A Case Study on Scaling Issues of a Multimedia Tour Guide
J. K¨opke, R. Tusch, H. Hellwagner and L. Bszrmenyi
Department of Information Technology, Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt, Universittsstrae 65-67, Klagenfurt, Austria
Multimedia tour guide, context awareness, hoarding, multimedia data distribution.
This paper discusses scaling issues of a mobile multimedia tour guide. Making tourist-information available
in a substantially large geographical area (e.g. a federal state in Austria) raises new questions, compared to
providing similar information in a limited area (such as a museum). First, we have to assume a heterogeneous
network infrastructure containing high and low bandwidth links and even total network loss. Video streaming
is therefore not possible at any place. Secondly, the total amount of data grows linearly to the number of
Points of Interest (POIs) which are augmented by the tour guide. Therefore, a preloading of all data onto a
device with limited storage is not possible. A possible solution to these problems is hoarding, i.e. preloading
an ”appropriate” subset of data. The crucial question is to find the proper subset in dependence of the actual
context. The paper discusses the questions of (1) what kind of context information should be considered
and (2) what kind of usage patterns can be assumed. Based on these considerations hoarding strategies are
developed for the tour guide. The strategies are finally evaluated with real-world data from a federal state wide
tourist-card system.
Single site mobile tour guides have been a research
topic for the last years (Kray and Baus, 2003). Proto-
type as well as productive systems have shown their
abilities to assist tourists in different scenarios. Such
tour guides can (depending on their architecture) be
easily scaled from a single site or a city with good in-
frastructure to a larger region if they do not depend
on multimedia material and the total amount of re-
quired data is therefore low. If a tour guide is intended
to heavily use multimedia data and should be scaled
over a large area, such as a whole federal state, current
mobile storage systems as well as todays available
network technologies do not allow a straight forward
scalability of such a system.
An example of a single site tour guide with intensive
usage of video and audio material was introduced in
the MultiMundus project (Kropfberger et al., 2007).
The current work utilizes the results of the Multi-
Mundus project and focuses on scaling such a tour
guide from a single site to the whole federal state of
Carinthia. On the network part the main problems
arise due to networks with much too low bandwidths
like GSM and GPRS as well as total lack of network
access in rural areas. Because Carinthia is located in
the Alps, network connectivity is even lower than in
other areas due to the alpine shape of the landscape.
Points of interests (POIs) for tourists are often located
in alpine environment. Therefore the tour guide must
be usable at such places as well. Moreover, often
many people (e.g. a group of tourists) use the tour
guide in one place at the same time. A naive solution
would result in the demand of very high bandwidths
in areas where cell-phone networks are intended to be
used by few people.
A more sophisticated solution should transfer the
needed multimedia data onto the device before the
user enters an area with low bandwidth or even un-
availability of a network. This could be realized by a
sufficiently large storage in each mobile device. If it is
possible to store all data in advance no network access
will be required at all. This is a really feasible solution
for a smaller scenario like a single open-air museum
or leisure park. The feasibility relies on the obser-
vation that updates on multimedia data are not very
frequent, since video and audio material is usually
produced by a production company once per season.
However,if storage capacity is limited - i.e. the device
cannot store all data of the region - the multimedia
Köpke J., Tusch R., Hellwagner H. and Bszrmenyi L. (2008).
Multimedia Tour Guide.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 15-22
DOI: 10.5220/0001933200150022
material must be intelligently distributed to the mo-
bile clients. This means that at times when the users
do have an access to a high-bandwidth network (e.g.
at a WLAN hot spot), the system must ensure that the
most probably required data is stored on the device.
Such data should be transferred in advance. This tech-
nique is known as hoarding (Tait et al., 1995).
In addition to multimedia data describing the objects
of interest, other data like information about events
and weather forecasts are also needed. Such data can
nearly always be transferred over cellular networks
and this issue is therefore out of scope.
A tour guide can be seen as a classical context aware
system. This leads to the idea that the data which
should be present on the mobile device depends on
the usage context (i.e. the user’s current location
and interests). Therefore, we introduce and eval-
uate context aware hoarding strategies to overcome
the limitations of network and storage of current mo-
bile devices to realize a state-wide tour guide in
Carinthia. The hoarding strategies are evaluated with
real tourist movement patterns derived from log data
of the Carinthian ”tourist card” operator.
The remainder of this work is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2 we present the single-location mul-
timedia tour guide MultiMundus. In Section 3 the
problems of scaling the tour guide are discussed in
depth. Section 4 discusses related work. In Section 5
hypotheses for a state-wide tour guide are presented.
Section 6 introduces the hoarding model used for the
tour guide. In section 7 the evaluation environment is
presented and the results of the evaluation are shown.
Finally, in Section 8 the results of the evaluation are
used to make a recommendation for the multimedia
data distribution of the tour guide.
2 The M3-Guide
The M3-Guide (Kropfberger et al., 2007) is a
multimedia-based guidance system for various con-
sumer devices. The system has a reference implemen-
tation called MultiMundus in the leisure park Min-
. Minimundus is a park with miniatures
of famous buildings all over the world. It is also
called ”The small world at Lake W¨orthersee”. One
can find miniatures of the Eiffel Tower, the Sydney
Opera house and many more. The M3-Guide pro-
vides video and audio information about these minia-
tures. The system is context aware in the dimensions
User-Profile, Device-Profile, and Location. The pre-
sentation is rendered according the user’s language,
Minimundus GmbH - http://
the device’s network, and screen properties, as well
as the user’s current location. The location is sensed
by a location aware middleware (Santner et al., 2006)
enabling the system to use different location sensing
technologies as GPS and Bluetooth transparently.
2.1 Transcoding Media Cache
The leisure park Minimundus is equipped with
WLAN allowing the tour guide to get all data over
the network. A major problem exists in parts of the
park, where the network connectivity is insufficient
for video streaming. To solve this issue a transcoding
multimedia proxy (TMC) was introduced. The proxy
allows a device-specific transcoding and caching of
video and audio material on the servers and caching
only at the clients. This means that in normal oper-
ation the clients play all videos from the local mem-
ory. In case of a cache miss the required content is
transcoded if necessary - in real time - and transferred
to the client.
2.2 Offline Operation
In normal operation the M3-Guide system works in a
hybrid way: Textual data of the HTML-presentation
are transferred via WLAN; video and audio data are
transferred via the TMC. In case of enough storage,
they are actually completely loaded from the local
storage card of the mobile device. In addition to this
hybrid version, an offline version is available where
all textual data are also stored on the local memory
card. This configuration is the most robust one and
needs no investment in network infrastructure.
A state wide multimedia tour guide changes the
operating environment compared to the MultiMundus
scenario completely. While the tour guide is still
intended to be used to get detailed information about
exhibited objects at points of interest (POIs) the
technical basis changes totally. First of all there is
no single network technology available with which
all data can be transferred at any time. Rather, the
situation is shown in Figure 1 where many different
network types may or may not be available depending
on the user’s location. In contrast to the local tour
guide this is not only a technical problem with regard
to video content distribution over low-bandwidth
links, it is also a question of economics because in
networks which are not operated by the tour guide
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 1: Network situation of the state-wide tour guide.
provider high traffic dependent usage fees (Mundt,
2004) must be paid. In addition, the usage patterns of
a multimedia tour guide will produce traffic patterns
in cellular networks which they are not built for. In
alpine and rural environments usually very big cell
radiuses are used (Buddendick et al., 2003). This
does not cause a problem when only few people
transfer data in these areas. But what happens if a full
bus of tourists begins a hike and use their personal
tour guides to stream different video items more or
less at the same time? This scenario is a challenge
to today’s available public cellular networks in rural,
alpine environments.
A different approach to solve the scaling issues
is the preloading of all required data in advance.
This technique outperformed other solutions in the
case of the MultiMundus scenario, due to its high
reliability and moderate costs. Unfortunately, the
same technique cannot be applied to the state wide
tour guide either because there is no memory card or
widely available standard that allows memory sizes
bigger than 2-32GB. 2GB is the current limitation
of standard SD-cards while 32GB is the limit of
the emerging High Capacity SD-cards (SD-Group,
2006). Today’s practically available 2GB and the
future 32GB are definitely more than the card sizes
of the MultiMundus project of 512MB. But they are
still far too small to operate a single tour guide of all
Carinthian tourist attractions.
The limitations of network connections and local
memory can be solved if the tour guide system does
not deliver all content in advance (offline version) but
hoards the potentially required content in advance
at WLAN hot spots operated by the tour guide
provider. Which data should be hoarded depends
on the context, i.e., the user’s location, the user’s
preferences, and her/his history.
The basis of systems which support continued opera-
tion when leaving the network were already discussed
in the 1990th when practically no wireless networks
existed. The idea of hoarding (Tait et al., 1995) is that
the data a mobile computer needs from the network
should be stored on the mobile device in advance. The
data that should be present on the mobile device when
leaving the network is called Hoard-Set. The problem
of computing the Hoard-Set is called Hoarding Prob-
lem. The work in (Kuenning and Popek, 1997) shows
a scenario where the Hoarding Problem is solved by
the observation of file access patterns. The authors
introduce a semantic distance measure between files.
This means that files with a low distance to each other
should be in the Hoard-Set if one of the files was
accessed before leaving the network. In (Kuenning
et al., 2002) it was shown that in comparison to auto-
matic hoarding with semantic distance measure even
simple LRU hoarding can be nearly equally benefi-
cial. In (Huizinga and Sherman, 1998) and (Kistler
and Satyanarayanan, 1992) extensions to current file
systems and distributed file systems with hoarding ca-
pabilities are presented that support hoarding based
on more or less predefined Hoard-Sets.
The presented work focuses on discontinued opera-
tions for classical applications. These results are not
fully suitable for a context-aware tour guide because
the context reflected in these earlier applications is
limited to the observations of file access patterns. In a
mobile tour guide the usage context is much broader.
Therefore, it can be beneficial to use a broad range
of context information to compute the hoarding deci-
sion. In (Kubach and Rothermel, 2001) a system is
presented which is designed to realize a tour guide in
a city. It is based on Wireless LAN hot spots. Each
hot spot is responsible for a specified area. Based
on the past visits, the system calculates which items
are needed when the user reaches a hot spot. This
means that dependent on the current location of the
user visit probabilities for each POI are calculated
based on past visits from other users. There are two
versions: one with basic visit probabilities and one
with more detailed context information provided by
external knowledge (e.g., street maps or predefined
While this system is designed for a tour guide in
a single city the system in (Kirchner et al., 2004) is
designed to provide up to date information for boat
drivers on European water ways. Therefore the geo-
graphic distribution is much broader. The system uses
the usage context to determine the needed data. In the
case of boating this is mainly the type of boat, the
A Case Study on Scaling Issues of a Multimedia Tour Guide
current position, the direction, and the speed. The fu-
ture location of a boat can easily be computed when
knowing the actual position, the target place, and type
of boat (e.g., max. speed). In addition to this mobile
hoarding on the boat, a Web platform is used to pre-
define the context in form of interests, boat type and
target. After defining the context via the Web plat-
form the initial Hoard-Set containing the relevant data
is produced. On the boat therefore only changes and
new data must be transferred. The system is restricted
to boating and is therefore not suitable for our sce-
nario. In contrast to the previous system implement-
ing an actual application, (Feng et al., 2006) shows
a general context model which can be used to solve
the hoarding problem for a tour guide in a more gen-
eral way. It is based on an XML context description
combined with specified context weights to compute
which items are relevant in dependence of actual con-
text dimensions. The paper divides the usage context
into the groups: defined, derived, and sensed. Sensed
context can be sensed via a sensor (e.g. location by a
GPS device), derived context is a context which is de-
rived by other context and defined context is defined
by the user. Defined context must be queried from the
user or it can be defined globally. When the context is
defined by the user it must be considered that the user
is willing to define the context (e.g. in form of a ques-
tionnaire about interests). In (Kramer et al., 2005) a
user context driven tour guide was evaluated and it
was shown that users are often not ready to enter de-
tailed context information. Therefore we argue that in
our usage scenario detailed context information can
be queried from the user to take full advantage of the
system from (Feng et al., 2006).
The evaluation in (Kramer et al., 2005) shows that it
is not sure that a user wants to input detailed context
information. Therefore, a hoarding strategy based on
a very detailed user profile does not necessarily result
in a better hit rate. In addition, in cases of hoarding it
is always possible to define the Hoard-Set manually.
Therefore, the time a user needs to define his/her con-
text (e.g., interests) must always be shorter than the
time required for a manual definition of the POIs a
user wants to visit. If a hoarding strategy would for
example rely on a predefined route the hoarding deci-
sion should be made manually by the user. Therefore
we try to use context information which can be sensed
or queried with limited user input. Only if this con-
text information can produce good hoarding results it
can be beneficially used for automatic hoarding in the
tour guide.
5.1 Static Context
We define static context as context which does not
usually change during the visit of the user. There-
fore it can be predefined when the user gets her/his
tour guide for the first time. This context data should
be used to determine what content should be stored
on the device before the first usage. We refer to this
scenario as initial hoarding.
Holiday Location. Tourists usually stay in a spe-
cific accommodation (e.g., hotel) in one of 16 re-
. We suppose that the region has a strong
influence on the visit probabilities of the POIs the
user will visit.
Season. We believe that the visit probability of a
user changes according to the season.
User Group. If there are stereotypes of users
like family visitors, senior visitors, singles etc., we
suppose that this can be used to define the Hoard-
Set as well.
Number of Travelers. The number of travelers in
a group and the number of children is also static
context information.
5.2 Dynamic Context
In contrast to the static context the dynamic context
of a user changes during the visit. Therefore, such
context items should be used to ensure that the right
items are on the device when the user moves around.
This scenario is referred to as mobile hoarding. A
hoarding decision must always be computed when a
user enters a POI which provides a network connec-
tion. Therefore data of relevant other POIs without a
network connection must be transferred to the mobile
Current Location. We suppose that the current
location has a strong influence on the user’s be-
havior. Therefore, we suppose that people will
visit geographically near objects or objects which
are often visited in a sequence.
User History. We think that the history of a user
has a strong influence on the usage behavior. We
assume that visit patterns can be used to determine
knowledge about the user’s preferences.
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Weather. We suppose that the weather conditions
have a strong influence on the user’s behavior.
People usually do not go to the beach in case of
cold weather.
The total amount of data transferred over wireless
links should be reduced to a minimum. Therefore we
suppose a two-modes hoarding model. First of all,
one hoarding decision should be made to choose what
data (e.g., multimedia files) should be present on the
mobile device when it is used by a specific user for
the first time (initial hoarding).
Second, a hoarding decision should be made when-
ever a user enters a POI with good wireless network
access (mobile hoarding). In this case the system
must ensure that all relevant data of other POIs -
where no network connections can be expected - are
located on the device. The relevance is influenced
by the context. Our proposed strategies are based on
the two major concepts visit probabilities and air dis-
6.1 Hoarding by Visit Probabilities
Comparable to the system of (Kubach and Rothermel,
2001) the Hoard-Set is computed by calculating the
visit probability of each POI. Therefore the hoarding
decision is based on the calculation of the probabil-
ity that a user visits a POI with regard to a specific
context item and value. The calculation of the visit
probability can be done straight forward using a sim-
ple formula for each POI.
t(c) = Total number of visits at context item c
v(c, POI) = Number o f visits of a POI at context item c
p(POI, c) =
v(c, POI)
After the visit probability is computed for each
POI the items can be loaded onto the device in de-
scending order of their visit probability. The same
formula can be used for initial hoarding as well as for
mobile hoarding. The mobile hoarding of new items
results in the need for replacement strategies. The re-
placement strategy of items can be realized by using
the reverse order of the calculated visit probabilities.
6.2 Hoarding by Air Distance
The hoarding by visit probabilities requires the track-
ing of all user sessions. In case of mobile hoarding we
suppose that a simple hoarding by air distance might
result in high hit rates as well. Therefore, the n near-
est neighbors (derived from GPS coordinates) of an
object should be loaded onto the device. This can ad-
ditionally be combined with the visit probabilities of
the POI.
We believe that the movement patterns of the tourists
strongly depend on the actual usage context. There-
fore, randomized movement patterns do not provide
a basis for an adequate evaluation test bed. We de-
cided to use real data of a tourist-card operator in
Carinthia called ”K¨arnten Card”. Tourists who pay
a comparably low price for the card can visit all affil-
iated POIs for free or at a reduced price. The system
is technically realized as a chip card and terminals at
the POIs. For our evaluation we used a log file con-
taining all card usages of one season with about one
million card usages. We extracted all sessions from
the log file and stored them in a database. We divided
the sessions into 20% test sessions and 80% training-
sessions. The training sessions were used to compute
the visit probabilities with regard to different context
items like weather, current location, holiday location.
All hoarding algorithms are realized as database
queries. As the log file did not contain any further in-
formation about the card holders we could not evalu-
ate any predefined interests of the users. We therefore
created stereotypes of users via a cluster analysis of
the sessions using SPSS (B¨uhl and Z¨afel, 2005). To
compute visit probabilities with regard to the actual
weather we used the weather service ”wunderground
) to get the mean temperature of every day of the sea-
The evaluation was finally realized by replaying the
test sessions from the log file using different hoarding
strategies and different cache sizes.
7.1 Mobile Hoarding
To observe the behavior of mobile hoarding we first
tested some simple mobile hoarding algorithms with
randomized initialization. Therefore the cache is
filled randomly when the tour guide is first used. The
result are shown in Figure 2. The reference line
(marked by a rhombus) shows the hit rate and cache
size when no hoarding is performed. This means that
the only way new items get into the cache is that
The Weather Underground, Inc - http://
A Case Study on Scaling Issues of a Multimedia Tour Guide
Figure 2: Simple hoarding with randomized initialization.
a cache miss occurs at one of the 20 POIs with a
hot spot out of the total 107 POIs. Replacement is
done according to the air distance (GPS). Items with
the maximum distance to the current location are re-
moved. The line marked by a square shows the behav-
ior of mobile hoarding using simple air distance. This
means that when entering a hot spot POI the hoard-
ing algorithm checks that at least the 10 nearest other
POIs are also stored on the mobile device. This strat-
egy already results in a major improvement of the hit
rate of up to 10%.
The air distance is only a heuristics and does not re-
flect the known visit probabilities in any way. There-
fore, we also tested the behavior of a combined strat-
egy using the global visit probability of an object
combined with the air distance. The results of this
strategy are shown in the line marked by a triangle.
This strategy is up to 15% more beneficial than no
hoarding. It is very interesting that it comes very close
to the much more expensive strategy shown in the line
marked by a cross. This strategy uses the transition
probability. This means that all visits must be tracked
and the probability of a visit of each POI after the
visit of each other POI needs to be calculated based
on historical sessions.
In Figure 3 more advanced strategies are shown.
In addition to the simple strategies they use more
knowledge about the user context. In real world sce-
narios this context should be built from user profiles.
As no user profile were available, artificial profiles are
created by building clusters based on the visit patterns
of each session. Thus visit predictions are made on a
per group basis. Instead of calculating the probabil-
ity of a transition from one POI to another globally,
only sessions of the same group are used for the com-
putation. The best strategy from Figure 2 is used as
a reference. It is marked by a rhombus. Against this
strategy a transition probability strategy with 16 and
64 clusters is evaluated. The cluster-based strategies
have the main drawback that the clusters cannot be
computed a priori in real world scenarios. Therefore,
we also tested a method which computes comparable
sessions dynamically using a bit vector containing all
visits of all sessions. The columns contain bits that
indicate the visit of a specific POI. The rows repre-
sent a specific session. When a prediction is made
only sessions which have visited at least 70% of the
POIs visited by the session in question are used for the
prediction. We also believe that the visit probability
strongly depends on the weather (e.g. indoor muse-
ums have many visitors at bad weather). Therefore,
we evaluated a strategy which uses the visit probabil-
ity of different weather conditions. The actual hoard-
ing was therefore realized by the air distance and the
visit probability at the current temperature.
Figure 3 shows clearly the surprising result that none
Figure 3: Extended mobile hoarding strategies.
of the advancedstrategies achieved any significant ad-
vantage over simple hoarding by global visit probabil-
ity and air distance.
Figure 4: Initial hoarding only.
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
7.2 Initial Hoarding
In Figure 4 the results of different initialization strate-
gies without any mobile hoarding at WLAN POIs are
shown. The simplest approach is to hoard all data of
the POIs according to their global visit probability:
p(POI) =
The results are shown in the line marked by a rhom-
bus. A more fine grained strategy (marked by a rect-
angle) preloads all data of POIs which are mostly vis-
ited by guests staying in their region:
p(POI, region) =
v(POI, region)
It is interesting to see that this approach does not pro-
duce significantly higher hit rates. Therefore, we must
conclude that people drive all around the state and
that they are not bound to the region where they stay.
In the next step we computed the visit probability of
each POI for each group of users. The groups where
simulated by a cluster analysis. We build 2, 16, and 64
clusters. It is interesting to see that even two clusters
perform better than the (16) regions.
p(POI, group) =
v(POI, group)
The best hit rate can be achieved when using 64 clus-
ters. This pretty high number of clusters might be a
problem in a real world scenario. Therefore, it must
be noticed that even 16 clusters (which should be
practically usable) result in good hit rates. A Hoard-
Set size of 40 items results in a hit rate of around 95%.
This is about 30% better than the results of the best
mobile hoarding strategy with randomized preload.
In contrast to the advanced mobile hoarding strate-
gies which did not achieve any significant advantage,
more complex initial hoarding strategies can be used
7.3 Initial Hoarding and Mobile
For an implementation of the tour guide we assumed
that best hit rates should be reachable by combining
intelligent initialization and additional mobile hoard-
ing. Figure 5 shows the results of different combined
approaches. The reference line (marked by a rhom-
bus) shows the results of a pure initialization by global
visit probability without mobile hoarding. The line
marked by a rectangle shows the results of a com-
bined approach of hoarding by global visit probability
and additional mobile hoardingby the air distance and
Figure 5: Initial hoarding and mobile hoarding.
global visit probability. The - expensive - transition-
probability approach performs slightly better than the
air distance and global probability approach. The hit
rates get a bit better when using clusters. It is inter-
esting that the hit rates are only slightly better than
without mobile hoarding. The second reference line
(marked by *) shows pure initial hoarding with 64
clusters. This performs much better. A combination
of initial hoarding and mobile hoarding does not re-
sult in a significantly better hit rate than initial hoard-
ing only.
This work presented the scaling issues of a multime-
dia tour guide, expanding from a single location to
the whole federal state of Carinthia. Current network
and storage technologies do not allow a straight for-
ward scaling for such a tour guide system. Hoard-
ing is a technology which can help to overcome these
limitations. In a tour guide scenario automatic hoard-
ing can be based on the user’s context. The time
a user needs to enter his/her context must not take
longer than the time a user would spend to enter the
Hoard-Set (POIs she/he wants to visit) manually. We
therefore evaluated if it is possible to make a hoard-
ing decision based on context information which can
be sensed automatically or requires very limited user
interaction. The evaluation was based on real world
data provided by the Carinthian tourist card opera-
tor. The evaluation has shown that with the evalu-
ated data-set, context data and the described hoard-
ing strategies no significant gain for mobile hoarding
could be achieved. Suggestions about visitor behavior
and corresponding hoarding strategies are of limited
value. No strong geographical dependencies could be
recognized in the visit patterns. People tend to drive
A Case Study on Scaling Issues of a Multimedia Tour Guide
Figure 6: Distribution of visit probabilities.
fairly freely throughout the whole state. Even weather
conditionsdo not significantly change the visitors’ be-
havior. It is possible that this surprising behavior is
caused by the fact that the ”K¨arnten Card” is a bonus
card with free entry. People might tend to visit all ma-
jor and most expensive POIs they can. This behavior
can also be seen in the total distribution of visits as
shown in Figure 6. This figure does also explain why
a simple hoarding by global visit probability already
produced good results. People tend to visit the top
20 POIs. What else of the other 90 POIs is visited
cannot be predicted with the observed context. The
good news is that initial hoarding for the tour guide
can achieve good hit rates. In contrast to our initial as-
sumptions the region where the user stays for vacation
has a comparably low influence on the visit probabil-
ities and thus cannot be used for automatic hoarding
in our scenario. We therefore suggest the implemen-
tation of a Web platform on which the user can take
the hoarding decision manually. This has the addi-
tional advantage that no mobile hoarding infrastruc-
ture (WLAN hot spots) needs to be installed. Such
a Web platform could be integrated into the official
tourist web-site of a large area (such as Carinthia in
our case). It should be used to identify the relevant
POIs for the user and to acquire the user and device
context to build a customized tour guide.
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