Daniel Slamanig and Christian Stingl
School of Medical Information Technology, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Primoschgasse 10, Klagenfurt, Austria
Anonymity, Cryptography, Electronic Health Record, Health Data, Information Security, Privacy.
In recent years, demographic change and increasing treatment costs demand the adoption of more cost effi-
cient, highly qualitative and integrated health care processes. The rapid growth and availability of the Internet
facilitate the development of eHealth services and especially of electronic health records (EHRs) which are
promising solutions to meet the aforementioned requirements. Considering actual web-based EHR systems,
patient-centric and patient moderated approaches are widely deployed. Besides these initiatives there is an
emerging market of so called personal health record platforms, e.g. Google Health. Both concepts provide a
central and web-based access to highly sensitive data of EHRs. Additionally, the fact that these EHR systems
may be hosted by not fully trustworthy providers necessitates to thoroughly consider privacy issues. In this
paper we define security and privacy objectives that play an important role in context of web-based EHRs.
Furthermore, we discuss deployed solutions as well as concepts proposed in the literature with respect to this
objectives and point out several weaknesses. Finally, we introduce a system which overcomes the drawbacks
of existing solutions by considering an holistic approach to preserve patient’s privacy and discuss the applied
methods in detail.
In recent years many countries have installed eHealth
initiatives and working groups in order to develop
strategies to harmonize the exchange of health re-
lated information using the Internet. A central as-
pect of eHealth is called the electronic health record
(EHR) which integrates all relevant medical informa-
tion of a person and represents a lifelong documenta-
tion of the medical history. Considering implementa-
tions of EHRs, one of the most critical factors of suc-
cess is the protection of the patient’s privacy, which
is clearly reflected in surveys concerning such sys-
tems (HI, 2004). Additional issues are, that the EHR
is patient-centered and that the patient herself moder-
ates her EHR (Pyper et al., 2004). This means, that
solely the patient is able to grant access to her medi-
cal data to other parties and to nominate delegates re-
spectively. Moreover, the study in (Pyper et al., 2004)
shows, that patient access to their electronic records
needs to be developed in partnership with the patients.
In this paper we are considering web-based EHR sys-
tems which enable persons to manage their EHRs by
means of a web-application.
Besides the classical aspects such as standardization,
interoperability, time and location independent ac-
cess, legal frameworks, etc. basic requirements for
web-based EHRs are the possibility for a patient to
freely define the structure (e.g. folders) of the EHR
and to share medical data or even the entire EHR
with other parties (e.g. physicians, relatives). Fur-
thermore, we will introduce and discuss further as-
pects and concepts which are especially applicable for
patient-moderated and web-based EHRs. This con-
sideration for EHR architectures helps to improve the
trustworthiness of an EHR system by means of pri-
vacy preserving techniques.
The organization of the rest of the paper is as follows:
In the subsequent section 2 we motivate why privacy
issues are important in this context and define poten-
tial attacker models. We propose and discuss basic
management, security and privacy relevant objectives,
which need to be considered when designing privacy
enhanced EHRs in section 3. Based on these objec-
tives in section 4 we investigate systems which are
explicitly designed to provide EHRs as well as sys-
tems which are not originally developed to manage
EHRs but may also be used to store health related
Slamanig D. and Stingl C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 257-264
DOI: 10.5220/0001547502570264
data. In the subsequent section 5 we introduce a novel
system for EHRs called PE
HR (Privacy Enhanced
EHR) that realizes the security and privacy objectives
defined in section 3. In the remaining section 6 we
will provide a conclusion and discuss some future as-
Web-based EHR solutions are growing in popularity
and provide mechanisms that enable people to com-
fortably manage their medical data online and further-
more help to improve the quality of care, by means of
availability of all relevant medical data. However, in
context of the Internet we are confronted with a set of
attacker models and threats that need to be considered
when designing systems which deal with sensitive
data. For example, the lack of anonymity in Internet
communication and the trustworthiness of providers
hosting such EHR systems may constitute serious
problems. Additionally, there exists a phenomenon
often denoted as privacy myopia. This means, that
people often are not aware of dangers related to the
“ordinary” use of the Internet, e.g. that they reveal
IP-addresses or Ethernet MAC-addresses which may
enable third parties to link several actions and may
even enable them to identify the physical users behind
their computers. Furthermore, users often give away
their data very easily, without reflecting on potentially
negative consequences.
2.1 Attacker Models
In order to identify realistic threats, we need to con-
sider potential attackers firstly, which are listed sub-
Client intruder: This kind of attackers breaks into
the client computer, e.g. they compromise a host
by means of malware, e.g. trojan horses, and thus
obtain access to sensitive data which should solely
be available to its owner. This threat is highly re-
alistic and indeed one of the major problems in
context of the Internet and should be reduced by
means of trusted computing (TCG, 2008) in the
Eavesdropper: An eavesdropper compromises or
owns a subset of nodes of the communication in-
frastructure and thus is able to inspect messages
which are routed over them. This attacker is usu-
ally able to link communicating parties by means
of addresses used by the communication media
(e.g. IP-addresses) and to fully access content
data of messages in absence of transmission en-
cryption (e.g. SSL/TLS).
Curious insider or server intruder: This attacker is
in possession of administrativeprivileges and thus
has full access to log information as well as con-
tent data of the EHR system. Clearly, in analogy
to the client intruder an external adversary may
also compromise a host which provides server ap-
In this work we are especially interested in the lat-
ter two types of attackers, since in absence of trusted
computing and remote attestation in particular, it is
very hard to decide whether client hosts are secure or
In context of eavesdropping, even if transmission en-
cryption is used, the attacker may be able to obtain in-
formation about users which are communicating with
an EHR system. Thus, an attacker is able to derive
communication patterns. In order to hide these pat-
terns from external parties, e.g. how often a user
logs into the system, we need to investigate com-
munication anonymity (cf. section 5). Additionally,
there exist potential attackers which are located at the
provider of the EHR system. As a recent study (CSI,
2007) shows, more than 50% of attacks against infor-
mation system are conducted by insiders, and hence
this threat is highly realistic. Consequently, the trust-
worthiness of service providers is in question and we
need to design and investigate concepts, which pro-
tect content as well as metadata (e.g. relationships
between users and data objects) from insiders in or-
der to improve their privacy.
In this section we propose and discuss security and
privacy objectives which need to be considered when
designing privacy enhanced EHRs. Before discussing
the main objectives in detail, we want to point out that
there are some basic functionalities which need to be
provided by any serious EHR system. These func-
tionalities comprise amongst others the availability of
the system, the confidentiality of data transmitted be-
tween users and the system (e.g. SSL/TLS) and the
integrity of stored data.
A major criterion for the choice of these objectives
was the influence of a user on the degree of privacy.
More precisely, considering a single objective, the
privacy protection depends mainly on the provider or
on the user, subject to the applied method. For exam-
ple, confidentiality can be realized on the one hand
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
by means of client-side encryption (by the user, e.g.
XML-Encryption) and on the other hand by means of
server-side encryption (by the provider, e.g. database
Subsequently we will provide a brief discussion re-
garding our objectives.
3.1 Anonymity
Anonymity is often referred to as the property of be-
ing not identifiable with respect to a set of actions
inside a group of people, the so called anonymity
set (Pfitzmann and K¨ohntopp, 2000). Intuitively the
degree of anonymity is the higher, the larger the
anonymity set is and the more uniformly the actions
are distributed within this set. Considering an EHR
system we can define anonymity at three different lev-
Anonymous communication: Anonymous com-
munication is guaranteed, if an observer is not
able to determine a communication relationship
between two communicating parties by means of
information revealed by the communication chan-
Sender- and receiver-anonymity: A communica-
tion relationship between a sender and receiver
provides sender-anonymity, if the receiver is not
able to identify the sender by means of received
messages. The receiver-anonymity can be defined
Data anonymity: A system provides data
anonymity, if data stored in the system of the re-
ceiver and related to a specific sender can not be
linked to the sender by the receiver and any other
person. This means, that even an insider of a sys-
tem is not able to establish a relationship between
a patient and her related data. Consequently, seri-
ous measures to provide data anonymity must be
realized by the sender.
3.2 Authentication
If access to a system is restricted to an authorized set
of users, the systems needs to establish the identity
of a potentially authorized user. This is in general
realized by means of authentication mechanisms. In
authentication or identification protocols the holder of
an identity usually claims a set of attributes including
an identifier and interactively proves the possession
of the claimed identity to a verifier based on these
attributes. This identifier is usually unique within a
specific context (e.g. application) and thus enables
the system to link an authentication and subsequent
transactions to a specific user.
The above mentioned authentication mechanisms ob-
viously establishes a one-to-one mapping between
an authenticating user and her identity. In contrast,
anonymous authentication (cf. section 5.2) provides
mechanisms such that the before mentioned one-to-
one mapping does not longer exist. In particular, an
authenticating user proves solely her membership in a
group of authorized users, whereas the verifier is not
able to decide which member of this group actually
conducted the authentication.
3.3 Authorization
Authorization is the concept of providing access to
resources only to users who are permitted to do so.
Usually the process of authorization takes place af-
ter a successful authentication. Mainly, authorization
concepts in systems are realized by means of dis-
cretionary access control (DAC) strategies, e.g. ac-
cess control lists (ACLs) or mandatory access con-
trol (MAC) strategies, e.g. role based access control
(RBAC) (Win, 2005). In the former case, the access
policies for objects are specified by the their owners
whereas in the latter case access policies are specified
by the system. The before mentioned strategies rep-
resent only a selection methods which exist in the lit-
erature and in practice today (Bishop, 2002), however
they share one important commonality. These strate-
gies are implemented by means of application layer
mechanism which can be easily bypassed by insiders
of the respective system.
3.4 Confidentiality
In context of EHRs, which provide web-based ac-
cess to health related data, methods to guarantee con-
fidentiality are essential. In general, confidentiality
is realized by means of encryption and relies on the
protection of the respective cryptographic keys. For
the key management we distinguish two widely used
techniques. On the one hand cryptographic keys are
solely accessible to the user and all cryptographic op-
erations are performed by the user’s client (client-side
encryption). On the other hand the system at the
provider is responsible for the key management and
all cryptographic operations (server-side encryption).
From the security point of view, client-side encryp-
tion provides a higher level of confidentiality, since
content data is not available in plaintext at any time
at the provider. Thus, the number of feasible attacks
can be reduced significantly. It must be mentioned,
that in this paper we are not considering proprietary
encryption-software that may be applied by the user
in addition to mechanism provided by the EHR sys-
3.5 Deniability
One major advantage of a web-based EHR is the time
and location independent availability of health related
data. However, under certain circumstances this can
be disadvantageous and even result in dramatic con-
sequences for the user. In order to demonstrate this
problem, we will provide an example which is in our
opinion highly realistic. Assume that a person was
suffering from a cardiovascular diseases, diseases of
the musculoskeletal system, drug addiction or a men-
tal diseases like (burn out) depression. This disease is
in detail documented in the EHR of the person, how-
ever does not affect the current state of health of that
person significantly. It is obvious, that this potentially
compromising information is solely available for per-
sons who are directly involved in the medical treat-
ment process of the person and are authorized to ac-
cess these data. In our opinion this is a basic require-
ment of an EHR. Consequently, there is absolutely no
way for unauthorized persons to gain access to these
data by means of the EHR system. However, since
the EHR is accessible via the Internet, the user her-
self may be “motivated” or even enforced to present
this compromising data during a job interview or an
insurance contract conclusion. This is what we call
the disclosure attack. It must be emphasized, that a
person which has presented her EHR under such cir-
cumstances is not able to prove this involuntary dis-
closure to another party later on. Thus, there exists
the need for mechanisms to plausibly deny the ex-
istence of highly compromising information (e.g. a
cured burn out depression) from people who dot not
need to know that information at all.
3.6 Unlinkability
Unlinkability of items of interest means that relations
between items, which a priori exist, can not be iden-
tified through pure observation of the system (Pfitz-
mann and K¨ohntopp, 2000; Steinbrecher and K¨opsell,
2003). A system containing n users provides perfect
unlinkability, if the relation of an object and a user u
exists with probability p = 1/n for all objects. Hence,
an insider of the system can not gain any informa-
tion on links between users and objects by means of
solely observing the system. In context of EHR sys-
tems we additionally need to consider static as well
as dynamic aspects of unlinkability. The static as-
pect covers data objects which are stored in the EHR
system and unlinkability is provided, if an insider at
the system is not able to establish links between data
objects and users significantly better than guessing.
The dynamic aspect covers user’s interaction with the
system. In particular, we raise the question whether
an eavesdropper or an insider at the system is able to
link instances of authentication protocols and transac-
tions with the system together and to a specific user.
Clearly, a system which does not provide dynamic un-
linkability also negativelyinfluences static unlinkabil-
ity aspects. For example, if a transactions represents
an access to a specific data object and this transaction
can be linked to a specific user then the data object
linked to the user, although the system may provide
static unlinkability.
3.7 Data Structure
The data structure defines primarily the logical struc-
ture of the EHR, e.g. a hierarchy of users, folders,
subfolders and documents. In contrast to the objec-
tives discussed above, the data structure does not con-
tribute to the overall security of the system. However,
the data structure is the main componentregarding the
usability and efficiency of the EHR system. More-
over, the degree of structuredness massively influ-
ences the concepts used for authorization. Especially,
when considering sharing of health data between sev-
eral parties the absence of any structure complicates
standardized mechanisms for this task.
We want to point out that the data structure always
contains information on the entire system (metadata),
which may potentially reduce the degree of privacy,
e.g. unlinkability, authorization, provided by the sys-
tem. For example, if a system holds pseudonymized
or even anonymized medical documents then authen-
tication information and information provided by the
data structure can be used to identify the holder of the
respective documents.
Prior to presenting our proposed solution in detail,
we investigate systems which are either explicitly de-
signed to provide web-based EHR functionality, i.e.
Personal health record platforms, PIPE, and systems
which may be used by people to “build” their own
web-based EHR, i.e. virtual hard disks. This investi-
gation is based on the security objectives introduced
in section 3 and summarized in Table 1. In the re-
mainder of this section we provide a discussion of the
above mentioned systems with respect to the security
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 1: This table provides an analysis of the virtual hard
disk concept (VHD), Google Health (GH), the PIPE system
and our system introduced in section 5 regarding the objec-
tives defined in section 3. Thereby C denotes client-side, S
server-side, SC a combination thereof, ¬ denotes that this
feature is not provided and ? denotes that it is not clear
whether this feature can be provided. In context of authen-
tication T denotes traditional and A anonymous authentica-
Objective VHD GH PIPE PE
Comm. anonymity O O O C
Sender anonymity ¬ ¬ ¬ C
Data anonymity ¬ ¬ ? C
Authentication T T T A
Authorization S S C C
Confidentiality ? ? ? C
Deniability ¬ ¬ ¬ C
Unlinkability ¬ ¬ ? C
Data structure C SC ¬ SC
4.1 Virtual Hard Disk
This approach provides remote storage space which is
accessible via the Internet. It offers the user the pos-
sibility to realize arbitrary folder structures for data
management, usually by means of the WebDav proto-
col. Typical representatives are iDisk (Apple), Xdrive
(AOL) and Gspace (Google). Considering these prod-
ucts one can conclude that authentication is realized
by means of traditional authentication methods, e.g.
username/password, and authorization is realized by
means of DAC or MAC strategies. The data struc-
ture is solely determined by the user. In general meth-
ods to guarantee confidentiality are not integrated into
these products, however server-side encryption could
be established. Methods for the remaining objectives
are not yet implemented in the above mentioned prod-
ucts, as far as we could find out.
4.2 Personal Health Record Platforms
Personal health record platforms provided by major
vendors such as Google (Google Health) or Microsoft
(Health Vault) are growing in popularity. For ex-
ample, Google provides a patient centric and patient
moderated system, that offers the possibility to orga-
nize health related data of a person and moreover en-
ables the integration of third party services offered by
physicians, hospitals and pharmacies. As above, the
same arguments hold for these systems, but the server
takes influence on the data structure by demanding
certain aspects of this structure.
4.3 PIPE
The architecture PIPE (pseudonymizationof informa-
tion for privacy in eHealth) (Riedl et al., 2007; Riedl
et al., 2008) focuses on the management of person re-
lated medical documents in a pseudonymizedfashion.
In this context pseudonymization means the replace-
ment of personal information by a document related
specifier which is not linkable to the holder of the
document. The authorization for pseudonymized doc-
uments is realized by means of a hierarchical struc-
ture of cryptographic keys and encrypted document
related specifiers. Both can be shared with other
users. One major aspect of the architecture is the
establishment of key-backup mechanisms based on
threshold secret sharing schemes. The latter aspect
positively influences the availability of cryptographic
keys, however, has no positive impact on security and
privacy properties considered in this paper.
Authentication against the system is realized by ap-
plying digital signatures, whereas the used protocol
easily allows impersonation attacks. However, the au-
thentication solely provides access to the encrypted
master cryptographic key of the user, which will sub-
sequently be decrypted at the client. In context of
an EHR the above mentioned pseudonymization is in
our opinion impractical when using different medical
document types, because they always contain unstruc-
tured narrative text passages (even CDA Level 3).
Consequently, the pseudonymization has to be per-
formed manually, and hence the effort would be unac-
ceptable in our opinion. Additionally, data anonymity
can not be guaranteed when not using anonymous au-
thentication. For example, if a patient integrates a
pseudonymized medical finding into the system, then
this document will be linkable to the authenticating
party (the patient) by an insider. The same argument
holds for the objective unlinkability. Confidentiality
is not taken into the consideration in (Riedl et al.,
2007; Riedl et al., 2008) due to the pseudonymiza-
tion. The remaining objectives are not provided by
this architecture. The data structure can not be ana-
lyzed seriously due to the facts that a simple concep-
tual model is used and further crucial details are not
published. Additionally, it must be emphasized that
the “pseudonymization” of more complex conceptual
models requires more sophisticated methods (Sla-
manig et al., 2007).
In this section we discuss methods that help to pre-
serve the patient’s privacy in context of EHRs with
respect to the security and privacy objectives defined
in section 3.
5.1 Anonymous Communication
Mechanisms that provide anonymity and unlinkabil-
ity of messages sent over a communication channel
are denoted as anonymouscommunication techniques
and have been intensively studied in recent years,
see (Danezis and Diaz, 2008) for a sound overview.
There are several implementations available for low-
latency services like Web browsing, e.g. Tor (Din-
gledine et al., 2004), JAP (Federrath, 2005) as well
as high-latency services like E-Mail, e.g. Mixmin-
ion (Danezis et al., 2003).
These anonymous communication channels help to
improve the privacy of users in context of eavesdrop-
pers and curious communication partners. Especially,
regarding the latter one anonymity can be preserved if
electronic interaction does not rely on additional iden-
tifying information at higher network layers, i.e. the
application layer. For example, a user who queries a
public web page using an anonymous communication
channel may remove all identifying information from
higher network layers and thus can stay anonymous.
However, if service providers offer their services only
to authorized sets of users (e.g. subscription-based
services, closed communities), they require identifi-
cation which in general takes place at higher layers
by means of authentication mechanisms. In the lat-
ter context anonymity can however be preserved by
means of anonymous authentication.
5.2 Anonymous Authentication
Anonymous authentication aims to provide a some-
what paradoxical solution to enhance user’s privacy
in context of authentication. It provides mechanisms
such that a user is able to prove membership in a
group U
U of authorized users U, whereas the ver-
ifier does not obtain any information on the identity
of the user. Clearly, anonymous communication sys-
tems are a prerequisite for providing anonymity in the
context of anonymous authentication.
A naive approach to realize anonymous authentica-
tion would be to give a copy of a secret k to every
user u U, which could be used in conjunction with
a traditional authentication scheme. Obviously, the
revocation of a single user u
would result in a reini-
tialization and thus in reissuing a new secret k
to ev-
ery user u U \ u
. Hence, this approach is far from
being practical. Improved techniques for anonymous
authentication were explicitly treated in (Boneh and
Franklin, 1999; Lindell, 2007; Schechter et al., 1999)
and can additionally be derived from group signatures
(Ateniese et al., 2000; Chaum and van Heyst, 1991,
etc.), ring signatures (Rivest et al., 2001; Dodis et al.,
2004, etc.) or similar concepts as (deniable) ring au-
thentication (Naor, 2002), whereas the latter class of
signatures and authentication schemes is preferable to
group signatures in the context of large groups, since
they can be generated “ad hoc” without depending on
an explicit setup phase.
5.3 Authorization and Confidentiality
In contrast to strategies implemented by means of ap-
plication layer mechanism (see section 3.3) there ex-
ists the possibility to realize DAC based on crypto-
graphic tokens (Stingl et al., 2006). In particular, all
resources are encrypted by their owners (client-side
encryption) which hold the corresponding secret keys
and are stored encrypted in the system. In particular,
if a user grants access to another user she provides a
cryptographic token to this user. This cryptographic
token represents the secret key to the respective data
object, encrypted with the public key of the grantee.
In other words, access control based on cryptographic
tokens is realized by means of the ability of autho-
rized persons to properly decrypt resources, e.g. con-
tent data. This access control strategy provides a se-
rious advantage in comparison with the before men-
tioned strategies, namely insiders are solely able to
bypass the access control by breaking the underlying
cryptographic primitives (symmetric resp. asymmet-
ric cryptosystem). Additionally, it can be used to re-
alize fine-grained access, i.e. to single data objects, in
contrast to approaches which allow to share all data
or no data with other persons, e.g. physicians, (De-
muynck and Decker, 2005).
5.4 Pseudonymization
Pseudonymization of person related data (u,x) is the
process of replacing every person identifier u for ex-
ample by the value nym = E
(u), where E
is an ap-
propriate symmetric encryption function with a corre-
sponding secret key k. Since k is kept secret it is prac-
tically impossible to invert E
(·) without the knowl-
edge of k and thus compute u given the value nym.
However, a person which is in possession of k can
easily compute D
(nym) = u using the corresponding
decryption function D
(·). Hence (nym,x) can not be
linked to u anymore.
We realize pseudonymization by letting every user u
choose a second identifier P
uniformly at random,
i.e. a pseudonym (Chaum, 1981). This pseudonym is
used by her to identify her shares. In order to pre-
HEALTHINF 2009 - International Conference on Health Informatics
vent the linkage between a user and a pseudonym,
the pseudonym is solely stored in an encrypted fash-
ion, E
), in the user repository. The unlinka-
bility holds, since P
is independently chosen from
and furthermore E
) can only be inverted
by u
, who holds the corresponding key k
can be derived from a appropriately chosen password
or passphrase defined by u
). This simple example
can be generalized to pseudonymize an arbitrary con-
ceptual model (Slamanig et al., 2007). The result-
ing pseudonymized conceptual model provides data
anonymity and static unlinkability (concerning any
observer of the system) and it enables highly efficient
implementations. Additionally, by means of anony-
mous authentication the system provides dynamic un-
linkability. Furthermore, it must be emphasized that
the conceptual model can be defined by the EHR sys-
tem and users are able to freely create their own struc-
tures with respect to the conceptual model.
5.5 Multiple Identities
However, there still exists the precarious disclosure
attack which can lead to the disclosure of the com-
plete EHR of a person. Therefore we need a mea-
sure to provide plausible deniability in a cryptograph-
ically provable sense. As countermeasure we propose
the use of so called multiple identities (Slamanig and
Stingl, 2008b). In this context multiple identities can
be described by means of dividing the EHR of a per-
son into so called sub-identities (see Figure 1).
Super-Identity: Person
Internal medicine
General medicine
ELectronic Health Record
Figure 1: Multiple identities.
A user can assign a subset of her EHR to each
of these sub-identities. Thereby, these subsets do not
need to be disjoint. Subject to the person, the medical
data are presented to, the user is able to choose one of
her sub-identities (e.g. a special prepared, non com-
promising one) and consequently opens the assigned
subset of medical data. Hence, a user can hide sensi-
tive data in a special sub-identity in order to prevent
disclosure of medical data. However, one drawback
of this approach is that passwords which are used to
derive the cryptographic keys for the respective iden-
tities need to be chosen independently of each other.
More precisely, there must not be any relationship be-
tween passwords which clearly could be computed by
an adversarytoo. However, we assume that in practice
the number of identities and passwords respectively
will be moderate. Furthermore, this concept addition-
ally provides the possibility to create so called super-
identities which can hold several sub-identities. Thus,
super-identities can be used to comfortably manage
the respective sub-identities.
In this paper we discussed security and privacy as-
pects which are especially of relevance in context of
web-based EHR systems. Following these objectives,
we investigated deployed solutions for EHR systems
as well as concepts discussed in the literature. Re-
garding these systems we can conclude that either pa-
tient’s need to fully rely on the trustworthiness of the
provider of an EHR system (e.g. Google Health) or
there exist methods to bypass the implemented se-
curity concepts. This is due to the fact that security
concepts are focusing solely on specific aspects and
not the entire EHR system. However, in our opinion
it is absolutely necessary to consider all the relevant
security objectives in order to provide an adequate
protection of the patient’s privacy. Nevertheless, by
applying specific methods (e.g. anonymous authenti-
cation) one is confronted with additional challenges.
For example, in context of anonymous authentication
it is apparently impossible to realize user specific re-
source limits. Actually, we are working toward a so-
lutions based on blind signature techniques. Further-
more, we are investigating strategies for the choice
of anonymity sets for anonymous authentication. The
latter aspect is crucial, since not appropriately cho-
sen strategies may lead to unwanted user identifica-
tion (Slamanig and Stingl, 2008a).
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