Ben Choi and Xiaomei Huang
Computer Science, Louisiana Tech University, U.S.A
Keywords: Text summarization, Ontology, Word sense disambiguation, Natural language processing, Knowledge base,
Web mining, Knowledge discovery.
Abstract: To address the problem of information overload and to make effective use of information contained on the
Web, we created a summarization system that can abstract key concepts and can extract key sentences to
summarize text documents including Web pages. Our proposed system is the first summarization system
that uses a knowledge base to generate new abstract concepts to summarize documents. To generate abstract
concepts, our system first maps words contained in a document to concepts contained in the knowledge base
called ResearchCyc, which organized concepts into hierarchies forming an ontology in the domain of
human consensus reality. Then, it increases the weights of the mapped concepts to determine the
importance, and propagates the weights upward in the concept hierarchies, which provides a method for
generalization. To extract key sentences, our system weights each sentence in the document based on the
concept weights associated with the sentence, and extracts the sentences with some of the highest weights to
summarize the document. Moreover, we created a word sense disambiguation method based on the concept
hierarchies to select the most appropriate concepts. Test results show that our approach is viable and
applicable for knowledge discovery and semantic Web.
In this paper, we describe the development of a
system to automatically summarize documents. To
create a summary of a document is not an easy task
for a person or for a machine. For us to be able to
summarize a document requires that we can
understand the contents of the document. To be able
to understand a document requires the ability to
process the natural language used in the document. It
also requires the background knowledge of the
subject matter and the commonsense knowledge of
humanity. Despite the active research in Artificial
Intelligence in the past half century, currently there
is not machine that can understand the contents of a
document and then summarizes the document based
on its understanding.
Most past researches in automatic document
summarization did not attempt to understand the
contents of the documents, but instead used the
knowledge of writing styles and document structures
to find key sentences in the document that captured
the main topics of the documents. For instances,
knowing that many writers use topic sentences, the
first sentence of a paragraph is considered as the key
sentence that summarizes the contents of the
paragraph. More examples are provided in the
related research section.
Our research briefly described in this paper
represents a small step toward the use of semantic
contents of a document to summarize the document.
There is a long way before we can try to use the
word “understand” to describe the ability of a
machine. Our research is recently made possible by
the advance in natural language processing tools and
the availability of large databases of human
knowledge. For processing natural language, we
chose Stanford parser (Maning & Jurafsky, 2008),
which can partition an English sentence into words
and their part-of-speech. To serve as the background
knowledge of the subject matter and the
commonsense knowledge of humanity, we chose
ResearchCyc (Cycorp, 2008), which currently is the
world's largest and most complete general
knowledge base and commonsense reasoning
With the help of the natural language processing
tool and the largest knowledge base, our system is
Choi B. and Huang X. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 281-286
DOI: 10.5220/0001664102810286
able to summarize text documents based on the
semantic and conceptual contents. Since the natural
language tool and the knowledge base only handle
English, our system is currently only applicable to
English text documents including texts retrieved
from Web pages. When those tools are available for
other languages, our proposed approaches should be
able to be extended to process other languages as
well. Since we use a knowledge base that organized
concepts into hierarchies forming an ontology in the
domain of human consensus reality, our system is
one of the first ontology-based summarization
system. Our system can (1) abstracts key concepts
and (2) extracts key sentences to summarize
Our system is the first summarization system that
uses a knowledge base to generate new abstract
concepts to summarize documents. To generate
abstract concepts, we first extract words or phrases
from a document and map them to ResearchCyc
concepts and increase the weight of those concepts.
In order to create generalized concepts, we
propagate the weights of the concepts upward on the
ResearchCyc concept hierarchy. Then, we extract
those concepts with the highest weights to be the key
To extract key sentences from the documents, we
weight each sentence in the document based on the
concept weights associated with the sentence. Then,
we extract the sentences with some of the highest
weight to summarize the document.
One of the problems of mapping a word into
concepts is that a word may have several meanings.
To address this problem, we developed new
ontology-based word sense disambiguation process,
which makes use of the concept hierarchies to select
the most appropriate concepts to associate with the
words used in the sentences.
Test results show that our proposed system is
able to abstract key concepts and able to generalize
new concepts. In addition to summarization of
documents, the abstracted concepts can be used for
Semantic Web applications, information retrieval,
and knowledge discovery system to tag documents
with their key concepts and to retrieve documents
based on concepts.
Test results also show that our proposed system
is able to extract key sentences from text documents
or texts retrieved from Web pages. The results
produced by our system can directly be used for
search engines, which can present the key sentences
as part of the search results. We are working to
expand our information classification (Choi & Yao,
2005; Yao & Choi 2007) and search engine project
(Choi, 2006) to include the summarization results.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes the related research and provides
the backgrounds. Section 3 describes our proposed
process for abstracting key concepts. Section 4
outlines the process for extracting key sentences.
Section 5 describes our proposed ontology-based
word sense disambiguation. Section 6 describes the
implement testing. And, Section 7 gives the
conclusion and outlines the future research.
Automatic document summarization is the creation
of a condensed version of a document. The contents
of the condensed version may be extraction from the
original documents or may be newly generated
abstract (Hahn & Mani, 2000). With a few
exceptions, such as (Mittal & Witbrock, 2003)
which uses statistical models to analyze Web pages
and generate non-extractive summaries, most prior
researches are extraction based, which analyze
writing styles and document structures to find key
words or key sentences from the documents. For
instance, by assuming that the most important
concepts are represented by the most frequently
occurred words, the sentences with frequently
occurred words are considered as key sentences.
Knowing that the title conveys the content of the
document and section headings convey the content
of the section, sentences consisted of the title and
section heading words are considered as key
sentences (Teufel & Moens, 1997). Knowing that
many writers use topic sentences, the first sentence
of a paragraph is considered as the key sentence that
summarizes the contents of the paragraph. Sentences
that contain cue words or phrases, such as “in
conclusion”, “significantly”, and “importantly”, are
also considered as key sentences (Teufel & Moens,
1997; Kupiec et al., 1995).
Some researches (Doran & Stokes, 2004; Silber
& McCoy, 2002) cluster sentences into groups based
on hyponymy or synonymy, and then select a
sentence as the key sentence to represent a group.
Some researches classify sentences into nucleus and
satellite according to rhetorical structure (Mann
1988). Nuclei are considered more important than
satellite. Some analyze paragraph based on
similarity and select the paragraph that has many
other similar paragraphs (Salton et al., 1997).
Our research is made possible by the advance in
natural language processing tools and the
availability of large databases of human knowledge.
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
We chose Stanford parser (Manning & Jurafsky,
2008) as our natural language processing tool. It can
partition an English sentence into words and their
part-of-speech. We chose ResearchCyc (Cycorp,
2008) as our knowledge base and inference engine.
ResearchCyc contains over 300,000 concepts and
nearly 3,000,000 facts and rules. The concepts are
organized into hierarchy forming an ontology, in
which general concepts are provided on the upper
nodes and specific concepts are provided on the
lower nodes. The links between notes define the
relations between concepts.
Some related researches used WordNet for text
summarization (Barzilay & Elhadad, 1997) and for
word sense disambiguation (Cañas et al., 2004;
Simón-Cuevas1 et al., 2008). In our research, we
take advantage of a powerful knowledge processing
system: Cyc, which includes knowledge base,
inference engine, representation language, and
natural language processing. In fact, Cyc includes
mappings from WordNet to Cyc concepts.
In this section, we describe our proposed ontology-
based process to generate new key concepts to
summarize a document. The process is outlined in
Figure 1. This process has three major parts: (A) it
maps words from a document into Cyc concepts that
are contained in ResearchCyc knowledge base. (B)
It finds more general concepts by propagate weights
of the concepts upward on the concept hierarchy of
the Cyc ontology. And (C) it retrieves key concepts
from Cyc to summarize the document.
The process to map words into Cyc concepts
includes the following steps. (1) It takes each
sentence of a document and parses the sentence, by
using Stanford parser, to words and their part of
speeches. (2) From the parsed results, it extracts
words that are Noun (include single-word or multi-
word noun), Verb, Adjective, and Adverb. (3) It
maps each of the word (or word phrase) and the
corresponding part of speech into Cyc concepts by
using a Cyc language function called “denotation”.
And (4), it increases the weight of each of the
mapped concepts by one when a word is mapped to
the concept. We use a weight to associate with a
concept to determine the importance of the concepts.
The process to propagate weights of the concepts
upward includes the following steps. (1) It takes
each of the non-zero weighted concepts and uses the
Cyc function “min-genls” to find its nearest general
concepts. (2) It scales the weight by a factor of δ and
adds resulting weight to the weight of its nearest
general concepts. This process is repeated
recursively λ times to propagate the weights upward
on the concept hierarchy. This process provides a
method for generalization. Two factors are used to
adjust the performance of the generalization. The λ
factor controls how many levels to propagate the
weight of a concept upward. The higher the number
will result in the more abstract concepts to be
generated. In our experiments, we found that setting
λ to three produces results that are not too general.
Setting λ higher will result in over generalization.
The δ factor controls the reduction of the weight of a
concept during the upward propagation. The higher
the value of δ will result in fewer concepts are
required to produce a general concept. To create a
general concept, certain number of supporting
concepts is needed to be presented. In our
experiments, we found that setting δ to be 5% will
prevent over generalization.
Figure 1: Generate key concepts of a document.
Part A: Map words into Cyc concepts
1. Parseeachsentenceofthedocument
2. ExtractwordsthatareNoun(singleor
3. Mapawordanditspartofspeechto
4. Increasetheweightofeachofthe
Part B: Propagate weights of the concepts
1. Propagatenonzeroweighted
2. Scaletheweightbyδforeachlevel
Part C: Retrieve key concepts from Cyc
1. Selectsomeofthehighestweighted
Figure 2: Retrieve key sentences of a document.
The process to retrieve key concepts from Cyc is
simply to select some (such as 5 to 10) highest
weighed concepts from the Cyc knowledge base.
Some of those retrieved concepts may be the results
of the generalization. The retrieved concepts
represent the key concepts of the document.
In this section, we outline our proposed process to
extract key sentences from a document based on
concept weights. The process consists of two major
parts as outlined in Figure 2. (A) It finds the total
concept weight of each sentence in the document.
(B) It selects top highest weighted sentences. This
process is the preformed after process to generate
key concepts from the document. Thus, words in the
sentences have been mapped into concepts in Cyc
knowledge base.
The process to find the total concept weight of
each sentence consists of the following steps. (1) For
each of the words in the sentence that is noun, verb,
adjective, and adverb, it uses word sense
disambiguation process (described in Section 5) to
find the weight of the corresponding Cyc concept.
(2) It sums all the weights of the corresponding
concepts to get the total weight of the sentence. And
then, (3) it divides the total weight by the number of
concepts in the sentence to get the normalized
weight of the sentence. The resultant normalized
weight represents the concept weight of the
sentence, which determines the importance of the
The process to select top sentences is simply to
retrieve some (such as 3 to 10) of the highest
concept-weighted sentences. These sentences
represent the key sentences of the document.
One of the problems of mapping a word into
concepts is that a word may have several meanings.
To select the most appropriate concepts to associate
with the words used in the sentences, we developed
a new ontology-based word sense disambiguation
process, which is outlined as shown in Figure 3.
The process performs the following steps for
each word in a sentence that is a noun, verb,
Figure 3: Ontology-based word sense disambiguation.
Part A: For each word, perform the following
disambiguation steps:
1. FindalltheCycconceptsassociated
2. Selecttheconceptswiththehighest
3. Ifthereisonlyoneselectedconcept,
Part B: If there are more than one highest
weighted concepts, then perform the following
1. Foreachhighestweightedconcept,
2. Selecttheupper
3. Ifthereisonlyoneselectedupper
Part C: If there are more than one highest
weighted upper concepts, then perform the
following steps:
1. Foreachhighestweightedupper
2. Sumtheweightsofallthose
3. Choose
Part A: Find the total weight for each sentence
in the document
1. Forthewordsinthesentencethat
2. Sumalltheweightsofthe
3. Normalizebydividingthetotalweight
Part B: Select top sentences
ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
adjective, or adverb. (1) It uses the Cyc function
“denotation” to find all the Cyc concepts associated
with word. (2) It selects the concepts that have the
highest concepts weights. And (3), if there is only
one selected concept, then it assigns that concept as
the most appropriate concepts.
Since several concepts may have the same
highest weight, the process performs the following
steps if there is more than one concept having the
highest weights. (1) For each of the concepts, it uses
the Cyc function “min-genls” to find the nearest
general upper concepts. (2) It selects those upper
concepts having the highest weight. (3) If there is
only one such concept, then it assigns the original
concept (that is associated with the upper concept)
as the most appropriate concepts. In this case, it used
the upper concepts to break the tie of the original
If the above steps still cannot break the tie, the
process uses the “conceptuallyRelated” concepts to
help break the tie by performing the following steps.
(1) For each of the original concepts, it used the Cyc
function “conceptuallyRelated” to find the
conceptually related concepts. (2) It sums the
weights of all those conceptually related concepts
and uses the total weight to represent the weight of
the original concept. (3) It chooses the original
concept that has the highest associated weight. In
this case, if there is still more than one concept
having the highest weight, it arbitrarily chooses one
concept and assigns that concept as the most
appropriate concepts.
Our proposed system has been implemented and
tested. For the implementation, we use Java
language to interface with Stanford parser and
ResearchCyc. We also use a Cyc language called
subL to define special functions to interface directly
with ResearchCyc knowledge base. One of our subL
functions defines a weight to be associated with a
concept. Another subL function implements the
process for propagating concept weight to the upper
more general concepts. Our experience shows that
using subL to define such functions is more effective
than using Java API to interface with ResearchCyc.
We have tested our system using documents
retrieved from varies sources, such as newspapers,
Wikipedia, and technical papers. Figure 4 shows a
sample of a test result, which provides a summary of
a news article called “A new spin on hurricane
forecasting”. Our system produced six abstract
concepts, such as “StormAsEvent” and
“HurricaneAsEvent”. These are the names of the
concepts encoded in Cyc knowledge base. These
abstract concepts provide insights to the content of
the document. Our system produced three sentences
as shown in Figure 4. In this case, the natural
language processing tool, Stanford parser, attaches
the title to the first sentence. At any rate, by reading
through the original document, we found that the
extracted sentences provide reasonable insights to
the central subject of the document.
Evaluating the results of summarization is not an
easy task and many researches have been done to
provide standard database and evaluation metric
(Lin, 2004; NIST 2008). Currently, we evaluate our
system by comparing it with AutoSummary from
Microsoft. Based on reading through the extracted
sentences, we found that the extracted results from
both systems are compatible. On the other hand,
since our abstracted concepts are unique, no
comparison is made on this function of our system.
Figure 4: Test result of a summary of a news article.
Abstracted Key Concepts:
Extracted Key Sentences:
A new spin on hurricane forecasting
This year, drones will be used
extensively to aid storm assessment.
MIAMI -- As coastal residents from the
Caribbean to Canada brace for as many
as 16 named storms, including two to
five major hurricanes, predicted for
the 2008 Atlantic season, the science
of hurricane tracking is expected to
improve this year.
This hurricane season jumped the gun of
today's official start date, with
Tropical Storm Arthur forming early
Saturday off the coasts of Honduras and
Original Document:
A Los Angeles Times article “A new spin
on hurricane forecasting” by Carol
Williams, June 1, 2008.
In this paper we proposed an ontology-base
summarization system that can abstract key concepts
and can extract key sentences to summarize text
documents including Web pages. We introduced
unique methods that have two advantages over
existing methods. One advantage is the use of multi-
level upward propagation to solve word sense
disambiguation problem. The other is that the
propagation process provides a method for the
generalization of concepts. We have implemented
and tested the proposed system. Our test results
show that the system is able to abstract key
concepts, generalize new concepts, and extract key
sentences. In addition to summarization of
documents, the system can be used for semantic
Web, information retrieval, and knowledge
discovery applications.
Based on our approaches, there are great
potentials for future research. One challenging
research is to create new abstract sentences to
summarize a document. In this task, we are requiring
computers to write meaningful sentences. This is not
an easy task. We have been working on this task for
years. Now, we are able to create simple sentences.
We will report this work after more testing and fine-
tuning. We are also working to incorporate
automatic Web page summarization with Web page
classification (Choi & Yao, 2005) and clustering
(Yao & Choi, 2007) to create the next generation of
search engine (Choi, 2006). Much research remains
to be done to address the problem of information
overload and to make effective use of information
contained on the Web.
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ICAART 2009 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence