Sylvain Raybaud, Caroline Lavecchia, David Langlois and Kamel Sma¨ıli
PAROLE team, LORIA, Campus Scientifique, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-l`es-Nancy, France
Confidence measure, Statistical machine translation, Mutual information, Linguistic features language model,
n-gram language model.
A confidence measure is able to estimate the reliability of an hypothesis provided by a machine translation
system. The problem of confidence measure can be seen as a process of testing: we want to decide whether
the most probable sequence of words provided by the machine translation system is correct or not. In the
following we describe several original word-level confidence measures for machine translation, based on mu-
tual information, n-gram language model and lexical features language model. We evaluate how well they
perform individually or together, and show that using a combination of confidence measures based on mutual
information yields a classification error rate as low as 25.1% with an F-measure of 0.708.
Statistical techniques have been widely used and re-
markably successful in automatic speech recognition,
machine translation and in natural language process-
ing over the last two decades. This success is due
to the fact that this approach is language indepen-
dent and requires no prior knowledge, only large
enough text corpora to estimate probability densities
on. However statistical methods suffer from an intrin-
sic drawback: they only produce the result which is
most likely given training and input data. It is easy
to see that this will sometimes not be optimal with re-
gard to human expectations. It is therefore important
to be able to automatically evaluate the quality of the
result: this can be handled by the different confidence
measures (CMs) which have been proposed for ma-
chine translation.
In this paper we introduce new CMs to assess the
reliability of translation results. The proposed CMs
take advantage of the constituents of a translated sen-
tence: n-grams, word triggers, and also word features.
1.1 A Brief Overview of Statistical
Machine Translation Principle
In this framework the translation process is essentially
the search for the most probable sentence in the target
language given a sentence in the source language; let
f = f
, .., f
be the source sentence (to be translated)
e = e
, .., e
be the sentence generated by the sys-
tem (target sentence):
e = argmax
P(e|f) (1)
which is equivalent (using the Bayes rule) to:
e = argmax
P(e)P(f|e) (2)
In Equation 2, P(e) is estimated from a language
model and is supposed to estimate the correctness of
the sentence (“is it a good sentence in the target lan-
guage ?”), and P(f|e) is computed from a translation
model and is supposed to reflect the accuracy of the
translation (“does the generated sentence carry ex-
actly the same information than the source sentence
?”). The language model is itself estimated on a large
text corpus written in the target language, while the
translation model is computed on a bilingual aligned
corpus (a text and its translation with line-wise corre-
spondence). The decoder then generates the best hy-
pothesis by making a compromise between these two
Of course there are three main drawbacks to this ap-
proach: first the search space is so huge that exact
computation of the optimum is intractable; second,
even if it was, statistical models have inherent lim-
itations which prevent them from being completely
sound linguistically; finally, the probability distribu-
tion P can only be estimated on finite corpora, and
therefore suffers from imprecision and data sparsity.
Raybaud S., Lavecchia C., Langlois D. and Smaïli K. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 61-68
DOI: 10.5220/0001660600610068
Because of that, any SMT system sometimes pro-
duces erroneous translations. It is an important task
to detect and possibly correct these mistakes, and this
could be handled by confidence measures.
2.1 Motivation and Principle of
Confidence Estimation
As said before, SMT systems make mistakes. A
word’s translation can be wrong, misplaced, or miss-
ing. Extra words can be inserted. A whole sentence
can be wrong or only parts of it. In order to improve
the overall quality of the system, it is important to de-
tect these errors by assigning a so called confidence
measure to each translated word, phrase or sentence.
Ideally this measure would be the probability of cor-
rectness. An ideal word-level estimator would there-
fore be the probability that a given word appears at
a given position in a sentence; using the notations of
Section 1.1 (e
being the i-th word of sentence e), this
is expressed by the following formula:
word confidence = P(correct|i, e
, f) (3)
and an ideal sentence-level estimator would be:
sentence confidence = P(correct|e, f) (4)
However these probabilities are difficult to esti-
mate accurately; this is why existing approaches rely
on approximating them or on computing scores which
are supposed to monotonically depend on them.
2.2 State of the Art
Confidence estimation is a common problem in
artificial intelligence and information extraction in
general (Culotta and McCallum, 2004; Gandrabur
et al., 2006). When it comes to natural language pro-
cessing, it has been intensively studied for automatic
speech recognition (Mauclair, 2006; Razik, 2004;
Guo et al., 2004). We find in literature (Blatz et al.,
2003; Ueffing and Ney, 2004; Ueffing and Ney, 2005;
Uhrik and Ward, 1997; Akiba et al., 2004; Duchateau
et al., 2002) different ways of approximating the
probability of correctness or of calculating scores
which are supposed to reflect this probability.
There are three dominating approaches to estima-
tion of word-level confidence measures for machine
Estimate words posterior probabilities on the n-
best list or word-lattice produced by the decoder
(the idea is that correct words will appear fre-
Use as a confidence estimation the probability that
a word in the generated sentence is the translation
of a word in the source sentence, by using a trans-
lation table.
Transform each word into a vector of numerical
features (for example scores coming from differ-
ent specialised confidence estimators) and train a
perceptron to discriminate between “correct” and
“incorrect” classes.
In (Ueffing and Ney, 2004) different original
word-level confidence measures are proposed: the
word posterior probabilities are estimated from the
n-best list, allowing some variation in words posi-
tions, and a words correctness probability is esti-
mated using the translation table generated by an
IBM-1 model. Many different confidence measures
are investigated in (Blatz et al., 2003). They are based
on source and target language models features, n-best
lists, words-lattices, or translation tables. The authors
also present efficient ways of classifying words or
sentences as “correct” or “incorrect” by using nıve
Bayes, single- or multi-layer perceptron.
2.3 Our Approach to Confidence
In the following we will present four different word-
level estimators, based on:
Intra-language mutual information (intra-MI) be-
tween words in the generated sentence.
Inter-language mutual information (inter-MI) be-
tween source and target words.
An n-gram model of the target language.
A target language model based on linguistic fea-
Mutual Information has been proved suitable for
building translation tables (Lavecchia et al., 2007)
or alignment models (Moore, 2005). We use intra-
language MI to estimate the relevance of a word in the
candidate translation given its context (it is supposed
to reflect the lexical consistency). Inter-language MI
based confidence estimation gives an indication of the
relevance of a translation by checking that each word
in the hypothesis can indeed be the translation of a
word in the source sentence. N-gram and linguistic
features models estimate the lexical and grammatical
correctness of the hypothesis. Finally, because each
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
of these measures targets a specific kind of error, they
can be linearly combined in order to obtain a more
powerful confidence measure. The weights are opti-
mised on a development corpus. Each of these esti-
mators produces a score for every word. This score is
then compared to a threshold and the word is labelled
as “correct” if its score is greater, or “incorrect” oth-
erwise. This classification is then compared to a man
made reference which gives an estimation of the ef-
ficiency of the measures, in terms of error rate, ROC
curve and F-measure (see Section 2.3.1).
2.3.1 Evaluation of the Confidence Measures
As explained before, the CMs are evaluated on a clas-
sification task. We manually classified words from
819 sentences generated by MOSES (Koehn et al.,
2007) as candidate translations in “French” of English
sentences extracted from the test corpus of our system
(8067 English words, 8816 French words) and ran our
classifiers on the same sentences. A word was classi-
fied as correct if its score was above a given threshold.
The results were then compared to the human-made
references. We used the following metrics to estimate
how well our classifier behaved:
Classification Error Rate (CER) is the proportion
of errors in classification:
number of incorrectly classified words
total number of words
Correct Acceptance Rate (CAR) is the proportion
of correct words retrieved:
number of correctly accepted words
total number of correct words
Correct Rejection Rate (CRR) is the proportion of
incorrect words labelled as such:
number of correctly rejected words
total number of incorrect words
F-measure is the harmonic mean of CAR and CRR:
F =
These metrics are common in confidence esti-
mation for machine translation (Blatz et al., 2003).
Basically a relaxed classifier has a high CAR (most
correct words are labelled as such) and low CRR
(many incorrect words are not detected), while a
harsh one has a high CRR (an erroneous word is
often detected) and a low CAR (many correct words
are rejected).
As the acceptance threshold goes from 0 to 1, the
classifier becomes harsher: CAR goes from 1 to
0 and CRR from 0 to 1. Therefore we plot CRR
against CAR for different thresholds. This tool,
very common in information retrieval, is called a
ROC curve. The ROC curve of a perfect classifier
would be the point (1,1) alone, therefore we expect
a good classifier to draw a curve as close as possible
to the top and right edges of the unit square. This
representation is very useful in order to compare the
performance of two classifiers: generally speaking,
a classifier is better than another if it’s ROC curve
is always above. In particular, it can be used to
quickly visualise the improvement compared to the
most naive classifier, which assigns a random score
(between 0 and 1) to each word. The ROC curve of
such a classifier is the segment going from (0,1) to
(1,0), which we plot on our figures. The higher above
this line a classifier is, the better. We also plotted on
the same diagrams F-measure and CER against CAR.
Experiments were run using an English to French
phrase-based translation system. We trained a system
corresponding to the baseline described in the ACL
workshop on statistical machine translation (Koehn,
2005). It is based on the state of the art IBM-5 model
(Brown et al., 1994) and has been trained on the EU-
ROPARL corpus (proceedings of the European Par-
liament, (Koehn, 2005)) using GIZA++ (Och, 2000)
and the SRILM toolkit (Stolcke, 2002). The decoding
process is handled by MOSES. The French vocabu-
lary was composed of 63,508 words and the English
one of 48,441 words. We summarise in Table 1 the
sizes of the different parts of the corpus. This system
achieves state of the art performances.
Table 1: Corpora sizes.
sentences pairs running words
set English French
Learning 465,750 9,411,835 10,211,388
Development 3000 75,964 82,820
Test 1444 14,077 14,705
4.1 Mutual Information for Language
In probability theory mutual information measures
how mutually dependent are two random variables.
It can be used to detect pairs of words which tends to
appear together in sentences. Guo proposes in (Guo
et al., 2004) a word-level confidence estimation for
speech recognition based on mutual information. In
this paper we will compute inter-word mutual infor-
mation following the approach in (Lavecchia et al.,
2007), which has been proved suitable for generating
translation tables, rather than Guo’s.
MI(x, y) = p(x, y)log
p(x, y)
p(x, y) =
N(x, y)
p(x) =
where N is the total number of sentences, N(x) is the
number of sentences in which x appears and N(x, y)
is the number of sentences in which x and y co-occur.
We smooth the estimated probability distribution, as
in Guo’s paper, in order to avoid null probabilities:
N(x, y) N(x, y) +C (6)
p(x, y)
p(x, y) + αp(x)p(y)
1+ α
in which C is a non-negative integer and α a non-
negative real number. For example, words like “ask”
and “question” have a high mutual information, while
words coming from distinct lexical fields (like “po-
etry” and “economic”) would have a very low one.
Since it is not possible to store a full matrix in mem-
ory, only the most dependent word pairs are kept: we
obtain a so called triggers list.
4.2 Confidence Measure based on
Intra-Language Mutual
By estimating which target words are likely to ap-
pear together in the same sentence, intra-language
MI based confidence score is supposed to reflect the
lexical consistency of the generated sentence. We
computed mutual information between French words
from the French part of the bilingual corpus. Table
2 shows an example of French intra-lingual triggers,
sorted by decreasing mutual information.
Table 2: An example of French intra-lingual triggers.
first word triggered word mutual information
s´ecurit´e alimentaire 4.43·10
s´ecurit´e ´etrang`ere 4.27·10
s´ecurit´e politique 4.06·10
politique commune 1.00·10
politique ´economique 8.46·10
politique ´etrang`ere 7.88·10
Let e = e
be the target sentence. The score
assigned to e
is the weighted average mutual infor-
mation between e
and the words in its context:
) =
j=1..I, j6=i
w(|i j|)MI(e
, e
j=1..I, j6=i
w(|i j|)
where w() is a scaling function lowering the impor-
tance of long range dependencies. It can be constant if
we do not want to take words’ positions into account,
exponentially decreasing if we want to give more im-
portance to pairs of words close to each other, or a
shifted Heaviside function if we want to allow trig-
gering only within a given range (which we will refer
to as triggering window).
We also experimented with different kinds of normal-
Beforehand normalisation of the triggers list:
MI(x, y)
MI(x, y)
MI(x, y
Normalisation with regard to norm-1 as in (Ueff-
ing and Ney, 2004):
With regard to norm-:
Tool words like “the”, “of,... tend to have a
very high mutual information with all other words
thus polluting the trigger list. We therefore ignored
them in some of our experiments.
Presenting the performances of the confidence
measure with all different settings (normalisation,
with or without tool words,...) would be tedious.
Therefore we only show the settings that yield the
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
best performances. Note that while other settings of-
ten yield much worse performance, a few perform
almost as well, therefore there are no definite “opti-
mal settings”. Figure 1 shows the ROC curve, CER
and F-measure of a classifier based on intra-MI: tool
words were ignored, no normalisation was applied,
and words positions were not taken into account. Re-
member that these curves are obtained by assigning a
score to each word in the generated sentences, then,
for different thresholds between 0 and 1, classifying
all these words as correct or incorrect. Each of these
thresholds gives a CAR, a CRR and a CER and there-
fore a point of the curves.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ROC curve
Figure 1: Intra-MI, no tool words, no normalisation, no
weighting nor triggering window.
This classifier shows very interesting discriminat-
ing power : for a CAR of 50% the CRR is slightly
above 80% (harsh classifier), and for a CRR of 50%
the CAR is almost 80% (relaxed classifier). We em-
pirically found that taking word positions into account
in intra-MI based confidence measures tends to yield
lower performance. We interpret in the following
way: intra-language MI reflects lexical consistency of
the sentence, but two related words may not be next
to each other in the sentence.
4.3 Confidence Measure based on
Inter-language Mutual Information
The principle of intra-language MI was to detect
which words trigger the appearance of an other word
in the same sentence. This principle can be extended
to pairs of source and target sentences (Lavecchia
et al., 2007): let N
(x) be the number of source sen-
tences in which x appears, N
(y) the number of tar-
get sentences in which y appears, N(x, y) the number
of pairs (source sentence, target sentence) such that
x appears in the source and y in the target, and N the
total number of pairs of source and target sentences.
Then let us define:
(x) =
(y) =
p(x, y) =
N(x, y)
MI(x, y) = p(x, y)log
p(x, y)
Guo’s smoothing can be applied as in Section 4.2.
One then keeps only the best triggers and obtain a
so-called inter-lingual triggers list. Table 3 shows an
example of such triggers between English and French
words, sorted by decreasing mutual information.
Table 3: An Example of Inter-Lingual triggers.
English word triggered French word MI
security s´ecurit´e 8.03·10
security ´etrang`ere 8.55·10
security politique 6.08·10
policy politique 2.62· 10
policy commune 3.39·10
policy ´etrang`ere 2.71·10
The confidence measure is then:
) =
w(|i j|)MI( f
, e
w(|i j|)
We show in Figure 2 the characteristics of such
an inter-MI based classifiers. No normalisation what-
soever was applied, and tool words were excluded.
This time triggering was allowed within a window of
width 9 centred on the word the confidence of which
was being evaluated.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ROC curve
Figure 2: Inter-language MI based CM: tool words ex-
cluded, no normalisation, triggering is allowed within acen-
tred window of width 9.
Unlike intra-MI based classifier, we found here
that setting a triggering window yields the best per-
formance. This is because inter-language MI indi-
cates which target words are possible translations of
a source word. This is much stronger than the lexical
relationship indicated by intra-MI; therefore allowing
triggering only within a given window or simply giv-
ing less weight to “distant” words pairs reflects the
fact that words in the source sentence and their trans-
lations in the target sentence appear more or less in
the same order (this is the same as limiting the distor-
sion, which is the difference between the positions of
a word and its translation).
5.1 Principle
Remember Equation 2: the decoder makes a compro-
mise between P(e) (which we will refer to as lan-
guage model score) and P(f|e) (translation score).
Because of that, if a candidate e has a high transla-
tion score and a low language model score, it might
be accepted as the “best” translation. But a low LM
score often means an incorrect sentence and therefore
a bad translation. This consideration applies on sub-
sentence level as well as on sentence level: if the n-
gram probability of a word is low, it often means that
it is wrong or at least misplaced. Therefore we want
to use the language model alone in order to detect in-
correct words. We decided to use the word probability
derived from an n-gram model as a confidence mea-
) = P(e
, .., e
) (14)
While intra-language triggers are designed to es-
timate the lexical consistency of the sentence, this
measure is supposed to estimate its well-formedness.
Figure 3 shows the performances of a 4-grams based
While still showing an interesting discriminating
power, it does not perform as well as the best MI-
based classifiers: some hypothesis with a low lan-
guage model score will indeed have already been dis-
carded by the decoder. Also we classify as incorrect
only the last word of the n-gram, however a low n-
gram score indicates that the sequence (or any word
in it) is wrong, rather than only the last word.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ROC curve
Figure 3: Performance of a 4-grams language model based
6.1 Principle
Classical language models do not directly take into
account tense, gender and number agreement between
the different words of the output sentence. We want
to specifically target agreement errors: this is why
in the following we propose a confidence measure
based on linguistic features. For that, we use BDLEX
(De Calm`es and P´erennou, 1998) to replace each
word by a vector of features (Sma¨ıli et al., 2004). We
specifically select three features:
Syntactic class, for example noun, verb, etc...
Tense of verbs or nothing for other classes.
Number and gender of nouns, adjectives or past
participles, person for verbs, nothing otherwise.
For example the word
etait becomes V,ii,3S stand-
ing for “verb, imperfect indicative, 3rd person”. We
then train a classical n-gram model on the generated
features corpus using the SRILM toolkit and use the
n-gram probability as a confidence estimation. In Fig-
ure 4 we print the ROC, CER and F-measures of con-
fidence measures based on a 6-grams linguistic fea-
tures language model.
The performances of this CM are rather disap-
pointing, and the CER is particularly terrible. This
can probably be at least partially explained by the dif-
ficulty of disambiguation (some words belong to dif-
ferent classes, like the French word “sommes” which
can be a conjugated verb or a plural noun): because
we have no information that might allow us to per-
form a correct choice, it was randomly performed dur-
ing training of the model, and during sentence evalua-
tion the most likely class (according to the previously
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ROC curve
Figure 4: Performance of a classifier based on a 6-grams
linguistic features model.
trained linguistic feature n-gram model) was chosen.
We believe progress could certainly be made by per-
forming smarter disambiguation.
We linearly combined the scores assigned to each
word by different confidence measures to produce a
new score. The weights are optimised by the percep-
tron algorithm on a small corpus (600 pairs of sen-
tences), and tested on a different corpus (219 pairs
of sentences). Figure 5 shows the performances of
the classifier resulting from the linear combination of
the best previously presented intra-MI based classifier
and the best inter-MI based one.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ROC curve
Figure 5: Combination of the two best MI based CMs.
The combination of the two yields interesting im-
provement, especially in terms of error rate. The
perceptron gave more weights to the inter-MI based
scores, but that is because these scores are generally
lower and does not mean that this measure is more
significant. On the other hand, combining these two
confidence measures with n-grams and linguistic fea-
tures based ones did not bring any improvement over
our test corpus.
In this article, we present confidence scores that
showed interesting discriminating power. We sum-
marised the results obtained by the best different esti-
mators (in terms of F-measure) in Table 4. For com-
parison Blatz et al. obtain in (Blatz et al., 2003) a
CER of 29.2% by combining two different word pos-
terior probability estimates (with and without align-
ment) and the translation probabilities from IBM-1
Table 4: Performances of the best classifiers.
threshold CER CAR CRR F-measure
intra-MI 3.6· 10
0.383 0.600 0.760 0.700
inter-MI 0.0008 0.368 0.620 0.724 0.668
4-gram model 0.134 0.377 0.619 0.653 0.636
linguistic 6-grams 0.188 0.422 0.578 0.574 0.576
combined MI 9· 10
0.251 0.759 0.663 0.708
The settings used by the best intra-MI based confi-
dence measures were the following: tool words were
ignored, no normalisation was applied, and words po-
sitions were not taken into account. For the best inter-
MI based CMs, tool words were not taken into ac-
count, no normalisation, and triggering was allowed
within a centred window of width 9 (maximal “dis-
tortion” of 4). From these figures we can tell that the
best MI-based confidence measures outperform sig-
nificantly the other CMs presented here, especially
when used in combination. Note however that the
best classifiers in terms of F-measure are not neces-
sarily the best ones with regard to other metrics, for
example CER.
8.1 Application of Confidence Measures
While they were not investigated in this article, we
can imagine several applications to confidence esti-
mation, beside manual correction of erroneous words:
pruning or reranking of the n-best list according
to the confidence score, generation of new hypothe-
sis by recombining parts of different candidates hav-
ing high scores, or discriminating training by tun-
ing the parameters to optimise the separation between
sentences (or words, or phrases) having a high con-
fidence score (hopefully they are correct translations)
and sentences having a low one.
8.2 Prospects
We plan to go further in our investigation on confi-
dence measures for SMT: first, while the confidence
measures we used take into account word insertion
and word substitution, they do not directly take into
account word deletion nor word order, and neither do
our reference corpus (in which words are labelled as
correct or incorrect, but missing words are not indi-
cated). This serious drawback has to be addressed.
Assigning confidence scores to alignment might help
to this end. Second, we believe that in a context of
phrase-based translation, phrase-level confidence es-
timation would be more appropriate. Also many fea-
tures used in speech recognition or automatic transla-
tion could be used in confidence estimation: distant
models, word alignment, word spotting, etc... An-
other problem is the fusion of different classifiers. We
use a very simple single layer perceptron, but many
solutions have been proposed in literature to achieve
more appropriate merging. Finally, progress could
be made on classifiers’ evaluation: because classify-
ing a word as correct or incorrect is a very difficult
task even for a human translator, and because the re-
sults of such a task may vary according to the trans-
lator or worse, vary along time for a given translator,
we should combine different human-generated refer-
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