Karl-Heinz Krempels and Martin Krebs
Department of Computer Science, Informatik 4, RWTH Aachen University, Ahornstrasse 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Indoor Positioning, WLAN, Geo Tagging, Whispering.
Existing positioning systems do not provide the required positioning accuracy for navigation systems in indoor
environments. Novel system approaches are based on fingerprinting and triangulation techniques. Thus, they
suffer on low positioning accuracy due to multipath propagation and different sending power of the considered
access points. Other approaches are based on tagged WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) access points or
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) base stations with their corresponding position stored in a
central tag directory. This would cause high communication costs for a mobile device that queries the directory
frequently. In this paper we present a filtering technique for access points to determine the closest ones to the
mobile device. The geographical position of the mobile device is calculated from the geo tags broadcasted
by the access points in the mobile device’s vicinity. Systems based on this approach will provide the same
accuracy as directory-based positioning systems at a low cost.
Since wireless networks are becomingmore present at
many places, the vision of ubiquitous and pervasive
computing can now become true. However, naviga-
tion and guiding systems need the current position of
a mobile device to provide the according information
to its users’ context. Current outdoor positioning ap-
proaches are based on GPS that does not works indoor
due to the limited reception of GPS signals inside of
buildings. This paper proposes a new directory-less
approach for WLAN indoor positioning which can be
used to realize indoor navigation and guidance sys-
tems at airports or railway stations, e.g. to guide the
passenger to his gate or to the next restaurant. This
approach does not need any additional server infras-
tructure or additional transmitter antennas, because it
uses already existing WLAN infrastructures.
This paper is organized as follows: In section
2 we discuss well known existing positioning ap-
proaches applicable in GSM and WLAN infrastruc-
tures. Furthermore, we discuss the positioning accu-
racy for mobile devices provided by approaches pre-
sended in the past and the arising expenses for mo-
bile users. Section 3 discusses the proposed approach
of SSID-based WLAN positioning by device whis-
pering, the involved components of the IEEE 802.11
WLAN standard, and the push and pull interaction
models for SSID WLAN positioning. Section 4 dis-
cusses a short application scenario and Section 5 com-
prises the conclusion.
Positioning systems estimate the position of a mobile
device with the help of calculus concerning the atten-
uation of communication signals send and received
by the device. Well known approaches for position-
ing are: proximity detection and trilateration (or mul-
tilateration). Systems based on proximity detection
operate upon a set of antennas with well known po-
sitions and use the position from the strongest signal
(Yeung and Ng, 2007) to determine the position of
a mobile device. Systems based on trilateration are
using the strength values of three (or more) signals
send to or received by a mobile device to estimate its
position. Proximity detection requires a dense grid
of antennas for a high accuracy which would cause
very high installation costs in indoor environments.
Trilateration (Staras and Honickman, 1972) (Warren
et al., 1972) provides an acceptable accuracy at a
lower cost, but suffers on a high influence of envi-
ronmental changes, e.g. wall humidity in buildings
resulting from rain, moving (radio) indoor obstacles
like people, etc. An improved version of the trilat-
Krempels K. and Krebs M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 225-229
DOI: 10.5220/0002027002250229
eration approach is the envinronment fingerprinting
method (Jan and Lee, 2003), due to that for all the
rooms in a building a set of radio signal vectors (fin-
gerprints) is collected and saved in a central directory.
A device interested in its position will send its actual
signal vector to the central directory and the directory
will send the closest position to the provided signal
vector back to the device.
2.1 Positioning Accuracy of Mobile
Proximity detection in GSM networks could use the
Cell-IDs to estimate the position of a mobile device
(Kunczier and Anegg, 2004). The very low accuracy
of this systems in outdoor scenarios will be worser
in indoor scenarios, making them unsuitable for in-
door positioning or guidance applications. The accu-
racy for Cell-ID based approaches could be improved
by probability calculus (Borenovic et al., 2005), but
not in that matter to make them suitable for indoor
positioning. In (Krempels and Krebs, 2008) a new
approach for indoor positioning is proposed that is
based on geo-tagged WLAN access points and tri-
alteration. The proposed solution assumes that there
exists a WLAN infrastructure in that all access points
are tagged with their geographical position and mo-
bile devices will use this tags to estimate their posi-
tion. The accuracy of this system seems to be suit-
able for guidance and navigation applications inside
of large buildings.
Trilateration provides only a very low accuracy in
GSM networks, due to the large diameter of GSM net-
work cells (Kos et al., 2006). Thus, it is not very use-
ful for navigation or guidance systems in indoor envi-
ronments. One way to improve the positioning accu-
racy is to increase the density of antennas that would
increase the network operation costs. However, this is
not the objectiveof the network provider and operator.
The deployment of the trilateration approach in exist-
ing indoor network infrastructures like WLAN would
reduce the costs, but the position estimation becomes
difficult due to the different signal strengths of the
WLAN access points transmitter and multipath signal
propagation (Wallbaum, 2004). The positioning accu-
racy could be improved with the help of probabilistic
calculus, but this is also highly influenced by envi-
ronmental changes. Benchmarks regarding the posi-
tioning accuracy of famous wireless location systems
proposed in the past are discussed by Wallbaum and
Diepolder in (Wallbaum and Diepolder, 2005).
2.2 Mobile Device Positioning Costs
Wireless positioning systems based on proximity de-
tection in GSM networks using Cell-ID’s (Kunczier
and Anegg, 2004) (Borenovic et al., 2005) require a
directory on the network site that maps a Cell-ID to
the coordinates of the corresponding location. This
means, that a mobile device must either establish a
connection to this directory for each positioning re-
quest or must remain connected all the time. Both
cases would produce continous positioning costs. A
directory is also necessary for wireless positioning
systems in GSM networks that are based on trilater-
ation or fingerprinting causing also continuous costs
for the positioning of a mobile device.
Trilateration positioning systems for WLAN in-
frastructures proposed in the past are also directory
based (Wallbaum and Spaniol, 2006) (Wallbaum and
Diepolder, 2005). To determine its position, a mobile
device scans its vicinity for WLAN access points and
send this list to a directory server. The server pro-
vides the coordinates which are related to these ac-
cess points. If there is no positive match, the server
responds with an error and the client cannot deter-
mine its current position. The main drawback of di-
rectory based systems is that clients must establish a
connection to the directory server that would cause
high costs for the positioning information, which is
required very often for navigation and guidance ap-
The indoor positioning approach based on geo-
tagged antennas (WLAN access points) proposed in
(Krempels and Krebs, 2008) operates directory-less.
Therein, the central directory required by other ap-
proaches was removed in favour of reduced position-
ing costs for a mobile device. The approach is suit-
able for indoor and outdoor scenarios with an existing
WLAN infrastructure without GPS coverage.
In the directory-less indoor positioning approach
based on geo-tagged antennas (Krempels and Krebs,
2008) the Service Set Identifiers (SSID) of each
WLAN access point encodes the geographical coordi-
nates of the access point. A mobile device with an em-
bedded WLAN receiver will receive the broadcasted
SSIDs from a number of access points and could de-
code their geographical coordinates immediatly.
WINSYS 2008 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
3.1 Service Set Identifier
In the following we describe the Service Set Identi-
fiers which is defined by the 802.11-1999 (Commit-
tee, 1999) standard. For the discussed approach in
this paper only the SSID is useful:
The SSID indicates the name of the WLAN cell
which is frequently broadcasted in beacons. The
length of the SSID information field is between
0 and 32 octets. A zero length information field
indicates the broadcast SSID.
Extended Service Set Identifier (ESSID): Multiple
APs have the same SSID and are connected to a
larger cell on layer 2 which is than called ESSID.
The Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) is a 48-
bit field of the same format as an IEEE 802.11
MAC address. It uniquely identifies a Basic Ser-
vice Set (BSS). Normally, the value is set to the
MAC address of the AP or a broadcast MAC ad-
dress in an infrastructure BSS.
3.2 Pull Model
In the pull model every wireless access point (AP)
broadcasts the same SSID like ’geo’. In the next step
the client associates with the AP and gets an IP ad-
dress with DHCP. In the last step the client will query
the positioning service provided by the access point to
retrieve the GPS coordinate of the AP. However, due
to the long interaction chain this model works but it is
not very suitable in a time and energy saving world.
3.3 Push Model
The push model is more efficient with respect to
the communication overhead, but limited to querying
GPS coordinates only. Additional information can-
not be transmitted due to SSID space limitations of
32 characters. Every AP broadcasts a unique SSID
which is exactly the coded GPS coordinates of the
AP. The client needs only to scan for specific geo
SSIDs and selects the geo SSID with the highest sig-
nal strength. It is not necessary that the client asso-
ciates with the base station, because the client can re-
trieve all information from the already scanned SSID.
An example for the location of the city of Aachen
(longitude:6.1, latitude:50.7667) in the specified tag
format h
geo :longitude,latitude
i would be
geo:6.1, 50.7667
i and the corresponding broad-
casted SSID
3.4 SSID WLAN Positioning
The position of the mobile device could be estimated
with the help of interpolation calculus, by using only
the coordinates of the m strongest signals from n sig-
nals received by the device, or even of a combination
of both, e.g. by interpolating the coordinates encoded
in the m strongest signals. However, the result will be
an area or even a space, and the position of the mo-
bile would be close to its center of gravity (in the ideal
Figure 1: WLAN SSID-Positioning.
Determining the position of the mobile device
only with the help of the strength of the received
signals is highly influenced by the different sending
or changing sending power of the considered access
points. Thus, we could not assume forthermore, that
the strongest signal is received from the closest access
point. In Figure 1 the signal received from AP
be stronger than the signal received from AP
3.5 SSID WLAN Whispering
In Fig. 1 the mobile device MD receives the signals
and SSID’s from the access points AP
, AP
, . . . , AP
To select the closest geographical vicinity of the mo-
bile device, we introduce the whispering approach.
Due to the fact that a mobile device is able to con-
trol its WLAN radio interface it can control also its
sending power. The characteristics of its receiving an-
tenna are not influenced thereby, so that the list of ac-
cess points received by the mobile device would not
change. WLAN radio whispering consists in reduc-
ing the sending power of a mobile device to a mini-
mal value and queriing a subset of the visible access
points for management information (Fig. 2).
Figure 2: Radio Whispering to Detect the Close Vicinity.
Due to the reduced sending power of the mobile
device only the access points, that are geographically
very close to the mobile device will receive its query
and will answer to it. Thus, the effect of whispering
is a filter that is robust against signal multipath prop-
agation and power oscillations or automated adaption
of access points. An idealistic abstraction of the whis-
pering effect is shown in Fig. 3.
In the WLAN communication range of the mo-
bile device MD the access points AP
, AP
, . . . , AP
are visible (Fig. 1). AP
and AP
will receive the
information query send with very low power by the
mobile device (Fig. 2) due to their close vicinity to
it. Access point AP
answers to the query (Fig. 3)
and the mobile device can extract its position from
the SSID of AP
Many indoor navigation and guidance applications
suffer on high positioning costs and on low positoin-
ing accuracy. The business cases of a subset of this
systems are based on low cost or free positioning
and do not require high accuracy positioning. Thus,
it seems that even with a low positioning accuracy
Figure 3: Answer of the Close Vicinity.
(less than twentyfive meters) navigation and position-
ing applications could be deployed and used. In Fig.
4 a guidance scenario is shown that could be im-
plemented with the help of the positioning approach
discussed in this paper. The scenario is based on a
planned trip consisting of a travel chain. Each el-
ement of the chain has an expected duration and a
travel mode (e.g. walking, flying, travalling by bus,
etc). For the most travel modes the operation vehicle
(e.g. bus, train) and its route is known in advance.
Thus, the positioning accuracy could be improved if a
determined (rough) position is mapped to well known
trajectories of a planned route at the respective time,
e.g. corridors, stairs, etc. The scenario in Fig. 4 shows
a travel chain element with the travel mode walking.
A traveller is guided with the help of discrete position
points mapped to his planned route to the right gate,
e.g to take his plane.
In this paper, we presented the whispering technique
to improve the positioning accuracy in directory-less
indoor WLAN positioning. The advantage of this ap-
proach is that there is no need to establish an online
Internet connection, and that it applicable indoor and
outdoor. The positioning accuracy is determined by
the radio range of the access points which could be
seen by a mobile device, and the WLAN radio of
the device itself. The proposed solution enables mo-
WINSYS 2008 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Gate 1
Gate 2
Gate 29
Gate 30
Figure 4: Application Scenario.
bile devices to be used in large indoor environments
with an existing WLAN infrastructure for guidance
and navigation, e.g. for ealderly people in airports,
train stations, etc. In a next step the solution will be
integrated in a hybrid positioning system, based on
GPS, GSM, and WLAN. The short term objective is
to provide a directory less, best effort positioning sys-
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