Concept Matching between OpenEHR and SONHO
Ricardo Cruz-Correia
, Carla Ávila
and Rong Chen
CINTESIS, Al. Prof. Hernani, 4200 Porto, Portugal
Hospital S. João, Al. Prof. Hernani, 4200 Porto, Portugal
Cambio Healthcare Systems, SE-1180 Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract. SONHO is the dominant Information System (IS) in hospitals in Por-
tugal. Currently it is seriously compromised due to its outdated infrastructure,
and hospitals seek a solution enabled data migration to new ISs. OpenEHR is an
open standard that describes the management and storage, retrieval and ex-
change of health data in electronic health records. The aim of this work is to
study how to create an application interface to SONHO implemented according
to the openEHR standard. The first phase of this work was to extract the demo-
graphic concepts existing on SONHO. The second phase was to select the
proper openEHR structure holding the patient demographic information. The
third phase was to match both concepts aiming to identify omissions in
openEHR archetypes. 41 concepts were found in SONHO, and 12 in openEHR
person demographics archetype. From the 41 different SONHO concepts, 14
concepts were mapped to a openEHR concept and 27 are missing. From the 12
concepts found in the openEHR person demographics 3 are missing in SONHO.
We claim that many important SONHO concepts are still missing in the
openEHR person demographics archetype (e.g. patient identification numbers).
To build a useful interface the used archetype must include the missing con-
cepts, which leads to the need of creating a new demographics archetype.
1 Introduction
Currently there is a growing number of Health Information Systems (HIS) operating
on Hospitals. Communication among these HIS aiming at semantic operability is a
hot topic [1]. The main driver behind current standardization efforts is the goal of
consistency and predictability across our data and our system processes, with the
added goal of saving effort through re-use, and more controversially, raising quality
[2]. Different standards, namely CEN 13606 [3], HL7 [4] and openEHR [5], have
emerged aiming to solve interoperability questions. These standards are maintained
by organisations that are very different in their origin. CEN is the European Normali-
zation Committee; HL7 is a all-volunteer, not-for-profit organisation involved in
development of international healthcare standards; and openEHR foundation is a not-
for-profit foundation supporting the open research, development, and implementation
of openEHR open standard (i.e. publicly available). OpenEHR is an open standard
that describes the management and storage, retrieval and exchange of health data in
Cruz-Correia R., Ávila C. and Chen R. (2009).
Concept Matching between OpenEHR and SONHO.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Open Source in European Health Care: The Time is Ripe, pages 45-53
DOI: 10.5220/0001828400450053
electronic health records (EHRs) [6]. The openEHR endeavour is about creating
specifications, open source software and tools in the technical space for such a plat-
form [5].
1.1 The Portuguese Scenario
At the end of the 80s the Health Portuguese Ministry was faced with a major disor-
ganization in the administrative departments of different hospitals. So the idea
emerged to create an Information System (IS) that standardized and organized the
information management. This IS, called “Sistema IntegradO de INformação
Hospitalar” (SONHO), was developed by a national agency called “Instituto de
Gestão Informática e Financeira da Saúde” (IGIF). SONHO is an administrative man-
agement system of patient’s data that apparently met the existing organizational
needs. It has proved to be useful in the management of patients, particularly in admin-
istrative and financial areas. It was a pioneering application in Portugal, with no com-
petitors at that time [7].
SONHO is now a dominant system in hospitals in Portugal and is installed in about
90% of the 86 Portuguese public hospitals. This IS currently assumes a fundamental
role in the registration and management of the administrative information of the pa-
The overall objective of the SONHO was controlling the flow of patients in the hospi-
tal, namely to know who is in, who leaves, what he/she does and if possible, with
what resources aiming to ensure the standardization of statistical data and billing.
SONHO also aims at facilitating the organization and management of the Health
Ministry by initially considering three patient encounter modules: outpatient, inpa-
tient, and emergency, which represented the three main entry points of patients in a
hospital. Subsequently, new modules were added for surgery operation room and the
day care.
This application allows for the possibility of registration of clinical data (including
history of an inpatient encounter, summary report of emergency, referral letters, list of
diagnosis and procedures).
SONHO is seriously compromised due to its outdated infrastructure, because it de-
pends on currently discontinued Oracle Database and Oracle Forms versions. Many
hospitals using SONHO are seeking alternatives to it, and thereby facing migration
1.2 The OpenEHR Initiative
OpenEHR is about creating high-quality, re-usable clinical models of content and
process – known as archetypes – along with formal interfaces to terminology [5]. The
innovation of two-level modelling of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and arche-
types [8] pioneered by openEHR [9] and standardized by CEN/ISO [3] brings us one
step further towards semantic interoperability of EHRs [10]. Instead of being hard-
coded into proprietary software by software developers, clinical content models are
expressed in the Archetype Definition Language (ADL) [11] and authored by the
clinical professionals themselves. Archetypes are used at runtime by EHR systems to
validate user data entry and query fine-grained data in the EHR. Archetype-based
EHR systems are highly adaptive and can evolve when clinical requirements change
over time since volatile clinical requirements are captured in archetypes while soft-
ware systems are built using only the stable openEHR information model and arche-
type language. Archetypes are expressed in a standardized formal language so they
are machine- interpretable and can be shared between systems. This makes the seman-
tics of EHR data available not only to other EHR systems but also to surrounding
systems [12].
An openEHR archetype is “a computable expression of a domain content model in the
form of structured constraint statements, based on some reference model”. Archetypes
are seen as a means of defining clinical knowledge in an explicit way, separating it
out from the system software that uses it. This has dual benefits of enhancing clinical
ownership and making system development and maintenance easier. An openEHR
template is “a directly, locally usable definition which composes archetypes into a
larger structure logically corresponding to a screen form”. Templates have an impor-
tant role in grouping and refining archetypes for specific local applications [13].
1.3 Aim
The aim of this work is to study how to create an application interface to SONHO
implemented according to the openEHR standard.
2 Methods
The first phase of this work was to extract the demographic concepts existing on
SONHO. The second phase was to select the proper openEHR structure holding the
patient demographic information. The third phase was to match both concepts aiming
to identify omissions in openEHR archetypes.
2.1 Existing Concepts in SONHO
The demographic concepts present in SONHO were retrieved by analyzing the user
interface. Unfortunately, there is no database documentation made available for us. A
SONHO expert user was used to confirm the list of concepts retrieved. The patient
demographic data of SONHO is mainly presented in three forms (Figure 1 to 3). A
description of the concepts can be found in the results section.
2.2 Existing Concepts in OpenEHR
The search of the proper openEHR structures holding the person demographic infor-
mation lead to the selection of the person demographics archetype (openehr-
demographic-PERSON.person.v1) created by Thomas Beale in 2003 [14]. It is still a
draft aimed to be used in a demographic service. Its purpose is to be a general model
of a PARTY with legal name, other identities, and contact details. The existing infor-
mation concepts were extracted considering the term definitions on the ontology sec-
tion of the archetype (e.g. legal name, home address).
Fig. 1. First demographic information form from SONHO.
Fig. 2. Second demographic information form from SONHO.
2.3 Matching Concepts from SONHO and OpenEHR
The process of matching of concepts was accomplished by searching for the nearest
concept in meaning in both SONHO and openEHR. When the concepts of SONHO
were non-existent not similar enough to the ones on openEHR, new concepts are
Fig. 3. Third demographic information form from SONHO.
3 Results
3.1 Concepts Found in SONHO
The concepts found (N
=41) in the three SONHO demographic forms are pre-
sented in Table 1. The terms in italic are not considered as concepts per-se and work
as group labels.
3.2 Concepts Found in openEHR Person Demographic Archetype
The concepts founding the openEHR person demographic archetype (N
=12) are
here presented organised in a tree to improve readability. The term identification
between parentheses is the original identification found in the person demographics
Person demographics
Legal name (at0001)
Other name (at0002)
Home address (at0003)
Postal address (at0004)
Home contact (at0005)
Phone number (at0006)
Table 1. Concepts existing in SONHO demographics forms (N
=41). The concepts are
divided by the first, second and third forms.
Concept Form label in Portuguese
First form
Hospital patient identification number PROCESSO Nº
Date of last update Última actualização
Date of record creation Registado em
National patient number Nº Utente do S.N.S
Old hospital patient identification number Nº Antigo Processo
Complete name Nome
Gender code and description Sexo (Feminino,Masculino, Hibrido)
Date of birth Data Nascimento
Age in years Idade … Anos
Nationality code and description Nacionalidade
Country País Or. (Portugal, França, Espanha, etc...)
Identification card - e.g. Passport of National
Identification card
Doc. Identificação (Bilhete Identidade,
Passaporte, Cedula, Numero Fiscal)
Number of identification card Nº Documento
Place of birth Naturalidade, Distrito, Concelho and Freguesia
(Porto, Matosinhos, São Mamede Infesta)
Observations Observações
Second form
Address Morada
Street Rua
Local Localidade
Phone number Telefone
District Districto (Porto, Lisboa, Aveiro, etc…)
County Concelho (Porto, Matosinhos, Maia, etc…)
Parish Freguesia (Aldoar,Bonfim,Campanhã, etc…)
Postal code no label (4464-159 São Mamede Infesta, etc…)
Contacts Contactos
Type of contact Tipo Contacto (Pai, Mãe, etc…)
Name for contact Nome Contacto
Third form
Parents Filiação
Father name Pai
Mother name Mãe
Reimbursement systems Subsistemas
Code Código (910005, 935601,etc…)
Description Designação (A.D.S.E. - ASSIST. DOENÇA
Number of Reinbursment System Nº Beneficiário
Valid until Válido até
Other data Outros Dados
Primary care code and description Centro Saúde
General practitioner name Médico Família
Civil state code and description Est. Civil (Solteiro, Divorciado, Casado, Viuvo,
Professional status code and description Sit. Face Prof.
Migrant Migrante
Profession code and description Profissão (Apicultor, Jardineiro, Engenheiro
Textil, etc…)
Habilitations Habilitações (MENOS DE 4 ANOS
Chronic patient Doente Crónico
Exemption of payment Isenção
Special medication Medicação Especial
Fax number (at0007)
Email address (at0008)
Work contact (at0009)
Date of birth (at0011)
Place of birth (at0012)
Sex (at0013)
3.3 Concept Matching
Table 2 presents the matching of concepts between SONHO and openEHR person
demographics. From the 41 different SONHO concepts, 14 concepts were mapped to
an openEHR concept and 27 are missing. From the 12 concepts found in the
openEHR person demographics 3 are missing in SONHO.
4 Discussion
The authors feel that the methods used to collect the SONHO concepts, namely by
using the user forms, allowed a correct description of the concepts. Also, some of the
concepts found on SONHO’s demographic forms are not really demographics (e.g.
“Is this a chronic patient”, “Special medication”). Nevertheless, these concepts were
all considered, as they should be part of the data interface to SONHO.
The openEHR person demographics archetype is very simple regarding its concepts.
This is probably the main reason that leads to other efforts to create new demograph-
ics archetypes which are much more complete (e.g. demographics archetype used in
Brazilian project [15], and used by children cancer treatment system project [16]).
From the process of matching the concepts, the authors claim that many important
SONHO concepts are still missing in the openEHR person demographics archetype
(e.g. patient identification numbers). For a useful interface to be built, the used arche-
type must include the missing concepts, which leads to the need of creating new
demographics archetypes and specialized local archetypes.
Despite SONHO and openEHR present different approaches, it seems feasible to
create an interface that meets the standard for openEHR and the demographics data of
5 Future Work
Further work is required to explore the possibility to auto-generate the application
interface based on openEHR templates composed with publicly available archetypes
and the locally tailored archetypes.
Currently the authors are planning the implementation of the interface to SONHO,
and also a change of the considered concepts aiming to extend from patient demo-
graphics to patient summary following one of the key actions items of the European
Community in the field of eHealth [17].
Table 2. Concept matching between SONHO and openEHR person demographics concepts.
SONHO concepts
Existing openEHR concepts
Description Term
Hospital patient identification number
Date of last update
Date of record creation
National patient number
Old hospital patient identification number
Complete name Name of person as legally recog-
nized by the state
Other name at0002
Gender code and description
Gender of person at0013
Date of birth
Date of birth of person at0011
Age in years
Nationality code and description
Country of birth
Identification card - e.g. Passport of National
Identification card
Number of identification card
Place of birth
Place of birth of person at0012
Street Person's usual home address at0003
Person's usual home address at0003
Phone number
Person's phone number at0006
Person's fax number at0007
Person's email address at0008
Person's usual home address at0003
Person's usual home address at0003
Person's usual home address at0003
Postal code
person's postal address at0004
Type of contact
Person's home contact details at0005
Name for contact
Person's home contact details at0005
Person's work contact details at0009
Father name
Mother name
Reimbursement systems
Valid until
Other data
Primary care code and description
General practitioner name
Civil state code and description
Professional status code and description
Profession code and description
Academic graduation
Chronic patient
Exemption of payment
Special medication
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