V. Kumar Murty
Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Guangwu Xu
Department of EE & CS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, U.S.A.
Storage area network, authentication, ID based cryptography.
Authentication and access control are important measures for the security of a storage area network (SAN). In
this paper, the current methods of authentication and access control in a SAN are reviewed and a new identity-
based authentication scheme is proposed. This scheme has the advantage that it is lighter weight and more
suited for the high speed switches that operate in a SAN fabric.
Storage Area Networks (SANs) are an infrastructure
for data storage solutions. SANs were originally de-
signed for high reliability and security was not a ma-
jor concern. It was felt that the security threat to
a SAN was contained because the components were
concentrated in one physical location that could be
easily secured. With the advent of the internet, there
is an increasing use of SANs with components spread
in diverse locations. Thus, security is now becoming
an issue.
Firewalls provide perimeter security but do not of-
fer internal security. Also, WAN/LAN security does
not help the SAN. In a storage environment, the in-
sider threat is high. Indeed, it is estimated that in the
data center, 70% of security threats are from insiders
(source: Electric Crimes Task Force). There are risks
from snooping, unauthorized access to and modifica-
tion of data, and prevention of legitimate access. At
present, the SAN infrastructure is sufficiently compli-
cated that attacks may not be widespread. Security
breaches will become more common as scripts be-
come generally available and as intruders see a higher
reward/(risk of being caught) ratio. This ratio in-
creases dramatically with the connection of SANs to
the internet. Restricting what can be accessed by a
client in a SAN is a common method to provide se-
curity. This can be achieved using zoning and Logi-
cal Unit Number (LUN) Masking. In a FibreChannel
(FC) storage network, zoning divides the members by
port, name, or address and is implemented at the level
of fabric switches. A further restriction of access is
given by LUN Masking, which specifies logical stor-
age units.
However, access control does not address all se-
curity concerns. Other security issues are also of con-
siderable importance, one of them being authentica-
tion. Currently, there are two authentication schemes
used in SANs, namely the Diffie- Hellman Challenge-
Handshake Authentication Protocol (DH-CHAP) and
the Fibre Channel Authentication Protocol (FCAP).
The former is based on shared secret (passphrase)
while the latter uses certificates from Public Key In-
frastructure (PKI). Both methods carry an overhead
that make them impractical in the context of the high-
speed switches that operate in a storage fabric.
In 1984, Shamir (Shamir, 1984) proposed the con-
cept of identity based cryptography. The idea is, in-
stead of using certificates as in PKI, the users iden-
tifier (such as e-mail address, IP) is used as the pub-
lic key. Therefore, the systems complexity can be re-
Some ID based signature methods have been pro-
posed some time ago, see (Fiat and Shamir, 1987;
Feige et al., 1988). More recently, two well defined
ID based encryption schemes were suggested (Boneh
and Franklin, 2001; Cocks, 2001). A mathematical
object called pairing is used in the Boneh-Franklin ID
based encryption system. Since then, the construc-
Kumar Murty V. and Xu G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 477-480
DOI: 10.5220/0001927804770480
tions of ID based cryptography using pairings has be-
come a very active field of research. (See for example,
the monograph (Blake et al., 2004).)
In this article, we discuss the application of ID
based methods for SAN security, especially for au-
thentication. Some similar discussion for private area
networks (PANs) can be found in (Garefalakis and
Mitchell, 2002).
The organization of the paper is as follows. In sec-
tion 2, current technologies on SAN authentication
are reviewed. The ID based cryptography is intro-
duced in section 3. We describe authentication based
on the new crypto-methodology in section 4.
Components of network security include confidential-
ity, data integrity, non-repudiation, and authentica-
Currently, there are two approaches for SAN
authentication. They are based on shared secret
(passphrase) and certificates (public key infrastruc-
ture) respectively. It is noted that the former has been
adopted as an ANSI standard. Existing access con-
trols in SANs include zoning and LUN Masking. The
former is an infrastructure level access control, while
the latter is a SCSI access control. Detailed descrip-
tion of these schemes is given below.
DH-CHAP stands for Diffie-Hellman Challenge-
Handshake Authentication Protocol and is the current
standard of shared secret approach in SAN.
We first describe CHAP–the Challenge-
Handshake Authentication Protocol. Suppose
that we have two characters A and B. A wants to
prove to B that it knows a shared secret K (the
passphrase) without sending the secret in the clear. If
this can be done, then B authenticates A.
The procedure works as follows:
Step 1. A requests inclusion in the network of trust
from a trusted central authority S.
Step 2. S verifies A and with As help generates a
password. The password is sent to A and stored
securely in both S and A. All of this is done of-
Step 3. A requests a service from B that requires
Step 4. B sends A a challenge C and session identi-
fier id.
Step 5. A sends B a response R. The computation
of R involves C, id and As passphrase K. To be
more specific, R = H(CkKkid), where H is a hash
function (e.g., SHA-2).
Step 6. Since As passphrase is stored in S, a query
(involves R, C, and id) is sent by B to S to verify
the correctness of As response R.
Step 7. Once S confirms that R is the correct re-
sponse, B authenticates A.
CHAP as it stands is vulnerable to an off-line dic-
tionary attack. To remedy, it is augmented with a
Diffie-Hellman key exchange. The resulting proto-
col is called DH-CHAP. In the Diffie-Hellman pro-
tocol, a cyclic group G =< g > of order p is speci-
fied, where p is a large prime number. A generates
a random number x and computes g
, B generates a
random number y and computes g
. Each of them
transmits its result to the other party:
Therefore, both of them can compute g
= (g
DH-CHAP integrates the the transmission of g
and g
into the original CHAP. In step 4, B sends
C, id and g
to A, while in step 5, A sends R =
)) and g
to B. In step 6, B sends
R, id and H(Ckg
) to S for confirmation.
It is noted that this process generates a shared key
as a by-product of authentication. DH-CHAP is
now the ANSI standard for authentication in the SAN
environment. DH-CHAP is stronger but is still vul-
nerable to a combination of an on-line man-in-the-
middle attack and an off-line dictionary attack.
2.2 FCAP
The second approach to authentication is to use cer-
tificates as in PKI. In this scenario, each entity has
two keys (a public key and a private key). What is
locked by the public key can be unlocked only by the
private key and vice versa. More specifically, an en-
cryption can be created by a public key, so the private
key is used to decrypt; while a digital signature can
be created using a private key, the public key is for
signature verification. PKI is the basis of the Fiber
Channel Authentication Protocol (FCAP).
In PKI, the certificate authority (CA) issues cer-
tificates to its clients. A certificate contains informa-
tion about identification of the holder of the certifi-
cate, period of validity of the certificate, public key of
the holder, and signature of the authority that issued
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
the certificate. Other fields of a certificate are optional
and can specify the services that a client is eligible for
A more detailed description of FCAP follows.
Step 1. At set up, A presents its credentials off-line
to the CA and requests a digital certificate.
Step 2. After the CA verifies the credentials of A, it
issues a certificate.
Step 3. A sends a signed request for service from B
and includes its certificate to prove its identity
Step 4. B obtains As certificate and verifies its va-
lidity (by consulting a Certificate Revocation List
Step 5. If the certificate is okay, B uses information
from the certificate to interpret As request.
The advantages of FCAP is it does not require
a shared secret to be established at the outset and
securely stored (as in passphrase systems such as
CHAP). The only secret that has to be centrally safe-
guarded is the private key(s) of the CA. However, in
general, the implementation of PKI carries an over-
head. It needs to maintain a huge database for certifi-
cates. To verify the validity of the certificate, B has
to consult the CRL (Certificate Revocation List). In
a storage environment, this could create unacceptable
delays as the high speed storage switches will time
2.3 Zoning and Lun Masking
Zoning is a method by which one can control who
can see what in a SAN. It permits communication
only between defined sets by switching port or by
World Wide Name (WWN) of components. It is im-
plemented at the infrastructure level (switches) and is
protocol independent. Within a zone, the member can
have any-to-any connectivity. Hard zoning defines a
zone by linking the ports of members. A zone estab-
lished by linking the member’s WWNs is referred to
as soft zoning. It is also desirable to define zone sets
as small as one can, and disable ports by default.
LUN Masking is a process that makes a LUN
available only to a subset of initiators. It masks off the
LUNs that are not assigned to the application server.
This restricts access even further. LUN Masking is
implemented primarily at end devices and applicable
only to SCSI protocol. Thus, it is another layer of se-
curity above zoning (protocol specific). In the use of
LUN masking, all access should be disabled by de-
fault. Only initiators that need the logical unit are en-
abled. Multi-pathing should be used. If authorization
types is implemented, they should also be used.
The purpose of ID based cryptography is to reduce
the overhead in the traditional PKI. In the ID based
environment, the public key is a string which can be
specified easily (eg. email address, IP, device identi-
fier, etc.). It can also incorporate a period of validity.
There is a trusted third party in such a system, which
is also referred to as central authority (CA) or private
key generator (PKG).
In the setup stage, the central authority generates a
key pair, the public key pub
and private key priv
They are called the master public key and private key
of the CA.
The following is how the ID based encryption
(IBE) works. If A is intended to send a cipher to B,
it encrypts a plain text K using Bs identifier ID
, then transmits the cipher to B. To recover the
plaintext, B obtains its private key priv
(which key
is computed by CA using priv
and ID
) from CA
(if it has not done so), then performs the decryption.
A well-known IBE system was proposed by
Boneh and Franklin (Boneh and Franklin, 2001),
which uses a mathematical structure called the Weil
pairing. Digital signatures can be realized in the ID
based system as well.
If A wants tocreate a signature in ID based setting,
it first obtains the private key priv
from CA (if it
has not already done so). Then A signs the message
K using priv
, and sends the signature to B.
B verifies As signature using ID
and pub
An example of ID based signature (IBS) scheme is
found in (Cha and Cheon, 2003). In some sense, this
IBS can be regarded as a dual to the IBE in (Boneh
and Franklin, 2001).
Certificates are eliminated from ID based systems,
it is efficient and easy to use. One of the disadvan-
tages of such systems is that they provide key escrow
since the central authority knows every user’s private
key. Some schemes were proposed to avoid key es-
crow, but they suffer other problems.
In this section, we propose the use of ID based cryp-
tography in the authentication problem for SANs. It
is parallel to FCAP under PKI, but has the advantage
of being light weight.
Our system contains a central authority (CA) with
a master public key pub
and a master private key
. For each user A, an identifier will be specified
and denoted by ID
. This is As identity which can
be IP address, or device identifier, or WWN, or other
properties of A. ID
is regarded as the public key of
A. The private key privID
of A is obtained as a com-
bination of ID
and the master private key priv
Sometimes it is useful to include other informa-
tion such as key validity period or serial number of a
transaction, in ID
The following routines describe how a user A gets
authenticated by a server B.
Step 1. A asks for its private key (if it has not already
done so) from the CA via secure channel.
Get priv
Step 2. A sends a signed request for service from B.
Signed request
Step 3. B consults a key revocation list to verify that
As private key has not been compromised, or the
key has not expired.
Is key valid?
Step 4. If the key is okay, B uses As public key (i.e.,
ID of A, not a certificate) to interpret As request.
Key is OK!
In this setting, identifiers are acting as the pub-
lic key. These ids can be world wide names, which
are easily obtained. Sophisticated certificates are not
needed. This means that the database for certificates
and the needs for transmitting certificates are all elim-
inated. Although we still need central authorities,
their duties are much lighter. The key escrow is an
acceptable (maybe a very useful) feature here. It is
still necessary to consult a key revocation list to en-
sure the validity of the key. The need for this can be
minimized by embedding a period of validity within
the public key. However, this does not address the
issue of malicious users.
Finally, we would like to remark that a signature
scheme, which is not ID based in nature, can be used
in SAN authentication. This is a pairing based (in
elliptic curve cryptography) scheme which was pro-
posed by Boneh, Lynn, and Shacham (Boneh et al.,
2004). The strength of the signature is that its length
is half the size of a DSA signature for a similar level
of security. The authentication can be made more ef-
ficient if this signature is incorporated into FCAP.
In this paper, the security, especially the authentica-
tion, of storage area network is discussed. The new
technology of ID based cryptography is touched on
and its applications to SAN authentication and access
control are proposed.
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SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography