Just-in-Time Carpooling without Elaborate Preplanning
Dominic W. Massaro, Benjamin Chaney, Stephanie Bigler, Jessica Lancaster, Suresh Iyer
Mrunal Gawade, Michael Eccleston, Edith Gurrola and Angelica Lopez
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, U.S.A.
Keywords: (Dynamic) Carpooling, Mobile phone, Trust, Community adhesion, Socialization, Web service, Driver
Abstract: Carpooling reduces the number of cars on the road, reduces gas consumption, and saves participants money.
In order to free carpooling from rigid schedules and preplanning, just-in-time carpooling allows a large
member base of passengers and drivers to be matched with each other automatically and instantly, allowing
for on-the-spot arrangement of rides. A mobile phone call or text message initiates an automatic process in
which drivers and passengers are matched to a shared ride wherever and whenever they need it, without the
scheduling constraints of traditional carpooling. This program faces a number of challenging barriers in
technology and behavioral science. These include the creation of a seamless interaction between mobile
phones and the internet server, voice recognition and SMS solutions, safety of mobile phone use and
driving, and motivation, safety, and trust among participating members of the carpooling community.
Changes are rapidly occurring as our culture
becomes more mobile and "nomadic," able to access
information and communicate anywhere at any time.
Nomadic travel schedules, increasingly breaking
away from the 9-to-5 work schedule, have become
chaotic and greatly distributed. This may be one of
the reasons for a decline in carpooling, despite the
increasing pressure for alternative transportation
options (Ungemah et al., 2007). Our dynamic
carpooling project grew out of these observations in
a Technology Benefiting Humanity course taught by
the senior author at UCSC.
The most pervasive modern-day "nomadic
device" for our less predictable lifestyles is the cell
phone. Cell phones are small and portable, and most
people have one. In November 2007, worldwide
mobile telephone subscriptions reached 3.3 billion,
which is equivalent to over half of the global
population, and in the United States the percentage
of mobile telephone subscribers is even higher at 85
percent or 259 million subscribers (Virki, 2007).
Additionally, the most common feature used on a
cell phone other than making a phone call is the
sending or receiving of text messages. Since so
many people have cell phones and because they are
the ultimate "nomadic device", we are evaluating the
feasibility of a dynamic, just-in-time carpooling
service that allows users to utilize cell phones to
connect to potential drivers or passengers.
Transportation is a major issue in our world today.
Traditional problems of transit, once thought of as a
strictly civil engineering difficulty, are increasingly
being revisited and recognized as a critical
environmental crisis. Transportation accounts for
about 29% of all greenhouse gas emissions
(Transportation and Climate, 2009). There is also a
growing awareness of the environmental impact
associated with the fabrication of cars, especially
from the nickel-metal hydride batteries in more fuel-
efficient hybrids.
The dominant form of personal transit today is
the private passenger car. Very often, these cars are
used with only a single rider. For instance, in the UK
the average car only has 1.5 people in it (Hartwig &
Buchmann, 2007). An over abundance of cars
creates many well-documented problems for urban
areas, such as increased traffic, increased pollution,
parking congestion, and the need for expensive
Massaro D., Chaney B., Bigler S., Lancaster J., Iyer S., Gawade M., Eccleston M., Gurrola E. and Lopez A.
CARPOOLNOW - Just-in-Time Carpooling without Elaborate Preplanning.
DOI: 10.5220/0001808902190224
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
infrastructure maintenance. In addition to these
large-scale problems, driving alone is expensive to
individuals. The rising cost of oil affected motorists
on a more personal level when gas prices reached an
all time high in July 2008 of slightly higher than
$4.00 per gallon. US households spent an average of
almost $7,500 on transportation in 2004—second in
spending behind housing. The average operating
cost (gas, maintenance, and tires) of driving a car in
2008 is 17 cents per mile (Behind the Numbers,
2009). When this expense is added to ownership
costs (full-coverage insurance, license, registration,
taxes, depreciation, and finance charge), the total
expense for driving a car 15,000 miles per year is
about $8,121 per vehicle. Given the dramatic
economic downturn in 2008, these expenses will no
longer be affordable for many US citizens.
The expenses, both environmental and fiscal, of
single occupancy vehicles can be reduced
dramatically by utilizing the empty seats in these
vehicles. Carpooling targets these empty seats: it
takes cars off the road reducing traffic and pollution,
and may provide an opportunity for social
interaction. However, traditional ways of scheduling
carpools often limit users to consistent schedules and
fixed rider groups--carpooling to the same place at
the same time with a set person or group of people.
Dynamic carpooling overcomes some of the
traditional carpooling restrictions by allowing a
large membership base of passengers and drivers to
be matched with each other automatically in real
time, allowing for on-the-spot arrangement of rides.
Dynamic carpooling thus opens the domain of
carpooling to not only traditional employment trips
but also to irregular trips, including so called "last
mile" trips, which are also the most difficult to
service by most public transit systems.
Because dynamic carpooling relies heavily on
frequent access to the ride matching service, it is
essential that accessing the service be as easy as
possible for users. Access should be quick, simple,
and convenient. Providing this access to users could
occur via a mobile phone service. Mobile phones are
ubiquitous in today's society; they travel with most
people everywhere they go. Because of this, and the
other benefits cell phones provide such as easy
interfacing with the internet and possible location
awareness, mobile phones are an excellent platform
for access to a dynamic carpooling service.
If the primary mode of interaction is by mobile
phone, access would be available at any time and
any place. Passengers could arrange a ride wherever
and whenever they needed it, without the rigid
planning of traditional carpooling. Additionally, this
would allow drivers to designate any trip available
for carpooling at the time of the trip.
A dynamic carpooling system relies on two
underlying sources of information: quick and easy
route announcement by the members (member end)
and flexible and intelligent route matching by the
system (server end). Multiple methods of route
announcement, including email, text messages, and
voice telephone calls, would be similarly handled by
the server. The message would announce the
member's name (which would be detected
automatically by his or her telephone number), an
indication of the starting location, and whether the
member is a driver, a passenger, or either depending
on the quality of the match for the trip. If it is a
voice call, automatic speech recognition would be
used to recognize these indices. Given the simplicity
of the dialog and the system’s protocol to check the
accuracy of the recognized information, this part of
the process could be essentially error free.
4.1 Related Work
Existing solutions could be broadly classified into
two types, based on their approach. First is the ride
share bulletin board (e.g., PickupPal, 2009) in which
the drivers and riders post their carpooling plans.
The users manually search the existing posts to find
a match, which is time intensive and requires
internet browsing access.
The second type uses automated route-matching
solutions to match up a rider and a driver. For
example, iCarpool (2009) uses high precision trip
matching to find the best carpool match. Although
arrived at independently, our system shares a similar
conceptual framework as Aktalita (2009), which
combines the Web, a geo spatially enabled database,
and a Java enabled cell phone to provide real-time
dynamic carpooling between drivers and passengers.
Both of these types of solutions require the
member’s access to a computer, a browser enabled
phone, or a java enabled cell phone. In contrast, we
expect that the more ad hoc and easy the carpooling
solution the more popular it would be. A simple call
or a text message from a phone would simply trigger
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
a precision route-matching algorithm.
4.2 Prototype
We developed a prototype to check the feasibility of
this system.
1. A passenger submits a request for a ride or a
driver offers a ride. If a member has the flexibility to
be either a passenger or a driver, then they will also
be given the option to select both.
2. Once submitted, the system tries matching
the request with a corresponding valid match.
3. If a match is found, the result is sent back to
the two matching members.
The prototype is implemented in the Python
programming language. MySQL is used as the
database for storing the entries. Members who
request a ride and members who want to offer a ride
send a Short Message Service (SMS) message
containing information about the ride to a mobile
number. The SMS message containing the
information is forwarded to an email address. A
Python script uses Post Office Protocol (POP3) to
fetch the email message and then parses the email to
extract the data required for the database. The
primary database entries that are important are:
driver, passenger, or either, source/destination
locations, and the time window in which the user
needs or could offer a ride. Once we have the
matching entries we send back SMS messages to
both the member who requested the ride and the
member who offered the ride.
Psychological research on multitasking in human
performance, establishing trust, motivation to
participate, and community adhesion contribute to
the possible influences on people's decision to
participate in a carpooling service. We begin with a
short history.
5.1 Carpooling and its Decline
Historically, carpooling has had varying points of
popularity. It first appeared in U.S. policy during
World War II because of oil and rubber shortages
and did not reappear again until the mid 70s because
of an oil crisis (Ferguson, 1997). Carpooling became
a research topic in the late 1970s as the federal
government began to provide carpool demonstration
projects. This was a time when carpooling seemed to
have great promise. In terms of demographic
characteristics, studies at the time revealed that
carpoolers were not different from people who drove
alone (Oppenheim, 1979).
However, hope for the marketing of carpooling
came to a decline in the mid 1980s as baby boomers
moved to the suburbs in great numbers, creating
road congestion and fewer carpools despite the
marketing for it (Pisarski, 1987). Increasing
household vehicle availability, lowering of real
marginal fuel cost, and higher average educational
attainments among commuters were found to be
significant influences on the decline of carpooling
(iCarpool, 2009). In 1980, 19.7% of commuters
carpooled to work where only 10.7% of the US
population carpooled in 2005. Use of public
transportation was also low with less than 5% of
workers using buses, trains, or subways (Sharpe,
5.2 Safety of Mobile Phone Use
Experimental studies of driver performance and case
reports of crashes inform us about the risks involved
in cell phone use while driving.
Experiments on driver performance in simulated
driving studies point to the decreased safety of
operating a motor vehicle while talking on a cell
phone. It has been shown that both handheld and
hands-free cell phone use increases mental
workload, which interferes with an individual’s
information processing abilities (Törnros & Bolling,
2005). The speed of the vehicle is also slowed by
cell phone use, but only in a handheld condition,
possibly to compensate for the increased workload.
Initiating a call on a cell phone poses an even
greater traffic safety hazard (Törnros & Bolling,
2005). There was more lateral deviation in the lane
when dialing a number on a cell phone than when
just conversing on the phone. This was true for both
handheld and hands-free conditions.
Treffner & Barrett (2004) found that driving
while talking on a hands-free cell phone detracts
from the driver’s ability to control the car, compared
to driving in silence. There was no effect of
conversation difficulty, indicating that it is the mere
act of talking on the cell phone that impairs
performance, not the degree of complexity for the
Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) and
reaction times were examined in hands-free and
handheld conditions (Garcia-Larrea et al., 2001).
ERPs were collected that reflected the speed of
processing, allocation of attentional resources, and
preparedness to respond to a visual task. The ERP
CARPOOLNOW - Just-in-Time Carpooling without Elaborate Preplanning
data from this study suggest that using a cell phone
at the same time one is performing a visuo-motor
task impacts two physiological mechanisms. The
first is a general decrease in attention allotted to
sensory inputs. This is likely due to the effects of the
situation being a “dual-task,” meaning that the
addition of a conversation divides the resources that
would otherwise be focused on only the task of
driving. This decrease in attention is seen in both the
hands-free and handheld conditions. The second
finding is that there is a weakening of preparedness
to respond with a motor action, but this was limited
only to the use of a handheld phone.
With regard to case reports of crashes, a study
done in Japan revealed 129 crashes to be cell phone
related in the month of June, 1996 (Yomiuri, 1999).
At the time of the crash, 42% of people where
answering the phone, 32% were dialing on the
phone, 16% were talking, 5% were in the process of
hanging up the phone, and the status of the
remaining 5% was unknown.
Hospital emergency room cases were
documented in Perth from April 2002 to July 2004
(Yomiuri, 2009). The increased risk was estimated
by comparing cell phone use in the 10 minutes prior
to the crash to how a person was driving in the week
before to the crash. The risk of crashing increased
fourfold when drivers were talking on a cell phone.
This was true for both handheld and hands-free
In sum, it is a common misconception that a
hands-free cell phone would be a better choice for
drivers than a handheld phone. Cell phones should
not be used while driving, whether or not it is hands-
free or permitted by law.
5.3 Establishing Trust
One of the greatest barriers to carpooling is trust,
which is obviously multidimensional (Paine et al.,
2008) and fits with the theory that behavior has
multiple influences (Massaro, 1998). Ability,
integrity, and benevolence are three dimensions of
trust identified by Bhattacherjee (2002). We have
identified a number of features to instill trust to
attract new members and to maintain a comfortable
membership. Carpooling membership can build on
current internet practices. Buyers and sellers know
each other’s history on eBay, readers
have access to summaries and reviews written by
other users of the site, and social networking sites
have various protective devices such as age
requirements or credit card enrollment.
As much evidence as possible about members
should be mutually available without compromising
their privacy. Members could produce a simple
personal profile page that would primarily aggregate
other web presences. Members could easily link to
their professional or personal pages, which would
allow a member's pre-existing web presence to be
utilized to bring the information necessary for trust
building. It is also conceivable to extend the
information on a profile to include driving data not
available elsewhere on the web, such as a traffic
record from the DMV and their insurance status.
To further promote trust members would have
the option of creating "favorites" and "blocked" lists
of members. The service would give preference to
users on a member's "favorites" list and exclude
those on the "blocked" list. Manually created lists
could prioritize carpools with acquaintances and
avoid particularly awkward matches. Automatically
created and updated smart lists could let members
set parameters for their matches, allowing for a user-
customized matching routine. For instance, a
member could block smokers and prefer dog lovers.
There would also be a way for users to decline a
match made by the service. Having this degree of
control over the matches may increase the trust in
any service.
5.4 Motivation to Participate
Although a high-degree of trust is important, it may
be insufficient to compel individuals to participate in
carpooling. Individuals with a pro-social attitude
who also have a high degree of trust—as opposed to
individuals with a pro-self attitude and any level of
trust—are more likely to participate in carpools
(Flannerlly & McLeod, 1989). For those with pro-
self attitudes who believe that driving alone is
preferable, marketing will have to focus on both
attitude change and trust.
Trust is also critical in terms of reliability,
referred to in the literature as “cybertrust,” or “trust
in … information and communication technologies”
(Flannerlly & McLeod, 1989). Users must trust that
the technology is reliable or else they are unlikely to
use it or recommend it to other users, and could even
discourage its use. This technological trust is
important for the development of our user-interface,
data security, ease of use, and numerous other
features of the design and implementation.
5.5 Community Adhesion
To ensure the success of and the need for dynamic
carpooling, community involvement and adhesion is
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
necessary. In other words, its success is dependent
on the participation of the community and the
willingness of the community to work together.
Community involvement and adhesion is facilitated
through the acknowledgement and definition of a
problem. The public must express dissatisfaction
with the current transportation options and recognize
that others also struggle with getting to and from
different places. Acknowledging this helps the
community define the problem as a need for
alternative transportation services and to see
carpooling as a viable solution.
5.6 Socialization Via Carpooling
Dynamic carpooling might have significant impacts
on the local community. In many communities, for
example, there is still sufficient free space so that
much of what we do does not have to be public. In
big cities like New York, on the other hand, citizens
are surrounded by each other and most have learned
to behave more overtly. New Yorkers can be
described as not respecting the distinction between
people they know and strangers (Acocella, 2008).
Initiating interactions with strangers implies a good
deal of trust and comfort. Dynamic carpooling may
likely lead to an expansion of a person’s network of
acquaintances, if not friends.
5.7 Survey of Feasibility
An online survey was administered to all faculty,
staff, and students at our university, to investigate
whether transportation was considered a problem
and to measure the potential for community
involvement and adhesion around the topic of
transportation. Some of the survey results are shown
in Tables 1-4.
Table 1: The percentage of each group making up the
survey results based on 1945 respondents.
Faculty Staff Undergrads Grads
5% 31% 55% 9%
Table 2: Survey results (% of 1945 respondents).
Females 66%
Males 33%
Access to Car 71%
Live on Campus 20%
Drive Alone 30%
Carpool 6%
Bus 26%
No Convenient Bus Stop 40%
Table 3: Survey results (% of 1945 respondents).
Why Would You Carpool?
Better for the environment 82%
Save Money 81%
Meet New People 47%
More Convenient than Bus 67%
Table 4: Survey results (% of 1945 respondents).
Why Wouldn’t You Carpool?
Inconvenient 58%
Difficult to Organize 64%
Like to Travel Alone 12%
Wouldn’t Feel Safe 16%
Other 16%
The survey provided some informative
outcomes. One might have guessed there would not
be enough cars and free seats to support carpooling
in a university community but, in fact, almost 3 out
4 people have access to a car, and 3 out of 10 people
drive to campus alone. Carpooling would also seem
to be attractive to 4 out of 10 people because they
don’t have a convenient parking place. At least 78%
of the respondents said they would carpool with
faculty, staff, undergrads, grads, and members of the
opposite sex.
As can be seen in Tables 3 and 4, the majority of
community would carpool for the environment, to
save money, convenience, and half of them would
be interested in meeting new people. Although more
than half the respondents view carpooling as
inconvenient and difficult to organize, we expect
just-in-time carpooling would alleviate these
concerns. Finally, only a small fraction do not
appear to be among the potential membership
because of valuing being alone in commuting or
safety concerns. Even these individuals might
eventually be recruited to a successful carpooling
The aforementioned research indicates that we must
take a multi-dimensional approach to the operation
of a dynamic carpooling service. This approach
must at a minimum include a consideration of
driving safety, trust, attitude change, and community
adhesion and do so in complex ways. Moreover, the
service must provide a benefit to both the drivers
and the passengers. The benefits to the passenger are
straightforward; the benefits to the driver come in
the form of a quicker commute (because it allows
CARPOOLNOW - Just-in-Time Carpooling without Elaborate Preplanning
use of the HOV lanes) with almost zero cost (since
the passenger is taking the same route as the driver)
and, of course, a financial incentive.
There are many issues to be resolved regarding
the payment by passengers for rides. The amount
each rider pays must be balanced: it needs to be
enough to be beneficial to the driver but not so much
as to be seen as detrimental by the passenger(s). The
carpool service should handle the payment to the
driver, making the experience simpler for both
driver and passenger, and provide its primary source
of income. Once the service reaches a critical
number of rides, it should be economically self-
sufficient. What is truly amazing about dynamic
carpooling is that it requires so little. It uses the
vehicles, infrastructures, routes, drivers, and
technologies that are already on the road today. With
our sustained effort, we believe these can be made to
work together to bring a greener future to private
transportation today.
One Internet-based ride-share matching service,
ZoomPool (2009), has independently begun work to
add several mobile applications to their service to
incorporate dynamic carpooling options. This
membership service performs multiple security
filtering to facilitate trust and encourages vouching
and other forms of recommendations among
members. The service shares the transportation costs
automatically between drivers and passengers to
decrease the awkwardness associated with
negotiating finances. ZoomPool aims to decrease the
barriers to carpooling resulting in a verifiable
improvement in personal carbon footprint. It is a
recently launched company that has yet to prove its
Acocella, J. (2008). You got a problem with that?
Smithsonian, May, 26-29.
Aktakita (2009). Retrieved on January 18, 2009, from
Behind the Numbers (2009). Retrieved on January 18,
2009, from
Bhattacherjee, A. (2002) Individual trust in online firms:
Scale development and initial test. Journal of
Management Information Systems, 19, 211-241.
Ferguson, E. (1997). The rise and fall of the American
carpool: 1970-1990. Transportation, 24, 349-376.
Flannerlly, K.J. & McLeod, M.S. (1989). A multivariate
analysis of socioeconomic and attitudinal factors
predicting commuters' mode of travel. Bulletin of the
Psychonomic Society, 27 (1), 64-66.
García-Larrea, L., Perchet, C., Perrrin, F., & Amenedo, E.
(2001). Interference of cellular phone conversations
with visuomotor tasks: An ERP study. Journal of
Psychophysiology, 15, 14-21.
Hartwig, S, & Buchmann, M. (2007). Empty Seats
Traveling," Nokia Research Center Bochum, February
14, 2007.
iCarpool (2009). Retrieved on January 18, 2009, from
Massaro, D. W. (1998). Perceiving talking faces: From
speech perception to a behavioral principle.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
Oppenheim, N. (1979). Carpooling: Problems and
potentials. Traffic Quarterly, 33, 253-292.
Paine Schofield, C. B. & Joinson, A. N. (2008), Privacy,
trust, and disclosure online. In A. Barak (Ed.)
Psychological aspects of cyberspace: Theory, research,
and applications (pp. 13-31). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
PickupPal (2009). Retrieved on January 18, 2009, from
Pisarski, A.E., (1987). Commuting in America. Westport,
Connecticut: Eno Foundation for Transportation, Inc.
Sharpe, R. (2007). We're all alone on our drive to work.
USA Weekend Magazine. Sept. 9,
Törnros, J.E.B, & Bolling, A.K. (2005). Mobile phone use
– effects of handheld and handsfree phones on driving
performance. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 37,
Transportation and Climate (2009). Retrieved on January
18, 2009, from
Treffner, P.J., & Barrett, R. (2004). Hands-free mobile
phone speech while driving degrades coordination and
motor control. Transportation Research Part F, 7, 229-
Ungemah, D., Goodin, G., Dusza, C., & Burris, M. (2007).
Examining Incentives and Preferential Treatment of
Carpools on Managed Lane Facilities. Journal of
Public Transportation, Vol. 10, No. 4, 151-170.
Virki, Tarmo. (2007). Global Cellphone Penetration
Reaches 50 pct.
Thu Nov. 9th
Yomiuri, S. (1999). Ban on cell phone use by drivers
having impact. The Daily
Yomiuri (2009). Retrieved on January 18, 2009, from,
ZoomPool (2009). Retrieved on January 18, 2009, from
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies