Osama Ismail
Central Laboratory for Agricultural Expert Systems, Giza, Egypt
Samhaa R. El-Beltagy, Reem Bahgat
Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Ahmed Rafea
Department of Computer Science, The American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Keywords: Agents, Genetic algorithms, Trust models.
Abstract: This work presents a model for assigning trust values to agents operating within a collaborative multi-agent
system. The model enables agents to assess the trustworthiness of their peers, and thus, to be able to select
reliable ones for cooperation and coalition formation. In this work, the performance of a group of agents – a
team – that collaborate to achieve a shared goal where the individual contribution of each agent is unknown,
is evaluated. The work thus aims to present a reliable method for calculating a trust value for agents
involved in teamwork. More specifically, this research presents a model – called Inducing the Trust Ratio
Model - for evaluating the individual trustworthiness of a group of agents. Toward this end, the model
makes use of genetic algorithms to induce the trust ratio of each coalition member. Empirical analysis is
undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of this model.
The work presented herein aims to augment a multi-
agent system with a trust model which enables the
collaborating agents to select peers that have the best
performance for future collaboration purposes. The
testbed used for experimenting with the developed
model is the Collaborative Expert Agents System
(CEAS) Architecture (Ismael et al., 07) in which
cooperation between heterogeneous knowledge
based systems can be achieved. Focus is placed on
developing a trust model capable of quantifying a
trust measure for individual agents working in teams
within multi-agent systems. Obviously, it is in the
best interest of the truster to delegate a task in a way
that maximizes the probability of the task being
completed with the highest possible quality of
service. Thus, agents must attempt to minimize the
risk of failure by choosing trustworthy resources. To
do so, agents must be able to accurately assess and
compare the trustworthiness (i.e. the expected
performance) of potential Provider Service Agents.
Previous work has introduced a variety of trust
models based on different criteria to derive the
trustworthiness of a single agent (e.g. Falcone et al.,
01; 03; Jensen et al., 04; Ramchurn et al., 04; Dong,
06). However, in these models the trust value is
calculated based on the individual performance of
each agent within a multi-agent system. There are
cases when the individual performance of an agent
can not be determined in a straight forward manner.
This is the case for example when an agent is
collaborating with other agents for achieving a
certain task, and where the result of the collaboration
can be evaluated but independent evaluation of the
output of each agent is not possible, For example,
suppose there is a particular problem (task) that
requires the collaboration of different agents to be
accomplished. A team of agents formulates solutions
by each tackling (one or more) sub-problems and
synthesizing these sub-problem solutions into an
Ismail O., El-Beltagy S., Bahgat R. and Rafea A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 469-474
DOI: 10.5220/0001657504690474
overall solution. Therefore, the final result is the
outcome of the collaboration. This result is
evaluated according to its quality and represents an
assessment of the performance of the team as a
whole. So, evaluation of this result is an evaluation
of the teamwork rather than of independent agents
that contributed to the formulation of this result.
Assuming that the output can be assigned a trust
value, the problem addressed by this work is how to
distribute this value between participating agents
according to the contribution of each. Since each
agent member in the team has particular capabilities,
each member may participate by a different ratio in
executing the allocated task. Therefore, we need to
provide a mechanism by which individual agents
within a team can be assigned a trust ratio according
to each individual agent’s capabilities; this ratio will
represent the real trustworthiness of each agent as
closely as possible.
Towards this end we investigate the use of
genetic algorithms for inducing a trust ratio for each
agent coalition member.
This paper is organized as follow: section 2
presents the proposed model – Inducing the Trust
Ratio Model (ITRM). Section 3 presents the
empirical evaluation of the proposed model while
section 4 concludes this paper and outlines some
future research directions.
In this work we concentrate on efficient task
allocation through coalition formation as a means for
cooperating agents. So, the issue of which agents to
trust when forming a coalition becomes quite
important. We propose a solution to this problem
through the use of what we’ve called Inducing the
Trust Ratio Model (ITRM). To build and utilize the
model, three phases are undergone: the exploration
phase, the inducing phase and the refinement phase.
In the exploration phase, a set of test cases is
randomly generated and presented to possible agent
teams. The performance of each team is then
evaluated. In the inducing phase, exploration phase
results are analyzed and processed through the use
of a genetic algorithm. The output of this phase is a
trust value for each agent. The refinement phase is a
phase that is always active after completion of the
first two phases. In this phase agents classified as
low trust agents and agents that join the multi-agent
system are periodically re-evaluated so as to allow
such agents the chance to improve their performance
and for their trust values to be adjusted accordingly.
2.1 The Exploration Phase
In this phase, the primary purpose is to explore the
performance of a community of agents through
presenting the multi-agent system with a real task
and allowing it to form different teams to run on
randomly generated real cases for the purpose of
completing that task. The results are then assessed
through system users. So, for each case the system
will select the collaborating agents (team) from a
number of potential agents that provide the same
required service but with different qualities - in a
random way - allowing the system to learn about the
performance of an unknown provider (i.e. exploring
the provider population). For each of these cases a
system user will provide a rating as to the quality of
the teamwork. The system user in this sense acts as
an arbitrator judging the outcome against what s/he
knows should be the result. This for example can
take the form of different predefined criteria. This
rating is then recorded together with the name of the
team of participating agents in a transactions
database, for future trust evaluation in the next
phase. For simplicity we denote the name of the
agents with the name of the service they provide and
a suffix number (so agent x1 is a provider of service
x while agent z3 is a provider for service z).
Assuming we have a task that requires the
invocation of three services (hence the collaboration
of three agents), various agent combinations can be
formed for achieving this task. A system user
evaluates the output of these teams by giving it a
value which represents its quality or the trust value
for the teamwork. So, the rating for the teamwork’s
performance denotes the trust value for the entire
team and represents the sum of the participating
agents’ performances. Therefore, the collective trust
of a team can be represented by equation 1.
ct =
. tr
where, ct represents the collective trust value, w
represent the weight given to agent x (determined
according to each agent’s role), tr
represents the
trust ratio that belongs to agent x, t is the set of
participating agents in the team and n is the number
of elements in the set t. For simplicity, we assume
that all agents in the domain have the same weight.
This equation is used in the next phase.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2.2 The Inducing Phase
The goal of this phase is to assign a trust ratio to
each agent based on a examples obtained from the
exploration phase. Since, coalition members may
differ and the space of the case's possibilities is vast,
exploring each possible case as outlined in the
previous phase with each possible team, would be
impossible. Here, we need a suitable mathematical
model that considers the set of tuples in the
transactions database as a set of simulations
equations as represented by equation 1, and resolves
the different trust values for each agent by solving
these equations simultaneously. To model this
problem, a genetic algorithm was employed. An
implementation of a genetic algorithm begins with a
population of (typically random) chromosomes. In
this case, a chromosome is a collection of trust
values; and each gene represents an agent’s
trustworthiness. Each chromosome in the population
is evaluated and ranked according to its relative
strength within the population by applying its values
on all equations. As stated before, each tuple can be
represented as an equation stored in the transactions
database. The goal from the evaluation of the
chromosome is to calculate its fitness by counting
the number of equations satisfied under this
chromosome’s values. Thus, a random population of
potential solutions is created, then each one is tested
for success, selecting the best chromosome to pass
on their 'genes' to the next generation, including
slight mutations to introduce variation. The process
is repeated until the program evolves a workable
solution. After reaching a predefined threshold that
represents the minimum accepted fitness, a
chromosome is selected to represent the optimal
solution to the problem being solved. The values of
the best chromosome represent the trust ratio of each
agent in the domain. This trust ratio is stored in the
Service Agent Profiling
database, which can be used
to enable the system to select agents that have the
best performance for future collaboration.
In the selected testbed, the Server Agent (as
illustrated in the CEAS architecture in will be the
responsible unit that manages the Service Agent
Profiling database through maintaining a record of
trustworthiness for each agent in the platform. The
Service Agent Profiling database forms the primary
source for selecting partners, and is itself updated
periodically as will be described in the next phase.
2.3 The Refinement Phase
We cannot assume that an agent’s behavior will
remain constant over time since its performance may
alter (for better or worse) over time. If a truster
knows that certain interacting partners provide an
acceptable level of service, they might never choose
to interact with any other agent that they know less
about. This attitude may mean that new agents never
get a foothold in the environment, even if they offer
a better service than other established agents. The
goal of this phase is thus to inform low performing
agents of their trust rating within the system so as to
allow them to improve their performance, and to
periodically re-evaluate the performance of agents
within the system so as to update any changes and
assign trust values to new agents. Towards the
fulfillment of the first part of this goal, the Server
Agent navigates the Service Agent Profiling
database, selects agents who have the lowest
performance (i.e. those whose trust value falls below
an acceptable level of performance) in each domain
of service, and sends them an inform message telling
them that they have the lowest trustworthiness.
Towards the fulfillment of the later, the system
periodically monitors the environment, taking into
account environment changes, such as new coming
agents, withdrawal or disappearance of previously
existing working agents, agents with improved
performance or agents with better performance than
the current set of peers previously tested. In other
words, in this phase the cycle of inducing trust ratios
is restarted from the beginning with the Service
Agent Profiling database being updated based on the
new outcomes.
This section presents the results of an experiment
conducted in a collaborative knowledge-agents
environment with the aim of evaluating the proposed
approach. Empirical evaluation is used as the
method of measurement because it allows us to
assess the performance of a trust model in terms of
how much benefit it can bring to its users. This
requires us to compare ITRM's performance with
that of another model. But, inducing the trust ratio
for each coalition member –to our knowledge - has
not been explicitly addressed within the field of
multi-agent systems yet. Therefore, we could not
apply this type of comparison. Instead, we compare
the performance of the CEAS equipped with the
ITRM with the performance of the CEAS with no
trust model.
3.1 Description of the Testbed
In the selected testbed, there are a number of
competing Provider Service Agents that can fulfill a
particular task, with each providing a different
quality of service. Without loss of generality, and in
order to reduce the complexity of the testbed's
environment, it is assumed that there are four
distinct set of services in the testbed, called:
irrigation services, soil services, water services, and
climate services, which are provided by the
following Expert Agents respectively: Irrigation
Expert Agents, Soil Expert Agents, Water Expert
Agents, and Climate Expert Agents. Hence, there is
more than one Expert Agent which offers the same
service, but which vary in performance.
The objective here is to conduct an experiment
that demonstrates the capabilities of the system in
building an irrigation scheduling table. We take a
practical and experimental approach in our
investigation. To this end we adopt a concrete
example in the agriculture domain within which to
test and evaluate the ITRM. However the ITRM is
not restricted to this or any particular application
3.2 Evaluation Tools
Two different tools have been developed to facilitate
and expedite the evaluation process, the first is the
TCGM and the second is the ESS. A Test Cases
Generator Module (TCGM) was implemented for
automatically generating a set of random test cases
for different knowledge base components according
to the contents of the knowledge base components
under consideration (Rule Cluster File). These test
cases are then stored in a composite Test Cases
Library to be used in the execution stage. Figure 1,
illustrates the overall structure of the proposed
model. The main goal for implementing this module
is to speed up the recommendation process
(Exploration Phase – as illustrated previously in
Section 2.1) through the use of a preprocessing
module which is based on three steps: random test
case generation, random test case execution and
automatic test case evaluation. It is worth noting that
the behavior obtained during this phase is
representative of the behavior to be expected during
actual interaction.
Figure 1: Overall structure of the TCGM.
To evaluate the results of the system, we’ve
developed an Expert Simulator System (ESS) whose
role is to evaluate system results. The mechanism
through which the ESS works is: The ESS is
equipped with a Knowledge Based System (KBS),
which produces what could be considered perfect
solutions to cases under consideration; these
represent the base-line for comparison. Therefore, to
evaluate the result of a specific case, the system
sends the case parameter(s) and the result to the
ESS. The ESS processes the case based on its
received parameter(s). The result of this evaluation
is a number denoting how closely the obtained result
is to the baseline.
3.3 The Experiment
The agricultural domain is one in which numerous
successful expert systems have been developed (e.g
Rafea and Mahmoud, 2001). We were able to obtain
twelve pre-existing expert systems for irrigation,
soil, water, climate systems in agriculture and
transform them into a community of cooperating
agents. These agents are divided as follows: 3
Irrigation Expert Agents, 3 Soil Expert Agents, three
Water Expert Agents, and 3 Climate Expert Agents.
For the purpose of comparison, we implemented
a version of the testbed without the facilities offered
by the ITRM and then another with these facilities.
To differentiate between the system built with a trust
model and the one without, we will refer to the
former as CEAS+ and the latter as CEAS-. Our
empirical evaluation consists of a series of
simulations tailored to show the developed model’s
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
performance. In each experiment there are two
stages: in the first stage the system generates a set of
random test cases (training cases), and presents the
multi-agent system (CEAS-) with the task of solving
these cases. In this stage, the system selects an agent
team randomly and without use of the trust model.
The collective performance for each team in the
platform is then automatically calculated (by using
the ESS). In the second stage the same set of test
cases is presented to CEAS+ where team formation
is based on previously recorded trust values and the
collective performance for the selected team is
calculated also using the ESS. The results for each
case are then compared.
The performance of each group of agents in
terms of utility gain is plotted on a chart to show the
trend of performance change. The x axis represents
the number of interactions (number of cases) and the
y axis represents the effectiveness percentage
(performance). When the number of interactions is
set to forty, the effectiveness average for CEAS+ is
about 93.03 %, indicating that the system can
achieve a stable and high performance at this point
while the effectiveness average for CEAS- is about
86.19 % for the same number of cases as illustrated
in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Effectiveness performance based on 40 previous
test cases.
When the number of interactions is set to sixty,
the effectiveness average for CEAS+ is about 93.02
%, while the effectiveness average for CEAS- is
about 86.26 %, as illustrated in Figure 3. When the
number of interactions is set to eighty, the
effectiveness average for CEAS+ is about 93.09 %,
while the effectiveness average for CEAS- is about
84.85 %, as illustrated in Figure 4. When the number
of interactions is set to one hundred, the
effectiveness average for CEAS+ is about 92.99 %,
while the effectiveness average for CEAS- is about
85.78 %, as illustrated in Figure 5.
Figure 3: Effectiveness performance based on 60 previous
test cases.
Figure 4: Effectiveness performance based on 80 previous
test cases.
Figure 5: Effectiveness performance based on 100
previous test cases.
3.4 Hypothesis Testing
A mere comparison of the performance of the two
systems does not allow us to conclude that one
system performs better than the others in all cases.
This is because the population of possible situations
is infinitely large and the results from one
experiment are only from a small sample of that
population. Given this problem, statistical inference
techniques should be used since they allow us to
draw a conclusion about an unseen population given
a relatively small sample. To the extent that a
sample is representative of the population from
which it is drawn, statistical inference permits
generalizations of conclusions beyond the sample
(Cohen, 95). The hypothesis testing method as a
statistical inference technique, allows us to confirm
Effectiveness Performance
1 3 5 7 9 111315171921232527293133353739
Effectiveness Performance
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58
Effectiveness Performance
1 5 9 1317212529333741454953576165697377
Effectiveness Performance
1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97
with a predefined confidence level, whether the
difference of the two means of the two sample
groups' performance, actually indicates that one
system has higher performance than the other, and
hence, eliminate the random factor in selecting the
Table 1: Terms used in the hypothesis testing procedure.
Term Definition
The number of interactions chosen as the test
period (number of test cases).
The mean performance of a sample of agents
using ITRM after their n
The mean performance of a sample of agents
using no trust model after their n
The standard deviation of the performance
sample of CEAS+.
The standard deviation of the performance
sample of CEAS-.
The result of carrying out the hypothesis testing
procedure for different test periods (i.e. 10, 20, 30,
40, 60, 80, and 100 interaction) is illustrated in
Table 2.
Table 2: Hypothesis testing results.
Number of
10 87.77 84.67 1.47 4.45 1.479 4.96 2.1 0.045
20 91.13 84.71 0.84 4.91 1.114 16.32 5.8 1.46E-5
30 92.92 82.74 0.65 5.83 1.071 26.07 9.5 3.02E-10
40 93.03 86.19 0.63 5.20 0.829 57.25 8.3 1.32E-11
60 93.02 86.26 0.71 4.55 0.595 297.5 11.4 2.16E-25
80 93.09 84.85 0.98 5.11 0.585 585 14.1 2.59E-39
100 92.99 85.78 0.68 5.08 0.513 732.86 14.1 3.32E-40
Since, the P-value for all cases is less than the
significance level (0.05), we cannot accept the null
hypothesis. Therefore, this table shows that the
corresponding hypothesis tests conclude that the
CEAS+ outperforms the CEAS- and that the
performance difference is statistically significant
(using the confidence level of 95%).
Previous work addressing trust, has investigated
active trust, but passive trust has not been explicitly
addressed within the field of multi-agent systems to
date. In active trust, the performance of individual
agents from various perspectives is evaluated using
various sources of trust information, such as, direct
interaction or through witness reports. But, in such
cases, the agent that is meant to be evaluated is
known in advance. In passive trust (addressed by
this work), the performance of an agent within a
group of agents that collaborate to achieve a shared
goal is what is being evaluated. To do so, a trust
ratio for each agent in the team is induced. The
presented model for achieving this task: Inducing the
Trust Ratio Model (ITRM) is thus a novel model for
trust evaluation that is specifically designed for
general application in multi-agent systems. In order
to verify the claim that this model is both effective
and useful, empirical evaluation was carried out.
Through this evaluation it was demonstrated that
agents using the trust model - ITRM - provided by
CEAS are able to select reliable partners for
interactions and, thus, obtain better utility gain
compared to those using no trust measure.
Cohen, P., 1995. Empirical Methods for Artificial
Intelligence, The MIT Press.
Dong, H., Jennings, N., Shadbolt, N., 2006. An Integrated
Trust and Reputation Model for Open Multi-Agent
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Falcone, R., Barber, S., Korba, L., Singh, M., (editors)
2003. Trust, Reputation and Security: Theories and
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Science. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
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Cyber-Societies: Integrating the Human and Artificial
Perspectives, Volume 2246 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Ismael, O., El-Beltagy, S., Bahgat, R., Rafea, A., 2007.
Collaborative Knowledge Based System through
Multi-Agent Technology. In the 42
Conference on Statistics, Computer Science, and
Operations Research. Institute of Statistical Studies
and Research, Cairo University.
Jensen, C., Poslad, S., Dimitrakos, T., (editors) 2004.
Trust Management, Volume 2995 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference,
iTrust 2004 Oxford, UK, March 29 – April 1, 2004.
Rafea, A., Mahmoud, M., 2001. The Evaluation and
Impact of NEPER Wheat Expert System. Fourth
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in
Agriculture IFAC/CIGR, Budapest, Hungary.
Ramchurn, D., Dong, T., Jennings, R., 2004. Trust in
Multi-Agent Systems. The knowledge engineering
review, 19(1): 1-25, March 2004.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence