Open Source: A Lever for Enhancing Opportunities of
Healthcare Information Systems - An Italian Case Study
Emanuele Baj
, Paolo Locatelli
, Stefano Gatti
, Nicola Restifo
Gianni Origgi
and Silvia Bragagia
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Via Garofalo 39, 20133 Milan, Italy
A. O. Ospedale Niguarda “Ca’Granda”, S.I.A.P.R.I. ICT Office
Piazza Ospedale Maggiore 3, 20162 Milano, Italy
Abstract. Open source is a still unexploited chance for healthcare organizations
and technology providers to answer to a growing demand for innovation and to
join economical benefits with reliability and a new form of managing hospital
information systems. This article will present the case of the web enterprise
clinical portal developed by the Niguarda hospital (Italy) with the support of
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, in order to enable a paperless environment
for clinical and administrative activities in the ward. Niguarda’s strong open
source strategy, as well as organizational and technological matters will be
described. This represents also one rare case of reuse in the healthcare sector, as
the system’s porting is now taking place in another hospital, with other
institutions evaluating this option.
1 Introduction
Open source is a development method for software that harnesses the power of
distributed peer review and transparency of the development process. The promises of
open source are better quality, higher reliability (the source code can be consulted),
more flexibility, easier application interoperability, lower cost (typically licenses and
maintenance), spur of innovation, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in [1]. The use
of open source tools in the healthcare sector is not so widespread. The role of open
source benefits and the use of technical standards is well described and linked to the
functional extension of the Hospital Information System (HIS) and its adherence to
clinical users’ needs. In Italy, for public administrations, the use of open source and
the porting or reuse of successful open source solutions are strongly supported by
national rules, but with low results.
The A.O. Ospedale Niguarda “Ca’Granda” is the leading public hospital in Milan
since 1939 and a national centre of excellence. It is national reference hospital for
emergency events and the only regional point of care qualified to perform any kind of
tissue and organ transplant. It hosts 26 centres of high specialization. The Hospital
employs 740 doctors and 1,540 nurses, performing 54,000 admissions (both ordinary
and Day Hospital) and over 3 millions First Aid treatments per year.
The Clinical Portal solution developed by Niguarda’s ICT Unit also with
thesupport of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, is one case of open source and reuse
Baj E., Locatelli P., Gatti S., Restifo N., Origgi G. and Bragagia S. (2009).
Open Source: A Lever for Enhancing Opportunities of Healthcare Information Systems - An Italian Case Study.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Open Source in European Health Care: The Time is Ripe, pages 28-37
DOI: 10.5220/0001828700280037
of clinical information systems between healthcare organizations: this theme will be
described by analyzing a real case of porting of a HIS between hospitals.
2 Open Source in the Healthcare Sector - A Chance for Growth?
Clinical care increasingly requires access to patient record information that may be
distributed across multiple sites, and is a whole of free-text, structured, coded and
multimedia entries. The challenge of providing clinicians with an integrated view of
each patient’s health history has so far proved difficult to meet: healthcare ICT
(Information and Communication Technology) is often present usually in the
diagnostic or administration area, in form of single-point isolated applications not
exchanging data. Therefore, acquisition, integration and organization of data is a
major challenge [2]. This is even more challenging in the Italian environment, where
healthcare CIOs have to face a small number of specialist vendors supplying
proprietary solutions, who may not be ready to deal effectively with such modern
Given this situation, the opportunities of ICT [2, 3] and open source [4] in the
healthcare sector are considerable. Open source solutions can offer a valid and
valuable option to the slowness and difficulties related to information exchange
between professionals and foster cooperation between providers, application
interoperability, the independence from software vendors. Today, an healthcare
provider which is interested in the use of open source can find in the market several
kinds of applications, such as systems for radiology management (RIS-PACS), for the
organization of the central booking service and for the realization of basic EPRs
(Electronic Patient Record). Wikipedia and [5, 6] provide a fairly
comprehensive lists of open source software for the healthcare sector. But although
the number and kind of such applications are constantly increasing, the reality is
implementations is still not widespread in the industry, even if supported by national
rules (e.g. in Italy). First, the healthcare sector has special needs: most of the systems
are “mission critical” and thus it is absolutely necessary to ensure quality and
reliability of the software, its compliance to regional standards, and continuity of
service. Moreover, there is a strong need for healthcare organizations to support
specific processes with vertical systems, with the use of single speciality solutions
(e.g. for radiology’s management), which often need further customization. Finally, a
sort of “cultural issue” still to overcome, may also contribute.
3 A Real Case of Open Source - Niguarda’s Clinical Portal
Since year 2000, Niguarda has been carrying out a new approach to healthcare
informatics, completely revising the whole HIS and rethinking the traditional concept
of patient record, conceiving it as a core instrument for supporting extensively clinical
and management processes. According to this point of view, Niguarda has developed
a web enterprise intranet portal (named Clinical Portal), used for operational support
to primary processes in the hospital. The Portal is designed as a unique access point to
the HIS, networking the other vertical subsystems and thus linking clinical and
administrative processes crosswise the organization [7, 8].
By integrating the different vertical subsystems, the Portal provides authorized
operators all clinical patient’s data, including those relating to previous care events.
Thus, thanks to the Portal, each department can access or contribute to the creation of
an EPR in order to facilitate the process of care. This is done in compliance with
requirements of security, traceability and user’s profiling according to Joint
Commission standards [9]. The system also supports digital signature entries
validation. This can be made in two ways: by the use of username and password
(‘weak’ signature) or by the use of the Regional Healthcare SmartCard (‘strong’
signature). With the latter, documents and information generated by the Portal can be
shared within the SISS network (Sistema Informativo Socio-Sanitario Regionale),
enabling hence the feed of an Electronic Health Record at local level in the Lombardy
Region (health informatics users usually assign the term EPR to a discrete record, and
EHR referred to comprehensive digital patient folders with his whole history).
3.1 The Features of the Clinical Portal
The Portal takes its place “above” the other components of the HIS. In fact, the Portal
can be considered as an unique access point to all vertical subsystems, networking
them and thus linking clinical processes not communicating before, allowing new
information flows sharing patient data, standardizing communication and process
interaction between different hospital departments, also introducing automated
workflows [8].
Niguarda’s Portal allows clinical and administrative management both of
inpatients and outpatients. For inpatients, the physician can find several features for
the management of patients and units. The Portal allows each ward e.g. to manage
directly its logistic, the pharmacy’s inventory, and so on. As far as concerns patient’s
management, the Portal offers several features dealing with administrative data (e.g.
DRG list and discharge summary for reimbursement by the NHS) and clinical
activities related to hospitalization. During hospitalization, the Portal interface also
allows the physician to request speciality exams or consult the repository of the
patients’ medical reports, both generated by internal function of the Portal
(resignation’s letter, echocardiography, chest and digestive endoscopy, stress tests,..)
or issued by other vertical subsystems (RIS, LIS, pathological anatomy). The reports
can be text (in .pdf format) or images (based on a PACS). Recently the Portal has
been redesigned by introducing a new functional module, the Clinical Dossier,
conceived with a dual purpose: first, to experience a service of EHR that could enable
the creation of completely paperless environment, and second, to allow the EHR’s
management also in mobility within the units through TabletPCs connected to the
wireless network. Starting from these two objectives, this module has been tested in
distinct environments. Where a high need of mobility was needed, the Clinical
Dossier has been implemented so as to provide a more intuitive and rapid interface,
allowing the view of medical reports split up by type and date, with the possibility to
maintain active the visualization’s window while editing e.g. the patient’s clinical
diary (Portal’s tools automatically support free-hand writing digitalization as a text).
The complete EHR is being implemented in an Intensive Care Unit with the
support of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, a research institute connected to the
Politecnico di Milano technical university. ICUs are a very data-rich environment,
where needs of integration of structured information flows from the biomedical
instrumentation and LISs, as well as data handling needs are quite demanding. This
version of the Dossier implements almost all sheets of the actual paper record, from
administrative reports, to daily instructions, to clinical sheets, to transfer/discharge
final reports. Also nurses are supported in nursing needs planning, body functions and
vital signs monitoring, and so on. To avoid commonplace paper digitalization [10],
documents were revised, split into functionalities and organized on daily/weekly
views. The ultimate goal is to make this model general and to extend it to all wards.
For outpatients, the Clinical Portal allows the computerized workflow
management of the appointments, guiding staff through job planning, appointments
management, nurses’ reception, examination and reports issuing. Reception can be
carried out either by a desktop pc or by Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). Moreover,
the physician can access the electronic prescription-book, to request additional
services, and view previous reports from the hospital’s central repository. At the end
of each visit, the physician proceeds to the guided creation of a structured report, and
to its digital signature. Since the hospital adheres to the Regional SISS network,
physicians have to mark if the report can be consulted online by the patient through
the hospital’s service of telemedicine, Niguarda OnLine.
Finally, thanks to his open architecture, the Clinical Portal is today one of the few
HIS networked within the Regional (SISS) and national (NSIS) health systems as well
as integrated with the Regional network of pathologies (oncology, epilepsy, rare
diseases). The implementation of open source technologies like RIA (Rich Internet
Applications) has been done also for other subsystems, which are now getting
integrated into the Portal under a unique user experience. The new PACS is an
example of this. This will allow on one hand the seamless support of new processes
by the Portal, and on the other hand the extension of videoimagery also to the
enhancement of excellence clinical units of Niguarda like Psychiatry (where the
system is being now implemented).
3.2 The Architecture of the Clinical Portal
Niguarda’s Clinical Portal is a pure web application, developed internally by staff of
the IT unit, based entirely on open source technologies and Oracle database,
integrated with plug-ins acting as interfaces with external subsystems and rich clients.
Niguarda started in early 2000 with a two-levels web architecture based on JSP
(Java Server Pages) including presentation, application logic and data access
(deployed on Apache/Tomcat) and Oracle DBMS for data management. This solution
had clear leaks regarding: maintainability and performance of applications,
complexity and costs of integration of external software components. Now, the
architecture of the Clinical Portal is a three-level-architecture deployed as JBoss Web
Application, and characterized by a logical division of the three layers:
1. Presentation Layer: JSF (Java Server Faces), AJAX, and others;
2. Business Logic: Java objects (POJO – Plain Old Java Object) for Business
delegate and Model layer;
3. Data: DAO (Data Access Object) interface, implemented by Hibernate
persistence layer, supported by Oracle 9i DBMS for data management.
At the highest level, the user is provided with an advanced and capable interface,
based on HTML, JSF and AJAX technology. Some modules of the Portal even belong
to the RIA class of web applications: the Clinical Dossier itself is such. At this point,
users, interacting with the presentation layer, handle a series of objects, managed by
the Front Controller, which is also responsible for displaying proper feedback to
users’ actions. The Controller then passes objects instances to the layer of business
delegate. This one is responsible for all the business logic. Here objects are handled
and changed according to the logic of each single application module, by two
components: business delegate and model layer. After this, object are passed to the
DAO layer, which is responsible for data storage. DAO implements a layer of
interfaces, which is responsible for abstracting the interaction with the database,
allowing to define standard methods. These can be implemented using different
technologies; here we use a Persistence Manager like Hibernate [11]. Finally, data
management is done by Oracle 9i DBMS. The advantage of this type of architecture is
that it can be easily integrated with external components, both at business level, using
the HL7 (Health Level Seven) messaging standard for the communication, and at data
level, extending the methods implemented within the Persistence Manager. Today the
Portal manages via HL7 also integration procedures like: ADT flows, patient list
synchronization, acquisition within the Clinical Dossier of structured data and files
from medical reports – e.g. LIS, order transmission to the whole HIS and so on.
Fig. 1. The target J2EE architecture being implemented by Niguarda’s Portal [12].
The final step in the evolution path of the Portal will be the transition within 2009
to a fully compliant J2EE architecture [12], as shown above in Figure 1. The target
Niguarda is moving towards is an enterprise web architecture, in which the business
logic is implemented by Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) on a JBoss application server.
This kind of architecture, besides having all the advantages of a 3-levels architecture,
has additional features which are very useful for the design and the implementation of
Enterprise-class systems. All software components are implemented inside an
application server (JBoss) that, as such, contains a series of integrated services
including a logger (to track all transactions enforced by the various components), a
persistence manager and a web server. But above all J2EE also has important
advantages in terms of performance and scalability of the developed system because
ensures, through clustering services, the execution on N different nodes. Moreover, an
application server adherent to the J2EE patterns allows the use of connection pooling,
load balancing and caching services.
The adoption of such an architectural model, leads a deep change also in the
organization of the IT Unit at Niguarda. People working on the Portal were organized
in a separate unit, divided into different areas dealing each one with a specific
architectural layer. Moreover, new patterns were implemented for software
development: Unified Process has become a standard, but some teams also
experimented AGILE methodologies [13]. Moreover, an internal roadmap has been
developed to guide new releases of the system, each new package gets tagged and its
code commented before being allowed for release.
3.3 Discussion: The Advantages of Open Source as Experienced at Niguarda
The choice to use open source technologies instead of proprietary technologies for the
realization of individual functional blocks allowed to obtain real benefits. First, the
adherence to standard open languages, also for application servers and
communication protocols, allows easy Portal’s integration with external components.
The HL7 interoperability layer reduces the amount of problems which has to be faced
while configuring the right communication between the components of the HIS. This
advantage is even stronger in the healthcare sector, where the HIS consists of many
vertical (proprietary) subsystems that must be integrated.
In general, compliance to standards is an important aspect also in assuring
application maintainability. The open source software used in the project are designed
and maintained by internet virtual communities (often with the support of
organizations like the Apache Software Foundation) where continuous testing
activities lead to timely release of patches and updates, allows the hospital to access
technologies that are evolving faster than proprietary, and that often prove being more
stabile, efficient, flexible. Another advantage is that the collaborative development
model based on knowledge’s sharing makes large amounts of information and support
to developers available on the Net. The use of open source languages also provides
more opportunities for system customization and system enrichment, thanks to the
possibility to enter the code of the program used for the creation of a single functional
block of the whole architecture and to personalize it. The availability of the code
allows also to move the application on a new architecture, as has been done for
example by adapting the Portal to work on multiple devices, including PDAs.
Consequently, flexibility and range of program’s applications are increasing; this
possibility of customization of individuals elements of the architecture would not be
possible using proprietary technologies. Finally, the fact that the architecture is made
up of individual blocks, rather than a monolithic proprietary solution, allows easily
interchangeability of components and their reuse, thus lowering license costs.
Thanks to the use of open source technologies, Niguarda has hence developed the
Portal in a safe manner, based on updated and reliable technologies and ensuring
interoperability of the different vertical subsystem existing inside the structure and is
able to develop quickly and independently from suppliers new features, updating and
personalization in order to accommodate the changing needs of the physicians
working within the hospital.
3.4 Reuse of the Clinical Portal
The excellent results gained in Niguarda have soon became recognised as a best
practice in the region: other hospitals have soon started to consider the Portal as a
possible solution for their own realities. One of this hospitals is the “Fondazione
IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta” in Milan, a national and international centre
of excellence for care and research on neurological diseases, that has chosen the
Portal to implement its own clinical information system [14]. The whole project of
reuse is based on a porting operation, which, by the definition, is “the process of
adapting software so that it can be created for a computing environment that is
different from the one for which it was originally designed” [15, 16]. Reusing an
application means not merely “recycling” it, but involves complex design activities
aiming at making the solution available to be used in different environments. Business
analysts and developers from Niguarda and Fondazione Politecnico tried to provide
their solution with all the features that should be required by a solution to be
considered adequate to be chosen by organizations looking for this kind of
applications. A special attention was given to quality level, with open source
technologies making it possible to reach compliance to standards, maintainability,
reliability, usability and portability. Compliance to standard is essential in ensuring
interoperability with existing information systems: this has an impact on strategic
decisions, since not communicating systems could affect the decision of installing
them, since much more expensive actions should be taken in order to substitute
already working systems.
Maintainability is an aspect of real interest for both developers and users, since
applications built with standard technologies are expected to require standard actions
to be maintained; on Niguarda’s point of view, this aspect is reinforced by the fact
that maintenance made for one Portal will help preventing bugs also on the other
Compliance to standards and open source technologies are also the basis to ensure
reliability to the application; the possibility to make a reusable solution fitting
different environments makes it probable that the excellent results originally gained
could be replied.
Usability and portability are embedded in the definition of the act of porting the
application: open source technologies are used to develop a solution that could easily
evolve in answer to user feedbacks and requirements.
For Besta, after the first roll-out of the outpatients module in October 2008,
benefits that were just potential began to turn out to be authentic: the use of a standard
language to make possible the communication with other applications revealed
efficient, providing the physicians with an updated working list of patients to be
visited each day. The continuous monitoring of the process, held by Fondazione
Politecnico di Milano, assured an uninterrupted flow of feedbacks from the users to
the developers, in order to quickly analyse and solve “infancy problems” of the
solution and also to capitalize on flexibility provided by open source technologies,
beginning to work in order to improve the solution with current users’ requirements.
The benefits gained by Besta are essentially linked to lower costs of the
application than those of market packages, in addition to all those linked to the
solution’s quality and process support, which can be translated in satisfaction
expressed by clinicians and future savings on ordinary and evolutionary maintenance
costs. On the other side, Niguarda can face lower costs by using open source
standards and then, by selling the application already developed, it could cover the
costs sustained to build a solution and its extensions working not only for Besta but
also for Niguarda itself. The choice of open source technologies allowed Niguarda to
find the basic advantages provided by the absence of license costs for acquiring their
own portal (reusing products developed on open platform may be more convenient
than using solutions based on proprietary components), but also great advantages in
the reuse of it, when just small expenses have been required to make the solution fit
the environment in which it has been installed.
The process which drove to the choice by the Besta institute of porting Niguarda’s
application has followed several steps. The first step has been the definition of Besta’s
requirements, through the evaluation of the procedures followed by physicians of
Besta and the definition of the needed functionalities, the evaluation of flexibility and
adaptability to changes of current technologies and that of the management’s
commitment. A detailed analysis over required functionalities was paramount: the
more fundamental features are covered by the application, the less is the cost of
personalization of the original solution. Besta is a more specialized clinical structure
then Niguarda, and so Niguarda’s solution covered most of the features required by
Besta, but the Portal needed anyway some extensions and customizations (e.g. to feed
scientific research databases). A great effort for adequacy verification was dedicated
to technological analysis, that is to say the evaluation of software, to evaluate possible
technical incompatibilities, as well as the interoperability with already existent
solutions. A further analysis was conducted to evaluate the compliance to some
quality levels: compliance to standards, maintainability, reliability, usability,
support’s quality, portability. The use of standard open source languages, as
highlighted in the previous paragraph, ensures interoperability and has important
impact in assuring maintainability of application. Concerning reliability, it is linked to
the reason that a reuse experience is based to success of previous uses. Usability is
guaranteed also by a structured training program that Niguarda will hold to Besta’s
users, by the functionality of eLearning provided inside the Portal and is improved by
constant monitoring of functionalities, based on users’ feedback, together with a
perceptual interface.
The collaboration model realized with Besta allowed to gain other relevant
benefits. The solution has been installed on customers’ servers and data are stored in
their own databases. In this way customers are forced to manage the solution by
themselves, even if a continuous monitoring by Niguarda is required, at least in the
first stage of the roll-out. This methodology allows Niguarda to gather feedbacks from
users of a different environment and, by analyzing data, to understand which
criticalities and suggestions could be faced also in the original environment. A virtual
private network has been built in order to let developers correct Besta’s bugs without
the necessity of physically going there; furthermore, each action made on the
application is included into a release which modifies both solutions. In addition it is
important to remember that open source technologies give the possibility to enlarge
the application’s features quite easily, then some aspects not presented in the original
solution had to be developed “ad hoc”; given to the collaboration model, these new
features could be easily transferred back to the original solution.
The challenges in the future are on the organization of the IT structure that will
support the evolution of the system. The management of the system and the support of
the users are organized in each single hospital, but the evolution of the software
should follow a coherent strategy. The governance of this strategy will be a challenge
for the actual IT group. The analysis of the processes of application management of
the open source world can propose a solution to this problem. In this area the
competences and support of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano will play an important
role. Moreover, spreading the acknowledgement of the solution among the Region,
with positive feedbacks from users, is a unique opportunity to position itself as a
reference product, to offer wider features to customers and to gain the attention of
public Institutions, which could turn to more chances to get involved in funded
research projects.
4 Conclusions
We present the experience of Niguarda as an example of how an open source project
could lead, even in the field of public healthcare, to an approach that supports in an
effective and efficient way clinical and administrative processes, providing healthcare
professionals with useful services and promoting even the redesign of processes. The
case of Clinical Portal in Niguarda hospital is a clear case of use of open source
technologies to deliver a standard, open and flexible Information System which uses
state of the art solutions and reaches top levels of performance and adherence to
users’ needs. Niguarda’s Portal is conceived as a powerful tool to manage clinical
and administrative processes in the hospital, experienced by the user as a unique
interface also to vertical subsystems in the HIS. It integrates ambulatory and ward
management functionalities, workflow capabilities, a modular and flexible EPR
accessible through different devices (e.g tablet PCs, PDAs..) depending on the actions
to be performed.
The past development of the Portal and its recent migration to a new HL7-J2EE
compliant architecture were the chance to implement also new lean procedures and a
new organization within the ICT Unit in Niguarda. A detailed view of this new
architecture has been provided, highlighting benefits of Niguarda’s open source
strategy and challenges for developers and management.
Moreover, Niguarda is also an example of another important issue related to open
source, that is the reuse of software. In fact, Niguarda, the Istituto Besta in Milan and
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano developed an agreement defining a model to
manage organizational and technological matters related to the porting and the
evolution management of Niguarda’s Portal. Thus, the Besta system leverages the
benefits of the standard solution of Niguarda in a logic of reuse. The benefits, at
economical and intangible level, are also enhanced with a common strategy of
technical and functional evolution of the Clinical Portal, shared by the two healthcare
organizations. In this context future enhancement projects - as integration with the
regional system of Personal Health Record, information management in the
neurophysiology units or support of new decision support and data management
functionalities for medical researchers - will be developed by the two hospitals using
the synergies in an optimized way [14]. This proved reuse being a practice with an
increasingly strategic role in public administration and healthcare, as an instrument to
achieve significant savings, to have recourse of process’s models and solutions
already consolidated and share and capitalize experiences. Thus, players of these
areas can focus on projects that have already borne real benefits, avoiding to start ad
hoc projects or programs, motive of wastes and costs.
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