocol is
secure against distance and mafia frauds. In order to
mount a distance fraud attack the prover must respond
to the challenge ma
in advance (i.e. before getting the
challenge). Hence he should choose at random one of
his possible replies mb
for i = j+1, ..., j+k and send
it out. The probability that prover’s guess for i is cor-
rect is 1/k (since the verifier chooses i uniformly at
random), but the repetition of the protocol will make
the probability of the prover’s correct guess negligi-
Consider an attacker in the maffia fraud setting.
The attacker can run the distance-bounding protocol,
pretending to be either prover or verifier, with a le-
gitimate verifier or prover respectively. But then he
should choose i and guess mb
or respectively ma
which he sends out. The probability that his guess
of mb
or ma
is correct is negligible since these are
the tags produced from a pseudo-randomfunction and
the attacker doesn’t know the distance-authentication
key. The probability that a random guess of mb
or ma
to be correct is 2
, the same as guessing
the distance-authentication key K. The attacker also
can’t use any of the previously exchanged authen-
ticated nonces since by design the probabilities of
= b
= b
) and Prob(a
= a
) are
negligible and hence the probabilities of Prob(ma
= mb
) and Prob(ma
= ma
) are
negligible again because of the pseudo-randomness
of the used function and the choice of the security pa-
We stress here that the protocol can be made se-
cure against terrorist attacks when trusted hardware
is used. Note that the trusted hardware also prevents
the distance fraud. Hence from a practical point of
view, the prevention from mafia fraud is more impor-
tant than the prevention from the distance fraud.
This paper presents a new secure distance-bounding
protocol. It is self-contained and composable with
other protocols for example authentication or key-
negotiation. The protocol allows periodical execu-
tion, which is in accordance with the nature of the
measuring proximity to mobile devices. Better us-
age of the communication channels is achieved by ex-
changing authenticated nonces, which also improves
the overall efficiency of the protocol. Since the re-
source requirements to the prover are relaxed the pro-
posed protocol is suitable for wider class of devices.
This work has been done during the design and de-
velopment of Display Port Content Protection system.
The authors would like to thank Michael Epstein and
Raymond Krasinski for the valuable discussions.
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