Nielsen C. Sim˜oes
, Neucimar J. Leite
and Beatriz Marcotegui
University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), Dourados, MS, Brazil
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazil
Centre de Morphologie Math´ematique (CMM), Ecole des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau, France
Key-frame, Video analysis, Shot classification, Broadcast soccer video, Visual rhythm.
This paper presents a new approach for broadcast soccer video navigation and summarization based on specific
representative images of the video. It also takes into account some soccer video features to better describe
these videos. This work considers a special color reduction based on an HSV subquantization and a shot
classification approach for soccer videos by exploring the dominant color related to the playground area.
The manual analysis and annotation of video
databases is a long and arduous task which can gener-
ate mistakes due to the operator weariness, for exam-
ple. Automatic analysis is an important task for video
semantic understanding. A digital video segment is
defined as a sequence of images or frames. A shot is
an uninterrupted subset of frames recorded from the
same camera. Shot detection is one of the first tasks in
automatic analysis of videos. Video edition generates
some transitions between shots. There are many ap-
proaches for shot transition detection concerned with
different kinds of videos, such as commercials, news
and movies.
Key-frames are usually defined to represent a shot
and are commonly used as video edition tools which
deal with shots in the time-line video segment. Some
video indexing techniques and analysis also consider
key-frame information in order to reduce the amount
of data to be analyzed.
A key-frame is a representative image of a shot
and its extraction is an important tool for the pro-
cess of video semantic analysis (Ciocca and Schet-
tini, 2005; Doulamis et al., 2000; Dufaux, 2000; Wolf,
1996). In general, it is frequently used for video vi-
sualization (Arman et al., 1994; Komlodi and Mar-
chionini, 1998; Tse et al., 1998; Zhong et al., 1996)
and recovery (Arman et al., 1994; Liu et al., 2003;
Sze et al., 2005; Pardo, 2006), or even as a tool for
scenes detection (Xiong et al., 1997).
Most key-frame detection approaches consider, as
representative images, the frames obtained from a
predefined position in each shot (Arman et al., 1994;
Ueda et al., 1991; Zhang et al., 1995). This sim-
ple method can be efficient for short videos such as
TV advertisements. Other approaches are based on
dissimilarity measures between consecutive frames
(Ciocca and Schettini, 2005; Doulamis et al., 2000;
Yeung and Liu, 1995; Xiong et al., 1997) or also by
computing the local minimum related to image mo-
tion (Dufaux, 2000; Wolf, 1996).
This work presents a new approach for auto-
matic key-frame extraction from TV broadcast soccer
videos, useful for video browsing and navigation. It
is also proposed an specific video representative im-
age, a special color reduction and a shot classifica-
tion for soccer videos by exploring the playground
color frequency. Section 2 presents a new approach
for key-frame extraction. Section 3 shows experimen-
tal results using some Brazilian TV broadcast soccer
videos. Section 4 draws some conclusions and future
(Sze et al., 2005) take into account the temporal his-
togram for each pixel in a group of frames related to
C. Simões N., J. Leite N. and Marcotegui B. (2009).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 216-223
DOI: 10.5220/0001805702160223
a given shot. In such case, the obtained key-frame
is a composition of different frames which yields a
key-frame representation that can be useful for video
retrieval but not for video browsing and navigation,
since this synthetic key-frame is not necessarily in-
cluded in the set of the original frames belonging to
the corresponding shot. (Pardo, 2006) also considers
a video segment or a group of frames to compute the
pixel-wise histogram which, again, can be useful for
video retrieval but not for video browsing and naviga-
A simple key-frame extraction can be obtained by
defining the first frame of each shot as representative
image. Since soccer videos have a lot of long shots,
some of these unique key-frames may not represent
them properly. Thus, it might be desirable to select
more than one key-frame associated with the content
of these long duration shots. In general, a shot de-
tection step must be considered before performing the
key-frame extraction method. There are different shot
detection approaches in the literature (Brunelli et al.,
1999; Guimar˜aes et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2001; Ko-
prinska and Carrato, 2001; Ngo et al., 1998; Sim˜oes,
2004; Zhang et al., 1993), and new ones have already
been introduced, mainly due to the specific character-
istics of the various types of existent videos.
This work focuses on the key-frame extraction of
soccer video images. Since the shot detection is be-
yond the scope of this paper it assumes the availability
of an approach for shot detection, such as pixel-wise
comparison (Brunelli et al., 1999; Koprinska and Car-
rato, 2001; Patel and Sethi, 1996; Zhang et al., 1993),
the one considered for this task in this work. The key-
frame extraction proposed here attempts to define at
least one key-frame for each single shot. In cases of
long duration shots more than one key-frame is de-
fined to better describe these specific shots.
In TV broadcast soccer videos most shots are rep-
resented by large playground regions. In this sense,
we propose a special color reduction approach, as
well as a specific visual rhythm transformation and a
method for shot classification by exploring this play-
ground color information of the shots. As we will
show in Section 2.3, this information will be used to
identify shots which are closely related to the field,
i.e., frames whose pixels yield high playground color
density. The next subsections discuss in details each
step of this key-frame extraction approach.
2.1 Color Reduction
A soccer match is played on a playground which, for
processing purposes, can be considered as the back-
ground of the video images. In TV broadcast videos,
in which a match is recorded through different cam-
eras and angles, the playground information is pre-
sented most of the time, making the color informa-
tion the representative or dominant feature in the cor-
responding shots. In order to estimate this color rep-
resentativeness of the frames, a simple histogram op-
eration can be used. Since this step consumes much
memory and is sensitive to brightness conditions, for
example, a special color reduction model is proposed
to avoid these problems and also discriminate the
playground color information.
By considering the HSV color space, the method
performs a subsampling of its main components. In-
formally, the proposed approach reduces the Hue
component to six values (primary and secondary col-
ors, i.e., red, green, blue, yellow, cyan and magenta)
while the Saturation component is reduced to eight
values. This same reduction procedure is applied to
the Value component (see Figure 1). All colors with
low Saturation are reduced to eight gray levels, and
all the other colors with low Values are represented
by black. For example, due to changes in the time
conditions the playground color can present signifi-
cant brightness variations. Moreover, the playground
grass can be of different types, yielding changes to the
playgroundcolor saturation, as well. Thus, we can not
properly consider brightness and saturation values for
the playground color identification.
Here, the first, third and fifth Hue values of the
color space are related to the primary colors (red,
green and blue) and the second, fourth and sixth col-
ors are related to the secondary colors (yellow, cyan
and magenta). After the analysis of matches with dif-
ferent time and weather conditions the second Hue
value, closely related to the actual colors of the play-
ground, is associated to the playground color. Satu-
ration and value components was kept fixed in the re-
duction approach for this hue information, which re-
sults in only one fixed color for the playground infor-
mation. The other five Hue values can be reduced by
considering seven different values for the Saturation
component (low saturations are represented as gray
levels) and seven different values for the Value com-
ponent (low values are represented as black color).
This maps all HSV values to one playground color,
one black color, seven gray levels and 245 different
colors: 5 ( the 6 original Hue components minus 1 of
the fixed Hue component) x 7 (values for Saturation)
x 7 (values for the Value component). As a result, the
method makes a reduction of a 24-bit color represen-
tation to 254 colors with only one of them related to
the playground information.
Figure 1: HSV partition for color reduction.
2.2 Visual Rhythm Approach
Visual Rhythm is a representative image of a whole
video proposed firstly as a tool for shot detection
approaches (Chung et al., 1999; Bezerra and Leite,
2003; Guimar˜aes et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2001). The
original visual rhythm (Definition 2.1) uses a trans-
formation function from the spatial domain of the se-
quence (2D +t) to D + t.
Definition 2.1 Visual Rhythm. Let f
(x,y) be the
color value of the pixel (x,y) of a frame in time t,
from a digital video with N frames. Let H and W be,
respectively, the height and width of the frames. The
visual rhythm image I
is the result of the following
(t,z) = f
× z+ a,r
× z+ b),
where z [0,H
1] and t [0,N 1], H
and N
are, respectively, the height and width of the visual
rhythm image; r
and r
represent a pixel subsam-
pling rate, while a e b, a translation into each frame.
Definition 2.1 corresponds to a subsampling of the
video, resulting in a set of representative image which
keeps some of its main temporal features. A more
general definition of this visual rhythm is given in
Definition 2.2, in which a transformation function can
be defined considering both local and global informa-
tions of the image sequences. Examples of typical
local information for the visual rhythm representation
are the center vertical or horizontal lines, or the main
diagonal of the video frames.
Definition 2.2 General Visual Rhythm. Let f
be a
frame in a time t of a digital video with N frames. The
general visual rhythm image I
is the result of the
following transformation:
(t,z) = τ( f
where z [0,L 1] (L depends on the transformation
function τ) and t [0,N 1], where N corresponds to
the width of the visual rhythm image.
As can be seen from Definition 2.1, only local in-
formation of a frame can be preserved when the vi-
sual rhythm for video content simplification is used.
For broadcast soccer videos, it is interesting to take
into account more global information on the frames,
mainly if it is necessary to identify the playground
color. For such purpose, the following statistical
mode (Definition 2.3) is used as a transformation
function. This function will be considered in a new
visual rhythm representation (Definition 2.4) which
deals with values of the frames histogram after color
reduction procedure mentioned in Section 2.1.
Definition 2.3 Mode. A mode is the most common
element of a set of samples. Let Hist[x] be the fre-
quency of x for a numerical data sample S with P ele-
ments. The mode M is defined as follows:
M(S) = m,x [0,P 1],Hist[m] >= Hist[x].
In other words, the mode is the value for which the
histogram reaches a maximum.
Definition 2.4 Mode Visual Rhythm. Let I
be a general visual rhythm as in Definition 2.2, and
(z) a line z from a frame in time t. The mode visual
rhythm image, I
, is defined by considering the fol-
lowing transformation function:
= τ(t,z) = M( f
where z [0,H 1] and t [0, N 1], H and N are,
respectively, the height and the width of the mode vi-
sual rhythm image. H indicates also the height of the
video frames.
Since the playground information is present in
most of the soccer video shots, the mode visual
rhythm (Definition 2.4) alone cannot, for example,
discriminate frames containing several players from
others showing just one of them (e.g., in a zoom cam-
era work). Furthermore, it is important to know if the
playground color yields a representative mode, i.e., if
it has few different colors by line indicating that this
mode is indeed representative. For this purpose, we
also compute the mode rate visual rhythm given by
the following definition.
Definition 2.5 Mode Rate Visual Rhythm. Let
(t,z) be a general visual rhythm as in Defini-
tion 2.2, and f
(z) a line z from a frame in time t.
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
The mode rate visual rhythm, I
, is the result of
the following transformation function:
= τ(t,z) = 100×
[M( f
where, again, z [0,H 1] and t [0, N 1], H and
N are, respectively, the height and width of the mode
rate visual rhythm image. As before, H and W corre-
sponds also to the height and the width of the video
Figure 2 illustrates the definition of the mode vi-
sual rhythm (MVR) and mode rate visual rhythm
(MRVR) representations. As we can see from this
Figure, the color reduction proposed here constitutes
the first step in the definition of these images con-
taining both local and global information about the
whole video. For example, besides the detection of
the dominant color of the sequence considered in Fig-
ure 2, one can notice the vertical lines in the MVR
and MRVR images corresponding to shot transitions.
In this work, these images were used to perform key-
frame extraction as discussed in the next section.
Figure 2: MVR and MRVR images of a soccer video se-
quence. a) original frame; b) result of color reduction; c)
column with all mode by line; d) MVR image; e) MRVR
2.3 Key-frame Extraction Method
During broadcast TV soccer matches, different cam-
era views are commonly applied to the whole scene.
In general, most of the match is transmitted by con-
sidering a long view camera in which it is possible to
have a global view with many players shown at the
same time. Long view cameras are usually related
to the match play time. A medium view is generally
used to focus on some players actions, showing no
more than two or three players at the same time. In
special events, a close-up is used to show the players’
face, t-shirts, referee, and also audience and coach.
Close-ups are mainly related to the break intervals
of the match. The next shot classification takes into
account the MVR and MRVR images during a given
shot interval.
2.3.1 Shot Classification
By considering the MVR and MRVR images, it is
possible to identify significant shots according to
some predefined rules. In the literature, different shot
classification approaches are proposed aiming at dif-
ferent goals. (Dufaux, 2000) defines a single shot as
the representative shot of a whole video. Later, he
considers a key-frame selection on this shot to de-
fine one key-frame for the whole video. (Vendrig and
Worring, 2003) use a shot selection to help their video
annotation process by considering different classes of
features, such as characters.
In this work, four classes related to the TV broad-
cast standard for soccer games are proposed, as il-
lustrated in Figure 3. All cameras, for this kind of
videos, use a three predefined apertures and, during
the match, these apertures do not change much. Ini-
tially, the large view camera focus on a broad region
of the field, related to a class a described further in the
paper. A medium view camera records some close-
ups of the players’ actions, such as passing or shoot-
ing, and is associated to classes a and b. A class c
can be related to players close-ups showing, for in-
stance, their t-shirt, their numbers or faces. A class
d is only considered to identify transmission errors.
Basically, our shot classification approach takes into
account the amount of playground color information,
which, in turn, is used in our key-frame extraction
method. More specifically, these four classes are:
Class a - High Dominant Green Shots: Shots with
a high number of pixels related to the playground
color. In general, shots corresponding to global or
medium views of the field (Figure 3a).
Class b - Medium Dominant Green Shots: Shots
with a medium number of pixels related to the
playground color. They are commonly associated
to close-up views inside the field or lateral views
(Figure 3b).
Class c - Low Dominant Green Shots: Shots with
a low number of pixels related to the playground
color. These shots represent mainly the audience
or lateral close-up views, or even other views out-
side the field (Figure 3c).
Class d - Non-representative Shots: In general,
these shots have no significant information or
without information. They are related to transmis-
sion failures or no signal segments (Figure 3d).
The classification method is based on the play-
ground color in the MVR image and on the rate of this
color indicated in the MRVR image. For each shot,
the corresponding segment in the I
and I
ages is considered by computing the percentage of
Figure 3: Example of frames belonging to the four shot
the playground color and the average rate of the play-
ground color area.
Let A be a selected shot area and PC define the set
of points corresponding to the playground color in the
MVR image. Also, let RA define the set of points in
the MRVR image corresponding to the value of the
mode rate equal or greater than 50%. This threshold-
ing identifies all significant modes related to the MVR
image and, consequently, to the background informa-
tion in each line of the video frames. A basic shot
classification is obtained as follows:
1. For each detected shot in the MVR image, con-
sider the PC area. Let PCP define the PC per-
centage related to the shot area A, i.e., PCP =
| PC |/A.
2. For each detected shot, consider the RA area.
3. Classify the corresponding shots using the PC and
RA informations as follows:
Class a - High Dominant Green Shots: The
PCP and the percentage of the subset PC RA
related to the shot area are equal or greater than
a threshold T
Class b - Medium Dominant Green Shots: The
PCP is equal or greater than a threshold T
, and
the percentage of the subset PC RA related
to the shot area is lower than the threshold T
< T
Class c - Low Dominant Green Shots: The
PCP is lower than the threshold T
and the
percentage of the subset PC RA related to
the shot area is lower than the threshold T
< T
Class d - Non-representative Shots: The PC is
lower than the threshold T
and the percent-
age of the subset PC RA related to the shot
area is equal or greater than the threshold T
Figure 4 shows a video segment with eight shots.
After applying a simple threshold in the MRVR im-
age, the area corresponding to the mode rate is se-
lected (Figure 5).
Figure 4: MVR and MRVR superimposed images with
eight shots (separated by black lines).
Figure 5: Selected area from the MRVR image in Fig-
ure 4, after applying a threshold corresponding to 50% of
the mode rate.
2.3.2 Key-frame selection
Once all shots are discriminated according to the pre-
vious classes, the shot length and class are finally used
to determine how the key-frames are selected as our
final result. In this step, the duration of the shot clas-
sified as class a is taken into account in order to de-
termine the number of key-frames to be selected.
Thus, shots previously classified as belonging to
class b and class c with short duration need only one
key-frame to represent them. In this case, it is se-
lected the frame located at the position correspond-
ing to 10% of the shot length. Shots from class a
can be of short or long duration. When long-duration
shots are detected, we take into account its length and
at least one key-frame at the begining (same position
for the shots in class b and class c), and one at the
end, corresponding to 90% of the shot length. Finally,
shots belonging to class d have no key-frame, since
these shots convey no significant information about
the scene.
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
3 Experimental Results
Some experiments were performed using three dif-
ferent matches of the First Brazilian League (about
4.5 hours), from different TV channels. We consider
a typical and simple shot detection approach to per-
form this first task with a precision of at least 82%.
The simple pixel-wise comparison was used, frame
by frame, as discussed by (Brunelli et al., 1999).
The color subquantization approach presented
very good reduction property without losing color in-
formation and properly selecting the playgroundcolor
in all three video sequences. It is important to high-
light that one video has players with green t-shirts,
and all of them were recorded at different times and
weather conditions.
Table 1 shows the results concerning the shot clas-
sification step in which all classes were correctly clas-
sified. The threshold T
was defined as 82% and T
18% taking into account the three soccer videos used
in the experiments. Shortly, the main task here is to
classify shots according to the different playground
occurrence and those representing transmission fail-
ures. Using this shot classification, the next step is
to apply the key-frame selection as discussed in Sec-
tion 2.3.2.
Table 1: Shot classification results.
Classes a b c d
a 934 0 0 0
b 0 887 0 0
c 0 0 621 0
d 0 0 0 1
Correctly Classified 2443 100.0%
Falsely Classified 0 0.0%
Class a 934 38.23%
Class b 887 36.31%
Class c 621 25.42%
Class d 1 0.04%
Total of Shots 2443 100.0%
A key-frame extraction validation is an arduous
task mainly due to the many video characteristics.
For soccer videos, it is important to whole keep the
dynamic of the match through the set of the defined
key-frames. To illustrate the results of our approach,
the key-frames extracted here are compared to those
obtained from the IBM Multimedia Analysis and Re-
trieval System - Marvel Lite 3.2a (Smith et al., 2007).
Table 2 presents the results of the proposed approach
and the IBM Marvel Lite software with respect to the
number of defined key-frames.
An example of detected key-frames is shown in
Table 2: Key-frame extraction results.
Total of shots 2443
Proposal approach 2913
IBM Marvel Lite 3.2a 1949
Figure 6 for a given video segment. Note that all the
obtained key-frames describe different camera views
or position, thus expressing the dynamic of the entire
game, as expected. The IBM Marvel Lite software
was used with its standard parameters and the cor-
responding key-frame extraction is presented in Fig-
ure 7 for the same video segment considered before.
This result shows that some key-frames are not too
relevant and that a frame belonging to a dissolve shot
transition was included in the set of extracted key-
frames. Note that the shot detection method used in
the IBM system is not the same as the one considered
Figure 6: An example of key-frames resulting of the extrac-
tion approach for a soccer video segment.
This work presented a new key-frame extraction ap-
proach for TV broadcast soccer videos. It also pro-
posed an efficient color reduction which determines
the dominant color of the soccer fields playground, as
well as a novel video representative image and a shot
classification method based on this playground infor-
From the results illustrated above, we can see that
the classification of the shots, based on their represen-
tative images, yielded a good classification method.
For the key-frame extraction, our approach considers
Figure 7: Key-frames extracted by the IBM Marvel soft-
ware for the same video segment as in Figure 6.
more than one key-frame per shot which, for naviga-
tion purposes, can highlight interesting segments of a
soccer video.
As future works, we plan to use the MVR and
MRVR images for shot detection by exploring its tem-
poral feature, and improve the shot classification in
order to classify shots by camera view modes and not
only by playground appearance. Finally, it is also in-
teresting to perform, as a validation scheme, a user
test for video browsing and navigation by considering
the key-frame extraction proposed here.
The authors are grateful to the National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq),
CAPES and FAPESP for the financial support.
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