Lionel Robinault
1, 2
, Stéphane Bres
and Serge Miguet
LIRIS - Lyon2 University
FOXSTREAM - LIRIS, Lyon2 University
Bat. C, 5, Av. Pierre Mendès France
69676 Bron cedex – France
Bat. Jules VERNE
69 621 Villeurbanne
Keywords: PTZ camera, Background/foreground detection, Gaussian mixture, Image registration.
Abstract : An important research is done to exploit the characteristics of PTZ cameras. These cameras allow
motorized cover a wide field of view. A classic application of these cameras is to image mosaicing. But
they can also be used to track moving objects. In this paper, we present an original approach for performing
the registration, adapted to the case of central projection and a background subtraction algorithms for these
cameras. The background image is iteratively updated and only on the part "seen" by the camera. We have
experimented different segmentation algorithms using our background modeling technique and this
approach makes it possible object tracking in real time for PTZ cameras.
The goal of this paper is to present is to detect in
real time the foreground objects from a moving
camera PTZ. Most solutions described in the
literature (Kang 03, Migdal 05, Bevilacqua 06)
requires as a first step, create a complete panorama
of the scene. This panorama is the modeling of
background. During the operation, acquired images
are projected onto the panorama. Moving objects are
segmented from the difference between the
panorama and the projection of the current image.
This approach leads to many problems. Among
other things, the acquisition time of the first stage
and the size memory needed to store the panorama
without loss of information. However, the most
important is the time between the construction of
background model and the acquisition of the current
image. This problem is even more sensitive outdoor
lighting that changes regularly.
In this paper we present a robust background
modeling method adapted to PTZ cameras and does
not require the creation of such a mosaic. The
additional interest of our approach is the reduction
of processing time, in order to deal with real-time
constraints. The first step in our approach relates to
the image registration. We propose a fast image
registration method adapted to the specific case of
central projection. The second step is to update a
background image corresponding only to the field of
view (FOV) of the camera at time t. The rest is
erased from the memory.
This article is structured as follow: in the next
section we present the state of the art and our
approach of image registration. In the section, we
propose an generalization of background modeling
method adapted to PTZ cameras. Then in section 4
we present our experimental results. The conclusion
and the perspectives are presented in section 5.
2.1 State of the Art
Although many solutions have been proposed for
building panoramas, achieving high quality mosaics
Robinault L., Miguet S. and Bres S. (2009).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 609-614
DOI: 10.5220/0001796806090614
in real time remains a very challenging task. The
approaches can be classified according to the
complexity of the model. Moreover, we can
distinguish local vs global methods and direct vs
feature-based approaches. Regarding model
complexity, Bhat and al. (Bhat 00) use a simple
translation motion models for motion segmentation
with a PTZ camera. However, this assumption is
only fulfilled for small tilt angles. More complex
motion models are thus generally proposed, such as
rigid, affine (Szeliski 97, Brown 03) or general
projective models (Bevilacqua 05). In addition, most
cameras deviate from a real pin-hole model due to
radial distortion which becomes more prominent for
shorter focal lengths, and some approaches (Sinha
04) propose to compensate it.
Local approaches aim at determining the model's
parameters for each couple of successive frames,
and consists in a frame to frame (or pairwise)
registration. They are computationally efficient but
this strategy introduces small alignment errors to
accumulate. In particular, these errors become more
evident when a video sequence returns to a
previously captured location (problem known as
"looping path"). Global approaches (Szeliski 97,
Brown 03) formulate the registration problem in
order to solve for all of the camera parameters
jointly, i.e. by requiring that the ends of a panorama
should join up. These kinds of exact optimization
schemes are most of the time not compatible with
real-time purpose, thus making global methods
suitable mainly for batch computation.
Direct (or intensity-based) methods (Szeliski 97 ,
Sinha 04) attempt to iteratively estimate the camera
parameters by minimizing an error function based
on the intensity difference in the area of overlap.
This can be achieved by computing the sum square
difference (SSD) or ZSSD, the correlation
coefficient (CC), the mutual information (MI) and
the correlation ratio (RC). Szeliski and Shum
(Szeliski 97) propose to estimate the registration
homography by iteratively updating a correction
matrix using the SSD. They use an affine model, but
claim that their general strategy can be followed to
obtain the motion parameters associated with any
other motion models (perspective or even including
radial distortion). In addition, they apply global
alignment to the whole sequence of images, which
results in an optimal image mosaic. Direct methods
have the advantage that they use all of the available
data and hence can provide very accurate
registration, but they depend on the fragile
"brightness constancy" assumption, and being
iterative require initialization. Feature-based
methods (Bevilacqua 05, Brown 03) start by
establishing correspondences between points, lines
or other geometrical entities for estimating the
camera parameters. For example, Bevilacqua et. al
(Bevilacqua 05) suggest to match current frame
features (corners) to the background mosaic using
the KLT tracker. They make use of a generic
projective model, and propose to overcome the
"looping path" problem with a feedback registration
correction compatible with real-time requirements.
In their approach no a priori information regarding
the camera parameters or signals (pan/tilt angular
movements). Thus, they use a histogram
specification technique (Azzari 06) to manage
automatic camera exposure adjustments (e.g. AGC)
and environmental illumination changes (e.g.
daytime changes). Brown and Lowe (Brown 03)
propose to match SIFT features between all of the
input images to form the panorama. They make use
of an affine transformation model that they justify
by the partially invariance of SIFT descriptors under
affine change. They use a RANSAC algorithm as a
probabilistic model for image match verification, in
order to discard outliers for the parameters
estimation. Finally, they use bundle adjustment
(Triggs 00) as a global registration scheme to solve
for all of the camera parameters jointly. Although
the approach is efficient, and is able to automatically
images being part of the mosaic, the panorama
computation requires 83 seconds on a 2GHz PC.
2.2 Registration Problem Formulation
Mapping the current frame into a common reference
coordinate system consists in determining the
transformation between the acquired image I and the
previously built panorama P, i.e. finding the
homography between I and P. An homography is
defined as a transformation between two projective
planes. An exhaustive review of the projective
transforms is beyond the scope of the paper, and the
reader can refer to (Faugeras 93).
Projection Model. Using homogeneous
coordinates, the homography corresponds to a linear
transform that can be represented using a 3 × 3
matrix multiplication H. Denoting X =(u,v,1)
coordinates of a point P
in the current image I, the
homography H maps P
to P’
P, whose
coordinates are X'= (u', v',w')
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
where indicates that equation 1holds up to a scale
factor. The equation 1 gives the general form of a
homography, with eight free parameters. However,
the PTZ cameras constitute a special case. For
example, we can assume that the camera's center of
rotation is fixed and coincides with the center of
projection while it is rotating and zooming. Such an
assumption is valid, when the PTZ camera is used
outdoors or in large environments where the shift of
the camera center is small as compared to its
distance to the observed scene. In that case, using a
simplified model removing geometrical or chromatic
distortions, the projection can be expressed as
and R
being the rotation matrices in function of
the pan and tilt angles, and K being the simplified
matrix of the intrinsic parameters of the model:
K v
where f
and f
correspond to the focal distance,
given in pixel unit for the axes u and v, (u
, v
) is the
projection center in the image plane.
Homography Estimation. Considering the two
images I and P that have to be aligned, the
registration problem can thus be formulated as
estimating the homography
fulfilling the
following equation:
where E is the space search related to the
homography parameters, and D is a dissimalirity
measurement between P and H(I). Solving the
registration problem is thus two-fold. Firstly we
have to define a image similarity measurement
adapted to our context. Secondly we must specify
how the minimization stated in equation 4 is carried
2.3 Our approach
Our problem consists in searching a homography
between two images. In the state of the art, we have
presented two classes of technique: intensity based
and feature based methods. In the case of intensity
based methods, the algorithm of minimization is fast
however the evaluation of the cost function is slow.
For the feature based methods, the research of
interest point is fast but the computation of interest
point features and matching of points is slow. We
propose to mix the two approaches ie minimization
algorithm and extraction of interest points.
As indicated in equation 4, we need to define a
measure of dissimalirity. Usually, the cost function
used is the sum square difference (SSD) measure or
equivalent. The SSD measure is calculated between
all pixels of image. For accelerate the computation
time, we propose to use a cost function based on the
position of the interest point. The first step consists
to calculate the interest points (Harris 88) in two
images. The interest points are calculated once at the
beginning of the algorithm. At each iteration, we
apply the transformation matrix at all points of I.
The cost function is the sum distances between all
points of P and the nearest point of I after
To optimize the computing time and avoid
seeking the minimum distance between each point,
we define a search area for each point of P. This
search area is defined by the a priori knowledge
There are many methods to find the minimum in
a search space, such as simulated annealing and
genetic algorithms. These methods are universally
acknowledged to be less sensitive to local minima.
However, the tests that we have done have shown
that the number of intermediate solution is more
important. For the mimization algorithm, we have
choice a simplex method. The simplex method,
introduced by Nelder and Mead in 1965 (Nelder 65),
is now well-known optimization scheme applicable
in a high-dimension space. It is based on the use of a
polyhedron which dimensions are n+1, n being the
unknown parameters to be determined. Each
iteration updates the polyhedron in order to estimate
the minimum of the cost function.
Moreover, compared to the simplex method, the
conditions of stops on two other methods are more
difficult to determine. The choice of the simplex
method is therefore fully justified. In our
application, the homography has five free
parameters, as stated in equation 2. If none of these
parameters is known, the simplex polyhedron shall
have six vertices. If the parameters of the panorama
P are known or calculated at time t-1, only three
parameters of image I have to be computed. The
simplex is thus a tetrahedron.
Image P Image I Polygons in I
Figure 1: Search space for ϕp =45°, f
=3° and and
f = 100.
3.1 State of the Art
Several authors (Bhat 00, Kang 03) generate a
preliminary complete (or partial) panorama of the
scene. Then they projecting the current image in the
panorama. There are several representations of
panoramic images. One of them is to project all the
images on a cylinder. This is the solution used in
(Bhat 00).
However, making a complete panorama of the
scene is particularly expensive in terms of memory.
To store all of the scene without losing any
information, it is necessary that the minimum size of
each face of the cube is equal to twice the focal
length expressed in pixels. For example, take a focal
length corresponding to 800 pixels. For a color
image, the required memory space is equivalent to
x 3 x 6 or approximately 45 MB. If we use an
algorithm based on Gaussian mixture, a minimalist
solution requires 3 x 16-bit integers by Gaussian and
it takes a minimum of two Gaussians. The memory
is then 540 MB. The memory size is not the only
limiting factor. For the background model to be
meaningful, it is necessary to minimize the time for
modeling the background as well as the computing
time of the difference between current image and the
background. If this time is too long, several factors
make difficult to extract the moving objects. The
change of brightness is also a factor. To
continuously update the panorama is not a good
option. The solution that we propose is, therefore, to
model only the part of the background that is viewed
by the camera in the current image.
Several approaches have been proposed for
background modeling. The goal of this article is not
to make a complete presentation of these methods,
but we can cite three main families. The background
image can be simply built from the previous frame
or from a sliding average on previous images
(Perner 01, Haritaoglu 00). The solution that seems
to give the best results according to the bibliography
is the method of Gaussian mixtures (Stauffer 99,
Lee 05). We will enter with more details into these
different methods.
3.2 Our Approach
The first step was to determine the transformation
matrix between the current and previous images. We
apply the transformation matrix to the background
image I
calculated at t-1 that we subtract from the
current image I
to obtain the map of foreground
pixels I
fcm IHII
There are several ways to calculate a background
image. In this article we limit ourselves to one type
of algorithm used by several authors (Stauffer 99,
Lee 05). They model the change of each pixel in the
image over time by using several Gaussian
distributions represented by an average and a
standard deviation. This method is commonly
known as "Gaussian mixture". The number of
distributions used for background modeling depends
on the complexity of the background movements.
The format of the article does not enable us to look
further into the discussion on the relevance of this
model and its parameters. For more information, the
reader will be able to read the article of Stauffer
(Stauffer 99). The tests which we carried out show
that 3 distributions are generally necessary.
In the case of PTZ cameras, our approach
consists in applying the transformation matrix to the
different parameters (average, standard deviation) of
the pixels of the background image. The distribution
of each Gaussian can be accomplished by a bi-linear
interpolation. Our approach makes it possible to use
the transformation matrix on the background image
and to put that back in the context of fixed cameras.
We may use all classic algorithms of segmentation
and identification of motion objects.
It is however important to notice that our
approach does not allow us (under certain
conditions) to segment all the moving objects.
Indeed, the size of the background image being the
same as that of the current image, we lose some
information. That is, the area of the background
image that was present on the previous image and
who has disappeared with the movement of the
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
camera. It does not really matter because the camera
movement is mostly linear in time and will therefore
continue in the same direction. The camera does not
change direction any time. What is more
problematic is that a part of the background image is
not available. Is the area of the current image that
was not present in the previous image .
Figure 2: Background image projection on the current
In our example (Fig.2), we applied on the
background image the transformation matrix that
corresponds to the shooting parameters of the
current image. The background image is projected in
the plane of the current image. The rectangle shows
the position of the current image in the plane. We
can notice that a small part of the background image
is outside of the rectangle. This is the part of the
background that is lost. A black area appears inside
the rectangle. This is the part that could not yet be
analyzed by lack of modeling. In the above example
we have voluntarily simulate a major movement in
order to illustrate our point.
The following sequence (Fig.3.) corresponds to a
real case. The camera could not give us a reliable
position measurement, we used our registration
technique. We present some images from the movie
with the binarization results. The first column is the
image acquired by the camera. In this example, the
camera is rotating pan in the trigonometric direction.
The overall scene is moving. In this scene, a
pedestrian is also moving. The second column is to
magnify the person in motion. Other columns
correspond to the binarization of various methods.
Column (WR) is the result of the difference, after
binarization, between the current image and
projection of the previous image in the plan of the
current image. The projection matrix is estimated
with our registration method. The column (CP) is
the result of our background model but by using the
parameters of the camera to calculate the projection
matrix. Column (OA) is our approach (ie. image
registration + mixture of gaussian). Compared to
WR, our approach shows the contribution of our
background model. In the case of CP, if the camera
parameters were precise, the results would be
comparable with our approach. However, will
traditional PTZ cameras are not precise. For
example, on the camera Sony RZ25P, the
information of position is updated once time by
second. If the positions taken by the camera are not
just, the object segmentation is not perfect. Our
approach helps to properly segment the pedestrian.
These tests were carried out on a laptop - HP
Pavilion equipped with a 1.8GHz AMD processor
and 1GB RAM. The computing times for 704 x 576
pixels images are 22ms for Gaussian mixtures. They
make possible object tracking in real time.
Frame 311 Ped. WR CP OA
Frame 316 Ped. WR CP OA.
Frame 321 Ped. WR CP OA.
Frame 326 Ped. WR CP OA.
Figure 3: Real case sequence.
In this article we have presented a method for real-
time background substraction adapted to PTZ
cameras. The method we propose is not intended to
achieve a robust panorama. It helps, however, to
quickly calculate the projection between two
successive frames of a video camera PTZ moving.
After the projection of the image J in the
background of image I, the difference between the
two images permitted the computation of the motion
map. The best results are obtained with mixtures
Gaussian. With the image registration, the
computation time of the motion map is 29ms. The
computation times reduced our method allows
computing time available for other treatments, such
as segmentation. Another advantage of our method
is that it is less sensitive to changing light
conditions. The brightness changes are immediately
integrated as in the case of a fixed camera.
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VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications