Naoki Fukuta
Faculty of Informatics, Shizuoka University, 3 5 1, Johoku Hamamatsu Shizuoka, Japan
Takayuki Ito
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokisocho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Japan
Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 5 Cambridge Center
Cambridge Massachusetts, MA, U.S.A.
Combinatorial auctions, Winner determination, Approximation algorithm.
In this paper, we propose approximated winner determination algorithms for iteratively conducted combina-
torial auctions. Our algorithms are designed to effectively reuse last-cycle solutions to speed up the initial
approximation performance on the next cycle. Experimental results show that our proposed algorithms out-
perform existing algorithms when a large number of similar bids are contained through iterations. Also, we
propose an enhanced algorithm that effectively avoids the undesirable reuse of the last solutions in the algo-
rithm without serious computational overheads.
Combinatorial auctions(Cramton et al., 2006), one
of the most popular market mechanisms, have a
huge effect on electronic markets and political strate-
gies. For example, Sandholm et al. (Sandholm
et al., 2005)(Sandholm, 2007) proposed real mar-
kets using their innovative combinatorial auction al-
gorithms. The FCC tried to employ combinatorial
auction mechanisms to assign spectrums to compa-
nies (McMillan, 1994). Also (Cramton et al., 2006)
shows other realistic examples that utilize combinato-
rial auction mechanisms.
We argue that demand exists to utilize combina-
torial auction mechanisms that cannot be covered by
existing approaches due to hard time constraints and
the limitations of usable computationalresources. Re-
source allocation for agents in ubiquitous computing
environmentsis a good example for understanding the
needs of the short-time approximation of combinato-
rial auctions. In such an environment, agents must
provide specific services to their users using various
available resources. However, in ubiquitous comput-
ing environments, since such resources as sensors and
devices are typically limited, they do not satisfy all
the needs of all agents. For various reasons including
physical limitations and privacy concerns, most of the
resources cannot be shared with other agents. Fur-
thermore, agents will simultaneously use two or more
resources to realize desirable services for users. Since
agents provide services to their own users, agents
might be self-interested. Therefore, a combinatorial
auction mechanism is a good option for such situa-
tions since it provides effective resource allocation to
self-interested agents.
In order to utilize combinatorial auctions on the
above situation, we need to complete winner deter-
mination within a very short time. Consider 256 re-
sources and 100 agents, where each agent places, for
example, from 200 to 1,000 of combinations for the
items as complex bids to an auction, they will be ex-
panded to, from 20,000to 100,000 of atomic OR-bids.
Here, to avoid occupying a set of resources for a long
time by a certain agent, we consider a resource allo-
cation scenario based on fixed time slice assignment
model. In the scenario, those resources are auctioned
and allocated from a system to agents for a fixed time
period. After a certain time has passed, those are once
all returned to the system and then they are auctioned
again for the next period. When an agent prefers to
continue using the same resources at the next period,
the agent will place a higher price for the resources to
increase the possibility to win them.
In ubiquitous computing scenarios, since physi-
cal locations of users are always changing, resources
should be reallocated in a certain period to catch up
Fukuta N. and Ito T. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 400-407
DOI: 10.5220/0001659104000407
with those changes. For better usability, the resource
reallocation time period will be 0.1 to several seconds
depending on services provided. Furthermore, since
we should complete whole resource allocation proce-
dure that includes pricing and communication to de-
vices for actual resource assignment, we must deter-
mine auction winners within an extremely short time
period that is far less than the actual resource alloca-
tion period.
In general, the optimal winner determina-
tion problem of combinatorial auctions is NP-
hard(Cramton et al., 2006). Thus, much work fo-
cuses on tackling the computational costs for win-
ner determination (Fujishima et al., 1999)(Cramton
et al., 2006)(Sandholm et al., 2005). Some works
(Lehmann et al., 2002) (Zurel and Nisan, 2001) (Hoos
and Boutilier, 2000) try to achieve approximate solu-
tions in winner determination.
In this paper, we propose enhanced approxima-
tion algorithms of winner determination on combina-
torial auctions that are suitable for the purpose of iter-
ative reallocation of items mentioned above. Since the
above-mentioned existing algorithms are offline algo-
rithms, we need to re-calculate the winners when bids
are added to or deleted from the auction even when
the modification of bids is only slight. Intuitively, it
could be helpful to reuse results of past similar auc-
tions for faster approximation of the current auction.
However, those algorithms did not consider reusing
past approximated results for performance improve-
ment since such reuse may cause serious performance
down in certain cases. Our enhanced algorithms pre-
pared mechanisms to reuse past approximationresults
but avoid such performance down with very small
2.1 Winner Determination Problem
In this paper, to keep simplicity of discussion, we
only focus on utility-based resource allocation prob-
lems(Thomadakis and Liu, 1999), rather than generic
resource allocation problems with numerous complex
constraints. Utility-based resource allocation prob-
lem is a problem that aims to maximize the sum of
utilities of users for each allocation period, but does
not consider other factors and constraints (i.e., fair al-
location (Andrew et al., 2008) , security and privacy
concerns(Xie and Qin, 2008), uncertainty(Xiao et al.,
2004), etc). Also we only consider a scenario that is
based on fixed time slice assignment model.
Combinatorial auction is an auction mechanism
that allows bidders to locate bids for a bundle of
items rather than single item(Cramton et al., 2006).
When we apply combinatorial auction mechanism for
utility-based resource allocation problems, the prob-
lem can be transformed to solve a winner determina-
tion problem on combinatorial auctions.
The winner determination problem on combina-
torial auctions is defined as follows(Cramton et al.,
2006) : The set of bidders is denoted by N = 1,...,n,
and the set of items by M = {1,...,m}. |M| = m.
Bundle S is a set of items : S M. We denote by v
bidder is valuation of combinatorial bid for bundle S.
An allocation of the items is described by variables
(S) {0,1}, where x
(S) = 1 if and only if bidder i
wins the bundle S. An allocation, x
(S), is feasible if
it allocates no item more than once, i.e.,for all j M,
S j
(S) 1
The winner determination problem is the problem to
maximize total revenue. For feasible allocations X
Here, we used simple OR-bids representation as
our bidding language. Substitutability can be rep-
resented by a set of atomic OR-bids with dummy
items(Cramton et al., 2006).
Even when we only focus on utility-based re-
source allocation problems, they enforce us to solve
winner determination problem with really hard-time
constraint for realizing fine-grained resource alloca-
tion. Here, we have to consider that, in such resource
allocation procedures, we need to spend much time
for pricing and communications for actual resource
allocation protocols. Therefore, we need a fast win-
ner determination algorithm for auctions with a large
number of bids. In this paper, primarily we focus on
solving this problem.
2.2 Lehmann’s Greedy Winner
Lehmanns greedy algorithm (Lehmann et al., 2002)
is a very simple but powerful linear algorithm for win-
ner determination on combinatorial auctions. Here, a
bidder declaring < s,a >, with s M and a R
will be said to put out a bid b =< s,a >. Two bids
b =< s,a > and b
=< s
> conflict iff s s
The greedy algorithm can be described as follows:
(1) The list of bids L is sorted by some criterion. In
(Lehmann et al., 2002), a method to sort the list L
by descending average amount per item is proposed.
More generally, they proposed sorting L by a crite-
rion of the form a/|s|
for some number c 0, which
possibly depends on the number of items, m. (2) A
greedy algorithm generates an allocation. L is the
sorted list in the first phase. The algorithm walk down
the list L, accepting bids if the items demanded are
still unallocated and unconflicted.
In (Lehmann et al., 2002), Lehmann et, al . ar-
gued that c = 1/2 is the best parameter for approxi-
mation when the norm of the worst case performance
is considered
. Also they showed that the mechanism
is truthful when single-minded bidders are assumed
and their proposed pricing scheme is used.
2.3 Hill-climbing Search
In (Fukuta and Ito, 2006)we proposed a preliminary
idea of our hill-climbing approach, and in (Fukuta
and Ito, 2007a)we showedour hill-climbing approach
performs well when an auction has an enormous num-
ber of bids. In this section, we summarize our pro-
posed algorithms.
Lehmanns greedy winner determination typically
performs well and the lower bound of the optimality
has been analyzed(Lehmann et al., 2002). A straight-
forward extension of the greedy algorithm is to con-
struct a local search algorithm that continuously up-
dates the allocation to increase optimality. Intuitively,
one allocation corresponds to one state of a local
The inputs are Alloc and L. L is the bid list of an
auction. Alloc is the initial greedy allocation of items
for the bid list.
1: function LocalSearch(Alloc, L)
2: RemainBids:= L Alloc;
3: for each b RemainBids as sorted order
4: if b conflicts Alloc then
5: Conflicted:=Alloc consistentBids({b},Alloc);
6: NewAlloc:= (Alloc Con flicted) {b};
7: ConsBids:=
8: consistentBids(NewAlloc, RemainBids);
9: NewAlloc:=NewAlloc ConsBids;
10: if price(Alloc) < price(NewAlloc) then
11: return LocalSearch(NewAlloc,L);
12: end for each
13: return Alloc
Function consistentBids finds consistent bids for the
set NewAlloc by walking down the list RemainBids.
Note that, in (Sandholm et al., 2005), Sandholm et,al.
determined experimentally that c [0.8,1] yields best per-
formance in their approach.
Here, since a new inserted bid will wipe out some bids
that are conflicting with the inserted bid, free items
will appear to be allocated to other bidders after the
insertion. Function consistentBids tries to find out po-
tential winner bids that do not conflict to the specified
2.4 Parallel Search for Multiple
The optimality of allocations obtained by Lehmann’s
algorithm (and the subsequent hill-climbing) deeply
depends on which value was set to c in the bid weight-
ing function. Lehmann et al. reported that c = 1/2
guarantees lower bound of approximation. However,
the optimal values for each auction are varied from 0
to 1 depending on the auction problem.
In (Fukuta and Ito, 2006), an enhancement has
been presented for local search algorithm to paral-
lel search for different bid weighting strategies (e.g.,
doing the same algorithm for both c = 0 and c = 1)
In the algorithm, the value of c for Lehmanns al-
gorithm is selected from a pre-defined list. Select-
ing c from neighbors of 1/2 is reasonable, namely,
C = {0.0,0.1, . . .,1.0}. The results are aggregated
and the best one (with the highest revenue) is selected
as the final result.
2.5 Other Approximation Approaches
Zurel and Nisan(Zurel and Nisan, 2001) proposed
a very high performance approximate winner deter-
mination algorithm for combinatorial auctions. The
main idea is a combination of approximated positive
linear program algorithm for determining initial allo-
cation and stepwise random updates of allocations.
Hoos(Hoos and Boutilier, 2000) proposed
Casanova algorithm, and showed that a generic
random walk SAT solver may perform well for ap-
proximation of combinatorial auctions. It is based on
scoring each search state using the revenue-per-item
of the corresponding allocation.
3.1 Fast Partial Reallocation by Last
In the setting of the periodical resource re-allocation
scenario, winner determination occurs when some
bids are revised. Theoretically, we need to recalcu-
late winners even if only one bid is changed in the
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
auction. However, in some cases, reusing the win-
ners of previous auctions is useful when the change is
small so that it has small effects to the next winner de-
termination process. The following simple algorithm
reuses the approximation result of the last cycle when
recalculation is needed due to changes of the
Here, we assume that the bids won at the last cy-
cle (LastWinners) and the all bids at the last cycle
(LastBids) are known.
1: Function PartialReallocationA(
2: LastBids,LastWinners,CurrentBids)
3: AddedBids :=
4: CurrentBids (LastBidsCurrentBids);
5: DeletedBids :=
6: LastBids (LastBidsCurrentBids);
7: Winners := LastWinners;
8: foreach d DeletedBids
9: if d Winners
10: then Winners := Winners {d};
11: foreach a AddedBids
12: foreach w Winners
13: if w and a are bids placed for the exactly same items
14: and price({w}) < price({a})
15: then Winners := (Winners {w}) {a};
16: Winners := LocalSearch(Winners,CurrentBids);
17: return Winners
First, the algorithm deletes winners that no longer
valid due to deletion of bids. Then, some winner bids
are replaced by newly added bids. Note that we only
replace a bid when the bids are placed for exactly the
same items, i.e., for two bids b
(X) and b
(Y), X = Y,
to avoid the ordering problem of newly added bids.
Modification of a bid through cycles is treated as a
combined operation of the deletion of previous bid
and the addition of the renewed bid.
3.2 Eliminating Undesirable
Generally speaking, the performance of reusing the
partial results of similar problems depends on the
problem. Therefore, in some cases, reusing the last
result may cause performance decreases. To avoid
such a situation, we slightly modified our algorithm
to switch the initial allocation by evaluating its per-
Here, the modified algorithm simply compares the
reused result with greedy allocation. Then, the bet-
ter one is used as the seed of hill-climbing improve-
ment. Note that both our reallocation and greedy al-
location algorithms complete their executions in very
short time. Therefore, computational overhead for
them is expected to be negligible.
1: Function PartialReallocationX(
2: LastBids,LastWinners,CurrentBids)
3: AddedBids :=
4: CurrentBids (LastBidsCurrentBids);
5: DeletedBids :=
6: LastBids (LastBidsCurrentBids);
7: Winners := LastWinners;
8: foreach d DeletedBids
9: if d Winners
10: then Winners := Winners {d};
11: foreach a AddedBids
12: foreach w Winners
13: if w and a are bids placed for the exactly same items
14: and price({w}) < price({a})
15: then Winners := (Winners {w}) {a};
16: GreedyWinners := GreedySearch(CurrentBids);
17: if price(Winners) price(GreedyWinners)
18: then Winners := GreedyWinners;
19: Winners := LocalSearch(Winners,CurrentBids);
20: return Winners
4.1 Experiment Settings
We implemented our algorithms in a C program for
the following experiments. We also implemented the
Casanova algorithm in a C program. For Zurel’s al-
gorithm, we used Zurel’s C++ based implementation
that is shown in (Zurel and Nisan, 2001). Also we
used CPLEX Interactive Optimizer 11.0.0 (32bit) in
our experiments
. The experiments were done with
above implementations to examine the performance
differences among algorithms. The programs were
employed on a Mac with Mac OS X 10.4, a CoreDuo
2.0GHz CPU, and 2GBytes of memory.
We conducted several experiments. In each ex-
periment, we compared the following search algo-
rithms: greedy(C=0.5) uses Lehmanns greedy allo-
cation algorithm with parameter (c = 0.5). greedy-3
uses the best results of Lehmann’s greedy allocation
algorithm with parameter (0 c 1 in 0.5 steps).
HC(c=0.5) uses a local search in which the initial allo-
cation is Lehmann’s allocation with c = 0.5 and con-
ducts the hill-climbing search shown in section 2.3.
Although CPLEX is an optimizer that can obtain opti-
mal results, it is reported in (Sandholm et al., 2005) that its
anytime approximation performance is also good.
HC-3 uses the best results of the hill-climbing search
with parameter (0 c 1 in 0.5 steps). We denote
the Casanova algorithm as casanova and Zurel’s al-
gorithm as Zurel Also we denote results of 1st stage
of Zurel’s algorithm as Zurel-1st. Note that Zurel’s
algorithm does not produce any approximation result
until completing its 1st stage. cplex is the result of
CPLEX with the specified time limit.
In the following experiments, we used 0.2 for the
epsilon value of Zurel’s algorithm. This value appears
in (Zurel and Nisan, 2001). Also we used 0.5 for np
and 0.15 for wp on Casanova that appear in (Hoos
and Boutilier, 2000). Note that we set maxTrial to 1
but maxSteps to ten times the number of bids in the
We conducted detailed comparisons among our
past presented algorithms and the other existing al-
gorithms mentioned above. The details of the com-
parisons are shown in (Fukuta and Ito, 2007b) and
(Fukuta and Ito, 2007a). In (Fukuta and Ito, 2007b)
and (Fukuta and Ito, 2007a), we prepared datasets
with 20,000 bids in an auction. The datasets were
produced by CATS(Leyton-Brown et al., 2000) with
default parameters in 5 different distributions. They
contain 100 trials for each distribution. Each trial is
an auction problem with 256 items and 20,000 bids.
However, since CATS common datasets only pro-
vide static bids for an auction, we prepared ex-
tended usage for those datasets to include the dynamic
changes of bids in an auction.
Procedure: In each auction, the bid set is di-
vided into k blocks by the order of bid generation (i.e.,
bid id). The bid set is modified totally k times and the
modification is done in each second. In each 1-second
period, a block is marked as hidden so that bids within
these marked blocks are treated as deleted bids. For
example, at the first period, the first block is marked
as hidden so the remaining bids (second to kth blocks)
are used for winner determination. After 1 second, the
mark is moved to the second block (i.e., the first, and
the third to kth blocks are used) and the winner deter-
mination process is restarted due to this change. Here,
we can see it as the bids in the first block are newly
added to the auction and the bids in the second block
are deleted from the auction. This process is repeated
until the mark has been moved to the kth block. Fi-
nally, all marks are cleared and the winner determina-
tion process is restarted with full bids in the auction.
Ordinary algorithms should be completely restarted in
each cycle. However, when we use our proposed real-
location algorithms, some intermediate results can be
Due to difficulty of dataset preparation, we only pre-
pared five distributions. Producing a dataset with other dis-
tributions is difficult in feasible time.
reused in the next cycle in the same auction.
Since the bid set in the k + 1th cycle completely
equals the bids of the auction, the results of the k+1th
cycle can be compared to our previous experimental
4.2 Time Performance
Table 1 shows the experimental result on the datasets
with 20,000 bids in an auction focused on execution
time of approximation. Due to the difficulty of at-
taining optimal values, we normalized all values as
Zurel’s results equal 1 as follows.
Let A be a set of algorithms, z A be the zurel’s
approximation algorithm, D be a dataset generated for
this experiment, and revenue
(p) such that a A be
the revenue obtained by algorithm a for a problem p
in a dataset, the average revenue ratio rationA
(D) for
algorithm a A for dataset D is defined as follows:
(D) =
Here, we use ratioA
(D) for our comparison of algo-
The name of each distribution is taken from
(Leyton-Brown et al., 2000). We prepared the cut-off
results of Casanova and HC. For example, casanova-
10ms denotes the results of Casanova within 10 mil-
liseconds. Also we prepared a variant of our algo-
rithm that has a suffix of -seq or -para. The suffix -seq
denotes that the algorithm is completely executed se-
quentially that is equal to be executed on a single CPU
computer. For example, greedy-3-seq denotes that the
execution time is the sum of execution times spent by
three threads. The suffix -para denotes that the algo-
rithm is completely executed in a parallel manner, the
three independent threads are completely executed in
parallel. Here, we used ideal value for -para since
our computer has only two cores in the CPU. The ac-
tual execution performance will be between -seq and
Additionally, we added results with names AHC or
XHC in the same table. They are the average approxi-
mated results of the k+ 1th cycle of auctions with our
proposed algorithms
, respectively.
In most distributions, Zurel-1st takes more than
one second but the obtained optimality is lower than
greedy-3-seq. However, our proposed HC-3 performs
better or slightly lower although their computation
times are shorter than Zurel-1st and Zurel, excluding
L3. Surprisingly, in most cases, the results of XHC-
3-seq-100ms are better than HC-3-seq-1000ms while
their spent computation time is only 1/10. This fact
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Time Performance of (k+1)th cycle on 20,000bids-256items (k=10).
L2 L3 L4 L6 L7 average
greedy(c=0.5) 1.0002 (23.0) 0.9639 (19.0) 0.9417 (23.0) 0.9389 (23.4) 0.7403 (22.1) 0.9170 (22.1)
greedy-3-seq 1.0003 (69.1) 0.9639 (59.2) 0.9999 (72.9) 0.9965 (67.8) 0.7541 (66.8) 0.9429 (67.2)
greedy-3-para 1.0003 (26.4) 0.9639 (20.9) 0.9999 (28.4) 0.9965 (26.0) 0.7541 (25.5) 0.9429 (25.4)
HC(c=0.5)-100ms 1.0004 (100) 0.9741 (100) 0.9576 (100) 0.9533 (100) 0.8260 (100) 0.9423 (100)
HC-3-seq-100ms 1.0004 (100) 0.9692 (100) 1.0000 (100) 0.9966 (100) 0.8287 (100) 0.9590 (100)
AHC-3-seq-100ms 1.0004 (100) 0.9690 (100) 1.0006 (100) 0.9974 (100) 1.0225 (100) 0.9980 (100)
XHC-3-seq-100ms 1.0004 (100) 0.9813 (100) 1.0005 (100) 0.9987 (100) 1.0217 (100) 1.0005 (100)
HC-3-para-100ms 1.0004 (100) 0.9743 (100) 1.0001 (100) 0.9969 (100) 0.9423 (100) 0.9828 (100)
AHC-3-para-100ms 1.0004 (100) 0.9741 (100) 1.0006 (100) 0.9977 (100) 1.0249 (100) 0.9995 (100)
XHC-3-para-100ms 1.0004 (100) 0.9820 (100) 1.0006 (100) 0.9988 (100) 1.0249 (100) 1.0013 (100)
HC(c=0.5)-1000ms 1.0004 (1000) 0.9856 (1000) 0.9771 (1000) 0.9646 (1000) 1.0157 (1000) 0.9887 (1000)
HC-3-seq-1000ms 1.0004 (1000) 0.9804 (1000) 1.0003 (1000) 0.9976 (1000) 1.0086 (1000) 0.9975 (1000)
AHC-3-seq-1000ms 1.0004 (1000) 0.9795 (1000) 1.0007 (1000) 0.9982 (1000) 1.0266 (1000) 1.0011 (1000)
XHC-3-seq-1000ms 1.0004 (1000) 0.9830 (1000) 1.0006 (1000) 0.9991 (1000) 1.0266 (1000) 1.0019 (1000)
HC-3-para-1000ms 1.0004 (1000) 0.9856 (1000) 1.0006 (1000) 0.9987 (1000) 1.0240 (1000) 1.0019 (1000)
AHC-3-para-1000ms 1.0004 (1000) 0.9847 (1000) 1.0008 (1000) 0.9990 (1000) 1.0272 (1000) 1.0024 (1000)
XHC-3-para-1000ms 1.0004 (1000) 0.9853 (1000) 1.0008 (1000) 0.9996 (1000) 1.0272 (1000) 1.0027 (1000)
Zurel-1st 0.5710 (11040) 0.9690 (537) 0.9983 (2075) 0.9928 (1715) 0.6015 (1796) 0.8265 (3433)
Zurel 1.0000 (13837) 1.0000 (890) 1.0000 (4581) 1.0000 (4324) 1.0000 (3720) 1.0000 (5470)
casanova-10ms 0.2583 (10) 0.0069 (10) 0.0105 (10) 0.0202 (10) 0.2577 (10) 0.0632 (10)
casanova-100ms 0.2583 (100) 0.0069 (100) 0.0105 (100) 0.0202 (100) 0.2577 (100) 0.1107 (100)
casanova-1000ms 0.5357 (1000) 0.1208 (1000) 0.0861 (1000) 0.1486 (1000) 0.7614 (1000) 0.3305 (1000)
cplex-100ms 0.0000 (288) 0.0000 (121) 0.0299 (111) 0.0000 (150) 0.0000 (119) 0.0060 (158)
cplex-333ms 0.0000 (489) 0.0000 (393) 0.9960 (497) 0.9716 (354) 0.0000 (487) 0.3935 (444)
cplex-1000ms 0.0000 (1052) 0.0000 (1039) 0.9960 (1143) 0.9716 (1140) 0.0000 (2887) 0.3935 (1452)
cplex-3000ms 0.0000 (9171) 0.9338 (3563) 0.9964 (3030) 0.9716 (3077) 0.0000 (3090) 0.5804 (4386)
(each value in () is time in milliseconds)
shows that our XHC-3 could effectively reuse the ap-
proximated results of previous cycles.
In many settings of CPLEX, the values are 0. This
is because CPLEX could not generate initial approxi-
mation result within the provided time limit. Only L4
and L6 have results for CPLEX. For them, CPLEX
spends around 400 msec for the computation but the
results are still lower than greedy-3. For L3, CPLEX
could prepare results in 3.8 sec of computation, how-
ever, the result is still lower than greedy-3. This is
because the condition we set up gave extremely short
time limit so therefore CPLEX could not generate suf-
ficient approximation results in such hard time con-
Table 2 shows the experimental result on the
datasets with 100,000 bids in an auction focused on
execution time of the approximation. The settings are
identical as Table 1 excluding the difference of num-
ber of bids in an auction. Due to hard time constraint,
results of -seq-100ms (sequential execution with a
cutoff time of 100ms) are excluded from the table
since they could not complete their execution within
the cutoff time. Here, our proposed methods (AHC-
3,XHC-3) clearly have a certain advantage of their
performance time ratio. HC-3,AHC-3,and XHC-3 pro-
duced acceptable approximated results within 100 to
1000 msec that are 2 to 443 times faster than Zurel’s
approximation. Especially, in most cases, our AHC-3-
para-100ms outperforms HC-3-seq-1000ms and HC-
On above experiments, we used k = 10. Table 3
shows average time performance of our algorithms on
k = 2,5,10,20, 40, respectively. At same cutoff time,
XHC-3 obtains higher or at least same performance
compared to HC-3. Furthermore, XHC-3-para-100ms
outperforms HC-3-para-1000ms when k 20, while
its computation time is 10 times shorter.
On above experiments, for direct comparison to
other existing algorithms, we have shown results on
final(e.g., (k + 1)th) cycle in our procedure. We also
confirmed performance improvement on intermediate
cycle in our procedure. Table 4 shows average re-
sults on intermediate cycles for three algorithms (HC-
3,AHC-3,and XHC-3). Here, since we do not have ap-
proximation results for those intermediate cycles on
Zurel’s algorithm, instead of using ratioA, we nor-
malized all values as HC-3-para-1000msec equals 1.
Since our algorithms improve results much more for
latter cycles by cumulative reuse of the last cycle, we
used first four cycles in this comparison. For results
on k = 5,10,20,40, we used an average value for first
four intermediate cycles (e.g., from 2nd to 5th). Note
Table 2: Time Performance of (k+1)th cycle on 100,000bids-256items (k=10).
L2 L3 L4 L6 L7 average
HC-3-para-100ms 1.1098 (100) 0.9836 (100) 1.0003 (100) 1.0009 (100) 0.8688 (100) 0.9927 (100)
AHC-3-para-100ms 1.1098 (100) 0.9836 (100) 1.0003 (100) 1.0009 (100) 0.9941 (100) 1.0177 (100)
XHC-3-para-100ms 1.1098 (100) 0.9880 (100) 1.0003 (100) 1.0010 (100) 0.9939 (100) 1.0186 (100)
HC-3-para-1000ms 1.1098 (1000) 0.9880 (1000) 1.0003 (1000) 1.0010 (1000) 0.9814 (1000) 1.0161 (1000)
AHC-3-para-1000ms 1.1098 (1000) 0.9880 (1000) 1.0003 (1000) 1.0010 (1000) 0.9991 (1000) 1.0197 (1000)
XHC-3-para-1000ms 1.1098 (1000) 0.9889 (1000) 1.0003 (1000) 1.0011 (1000) 0.9990 (1000) 1.0198 (1000)
zurel-1st 0.8971 (74943) 0.9827 (2257) 0.9998 (5345) 0.9987 (4707) 0.7086 (8688) 0.9174 (19188)
Zurel 1.0000 (91100) 1.0000 (6036) 1.0000 (30568) 1.0000 (44255) 1.0000 (17691) 1.0000 (37930)
cplex-100ms 0.0000 (2022) 0.0000 (232) 0.0000 (143) 0.0000 (133) 0.0000 (852) 0.0000 (676)
cplex-333ms 0.0000 (2021) 0.0000 (559) 0.9998 (1084) 0.0000 (412) 0.0000 (852) 0.2000 (986)
cplex-1000ms 0.0000 (2021) 0.0000 (1045) 0.9998 (1085) 0.0000 (1328) 0.0000 (1285) 0.2000 (1353)
cplex-3000ms 0.0000 (3496) 0.0000 (3286) 0.9998 (5207) 0.9965 (3092) 0.0000 (15667) 0.3993 (6149)
(each value in () is time in milliseconds)
Table 3: Time Performance of (k+1)th cycle on 20,000bids-256items (k=2,5,10,20,40).
k=2 k=5 k=10 k=20 k=40
HC-3-para-100ms 0.9828 (100) 0.9828 (100) 0.9828 (100) 0.9828 (100) 0.9828 (100)
AHC-3-para-100ms 0.9952 (100) 0.9979 (100) 0.9995 (100) 1.0003 (100) 1.0009 (100)
XHC-3-para-100ms 0.9952 (100) 0.9998 (100) 1.0013 (100) 1.0021 (100) 1.0028 (100)
HC-3-para-1000ms 1.0019 (1000) 1.0019 (1000) 1.0019 (1000) 1.0019 (1000) 1.0019 (1000)
AHC-3-para-1000ms 1.0019 (1000) 1.0021 (1000) 1.0024 (1000) 1.0026 (1000) 1.0027 (1000)
XHC-3-para-1000ms 1.0019 (1000) 1.0025 (1000) 1.0027 (1000) 1.0031 (1000) 1.0035 (1000)
(each value in () is time in milliseconds)
that, only for results on k = 2, we used the results on
2nd cycle since we do not have other intermediate cy-
cles when k = 2. Here, results of XHC-3 constantly
better than AHC-3 and HC-3 and the differences are
bigger when k is increased.
There have been a lot of works on the optimal algo-
rithms for winner determination in combinatorial auc-
tions(de Vries and Vohra, 2003). Recently, Dobzinski
et, al. proposed improved approximation algorithms
for auctions with submodular bidders(Dobzinski and
Schapira, 2006). Lavi et, al, reported an LP based
algorithm that can be extended to support the clas-
sic VCG(Lavi and Swamy, 2005). Those researches
are mainly focused on theoretical aspects. In con-
trast to those papers, we rather focus on experimen-
tal and implementation aspects. Those papers did not
present experimental analysis about the settings with
large number of bids we presented in this paper. Also,
Guo(Guo et al., 2005) proposed local-search based al-
gorithms for large number of bids in combinatorial
auction problems. However, they did not present ex-
periments with such a huge number of bids we used
in our experiments.
CPLEX is a well-known,very fast linear program-
ming solver system. In (Zurel and Nisan, 2001), Zurel
et al. evaluated the performance of their presented al-
gorithm with many data sets, compared with CPLEX
and other existing implementations. While the ver-
sion of CPLEX used in (Zurel and Nisan, 2001) is
not up-to-date, the shown performance of Zurel’s al-
gorithm is approximately 10 to 100 times faster than
CPLEX. In this paper, we showed direct compar-
isons to the latest version of CPLEX we could pre-
pare. Our approach is far better than latest version
of CPLEX for large-scale winner determination prob-
lems. Therefore, the performance of our approach is
better than CPLEX in our settings. This is natural
since Zurel’s and our approaches are specialized for
combinatorial auctions, and also focus only on faster
approximation but do not seek optimal solutions. In
case we need optimal solutions, it is good choice to
solve the same problem by both our approach and
CPLEX in parallel.
The above approaches are based on offline algo-
rithms and therefore there are no considerations about
addition and deletion of bids in their approximation
processes. Although our algorithms are not strict on-
line algorithms, it is possible to reuse the last results
when bids are modified and recalculation is necessary.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Time Performance of intermediate cycles on 20,000bids-256items (k=2,5,10,20,40).
k=2 k=5 k=10 K=20 K=40
HC-3-para-100ms 0.9889 0.9847 0.9829 0.9826 0.9818
AHC-3-para-100ms 0.9889 0.9805 0.9838 0.9874 0.9897
XHC-3-para-100ms 0.9892 0.9917 0.9943 0.9951 0.9966
(values are normalized as HC-3-para-1000msec equals 1)
In this paper, we proposed enhanced approximation
algorithms for combinatorial auctions that are suitable
for the purpose of iterative reallocation of items. Our
proposed algorithms effectively reuse the last solu-
tions to speed up initial approximation performance.
The experimentalresults showed that our proposed al-
gorithms outperform existing algorithms in some as-
pects. However, we found that in some cases reusing
the last solutions may worsen performance compared
to ordinary approximation from scratch. We proposed
an enhanced algorithm that effectively avoids the un-
desirable reuse of the last solutions in the algorithm.
We showed this is especially effective when a non-
negligible number of existing bids are deleted from
the last cycle.
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