Multi-touch Interaction for GIS and Architectural Design Review Applications
Yvonne Jung, Jens Keil, Harald Wuest, Timo Engelke, Patrick Riess and Johannes Behr
Fraunhofer IGD/ TU Darmstadt, Fraunhoferstrasse 5, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Multi-touch, Multi-user, Tabletop interaction, Design review, Tracking, Visualization, X3D.
This paper introduces novel techniques of interacting and controlling 3D content using multi-touch interaction
principles for navigation and virtual camera control. Based on applications from GIS and for the architectural
design review process, implementation and usage of these interaction techniques are illustrated. A compre-
hensive hardware and software setup is used, which not only includes tracking, but also an X3D based layer
to simplify application development. Therefore it allows designers and other non-programmers to develop
multi-touch applications very efficiently, while allowing to focus on user interaction and content.
Multi-touch technology is one of the most interest-
ing fields of research in today’s Human-Computer-
Interface area and interactive direct-touch tabletop
displays have been the focus of numerous research
projects. It is not only about interacting with more
than one or two fingers simultaneously, but also work-
ing together collaboratively in a multi-user scenario.
Multi-touch techniques seem to be very promising
since they allow people to seamlessly interact with
what they see by simply touching it. Thus, new
ways of generating immersion are possible, like for
instance through tabletop interaction.
For most people, working on a table feels well
known and very intuitive, since they are used to work
on and surround tables every day. That is espe-
cially of concern when working with a lot of maps
or blueprints. These are normally plotted on huge pa-
persheets, spread on a table’s surface and discussed by
several people. However, many people are not capa-
ble to read and understand abstract maps or blueprints
decoded with a huge amount of information, hence
having problems to understand them.
By using both, blueprints or maps on the one hand
and their real-time rendered 3D representations on the
other hand, the benefits can be combined. Regarding
an architectural design review process, one can have
the overview given by the blueprint and also the 3D
representation of the building itself. Hence, an archi-
tect now might achieve a higher and more sophisti-
cated comprehension of what he is looking at. The
proposed concepts of how to interact and navigate in
such a multi-touch environment are exemplarily dis-
cussed by introducing a GIS application as well as an
architectural design review application.
Our multi-touch table (Figure 1) is based on the
well-known frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR)
setup (Han, 2005). It is an optical method, that tracks
the user’s fingers with computer vision techniques.
Therefore, the acrylic sheet of the touch table is il-
luminated by infrared light. Because of the refractive
index of acrylic relative to air, the light is subject to
total internal reflection. Whenever an object comes
close enough, the total reflection is frustrated, light
dissipates, and illuminates the object. Thus, a finger-
tip touching the surface is illuminated as well.
A camera, observing the table’s surface from be-
low, now can capture the resulting lightblobs of the
fingers. In our setup we use a standard IDS uEye cam-
era with a resolution of 752x480 pixels. To improve
immersion, we chose a monolithic and reduced design
of the table, with a huge display of about 150x90cm,
which offers enough space for collaboration. The im-
age is created by a standard projector embedded in-
side the table, with a resolution of 1400x1050 pixels.
Jung Y., Keil J., Wuest H., Engelke T., Riess P. and Behr J.
KNOWLEDGE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS - Multi-touch Interaction for GIS and Architectural Design Review Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0001814803870392
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-67-8
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Architectural design review on our multi-touch
table, presented at this year’s CeBIT trade fair in Hanover.
Multi-touch technology can be seen as the basis for
a lot of new techniques in the way, we are working
with computers. However, it is obvious that also the
corresponding applications may become increasingly
complex and different subjects have to be taken into
account, like finger tracking and gesture recognition,
software setup, and also more sophisticated graphical
interfaces and interaction principles as well. With his
FTIR setup (Han, 2005), Han made multi-touch re-
search interesting and public again, since this optical
finger detection method is not only low-cost, but also
easy to implement, and a robust setup for tabletop in-
teraction and Wall-like installations (Han, 2006).
Also Microsoft’s Surface (Microsoft, 2008) and
Apple’s iPhone (Apple, 2008) are using this kind of
technology for bridging the gap between advanced
graphical user interfaces and today’s still limited in-
teraction principles. Hence, in order to overcome the
old WIMP paradigm that is still common for desktop
applications, in (Agarawala and Balakrishnan, 2006)
interesting new physical based desktop metaphors
like stacks of documents are discussed.
In (Jord`a et al., 2007) the collaborative generation
process of live music performance on tabletop inter-
faces is explores. Their ’reacTable’ is a special table-
top interaction device, which mainly uses tangibles
for interaction that are equipped with special markers.
With the ’DiamondTouch’ in (Dietz and Leigh, 2001)
a multi-touch table based on a capacitive system for
finger detection was presented, which is mainly devel-
oped for multi-user scenarios and collaborative work-
ing. The table itself features touch and gesture based
interaction techniques. Using so-called antennas, it is
also able to distinguish between different users.
In (Rekimoto, 2002) a sensor architecture for hand
and finger detection was introduced. It is sensitive to
human hands, finger gestures, and shapes. The sys-
tem thus can recognize a user’s entire arm. Reki-
moto is also one of the first ones, who showed ba-
sic techniques to simultaneously translate, rotate and
scale 2D objects, and who presented gestures for ob-
ject manipulation. A similar approach for continu-
ously transforming objects in order to control Google
Earth is also described in (Kim et al., 2007), whereas
in (Wu et al., 2006) a set of design principles that sup-
port multi-hand gestural interaction is introduced.
In (Moscovich and Hughes, 2006) simple trans-
formations and form-based manipulations of digital
objects are described. However, the focus is on spe-
cial mouse-cursor-like techniques. A good overview
on tabletop interaction techniques in general can be
found in (Shen, 2007). Recently in (Jung et al., 2008)
multi-point interaction was introduced to the X3D
standard (Web3DConsortium, 2007), which also pro-
vides some extensions for GIS (Web3DCon., 2008),
by extending its pointing sensor component.
As can be seen, multi-touch applications show a
wide variety of different interaction methods and ges-
tures, which map fingertips and movement to different
system functionalities. But in most cases they only fit
to the special purpose of a task or tool. Designing
the application and its interaction principles becomes
often specific and tool-dependent, since there are no
basic rules or guidelines, yet. However, devices like
Apple’s iPhone introduce quasi standards, i.e. low-
level gestures, for (multi-) user interaction. Because
these techniques scale well, multi-touch in addition
inherently implies multi-user functionality: on bigger
systems it is now possible for many users to interact
with an application simultaneously. So, after a short
review of vision techniques, in this paper it will be
shown, how these methods also can be used for inter-
acting in and with 3D environments.
The task of the tracking process is to detect the il-
luminated finger tips in the grayscale picture of the
video camera, and to generate events if a finger is
touching, moving or disappearing from the surface.
The finger tracking procedure can be divided into two
problems: blob detection and blob tracking. Blob de-
tection handles the recognition of bright spots in the
image, which results in a set of 2D image position of
fingertips. The detection of blobs in images has been
widely used for detecting active markers. Recently,
such methods have been applied to detect fingertips
on multi-touch surfaces (Touchlib, 2008).
The first step of the blob detection consists of
an adaptive background subtraction step, which pro-
duces a foregroundimage consisting only of bright re-
gions not present in the background model. From the
many background subtraction techniques which exist
(Piccardi, 2004), a simple running average turns out
to be most suitable for our demands. In every frame
GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Illustration of used gestures. a) General interaction principles: (i) one finger selects and drags an object, (ii) two
fingers rotate an object or (iii) manipulate its scale by stretching the fingers apart. b) Camera control: (i) the first finger maps
to the camera’s position, (ii) a second finger in addition can control the camera’s orientation.
the value of every pixel of the background model is
updated by B
= αI
, where B
is the in-
tensity of a background pixel at time t, I
is the pixel
intensity of the camera image at time t and α is the
learning rate. For a fast adaption during the startup
a second learning rate has been introduced, which is
only applied during the first seconds. At this time
no detection will occur. A pixel is regarded as part
of the foreground, if |I
| > c, where c is a fixed
threshold. The intention of detecting blobs in a fore-
ground image is to avoid the detection of false posi-
tives, which can occur from other light sources.
To detect blob positions in the foreground im-
age we apply a two-pass algorithm (Rahimi, 2001)
to label connected components of pixels in a 4-
neighborhood. For every region of connected compo-
nents, the mean position, the mean intensity, the num-
ber of contributing pixels and the spacial covariance is
computed. To disregard blobs, which do not originate
from fingertips, some tests like analyzing the round-
ness or the number of pixel are performed. All blobs
passing the tests are regarded as detected fingertips
and are used as input for the tracking step.
For a meaningful interaction, the blobs not only
have to be detected, but also tracked from frame to
frame. Blob tracking assigns a unique ID to each blob
and tracks it from frame to frame. Thereby the move-
ment of a finger is detected. Since several blobs can
be detected in an image at the same time, a sophis-
ticated association of blob positions in a continuous
image stream beyond a simple nearest neighbor as-
signment is also needed. In order to be able to find
the corresponding blobs, the first approach is to look
near the old position. Depending on the frame rate
of the camera the finger might be found there. If the
finger is moving faster than this distance per frame,
the new position can be approximated using the ve-
locity. Sometimes ”tracking holes“ can occur due to
physical stick-slipping of the finger. In those cases it
vibrates while moving over the surface and thus might
not emit light toward the camera. Usually the finger
”returns“ in the next frames. The position therefore
will be hold at the last position, but furthermore is es-
timated the next n frames taking the former velocity
and acceleration into account. When the blob returns,
the ID will be reassigned, if not, it will be discarded.
When holding the fingers down on the surface and
keeping them in one position, another problem lies
in the dynamic background subtraction, which adapts
the finger to the background. This results in a loss of
blobs when holding down for a longer period of time.
To prevent this effect, every blob that does not move
within a certain distance and frames gets a fixed’ sta-
tus. This status flag can be used to generate a binary
mask that helps the dynamic background subtraction
to ignore those areas in adaptation. Another advan-
tage of this flag lies in the ability to prevent jittering,
which significantly increases the user experience.
Because the positions of tracked blobs are de-
tected in the image space of the camera image, it is
desirable that the 2D positions of the blobs are trans-
formed into the image space of the projector image.
This transformation can be achieved by a simple ho-
mography H. If u = (u
, u
, 1) is the homogeneous
coordinate of the detected blob position, this position
can be transformed into the projector image space by
v = H u. To determine the homography H, the 4-
point method based on the Direct Linear Transform
algorithm is used. As many cameras with a wide field
of view come along with a strong radial distortion, it
is necessary to consider these effects, too. If x is an
undistorted point and ˜x the distorted point, we approx-
imate the radial distortion by ˜x = x(1+ k
+ k
where r = kxk is the distance from the image center
and k
and k
are distortion parameters.
Navigating through a 3D view of a building or land-
scape means controlling the virtual camera’s position
and orientation. But often people still have problems
to keep control while navigating with common VR
interaction devices, and thus, they usually have diffi-
KNOWLEDGE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS - Multi-touch Interaction for GIS and Architectural Design Review Applications
Figure 3: Interactive visualization of GIS data (different
types of 2D maps as well as the corresponding buildings
and the terrain in the 3D view) on the multi-touch table;
recently shown at the Expo Real 2008 trade fair in Munich.
culties to fulfill typical reviewing tasks, like moving
the camera around a 3D object while keeping it in fo-
cus, or moving it along a building’s facade. With e.g.
a space mouse a user has all degrees of freedom he
might need to take a look around. But controlling the
camera is still an issue and one has to be experienced
in using this device. So, instead of simply navigat-
ing and concentrating on the review process, users are
distracted by handling the interaction device.
4.1 Simple Gestures
In typical design review applications the user is inter-
acting with only one 3D scene that contains the ob-
jects to be reviewed. But as mentioned 3D interac-
tion is still neither very intuitive nor does this type of
application allow to directly compare an abstract 2D
information with its concrete realization in a 3D dig-
ital mock-up. Thus, to overcome the aforementioned
problems, in our example applications we therefore
decided to combine 2D maps and blueprints with their
corresponding 3D rendering, utilizing multi-touch in-
teraction for navigation. Figures 3 and 4 show two
example applications from GIS and architecture.
Instead of only having one 3D rendering we are
actually using two. The first one is used for render-
ing the virtual drawing table that contains the maps
or blueprints with which the users can interact very
similar to the way they are used to it from real life
experience as shown in Figure 1. The second render-
ing displays the 3D scene to be reviewed on another
object that also lies on the virtual drawing table, just
like a window into a second virtual world. A more
detailed explanation can be found in section 4.3. To
increase the ease of use, we chose well known low-
level gestures as mentioned in section 2. We tried to
keep the amount of simultaneously needed fingers as
small as possible, since one can not control and use
several fingers very well at a time, due to physical
and cognitive issues (Schieber and Santello, 1996).
The focus of most tasks relies on the forefingers.
Using one finger touching an object a user can eas-
ily select and move it around. While stretching apart
two fingers, the map can also be scaled/ zoomed and
rotated by the angle described by the two fingers (see
Figure 2a). We do not distinguish whether one uses
fingers of the same or of different hands, as we do
not distinguish between different users. There exist a
lot of ideas of how to manage workspaces and tasks in
multi-user scenarios, as e.g. described in (Shen, 2003;
Shen et al., 2004), but for our proposed scenarios spe-
cial kinds of application-based multi-user functional-
ities are neither needed nor useful. Hence, all users
can work in parallel and generally can use the whole
area of the table the same way, and also perform ac-
tions together like zooming or dragging. Users can
choose collaboratively, what might fit to their needs
or to the purpose they want to perform.
4.2 Virtual Camera Control
The virtual camera can be controlled by simply posi-
tioning the fingers onto the table’s surface. One first
finger touching a map or blueprint controls the posi-
tion of the camera. Using then a second finger defines
the direction to look at, and controls thus the orien-
tation of the camera. Again, one can use fingers of
one hand or of both hands. Mapping camera param-
eters onto the user’s fingers supports him performing
navigation tasks, because now there is a pretty direct
representation for the camera through the fingers, thus
helping to orientate oneself and to control navigation
within the 3D world. As can be seen in Figure 2b,
by moving one finger around the other, the camera of
the reviewing scene moves around the corresponding
point, while keeping the touched object in focus.
Furthermore, by interpolating smoothly between
succeeding camera poses, this offers a fluent and con-
tinuous camera movement comparable to cinematic
camera movements. Especially in combination with
our second method for calculating the viewing direc-
tion, by simply orienting the virtual camera along the
direction of finger movement, this is, unlike using ar-
tificial interaction devices, a very intuitive and direct
means for navigating in a virtual environment. By
also updating the position and especially the height
of the virtual camera per texel according to the given
heightfield of the maps, as shown in Figure 3, re-
alistic terrain following can be implemented as well
and leads to a much better experience than the tin-
kered sandbox landscapes one might remember from
school. Another important aspect is, that by scaling
a map, implicitly the velocity of camera movement
is also scaled. Thus, when zooming into a map the
corresponding camera movement slows down and au-
tomatically adapts to the scene, because within a cer-
tain time t the path length d of the finger movement
in the map’s normalized image space is smaller when
GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 4: The design review application. a) Illustration of fingers and camera orientation (depicted by green blobs). b) Each
blueprint on the table corresponds to one level of the building, whose rendering is, similar to a photo, part of the table scene.
c) Closeup: the application provides basic visual feedback (fingers/ blobs are denoted by colored circles and numbers).
the image is scaled larger and vice versa.
4.3 Examples and Discussion
The mentioned architectural design review applica-
tion shown in Figure 4 was developed for Messe
Frankfurt and shows its new exhibition hall. The ap-
plication consists of some transformable architectural
2D blueprints of several floors of the building and
a high quality rendered 3D view of the hall, which
changes according to the area that was touched in one
of the blueprints (with a third and fourth finger as vi-
sualized in Figures 2b and 4a). Several people can
move and zoom these plans simultaneously, but also
navigate through the model of the building.
As previously described, using blueprints for nav-
igation is one of the key features of this multi-touch
application, and additionally an imitation and digital
enhancement of an architect’s native work environ-
ment. Working on a touch table is just like they know
it from daily work, except that the application shows
a valid real time visualization of the whole building.
Since building plans are usually decoded with spe-
cial symbols and a high amount of information, which
more or less only professionals can read and imagine,
the user now can see and ”grasp“ the high resolution
rendering of the blueprint he is looking at.
With one or two fingers the user now simply
moves the plan around. While stretching apart two
fingers, the blueprints can be scaled and also rotated.
The tile showing the 3D visualization lies on the vir-
tual table next to the blueprints, and is also modeled
as a textured plane, and thus can be transformed the
same way as the blueprints. But whereas their textures
are static, the texture displaying the architectural visu-
alization has to be dynamically rendered every frame
in a first rendering pass according to the movement
of the virtual camera. Architects can thereby move,
rotate and scale the 3D visualization like any other
plan. For the ease of use, all selected objects come to
the top in the order they have been touched.
As shown in section 4.2, the view is controlled by
using two additional fingers. To distinguish between
various floors or areas and to select them for naviga-
tion, first two fingers of the left hand for instance can
grab a plan and select it, just like one would hold a
sheet of paper while writing on it. Then, a finger of
the other hand points onto the construction plan and
thus controls the camera’s position. Moving around
this finger and using a second finger of the right
hand defines the viewing direction (see Figures 2b
and 4). The GIS application follows the same interac-
tion metaphor with the exception that each map cor-
responds to a different area of the landscape instead
of different floors, and thereby the viewing height is
not set per floor plan but per touched texel.
People who used these applications accepted very
well the way of selecting objects, and it felt quite fa-
miliar to them. Also, none of them had further prob-
lems in remembering or using the described gestures.
But there are still some issues: although the paper-
sheet metaphor is doing fine, the gestures’ usage has
to be explained. One also has to ”fix“ a plan during
the whole navigation-process and has to work with
three or four fingers. While taking just a look around
works well, doing more sophisticated movements is a
bit complicated: when the third finger points onto a
certain object on the plan and the fourth finger shall
move around it, there is a physical limitation of hand-
and finger-movement, making it hard to move around
an object while keeping it in focus. Thus, by provid-
ing a default direction based on the direction of move-
ment, typical tasks like walking along a road, which
might be of interest in the GIS application shown in
Figure 3, can be accomplished more easily.
Nevertheless, the result is a much better percep-
tion and understanding of otherwise arbitrary look-
ing data not only for the design and planning stage
but also for later presentation. Both applications are
created and setup using X3D and the InstantPlayer
(Avalon, 2008) for rendering and interaction. Not
only all the plans but also the 3D view are modeled as
textured ”Plane“ geometries in X3D. This way, trans-
lation, rotation and scaling of plans and maps work
KNOWLEDGE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS - Multi-touch Interaction for GIS and Architectural Design Review Applications
like in common multi-touch applications as already
described in section 4.1. By using special extensions
of the standard X3D pointing sensor component, like
the new ”HypersurfaceSensor“ node that is described
in more detail in (Jung et al., 2008), it is thereby easy
to design and implement multi-touch applications.
In this paper we have presented two applications as an
example of how tabletop interfaces and multi-touch
can be used in 3D environments. We have exemplar-
ily explained some concepts of how to interact and
navigate in multi-touch environments, which might
also be useful for other areas like shipbuilding or ve-
hicle construction. We have shown that multi-touch
interaction can be both, interacting with more than
one or two fingers simultaneously, and also working
collaborative in a multi-user scenario. Moreover, we
have also pinpointed some problems concerning blob
detection and tracking and how to overcome them.
Multi-touch techniques are very promising since they
allow people to seamlessly interact with what they see
by simply touching it. It feels natural, and can lead to
more sophisticated interaction principles. Therefore,
new ways of generating immersion are possible.
Future work will focus on a more intuitive interac-
tion for the application’s camera movement function-
ality. Furthermore, we would also like to integrate
generic gesture recognition for e.g. selecting and fix-
ing a blueprint. As discussed, the user then does not
have to keep an almost static position of his fingers
during the navigation process, but can have some kind
of initiation and relaxation phase as described in (Wu
et al., 2006) while working with the application.
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GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications