Nuo Zhang, Daisuke Matsuzaki, Toshinori Watanabe and Hisashi Koga
Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications
1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo, Japan
Document analysis, PRDC, Topic extraction, Relation analysis, Clustering, Data compression.
Nowadays, there are a great deal of e-documents can be easily accessed. It will be beneficial if a method can
evaluate documents and abstract significant content. Similarity analysis and topic extraction are widely used
as document relation analysis techniques. Most of the methods are based on dictionary-base morphological
analysis. They cannot meet the requirement when the Internet grows fast and new terms appear but dictionary
cannot be automatically updated fast enough. In this study, we propose a novel document relation analysis
(topic extraction) method based on a compressibility vector. Our proposal does not require morphological
analysis, and it can automatically evaluate input documents. We will examine the proposal with using model
document and Reuters-21578 dataset, for relation analysis and topic extraction. The effectiveness of the
proposed method will be shown in simulations.
When handling enormous number of documents, it is
convenient to appropriately know topics or keywords
in advance. Since most documents have various opin-
ions and intention, a document may have multiple
topics. When we consider multiple topics in docu-
ments (such as documents on the Internet), there is
a large number of overlapped topics. In a library,
the shelves are lined up with different topics. Obvi-
ously, it is impossible to put one book with more than
one topic into different shelves. On the Internet, we
use hyperlink which can solve the problem above for
Web pages. Many portal sites provide directory type
services, which are still under manual operating for
the classification and arrangement of the web pages.
However, as the number of web pages is getting in-
creased, the work of classification by human being be-
comes heavy. Therefore, an automatic method to doc-
ument classification with multiple topics is required
(Saito, 2005).
Morphological analysis is a fundamental tech-
nique widely used for analyzing documents. In mor-
phological analysis, the knowledge of grammar of the
language and the dictionary are used as information
sources, and the sentence written by the natural lan-
guage is divided into a series of the morpheme. This
is an effective technique in information retrieval, text
mining and clustering for the large-scale document.
Since this method uses dictionary which is built in
advance, it results in distortion for the Internet, where
new terms are produced fast. In this case, the new
terms what are not registered in the dictionary obvi-
ously cannot be processed, which results in fuzziness
in the processing result.
On the other hand, we developed a method to uni-
formly analyze sound, image and text data without
morphological analysis. We named this method as
PRDC (Pattern Representation Scheme Using Data
Compression) (Toshinori Watanabe and Sugihara,
2002), which represents the feature of data as com-
pressibility vector. It measures the distance among the
vectors. We have applied it to analyze multi-media
data and some effective results were obtained.
In this paper, we analyze the document relation
under PRDC framework (Toshinori Watanabe and
Sugihara, 2002) and extract topics. We propose a
method which focuses on the compressibility of the
documents without carrying out natural language pro-
cessing. Some model documents will be created to
verify the proposed method. The real document is
also used in the simulation. Simulation results will
Zhang N., Matsuzaki D., Watanabe T. and Koga H. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 255-260
DOI: 10.5220/0001660202550260
show that the proposed method can help us to under-
stand complexrelationship among documentswithout
using morphological analysis.
2.1 Representation of Data Feature
using PRDC
In this paper, data compression is used for represen-
tation of overlapped topics. In general, a model of in-
put information source is used for encoding the input
string in data compression. Moreover, a compression
dictionary is used as the model. The compression dic-
tionary is automatically produced when compressing
input data, ex. Lempel-Ziv (LZ) compression (Tim-
othy C. Bell, 1990), (J. Ziv, 1978). In the same way,
PRDC constructs a compression dictionary by encod-
ing input data forms. It makes a compressibility space
from the compression dictionary to project new in-
put data into it. Therefore, we can get the feature of
data represented by a compressibility vector. Finally,
PRDC classifies data by analyzing these compress-
ibility vectors.
2.2 Approach of Document Relation
In this paper, we propose a document analysis ap-
proach based on PRDC.
Preprocessing. In the preprocessing procedure, we
unite the code characters, remove the white spaces,
newlines, tabs, and all non-alphabetical characters.
Clustering Similarity Document by PRDC. Sub-
sequently, PRDC is used as followsfor relation analy-
sis of similar documents, which have overlapped top-
ics. Compression dictionaries are obtained by com-
pressing input documentswith Lempel-Ziv(LZ) com-
pression. These dictionaries constitute a compress-
ibility space. Compressibility vector table is made by
projecting the input document into the compressibil-
ity space. Let N
be the input document. By com-
pressing the input document, a compression dictio-
nary is obtained, which is expressed as D
. Com-
pressing document N
by D
, we get compression
ratio C
. Where, L
is the size of the in-
put stream N
, K
is the size of the output stream.
Compressing with all of the dictionaries, we obtain
a compression ratio vector for each input document.
In the compressibility vector table, the columns show
the document data N
, the rows show the compression
dictionary D
formed by the same document, and the
elements show the compression ratio C
[%]. The
similar text in different document can be extracted by
clustering compression ratio vector.
Relation Analysis of Documents. There are com-
mon topics in the documents which belong to each
cluster obtained after using PRDC. Here, we extract
the common topics. A topic in a certain document is
composed of the repetition of some specific phrases
or words appeared more than once. If these phrases
or words can be found, it is possible to understand the
content of the common topics in a document. PRDC
is used to discover the specific phrase and word that
belong to common topic. PRDC is used to first com-
press the documents in the same cluster respectively,
and then compose compressibility space of the gen-
erated compression dictionary. Next, all of the docu-
ments in a cluster are divided into fragments of length
L characters or words, and all fragments are mapped
to the compressibility space.
From the study of the compressibility of each frag-
ment, a specific phrase or word can be discovered.
Because that fragments compressed into the same
level by any compression dictionary of any document
appears in common in the cluster. In other words,
the fragment plotted in the diagonal of the compress-
ibility space can be considered as the common topic
between two documents. On the opposite, fragments
which cannot be compressed by any compression dic-
tionary, are plotted far from the origin in the com-
pressibility space. Such fragment is considered as
an ”unknown” fragment in each cluster of the doc-
uments. Then, the relation table is made of extracting
common fragments. By analyzing the fragments in
the table, overlapped topics between documents can
be confirmed.
Presentation of Relation Table. The relation table
is made of extracting common fragments. In case of
the relation is shown for three document A, B, and
C. The extracted fragments are listed in the first row
of the table. Which document do the fragments ap-
pear in are displayed by ’O’ or ’X’ from the second
row. Fragment a and b of the second column in the ta-
ble show a common fragment of document A, B and
C. Fragment c and d of the third column in the table
are the common fragment only for document A and
B, etc. And the third and fourth columns are simi-
lar. Moreover, the 6th, 7th and 8th columns show the
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
peculiar fragments for document A, B, and C respec-
tively. By analyzing the fragments in the table, over-
lapped topics between documents can be confirmed.
The size of the table may increase rapidly when there
are a lot of numbers of documents. In the following,
the number of documents to be analyzed is assumed
to be three at a time.
2.3 Approach of Topic Extraction
To extend the method described previously and auto-
matically extract topics, we compose a long document
by concatenating all incoming documents at first.
Then the long document is separated to many frag-
ments with length of L words or characters. PRDC is
employed to classify the fragments to many clusters.
Each centroid fragment is considered as a representa-
tion of the cluster which it belongs to. Moreover, the
words in the centroid fragment are extracted topics.
For a real document, the topics can be different
according to a reader’s understanding and purpose.
Therefore, it is difficult to obtain an objective extrac-
tion of the topic. Which also makes it difficult to ver-
ify the proposed method by using real documents. In-
stead of using a real document, we artificially make a
document (model document) first, and use it to verify
the method at the principle level. Then, we test the
proposed method using real document. The quantita-
tive experiments are carried out to compare our pro-
posed method with SVD (Singular Value Decomposi-
tion) and ICA (Independent Component analysis). In
the following, we will explain how to make the model
document. In simulation 1, the distribution of a com-
mon fragment is examined with consideration of the
extraction method.
3.1 Generation of Model Document
The topic in a document consists of the repetition of
a phrase or word (basic phrase). We make the basic
phrase, and change the number of the repetition ar-
bitrarily. After which, we insert some words among
the basic phrase. These words (noise character) are
not included in the basic phrase vocabulary. That is
achieved by allocating a lot of characters in advance.
In the simulation, the noise character was extracted
from the collection of 7000 characters. Each charac-
ter is selected randomly, and is buried between ba-
sic phrases. By changing the topic and the number
of repetition, we can make any model document and
different overlaps between documents. Therefore,
by applying the proposed relation analysis method to
the model documents, the properties of the proposed
method can be found. Which provides the base anal-
ysis the relation among real documents.
3.2 Simulation 1
Here, the model document with a common basic
phrase is generated. We will show how the fragment
included in the basic phrase is distributed in the com-
pressibility space.
Data. According to the generation method, model
document A, B and C with a common topic are made,
shown in Fig. 1. The number of noise characters is
fixed to 1000 together in all of document A, B and C.
Two types of basic phrase are made and each of which
appears ten times respectively.
Distribution of Common Fragment. The distribu-
tion of all fragments of model document A, B and
C is studied. First, the model document is divided
to the fragment of L characters respectively. To pre-
vent punctuating among basic phrase in the fragment,
we assume that L = 10. All fragments are mapped to
the compressibility space which is composed from the
dictionary of compression of A, B and C. We focus on
model document A. To study what kind of relation the
fragments of A have with document B and C, they are
mapped onto the plane of B-C (Fig. 2).
Here (b, c) = (100, 100) is a fragment with the
noise character that is neither compressed by com-
pression dictionary B nor C. The noise character can
be considered as an unknown fragment. It is plotted
as a distance from the origin. Moreover, the fragment
included in the basic phrase is plotted on the diagonal,
and the distance to the origin is shorter when the basic
phrase becomes longer.
Figure 1: Model document topics of simulation 1.
Figure 2: Face B-C.
3.3 Simulation 2 (Relation Analysis
with Model Documents)
Removal of Stop Words. In document A, B and C
of simulation 1, a lot of noise characters were used,
and each character except two common words “cat”
and “monkey” appears only once. Therefore, frag-
ments that can neither be compressed by compres-
sion dictionary X nor Y were plotted in (X,Y) =
(100, 100). However, stop words appear in actual
documents with different content are similar. A stop
word is a literarily meaningless word for distinguish-
ing documents, such as “a”, “the”, “this” and “when
etc., in English.
If a fragment contains stop words that are regis-
tered in compression dictionary X or Y, it moves to
the direction of the origin. That is due to the influ-
ence of the stop words. This result causes a problem
when analyzing relation of documents.
We can often find stop words in any document.
From our investigation,the compressionratio is 70-90
% between documents with different contents. There-
fore, it is expected that: to add dictionaries generated
from various documents, and concentrate the frag-
ments (with stop words) close to the origin. Accord-
ingly, the common topic can be classified. We imple-
ment this by using the generated documents A-J. The
results are shown in table 1 and table 2.
Data for Simulation. We made model document A,
B and C with the relation, which is shown in Fig.
3. The variety of the noise character is decreased
from 7000 types to 20 types to cause the influence
between documents. From the 20 types, we randomly
extracted model document A, B and C and 1000 char-
acters as noise character. Therefore, the documents
share the same stop words. Seven of basic phrase are
made appeared 10 times each.
Moreover, besides A, B and C, we extract 1000
noise character from the 20 types to generate another
7 model document D, E, F, G, H, I,and J without basic
Figure 3: Model document topics of Simulation 2.
Figure 4: Dendrogram.
Clustering. The generated model documents are
compressed respectively, and the compressibility
space is composed of the generated compression dic-
tionary. After mapping data onto the compressibil-
ity space, the clustering result of column vector from
group average method is obtained. We can see that
model document A, B and C that have the relation
were extracted as the same cluster, and separated from
others. That is, basic phrases in A, B and C show the
compressibility as common topics.
Document Relation Analysis. Next, the extracted
relation between model document A, B and C is an-
alyzed. First, the model documents are divided into
fragments of L characters (L = 10) respectivelyas that
in simulation 1. And, these are mapped to the com-
pressibility space which is composed of compression
dictionary A, B and C.
Here, we focus on document A and study its rela-
tion between fragments in model document B and C.
For that, the fragments of document A are mapped on
the B-C plane (Fig. 5).
Table 1 shows that fragments that do not include
”monkey”, which is a common topic of model doc-
ument A, B and C, are extracted. A similar phe-
nomenon is also found with model document B and
C. This means that the basic phrase of common topic
and fragment with only noise characters are extracted.
That is due to the existence of stop words. We remove
the stop word fragment. Table 2 shows the extracted
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Relation Table of Documents. In the same way, re-
lation table of model document B and C with removed
stop words, is shown in table 3. As the common topic
between A, B and C, fragmentsincluding basic phrase
“monkey” are extracted. Fragments with “eagle” in B
and C, and “cat” in A and C are extracted. Moreover,
each peculiar fragment “dog”, “owl”, and hawk” in
model document A, B and C respectively, can also
be extracted. Therefore, the relation analysis between
documents can be achieved even in model documents
that contain stop words, by using PRDC.
Figure 5: Face B-C.
3.4 Simulation 3 (Comparison of
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a classical
linear algebra method. It is widely used in signal pro-
cessing and information retrieval. Independent Com-
ponent Analysis (ICA) is a signal processing method
and applied to information retrieval recently. In this
study, we applied SVD and ICA to topic extraction
and compared them with our proposed method.
In the preprocessing procedure, the white spaces,
newlines, and tabs are replaced by a single space.
Non-alphabetical characters are also replaced by a
single space. Upper case characters are all converted
to lower case. And all stop words are removed based
on the standard van Rijsbergen stop word list (Rijs-
bergen, 2008). After that, each word is stemmed by
using Porters Stemmer (Porter, 2008). After the pre-
processing, a long text stream is composed by con-
catenating all input documents. Then the long doc-
ument is separated to a number of fragments with
length of L words. Each fragment is represented by a
vector with dimension n, where n is the number of the
words appeared in the text stream. A feature matrix
is then obtained for representation of all fragments.
SVD or ICA are applied the feature matrix to extract
topic vector.
For PRDC, the white spaces, newlines, tabs, non-
alphabetical characters and upper case characters
were processed in the same way with SVD and ICA,
in the preprocessing procedure. And all stop words
Table 1: Common fragments.
Table 2: Common fragments (after removing stop words).
are removed based on the method described in Sim-
ulation 2. Also, a long text stream is composed by
concatenating all input documents. Then the long
document is separated to a number of fragments with
length of L words. Then, PRDC is used to classify
the fragments to a number of clusters. Each centroid
fragment is considered as a representation of the clus-
ter which it belongs to. Moreover, the words in the
centroid fragment are extracted topics.
A classical measure called jaccard (Eq. 1) is uti-
lized to evaluate the topic extraction results. In Eq.
1, α and β are word sets, , and are the number of
union and intersection between α and β. In this simu-
lation, the top 20 topics are extracted from each set by
using TF-IDF. Because a subset of each topic is used,
we run simulation 10 times and compute the average
for evaluation.
Jaccard(α, β) =
(α, β)
(α, β)
A subset of Reuters-21578 is utilized in this simu-
lation. This dataset consists of 21578 news appeared
on the Reuters newswire in 1987 (Ltd., 2008). The
documents were assembled and indexed with cate-
gories by personnel from Reuters Ltd. and Carnegie
Group, Inc. Reuters-21578 is currently the most
widely used test collection in information retrieval,
machine learning, and other corpus-based research.
Since the dataset contains some noise, such as re-
Table 3: Part of document relation table.
peated documents, unlabeled documents, and empty
documents, we choose a subset of 10 relatively large
groups (acq, coffee, crude, earn, interest, money-fx,
money-supply, ship, sugar, and trade) in our experi-
ments. For each of the articles in the 10 categories
that will be used, only the text bodies are extracted.
3.4.1 Simulation with Large-scale Dataset
In this simulation, we used 100 documents from the
set of each topic, and the total number of used doc-
uments is 1000. The results are shown in Fig. 6. L
is set to be 8, 16, 32, 64,128, and 256 to test the per-
formance in different situation. ICA shows better per-
formance than that of SVD and PRDC methods when
L < 64, and SVD and PRDC are not much worse than
ICA method. When L becomes larger, PRDC shows
better performance than that of SVD and ICA meth-
ods. ICA and SVD show the best results when L = 32
or L = 64. According to L becoming large, the perfor-
mance never becomes better. In the contrast, the per-
formance of PRDC becomes better when L get larger.
The proposed method showed better performance
comparing with SVD and ICA methods when L > 64.
And the proposed method provides similar perfor-
mance with the other methods when L < 64. PRDC
method does not need to work with a stop list. It
shows good performance with a set of chose doc-
uments, which means preventing from complicated
computation of dimension reduce.
Figure 6: Ratio of extracted topics for large scale data.
Figure 7: Ratio of extracted topics for small scale data.
3.4.2 Simulation with Small-scale Dataset
In this simulation, we used 10 documents from the
set of each topic, and the total number of used docu-
ments is 100. The results are shown in Fig. 6. L is set
to be 8, 16, 32, 64,128, and 256. The performance of
ICA is similar to SVD, and it is better than that of the
proposed method when L < 128. When L becomes
larger, PRDC shows better performance than that of
SVD and ICA methods. SVD and ICA show the best
results when L = 32 or L = 64. According to L be-
coming large, the performance never becomes better.
In the contrast, the performance of PRDC becomes
better when L get larger.
The proposed method showed better performance
comparing with SVD and ICA methods when L >
128. As the same reason, the proposed method shows
good performance with a set of chose documents,
which means preventing from complicated computa-
tion of dimension reduce.
In this paper, we proposed a method for relation anal-
ysis and topic extraction of documents by using the
compressibility of data. We considered overlapped
topics among documents. The results by using model
document and actual document showed the effective-
ness of the proposed method. The proposed method
does not need natural language processing technique.
In the simulations, we achieved the goal of generating
the model documents and to remove the stop word as
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ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence