Gabriela Csurka and Marco Bressan
Xerox Research Centre Europe, 6, ch. de Maupertuis, 38240 Meylan, France
Non-photorealistic rendering, Semantic segmentation, Drawings, Coloring and activity page.
We present a technique to generate some popular activity sheets from arbitrary images, in particular user
photographs. We focus on activity sheets that are closely linked to coloring and shape completion. We first
introduce a baseline approach based on color regions that works well for cartoon-like images and uncluttered
photographs. In more complex scenes, we show how this approach can be integrated with global textural cues
for increasing the level of details that can convey semantic information. A final local stage takes advantage
of object recognition and scene classification techniques for selective detailing in the foreground background
regions. Though the resulting approach can be deployed in a fully automatic fashion, interactivity can be a
desirable feature since it allows to account for errors and, more important, increase the level of personalization.
We propose three levels of interactivity, depending on the user skills. For all steps of our system and addressed
activity sheets we show representative results.
Children enjoy coloring. In addition, children like
browsing their own family albums and looking at their
own photos. If given the option, children will prefer to
select the pictures they want to color, e.g. characters
from their favorite cartoons, images from a particu-
lar subject they find on the internet, personal family
photos, etc.
Coloring images are generally simple black and
white silhouette or border images with well sepa-
rated regions, each corresponding to a different color.
These images can also present several differences in
style (see Figure 1) leading to different spare time
activities such as unsupervised silhouette coloring,
numbered/labeled region coloring, dot linking, etc.
They are also often used in kindergarten and elemen-
tary schools, where the labeling has to be deduced as
part of an exercise e.g. a mathematical formula.
Typically, most of these activities were available
on cartoon-like images and drawings. Transforming
a printed photograph into a drawing suitable for any
of these activities requires a complex manual process
with multiple steps. With the popularity of digital
photography, it is natural to device a digital technique
to simplify this process.
The main challenge we address in this paper is to
obtain coloring pages from the arbitrary types of im-
ages children might be interested in coloring or filling
i.e. photographs and cartoons. We propose a set of
automatic and semi-automatic tools based on state-
of-the-art image analysis and processing techniques
that allow a non-expert user to generate quickly these
spare-time activity sheets from arbitrary images, par-
ticularly user photographs. These tools can be easily
plugged-in any interactive photo-editing system, can
be added to online coloring services or can be part of
a photographic print flow.
The coloring page creation can be seen as a partic-
ular case and application of photographic stylization
and abstraction. Indeed, they share many common
components, such as building edge maps and image
segmentation, even face detection for non-realistic
rendering (Brooks, 2007), and therefore these com-
ponents used or developed in the former field can be
re-used to inspire and to improve the coloring page
creation. The former techniques are not specifically
adapted to the coloring page creation and even less
to derive the divers activity sheets. Their aim is
to obtain painting rendering of the images (DeCarlo
and Santella, 2002; du Buf et al., 2006; Olmos and
Kingdom, 2006), stained glass effect (Mould, 2003;
Brooks, 2006) or to enhance the compression rate for
visual communication efficiency (Winnem¨oller et al.,
2006). They generally combine the luminance edge
maps with the “abstracted colors” of the image which
mutually compensate the visual imperfection of both
of them, leading to a paintings rendering stylized ef-
Csurka G. and Bressan M.
DOI: 10.5220/0001799601560163
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-67-8
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Different types of activity sheets.
We propose a method to generate coloring book
pages automatically from user photos. The only
other approach we are aware of with this objective
is the commercial product Kidware Photo Color Tool
( The results of the latter
system are simple weighted edge maps similar to our
texture edges (see section 3.1 and Figure 3), its main
drawback beeing that many of the regions are not
closed. As coloring images are mostly designed for
young children, simplicity is desirable. Preferred im-
ages are black and white silhouette or border images
with well separated regions, each corresponding to
a different color. Another advantage of our system
compared to it is that we address a wider range of de-
rived activities (see section 4).
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we
describe a simple and basic method which works well
for simple images containing well contrasted and un-
cluttered objects with relatively uniform background.
In section 3 we extend this method in order to cope
with more complex scenes. In section 4 we describe
methods to obtain diverse activity sheets. Section 5
discusses multiple levels of interactivity levels and
Section 6 concludes the paper.
We first propose a relatively simple system to ob-
tain automatically coloring pages from a natural or
cartoon-like image which nevertheless goes beyond a
simple weighted edge map. This approach is suitable
for images where regions are easily distinguishable
and each region shows fairly uniform colors. Figure
2 shows a few examples obtained on real images with
this basic system.
The main steps of this system are:
Figure 2: Example results for the basic approach.
1. Color Conversion
We first transform the image from RGB space to
some chrominance-luminance space. We choose
ab, as the Euclidean distance in this space has
perceptual interpretation which can be of advan-
tage for metric-based processing such as cluster-
2. Edge-Preserving Low-pass Filtering
Next, we apply an edge-preserving low-pass fil-
ter (EPLP) to the different channels of the image.
This seeks to reduce image noise which can lead
to extra edges or image segments non-relevant for
further processing. Simple median filtering can be
used, or some more sophisticated methods such as
edge-preserving maximum homogeneity neigh-
bour filtering (Garnica et al., 2000) or anisotropic
diffusion filtering (Perona and Malik, 1991).
3. Image Segmentation
The third step consists in low level image seg-
mentation or region clustering. The most common
approaches are based on Normalized Cut (Jianbo
and Jitendra, 2000) or Mean Shift (Comaniciu and
Meer, 2002). These two methods in particular
take into account the spatial closeness of the pix-
els and therefore lead to more compact segments.
In our experiments, we used Mean Shift with a
flat kernel and low color and spatial bandwidths
, σ
[5, 10])). The bandwidth parameter al-
lows handling the coarseness similarly in differ-
ent images without specifying the exact number
of clusters to be found in the image. In order to
ensure we do not miss any perceptually important
boundary, we intentionally use a low bandwidth
to over-segment the image.
4. Region Merging
As we intentionally over-segment the image, in
the fourth step, we do a region merging based on a
set of rules that take into account both spatial and
perceptual information. The merging criterion is
different from the measure used by the meanshift,
meaning that the region merging leads to a differ-
ent results than using higher bandwidth would do.
The rules are very simple:
(a) If the area of the region is below a given thresh-
old (T
=0.0005% of the image area), it will
be absorbed by the most similar neighbor,inde-
pendentlyof the color differencebetween them.
(b) If the area of the region is above T
but below
a second threshold T
> T
=0.05% of the
image area) the region is merged with its most
similar neighbor only if their color similarity
is below a threshold that depends on the color
variance of the image.
(c) If the area of the region is above T
the region
is kept unchanged.
In both cases the color similarity is computed as
a combination of distances in chrominance and
luminance space, giving a higher weight (impor-
tance) to the distance in the chrominance space.
This merging algorithm is applied iteratively until
no modification is made or the maximum num-
ber of iterations is achieved. Alternatively, more
complex region merging criteria could be applied,
such as minimal cost edge removal in the cor-
responding region adjacency graph (Haris et al.,
5. Edge Detection
Finally, we extract the closed edges of the ob-
tained regions and use a morphological dilation
function to get thicker region borders.
The proposed basic system is a simple approach that
gives satisfactory results in many cases. However, as
two of the images in the second column of Figure 3
show, it can lead to less satisfactory results as scenes
become more complex. In this section, we propose
a few extensions to the basic system to improve the
quality of the coloring pages.
3.1 Adding Texture Edges
One of the main difficulties of obtaining an acceptable
coloring page for a complex scene images is that gen-
erally there are several objects/elements of the scene
for which the level of “interesting” details can vary a
lot. In a coloring page application, not all details will
require the same level of attentio, e.g. a human face or
the leaves or branches of a tree. An automatic system
that has no knowledge about the image content will
Figure 3: Example results for the system with addition of
texture edges. In second column the results of the basic
system B, in the third column the edge map obtained by the
DoG algorithm normalized to [0,1] and in the last column
the weighted combination of them.
handle these regions in a similar fashion. The global
parameters can be tuned to increase or decrease de-
tails, but the same criterion will be applied to all re-
In order to handle this, we propose a first solu-
tion based on texture/luminance edges. To extract the
luminance edges we use the Difference of Gaussians
(DoG) algorithm as it approximates well the Lapla-
cian of Gaussian, known to lead to a weighted edge
map. Furthermore, the DoG is believed to mimic well
how neural processing in the retina of the eye extracts
details from images destined for transmission to the
brain. After elimination of small edges and isolated
dots in the DoG map, these luminance edges are com-
bined with the region boundaries obtained in section
2. We used a weighted combination giving a higher
to the original coloring page borders in order
to let them guide the coloring.
The main role of this combination is visual en-
hancement, however in many cases it can also com-
pensate for missing bordersbetween regions that were
wrongly merged either by the low level segmentation
or by the region merging step. These cues further help
children to better understand the content if they do not
have the original model. Figure 3 shows a few exam-
ples of coloring pages with and without adding these
texture edges. The final results are still not perfect
compared to what a human would do manually, how-
ever it seems that children can cope well with these
small imperfections (see Figure 10).
In our experiments we used max(E, DoG
) with λ =
0.4, where the original edge map E is binary and DoG was
normalized to have values between [0,1].
GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Example results for the system with addition of
skin detection and filling with original content.
Figure 5: The sheep class mask (2nd image) obtained by
CBIS was used to eliminate the background from the col-
oring page obtained by the basic system (3rd image). Fur-
thermore, the low level segmentation was replaced by the
high level masks boundary and texture edges added inside
the relevant region (4th image).
Extracting ridges and valleys (Tran and Lux,
2004) can provide an alternative or a complement to
this approach as artists frequently take advantage of
ridges and valleys in their work.
3.2 Semantic Content Analyses
It is clear that if the system has some further knowl-
edge about the semantic content of the regions then
it can automatically handle those regions accordingly.
For example, it can increase the weights or the thick-
ness of the object’s border, merge regions within the
same semantic region, add luminance edges or ridges
only to the regions of interest, etc. We can also al-
ternatively fill some of the regions with the original
content as in Figure 4 based on human skin detection.
In the last few years there were many publications
and an increasing interest on semantic segmentation
of images, i.e. assigning each pixel in an image to
one of a set of predefined semantic classes. This is a
supervised learning problem in contrast to the “classi-
cal” unsupervised low-level segmentation. There are
three main groups of techniques that can be integrated
with the system we propose:
1. Foreground-background Separation
The objective here is to separate some foreground
object or region of interest (ROI) from the back-
ground, not necessarily knowing what the object
is. In most approaches proposed in the litera-
ture, the algorithm requires manual initialization,
which can be simple enough to be done by a child
(e.g. drawing a box or a contour around the ROI).
In a pure automatic case, the system can either as-
sume that the ROI is in the center of the image
or use Visual Attention Maps (Itti et al., 1998)
to initialize. After initialization, to get the fore-
ground/background separation one might use im-
age matting techniques (Sun et al., 2004), active
contours (Juan et al., 2006) or to apply GrabCut
(Rother et al., 2004).
2. Object Detection and Localization
The main idea is to simultaneously recognize and
segment out a predefined object class such as per-
son, car, horse, etc. The techniques that address
this problem (Winn and Jojic, 2005; Levin and
Weiss, 2006) require that the set of object classes
be predefined. In general, the system has to be
trained with fairly clean examplary images. Faces
and human skin are of particular interest in color-
ing page because users are more sensible concern-
ing the results of segmentation or edges on a face
or human body than on any other object. Much
of the state of the art focuses on these categories:
see (Viola and Jones, 2001; Yang et al., 2002) for
face and (Vezhnevets et al., 2003; Tomaz et al.,
2003) for human skin detection. As above, the ini-
tial detection results can again be further refined
by matting or active contours to get a better ob-
ject/background segmentation.
3. Semantic based image Segmentation
In contrast to the two previous cases, in this ap-
proach the image can be partitioned generally in
more than two semantically labeled (meaningful)
regions. Of course the previous cases can be seen
as particular instances of the semantic segmen-
tation problem where only two classes are de-
fined. Several techniques were recently proposed
to solve this problem (Shotton et al., 2006; Yang
et al., 2007; Csurka and Perronnin, 2008). We
used the last one in our experiments (called CBIS
in which follows).
The integration of these techniques with the color-
ing page system can hence further enhance the visual
quality of the coloring page (see Figures 4 and 5), but
they are of particular interest for the derived activity
sheets as we will see.
G − Green
K − Black
B− Brown
Figure 6: An example of a labeled coloring page.
4.1 Region Labeling
In contrast to the unsupervised case, the idea here is
that the child has to follow some rules to color each
region. It can be simply the recognition of some let-
ters as in the 2nd example of Figure 1), or it can be
more complex such as mathematical or logical for-
mulas. The latter are often used in kindergarten and
elementary school with pedagogical purposes.
With our system, this can be done automatically,
because (1) we have closed regions and (2) we have a
representative color of each region (mean color, clus-
ter center or mean shift mode). We can therefore
select a set of standard colors (e.g. using the well-
known, standard NBS-ISCC color name dictionary, to find for
each region the selected standard color which is clos-
est to its representative color and plot the correspond-
ing letters, formulas, shape, etc (depending on the
children’s age) onto it. Eventually, on the border or
next to the image, the legend is printed with the labels
and the corresponding color (see Figure 6).
4.2 Link the Dots
A second popular activity sheet example is the link-
the-dots sheet (see 5th example in Figure 1). These
sheets are also often used by kindergarten as they help
children to learn number ordering and the alphabet.
The main idea is to take a single object boundary
using one of the techniques described in section 3.2,
sample dots on it, label them with letters, numbers or
formulas following the contour and eventually delete
the original contour.
The dots on the boundary can be sampled uni-
formly or obtained by more complex algorithms that
seek for corners and inflexions points such as chain
code detection (Liu and Srinath, 1990), local contours
(Reche et al., 2002), direct estimation of the curve
and its high curvature points (Chetverikov and Sz-
abo, 1999; Hermann and Klette, 2005). We used a
Figure 7: Example of automatically obtained follow-the-dot
examples. In the first case we used the bird class mask ob-
tained by CBIS and the dots were obtained by CSS corner
detector on the boundary of the mask. We also added the
DoG edges inside the object region to enhance the final re-
sult. In the second case, we initialized the GrabCut (Rother
et al., 2004) with a box centered in the middle of the image
and made forground/background separation. We show the
original object boundary on the results for pure visualiza-
tion purposes.
local implementation of the popular method, the Cur-
vature Scale Space (CSS) based corner detector (Ab-
basi et al., 1999; He and Yung, 2004) to obtain a set
of dots on the object boundary (see Figure 7).
4.3 Object Discovery through Coloring
Finally, a third type activity sheet is to discover hid-
den objects through coloring. The objective can be a
simple foreground or background coloring, labeled by
dots as in 4th example in Figure 1; or more complex
where a set of colors has to be used and the individual
labels are mathematical or logical formulas (as in 6th
example of Figure 1).
These sheets can also be derived from our
solution when we have the knowledge of fore-
ground/background or alternatively the semantic re-
gions (see section 3.2). In these cases, the idea is to
either use the over-segmentation we already have in
step 3 (section 2) or we can combine the high level
segmentations with some random partitioning of the
image. Finally, the dots/formulas can be added auto-
matically to sub-regions according to their semantic
. We could also use forground/background
In our experiments (see Figure 8) we obtained the se-
GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 8: Example results for hidden object sheet. We used
two different image partitioning strategy (many others can
be used): partitionning the image by random parralel lines
and random ellipses (third image) and respectively combin-
ing a few existent coloring pages as we have closed regions
for them (fourth image). In both cases the dots were added
to the regions that had a minimum of 70% overlap with the
estimated “horse + person” mask (second image).
detection as described in section 3.2.
Application of the described steps, using the default
parameters and having pre-selected the output style,
results in a fully automatic coloring image generator.
Alternatively, we can envisage the integration of the
system with any photo editing tool or interactive col-
oring systems by adding different interactivity levels
to the system:
1. At a first level of interaction the system allows the
user (child) to select or to upload a photo. The
photo is automatically processed and a set of col-
oring pages (with or without texture edges) and
activity sheets are proposed.
2. A second level of interaction would be designed
for older children or parents allowing to mod-
ify/adjust some of the parameters of the system.
However, the interaction with the parameters has
to be user friendly, such as choosing between less
or more details, thiner or thicker edges, adding
or not texture edges, adding letters or formulas,
etc. Then the corresponding interior parameters
are adjusted accordingly.
3. Finally a highest level of interaction could allow
matic meanings of the regions with the CBIS, consider-
ing all Pascal VOC 2007 classes as relevant regions (see for further
Figure 9: Example results for the system interactive region
filling with original content.
the user to edit the obtained coloring page by
some interactive tools such as:
Erasing Tool: to delete selected edges (the two
regions separated by the selected edges will be
merged automatically).
Dot Adding Tool: to complement follow-the-
dot pages
Region Filling Tool: to fill the region either by
the texture edges, the mean color value or orig-
inal content
(see Figure 9).
We propose a system that partially or totally auto-
mates the creation of a range of spare time activity
sheets from photo albums. We provide solutions for
unsupervised coloring page creation but also show
how we can derive related activity sheets. The main
originalities and advantages of the proposed system
are that the original image is arbitrary, and that the
coloring pages and derived activity sheets can be cre-
ated automatically. We also propose different levels
of interactivity that depend on the skill requirements
we wish to impose.
The approach is simple and hence can be easily
integrated in any photo editing or online coloring sys-
tem. As there is no real groundtruth neither bench-
mark data it is difficult to establish the best parameter
set of the system. In our experiments we processed
hundreds of images of the Pascal VOC 2007 Chal-
lenge as we had for them the CBIS estimates and vi-
sually compared them to tune the examplary parame-
ters reported and used to obtain the images shown in
the paper. They are probably not the best choises, and,
The main goal of such interaction can be visual quality
enhancement but also can provide extra fun to the children.
Indeed, in the case of interactive coloring of the page this
can also be seen as a “magical pencil that allows the child
to fill image regions with the original content of the image
instead of coloring it.
as a future work, we intend to do intensive preference
user studies to better establish these parameters and
also to compare different alternatives of the system.
We provided gave a set of automatically created
color pages to a few children (see some of them in
Figure 10) who accepted
and enjoyed coloring them
for us.
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GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 10: Example of coloring pages colored by Anton (11 years), Gabriel (9 year), Johanna (8 years), Elisabeth (7 years)
and Mikha¨el (5 years).