MediGrid – Facilitating Semantic-Based processing of
Biomedical Data and Knowledge
Jan Vejvalka
Petr Lesný
, Tomáš Holeček
, Kryštof Slabý
, Adéla Jarolímková
and Helena Bouzková
Faculty hospital in Prague Motol
V Úvalu 84, 150 06, Prague 5 – Motol, Czech Republic
FMS FHS Charles University
U Kříže 10, 158 00 Praha 5 Jinonice, Czech Republic
CESNET, z.s.p.o.
Zikova 4, 160 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic
National Medical Library
Sokolská 54, 121 32 Praha 2, Czech Republic
Abstract. New ICT approaches promise better support to the traditional ways
that medicine handles information. Exploring ways to provide this support, we
formulated the principles of he MediGrid: (1) Data processed by biomedical
algorithms are (following the philosophical tradition of phenomenology) indi-
cators that can be transformed into other indicators. (2) Data and algorithms can
be shared across conceptual domains if documented semantic links exist to
support such interconnection. The need of explicit and detailed documentation
of semantics leads to the requirement of good documentation of computer pro-
cedures that implement the biomedical knowledge contained in scientifically
accepted algorithms. A proof-of-concept implementation of a system based on
these principles has been published on Sourceforge.
1 Introduction
Fast growing volume of scientific knowledge and resulting specialization in medicine
stresses the utilization of algorithms and guidelines, that objectify and standardize
healthcare processes. The idea of using ICT to support these algorithms and
guidelines is natural: execution of algorithms is what information technologies
usually do. Algorithms of care, however, are executed on a different level, and with
different data than computer algorithms. Proper use of ICT requires a proper
computer representation of these algorithms and data. Several projects aiming at
creating or documenting a collection of biomedical algorithms exist (such as
MEDAL, MedCalc etc.).
Vejvalka J., Lesný P., Hole
cek T., Slabý K., Jarolímková A. and Bouzková H. (2009).
MediGrid – Facilitating Semantic-Based processing of Biomedical Data and Knowledge.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Open Source in European Health Care: The Time is Ripe, pages 18-21
DOI: 10.5220/0001828500180021
A problem that has been complicating ICT support to algorithms in healthcare is the
nature of information that healthcare deals with, its non-trivial semantics and
traditional models of handling this information. To make automatic computerized
processing of biomedical information possible, its semantic value must be properly
represented (and evaluated) in a computer-comprehensible form. To facilitate correct
processing of biomedical data and their semantics, we have designed the MediGrid, a
working tool for representation and processing of domain ontologies in biomedicine.
2 Materials and Methods
MediGrid aims to facilitate automatic processing of biomedical data with
scientifically relevant knowledge transformed into computational algorithms, using
up-to-date information technologies.
MediGrid approach is based on representation of biomedical data and algorithms as
resources, and on sharing these resources in a grid-like environment. The natural way
of assigning biomedical algorithms to data (or vice versa) is by comparing their
semantic values; therefore MediGrid builds its mechanisms of sharing on capturing
and processing of semantic information. Results from previous projects (SMARTIE,
Growth) have been used as a base for our work: we used existing algorithms
(Growth, MEDAL) to verify our results and we used our experience from SMARTIE
to structure semantic information.
3 Results
Based on extensive research and on previous work, we have postulated the basis of
MediGrid as the working tool for analyzing algorithm-related ontologies in medicine
and for realizing (and practically implementing) their potential for data processing.
The key principles of MediGrid can be expressed as follows:
1. Data processed by biomedical algorithms are (following the philosophical
tradition of husserlian phenomenology) indicators that can be transformed
into other indicators and grouped into indicator classes by their roles in these
2. Data and algorithms can be shared across conceptual domains if documented
semantic links exist to support such interconnection.
The emphasize on semantics of both algorithms and data, the need for its extensive
review and verification when linking data with algorithms, and also the stress on cor-
rect procedures (lege artis) in medicine bring practical requirements on design and
implementation of a knowledge-processing system based on these theoretical princi-
Semantic information (meaning for the human user) of both indicator classes
and transformations must be explicitly described and available for assess-
ment and validation.
Semantic information must be bound to the current scientific paradigm and
to evidence based medicine through extensive links to published and re-
viewed works.
Mechanisms of procedural authority and trust must be implemented to sup-
port users' decisions about procedural and semantic values of individual
We have identified several entities, which have to be documented in order to achieve
the aforementioned requirements. These entities can be set up in 4 layers:
The source layer, which contains the description of MediGrid information:
author and cited work.
The algorithm layer, which contains the description of the most commonly
used categories – the transformation (algorithm), indicator class (the data
entered or exchanged between the algorithms)
The implementation layer, which contains information about the specific
implementation of transformations and of validations of indicator classes in
computer programs.
The review/trust layer, containing the user reviews and trust statements.
Description of each entity contains four basic elements:
human semantics – the collection of human readable description, which
enables user to understand the meaning of the entity
metadata – pieces of computer recognizable data, which can be utilized e.g.
to construct the user interfaces
relations – relations of this entity to other entities
classifications – special case of relations that position the entity in external
classification systems and ontologies (UMLS, MeSH descriptors etc.).
Based on the described principles, we posted our first (proof of concept) open source
implementation of MediGrid to Sourceforge:
4 Conclusions
The need for explicit documentation of biomedical data and algorithms and their
semantics on several layers leads to the requirement of good documentation of
computer procedures that implement the biomedical knowledge contained in
scientifically accepted algorithms. Similarly, in order to be open to scientific scrutiny,
also the framework system for processing of biomedical information has to be
sufficiently documented at all levels.
Supported by Czech research projects MediGrid, 1ET202090537 and by VZ FNM,
MZO 00064203.
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