An Abstraction of Intelligent Man-machine Communication
Wladyslaw Homenda
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Knowledge representation, Syntax, Semantics, Man-machine communication, Intelligent interfaces.
The paper discusses an approach to intelligent man-machine communication which is a fundamental topic of
intelligent interface of any software. The approach presented in the paper is based on integration of syntactic
and semantic approximations of information structure. In most cases of communication automatic revealing
of the structure of information subjected to communication is not possible due to its complexity. Proposed so-
lution of this problem is based on raw, approximated descriptions of information entities and relations between
them. This approach reveals parallel syntactic and semantic attempts to so called languages of natural com-
munication. Duality of both attempts automatically exposes structure of information and allows a machine for
information maintenance and processing in human-like way. The attempt is reflected in the domain of music
information taking music notation as the language of natural communication.
For all the time information exchange between human
beings has been done in languages of natural commu-
nication. Natural languages, music notation, gesture
language, etc. are examples of languages of natural
communication. Languages of natural communica-
tion have been created, developed and used prior to
their formal codification and - up to now - they have
no formal full definition.
Since the beginning of the computing era people
have been thinking about computers as their partners
or - less radically - intelligent tools that can act in
a manner similar to a man’s reaction. Computers as
partners of a man require exchanging information and
understanding communication. Up-to-now a form of
man-machine information exchange has been domi-
nated by machines requirements. Due to poor abilities
of machines human beings have had to create commu-
nication tools which could be recognized by comput-
ers. Indeed, languages of formal communication have
been using almost exclusively in man-machine com-
munication. Not only Pascal, C++, Java, but also all
kinds of menus and dialog boxes with all their options
and features often hardly guessed and always easily
forgettable. This kind of tools have been widely ap-
Part of this paper will be included into a forthcoming
chapter of a Springer edited volume.
plied and used despite their inadequacy and uncom-
fortableness. Amazingly, a man’s product has domi-
nated him as nothing before - at least in the aspect of
Humans have been always thinking about raising
human-like relations with machines, i.e. on his own,
human’s, conditions. Since communication and mu-
tual understanding are the most important features
of such relations, people have been considering ma-
chines as human like behaving artefacts with human’s
features and skills. Such a thinking was a science fic-
tion deliberation rather then nearest future ability. But
now it slowly comes to reality. There are two rea-
sons for making the computing equipment more and
more user-friendly and acting in a human-like man-
ner. The giant increase of the computing equipment’s
power/output allows, on the one hand, for the emula-
tion by brute force of a man’s simple behavior. On the
other hand, advances in research in the fields of arti-
ficial intelligence, algorithms and computability and
other areas of computer sciences, as well as various
social sciences, break barriers in making computers
more intelligent, barriers unsurmountable only with
respect to increasing power of computing hardware.
In this paper our attention is focused on the aspect
of the computing technologies development which
employs both information exchange and understand-
ing. We will discuss the problem of information ex-
Homenda W. (2009).
INTEGRATED SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC DATA STRUCTURING - An Abstraction of Intelligent Man-machine Communication.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 324-330
DOI: 10.5220/0001512403240330
change between man and the machine as well as auto-
matic understanding of information by the machine.
Importantly, communication understood as an infor-
mation exchange is being maintained in some type of
language which we wish to be more a language of nat-
ural communication rather then a language of formal
communication. This meaning of communication in-
cludes not only a simple exchange of files of informa-
tion represented in the binary form, as - for instance
- the exchange of text files without looking into their
meaning. It is also understood as a presentation of
a language text contained in the file, i.e. a language
construction or a sequence of language constructions,
with an expectation that its contents will be analyzed
and a structured space of data representing knowledge
embedded in it will be created and then interactively
used. In other words, we expect that such a kind of
communication will involve a language in which the
given language text was formulated. This language
will perhaps be a language of natural communication.
The notion of understanding is regarded as the main
feature of intelligent communication and an important
goal of the present paper. We would like to charac-
terize the meaning in which the word understanding
is used in the paper. Understanding is an ability to
identify objects and sets of objects defined by con-
cepts expressed in a given language. The concept’s
description in a given language is what the syntax is.
A mapping which casts the concepts’ description on
the real world objects is what the semantics is. Ability
to recognize the semantics is the meaning of under-
standing. We reflect meanings of the above notions in
music notation seen as a language of natural commu-
2.1 Syntax
Syntactic approach is a crucial stage and a crucial
problem in the wide spectrum of tasks as, for instance,
pattern recognition, translation of programming lan-
guages, processing of natural languages, music pro-
cessing, etc. Syntactic approach is generally based on
the context-free methods which have been intensively
studied. Context-free methods have also been applied
in practice for the processing of artificial languages
as, for instance, programming languages, in technical
drawings, etc. We can even say that application in this
field has been successful.
Unfortunately, natural communication between
people, e.g. communication in a natural language
or using music notation, is too complex to be for-
malized in a context-free way, though it is clear that
such communication is rule-governed, cf. (Bargiela
and Homenda, 2002). Even if there is a definite set
of rules defining a language of natural communica-
tion, the rules are much more complicated than those
describing artificial languages of formal communica-
tion. And such rules can often be broken with lit-
tle impact on communication. Thus, a description of
such tools as a natural language or music notation
must definitely be highly flexible and deeply toler-
ant to natural anarchy of its subjects. With all that
in mind, the proposed approach to describing lan-
guages of natural communication will rely on the sen-
sible application of the proposed context-free meth-
ods applied locally in the structured space of a lan-
guage of natural communication. Moreover, it is as-
sumed that the context-free methods will not be ap-
plied unfairly to generate incorrect constructions of
them. Those assumptions allow for a raw approxima-
tion of languages of natural communication as, for in-
stance, natural language or music notation, which are
far more complex than a context-free tools utilized for
such an approximation. Of course, such assumptions
are real shortcomings in accurate description of a lan-
guage of natural communication and in its process-
ing. These shortcomings must be solved by employ-
ing some other methods, perhaps not context-free.
Below, we present an approximated description
of a local area of music notation. This description is
given in the form of context free grammar. For more
details on context free descriptions of music notation
see (Homenda, 2006; Homenda, 2007).
<stave> <beginning barline> <bl stave>
<bl stave>
<bl stave> <key signature> <ks stave>
<ks stave>
<ks stave> <time signature> <ts stave>
<ts stave>
<ts stave> <measure> <barline> <ts stave>
<measure> <barline>
<measure> <change o f k sign.> <ks measure>
<ks measure>
<ks measure> <change of t sign.> <ts measure>
<ts measure>
<ts measure> <vertical event> <ts measure>
<vertical event>
<vertical event> <stem> <vertical event>
<stem> <beams> <note stem>
< flags> <note stem>
<note stem>
<stem> <beams> <rhythm group> <note stem>
<flags> <rhythm group> <note stem>
<note stem> <rhythm group>
<beams> left beam <beams>
right beam <beams>
right beam
<rhythm group> left rh gr <rhythm group>
right rh gr <rhythm group>
< flags> flag < flags> | flag
<note stem> note head <note stem>
note head stem
2.2 Semantics
As mentioned above, people use different tools for
communication: natural languages, programming
languages, artificial languages, language of gesture,
drawings, photographs, music notation. All those
tools could be seen as tools used for describing a mat-
ter of communication and as information carriers. We
can observe that different tools can be used for en-
coding the same communication matter description.
Immersing our deliberations into music notation we
should be aware that among different tools of natu-
ral communication, natural languages are most uni-
versal. In general, they cover most parts of informa-
tion spaces spanned by other tools. Therefore, a nat-
ural language can alternatively describe constructions
of music notation. Interpreting this observation we
can notice that, for instance, a given score can also
be described in Braille Music (Krolick, 1998), Mu-
sicXML (G. Castan and Roland, 2001) or other for-
mats or even, e.g., in the English language. Moreover,
all such descriptions carry similar information space.
Likewise, a description of a subject (a thing, a
thought, an idea, etc.) may be prepared in differ-
ent natural languages. Such descriptions approximate
the subject bringing its projection onto the language
used for description. And such a description could be
translated to other natural language without a signifi-
cant lost of information. This means that the subject
being described is a meaning of a description. So, a
study on a subject described in a natural language (or
even in any language of natural communication) may
supplement the study on descriptions themselves. In
other words, syntactic analysis of language descrip-
tions may be supplemented by a semantic analysis of
description’s subject.
In this study music notation, as a language of nat-
ural communication, cast onto a space of communica-
tion subjects (i.e. onto musical scores, as texts of the
language of natural communication) is understood as
the semantic approach to music information process-
ing. Formally, assuming that L is a music notation
lexicon and M is music notation, the mapping V de-
scribes semantics of the music notation description:
V : L M
The mapping V assigns objects of a given musi-
cal score M to items stored in the corresponding lex-
icon L. The lexicon L is a set of local portions of the
derivation tree of the score, c.f. (Homenda, 2006).
As mentioned before, communication is understood
as a presentation or an exchange of information be-
tween two (or more then two) objects of communica-
tion. Essential feature communication is understand-
ing information being exchanged. Understanding re-
quires exact description of relations between informa-
tion entities, what is done in the form of syntactic and
semantic structuring integrated in frames of informa-
tion granulation paradigm.
3.1 Syntactic Analysis - A Tool
Describing Communicated Data
Syntactic analysis is a tool used for data space struc-
turing. As discussed above, syntactic methods cannot
be used for full structuring of complex data spaces
as, for instance, for structuring music information.
Thus, it is used for approximation of data structuring.
Such an approximation is often sufficient for reveal-
ing structures of data that could be extracted form the
data space and possibly subjected to further process-
Syntactic analysis is a suitable tool for acquiring
user’s choice of data. Selection tool is usually used to
define user’s choice. A selection done by user could
either be interpreted at the lowest level of data struc-
tures, or may be performed to a part of structured data
space. In Figure 1 we have two rectangle selections in
two upper parts. These selections could be interpreted
as numerical data representing raster bitmaps which
have nothing common with displayed music notation.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Examples of selections: two measures in a system, two measures in a stave, lower voice line in first two measures,
triplets on sixteens.
<rhythm_group><beams> <note_stem>
rightbeam rightrhgr notehead stem <rhythm_group><beams> <note_stem>
leftbeam <rhythm_group>
leftrhgr notehead stem
Figure 2: Derivation tree of the first triplet marked in Figure 1.
Figure 3: Examples of transpositions: original score, automatic recognition of the original score, upper voice line moved one
octave up and lower voice line moved one octave down, third measure transposed from D to G.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
On the other hand these selections could be under-
stood as a part of music notation, namely: two mea-
sures in a system and two measures in a stave. In
case of lower two parts selections shown as grayed
symbols of music notation cannot be interpreted as a
raw numerical data. These selections are parts of the
structured data space.
Syntactic analysis allows for immersion of user’s
selection into structured information space. Syntactic
interpretation of user’s selection of data gives the first
significant raise leading to full identification of infor-
mation intended to be communicated by man. It needs
to be mentioned that, in this discussion, we drop a
category of technical details like, for instance, which
programming tools are used to point out desired ob-
jects at a computer screen and how to indicate options
of a selection.
Let us look at the selection of two measures in
the stave. It is defined as a part of derivation tree in
a grammar generating the score (part of this gram-
mar is outlined in section 2.1). This selection corre-
sponds to paths from the root to two indicated ver-
texes <measure> of the part of derivation tree shown
in Figure 2. The selection of two triplets in lower
part of Figure 2 is described by the indicated ver-
tex <ts measure>, which is also taken as one vertex
path. Description of voice line selection cannot be
described as easily as other selections, it requires con-
text analysis.
3.2 Semantic Mapping as Identification
of Communicated Data
Syntactic descriptions of information entities is a ba-
sis for identification of relevant area of information
space. This identification is done by casting the lexi-
con of a given score, i.e. the space syntactic granules,
onto the space of objects of sematic granules of the
score. Semantic granules are subjects of understand-
ing and of possible processing.
The meaning of paths from the root to two indi-
cated vertexes <measure> (being syntactic granules)
is defined as follow. It is the crop of all subtrees
of derivation tree, which include both paths together
with subtrees rooted in vertexes ending both paths.
The structure of symbols of music notation that are
included into selected two measures corresponds to
this meaning.
On the other hand, crops of all subtrees of the
derivation tree in Figure 2, which are equal to the sub-
tree defined by the indicated vertex <ts measure>, is
the meaning of syntactic granules (in this case, the
subtree has excluded its part denoted by indicated
multidots vertex).
It is worth to notice that the description of the first
semantic granule is a special case of the the descrip-
tion of the second semantic granule. Having a path,
which begins in the root of derivation tree, we can find
only one subtree equal this path with subtree rooted in
its ending vertex.
Semantic granules define meaning of informa-
tion being exchanged and allow for responding to re-
quests. Such responses are outlined in Figure 3. Its
upper part shows original score. two other parts illus-
trate transposition performed on recognized notation.
The middle parts shows three voice lines. The upper
voice line was subjected to transposition by one oc-
tave up. The lower voice line was subjected to trans-
position by one octave up. The third part of shows
transposition of the third measure from D to G.
3.3 Granulation as a Form of
Information exchanged in communication is material-
ized in the form of texts of a language of natural com-
munication. Thus, the term text spans not only over
texts of natural languages, but also over constructions
like, for instance, musical scores, medical images, etc.
(we can also apply this term to constructions of lan-
guages of formal communication, e.g. to computer
programs). Revealing recent sections let us say that a
study on how texts are constructed is what we mean
as syntax. A matter described by such a text is what
is understood as semantics. Integrating syntax and se-
mantics leads to information granulation and identifi-
cation of relations between granules of information,
c.f. (Homenda, 2007; Pedrycz and Bargiela, 2005).
Discovering relations between both aspects is seen as
The description of music notation as well as
music notation itself could be innately subjected
to the paradigm of granular computing elucidation.
As stated in (Pedrycz, 2001), granular computing
as opposed to numeric computing is knowledge-
oriented. Information granules exhibit different levels
of knowledge abstraction, what strictly corresponds
to different levels of granularity. Depending upon the
problem at hand, we usually group granules of simi-
lar size (i.e. similar granularity) together into a sin-
gle layer. If more detailed (and computationally in-
tensive) processing is required, smaller information
granules are sought. Then, those granules are ar-
ranged in another layer. In the granular processing
we encounter a number of conceptual and algorithmic
layers indexed by the size of information granules.
Information granularity implies the usage of various
techniques that are relevant for the specific level of
The meaning of granule size is defined accord-
ingly to real application and should be consistent
with common sense and with the knowledge base
of the application. Roughly speaking, size of syn-
tactic granules is a function of depth of the syntac-
tic structure. Size of the syntactic granule <score>
<score part><page><system> is smaller then size of
<score><score part><page><system><stave> which,
in turn, is smaller then size of <score><score part>
On the other hand, we can define size of
semantic granule. It is defined as a quan-
tity of real world objects or a length of con-
tinue concept. Size of the semantic granule
V(<score><score part><page><system>) is greater
than size of V(<score><score part><page><system>
<stave>), which, in turn, is greater then V(<score>
<score part><page><system><stave><measure>).
The relevance between syntactic and semantic gran-
ules has been discussed in (Homenda, 2006; Home-
nda, 2007).
The new framework on man-machine intelligent com-
munication is presented in the paper. The term intelli-
gent communication is understood as information ex-
change with identified structure of information, which
is presented by a side of communication to his/its
partner(s) or is exchangedbetween sides of communi-
cation. Of course, identification of information struc-
ture is a natural feature of human’s side of such com-
munication. An effort is focused on automatic identi-
fication of information structure based on syntax and
semantics of information description. Syntactic and
semantic descriptions have dual structure revealing
granular character of represented information. Com-
plementary character of both attempts allows for au-
tomation of information structuring and - in conse-
quence - intelligent information maintenance and pro-
cessing, what is the basis of intelligent communica-
tion in man-machine communication process.
In this paper the problem of man-machine intelli-
gent communication is reflected in the area of music
notation treated as a language of natural communi-
cation. However, reflection of this problem in nat-
ural language as a language of natural communica-
tion give similar conclusions, c.f. (Homenda, 2002).
Thus, we can expect that integrated syntactic and se-
mantic data structuring guides to rational interpreta-
tion of man-machine communication in many areas
of human activity. This framework permits for better
understanding of communication process as well as
leads to practical solutions.
It is worth to notice that man-machine communi-
cation is a basis of intelligent interface of any soft-
ware. An intelligent interface of a computer program
in terms of its way of communication method (graph-
ical, sound, etc.) design is cast on data structures
processed by the program or exchanged between man
and machine. An integration of both elements: man-
machine communication and interface design is an in-
terdisciplinary subject of studies.
The paper is supported by the University Research
Program Hierarchical methods of information acqui-
sition. Automatic recognition of printed text as a
background element of documents and the Faculty Re-
search Program Intelligent Computing Technologies
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ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence