Vera Hollink, Viktor de Boer and Maarten van Someren
University of Amsterdam, Science Park 107, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Information architecture, Web site modeling, Web site design support.
We present ‘SiteGuide’, a tool that helps web designers to decide which information will be included in a new
web site and how the information will be organized. SiteGuide takes as input URLs of web sites from the
same domain as the site the user wants to create. It automatically searches the pages of these example sites
for common topics and common structural features. On the basis of these commonalities it creates a model
of the example sites. The model can serve as a starting point for the new web site. Also, it can be used to
check whether important elements are missing in a concept version of the new site. Evaluation shows that
SiteGuide is able to detect a large part of the common topics in example sites and to present these topics in an
understandable form to its users.
Even the smallest companies, institutes and associa-
tions are expected to have their own web sites. How-
ever, designing a web site is a difficult and time-
consuming task. Software tools that provide assis-
tance for the web design process can help both am-
ateur and professional web designers.
Newman and Landay (2000) studied the current
practices in web design and identified four main
phases in the design process of a web site: discov-
ery, design exploration, design refinement and pro-
duction. A number of existing tools, such as Adobe
and Microsoft Frontpage
help for the latter two phases, where an initial design
is refined and implemented. These tools however,
do not support collecting and structuring the content
into an initial conceptual model (Falkovych and Nack,
2006). In this paper, we present ‘SiteGuide’, a system
that helps web designers to create a setup for a new
site. Its output is an initial information architecture
for the target web site that shows the user what infor-
mation should be included in the website and how the
information should be structured. Figure 1 shows a
screenshot of the SiteGuide system.
An important step in the discovery phase of web
site design is reviewing web sites from the same do-
main as the target site (Newman and Landay, 2000).
For instance, a person who wants to build a site for
a small soccer club will often look at web sites of
some other small soccer clubs. The information ar-
chitectures of the examined sites are used as source
of inspiration for the new site.
Reviewing example sites can provide useful infor-
mation, but comparing sites manually is very time-
consuming and error-prone, especially when the sites
consist of many pages. The SiteGuide system cre-
ates an initial information architecture for a new site
by efficiently and systematically comparing a set of
example sites identified by the user. SiteGuide auto-
matically searches the sites for topics and structures
that the sites have in common. For example, in the
soccer club domain, it may find that most example
sites contain information about youth teams or that
pages about membership always link to pages about
subscription fees. The common topics are brought to-
gether in a model of the example sites. The model
is presented to the user and serves as an information
architecture for the new web site.
SiteGuide can also be used in the design refine-
ment phase of the web design process as a critic of
a first draft of a site. The draft is compared with the
model, so that missing topics or unusual information
structures are revealed.
Hollink V., de Boer V. and van Someren M.
DOI: 10.5220/0001825401430150
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: A screenshot of the SiteGuide system showing a topic for a web site of a hotel.
The SiteGuide system has two main usage scenarios,
shown in Figure 2. In both scenarios the user starts the
interaction by inputting the URLs of the home pages
of a small set of example web sites. SiteGuide then
scrapes and analyzes the sites and captures their com-
monalities in a web site model. The model forms the
suggested information architecture for the new site.
In the modeling scenario the information architecture
is the end point of the interaction and is outputted
to the user. In the critiquing scenario the user has
already created a first draft version of his new site.
SiteGuide compares the draft with the model of the
example sites and outputs the differences.
Figure 3 shows the structure of an example site
model. A model consists of a set of topics that ap-
pear in the example sites. To communicate the model
to a user, SiteGuide describes each topic with a set
of characterizing features. These features explain to
the user what the topic is about. They consist of key
draft of
new site
Figure 2: The two usage scenarios of the SiteGuide sys-
tem. denotes the modeling scenario. denotes the
critiquing scenario.
topic B
topic C
topic D
topic A
structural features
characterizing features
topic E
keywords: weather, wind
title: Weather conditions
example page:
on average 2.1 pages
on average 6 incoming links
Figure 3: Example of an example site model. A model con-
sists of topics that have characterizing and structural fea-
tures (only shown for topic A). Frequently occurring hyper-
links between topics are denoted by arrows.
phrases which are extracted from the contents of the
pages that handle on the topic as well as titles of these
pages, anchor texts of links pointing to the pages and
terms from the page URLs. Additionally, SiteGuide
shows a link to a page that exemplifies the topic.
To inform the user on how a topic should be em-
bedded in the site, SiteGuide shows structural fea-
tures that describe how the topic is represented in the
pages of the example sites. It shows the average num-
ber of pages about the topic, the average number of
incoming and outgoing links for those pages and links
between topics (e.g., pages on topic A frequently link
to pages on topic B).
In the modeling scenario the topics of the model
are presented to the user as a set of natural language
statements. The screenshot in Figure 1 shows the cur-
rent visualization of the output of a topic. The infor-
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
mation architecture is also exported to an XML file,
so that it can be imported into other web design tools
that provide alternative visualizations, such as proto-
typing or wireframing tools.
The output of the critiquing scenario is a set of
similar statements that describe the differences be-
tween the example sites and the draft. In this scenario
SiteGuide indicates which topics are found on most
example sites but not on the draft site and which top-
ics are found on the draft site but not in any of the
example sites. In addition, it outputs topics that are
both on the draft and the example sites, but that have
different structural features.
The main task of SiteGuide is to find topics that oc-
cur on most example sites. For this, SiteGuide iden-
tifies pages of different example sites that handle on
the same topic and maps these pages onto each other.
A mapping can be seen as a set of page clusters. Each
cluster contains all pages from example sites that han-
dle on one topic.
We design our clustering format in such a way that
it is able to capture differences between web sites in
the information they present and in the way the infor-
mation is organized. All pages of the example sites
must occur in at least one page cluster, but pages may
occur in multiple clusters. In the simplest case a clus-
ter contains one page from each example site. For
example, a cluster can contain for each site the page
about surfing lessons. However, if on one of the sites
the information about surfing lessons is split over sev-
eral pages, these pages are placed in the same cluster.
It can also happen that a cluster does not contain pages
from all sites, because some of the sites do not con-
tain information on the cluster’s topic. Pages occur
in more than one cluster, when they contain content
about more than one topic.
We developed a heuristic method to find a good
mapping between a set of example sites. A space of
possible mappings is defined and searched for a good
mapping. Below we first explain how SiteGuide mea-
sures the quality of a mapping. Then we explain how
it searches for the mapping that maximizes the quality
measure. Finally, the generation of the example site
model from the mapping and the comparison between
the model and a draft of the new site are discussed.
3.1 Quality Measure
As in most clustering tasks, the quality of an example
site mapping is better when the pages in the clusters
are more similar to each other. However, in most do-
mains pages of one site are more similar to pages on
the same site that handle on other topics than to pages
of other sites on the same topic. As a result, a stan-
dard clustering method would mainly form groups of
pages from one example site instead of identifying
topics that span multiple sites. We solve this prob-
lem by focussing on similarities between pages from
different sites. We define the quality of a page cluster
as the average similarity of the pages in the cluster to
all other pages in the cluster from other web sites.
Most web pages contain some text, so that text
similarity measures can be used to compute the sim-
ilarity between two pages. However, web pages are
not stand-alone texts, but part of a network that is con-
nected by links. In SiteGuide we make use of the in-
formation contained in the link structure by comput-
ing the similarity between the pages’ positions in their
link structures. As extra features we use the similar-
ity between page titles, page URLs and the anchors
of the links that point to pages. Below, each of these
five types of similarity are discussed in more detail.
The quality of a page cluster is a combination of
the ve similarity measures. The quality of cluster C
in mapping M is:
quality(C,M) =
· sim
(C,M)) α · S
Here Sims are the five similarity measures, which are
weighted with weighting parameters w
. S
is the
number of example sites that have pages in cluster C.
α is a parameter.
The term α · S
subtracts a fixed amount (α)
for each of the S
sites in the cluster. Consequently,
adding pages of a site to a cluster only improves the
cluster’s score if the pages bear a similarity of at least
α to the pages of the other sites in the cluster. In this
way the size of the clusters is automatically geared
to the number of sites that address the same topic, so
that we do not need to specify the number of clusters
Text similarity between two pages is expressed as
the cosine similarity between the terms on the pages
(Salton and McGill, 1983). This measure enables
SiteGuide to identify parts of the texts that pages have
in common and ignore site-specific parts. Stop word
removal, stemming and t f · id f weighting are applied
to increase accuracy.
Anchor text similarity between two pages is de-
fined as the cosine similarity between the anchor texts
of the links that point to the pages. For the computa-
tion of page title similarity and URL similarity we use
the Levenshtein distance (Levenshtein, 1966) instead
of the cosine similarity. Levenshtein distance is more
suitable for comparing short phrases as it takes the or-
der of terms into account and works at character level
instead of term level.
We developed a new measure to compute the sim-
ilarity between the positions of two pages in their
link structures. We look at the direct neighborhood
of each page: it’s incoming and outgoing links. The
link structure similarity of a cluster is the propor-
tion of the incoming and outgoing links of the pages
that are mapped correctly. Two links in different link
structures are mapped correctly onto each other if
both their source pages and their destination pages are
mapped onto each other.
3.2 Finding a Good Mapping
A naive approach for finding a mapping with a high
quality score would be to list all possible mappings,
compute for each mapping the quality score, and
choose the one with the highest score. Unfortunately,
this approach is not feasible, as the number of possi-
ble mappings is extremely large (Hollink et al., 2008).
To make the problem computationally feasible, we
developed a search space of possible mappings that
allows us to heuristically search for a good mapping.
We start our search with an initial mapping that is
likely to be close to the optimal solution. In this map-
ping each page occurs in exactly one cluster and each
cluster contains no more than one page from each ex-
ample site. The initial mapping is built incrementally.
First, we create a mapping between the first and the
second example site. For each two pages of these
sites we compute the similarity score defined above.
The so called Hungarian Algorithm (Munkres, 1957)
is applied to the two sites to find the one-to-one map-
ping with the highest similarity. Then, the pages of
the third site are added to the mapping. We compute
the similarity between all pages of the third site and
the already formed pairs of pages of the first two sites
and again apply the Hungarian Algorithm. This pro-
cess is continued until all example sites are included
in the initial mapping.
We define five mapping modification operations
that can be used to traverse the search space. To-
gether, these operations suffice to transform any map-
ping into any other mapping. This means that the
whole space of possible mappings is reachable from
any starting point. The operations are:
Split a cluster: the pages from each site in the clus-
ter are placed in a separate cluster.
Merge two clusters: place all pages from the two
clusters in one cluster.
Move a page from one cluster to another cluster.
Move a page from a cluster to a new, empty cluster.
Copy a page from one cluster to another cluster.
With these operations SiteGuide refines the ini-
tially created mapping using a form of hill climbing.
In each step it applies the operations to the current
mapping and computes the effect on the similarity
score. When an operation improves the score it is re-
tained; otherwise it is undone. It keeps trying modifi-
cation operations until it can not find any more opera-
tions that improve the score with a sufficient amount.
The ve operations can be applied to all clus-
ters. To increase efficiency, SiteGuide tries to improve
clusters with low quality scores first.
3.3 From Mapping to Model
The next step is to transform the mapping into a model
of the example sites. The mapping consists of page
clusters, while the model should consist of descrip-
tions of topics that occur on most of the example sites.
Each cluster becomes a topic in the model. Topics
are characterized by the ve characterizing features
mentioned in Section 2. SiteGuide lists all terms from
the contents of the pages and all URLs, titles and an-
chor texts. For each type of term we designed a mea-
sure that indicates how descriptive the term or phrase
is for the topic. For instance, content terms receive a
high score if they occur in all example sites frequently
in pages on the topic and infrequently on other pages.
These scores are multiplied by the corresponding sim-
ilarity scores, e.g., the score of a content term is mul-
tiplied by the topic’s content similarity. The result of
this is that features that are more important for a topic
are weighted more heavily. The terms and phrases
with scores above some threshold (typically 3 to 10
per feature type) become characterizing features for
the topic. The most central page in the cluster (the
page with the highest text similarity to the other pages
in the cluster) becomes the example page for the topic.
To find the structural features of the topics,
SiteGuide analyzes the pages and links of the corre-
sponding page clusters. It determines for each site
over how many pages the information on a topic is
spread and counts the number of incoming and outgo-
ing links. Furthermore, it counts how often the topic
links to each other topic. The question is which of
these numbers indicate a stable pattern over the var-
ious example sites. Intuitively, we recognize a pat-
tern in, for instance, the number of outgoing links of
a topic, when on all sites the pages on the topic have
roughly the same number of outgoing links. We have
formalized this intuition: when the numbers for the
various sites have low variance, SiteGuide marks the
feature as a common structural feature.
In the current version of SiteGuide the output of
the modeling scenario consists of a series of human
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
readable statements (see Figure 1). For each topic
SiteGuide outputs the characterizing features, the ex-
ample page and the common structural features. In
the next version, the model will be shown graphically,
more or less like Figure 3.
For the critiquing scenario we developed a vari-
ant of the web site comparison method which en-
ables SiteGuide to compare the example site model
to a draft of the new site. This variant uses the hill
climbing approach to map the model to the draft, but
it does not allow any operations that alter the exam-
ple site model. In this way we ensure that the draft
is mapped onto the model, while the model stays in-
tact. Once the draft is mapped, SiteGuide searches
for differences between the draft and the example site
model. It determines which topics in the model do not
have corresponding pages in the draft and reports that
these topics are missing on the new site. Conversely,
it determines which topics of the draft do not have
counterparts in the example sites. Finally, it com-
pares the structural features of the topics in the new
site to the common structural features in the example
site model and reports the differences.
To determine whether SiteGuide can provide useful
assistance to users who are building a web site, we
need to answer two questions. 1) Do the discovered
topics represent the subjects that are really addressed
at the example sites? 2) Are the topic descriptions un-
derstandable for humans? To answer the first question
we compared mappings created by SiteGuide to man-
ually created example site mappings. For the second
question we asked humans to interpret SiteGuide’s
We used web sites from three domains: windsurf
clubs, primary schools and small hotels. For each
domain 5 sites were selected as example sites. We
purposely chose very different domains: the wind-
surf clubs are non-profit organizations, the school do-
main is an educational domain and the hotel domain
is commercial. Table 1 shows the main properties of
the three domains.
The SiteGuide system generated example site
models for the three domains. We compared these
models to gold standard models that we had con-
structed by hand. The gold standard models consisted
of a mapping between the example sites and for each
page cluster a textual description of the topic that was
represented by the cluster. The textual descriptions
were 1 or 2 sentences in length and contained around
20 words. For example, in the school domain one
Table 1: Properties of the evaluation domains and the gold
standards (g.s.): the total, minimum and maximum number
of pages in the example sites, the number of topics in the
g.s., the number of topics that were found in at least 50% of
the sites (frequent topics) and the percentage of the pages
that were mapped onto at least one other page.
domain total min-max topics frequent % pages
pages pages in g.s topics mapped
in g.s. in g.s.
hotel 59 9-16 21 7 81%
surfing 120 8-61 90 12 76%
school 154 20-37 42 17 80%
topic was described as ‘These pages contain a list of
staff members of the schools. The lists consist of the
names and roles of the staff members.’. Features of
the gold standards are given in Table 1.
To validate the objectivity of the gold standards,
for one domain (hotels) we asked another person to
create a second gold standard. We compared the top-
ics in the two gold standards and found that 82% of
the topics were found in both gold standards. From
this we concluded that the gold standards were quite
objective and are an adequate means to evaluate the
output of SiteGuide.
4.1 Evaluation of the Mappings
First, we evaluated the page clusters that were gener-
ated by SiteGuide to see to what extend these clusters
coincided with the manually created clusters in the
gold standards, in other words, to what extend they
represented topics that were really addressed at the
example sites. We counted how many of the clusters
in the generated mapping also occurred in the gold
standards. A generated cluster was considered to be
the same as a cluster from the gold standard if at least
50% of the pages in the clusters were the same. We
considered only topics that occurred in at least half
of the example sites (frequent topics), as these are the
topics that were present on most of the example sites.
The quality of mappings is expressed by precision,
recall and f-measure over the page clusters. When
are the clusters in a gold standard and C
the clusters in a generated mapping, the measures are
defined as:
precision = |C
recall = |C
fmeasure =
In a pilot study (Hollink et al., 2008) we tested
the influence of the various parameters. We gener-
ated example site mappings with various weights for
Table 2: Quality of the example site mappings and quality
of the comparison between drafts and example sites.
domain precision recall f-measure removed added
topics topics
detected detected
hotel 1.00 0.43 0.60 0.54 0.52
surf 0.33 0.42 0.37 0.25 0.26
school 0.47 0.41 0.44 0.33 0.88
the similarity measures. On all three domains giving
high weights to text similarity resulted in mappings
with high scores. In the hotel domain URL similar-
ity also appeared to be effective. Increasing the mini-
mum similarity parameter (α) meant that we required
mapped pages to be more similar, so that precision
was increased, but recall decreased. Thus, with this
parameter we can effectively balance the quality of
the topics that we find against the number of topics
that are found. When the SiteGuide system is used by
a real user, it obviously cannot use a gold standard to
find the optimal parameter settings. Fortunately, we
can estimate roughly how we should choose the pa-
rameter values by looking at the resulting mappings
as explained in (Hollink et al., 2008).
The scores of the example site models generated
with optimal parameter values are shown in Table 2.
The table shows the scores for the situation in which
all frequent topics that SiteGuide has found are shown
to the user. When many topics have been found we
can choose to show only topics with a similarity score
above some threshold. In general, this improves pre-
cision, but reduces recall.
Next, we evaluated SiteGuide in the critiquing
scenario. We performed a series of experiments in
which the 5 sites one by one played the role of the
draft site and the remaining 4 sites were example
sites. In each run we removed all pages about one of
the gold standard topics from the draft site and used
SiteGuide to compare the corrupted draft to the ex-
amples. We counted how many of the removed top-
ics were identified by SiteGuide as topics that were
missing in the draft. Similarly, we added pages to
the draft that were not relevant in the domain. Again,
SiteGuide compared the corrupted draft to the exam-
ples. We counted how many of the added topics were
marked as topics that occurred only on the draft site
and not on any of the example sites. The results are
given in Table 2.
Table 2 shows that SiteGuide is able to discover
many of the topics that the sites have in common, but
also misses a number of topics. Inspection of the cre-
ated mappings demonstrates that many of the discov-
ered topics can indeed lead to useful recommenda-
tions to the user. We give a few examples. In the
school domain SiteGuide created a page cluster that
contained for each site the pages with term dates. It
also found correctly that 4 out of 5 sites provided a list
of staff members. In the surfing domain, a cluster was
created that represented pages where members could
leave messages (forums). The hotel site mapping con-
tained a cluster with pages about the facilities in the
hotel rooms. The clusters can also be relevant for the
critiquing scenario: for example, when the owner of
the fifth school site would use SiteGuide, he would
learn that his site is the only site without a staff list.
Some topics that the sites had in common were not
found, because the terms did not match. For instance,
two school sites provided information about school
uniforms, but on the one site these were called ‘uni-
form’ and on the other ‘school dress’. This example
illustrates the limitations of the term-based approach.
In the future, we will extend SiteGuide with WordNet
(Fellbaum, 1998), which will enable it to recognize
semantically related terms.
4.2 Evaluation of the Topic Descriptions
Until now we counted how many of the generated top-
ics had at least 50% of their pages in common with a
gold standard topic. However, there is no guarantee
that the statements that SiteGuide outputs about these
topics are really understood correctly by the users of
the SiteGuide system. Generating understandable de-
scriptions is not trivial, as most topics consist of only
a few pages. On the other hand, it may happen that
a description of a topic with less than 50% overlap
with a gold standard topic is still recognizable for hu-
mans. Therefore, below we evaluate how SiteGuide’s
end output is interpreted by human users and whether
the interpretations correspond to the gold standards.
We used SiteGuide to create output about the ex-
ample site models generated with the same optimal
parameter values as in the previous section. Since we
only wanted to evaluate how well the topics could be
interpreted by a user, we did not output the structural
features. We restricted the output for a topic to up to
10 content keywords and up to 3 phrases for page ti-
tles, URLs and anchor texts. We also displayed for
each topic a link to the example page.
Output was generated for each of the 34 frequent
topics identified in the three domains. We asked 5
evaluators to interpreted the 34 topics and to write
a short description of what they thought each topic
was about. We required the descriptions to be of the
same length as the gold standard descriptions (10-30
words). None of the evaluators were domain experts
or expert web site builders. It took the evaluators on
average one minute to describe a topic, including typ-
ing the description. By comparison, finding the topics
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
in the example sites by hand (for the creation of the
gold standard) took about 15-30 minutes per topic.
An expert coder determined whether the interpre-
tations of the evaluators described the same topics as
the gold standard descriptions. Since both the evalu-
ators’ topic descriptions and the gold standard topic
descriptions were natural language sentences, it was
often difficult to determine whether two descriptions
described the exact same topic. We therefore had the
coder classify each description in one of three classes:
a description could either have a partial match or an
exact match with one of the gold standard topics or
have no matching gold standard topic at all. An exact
match means that the description describes the exact
same topic as the gold standard topic. A partial match
occurs when a description describes for instance a
broader or narrower topic. To determine precision the
coder matched all topic descriptions of the evaluators
to the gold standard descriptions. To determine re-
call the coder matched all gold standard descriptions
to the evaluators’ descriptions in the same manner. To
determine the objectivity of the coding task, we had a
second expert coder perform the same task. The two
coders agreed on 69% of the matches, considering the
possible variety in topic descriptions, we consider this
an acceptable level of inter-coder agreement.
Averaged over the domains and evaluators, 94% of
all evaluators’ topic descriptions were matched to one
of the gold standard topics when both partial and ex-
act matches were considered. In other words, 94% of
the topics that were found by SiteGuide corresponded
(at least partially) with a topic from the gold standard
and were also interpreted as such. When only exact
matches were counted this figure was still 73%. This
indicates that for most topics SiteGuide is capable of
generating an understandable description.
We calculated precision and recall based on the
relaxed precision and recall used in ontology match-
ing literature (Ehrig and Euzenat, 2005), resulting in
the same formula for precision and recall as in Sec-
tion 4.1, where |C
| is the number of exact
matches plus 0.5 times the number of partial matches.
In Table 3 we display the relaxed precision, recall and
f-measure values for the three domains. The average
precision over all domains is 0.83, showing that most
of the topics that SiteGuide found could indeed be in-
terpreted and that these interpretations corresponded
to correct topics according to our gold standard. The
average recall is 0.57, which means that more than
half of the topics from the gold standard were cor-
rectly identified and outputted by SiteGuide. Both
precision and recall do not vary much across domains,
indicating that SiteGuide is capable of identifying and
displaying topics in a wide range of domains. The re-
Table 3: Results of the manual evaluation for the three do-
domain precision recall f-measure
hotel 0.90 0.54 0.68
school 0.78 0.54 0.64
surf 0.81 0.63 0.71
sults in Table 3 are considerably better than those in
Table 2. This shows that for a number of topics where
the page overlap with the gold standard was less than
50%, the displayed topic could still be interpreted cor-
rectly by humans.
Existing tools for assisting web site development help
users with the technical construction of a site. Tools
such as Dreamweaver
or Frontpage
allow users to
create web sites without typing HTML. Other tools
evaluate the design and layout of a site on usability
and accessibility, checking for example for dead links
and buttons and missing captions of figures (see for
an overview (Web Accessibility Initiative, 2008; Bra-
jnik, 2004)). However, none of these tools help users
to choose appropriate contents or structures for their
sites or critique the content that is currently used.
Our approach is in spirit related to the idea of on-
tologies. The goal of an ontology is to capture the
conceptual content of a domain. It consists of struc-
tured, formalized information on the domain. The
web site models presented in this paper can be viewed
as informal ontologies as they comprise structures of
topics that occur in sites from some domain. How-
ever, our models are not constructed by human ex-
perts, but automatically extracted from example sites.
Another related set of tools are tools that im-
prove link structures of web sites, such as PageGather
(Perkowitz and Etzioni, 2000) and the menu optimiza-
tion system developed by Hollink et al. (Hollink et al.,
2007). These tools do not provide support on the con-
tents of a site. Moreover, they need usage data, which
means that they can only give advice about sites that
have been online for some time.
The algorithm that underlies the SiteGuide system
is related to methods for high-dimensional clustering,
which are, for instance, used for document cluster-
ing. However, there are several important differences.
The task of SiteGuide is to find topics in a set of web
sites instead of an unstructured set of documents. It
is more important to find topics that appear in many
sites than to group pages within sites. This is reflected
in the similarity measure. Another difference is that
in SiteGuide the relations (links) between pages are
taken into account. The extent to which relations be-
tween pages within one site match the relations in
other sites contributes to the similarity between pages.
Also, the final model of the sites includes relations be-
tween topics.
The SiteGuide system provides assistance to web de-
signers who want to build a web site but do not know
exactly which content must be included in the site.
It automatically compares a number of example web
sites and constructs a model that describes the fea-
tures that the sites have in common. The model can be
used as an information architecture for the new site.
In addition, SiteGuide can show differences between
example sites and a first version of a new site.
SiteGuide was applied to example web sites from
three domains. In these experiments, SiteGuide
proved able to find many topics that the sites had in
common. Moreover, the topics were presented in such
a way that humans could easily and quickly under-
stand what the topics were about.
Although the results of the evaluation are promis-
ing, user experiments are needed to test the value of
SiteGuide in practice. In an experiment we will ask
users to design a web site. Half of the users will per-
form this task with the help of SiteGuide and the other
half without. Comparison of the time needed for the
design and the quality of the resulting drafts will show
how useful the system is in practice.
In the near future SiteGuide will be extended with
a number of new features. Semantics will be added to
the similarity measure in the form of WordNet rela-
tions. We will connect the output to prototyping tools,
so that users can directly start editing the proposed
site design. Finally, SiteGuide could output additional
features such as style features (e.g., colors and use
of images) or the amount of tables, lists, forms, etc.
More research is needed to determine how these fea-
tures can be compared automatically.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies