Monique Janneck
Department of Psychology, University of Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 11, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
Keywords: Awareness, Computer-supported cooperative work, Computer-supported cooperative learning, Social
Abstract: Mechanisms supporting a shared representation of activities—or awareness—within a group of people are
an important prerequisite for successful computer supported cooperative activities. This article highlights
the design of awareness mechanisms from a social psychological viewpoint of human behaviour in and
within groups. Based on this, design guidelines for awareness functions supporting cooperative activities—
with an emphasis on promoting social awareness—are proposed and evaluated empirically. Results show
that users’ awareness was influenced positively as predicted by the design guidelines.
For cooperative activities to take place, the people
involved need to develop a shared understanding of
the context that they are cooperating in and the tasks
that they are working on. In face-to-face interaction
this is an implicit process, which is commonly
supported by nonverbal communication. Tools
supporting cooperative activities need to provide for
mechanisms enabling this kind of awareness in
computer-supported interaction as well: “Awareness
is an understanding of the activities of others, which
provides a context for your own activities” (Dourish
& Bellotti, 1992).
Cooperative activities are necessarily social
activities. Research focusing on computer supported
cooperative learning (CSCL) or work (CSCW)
generally stresses the meaning of social processes
influencing the shared representations and
generation of knowledge, drawing especially on
social constructivist theories, e.g. Koschmann
(1996). However, long-known, ‘classical’ social
psychological findings and theories providing a
plethora of insights into interaction within and
between groups have been barely drawn upon to
inform the design of cooperative systems (Janneck,
To start filling this gap, this article highlights the
design of awareness mechanisms from a social
psychological viewpoint and develops design
guidelines for awareness functions supporting
cooperative activities, with an emphasis on
promoting social awareness.
To put these design guidelines to a first
empirical test, several simple awareness functions
were added to an existing groupware system and
evaluated by means of an experimental design
comparing both subjective and objective awareness
measures in a field test before and after the new
awareness functionalities had been implemented.
Results show that users’ awareness was influenced
positively as predicted by the design guidelines.
This article is structured as follows: Section 2
discusses social issues in cooperative activities,
drawing on ‘classical’ social psychological research
on group structures, relations, and dynamics as basis
for the design of awareness mechanisms. Section 3
describes related work regarding the representation
of social activities in computer-supported
interaction. Section 4 introduces design guidelines
for implementing social awareness support based on
the concepts discussed in section 2. In section 5, an
empirical implementation and evaluation of these
design guidelines is described. Section 6 concludes
this article with a discussion of the results and an
outline for future work.
Janneck M.
DOI: 10.5220/0001754204630470
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In the following paragraphs, two aspects influencing
group work are presented exemplarily. In section 4,
they will be related to the design for social
awareness in computer-supported cooperative
learning and working groups.
2.1 Group Structures and Relations
It is a long-known fact that structures and relations
within groups heavily influence the group’s success
concerning cooperative activities (e.g. Blake &
Mouton, 1964; Herzberg et al., 1959).
Centralized structures of communication,
dominated by single individuals, threaten to
discourage other group members, thus lowering
group productivity. On the other hand, structures
enabling equal contributions and self-dependent
work of all members yield better results (Leavitt,
Of course, favourable group structures and
relations, which are conducive to productive
cooperation, cannot be established or even enforced
through software support. However, software design
can facilitate or impede on cooperation. Awareness
mechanisms can serve to make group structures
2.2 Social Loafing
Group members who benefit from other members’
efforts while contributing little themselves are
known as social loafers (e.g. Latane et al., 1979). In
computer-mediated communication, social loafing is
often referred to as lurking, addressing the problem
of the passiveness of—usually—the vast majority of
users, while only a small number of participants
contribute actively (e.g. Nonnecke & Preece, 2000).
However, Takahashi et al. (2003) report that
many of the alleged lurkers nevertheless made a
substantial contribution to offline communication in
their company by using and actively spreading
information they obtained from the intranet.
Exchanging and gathering information online are
typical activities in computer-supported cooperation.
Quite naturally, though, downloading data from e.g.
a shared workspace will leave less traces of activity
than lively online discussions. Making this kind of
‘passivity’—which might result in activity
elsewhere—more visible can be supported by
awareness mechanisms.
Social loafing occurs most often when people get
the impression that their contribution is
unidentifiable or redundant regarding the overall
result, so that their lack of contribution will go
unnoticed or remain without consequences. Social
loafing is reduced when group members take on
responsibility for the group result, and when their
individual contributions are clear. Awareness
mechanisms serve to make individual activities
Typical awareness mechanisms include notifications
of events or changes and tracking mechanisms of
people’s presence (“who is online?”) and actions
within the shared workspace.
Many cooperative systems support mainly
awareness of tasks that are worked on within the
group (e.g., notification of changes that were made
to a document).
The representation of social activities—or social
awareness—that are often manifested in cursory
interactions, leaving no visible or tangible trace
(comparable to ‘coffee breaks’ in face-to-face
interactions), is more of a challenge to systems
design, meaning to make ‘invisible’ actions (e.g.,
browsing the workspace and reading entries) more
visible. In the following paragraphs some
approaches and examples of representing social
activity are portrayed.
The social navigation approach aims at enabling
users to find relevant information by interpreting
traces that other users left behind (Dieberger et al.,
2000), thus conveying the history of digital objects
(Wexelblat, 1998). However, so far use scenarios for
social navigation have been mainly explored in the
context of individual navigation through web
resources (e.g. customer recommendations—
“customers who bought this book also bought…”—
or feedback comments on platforms such as or and less in the area of
cooperative activity.
Erickson & Kellog (2000) call systems that make
socially meaningful clues visible socially
translucent. So-called social proxies intend to give
an abstract, minimalist representation of real-world
activities (Erickson et al., 2002). For example, the
communication platform Babble (Erickson et al.,
2002) portrays chat partners as coloured dots within
a circle, moving to the centre when they converse
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
actively and back to the border when inactive. The
audio conferencing system Talking in Circles
(Rodenstein & Donath, 2000) uses graphical
representations of users to show who is participating
in conversations: Participants, represented as
coloured circles, need to be within ‘hearing distance’
of a speaker to be able to receive the audio
transmission. This way, parallel conversations are
possible while making visible who is talking and
who is participating in the conversation.
Perry & Donath (2004) use anthropomorphic
representations to display users’ activity in e.g.
discussion forums over a longer period of time.
These ‘stick-figures’ look bigger and brighter when
the users they represent participate actively, and fade
as activity ceases. The number of postings is
depicted as small boxes in the figures’ ‘bellies’, and
their facial expressions give some insight into the
emotional tone of the users’ contributions,
interpreting emotional keywords in the texts.
However, Perry & Donath (2004) admit that users
might feel their representations to be wrong,
misleading, or even caricatured, resulting in efforts
to manipulate their ‘stick-figure’ by writing
compensatory yet senseless postings.
PeopleGarden (Donath, 2002) depicts message
board members as flowers, growing and flourishing
according to their activity. A message board whose
members show low activity will look like a
neglected garden with only few and dispersed plants.
An active group will be represented as a prosperous
garden with a variety of blooming flowers.
Social proxies like PeopleGarden (Donath, 2002)
or anthropomorphic representations (Perry &
Donath, 2004) deliberately use emotionally
appealing and evocative visualizations of social
activities, in contrast to more neutral representations
(e.g. Erickson et al., 2002 or Rodenstein & Donath,
2000). However, Donath (2002) argues that
completely neutral visualizations are never possible
anyway, because social activities always evoke
judgments on the side of the people involved.
Therefore design decisions should explicitly involve
knowledge of social processes.
The social psychological concepts presented in
section 2 can be used to evaluate existing
approaches of visualizing social activities (section 3)
and develop new ideas for designing awareness
mechanisms in cooperative systems. In the following
paragraphs, this is done in the form of proposals,
drawing on the issues of group structures and
relations and social loafing.
4.1 Group Structures and Relations
1. Enable control: Visualizing social activities
within a shared workspace is vital for conveying a
sense of social structures and relations. However,
people need to retain some control over which of
their activities are made visible for other members—
and how this is done—to keep their autonomy in
use. Making transparent for users how their actions
are being visualized helps them to avoid that
information they want to keep private is made
2. No customization: For the reason of transparency,
awareness functions should not be customizable.
3. No automatic interpretations: Social activities and
emotions should be recognizable, but not be
interpreted by the software, for this affects users’
control and self-management in a very sensible area.
This is an argument against deducing emotional
states from e.g. the text of postings (like this is done
by Perry & Donath, 2004) or even forecasting future
user behaviour (cf. Hoffmann & Herrmann, n.d.). In
automatically interpreting emotional states, a system
suggests emotional competencies and meta-
knowledge concerning the social structure of a
group, which cannot be sensibly assumed. Erickson
(2003) states concisely: “Portray actions, not
4. Do not judge actions: For the same reason,
judgmental visualizations should be seen critically
despite the liveliness they undoubtedly convey.
Emotionally appealing visualizations like a
withering garden or a wimpy and pale stick-figure
bear the danger of having a discouraging or
offending effect on users and hindering rather than
promoting further use in the sense of a self-fulfilling
prophecy (Merton, 1982). Furthermore, it is
problematic that the respective context cannot be
taken into account: Groups may differ regarding the
number and frequency of postings because they have
different conventions and motives for use, but still
feel a similar quality of interaction. This is also true
regarding individual users: An apparently less active
user might simply use more effective strategies
when navigating or searching for information (cf.
Pape et al., 2005).
4.2 Social Loafing
5. Make the invisible visible: Making ‘passive’ user
behaviour—like read access—more visible is
important to reflect its significance for cooperation.
This is a challenge especially for asynchronous
tools, because visualizations of users’ current
presence within the workspace—conveying a simple
and fast impression of other users’ presence—are
not useful here. Detailed, personalized navigational
and activity histories tend to take up much time,
screen space, and attention, especially in larger
groups. Furthermore, detailed activity accounts
conflict with privacy and control issues. Instead, to
enable users to grasp activities quickly and
6. aggregate sensible and read access information:
Instead of giving detailed and personalized records
of activity, it is recommendable to visualize
potentially sensible and read access information in
an aggregated form (e.g., “10 of 35 people logged on
last week” or “3 of 6 people have accessed this
posting”). Abstract or visual representations help to
grasp the information without much cognitive load
(compared to text-based information). However, the
visualization should be non-judgmental and neutral.
7. No anonymous action: in contrast to passive
participation, active contributions—i.e., write
access—should be clearly traceable and attributable
to the respective authors to encourage personal
responsibility and avoid social loafing. This implies
that anonymous interaction is not recommendable in
cooperative activities.
8. Be careful with notifications: Considering the
danger of social loafing and taking into account that
‘passive’ behaviour like reading other postings,
downloading files, or simply browsing the shared
workspace for information are significant activities
that should be visible for the group, notifications
have to be seen critically. There is a danger that
users develop a reactive rather than an active mode
of usage: If usage is mainly triggered by the system,
users will visit the workspace not because of
personal motivation, but because they expect an
‘incentive’ (i.e., new information). Furthermore, this
devaluates passive forms of participation, which will
not cause any notification. It also brings about a
selective perception of group activities, particularly
as notifications usually need to be customizable to
prevent information overload. This has to be
weighed against the convenience of being informed
of new postings in a quick and timesaving way.
The design guidelines presented in the last section
were put to the test by designing and implementing
additional awareness functionalities for an existing
groupware system that showed a lack of support of
social awareness in empirical evaluations (Janneck,
2007). The new awareness functions were evaluated
by means of an experimental design comparing both
subjective and objective awareness measures in a
field test before and after the new awareness
functionalities had been implemented. In the
following sections, the software, the new awareness
features, and evaluation results are presented.
5.1 CommSy
The software that was used as a basis is CommSy, a
web-based system to support group work, which is
used mainly at universities, schools, but also at the
workplace. A detailed description is given e.g. by
Pape et al. (2002). People work together in shared
workspaces, so-called project workspaces, providing
upload and cooperative editing possibilities, a shared
calendar, discussion forums, to-do lists, a billboard
CommSy’s design principles emphasize the
social aspects of groupware use, such as negotiation
of usage rules and group responsibilities. These
principles are reflected in design features such as
shared editing rights pertaining to almost all entries
in the system, no customization, and equal access
Furthermore, the CommSy designers object to
autonomous and interpretative system functions. For
that reason they were also sceptical of awareness
functions, which they viewed as system
interpretations of user actions.
However, empirical investigations with a large
user basis (over 1500 people using the system on a
regular basis were surveyed over several years,
Janneck, 2007) showed that the users suffered from
a lack of social awareness: Users did not leave any
traces within the system unless they actively decided
to do so. ‘Passive’ participation like downloading
information or reading each other’s contributions
was just not visible in the system, even though this
was the main use pattern in most use contexts of use.
As a consequence, especially the more active users
experienced frustration because they felt that their
contributions were not being perceived at all.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Therefore it was decided in conjunction with this
study to add minor awareness functions that were in
accordance with the main CommSy design
5.2 Designing Awareness Functions
The CommSy design already addresses some of the
guidelines presented in section 4, such as avoiding
customization and notifications and also permitting
no anonymous entries. The design requirements for
the awareness functionalities can be summarized as
follows, answering the three central questions posed
by Gutwin & Greenberg (1999):
1. What information should be gathered and
displayed to the group?
It is necessary to visualize how contributions are
received within a group of users working together.
This especially applies to read access information,
since written contributions are imminently visible.
2. How should this information be presented?
To enable transparency and shared group awareness
in accordance with the CommSy design principles,
awareness information must be equally accessible
for all group members. To avoid control over
individual participation, there should be no
personalized access information. Judgemental
visualizations should be avoided, preferring abstract
3. When, and for what activities, are the different
kinds of information important?
Since CommSy was developed to support mainly
asynchronous cooperation, awareness functions
should display past rather than current actions. The
group’s interaction rhythm (i.e., how often are
members expected to use the system) or important
milestones of cooperation (e.g. changes on a
document) might serve as reference points.
Based on these requirements, two visualizations
of read access information were designed: An
activity display on the workspace home page and
detailed access information for every item in the
project room.
Activity Display on the Home Page. The workspace
home page already provides an overview of the
latest group activities. It can be configured to display
all items that were posted or changed within an
adjustable time span (e.g. during the last 7 days).
Therefore, a glance on the home page is sufficient to
gather the latest information from the group instead
of having to browse the whole workspace.
In addition, awareness functions conveying an
impression of social presence and general level of
activity were integrated into the home page. The
following information was used (Figure 1):
- The number of group members who have
logged on within the time span set for the home
page to show how many people currently
participate in the group work,
- the read access level (i.e., the number of page
impressions) within this time span to give an
impression of the activity level within the
project room which can also be compared over
- and, contrasting, the write access level (i.e., the
number of posts) to show that the (possibly)
frustratingly low level of active posting is
accompanied by a much higher level of
“passive” participation, which is equally vital
for cooperation but often remains invisible.
Figure 1: Activity Display on Project Room Home Page.
Detailed Access Information. As evaluation results
showed, CommSy users—especially active users
feel uncertain regarding the questions of if and how
their postings will be received by other group
members and if changes they make will be
recognized in time. To address this uncertainty
detailed access information was added for each
posting, showing the overall number of group
members that have viewed this particular entry and
also the number of people who visited this page after
it has been edited. It is visualized by a bar showing
the percentage of project room members who called
on this item (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Detailed access information for one posting.
A personalized read access history (as it is
provided by many groupware systems) was avoided
in accordance with the design guidelines presented
in section 4 to prevent misuse as control instrument.
5.3 Evaluation
The awareness mechanisms described above were
evaluated by means of a user questionnaire,
measuring social awareness. Results were compared
with data gathered before the awareness mechanisms
had been implemented to test for an increase of
social awareness.
560 users filled out the pre-awareness
questionnaire, 460 answered the post-awareness
survey. Respondents used CommSy mainly in
Higher Education contexts. They reflected on use
periods of 3-6 months (typically one semester).
Project workspaces were made up of groups with an
average of 25 members.
5.3.1 Subjective Assessment of Usefulness
Respondents were asked to rate the usefulness of the
new awareness information on four-category Likert
scales, with positive results: Approximately 60%,
respectively, agreed that the activity display on the
home page and also the detailed access information
had proven useful.
This was especially true for participants
regarding themselves as more active than average,
with approximately 70% positive evaluations in this
user group.
To investigate differences between more active
and more passive users, Mann-Whitney-U-tests were
calculated for intergroup comparisons. Both users
posting a more-than-average amount of entries or
considering themselves as more active than average
rated the awareness mechanisms significantly better
than users who behaved more passively (p<0.05).
This is also true for teachers (or moderators of
project workspaces, respectively) compared to
These results reflect the uncertainty of especially
active users regarding the reception of their postings,
which was already mentioned above. The especially
positive evaluation of the awareness mechanisms in
this user group provides evidence that the awareness
functions alleviate these difficulties and thus
encourage active use.
5.3.2 Comparison
of Pre- and Post-Awareness Measures
Apart from subjective evaluations it was measured if
and to what extent the awareness mechanisms had a
positive impact on the perception of social
awareness and the level of cooperation. For that
purpose pre-awareness and post-awareness survey
results were compared.
Both questionnaires asked users to rate their
level of agreement to the following statements:
I have a good overview of group activities within
the project workspace.
The majority of workspace members participate
The underlying hypotheses were that both
overview of group activities (H1) and perception of
participation (H2) would be increased after the
awareness mechanisms were introduced because
“passive” participation would become more visible.
There were no differences in actual participation
levels in the pre- and post-awareness condition.
Concerning workspace overview (H1) the
hypothesis was instantly confirmed: Users in the
post-awareness condition rated their perception of
group activities significantly better than users in the
pre-awareness condition (p=0.000). Active and
passive users do not show any differences in their
Judgements of participation (H2) are more
hesitant at first sight: Pre- and post-awareness
comparison misses significance by a narrow margin
(p=0.058). However, looking at the more active
users only, participation is rated significantly higher
in the post-awareness condition (p=0.008). Again,
this is evidence for the importance of visualizing
read access, or “passive” participation: The
affirmation that other members perceived their
postings has a positive effect on the active members.
This positive effect was also measured within a
second, much larger group of users: Those
respondents giving an overall positive evaluation of
CommSy as support for group work (85% of
respondents) also rated participation significantly
higher in the post-awareness condition (p=0.008).
This is not surprising: Users evaluating CommSy as
inadequate generally give lower ratings of the
software design and functionality (Janneck 2007).
However, results of past surveys show that bad
evaluations are mostly due to an insufficient match
of software and use context or insufficient
introduction and support.
The pre- and post-awareness samples do not
differ regarding neither individual characteristics
(age, sex, use context, activity and participation,
frequency of use, experience regarding CommSy use
etc.) nor characteristics of system use or general
evaluation of CommSy functions. Respective results
have been stable across several years (Janneck,
Since apart from implementing the awareness
mechanisms described above there were no changes
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
of the CommSy interface or functionality, it is
feasible to assume that the increase in social
awareness is actually due to the awareness functions.
When people work together, the social dynamics
within the group necessarily impact on the outcome
and success of cooperative activities. For decades,
social psychology has studied interaction within and
between groups. This paper showed exemplarily
how these findings can be drawn upon to inform the
design of cooperative systems, focusing on
supporting social awareness in cooperative
activities. An empirical study was conducted to
investigate the effects that newly implemented
awareness functions—designed according to the
guidelines presented here—had on social awareness
within groups using the groupware system CommSy.
To sum up results, the new awareness
mechanisms were evaluated positively by the users
and also led to significantly improved social
awareness as compared to the pre-awareness
condition: Users feel better informed about group
activities, and the vast majority also perceive the
general activity level to be higher after the
awareness mechanisms were introduced, even
though there were no changes in actual participation
This is substantial evidence that “passive”
participation, i.e. read access, is crucial for
cooperative activities and should be made visible by
the software, as outlined in the awareness guidelines
in section 4. Especially active users with many posts
benefit from the feedback they receive through such
Awareness functions naturally cannot increase
individual participation or create incentives for use
not otherwise provided. However, this study shows
that meaningful awareness mechanisms—sensefully
balancing collective information needs and
individual concerns of privacy and control—
influence the perception of cooperation positively,
since they reveal group members’ commitment,
efforts and activities that are often invisible in
It is especially remarkable that even adding such
sparse awareness features as it was done with
CommSy in this study yielded such clear effects:
Not only did the new awareness features lead to an
improvement of social awareness—in another study
comparing CommSy and the CSCW system BSCW
(, e.g. Klöckner,
2002), CommSy received significantly better ratings
of awareness support even though BSCW provides
much more awareness functions (Wolfhagen, 2006).
Especially the very detailed, personalized read-
access information provided by BSCW (showing for
each post when it was accessed by what users) raised
fears regarding misuse and control and was rejected
by the users. Equally, BSCW’s extensive automatic
notification functions—informing users e.g. when
items are posted or changed—did not result in
improved awareness compared to CommSy: In spite
of notifications, BSCW users felt significantly more
often that they unnecessarily called on the shared
Independent from the results of this study,
Wolfhagen (2006) concludes that the “sparse and
specific” use of awareness mechanisms in CommSy
is more adequate than BSCW’s extensive awareness
repertoire which might lead to counterproductive
“awareness overkill”.
Thus, the awareness guidelines presented here—
alerting designers to refrain from massive,
personalized awareness information and also
cautioning against the use of notification
mechanisms—could be substantiated in an
independent study.
Moreover, another analysis (Janneck, 2007)
showed that analyzing CommSy by means of the
design guidelines with regard to awareness support
lead to similar results concerning the software’s
strengths and weaknesses as empirical
investigations—another evidence for guideline’s
suitability for analysis and design.
Of course, further empirical tests are needed
exploring the consequences of different design
decisions with different groupware systems. There
are three possible strategies:
1) Analyzing existing software by means of the
guidelines and comparing the results with
empirical data, as this was done for CommSy
(Janneck 2007),
2) comparing use patterns of systems that took
different design approaches regarding awareness
support (as it was done by Wolfhagen (2006) for
CommSy and BSCW), and
3) evaluating prototypical implementations of
awareness mechanisms explicitly following the
guidelines and their effects on group interaction,
as it was done for CommSy in this study.
However, especially with software that is used in
real-life contexts by real users and not under test or
laboratory conditions, it will always be difficult to
“prove” that certain effects that could be measured
were caused by specific singular design decisions:
The factors influencing quality, success, and
perception of software use are manifold and
complex, especially in cooperative settings.
Therefore, a triangulation approach as it was
sketched above seems the most promising in this
The theoretical basis drawn upon in this study
focused on the two areas of group structures and
relations and social loafing. In addition, other social
psychological concepts need to be explored. The
theory of Social Identity explaining intergroup
relations and their effects on group identification,
adherence, and motivation seems especially
promising in this respect (Rohde et al., 2004).
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies