Alexandre Maciel
, Arlindo Veiga
, Cláudio Neves
, José Lopes
Carla Lopes
, Fernando Perdigão
and Luís Sá
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria - ESTG, Portugal
Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, FCTUC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Keywords: Speech recognition, noise robustness, embedded systems.
Abstract: This paper describes a command-based robust speech recognition system for the Portuguese language. Due
to an efficient noise reduction algorithm the system can be operated in adverse noise environments such as
in cars or factories. The recognizer was trained and tested with a speech database with 250 commands
spoken by 345 speakers in clean and noisy conditions. The system incorporates a user friendly application
programming interface and was optimized for embedded platforms with limited computational resources.
Performance tests for the recognizer are presented.
Environment noise can drastically decrease the
performance of automatic speech recognizers as it is
the case of vehicle and factory environments. Under
such adverse conditions, many speech recognition
applications use a reduced vocabulary in order to
improve the recognition rate. Even in the case of
simple command recognizers, noise reduction
techniques should be carefully designed. There are
two common approaches to the noise robustness
problem: signal processing techniques applied to the
input speech or online adaptation of the recognition
models to the present noise conditions. The latter
generally requires higher computational resources
and is not suited to embedded applications. Signal
processing techniques for noise reduction include
Wiener filtering, histogram equalization (Peinado
and Segura, 2006), and others. A powerful feature
extraction system for noise robust speech
recognition was standardized by ETSI (ETSI, 2003).
This system was developed for Distributed Speech
Recognition and includes an Advanced Front-End to
be implemented in client terminals such as portable
devices and cell phones. These terminals send the
extracted parameters to a remote server that runs a
speech recognition engine. In embedded speech
recognition with limited vocabulary, both the feature
extraction and the speech recognition tasks are
carried out in the terminal devices. Another common
requirement for these embedded systems is their
ability to run on limited hardware resources.
In this paper we describe a command speech
recognizer for European Portuguese that
incorporates a new and efficient algorithm to reduce
the noise in the acoustical signal and runs in low
complexity embedded hardware platforms. The
recognizer was trained and tested with a speech
database that was recorded under the framework of a
cooperation project funded by the Portuguese
government (Tecnovoz, 2008).
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2
we describe the algorithms that were used in the
extraction of noise robust features. In section 3 we
describe the Tecnovoz database and the training of
the system. The implementation of the decoder is
addressed in section 4. Section 5 describes the
application programming interface to operate the
recognizer. Performance tests are presented in
section 6. Finally, in section 7, we present the
conclusions of this paper.
Maciel A., Veiga A., Neves C., Lopes J., Lopes C., Perdigão F. and L. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 92-95
DOI: 10.5220/0001938700920095
The ETSI noise reduction front-end is based on a
two stage Wiener filtering system. The Wiener filter
is estimated in the linear frequency domain and is
implemented by a time domain convolution. A
modified implementation of the ETSI front-end was
presented by (Li et al, 2004), where both the filter
estimation and operation is carried out in the Mel
frequency domain. In our implementation we
improved the efficiency of this modified front-end
by using the signal processing scheme depicted in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Block diagram of the feature extraction system.
As can be seen the speech signal is processed by
a two stage Wiener filter (WF). The estimated signal
spectrum is applied to a Mel filter-bank. The signal
frames are classified as noise only or speech plus
noise by the VADNest block, as required for the
Wiener filter design.
A novel characteristic of this front-end compared
to others resides on the “Spectral Smooth” block. In
our implementation we reduce the operations
involved in the smoothing of the Wiener coefficients
to a single pre-computed matrix (Neves et al, 2008).
The noise reduction system includes a second
Wiener filter stage, which, apart from a gain
factorization block, is similar to the first one. We
found that the gain factorization proposed in (ETSI,
2003), when applied in the Mel frequency domain
does not increase the system performance and can be
The de-noised frames are converted to cepstral
coefficients by a discrete cosine transform (DCT)
and their means are normalized (CMN), (Neves et
al, 2008), by an online algorithm. As a result, 12
cepstral coefficients plus log energy are produced
which, together with their first and second time
derivatives, lead to a feature vector with 39
3.1 Database Description
The recognizer is based on hidden Markov models
(HMMs) which were created using the speech
feature vectors described in the last section. The
Tecnovoz speech database was used to train the
HMM models. This speech database was designed
regarding typical application demands in terms of
vocabulary and acoustic environments. The
collected speech includes about 250 commands and
several phonetically rich sentences. About 30
minutes of spoken content was recorded from each
speaker. Three acoustical environments were
considered, namely Clean (TVFL), Vehicle (TVV)
and Factory (TVF) environments, as indicated in
Table 1.
All speech files in the database were
automatically classified according to its signal-to-
noise ratio (SNR). For training proposes only files
with SNR above 15 dB were used in the
experiments, totalling 137,237 files. From these,
103,001 (75%) were picked up for training 27,382
(20%) for testing and 6,854 (5%) for development.
Table 1: Audio files and gender distributions.
Distributions TVFL TVF TVV Total
Audio Files 119975 8633 8629 137237
Gender (F/M) 99/180 19/16 9/22 345
3.2 Training
Three different approaches were used to find the
acoustic models which best fit to the task of
command recognition: whole-word models, context-
free phone models, and context-dependent triphone
models. The word models are best suited for a
command recognizer but have the disadvantage of
being tied to a predefined vocabulary, which is not
the case with phone models.
The models were trained using the HTK toolkit
(HTK3, 2006) which performs Baum-Welch
parameters re-estimation. In order to evaluate the
performance of the models in a recognition task,
Viterbi algorithm was used and a grammar was
defined with all the 254 commands in parallel.
Results showing the comparative performance of the
three approaches are presented in section 6.
The decoder task consists in finding the best
sequence of commands given the speech features
and models. The decoder is based on the Viterbi
algorithm applied to a command grammar task and
follows the “token passing” paradigm (HTK3,
2006). The core of the decoder was written in C++
programming language, but critical sections were
optimized in assembly using Intel SSE and AMD
3DNow! floating-point extensions.
A confidence measure of the recognition results
was incorporated in the decoder. This measure is
essential to real applications because there are
always recognition errors and therefore the
recognition results need to be accepted or rejected.
Confidence measures can also be used for spotting
errors as well as to detect out-of-vocabulary words.
To detect out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, we used
a so called “filler model” (Yu et al, 2006). This
model was trained with all commands and phrases
present in the training database. In order to calculate
the confidence measure, a reference model was
formed by taking all phone models in parallel. The
purpose of this model is to give a score comparison
with the main result. For well pronounced words,
both the reference model and the result’s models
should give almost identical scores. On the contrary,
the scores would be very different in the case of
misrecognized words.
In a first step the decoder tests whether or not a
result is an OOV word using the “filler model”. If
the result is not assigned as an OOV word, then a
confidence measure is computed using the reference
model. This is done by passing the speech feature
vectors associated to the result to the reference
model. The difference between the scores of the
reference and the result’s models is normalized by
the number of frames. This value is then applied to a
sigmoid function in order to obtain a normalized
confidence measure between 0 and 100%.
In integrating the decoder with the feature
extraction front-end, a VAD (voice activity detector)
is used in order to signal speech endpoints. This
detector is essential since it frees the decoder from
processing very long sequences that do not
correspond to speech.
Due to the optimizations referred to previously,
the decoder operates in real time. After the detection
of a speech starting point, the decoder immediately
starts the recognition process. As soon as the
detector signals the speech endpoint, the decoder
supplies the API, described in the next section, the
best result for this speech segment.
In order to use the speech recognizer in practical
applications, we developed an application
programming interface (API) which allows the real-
time control of the speech recognition engine and
the audio interface. As shown in Figure 2, the
applications interact with the recognition engine
through the API. The API hides from the user the
low level details of the engine operation, audio
drivers and grammar handling.
Figure 2: API interaction model.
The API was designed for the embedded
Windows operating systems, such as XPe and CE.
The grammars are specified in XML, according to
W3C SRGS format.
From a programming point of view, the API
consists of a single class referred to as SREngine.
This class exposes to the applications a set of
methods and properties that are described in Table 2.
Table 2: Main API methods.
Method/Event Basic Description
Method to initialize events,
audio stream and the engine.
Method to load a grammar.
Method to activate/deactivate a
grammar rule.
Method to start the recognition
Method to stop the recognition
OnSRecognition Event that occurs whenever a
recognition result is available with
an associated confidence measure.
With the limited set of methods presented in
Table 2 it is easy to build compact Windows speech
recognition applications.
SIGMAP 2008 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
In section 2 we described a new noise robust feature
extraction front-end based on the ETSI standard. In
order to assess the merit of our front-end, we
compared both front-ends using the Tecnovoz
database. Whole word models were trained and
tested as described in section 3, using both front-
ends. The models are described by a 10 component
Gaussian mixture. As it can be seen in Table 3, our
front-end outperforms the ETSI front-end by a figure
of 2% in recognition rate.
Table 3: Front-end comparison results.
Front-end Recognition rate
ETSI front-end
New front-end
In section 3 we described 3 possible approaches
for the recognition units: whole-word models,
context-free phone models, and context-dependent
triphone models. The training and testing datasets
were the same as in the previous experiment and the
results are presented in Table 4.
Table 4: Results obtained for Tecnovoz database.
Acoustic Model Recognition rate
Whole-word 96.88% (10 mixtures)
Phone model 91.41% (16 mixtures)
Triphone model 97.13% (10 mixtures)
Triphone model 97.50% (16 mixtures)
With the whole-word model set the recognition
rate is 96.88%. This model set has 46.7k Gaussians
(about 3.6M parameters).
For the context-free phone model set we used a
multiple pronunciation dictionary but, despite of
this, we obtained a recognition rate of only 91.41%
even with a larger number of 16 mixtures. As the
main concern is word recognition performance, the
silence/pause models are simply ignored in the
recognition evaluation. This low performance value
is obviously due to the lack of parameters: only
1,888 Gaussians (150k parameters).
For the triphone model set, no multiple
pronunciation dictionary was used and, as before,
the silence/pause models were ignored. The result of
97.50%, was obtained for 16 mixtures with 32,208
Gaussians (about 2.5M parameters) and 846 physical
triphone models. The result for 10 mixtures is also
shown and compares favourably with the whole-
word case.
A speech command recognizer for the Portuguese
language was presented in this paper. It incorporates
a new noise robust front-end and a Viterbi decoder
optimized for real time operation in embedded
applications. A compact programming interface for
application development was also presented. Several
recognition units were discussed and evaluated.
Results with the presented recognizer show that
the models based on triphone units are higher than
whole-word or context-free phone models. A
possible explanation for this result could be the fact
that, on average, there are much more occurrences of
triphones than whole-words, which leads to a better
parameter estimation. The use of triphones is also a
better solution, as it combines fewer parameters with
higher recognition rate.
The noise robustness of our front-end was also
evaluated, showing an increased performance when
compared to the ETSI front-end. This result suggests
that the ETSI front-end may be biased towards the
database used in its development.
ETSI, 2003. ETSI ES 202 050 v1.1.3. Speech Processing,
Transmission and Quality Aspects (STQ); Distributed
Speech Recognition; Advanced Front-end Feature
Extraction Algorithm; Compression Algorithms.
Technical Report ETSI ES 202 050, ETSI.
HTK3, 2006. The HTK book (for HTK version 3.4).
Technical report, Cambridge University. England.
Li, J.-Y., Liu, B., Wang, R.-H., and Dai L.-R., 2004. A
Complexity Reduction of ETSI Advanced Front-end
for DSR. In proc. of ICASSP’2004, vol. I, pp. 61-64.
Montreal, Canada.
Neves, C., Veiga, A., Sá, L., and Perdigão, F., 2008.
Efficient Noise-Robust Speech Recognition Front-end
Based on the ETSI Standard. Submitted to
INTERSPEECH’2008. Brisbane, Australia.
Peinado, A., and Segura, J., 2006. Speech Recognition
over Digital Channels: Robustness and Standards,
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. England.
Tecnovoz, 2008. http://www.tecnovoz.pt/web/home.asp.
Yu, D., Ju, Y., Wang, Y.-Y., and Alex, W., 2006. N-Gram
Based Filler Model for Robust Grammar Authoring.
In proc. of ICASSP’2006, vol. I, pp. 565-568.
Toulouse, France.