Jozef Kapusta, Michal Munk and Milan Turčáni
Department of Informatics, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Tr. A Hlinku 1, Nitra, Slovakia
Keywords: Adaptive hypermedia systems, Links annotation, Direct guidance, Study time analysis.
Abstract: The problematics of educational environment adaptation when using the adaptive hypermedia systems
(AHS) not only includes the need to implement these systems, to develop the applicable adaptive problem
solving structures but also the evaluation of e-learning, pedagogical-psychological aspects of creating
materials supporting the education, scheming the subject matter, efficiency of the problematics presentation
etc. Based on their knowledge of the given field, the authors of this article have executed an experiment
aimed at the quantitative evaluation of results when searching for the options of AHS application in the
informatics courses at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantine the
Philosopher University in Nitra. The gained experimental results have verified the didactical efficiency of e-
learning courses built by using adaptive hypermedia systems, the time-effectiveness of these courses, as
well as the choice of the best adaptation form. In the experiment, the adaptive annotation technique was
compared with the direct guidance technique. An important discovery coming from the results of the
executed experiment was that the direct guidance technique when compared with other techniques was the
least time-effective, but its didactical efficiency was the highest.
The hypermedia materials lack personalization,
customizing and adapting of shown information to
individual needs of the user very often. Nowadays,
this disadvantage could be eliminated by application
of adaptive hypermedia systems (AHS) into
hypertext documents. This specific type of
applications combines hypermedia, user modeling
techniques and a certain type of artificial intelligence
that adapts the structure and contents of hypermedia
documents according to each user. The majority of
today’s AHS projects are aimed mostly at teaching
and presentation of information in education.
Adaptive navigation support consists of influencing
user’s path in an information space. When using this
technique, the system’s adaptive core evaluates the
applicability of each shown link for the given user
and offers a result upon which it influences the
user’s path in the document system. This influence
can be directive in such a way that the system
disables the paths that aren’t applicable for the given
user and context or which are non-directive. In this
case, the system presents recommended (or not-
recommended) path in the information system to the
user by using various instruments. When using the
non-directive way, the system just sorts the links
according to their relevance or distinguishes the
important link differently (Brusilovsky, 2001).
To achieve the listed navigation methods in
information content, if using the directive or the
non-directive approach, the following techniques are
used mostly: direct guidance (the AHS guides the
user in an information space, which means it selects
the most applicable concepts and fragments assigned
to them), sorting links (links leading to other pages
are sorted hierarchically according to their relevance
(Kaplan, 1998)), links annotation (the adaptive
system marks links that are advisable for the user
(De Bra & Calvi, 1998)), hiding links (the links that
Kapusta J., Munk M. and TurÄ Ã ˛ani M.
DOI: 10.5220/0001824602500255
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
guide to the non-recommended information are
hidden (Paterno & Mancini, 1999)) etc.
There is a question needed to ask. Does a university
student need content and explanation-of-the-subject-
taught personalization when studying and is it even
appropriate to individualize the subject matter at a
university? In our opinion, we see as questionable if
it is effective to present the subject matter to
university students by using AHS or the ‘classical’
e-learning method. Even the using AHS, it is needed
to find the most effective technique of adaptation.
In our experiment, we have aimed at the
thematic field of ‘Programming Internet
Applications’ in a combined form of bachelor
studies of Applied Informatics. We have asked the
following research questions:
Are e-learning courses built on the basis of
adaptive hypermedia systems didactically
Are e-learning courses built on the basis of
adaptive hypermedia systems effective in
terms of the time needed to explain the given
subject matter?
Which adaptive technique is the most
appropriate for students?
To prove the given questions, we have created
the following solution steps:
1. Creating of control and experimental groups.
2. Creating of reliable and valid measuring
3. Realization of the experimental plan.
4. Understanding the data.
5. Checking validity of the used statistical
6. Data analysis and interpreting the results.
LMS Moodle was chosen to be the experimental
environment. This learning management system was
not only chosen because of its implementation at our
university as the university system dedicated for e-
learning and electronical study support, but also
because of its wide usage in the academic field when
managing education.
Except of several available activities in the
system that we have used to create the e-course, we
would like to point out the Lecture module that we
have used to create a lesson for direct student
guidance and the iLMS module that we have
implemented into LMS Moodle for the needs of our
experiment. This module has been used as an
adaptive system for link annotation.
4.1 The iLMS Module – A Link
Annotation Module
The iLMS module has been used for link annotation
which enables to recommend links to a user
according to metadata and defining of dependencies.
The system recommends the links by using four
tags: recommended link tag, ‘neutral’ link tag, a tag
when the system could not decide according to the
metadata and the not recommended link tag. The
iLMS module is an addition to the Moodle system.
From the technical point of view, the module
contains a new adaptive course format (the format
complements the traditional course formats, the
thematical and weekly ones) and some blocks for
creating adaptive content in LMS Moodle.
The module has been developed by Gert
Sauerstein as a part of his diploma thesis „KI-
Ansätze zur Lerner-Adaption in Lern-Management-
Systemen’ at the Technische Universität Ilmenau
(Ilmenau, Germany).
4.2 The Lesson Activity – A Module for
Direct Student Guidance
A lesson is an activity type that opens up a study
material in an interesting and flexible way. It
consists of many text pages so-called tabs that can
be extended by using pictures or hypertext links.
Each tab is enclosed by asking a question and the
student can choose from multiple possible answers.
If the student has answered this question right, he
can advance to the next page. If he has answered
false, he is being redirected to the previous page to
study the problematics again. The way of navigation
in the Lesson activity depends on setting the
The Lesson is a universal module that can be
customized by the creator of the course according to
his ideas. He can decide to use a linear passing
through each pages of the lesson and he can close
each one by asking a check question. A more
effective, but also a more demanding way is when
the course creator decides to divide the pages of a
Lesson into more parallel paths and forces the
student to study the described problematics by
detail. (Švejda, 2006).
The experiment has taken place in the summer term
of 2007/2008 at the Department of Informatics. All
75 students of the second year of the bachelor’s
studies in Applied Informatics have participated in
this experiment.
5.1 Dividing into Groups
During the term, we have been monitoring four
groups of students in the ‘Programming Internet
Applications’ course that were created by regular
dividing into groups. The students were divided into
the following groups:
1. Without the LMS Moodle support
(Unsupported) – a group where classical F2F
teaching method was applied,
2. With ‘standard’ e-course support (Non-
Adaptation) - a group that was supervised by
using blended learning in LMS Moodle,
3. With direct guidance module support (Direct
Guidance) – a group that was studying by
using the direct guidance support,
4. With adaptive system for links annotation
support (Links Annotation) – a group where
the adaptive iLMS system was used.
Table 1: Experimental plan.
We have decided to use this classification
because the chosen groups had their virtual classes
already created in the system. The students without
the LMS support and studying with classical e-
course support build monitoring groups and students
with direct guidance module support and adaptive
system for links annotation support build the
experimental groups.
Courses in all three groups have had unified
structure. The learning matter of the thematic field
was divided into small parts, so that the part had had
the maximum height of 1.5 times area shown when
using typical display resolution. A test question was
asked after each part. Despite these adaptive systems
offer options for a much more interesting course
structure, this simple course structure has been used
intentionally to avoid distortion of results by
enriching adaptive courses or to avoid penalizing the
group with e-course support without adaptation.
5.2 Analysis of Pre-Test
The groups seem to be equivalent at first sight –
all groups have attended the same courses together
with the same teachers. Group allocation from the
sex and age point of view is also equivalent. We
have verified this fact statistically by using pre-test.
The pre-test in a way of entry test checking the basic
knowledge to pass the given problematics has been
applied. In the entry test that consisted of 15
questions, we have checked score and the time in
that the students were able to finish the test.
The following graph visualizes the MANOVA
results. It shows the point and confidence interval
estimates of pre-test score (Pre-Test) and the time
needed for its completion (Duration).
Figure 1: Means with Error Plot for Pre-Test.
Based on the MANOVA results, we do not reject
the null hypothesis stating that the difference among
the groups in pre-test score and the time needed to
process it is statistically insignificant, that means
that the vector of dependant variables (Pre-Test,
Duration) is independent from the Group factor.
This has confirmed the group equality presumption
and randomization wasn’t needed.
5.3 Analysis of Post-Test
After finishing their study we have evaluated the
knowledge of students by using an end-of-course
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
test. The end-of-course test consisted of seven tasks.
These were ai med on proving the mastering of each
thematical area of the course.
Table 2: MANOVA, Multivariate Tests of Significance for
Based on the MANOVA (Table 2) results, we
reject the null hypothesis with a 99% degree of
confidence, which means the vector of dependant
variables (Post-Test, Duration) is dependent on the
Group factor.
Table 3: ANOVA, Univariate Results for Post-Test.
From the univariate results of the analysis of
variance (Table 3) we reject the null hypothesis with
a 99% degree of confidence in case of a post-test
score, which means the Post-Test dependant variable
depends on the Group factor. Vice versa, the
differences in case of time needed to process the
post-test haven’t been proven. The following graph
visualizes the results of ANOVA/MANOVA.
Figure 2: Means with Error Plot for Post-Test.
After rejecting the null hypothesis in case of a
post-test, we ask what pairs are significantly
Table 4: Tukey HSD test (Unequal N) for Post-Test.
Statistically significant differences have been
proven between Direct Guidance and Unsupported
(p<0,01) and between Direct Guidance and Non-
Adaptation (p<0,05) in favour of Direct Guidance.
Vice versa, an interesting discovery is that there
haven’t been detected any statistically significant
differences between Links Annotation and the other
Group factor levels.
Except of statistically significant differences,
based on the descriptive statistics (Figure 2), it can
be seen that the final test with better results have
passed those groups where AHS, this means Direct
Guidance a Links Annotation groups had been used.
From the adaptation methods it was naturally the
direct guidance group, of which the significant
differences we have proven. This fact is also
exponentiated by the statement that this particular
group had had the worst results in the entry test
(Figure 1).
Figure 3: Means with Error Plot for Post-Test.
We present the graph (Figure 3), in which the
end-of-course test results for each thematical field
are shown (Post-Test1, Post-Test2, Post-Test3),
because of data completeness, Also from the partial
point of view, the better post-test results score can
be seen in favour of the direct guidance method.
5.4 Study Time Analysis
The next field of experiment was to discover the
time needed to study the given problematics.
The Moodle system where the adaptive systems
were implemented contains a log file-creating
mechanism. The following graph shows an overview
of how much time the students in each group needed
to study the given problematics. From the available
time information, only the ‘pure’ study time values
were chosen, this means the intervals of signing onto
the system, ‘random’ course viewing or clicking on
activities like the forum, dictionary etc. have not
been included. There are only the values included
when the student has been working with each
chapter aimed at the particular thematic area in the
time values. The group without support is naturally
missing from the graphs; there has not been any
mechanism to monitor the relevant time data.
Figure 4: Means with Error Plot for Study Time.
Based on the ANOVA results, we do not reject
the null hypothesis stating that the study time score
difference among the groups is not statistically
significant, which means the Study Time dependant
variable does not depend from the Group factor.
Despite the fact that the statistically significant
differences have not been proven, the results when
taking study time into account are surprising.
Originally, we wanted to prove that using AHS is
not only didactically efficient, but also more time
effective than the classical e-course. But
surprisingly, in our conditions, we can state that the
students have spent more time studying when using
AHS than they would have spent with a classical e-
course. Even the didactically most efficient
adaptation method – direct guidance (the Direct
Guidance group) has been the least effective in
terms of study time. We explain this by the fact that
a course that leads a student by using direct guidance
can impress and motivate him in his next studies.
To complete the results, we show the graph (Figure
5), where the time needed to study a thematical field
(Study Time1, Study Time2, Study Time3) in terms of
the watched groups is shown. From these partial
values of study time, we can see even more
differences in using each guidance method.
Figure 5: Means with Error Plot for Study Time.
Based on results, we have decided to include
another factor into the model – Study time. By the
following analysis, we test if the adjusted group
means are different. The means are adjusted as if
there was the same (average) Study time factor value
in all groups.
Table 5: ANCOVA, Univariate Tests of Significance for
We can see in the table (Table 5) that the
dependence between Post-Test and Study Time is
statistically insignificant (p>0,05), this means the
study time length needed has not affected the post-
test results. We reject the null hypothesis with a 95%
degree of confidence. The null hypothesis states that
the post-test score difference among groups are not
statistically significant, which means the Post-Test
dependant value depends from the Group factor.
The following graph visualizes the ANCOVA
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 6: Means with Error Plot for Post-Test.
After rejecting the null hypothesis, our question
is what pairs are significally different.
Table 6: Tukey HSD test (Unequal N) for posttest.
Statistically significant differences have been
proven between Direct Guidance and Non-
Adaptation (p<0,05) in favour of Direct Guidance.
Not to deemphasize the strength of statistical tests,
we have proven their validity. To gain data, we have
chosen to use reliable and valid measuring
procedures. To solve our research problem, we have
used two methods, the analysis of variance and the
analysis of covariance. Where the analysis of
variance is easier and does not require equation
regression premise in each group. On the other hand,
the interpretation is less valid if there exist
differences among groups in the inspected variable.
Similarly as in other situations, it is recommended to
execute both ways of analysis and to compare their
results. In our case, the results are identical and we
have a reason to consider them as sturdy.
By executing the previous analysis listed in
chapter 5, we have validated the didactical
efficiency of using adaptive hypermedia systems in
university education. We have proven statistically
that implementing a direct guidance system had had
positive impact on the end-of-course test results
among students studying with this support. Also
when using the adaptive links annotation, better end-
of-course test results can be seen according to
descriptive statistics (Figure 2), despite the fact that
a statistically significant difference hasn’t been
proven. Among the adaptive techniques, the most
advisable one seems to be the direct guidance
Interesting were the results when examining the
time-effectiveness where we haven’t proven that any
technique would be more time-demanding, but from
the results of descriptive statistics, we have
discovered time differences in favor of the non-
adaptive methods. The most time-demanding is the
direct guidance technique. In our opinion, this was
caused not only by the attractive form of presenting
the current problematics, but also by the technique
itself that avoids studying the problematics
improperly, which means it asks the student
mandatory questions that need to be answered
correctly in order to study further.
To approve the experimental results, we would
like to execute the described experiment again in the
winter term of 2008/2009 based on a bigger sample
of students. In this experiment, we plan to use
adaptive techniques only: the direct guidance
technique, links annotation and a new AHS with the
links sorting technique.
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